CSCI498B/598B Human-Centered Robotics September 29, 2014

Human-Centered Robotics
September 29, 2014
A quick summary
• Skeleton-based human representations
• Robot learning from data
• Decision Tree
• Naïve Bayesian Network
• Support Vector Machine (SVM)
• Many others…
• Robot learning from data
• Decision Tree
• Naïve Bayesian Network
• Support Vector Machine (SVM)
• Many others…
Given a range of learning algorithms,
which is the best?
Which learning method is the best?
• Suppose we make no prior assumptions about the
nature of the classification task. Can we expect any
learning method to be superior or inferior overall?
Which learning method is the best?
• Suppose we make no prior assumptions about the
nature of the classification task. Can we expect any
learning method to be superior or inferior overall?
• No Free Lunch Theorem: Answer to above
question: NO
No Free Lunch Theorem
• Suppose we make no prior assumptions about the
nature of the classification task. Can we expect any
learning method to be superior or inferior overall?
• No Free Lunch Theorem: Answer to above
question: NO
• If the goal is to obtain good generalization
performance, there is no context-independent or
usage-independent reasons to favor one algorithm
over others
No Free Lunch Theorem
• Suppose we make no prior assumptions about the
nature of the classification task. Can we expect any
learning method to be superior or inferior overall?
• No Free Lunch Theorem: Answer to above
question: NO
• If one algorithm seems to outperform another in a
particular situation, it is a consequence of its fit to
a particular pattern recognition problem
No Free Lunch Theorem
• Even popular algorithms will perform poorly on
some problems, where the learning algorithm and
data distribution do not match well
• In practice, experience with a broad range of
techniques is the best insurance for solving
arbitrary new classification problems
“Essentially, all models are wrong, but
some are useful.”
-- Box, George E. P.
Guidelines to choose a learner
• For a new classification problem, what matters
most: prior information, data distribution, size of
training set, cost ...
• Some algorithms may be preferred because of their
low complexity, ability to incorporate prior
knowledge, ….
• Principle of Occam’s Razor: given two learners that
perform equally well on the training set, it is
asserted that the simpler learner may do better on
test set
A quick summary
• Robot learning from data
• Decision Tree
• Naïve Bayesian Network
• Support Vector Machine (SVM)
• Many others…
• Ensemble methods
Ensemble-based Systems in Decision Making
• For many tasks, we often seek second opinion
before making a decision, sometimes many more
• Consulting different doctors before a major surgery
• Reading reviews before buying a product
• Requesting references before hiring someone
• We consider decisions of multiple experts in our
daily lives
Ensemble-based Systems in Decision Making
• Why not follow the same strategy in robot
decision making?
• Multiple learner systems, committee of
classifiers, mixture of experts, ensemble based
Why Ensemble-based Systems?
• Statistical reasons
• A set of classifiers with similar training performances
may have different generalization performances
• Combining outputs of several classifiers reduces the
risk of selecting a poorly performing classifier
• Large volumes of data
• If the amount of data to be analyzed is too large, a
single classifier may not be able to handle it; train
different classifiers on different partitions of data
• Too little data
• Ensemble systems can also be used when there is too
little data; resampling techniques
• Data Fusion
• Given several sets of data from various sources, where
the nature of features is different (heterogeneous
features), training a single classifier may not be
appropriate (e.g., vision, sound, laser,..)
Why Ensemble-based Systems?
• Divide and Conquer: Divide data space into smaller &
easier-to-learn partitions; each classifier learns only one
of the simpler partitions
Ensemble-based Systems
• Ensemble based systems provide favorable results
compared to single-expert systems for a broad range
of applications & under a variety of scenarios
• All ensemble systems have two key components:
• Generate component classifiers of the ensemble
• Method for combining the classifier outputs
Ensemble-based Systems
• Intuition of combining learners: if each classifier
makes different errors, then their strategic
combination can reduce the total error!
• Need base classifiers whose decision boundaries are
adequately different from those of others
• Such a set of classifiers is said to be diverse
• Popular ensemble based algorithms
• Bagging
• Boosting (AdaBoost)
• Mixture of experts
Ensemble-based Systems
• Bagging is the way decrease the variance of your prediction
by manipulating data for training from your original dataset
• Boosting is a an approach to calculate the output using
several different models and then average the result using a
weighted average approach.
• By combining the advantages and pitfalls of these approaches by
varying your weighting formula you can come up with a good
predictive force for a wider range of input data, using different
narrowly tuned models.
• Bagging, short for bootstrap aggregating, is one
of the earliest ensemble based algorithms
• It is one of the most intuitive and simplest to
implement, with surprisingly good performance
• How to achieve classifier diversity?
• Use different training sets to train individual classifiers
• How to obtain different training sets?
• Resampling techniques: training subsets are drawn
randomly from the entire training set
Bagging - Sampling with Replacement
• Random & overlapping training sets to train three classifiers;
they are combined to obtain a more accurate classification
Bagging - Sampling without Replacement
• k-fold data split
• Method for combining the learner outputs
A TED talk from Marco Tempest
Marco Tempest is a Swiss magician based in New York City. He is known for
his multimedia magic and use of interactive technology and computer
graphics in his illusions and presentations.