EMU Strategic Planning – Workshop 4 Validation of Goals and Objectives, Initiatives and Performance Measure Frameworks. Date & Time: Location: March 21st, 2013 Room 205, Welch Hall Attendees: Participants Dr. Sue Martin Dr Raouf Hanna Matthew Evett Walter Kraft Ted Coutilish James Gallaher Ellen Gold John Lumm Matthew Norfleet Sandy Norton John Koolage Judith Kullberg Casey Wooster Colin Blakely John Lumm Murali Nair Carl Powell Melody Reifel Werner Nino Monea Desmond Miller Loren Osgood Gauri Anand Organization EMU EMU EMU EMU EMU EMU EMU EMU EMU EMU EMU EMU EMU EMU EMU EMU EMU EMU EMU EMU Deloitte Deloitte Agenda • Status check in with all Workgroups. • Discussion and Validation of Goals, Objectives, Initiatives and Performance Measure Frameworks. • Discussion on Next Steps. Discussion Items: • All Workgroups presented Goals and Objectives, Initiatives and Performance Measures they had developed so far: o Student Engagement and Success Ø Goal 1: Create and expand purposeful learning opportunities inside and outside classrooms on campus, in the community and globally. ü Objective 1.1: Document, review, and continue to expand internships, practicum, co-op activities, leadership trainings, community engagement, and other learning opportunities across the university and beyond. 1 § § § o o Initiative 1: Explore the possibility of establishing a Center for Community Engagement, Globalization, Diversity and Sustainability (work with development to find funding). Initiative 2: Investigate universities that have a similar center and identify their best practices/approach. Initiative 3: Measure impact, perception and awareness of increased learning opportunities through a campus wide survey and assessment. Performance Measure 1: Ratings such as interest in available opportunities (measured through survey) and improvement in student learning outcomes. Performance Measure 2: Measures in AQIP Systems Portfolio materials about community engagement. ü Objective 1.2: Cultivate the interest and grow opportunities for students participating in study abroad programs. § Initiative 1: Streamline the process for faculty and students to participate in study abroad opportunities. § Initiative 2: Seek outside funding to support students participating in study abroad activities. § Initiative 3: Optimize the administrative structure and conduct a purposeful assessment that can maximize the capacity of study abroad programs. § Initiative 4: Expand the number of true global partners that can host our study abroad activities. o Performance Measure 1: Percentage increase in participation in study abroad opportunities. o Performance Measure 2: Increase in institutional funding. o Performance Measure 3: Number of funding sources. o Performance Measure 4: Number of partnerships. ü Objective 1.3: Continue to strengthen and cultivate distinctive experiences through undergraduate research programs. § Initiative 1: Create undergraduate research assistant positions. § Initiative 2: Increase the marketing effort to recruit Honors students for undergraduate research activities. § Initiative 3: Institutionalize undergraduate research as a part of annual plan among academic departments. o Performance Measure 1: Number of undergraduate research assistant positions. o Performance Measure 2: Number of Honors students participated in research activities/projects. ü Objective 1.4: Foster, support, and promote opportunities for students to participate in campus activities (e.g., student government, volunteering, student advisory boards). § Initiative 1: Examine the structure of existing student organizations and finding ways to improve their continuity and visibility. § Initiative 2: Maintain and support cyclical annual events that are geared towards bring students together. - Identify existing major student-oriented events; build and publish calendar. - Secure necessary institutional funding for those events. 2 § § § § § o o o o Initiative 3: Promote relationships between student organizations and faculty and staff. Initiative 4: Hold 1-2 annual forum between student-organizations and faculty/staff representatives. Initiative 5: Work with Career Services to support recruiting new leaders for student organizations, advisory boards, and other university committees and ensure that student organization representatives meet at least 1-2 times with Career Service staff. Initiative 6: Organize workshops and trainings for student organization leaders and advisors to student organizations. Initiative 7: Survey students to understand perception and interest around available learning opportunities. Performance Measure 1: Measure of participation / turnout at events. Performance Measure 2: Faculty / Student participation / turnout at forum. Performance Measure 3: Turnout at these workshops and trainings. Other Performance Measures: Impact on student learning outcomes such as test scores and grades, participation in available learning opportunities and perceived improvement in number of learning opportunities as measured through the survey. Ø Goal 2: Develop a comprehensive and systematic approach to improve services and processes that enhance student persistence and graduation. ü Objective 2.1: Identify, review and assess current student service processes in light of best practices that support student persistence to graduation. § Initiative 1: Identify what the gaps are. § Initiative 2: Leverage the existing resources (human and technological) and strive to establish a systemic, holistic, seamless and clear academic advising system. § Initiative 3: Develop a structure that requires ongoing student advising, both through in-person and the use of new technology. § Initiative 4: Fully implement different technologies (e.g., the use of AcaLog, Red Lantern systems…). § Initiative 5: Formalize an exit interview process. § Initiative 6: Develop a comprehensive and cohesive retention and degree completion strategy. o Performance Measure 1: Gaps identified by xx date. o Performance Measure 2: Structure developed by xx date. o Performance Measure 3: Technologies implemented by xx date. o Performance Measure 4: Exit interview process implemented by xx date. o Performance Measure 5: Comprehensive and cohesive retention and degree completion strategy developed by xx date. o Other Performance Measures: Impact on student learning outcomes such as test scores and grades, participation in available learning opportunities and perceived improvement in number of learning opportunities as measured through the survey. ü Objective 2.2: Fill the gaps and make enhancement to academic support services that impede timely progress to degree. § Initiative 1: Wage a 30 credit hour /year campaign. § Initiative 2: Explore the possibility of establishing a mentor program (especially for at-risk students). § Initiative 3: Implement a multi-point progress-to-degree auditing system. 3 o o Performance Measure 1: 30 credit hour /year campaign implemented by xx date. Performance Measure 2: Multi-point progress-to-degree auditing system implemented by xx date. ü Objective 2.3: Identify, design, and implement seamless transition nonacademic programs and services that facilitate student persistence and graduation. § Initiative 1: Establish a ‘Transfer Student Center’. § Initiative 2: Build a program recruit/support transfer students to be in Honors program (a part of the transfer student center functions). o Performance Measure 1: ‘Transfer Student Center’ established by xx date. o Performance Measure 2: Number of transfer students recruited to the Honors program. ü Objective 2.4: Connect students through existing structures to resources that will support student well-being across the campus (e.g., social, physical, emotional, financial…) § Initiative 1: Develop a metric that identifies needs of students and the services we provide through a survey. § Initiative 2: Further streamline/strengthen the role of academic advising to holistically meet the needs of students. o Performance Measures: Student wellbeing can be measured by mental and physical well being, engagement and participation in activities, attendance rates etc. Overarching Performance Measures for Goal 2 o Performance Measure 1: Retention rates (first-term, first-year, and yearto-year through senior level). o Performance Measure 2: Probation rates. o Performance Measure 3: Course passing rates (earned credit/attempted). o Performance Measure 4: 4- and 6-year graduation rates. o Other Performance Measures: o Continuous improvement is made based on the information gathered through the exit interview. o Average credits taken by students/year. o Survey results from NSSE, Alumni and Graduating Senior surveys, and other campus and department surveys. Ø Goal 3: Prepare students to successfully and meaningfully interact with people from all backgrounds. ü Objective 3.1: Support students to build skills to become active-engaged citizens of the society with strong cultural awareness. § Initiative 1: Explore the possibility of establishing a Center for Community Engagement, Globalization, and Sustainability (work with development to find funding). (Same as Goal 1, Objective 1, Initiative 2.) § Initiative 2: Establish Speaker series on diversity and global awareness (connects with development office and conduct targeted funding raising). § Initiative 3: Further strengthen/expand/incorporate diversity/global awareness requirement in the General Education program as well as studies at the program level. § Initiative 4: Revamp/expand University Read program. o Performance Measure 1: Track number of courses that require the University Read text. 4 o Objective 3.2: Build a campus culture in which respect, responsibility, diversity, and individual perspective are valued and celebrated. § Initiative 1: Assess current campus climate with respect to diversity and implement a campus climate survey. § Initiative 2: Develop a university-wide diversity plan (need to work with the Center-- see Goal 1, Objective 1.1, Initiative 2). § Initiative 3: Establish a program that can serve as an ongoing conduit to encourage cross-culture conversation and interaction. § Initiative 4: Increasing the institutional support to programs that promote discourse about diversity and global awareness (e.g., New York Times Talks, African American History Month, MLK events, international week, Asian History Month, Women History Month, cultural ambassadors etc.). § Initiative 5: Fundraising efforts that support 2-3 nationally-renown speakers in diversity, globalization, and sustainability. o Performance Measure 1: Feedback based on the campus climate survey and from other surveys (NSSE). ü o Performance Measure 2: Make steady progress towards increasing the ratio of employee and students from diverse backgrounds in the campus total population. (See Institutional Effectiveness Theme). High Performing Academic Programs and Quality Research Ø Goal 1.1: Ensure that there are processes in place to identify programs to be created, expanded and maintained. ü Objective 1: Develop a sustainable process for identifying programs to be created, expanded and maintained that serve a demonstrated need of the community/region (as well as programs that have outlived their usefulness or can be right sized). § Initiative 1: Identify and assign responsibility (Provost’s office) and/or create a committee to create a repeatable, streamlined process where departments review programs regularly to determine if they are meeting needs and identify new programs / opportunities. § Initiative 2: Conduct regular market analysis to assess the need for new and existing programs including surveys of community stakeholders. o Performance Measure 1: Responsibility assigned / committee created by xx date. o Performance Measure 2: Market analysis conducted periodically by xx date every period. Objective 1.2: Budget to provide funding to support these new programs (e.g. differential tuition, reduced support for other programs). § Initiative 1: Annually set aside a pool of funds specifically for new / growing programs. § Initiative 2: Create a ‘business case’ template for requesting funds for new / growing programs. § Initiative 3: Coordinate the Capital campaign with new / growing program initiatives. o Performance Measure 1: Number and distribution of dollars. o Performance Measure 2: ‘Business case’ template in use by xx date. o Performance Measure 3: Capital campaign aligned with new / growing program initiatives by xx date. ü ü Objective 1.3: Increase STEM programming to meet needs in the community. 5 § § § o o ü § § § o Ø Initiative 1: Identify where this responsibility could reside (Provost’s office). Develop this process working with different stakeholders in the university including faculty. Initiative 2: Analyze capacity to meet identified needs including a cost analysis. Initiative 3: Tie STEM programming specifically to the next Capital campaign. Performance Measure 1: Responsibility identified and process developed by xx date. Performance Measure 2: STEM programming tied to the next Capital campaign by xx date. Objective 4: Implement assessment of GenEd program and provide a GenEd program that meets the needs of the community. Initiative 1: Support the GenEd Review committee that is being formed by providing them with a database of classes that are part of GenEd and have been submitted to GenEd. Initiative 2: Provide sufficient release time (e.g. release from teaching responsibilities) for those involved in the review to carry it out in a timely fashion. Initiative 3: Ensure that there is a representative group of people in the committee. Performance Measure 1: Provide a database of classes to the committee by xx date. Goal 2: Increase research to increase external funding and improve student education, with a focus on graduate education. ü Objective 2.1: Increase sponsorship of programs. § Initiative 1: Develop a process to increase sponsorship of programs (via ORD – Office of Research and Development and Grad. school). § Initiative 2: Identify sponsors – government, industry/corporations and foundations and get faculty and administrators to grow relationships with these sponsors. § Initiative 3: Realign teaching load, travel funds, access to support staff and minimize other barriers to increase external funding e.g. grant writing. o Performance Measure 1: xx increase in sponsorship of programs. o Performance Measure 2: number of funding organizations and agencies. o Performance Measure 3: xx increase in number of grant applications. ü Objective 2.2: Increase research and creative work. § Initiative 1: Reduce teaching load for all new hires for 2 years to foster research programs. § Initiative 2: Establish budget allocations to increase start-up funding for new faculty research programs. § Initiative 3: Institute variable teaching loads based on research and creative work productivity. § Initiative 4: Create a readily accessible / searchable database of faculty research to encourage and identify potential collaborations. (including grant / funding applications, presentations and publications). § Initiative 5: Establish endowed chairs that provide research releases. § Initiative 6: Examine current sabbatical awards process to determine if an increase in the number of awards will result in an increase in research and creative work. 6 Ø Goal 3: Anticipate and address growing infrastructure costs of research and scholarship (lab equipment, data curation, library costs). ü Objective 3.1: Ensure classrooms are equipped with appropriate equipment and resources. ü Objective 3.2: Support emerging graduate programs with sufficient information and instruction resources needed to achieve and maintain excellence. ü Objective 3.3: Provide a stable mechanism for funding large equipment purchases ($100K+). Ø Goal 4: Ensure Faculty/instructor pedagogical skills keep up with technological advances in the classroom and online. ü Objective 4.1: Recruit and retain effective faculty. ü Objective 4.2: Provide regular faculty development for use of newest teaching technology. ü Objective 4.3: Increase funds for faculty travel. Ø o Goal 5: Create innovative programs. ü Objective 5.1: Recruit and retain effective faculty. ü Objective 5.2: Provide regular faculty development for use of newest teaching technology. ü Objective 5.3: Increase funds for faculty travel. Institutional Effectiveness Ø Goal 1: Foster a diverse, ethical, and respectful workplace with effective and transparent communications in place, that together support the University’s mission. ü Objective 1.1: Invest in leadership development to support leaders to model ethical behavior and strive for institutional effectiveness. § Initiative 1: Center for Creative Leadership for senior/experienced leaders. § Initiative 2: Annual leadership training for all leaders/managers. § Initiative 3: Focused leadership growth programs for nominated individuals. § Initiative 4: Develop and implement succession plans. o Performance Measure 1: Attendance count at individual training event. o Performance Measure 2: Succession plans exist for all senior / executive positions by xx date. o Performance Measure 3: Measure ethical rating through “Great Colleges to Work For” and/or other national surveys. ü Objective 1.2: Support and promote the institution’s mission and values through employee / student exposure and fostering activities that promote the same. § Initiative 1: New hire orientation. § Initiative 2: Annual training of staff/faculty by executive leader/s. § Initiative 3: Targeted discussion groups focused on progress / achievement. § Initiative 4: Major university-wide project to communicate new university mission and values. § Initiative 5: Implement specific university-wide environmentally responsible initiatives in line with the mission and vision. § Initiative 6: Implement a university-wide survey to measure degree of knowledge / recognition of new mission / values and strategic themes. o Performance Measure 1: Attendance count at individual training events. o Performance Measure 2: Divisional goals are tied to university themes by xx date. 7 o ü Performance Measure 3: Survey results as indicative of positive impact of initiatives. Objective 1.3: Expand communication activities to include non traditional or new techniques for communication, not just existing institutional level communications. § Initiative 1: University week focused on new mission statement. § Initiative 2: Dept. executives/leaders conduct department/division orientation sessions. § Initiative 3: Use of web site and social media to reach students and alumni. § Initiative 4: Provide feedback/contact person and mechanism. o Performance Measure 1: Website with EMU strategic goals and clickable drill-downs for more details (including progress of initiatives) by xx date. o Performance Measure 2: EMU and divisional dashboards (with drilldown capability) by xx date. Ø Goal 2: Improve our processes and resource allocation to continuously improve operational effectiveness and fiscal responsibilities. ü Objective 2.1: Undertake a university-wide process improvement, functional realignment and resource allocation program to improve performance. § Initiative 1: Standardize and improve processes to create further efficiencies. o Identify, map and rate major institutional processes, identifying bottlenecks and inefficiencies. o For focus processes, document improvement plan with dates and assignments. o Provide a nomination/suggestion process that reaches stakeholders at all levels. o Implement selected process improvements. § Initiative 2: Identify areas and opportunities for optimization in resource allocation and functional alignment. o Identify resources that can be centralized or decentralized. o Identify functional areas for realignment. o Align budgeting process with strategic planning and assessment. o Performance Measure 1: Improvement progress and efficiency gains (such as average time taken to complete a process or number of tasks completed in a day). Record improvement progress and efficiency gains on publicly available website. o Performance Measure 2: Assessment and improvement of major university processes by xx date. o Performance Measure 3: Improvements in indicators used in the Deloitte Higher Education Benchmarking Study e.g. Human Resources total cost per employee. o Performance Measure 4: Progress recorded on each divisional/department scoreboard. ü Objective 2.2: Develop an institutional knowledge management program to leverage existing resources. § Initiative 1: Document critical university processes and current institutional knowledge. § Initiative 2: Store, retain, and distribute knowledge access to university personnel. 8 § o o Initiative 3: Survey all personnel to measure understanding and awareness of relevant institutional processes and ways to access institutional knowledge. Performance Measure 1: An established institutional knowledge management program by xx date. Performance Measure 2: Survey results as indicative of effectiveness of program. o Service and Engagement Ø Goal 1: Enhance community partnerships and community perceptions of EMU. ü Objective 1.1: Create a process in which EMU’s system portfolio of community, partnerships, events and programs are systematically reviewed, updated, prioritized and made accessible to the university community. § Initiative 1: Assign an individual or an office the responsibility for creating and executing the process. o Performance Measure 1: Responsibility assigned to an office or an individual by xx date. o Performance Measure 2: Process created and in execution by xx date. ü Objective 1.2: <Get Service and Engagement as an objective included in the Carnegie Classification – get feedback from the group>. § Initiative 1: Biannually assess social and economic impact resulting from EMU’s service and engagement effort. o Performance Measure 1: Social and economic impact assessed from EMU’s service and engagement effort by xx date every 2 years. o Innovation Ø Goal 1: Establish a culture of innovation by recognizing and rewarding new or creative quality programs and initiatives. ü Objective 1.1: Establish mechanisms to fund innovation. § Initiative 1: Provide exploratory resources (funds, personnel, time, etc. ) to design and implement innovative concepts and ideas. § Initiative 2: Provide resources to test innovative concepts and ideas. o Performance Measure 1: Defined and sufficient number of resources in place to design and test innovative concepts and ideas by xx date. ü Objective 1.2: Establish division / department innovation goals (for innovative revenue generation and cost reduction). § Initiative 1: Establish a mechanism (e.g. committee) to review innovation proposals. § Initiative 2: Establish mechanism to issue annual innovation goals (e.g. revenue generation, cost reduction, etc. (Proposals concerning focus themes receive preference). o Performance Measure 1: Committee and processes in place to review innovation proposals in place by xx date. Ø Goal 2: Create innovative programs. ü Objective 2.1: Create innovative academic programs and pedagogy. § Initiative 1: Establish a mechanism (e.g. committee) to review innovation Initiative 1: Make use of new and upcoming technology. (e.g. technology that hasn’t been previously introduced to the university). § Initiative 2: Test the use of MOOCs in different courses. § Initiative 3: Enhance online programs by offering new fully online graduate degree programs. § Initiative 4: Integrate new classroom technology. 9 o o o ü Performance Measure 1: xx number of courses MOOC’s have been tested in by xx date. Performance Measure 2: xx number of new fully online graduate degree programs by xx date. Performance Measure 3: New technology used in classrooms and programs by xx date. Objective 2.2: Create innovative programs in student services and campus life. Ø Goal 3: Maximize innovative use of technology to deliver services. ü Objective 3.1: Focus on services for students. § Initiative 1: Integrate new technologies into advising and counseling processes. § Initiative 2: Assess and implement new registration technologies. § Initiative 3: Implement new technology based student activities. § Initiative 4: Become ranked on the top colleges list for identified student service metrics (i.e. Student Advisor publication). o Performance Measure 1: New technologies integrated into advising and counseling processes by xx date. o Performance Measure 2: New registration technologies assessed and implemented by xx date. o Performance Measure 3: New technology based student activities implemented by xx date. o Performance Measure 4: Ranking on the top colleges list for identified student service metrics by xx date. ü o Objective 3.2: Focus on services for faculty and staff. § Initiative 1: Become ranked on the top colleges list for identified services for faculty and staff metrics (i.e. Student Advisor publication). § Initiative 2: Identify and assess critical faculty and staff services to determine areas for improvement. o Performance Measure 1: Ranking on the top colleges list for identified services for faculty and staff metrics by xx date. o Performance Measure 2: Faculty and staff services assessed for areas of improvement by xx date. Sustainable Growth Ø Goal 1: Improve university image and perception. ü Objective 1.1: Score among the top five universities in Michigan in annual research surveys (Student View/Stamats), ahead of major competitors (CMU, WMU, Oakland, GVSU, WSU). § Initiative 1: Improve safety scores in annual Student-View research (second lowest rated attribute in benchmark average comparison). Include addressing negative perception of Eastern and of Ypsilanti. § Initiative 2: Improve academic strength scores in annual Student-View research (lowest rated attribute in benchmark average comparison) to top five. § Initiative 3: Increase scores in Stamats research of high school students. o Performance Measure 1: Improvement in above scores in annual research surveys (Student View/Stamats) by xx date. Ø Goal 2: Expand "Eagle Pride" by engaging more current students in campus events, activities and recruiting. 10 ü Objective 2.1: Establish activities to successfully engage second, third, fourth year students similar to the programs we offer to freshmen. ü Objective 2.2: Promote health, fitness, dining and well being among student population. § Initiative 1: New REC/IM. § Initiative 2: Expand and develop bike and fitness trails. § Initiative 3: Healthy food options. o Performance Measure 1: New REC/IM by xx date. o Performance Measure 1: Bike and fitness trails developed by xx date. o Performance Measure 2: Healthier food options available by xx date. ü Objective 2.3: Add more activities to engage commuter population. ü Objective 2.4: Engage current students in recruiting of new students. § Initiative 1: Restart initiative that had current students participating in recruitment activities at high schools. § Initiative 2: Create ‘virtual’ tour guide experience that captures Eastern's campus and academic environment with the enthusiasm and passion offered by our tour guides. o Performance Measure 1: Initiative that had current students participating in recruitment activities at high schools restarted by xx date. o Performance Measure 2: ‘Virtual’ tour guide experience created by xx date. Overarching Performance Measures for Goal 2: o Performance Measure 1: Number of activities instituted by xx date. o Performance Measure 2: Feedback from NSSE and graduating student exit surveys. o Performance Measure 3: Event attendance and ticket sales. o Performance Measure 4: Attendance at LBC (Learning Beyond the Classroom) events. Ø Goal 3: Strengthen academic programming. ü Objective 3.1: Enhance quality of academic programs. § Initiative 1: Increase number of programs ranked in the top 100 nationally. § Initiative 2: Improve graduation rates to 60 percent. o Performance Measure 1: Increase in programs ranked in the top 100 nationally by xx date. o Performance Measure 2: Improved graduation rates by xx date. ü Objective 3.2: Encourage growth of successful programs. § Initiative 1: Successfully launch Physician Assistant program. § Initiative 2: Assess and identify existing programs for growth opportunities. § Initiative 3: Develop facilities and operational plans to accommodate growth. o Performance Measure 1: Physician Assistant program launched by xx date. o Performance Measure 2: Existing programs assessed and identified for growth opportunities by xx date. o Performance Measure 3: Facilities and operational plans developed to accommodate growth by xx date. 11 Ø Goal 4: Take advantage of regional opportunities and niche markets. ü Objective 4.1: Create a framework for the development of new academic programs that meet market needs (Deloitte market analysis). § Initiative 1: Make surveys an ongoing process. ü Objective 4.2: Invest in attracting targeted population groups. § Initiative 1: Increase number of international students. § Initiative 2 : Expand in-state tuition agreements beyond Ohio to other states (Indiana, Illinois, etc.). § Initiative 3 : Increase the number of community college transfer students by evaluating the effectiveness of existing agreements and establishing more articulation agreements. o Performance Measure 1: Increase in number of applications. o Performance Measure 2: Enrollment / student credit hours. o Performance Measure 3: Number of degrees awarded. ü Objective 4.3: Expand alternative delivery of courses to meet market needs. § Initiative 1: Expand accelerated courses. § Initiative 2: Expand online courses. § Initiative 3: Expand adult learners course offerings. o Performance Measure 1: xx number of accelerated courses by xx date. o Performance Measure 2: xx number of online courses by xx date. o Performance Measure 3: xx number of adult learner courses by xx date. Next Steps Activity Target Date All workgroups to continue to progress towards refinement of Initiatives and Performance Measures. Ongoing Final validation of all strategic planning material will take place in the final Workshop. Week of 15 April th 12