Students who begin college in September 2014 must follow the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA)
requirements rather than the MACRAO requirements listed here. New MTA articulation guides will
be posted to the EMU CommunityEASTERN
College Relations
website soon. In the
meantime, please see a
community college counselor for more information about the MTA or look for more information at
September 2011
Washtenaw Community College– Associate in Arts in Technical Writing
Eastern Michigan University – BA or BS in Written Communication – Technical Communication,
Professional Writing, or Writing Studies Options
Washtenaw Community College
Eastern Michigan University
MACRAO Requirements
(33 credits)
1. English Writing Requirement
(7 credits)
ENG 111 Composition I .............................................................. 4
ENG 226 Composition II ............................................................. 3
2. Math/Science Requirement
(8 credits)
1 Complete one course: ................................................................... 4
MTH 160 Basic Statistics (Complete at WCC) (4)
MTH 169 Intermediate Algebra (4)
Complete one course: ................................................................... 4
BIO 101, 102, 103, CHM 105, 111, GLG 100; PHY 105,
111 or other transferable course approved by WCC to
satisfy the MACRAO lab science requirement
3. Humanities Requirement (choose from two disciplines) (9 credits)
COM101 Fundamentals of Speaking ......................................... 3
Complete two courses: See note below ..................................... 6
Choose from courses approved by WCC to satisfy the
MACRAO Humanities requirement.
4. Social Science Requirement
(9 credits)
Complete 9 credits: See note below ............................................ 9
Choose from courses approved by WCC to satisfy the
MACRAO Social Science requirement. Two courses must
also satisfy WCC’s Gen Ed Social Science requirement.
Transfer As:
(33 credits)
(7 credits)
ENGL 121 English Composition II (3)+1 .................................... 4
ENGL 225 Writing in a Changing World ..................................... 3
(8 credits)
One course: .................................................................................. 4
MATH 170 Elementary Statistics (3)+1
MATH 104 Intermediate Algebra (3)+1 (University Elective)
One course: .................................................................................. 4
Course may transfer as equivalent course, general
education transfer credit, or general transfer credit
(9 credits)
CTAC 124 Fundamentals of Speech .......................................... 3
Two courses: ................................................................................ 6
Courses may transfer as equivalent courses, general
education transfer credit, or general transfer credit
(9 credits)
Three courses: ............................................................................. 9
Courses may transfer as equivalent courses, general
education transfer credit, or general transfer credit.
Link to WCC approved MACRAO courses: http://www4.wccnet.edu/studentservices/otherservices/transferresources/macrao.php
In completing the MACRAO requirements above, choose one course from the following to satisfy EMU’s Perspectives on a
Diverse World requirement: Humanities: ART 143, 150; COM 225; DAN 180; ENG 181, 213, 214, 224, 242, 281; HUM 145, 150, 175;
MUS 180 Social Science: ANT 201; ECO 280; GEO 101; HST 123, 150, 230, 235, 240, 270; PLS 211; PSY 107; SOC 205
WCC Program Requirements:
(29-31 credits) Transfer As:
(29-31 credits)
Major/Area Requirement:
(14 credits)
(14 credits)
ENG 107 Technical Writing I....................................................... 3 ENGL 000 General Transfer Credit ............................................ 3
ENG 208 Technical Writing II...................................................... 3 ENGL 000 General Transfer Credit ............................................ 3
3 ENG 209 Technical Writing III ..................................................... 3
ENGL 323 Writing in the Prof World (Option II requirement) ..... 3
4 ENG 218 Technical Writing IV .................................................... 3
ENGL 324 Prin of Technical Communication (Option I req)....... 3
ENG 245 Career Practices Seminar ........................................... 2 University Elective ........................................................................ 2
Restricted Electives
(6-7 credits)
(6-7 credits)
Complete one GDT course: GDT 105, 130, 139, or 140 ...........3-4 University Elective ..................................................................... 3-4
Complete one INP course: INP 140, 150, 152, or 153.................. 3 University Elective ........................................................................ 3
Additional Electives
(6-7 credits)
(6-7 credits)
Complete two courses below: (See Advisor for other options) ..6-7 Two courses: ............................................................................. 6-7
5 ENG 271 Creative Writing II (3)
CRTW 335 Imaginative Writing (3) (Option III reqmt)
3 JRN 111 Introduction to Journalism (3)
JRNL 215 News Writing & Reporting (Option II reqmt)
5 JRN 217 Feature Writing (3)
JRNL 306 Feature Writing (3) (Option III requirement)
Computer Literacy Requirement
(3 credits)
(3 credits)
Complete an approved computer literacy course ......................... 3 University Elective ........................................................................ 3
Minimum Credits at WCC ...................................... 62-64
Credits that transfer to EMU .......................... 62-64
If completed at WCC, MTH 160 satisfies EMU’s Quantitative Reasoning (QR) Requirement. MTH 169 (MATH 104 at EMU) does not satisfy the QR
requirement; student must complete an approved QR course at EMU or WCC. See page 3 for approved QR courses.
Choose from this list to satisfy EMU’s Perspectives on a Diverse World Requirement and the MACRAO agreement.
This course is a requirement for option II (Professional Writing) or a restricted elective for Option I or Option III
This course is a requirement for option I (Technical Communication) or a restricted elective for Option II or Option III.
This course is a requirement for option III (Writing Studies) or a restricted elective for Option I or Option II.
Community College Relations
Copies of this guide are available on-line at: http://www.emich.edu/ccr/artguide.php
posted: September 7, 2011
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September 2011
Washtenaw Community College– Associate in Arts in Technical Writing
Eastern Michigan University – BA or BS in Written Communication – Technical Communication,
Professional Writing, or Writing Studies Options
Completion of EMU’s Written Communication
Major Requirements:
Complete one option below:
(15-18 credits)
Option I: Technical Communication
(18 credits)
ENGL 424 Technical Writing ...................................................... 3
ENGL 427 Technical Editing ...................................................... 3
ENGL 428 Writing Computer Documentation ............................ 3
ENGL 444 Writing for the World Wide Web ............................... 3
ENGL 484 Seminar in Written Communications ........................ 3
Option I Restricted Electives: Choose one course from below ..... 3
Do not choose a course already completed at WCC or EMU.
CRTW 335W, ENGL 310, 323, 328, 354, 387, 417, 488, 489,
490, JRNL 215, 312, or 306W.
If 9 credits in restricted electives are not transferred from WCC,
select additional courses from above to bring the total restricted
electives to 12 credit hours:
Students must complete a writing intensive course in the major.
See the program advisor for options.
Option II: Professional Writing
(15 credits)
JRNL 312 Intro to Public Relations ............................................. 3
ENGL 424 Technical Writing ........................................................ 3
ENGL 484 Seminar in Written Communications .......................... 3
Choose one course from the following: ......................................... 3
ENGL 354, ENGL 427, ENGL 428 or ENGL 444
Option II Restricted Electives: Choose one course from below: ... 3
Do not choose a course already completed at WCC or EMU.
CRTW 335W, ENGL 310, ENGL 326, ENGL 328, ENGL 354,
ENGL 387, ENGL 417, ENGL 424, ENGL 427, ENGL 428,
ENGL 444, ENGL 488, ENGL 489, ENGL 490; or JRNL 306W.
If 9 credits in restricted electives are not transferred from WCC,
select additional courses from above to bring the total restricted
electives to 12 credit hours:
Students must complete a writing intensive course in the major.
See the program advisor for options.
Option III: Writing Studies
(18 credits)
ENGL 328 Writing, Style & Technology ....................................... 3
ENGL 417 Writing About Controversies....................................... 3
ENGL 484 Seminar in Written Communications .......................... 3
Choose one course from: .............................................................. 3
ENGL 310 Writing and Civic Literacy
ENGL 354 Critical Digital Literacies
ENGL 444 Writing for the World Wide Web
Choose one course from: ............................................................ 3
ENGL 424 Technical Writing
ENGL 427 Technical Editing
Choose one course from: ............................................................ 3
CRTW 335W Creative Writing
JRNL 306W Feature Writing
Option III Restricted Electives: Choose one course from below . 3
Do not choose a course already completed at WCC or EMU.
ENGL 310, ENGL 326, ENGL 354, ENGL 387, ENGL 424,
ENGL 427, ENGL 428, ENGL 444, ENGL 488, ENGL 489,
ENGL 490; JRNL 215, or 312
If 9 credits in restricted electives are not transferred from
WCC, select additional courses from above to bring the total
restricted electives to 12 credit hours:
Minor Requirements:
(21-24 credits)
Students must complete a minor. Some minors to consider with
the Written Communication Major are: Communication (21),
Creative Writing (21), Electronic Media and Film Studies (24),
Journalism (24), Language, Literature and Writing (24),
Literature (21), or a technical minor. For a complete list of EMU
minors go to the EMU Catalog and click on “Majors\Minors”.
Open Electives:
(21-24 credits)
Students must complete enough elective credits to satisfy the
minimum requirement of 60 credits completed at EMU.
Students who want to earn the bachelor of arts degree must
complete one year (two semesters) of a foreign language.
Students may choose to complete a second minor.
Additional Requirement
Students must complete one Learning Beyond the Classroom
experience or course offered by EMU. Internships ENGL 488,
489, or 490 will satisfy this requirement. Consult the English
Literature and Language Department advisor for other options.
Minimum Credits at EMU: .................................... 60
Minimum Credits to Graduate: .......................... 124
The total credit hours will vary depending on the minor selected
and the specific courses completed. Students who transfer less
than 64 credits from Washtenaw Community College will have
to complete additional credits at EMU to satisfy the minimum of
124 credits for graduation.
Community College Relations
Copies of this guide are available on-line at: http://www.emich.edu/ccr/artguide.php
posted: September 7, 2011
Page 2 of 3
September 2011
Washtenaw Community College– Associate in Arts in Technical Writing
Eastern Michigan University – BA or BS in Written Communication – Technical Communication,
Professional Writing, or Writing Studies Options
Additional Information:
1. In completing the coordinated program of study for this articulation agreement, course substitutions should be
made with the guidance of the advisors (indicated below) at both institutions to assure that all requirements
are satisfied. Each institution will determine the satisfaction of their individual program and degree
requirements. WCC courses indicated with an * are required for EMU’s Written Communication Program.
2. Students whose transcripts are endorsed as “MACRAO Satisfied” by the community college will only be
required to satisfy three of EMU’s general education requirements, noted on this guide and listed below.
These may be completed at the most appropriate time for the student whether before or after admission to
a) an approved course in Quantitative Reasoning: [at WCC MTH 125, 160, 176, 180, 181, 182, or 191] or [at
EMU MATH 110; or if intermediate algebra has been completed with a “C” or higher, MATH 105, 118,
120, 170, COSC 106, PHIL 181, PLSC 210, or STS 224 at EMU]
b) an approved course in Global Awareness or US Diversity: Humanities: [at WCC ART 143, 150; COM
225; DAN 180; ENG 181, 213, 214, 224, 242, 281; HUM 145, 150, 175; MUS 180; Social Science: ANT
201; ECO 280; GEO 101; HST 123, 150, 230, 235, 240, 270; PLS 211; PSY 107; SOC 205]
c) an approved Learning Beyond the Classroom course or experience offered by EMU: [See EMU program
advisor for options.]
To use MACRAO, students must request that an official community college transcript, with the “MACRAO
Satisfied” stamp, be sent to EMU’s Admissions Office. Students, who do not have “MACRAO Satisfied” on
their community college transcript, will be required to satisfy EMU’s general education requirements as
listed in the Undergraduate Catalog. The MACRAO stamp may be completed after admission to EMU,
however, students should inform advisors at EMU that they intend to complete MACRAO, or they may be
advised to complete additional courses for the general education program.
3. Only courses with a grade of “C” or better (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) will be accepted for transfer to EMU.
4. A minimum of 60 credit hours must be completed at the four-year college level with at least 30 hours in
courses offered by EMU. A minimum of 124 credit hours, completed in-residence or accepted in transfer, is
required for graduation.
5. Students must meet all admission requirements at the time of application for admission to EMU, including
submitting transcripts from all previously attended colleges. WCC students will receive equal consideration
with other students for course registration and financial aid.
6. Students are encouraged to contact the English Language and Literature Department Head at the time they
apply for admission to EMU. To facilitate the evaluation of transcripts, students should indicate they are
using this articulation agreement on their application, and bring a copy of this guide to all advising sessions.
Copies of this agreement are available at www.emich.edu/ccr/artguide.php.
Effective Dates: September 1, 2011 until August 31, 2014
If this agreement is not renewed at the end of the effective period, students who already started the program will
be given three additional years to be admitted to EMU under the terms of this agreement. Students who enrolled
at Washtenaw Community College prior to the effective period may use this agreement.
Washtenaw Community College
Lisa Veasey, Technical Writing Program Advisor
LA 300 M
Eastern Michigan University
Steven D. Krause, Writing Program Coordinator
734-487-1363; skrause@emich.edu
Faculty Advisors:
Steve Benninghoff, steve.benninghoff@emich.edu
Ann Blakeslee, ann.blakeslee@emich.edu
Community College Relations
Copies of this guide are available on-line at: http://www.emich.edu/ccr/artguide.php
posted: September 7, 2011
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