Eastern Michigan University Senate Meeting 12 January, 2016 Agenda A meeting held in open session at 6:30 p.m., room 310B of Student Center A. Opening Roll Call 6:31pm -Senator Jones Darling motioned to discharge a resolution to the Senate regarding condemning the Board of Regents for their decision to postpone the vote on Eastern Michigan University’s relationship with the EAA. -Seconded -Roll call vote. -Passes. 16 yes. 1 no. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. Approval of the Agenda Approval of the Minutes Constituent’s Forum (Open to currently enrolled students: 1 hour/total)** Special Order Speeches (Open to all people sitting w/Senate: 3 minute limit/person) Standing Committee Reports 0. Internal Affairs 1. Public Affairs 2. Academic and Student Affairs Commission Reports 0. Energy and Sustainability Commission 1. Athletic Commission 1. Meeting Dates (all 8-9pm) 1. 2 Feb, SC304 2. 16 Feb, SC304 3. 1 Mar, SC302 Executive Reports 0. Student Body President 1. President of the Senate 2. Judicial Sergeant 3. Clerk of the Senate 4. Director of Academic and Student Affairs Old Business New Business (Each item of Business: 45 minute default**; amend restricted from 10-90) 0. Discharged Resolution: Senator Jones Darling spoke about his resolution that he sponsored. Senator Pernicano moved to open a discussion about this resolution. Sandler and Pernicano disagreed with voting this resolution. Without objection, advisor Dr. Francis suggested that we do not use the wordage “condemning” and instead use “no confidence” for that is what the resolution is referring to. -Senator Jones-Darling moved to make a friendly amendment to make said change. -Pernicano and Sandler both disagree with how this process was handled and that it was discharged instead of going through the normal parliamentary process we have set in place. They made remarks saying that we have to be careful of the wording and that we need more time to meet with students to truly reflect how they feel in our actions as a Student Government. -Senator Morton responds in discontent claiming that she knows a great amount of students have spoken to her about this same issue, thus rebutting previous comments. -Senator Starr tells senators to not only think about what they know students think, but to look inside how they feel themselves. -Senator Pernicano moves to call to question -Seconded -Roll Call Vote -Passes. 16 Yes. 1 No. 1. Provisional Senator VanLandingham Passes. 17 Yes. 0 No. 2. Provisional Senator Lucas-Smalls Passes. 17 Yes. 0 No. 3. Announcements for Senators 1. Senate Retreat—Doodle Poll by Speaker Fegan 2. LGBTRC Reception 13 January 2016, 1:30pm SC350 3. MLK Day of Service 1. Panel 14 January 7pm 4. MLK Luncheon and Keynote Speaker 18 January 2016, 10:30am 5. Res Hall Crawl 26 January 8-10pm 6. Sexual Assault Prevention Week 1-4 February 7. Board of Regent Day 5 February, Welch 205 K. Gallery Comments L. Closing Roll Call M. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 7:35pm ** Majority vote may change the limit, see SG Bylaws Vice President Martin Madame Speaker Judicial Seargent McAllister Clerk Brosnan Senator Bandfield Senator Buzrukov Senator Conley Senator Corace Senator Gee Senator Johnson Senator Jones-Darling Open Roll Call x x x x x x x x x Closing Roll Call x x x x x x x x x x x Senator McKinney Senator Moore Senator Morton Senator Niemi Senator Pernicano Senator Sandler Senator Starr Senator Sweet Senator Thompson Senator Schaewe Senator Al-Jarba Provisional Senator VanLandingham Provisional Senator Lu x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x