Validation of Goals and Objectives, Introduction to Developing Initiatives

EMU Strategic Planning – Workshop 4
Validation of Goals and Objectives, Introduction to Developing Initiatives
Date & Time:
Called to order:
February 22nd, 2013
Room 205, Welch Hall
2:05 pm
3:32 pm
Dr. Sue Martin
Dr Raouf Hanna
Matthew Evett
Walter Kraft
Ted Coutilish
Mike Fox
James Gallaher
Ellen Gold
Derrick Gragg
John Lumm
Matthew Norfleet
Tara Lynn Fulton
Sandy Norton
John Koolage
Judith Kullberg
Casey Wooster
Loren Osgood
Gauri Anand
 Status check in with all Workgroups.
Discussion and Validation of Goals and Objectives so far.
Introduction to Developing Initiatives.
Discussion on Next Steps.
Discussion Items:
 All Workgroups presented Goals and Objectives they had developed so far:
o Student Engagement and Success
 Goal 1: Create and expand purposeful learning opportunities inside and outside
classrooms on campus, in the community and globally.
 Objective 1: Document, review, and continue to expand internships,
practicum, co-op activities, leadership trainings, community engagement, and
other learning opportunities across the university and beyond.
 Objective 2: Cultivate the interest and grow opportunities for students
participating in study abroad programs.
 Objective 3: Continue to strengthen and cultivate distinctive experiences
through undergraduate research programs.
Objective 4: Foster, support, and promote opportunities for students to
participate in campus activities (e.g., student government, volunteering, student
advisory boards)
 Goal 2: Develop a comprehensive and systematic approach to improve services
and processes that enhance student persistence and graduation.
 Objective 1: Identify, review and assess current student service processes in
light of best practices that support student persistence to graduation.
 Objective 2: Fill the gaps and make enhancement to academic support
services that impede timely progress to degree.
 Objective 3: Identify, design, and implement seamless transition nonacademic programs and services that facilitate student persistence and
 Objective 4: Connect students through existing structures to resources that
will support student well-being across the campus (e.g., social, physical,
emotional, financial…)
 Goal 3: Prepare students to successfully and meaningfully interact with people from
all backgrounds.
 Objective 1: Support students to build skills to become active-engaged
citizens of the society with strong cultural awareness.
 Objective 2: Build a campus culture in which respect, responsibility, diversity,
and individual perspective are valued and celebrated.
High Performing Academic Programs and Quality Research
 Goal 1: Ensure that there are processes in place to identify programs to be
created, expanded and maintained.
 Objective 1: Support emerging graduate programs with sufficient information
and instruction resources needed to achieve and maintain excellence.
 Objective 2: Complete the standardized classroom technology project.
 Objective 3: Provide a stable mechanism for funding large equipment
purchases ($100K+).
Goal 2: Increase research to increase external funding and improve graduate
student education.
 Objective 1: Increase sponsored programs.
 Objective 2: Establish endowed chairs that provide research releases.
 Objective 3: Realign teaching load, travel funds, access to support staff and
minimize other barriers to increase grant writing.
 Objective 4: Increase start-up funding for new faculty research programs.
 Objective 5: Increase funding for sabbaticals.
Goal 3: Anticipate and address growing infrastructure costs of research and
scholarship (lab equipment, data curation, library costs).
 Objective 1: Ensure classrooms are equipped with appropriate equipment and
 Objective 2: Support emerging graduate programs with sufficient information
and instruction resources needed to achieve and maintain excellence.
 Objective 3: Provide a stable mechanism for funding large equipment
purchases ($100K+).
 Goal 4: Ensure Faculty/instructor pedagogical skills keep up with technological
advances in the classroom and online.
 Objective 1: Recruit and retain effective faculty.
Objective 2: Provide regular faculty development for use of newest teaching
Objective 3: Increase funds for faculty travel.
Institutional Effectiveness
 Goal 1: Foster a diverse, ethical, and respectful workplace with effective and
transparent communications in place, that together support the University’s mission.
 Objective 1: Invest in leadership development to support leaders to model
ethical behavior and strive for institutional effectiveness.
 Objective 2: Support and promote the institution’s mission and values through
employee / student exposure and fostering activities that promote the same.
 Objective 3: Expand communication activities to include non traditional or new
techniques for communication, not just existing institutional level
 Goal 2: Improve our processes and resource allocation to continuously improve
operational effectiveness and fiscal responsibilities.
 Objective 1: Map and Identify areas and opportunities for optimization.
 Objective 2: Standardize and improve processes to create further efficiencies.
 Objective 3: Leverage existing resources and institutional knowledge as they
exist today and ensure that they are retained and passed on to benefit the
institution as a whole.
Service and Engagement
 Goal 1: Enhance Community Partnerships.
 Objective 1: Create a university/community committee to review, update and
prioritize EMU’s Systems Portfolio audit of community partnerships, events and
 Goal 2: Enhance community perceptions of EMU.
 Objective 1: Determine the need for human resources in order to oversee,
enhance and drive community engagement, focused on community program
integration, relevance, assessment and reporting.
 Objective 2: Create a university fund to support new community engagements
that support EMU's vision, mission and core values. Invest in public
engagement ideas by EMU faculty, staff and students. Choose ideas that align
with the community strategic plan.
 Objective 3: Improve understanding of community impact on student success.
 Goal 1: Establish a culture of innovation by recognizing and rewarding new or
creative programs and initiatives.
 Objective 1: Reward innovation.
 Objective 2: Establish mechanisms to fund innovation.
 Objective 3: Establish division / department innovation goals (for innovative
revenue generation and cost reduction).
 Goal 2: Create innovative academic programs and new pedagogical techniques.
 Objective 1: Making use of new and upcoming technology. (E.g. technology
that hasn’t been previously introduced to the university).
 Objective 2: Innovate and adopt new approaches to pedagogy.
 Goal 3: Maximize innovative use of technology to deliver services.
 Objective 1: Focus on services for students.
 Objective 2: Focus on services for faculty and staff.
Sustainable Growth
 Goal 1: Improve university image and perception among prospective students.
 Objective 1: Score among the top five universities in Michigan in annual
research surveys (Student View/Stamats), ahead of major competitors (CMU,
WMU, Oakland, GVSU, WSU).
 Objective 2: Increase number of students listing EMU as an option on their
 Goal 2: Enhance the student experience.
 Objective 1: Expand "Eagle Pride" by engaging more current students in
campus events and activities.
 Goal 3: Strengthen academic programming.
 Objective 1: Enhance quality of academic programs.
 Objective 2: Encourage growth of successful programs.
 Goal 4: Take advantage of regional opportunities and niche markets.
 Objective 1: Create a framework for the development of new academic
programs that meet market needs (Deloitte market analysis).
 Objective 2: Invest in attracting targeted population groups.
 Objective 3: Expand alternative delivery of courses to meet market needs.
(Accelerated courses, online courses, adult learners).
There was discussion throughout the meeting about descriptions and words. There were additional ideas
and suggestions for topics that should be considered as Goals and/or Objectives.
Discussion also covered areas that overlap and integration points.
The group was asked to review the Strategic Themes once again and confirm that these are areas where
we really want to go.
Next Steps
All Workgroups to continue to progress towards refinement of
Goals and Objectives, as well as start outlining initiatives related
to these *
Target Date
* Deloitte will send out an updated deck with any pointers / feedback from
today’s discussion, as well as latest versions of Goals and Objectives, and any
initiatives already documented by the group as a starting point.
All Workgroups to set up individual touch points with Deloitte
Week of 4 March
Submission of Goals and Objectives and initial set of Initiatives
and performance measures.
Before Workshop 5
Discussion and detailed validation of Goals and Objectives and
initial validation of Initiatives for all Strategic Themes / Directions
will take place during Workshop 5.
To be scheduled