Students who begin college in September 2014 must follow the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA)
requirements rather than the MACRAO requirements listed here. New MTA articulation guides will
be posted to the EMU Community College Relations website soon. In the meantime, please see a
community college counselor for more information about the MTA or look for more information at
September 2013
Mid Michigan Community College – Associate Degree in Nursing
Eastern Michigan University – Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN Completion)
Mid Michigan Community College
Eastern Michigan University
MACRAO Requirements
Total: 32 credits
1. English Writing Requirement (6 credits)
ENG 111 Freshman English Composition I ............................ 3
ENGL 121 Composition II .................................................... 3
ENG 222 Expository Writing & Research................................ 3
ENGL 225 Writing in a Changing World ............................... 3
2. Math/Science Requirement (8 credits)
* BIO 210 Microbiology ........................................................... 4
BIO 328 Introductory Microbiology (3) + 1 ........................ 4
* CHM 106 Organic & Biochemistry for Allied Health ............... 4
CHEM 120 Fund of Organic & Biochemistry ......................... 4
3. Humanities Requirement (9 credits)
HUM 200 Modernity and Culture ............................................ 3
General Transfer Credit ........................................................ 3
2 Complete one course: ............................................................. 3
Perspectives on a Diverse World requirement ...................... 3
HUM 183, PHL 250, or REL 111 (If ANT 170 is completed for
Social Science, any course approved for MACRAO Humanities may be chosen.
Complete one course: (See note below) ............................... 3
Course may transfer as general transfer credit ..................... 3
Choose from courses approved by MMCC to satisfy the
MACRAO humanities requirement. http://www.midmich.edu/files/58/2012_2013_programs/TC%20MACRAO.pdf
4. Social Science Requirement (9 credits)
SSC 200 The Social Sciences & Contemporary Amer .......... 3
General Transfer Credit ........................................................ 3
* PSY 101 Intro to General Psychology ................................... 3
PSY 101 General Psychology ........................................... 3
* Complete one course: ............................................................. 3
One course : .......................................................................... 3
SOC 101 Principles in Sociology (3) or
SOC 105 Principles of Sociology (3)
2 ANT 170
Intro Cultural Anthropology (3)
ANTH 135 Intro Cultural Anthropology (3)
MMCC Nursing Program Requirements
Total: 55 credits
Nursing Major Courses (44 credits)
NUR 121,124,150,151,152,125,128, 221, 222, 223, 224
Students must make an appointment with the EMU
225, 226, 227, 228
RN/BSN Coordinator to present proof of passing the
* Students who pass the NCLEX RN licensing exam
NCLEX examination and to develop a plan of study.
will transfer nursing credit hours as a block. ..........................44
Nursing block credit............................................................. 44
30 hours will apply to the Nursing major.
14 hours will transfer as general academic credit.
DTC 203, NURS 260 and NURS 270 will be waived.
Additional Requirements (11 credits)
* BIO 141 and BIO 142 Anatomy & Physiology I&II .................. 8
SPE 101 or SPE 257............................................................... 3
BIO 251 and BIO 252 Human Anat & Phy I&II (6)+2............. 8
University Elective ................................................................. 3
EMU Requirement that may be taken at MMCC or EMU
1 Complete one course: (complete at MMCC) ........................ 3-5
MAT 124 Precalculus (5)
MAT 126 Calculus I (5)
MAT 212 Intro Probability and Stats (3)
MAT 216 or 217 (4)
Open Electives: (Not to exceed 94 credits at MMCC ........... 4-6
(9 credits)
QR math requirement (3)+1 ............................................... 3-5
MATH 112 Topics in Precalc Math (3) +1
MATH 120 Calculus I (3) +1
MATH 170 Elementary Statistics (3)
MATH 119 Applied Calculus (3)
University Elective .............................................................. 4-6
Credits at MMCC: ........................................................................... 94
Credits that apply to EMU Program: ..................................... 94
*Required for EMU’s Nursing Completion program.
1 If completed at MMCC, MAT 124, 126, 212, 216, or 217 will satisfy EMU’s Quantitative Reasoning requirement. If completed at EMU, MATH 110 is required to satisfy QR,
unless intermediate algebra has been completed with a “C” or better, in which case any QR course may be chosen.
2 Satisfies EMU’s Perspectives on a Diverse World requirement.
NOTE: Courses on this page that transfer as university electives or general transfer credit may be replaced by other university electives or general transfer credit.
Sign up with us: If you let us know you are using this articulation agreement we can stay in touch with you and provide information
and advising to you while you are still at your community college. Sign up at: www.emich.edu/ccr/trackingsystem/Enter.php
Community College Relations
Copies of this guide are also available on-line at: http://www.emich.edu/ccr/artguide.php
Posted: August 20, 2013
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September 2013
Mid Michigan Community College – Associate Degree in Nursing
Eastern Michigan University – Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN Completion)
Completion of the Nursing Program
Major Requirements (30 credits)
Required Course
(3-4 credits)
One course from the following:........................................ 3-4
EDPS 325 Life Span Human Growth & Dev.
IHHS 260 Aging to Infancy: A Life Course Retrospec.
Required Nursing Core Courses
(18 credits)
NURS 220 Health Assessment..........................................2
NURS 275 Essentials of Professional Nursing Practice I ..3
NURS 372 Nursing Research ............................................2
NURS 375W Essentials of Prof Nursing Practice II.............3
NURS 450 Community Health Nursing..............................2
1 NURS 451 Community Health Nursing Practice (LBC) ..... 3
NURS 475 Essentials of Prof Nursing Practice III .............3
Restricted Nursing Electives
(5 credits)
Consult Nursing Completion Advisor for suggestions
University Electives
(3-4 credits)
Additional credits must be completed to satisfy the minimum
of 30 credit hours completed at EMU and the minimum of 124
total credits required to graduate.
Minimum Credits at EMU: ...............................................30
* Minimum Credits to Graduate: ..................................... 124
Suggested Sequence for completing the program:
May Be Taken in Any Semester
(12 credits)
EDPS 325 or IHHS 260 ............................................................... 3-4
NURS Electives .............................................................................. 5
University electives ...................................................................... 3-4
Winter Semester
(5 credits)
NURS 220 Health Assessment ..................................................... 2
NURS 275 Essentials of Professional Nursing Practice I ............. 3
Fall Semester
(5 credits)
NURS 372 Nursing Research ....................................................... 2
NURS 375W Essentials of Professional Nursing Practice II........... 3
Winter Semester
(3 credits)
NURS 475 Essentials of Professional Nursing Practice III ........... 3
Spring Semester
(5 credits)
NURS 450 Community Health Nursing ......................................... 2
NURS 451 Community Health Nursing Practice (Lab) ................. 3
The Nursing Completion Program is offered at a number of EMU
regional centers and on-line. Contact the BSN Completion
program coordinator for more information.
Satisfies EMU’s Learning beyond the Classroom General Education requirement.
* If 94 credit hours are not transferred from WCCCD, additional EMU credits must be completed to reach the minimum of 124 credit hours
required to graduate.
Community College Relations
Copies of this guide are also available on-line at: http://www.emich.edu/ccr/artguide.php
Posted: August 20, 2013
Page 2 of 3
September 2013
Mid Michigan Community College – Associate Degree in Nursing
Eastern Michigan University – Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN Completion)
Additional Information:
In completing the coordinated program of study for this articulation agreement, course substitutions should be made with
the guidance of the advisors (indicated below) at both institutions to assure that all requirements are satisfied. MMCC
courses indicated with an * are required for EMU’s Nursing Program.
Students whose transcripts are endorsed as “MACRAO Satisfied” will only be required to satisfy three of EMU’s general
education requirements, noted on the articulation guide and listed below. These may be completed at the most
convenient time for the student, whether before or after admission to EMU.
a) an approved course in Quantitative Reasoning: [at MMCC: MAT 124, 126, 212, 216, 217 ] or [At EMU: MATH
110; or if MATH 104 or its equivalent has been completed with a “C” or higher, MATH 105, 118, 120, 170, COSC
106; PHIL 181, PLSC 210, or STS 224]
b) an approved course in Global Awareness or US Diversity: [HUM 183, PHL 250, REL 111, ANT 170, POL 250,
SSC 111, SOC 220, or SOC 289] or [For EMU courses, see the approved Perspectives on a Diverse World list in the
catalog: http:// www.emich.edu/gened/students/approved.php]
c) an approved Learning Beyond the Classroom experience offered by EMU [any NURS clinical course]
To use MACRAO, students must request that an official community college transcript, with the “MACRAO Satisfied”
stamp, be sent to EMU’s Admissions Office. Students who don’t have “MACRAO Satisfied” on their community college
transcript will be required to satisfy EMU’s general education requirements as listed in the Undergraduate Catalog. The
MACRAO stamp may be completed after admission to EMU, however, students should inform advisors at EMU that they
intend to complete MACRAO, or they may be advised to complete additional courses for the general education program.
Only courses with a grade of “C” or better (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) will be accepted for transfer to EMU.
Under this agreement, EMU will waive the 60 hour rule and require that a minimum of 30 credit hours must be
completed at the four-year college level, with at least 30 credits hours in courses offered by EMU. A minimum of 124
credit hours, completed in-residence or accepted in transfer, is required for graduation.
Students should apply to both EMU and the School of Nursing RN/BSN Completion Option. The application for
admission to EMU may be accessed from the EMU Office of Admissions website. Students must submit transcripts
from all previously attended colleges. Students who speak English as a second language must submit a TOEFL or
MELAB score that meets EMU requirements.
The Application for Admission to the RN/BSN Option may be accessed from the School of Nursing website at
www.emich.edu/nursing/appForms.html Students must comply with the program requirements in effect at the time of
admission to the program. Current admission requirements include:
• An EMU student identification number,
• Application to the RN/BSN completion option, submitted by October 1st,
• Current unrestricted license to practice as a registered nurse,
• Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 (on a 4.0 scale),
• Minimum grade of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) in a college-level English Composition course,
• Designation on application of first and second choices for site preference for coursework.
Applicants must have completed EMU’s general education requirements or be MACRAO satisfied.
The RN/BSN Completion Option Coordinator will work with you to assist in exploration of degree requirements and
evaluation of your application for admission. Copies of the articulation guide are available on EMU’s webpage at
Effective Dates: September 1, 2013 until August 31, 2016
If this agreement is not renewed at the end of the effective period, students who already began the program at MMCC will
have an additional three years to be admitted to EMU under the terms of the agreement.
Mid Michigan Community College
Eastern Michigan University
Bobbi Towne, Coordinator of BSN Completion Option
311 Marshall Bldg., phone 734-487-2340
Community College Relations
Copies of this guide are also available on-line at: http://www.emich.edu/ccr/artguide.php
Posted: August 20, 2013
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