May 2013
Owens Community College –Associate of Arts in Adolescence Education Transfer
Eastern Michigan University – Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education
Owens Community College Courses:
Transfer to Eastern Michigan University as:
EMU General Education Requirements (39-43 credits)
(39-43 credits)
l. Effective Communication
(9 credits)
(9 credits)
ENG 111 Composition I.......................................................... 3
ENGL 120 English Comp I (university elective) .................. 3
ENG 112 Composition II......................................................... 3
ENGL 121 English Composition II ...................................... 3
SPE 101 Public Speaking ...................................................... 3
CTAC 124 Fundamentals of Speech .................................. 3
II. Quantitative Reasoning
(3-5 credits)
(3-5 credits)
1 Complete one of the following: (Complete at Owens) .......... 3-5
One course: ........................................................................ 3-5
MTH 170 College Algebra (4)
MATH 105 College Algebra (3)+1
MTH 175 Precalculus (5)
MATH 112 Topics in Precalculus (3)+2
MTH 180 Calculus I (5)
MATH 120 Calculus (4)+1
MTH 213 Introductory Statistics (3)
MATH 170 Elementary Statistics (3)+1
III. Perspectives on a Diverse World
(3 credits)
(3 credits)
ENG 215 American Multicultural Literature ............................. 3
LITR 000 (GEUS requirement ............................................... 3
IV. Knowledge of the Disciplines
(24-26 credits)
(24-26 credits)
Complete two courses (with different prefixes) from each area:
1. Knowledge of the Arts: ..................................................... 6
Two courses: ......................................................................... 6
ART 101, 105, 106, 107, 115, 131, 146, 201, 203, 215, 235;
Courses may be selected from EMU’s online
DAN 101, 105, 121&122, 131&132; ENG 230; JRN 202;
General Education Transfer Guide.
MUS 101,102-105, 151, 152, 201-203; PHO 202, 221;
THE 100, 107, 131, 144, 151, 201, 226, 245, 261, 263
2. Knowledge of the Humanities: Complete two ................. 6
Two courses: ......................................................................... 6
ARB 111, 112, 211, 212; CHN 111, 112, 211, 212; ENG 200,
Courses may be selected from EMU’s online
201, 210, 220, 225, 251, 252, 255, 260, 264-267, 270, 271,
General Education Transfer Guide
280; FRE 111, 112; GER 111, 112,211, 212; HIS 101, 102;
HON 101; HUM 100, 200, 275; JPN 111, 112, 211; PHL 101,
102, 221, 224, 225; SPA 111, 112, 211, 212, THE 142
3. Knowledge of the Natural Sciences: Complete two ..... 6-8
Two courses: ...................................................................... 6-8
AST 101; BIO 101, 201, 215, 217, 240, 241, 251; CHM 111,
Courses may be selected from EMU’s online
115, 121; GEO 111; PHY 111, 112, 115, 151, 152, 201, 202;
General Education Transfer Guide
4. Knowledge of the Social Sciences: Complete two .......... 6
Two courses: ......................................................................... 6
GOV 111 American Government (3)
PLSC 112 American Government (3)
SOC 101 Sociology (3)
SOCL 105 Introductory Sociology (3)
Note: Courses may not be applied to more than one general education area.
Owens Program Requirements (25-27 credits)
(25-27 credits)
* EDU 100 Intro to Education .................................................. 3
SOFD 328W Schools in Multicultural Society ........................ 3
* EDU 120 Educational Technology ......................................... 3
EDMT 330 Instructional Applications of Media & Tech ......... 3
* EDU 210 Individuals with Exceptionalities ............................. 4
SPGN 251 Educ of Students with Exceptionalities (3)+1...... 4
EDU 295 Capstone Seminar .................................................. 3
University Elective ................................................................ 3
FYE 121 Foundations for College ......................................... 2
University Elective ................................................................ 2
IST 100 Fundamentals of Computing .................................. 1
University Elective ................................................................ 1
PSY 101 General Psychology ............................................... 3
PSY 101 General Psychology............................................ 3
* EDU 280 Educational Psychology ......................................... 3
EDPS 322 Human Development & Learning (4)-1 ................ 3
Complete one additional math or science course................ 3-5
One course: ........................................................................ 3-5
EMU Requirements that May be Taken at Owens or EMU
(0-6 credits)
Major/Minor courses from list on page 3: ................................. 0-10
Major/Minor courses: ........................................................ 0-10
Maximum Credits at Owens: ........................64-70
Maximum Credits that transfer to EMU. 64-70
* Required for EMU’s Secondary Education program all majors.
1 Complete MTH 170, 130, or 131 at Owens to satisfy EMU’s Quantitative Reasoning Requirement. If completed at EMU, MATH 110 is required, unless waived by ACT/SAT or
math placement test.
NOTE: Courses on this page that transfer as university electives or general transfer credit will be counted toward the total credits for graduation.
Community College Relations
Copies of this guide are also available on-line at: http://www.emich.edu/ccr/artguide.php
Posted: January 21, 2013
Page 1 of 6
May 2013
Owens Community College –Associate of Arts in Adolescence Education Transfer
Eastern Michigan University – Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education
Completion of Secondary Education Program at EMU
First Semester at EMU
Students with a community college GPA of 3.0 or higher, who have completed at least
56 transferable credits and have passed the Professional Readiness Examination may
apply directly for admission to the Teacher Preparation Program. Students who do not
meet these requirements must complete at least 12 credits at EMU to establish an
overall GPA of 2.5 and a GPA of 2.5 in the major. Courses for the major and minor
may be used for this purpose.
Remaining Major/minor Requirements
(36-60 credits)
Students must complete an approved major and (certain teaching majors excepted) minor.
Credit hours are approximate and will vary depending on the major and minor chosen
and the number of major and minor courses completed at the community college.
Major/minor courses ............................................................................................... 36-60
For information on approved secondary education majors and minors go to:
Professional Studies
(27 credits)
Phases I & II Courses (18 credits)
CURR 305 Curriculum & Methods-Secondary ........................................................... 3
EDPS 340 Intro to Assessment & Evaluation ............................................................ 3
PRCT 305 Practicum I: Secondary ............................................................................ 3
PRCT 311 Practicum II: Secondary ........................................................................... 3
RDNG 311 Teaching Reading in Secondary School .................................................. 3
Specialized Methods of Teaching course in subject area .............................................. 3
Phase III Capstone Experience (9 credits)
Student Teaching ................................................................................... 9
Credits at EMU: ................................................................. 60-85
Approximate Credits to Graduate:............................... 124-151
Satisfies EMU’s Learning beyond the Classroom requirement.
NOTE: Credits at EMU and total credits will vary depending on major and minor as well as
specific courses selected.
Owens Courses That Transfer for Secondary Education Majors and Minors
These courses may be used to satisfy electives in Owen’s Adolescence Education Transfer program. Although all of the courses listed
below will transfer to EMU, students should select carefully so that they will be able to meet the minimum requirements at EMU. A
minimum of 60 credits toward the program total must be completed at the four-year college level; and at least 9 hours in a major and 6
hours in a minor, both at the 300/400 level, must be completed at EMU. Majors include a minimum of 30 credits and minors a minimum
of 20 credits. For information on secondary education majors/minors go to: http://catalog.emich.edu/.
Owens Community College:
Biology Major/Minor
* BIO 201 General Biology I....................................................... 5
* BIO 202 General Biology II...................................................... 5
* BIO 208 Genetics .................................................................... 4
CHM 121 General Chemistry I .................................................. 5
CHM 122 General Chemistry II ................................................. 5
CHM 201 Organic Chemistry I .................................................. 5
CHM 202 Organic Chemistry II ................................................. 4
PHY 201 General Physics I ...................................................... 5
PHY 202 General Physics II ..................................................... 5
Choose one course from the following: ...................................3-5
MTH 180 Calculus I (5)
MTH 213 Introductory Statistics (3)
Eastern Michigan University:
BIO 110 Introductory Biology I..................................................... 5
BIO 120 Introductory Biology II.................................................... 5
BIO 301 Genetics ........................................................................ 4
CHEM 121/122 General Chemistry I & Lab (4)+1 ............................ 5
CHEM 123/124 General Chemistry II & Lab (4)+1 ........................... 5
CHEM 371 Organic Chemistry I (4)+1 ............................................. 5
CHEM 372/373 Organic Chemistry II & Lab..................................... 4
PHY 221 Mechanics, Sound and Heat (4)+1 ................................ 5
PHY 222 Electricity and Light (4)+1 .............................................. 5
One course: ................................................................................... 3-5
MATH 120 Calculus I (4)+1
MATH 170 Elementary Statistics (3)
* may be completed for minor.
Community College Relations
Copies of this guide are also available on-line at: http://www.emich.edu/ccr/artguide.php
Posted: January 21, 2013
Page 2 of 6
May 2013
Owens Courses That Transfer for Secondary Education Majors and Minors
Owens Community College:
Eastern Michigan University:
English Language, Literature and Writing Major/Minor
* ENG 212 Intro to Literary Theory & Critic ................................. 3
* ENG 240 Linguistics ................................................................. 3
Complete one course from the following: ................................... 3
ENG 130 Intro to Technical Communications (3)
JRN 150 Journalism I (3)
ENG 231 Poetry Workshop (3)
ENG 232 Fiction Workshop (3)
EMG 234 Creative Non-Fiction Workshop (3)
Chemistry Major/Minor
* CHM 121 General Chemistry I .................................................. 5
* CHM 122 General Chemistry II ................................................. 5
CHM 201 Organic Chemistry I .................................................. 5
CHM 202 Organic Chemistry II ................................................. 4
1 MTH 180 Calculus I .................................................................. 5
1 Complete one course from the following: ................................... 5
PHY 201 General Physics I (5)
PHY 221 Calculus–Based Physics I (5)
1 Complete one course from the following: ................................... 5
PHY 202 General Physics II (5)
PHY 222 Calculus–Based Physics II (5)
Communication and Theatre Arts Major/Minor
* SPE 102 Interpersonal Communication ................................... 3
* SPE 210 Small Group Communication .................................... 3
* THE 100 Intro to Theater.......................................................... 3
* THE 142 Performance Studies................................................. 3
* THE 131 Acting I ...................................................................... 3
* may be completed for minor.
Computer Science Education Major/Minor
* IST 265 Introduction to Java ................................................... 4
* IST 269 Adv Java Programming ............................................. 3
1 MTH 180 Calculus I .................................................................. 5
Earth Science Major/Minor
* GEO 111 Intro to Geology/Hydrology ....................................... 4
1 BIO 201
General Biology I....................................................... 5
1 CHM 121 General Chemistry I .................................................. 5
1 PHY 201 General Physics I ...................................................... 5
1 Choose one course from the following: ................................... 3-5
MTH 213 Introductory Statistics (3)
MTH 180 Calculus I (5)
French Major/Minor
1 FRE 111 Beginning French I .................................................... 4
1 FRE 112 Beginning French II ................................................... 4
1 FRE 211 Intermediate French I ............................................... 4
1 FRE 212 Intermediate French II ............................................... 4
Geography Major/Minor
* GEO 111 Intro to Geology/Hydrology ....................................... 4
* GPH 106 Human Geography .................................................... 3
1 HIS 102
Western Civilization II................................................ 3
ENGL 300 Writing about Literature ................................................. 3
LING 201 An Introduction to Linguistics ........................................ 3
One course: ...................................................................................... 3
ENGL 324 Principles of Technical Communication (3)
JRNL 215 News Writing & Reporting (3)
CRTW 335 Creative Writing (3)
CRTW 335 Creative Writing (3)
CRTW 335 Creative Writing (3)
CHEM 121/122 General Chemistry I & Lab (4)+1 ............................ 5
CHEM 123/124 General Chemistry II & Lab (4)+1 ........................... 5
CHEM 371 Organic Chemistry I (4)+1 ............................................. 5
CHEM 372/373 Organic Chemistry II & Lab..................................... 4
MATH 120 Calculus I........................................................................ 5
One course: ...................................................................................... 5
PHY 221 Mechanics, Sound and Heat (4)+1
PHY 223 Mechanics and Sound (4)+1
One course: ...................................................................................... 5
PHY 222 Electricity and Light (4)+1
PHY 224 Electricity and Light (5)
CTAC 227
CTAC 359
CTAO 210
CTAR 158
Interpersonal Communication ....................................... 3
Small Group Communication ........................................ 3
Introduction Theatre ...................................................... 3
Interpretation of Reading ............................................... 3
Fundamentals of Acting................................................. 3
COSC 111 Introduction to Programming (3)+1 ............................... 4
COSC 211 Programming Data Structures ....................................... 3
MATH 120 Calculus I........................................................................ 5
ESSC 110 The Dynamic Earth System .......................................... 4
BIO 110 Introductory Biology I..................................................... 5
CHEM 121/122 General Chemistry I & Lab (4)+1 ............................ 5
PHY 221 Mechanics, Sound and Heat (4)+1 ................................ 5
One course: ................................................................................... 3-5
MATH 170 Elementary Statistics (3)
MATH 120 Calculus I (4)+1
FRNH 121 Beginning French (5)-1.................................................. 4
FRNH 122 Beginning French (5)-1.................................................. 4
FRNH 233 Intermediate French Conv, Comp & Gramm (3)+1 ........ 4
FRNH 234 Intermediate French Conv, Comp & Gramm (3)+1 ........ 4
ESSC 110 The Dynamic Earth System .......................................... 4
GEOG 110 World Regions ............................................................... 3
HIST 102 Western Civilization 1648-WWI ..................................... 3
* may be completed for minor.
required support course or pre-requisite for the major
Community College Relations
Copies of this guide are also available on-line at: http://www.emich.edu/ccr/artguide.php
Posted: January 21, 2013
Page 3 of 6
May 2013
Owens Courses That Transfer for Secondary Education Majors and Minors
Owens Community College:
Eastern Michigan University:
Geography/History Comprehensive Major
GEO 111 Intro to Geology/Hydrology ....................................... 4
ESSC 110 The Dynamic Earth System .......................................... 4
GPH 106 Human Geography .................................................... 3
GEOG 110 World Regions ............................................................... 3
HIS 151 World Civilization I ...................................................... 3
HIST 109 World History to 1500 ..................................................... 3
HIS 152 World Civilization II ..................................................... 3
HIST 110 World History since 1500................................................ 3
HIS 201 American History I ....................................................... 3
HIST 123 The U.S. to 1877 ............................................................ 3
HIS 202 American History II ...................................................... 3
HIST 124 The U.S., 1877 to Present .............................................. 3
GOV 111 American Government ..................................................... 3
PLSC 112 American Government ......................................................... 3
German Major/Minor
1 GER 111 Beginning German I .................................................. 4
GERN 121 Beginning German (5)-1 ................................................ 4
1 GER 112 Beginning German II ................................................. 4
GERN 122 Beginning German (5)-1 ................................................ 4
1 GER 211 Intermediate German I .............................................. 4
GERN 233 Intermediate German (3)+1 ........................................... 4
1 GER 212 Intermediate German II ............................................. 4
GERN 234 Intermediate German (3)+1 ........................................... 4
History Major/Minor
GPH 106 Human Geography .................................................... 3
GEOG 110 World Regions .............................................................. 3
* HIS 201 American History I to 1877 ........................................ 3
HIST 123 The United States to 1877 ............................................. 3
* HIS 202 American History II 1877-Present ............................. 3
HIST 124 The United States, 1877 to Present ............................... 3
* Complete one option from the following: .................................... 6
One option ...................................................................................... 6
HIS 101 Western Civ I (3) and HIS 102 Western Civ II (3)
HIST 101 West Civ (3) and HIST 102 West Civ (3)
HIS 151 World Civ I (3) and HIS 152 World Civ II (3
HIST 109 World Hist to 1500 (3) and HIST 110 World Hist (3)
Integrated Science Comprehensive Group Major [Leave at least 7 credit hours (2 requirements) to complete at EMU]
BIO 201 General Biology I....................................................... 5
BIO 110 Introductory Biology I (4)+1 ........................................... 5
BIO 202 General Biology II...................................................... 5
BIO 120 Introductory Biology II (4)+1 .......................................... 5
CHM 121 General Chemistry I .................................................. 5
CHEM 121/122 General Chemistry I & Lab (4)+1 ............................ 5
CHM 122 General Chemistry II ................................................. 5
CHEM 123/124 General Chemistry II & Lab (4)+1 ........................... 5
GEO 111 Intro to Geology/Hydrology ....................................... 4
ESSC 110 The Dynamic Earth System........................................... 4
PHY 201 General Physics I ...................................................... 5
PHY 221 Mechanics, Sound and Heat (4)+1 ................................ 5
PHY 202 General Physics II ..................................................... 5
PHY 222 Electricity and Light (4)+1 .............................................. 5
MTH 180 Calculus I .................................................................. 5
MATH 120 Calculus I (4)+1 ............................................................. 5
Mathematics Major/Minor
* MTH 180 Calculus I .................................................................. 5
MATH 120 Calculus I (4)+1 ............................................................. 5
* MTH 232 Calculus II ................................................................. 5
MATH 121 Calculus II (4)+1 ............................................................ 5
* MTH 235 Linear Algebra ........................................................... 3
MATH 122 Elementary Linear Algebra ............................................ 3
MTH 233 Calculus III ................................................................ 4
MATH 223 Multivariable Calculus ................................................... 4
MTH 234 Differential Equations ................................................ 3
MATH 325 Differential Equations .................................................... 3
Physical Science Comprehensive Major
CHM 121 General Chemistry I .................................................. 5
CHEM 121/122 General Chemistry I & Lab (4)+1 ............................ 5
CHM 122 General Chemistry II ................................................. 5
CHEM 123/124 General Chemistry II & Lab (4)+1 ........................... 5
PHY 201 General Physics I ...................................................... 5
PHY 221 Mechanics, Sound and Heat (4)+1 ................................ 5
PHY 202 General Physics II ..................................................... 5
PHY 222 Electricity and Light (4)+1 .............................................. 5
GEO 111 Intro to Geology/Hydrology ....................................... 4
ESSC 110 The Dynamic Earth System .......................................... 4
1 BIO 201
General Biology I ...................................................... 5
BIO 110
Introductory Biology I (sub for BIOL 105) ..................... 5
1 MTH 180 Calculus I .................................................................. 5
MATH 120 Calculus I (4)+1 ............................................................ 5
* required for minor.
1 required support course or pre-requisite for the major
Community College Relations
Copies of this guide are also available on-line at: http://www.emich.edu/ccr/artguide.php
Posted: January 21, 2013
Page 4 of 6
May 2013
Owens Courses That Transfer for Secondary Education Majors and Minors
Owens Community College:
Eastern Michigan University:
Physics Major/Minor
* PHY 221 Calculus–Based Physics I ......................................... 5
PHY 223 Mechanics and Sound (4)+1 ......................................... 5
* PHY 222 Calculus–Based Physics II ........................................ 5
PHY 224 Electricity and Light (4)+1 .............................................. 5
1 MTH 180 Calculus I .................................................................. 5
MATH 120 Calculus I (4)+1 ............................................................. 5
1 MTH 232 Calculus II ................................................................. 5
MATH 121 Calculus II (4)+1 ............................................................ 5
1 MTH 235 Linear Algebra ........................................................... 3
MATH 122 Elementary Linear Algebra ............................................ 3
1 Complete one: ........................................................................ 4-5
One option: ................................................................................... 4-5
CHM 111 Basic Chemistry (4)
CHEM 117 & 118 Fundamentals of Chemistry
CHM 121 General Chemistry I (5)
CHEM 121/122 General Chemistry I & Lab (4)+1
1 Complete one: ............................................................................ 4
One course: ...................................................................................... 4
BIO 201 General Biology I (5)
BIO 110 Introductory Biology I (4)+1
ZOO 206 Zoology (4)
BIO 140 Biology of Animals (4)
BIO 205 General Botany (4)
BIO 130 Biology of Plants (4)
Political Science Major/Minor
1 GOV 111 American Government .............................................. 3
PLSC 112 American Govt............................................................... 3
* GOV 205 State and Local Government and Politics ................. 3
PLSC 202 State & Local Government ............................................ 3
1 GPH 106 Human Geography .................................................... 3
GEOG 110 World Regions ............................................................... 3
1 HIS 201
American History I to 1877 ........................................ 3
HIST 123 The United States to 1877 ............................................. 3
1 HIS 202
American History II 1877-Present ............................. 3
HIST 124 The United States, 1877 to Present ............................... 3
Psychology Minor only
PSY 101 General Psychology .................................................. 3
PSY 101 General Psychology ...................................................... 3
Social Studies Comprehensive Majors (in Economics, Geography, History or Political Science)
ECO 202 Macroeconomics.............................................................. 3
ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics ............................................. 3
ECO 201 Microeconomics ............................................................... 3
ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics .............................................. 3
GPH 106 Human Geography or GPH 206 World Geography ......... 3
GEOG 110 World Regions ..................................................................... 3
GOV 111 American Government ..................................................... 3
PLSC 112 American Government ......................................................... 3
GOV 207 Contemporary Global Issues .......................................... 3
PLSC 212 Intro to International Politics................................................. 3
HIS 151 World Civilization I ........................................................... 3
HIST 109 World History to 1500 .......................................................... 3
HIS 152 World Civilization II .......................................................... 3
HIST 110 World History since 1500 ..................................................... 3
HIS 201 American History I ........................................................... 3
HIST 123 The U.S. to 1877 .................................................................. 3
HIS 202 American History II .......................................................... 3
HIST 124 The U.S., 1877 to Present ................................................... 3
2 GOV 205 State & Local Government .............................................. 3
PLSC 202 State & Local Government ................................................... 3
Spanish Major/Minor
1 SPA 111 Beginning Spanish I .................................................. 5
SPNH 121 Beginning Spanish I ...................................................... 5
1 SPA 112 Beginning Spanish II ................................................. 5
SPNH 122 Beginning Spanish II ..................................................... 5
1 SPA 211 Intermediate Spanish I .............................................. 3
SPNH 201 Intermediate Spanish I .................................................. 3
1 SPA 212 Intermediate Spanish II ............................................. 3
SPNH 202 Intermediate Spanish II ................................................. 3
* may be completed for minor.
1 required support course or pre-requisite for the major
2 restricted elective
Community College Relations
Copies of this guide are also available on-line at: http://www.emich.edu/ccr/artguide.php
Posted: January 21, 2013
Page 5 of 6
May 2013
Owens Community College –Associate of Arts in Adolescence Education Transfer
Eastern Michigan University – Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education
Additional Information:
1. In completing this coordinated program of study for this articulation agreement, course substitutions should be
made with the guidance of the advisors (indicated below) at both institutions to assure that all requirements are
satisfied. Each institution will determine the satisfaction of their individual program and degree requirements.
Owens courses indicated with an * are required for EMU’s Secondary Education Program.
2. Although this agreement includes EMU’s general education requirements, students whose transcripts are endorsed
as “Ohio Transfer Module Satisfied” will only be required to satisfy three of EMU’s general education
requirements listed below.
a) An approved course in Quantitative Reasoning: [MTH 170, 130, or 131 at Owens] or [MATH 110 at EMU]
b) An approved course in Global Awareness or U.S Diversity: [ENG 215 at Owens]
c) An approved Learning beyond the Classroom course or experience offered by EMU: [EDUC 492 at EMU]
Completing the Transfer Module does not exempt students from satisfying major or program requirements. Under
this agreement General Education requirements may be completed at the most appropriate time for the student
whether before or after admission to EMU. The Transfer Module may be completed after admission to EMU,
however, students should inform advisors at EMU if they intend to complete the OTM or they will be advised to
complete EMU’s general education program.
3. Only courses with a grade of “2.0” or better on a “4.0” scale will be accepted for transfer to EMU.
4. A minimum of 60 semester hours must be completed at the four-year college/university level. At least 9 hours in
the major and 6 hours in the minor at the 300- level or higher must be completed at EMU. Of the last 30 semester
hours prior to graduation, at least 10 hours must be completed in courses offered by EMU. A minimum of 124
credit hours, completed in-residence or accepted in transfer, is required for graduation.
5. Students with a community college grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher, who have completed at least 56
transferable credits, and have passed the Professional Readiness Examination, may apply directly to the Teacher
Preparation Program. Students who do not meet these requirements must complete at least 12 credits at EMU to
establish an EMU (GPA) of 2.5 and a GPA of 2.5 in the major. Other admission criteria include: satisfactory health
status, satisfactory social and emotional adjustment, submission of an autobiography, and freedom from any kind
of probation.
6. Students are encouraged to attend an EMU Secondary Education group advising session and an individual advising
session with the EMU Teacher Education Department faculty before applying for admission to EMU. To facilitate
the evaluation of transcripts, students should indicate they are using this articulation guide on their application and
bring a copy of the articulation guide to all advising sessions at EMU.
Effective Date: May 1, 2013 until April 30, 2016
This is a renewal of an agreement made in September 2009. If this agreement is not renewed at the end of the
effective period, students who already began the program at Owens will have an additional three years to be admitted to
EMU under the terms of the agreement. Students who began the program prior to the effective date may use this
Owens Community College
Eastern Michigan University
Deborah Ciecka, Chair
Teacher Education Department
Teacher Education & Human Services
313 Porter Building, 734. 487.3260
567.661.7283 or 567.661.2548
Virginia Harder, vharder1@emich.edu
Linda Lewis-White, linda.lewis-white@emich.edu
For the group advising schedule:
Community College Relations
Copies of this guide are also available on-line at: http://www.emich.edu/ccr/artguide.php
Posted: January 21, 2013
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