Document 13431502

We are pleased to recognize the 2012-­‐13 Symposium Undergraduate Research Fellows (SURF), their faculty mentors, and the individuals or organizations who contribute financially to support these awards. Robert Chapin, Technology Studies Philip Taralone, faculty mentor Joseph and Mae Butcko, sponsor Cherese Coltson, English Language and Literature Lolita Cummings-­‐Carson, faculty mentor Domino’s and Tim McIntrye, sponsor Taylor Dimmerling, Biology Aaron Liepman, faculty mentor William Fennel, sponsor Kaitlyn Dugas, Political Science Barry Pyle,faculty mentor Jim Greene and Jim Cameron, Dykema, sponsor Megan Felisky, Special Education Linda Polter, faculty mentor Sharon and Eric Apollo, sponsor Christopher Friebe, Chemistry Harriet Lindsay, faculty mentor Perry Pendleton and Ian Pendleton, sponsor Justin Hodges, Physics and Astronomy Diane Jacobs, faculty mentor Physics and Astronomy, sponsor Jeff Kennedy, Mathematics John Curran, faculty mentor Delta Dental, sponsor Alexandria Kubiak, World Languages Carla Damiano, faculty mentor Tom and Mary Layher, sponsor Kayleigh Lemon, Art Ryan Molloy, faculty mentor Symposium Advancement Kivi Initiative, sponsor Vincent Malainy, Political Science Jeffrey Bernstein, faculty mentor Political Science, sponsor Kara Marsac, Geography and Geology Steve LoDuca, faculty mentor JPMorgan Chase Bank, sponsor Shaylynn Miller, Biology Anne Casper, faculty mentor William Fennel, sponsor Antonino Monea, Political Science Ed Sidlow, faculty mentor Political Science, sponsor Kerri Musick, History and Philosophy Ron Delph, faculty mentor Office of Financial Aid, sponsor Nicole Richards, Psychology Heather Janisse, faculty mentor George Cogar, sponsor Mordechai Sadowsky, Chemistry Maria Milletti, faculty mentor DTE Energy Foundation, sponsor Charlynn Searcy,Art Ryan Molloy, faculty mentor Symposium Advancement Kivi Initiative, sponsor Trang Vo,Music and Dance Garik Pedersen, faculty mentor American Electric Power & Dale Heydlauff, sponsor Renee Walton, Health Promotion and Human Performance Chris Herman,faculty mentor JPMorgan Chase Bank, sponsor Rongyan Xu, Marketing Elif Persinger, faculty mentor Student Government, sponsor Christopher Zavac, Communication, Media & Theatre Arts Ken Stevens, faculty mentor William Fennel, sponsor 