Theatre Studies Mentoring Scheme Initial Meeting Purpose The focus of this meeting is around considering the mentoring relationship as opposed to discussing any specific areas. 1. To consider and discuss how the mentoring relationship is going to work: o Share thoughts on what is involved with mentoring, o Understand what each other are looking for, o consider what is helpful for the mentee to know about mentor and vice versa, managing expectations, ask/answer any questions, discuss ground rules & boundaries confidentiality * code of ethics of scheme * consider time commitment Discuss and agree the limits of the mentor’s role and other areas of support within the University. Discuss and agree meeting arrangements, Agree roles & responsibilities for setting up and arranging meetings, Where, when and the duration of meetings (choose a meeting place that you are both comfortable with – perhaps a coffee bar or the Library) If an agenda is to be used, Starting and finishing the meeting with action points recording of meetings – if so who and how (diary, log) ** - Once discussed and agreed, the Mentor and Mentee retain an individual copy of the Mentoring Agreement * See the Mentor or Mentee Guidelines pack ** In keeping records of mentoring meetings, consideration needs to be given with regard to the Data Protection Act 1998. The Act governs the collection, retention and transmission of information about living individuals and the rights those individuals have to see this information. For personal information to be considered fairly processed, you need the person’s permission. Any meeting notes should be treated confidentially and appropriately in carrying out the mentoring meetings. You will need to discuss that there is the possibility that notes could be used as part of a discussion between a mentor and the Scheme Supervisor if the mentor requires support, in order to protect the interests of the mentee or another person. Any meeting notes need to be stored securely. Theatre Studies Mentoring Scheme Mentoring Agreement The following should be discussed and completed during the initial meeting and a copy retained by both the Mentor and Mentee to support Mentoring discussions. 1. From this mentoring partnership, we would like to achieve (goals/outcomes): 2. Meetings (timing, frequency, location, how meetings will be conducted, how long meetings will last) 3. We will review this arrangement on (date agreed working). 4. We will abide by the mentoring scheme Code of Ethics and be aware of the Mentoring/Mentee Guidelines. 5. We will respect each others’ boundaries, cultural customs or religious beliefs. 6. We accept that the mentoring partnership is ultimately a professional relationship and so must be treated as such. Furthermore, the mentor is bound by confidentiality only up until a point as contained within the Code of Ethics. 7. We accept that under no circumstances should academic work be written by the mentor and failing to comply with this is in direct violation of University rules and regulations. 8. In keeping records of mentoring meetings, consideration needs to be given with regard to the Data Protection Act, where specific provision is made under the Act for processing sensitive personal information, including areas such as mental health. For personal information to be considered fairly processed, the mentee’s permission has been given to assist the mentoring partnership, unless the mentee advises otherwise and that there is the possibility that the notes could be used in a supervisor discussion as part of processing information in order to protect the interests of the mentee or another person. ) and will regularly feedback on what is/isn’t There are various options to support both mentors and mentees in terms of learning from the experience or exploring any difficulties encountered. Student Support Services for support and welfare structure Senior Tutor for support on academic and personal advice Theatre Studies Department for information and advice relating to your study Student and Staff Co-ordinators to support mentors by helping them to think through how to respond if a problem has arisen affecting the mentoring relationship - for instance, difficulty in focusing the conversation, concerns about the mentee’s behaviour, the possible need to seek appropriate professional support for the mentee (Student Co-ordinators Kimberley Fennel / Elysha Cookson / Staff Co-ordinator ) Student and Staff Co-ordinators to support mentors and mentees with scheme specific queries e.g. copies of documentation, changes to mentoring relationship, feedback (Student Co-ordinators Kimberley Fennel / Elysha Cookson / Staff Co-ordinator ) Adaptation from the “Resources for Student Coordinators of Mentoring Schemes” Undergraduate Skills Programme Website, The University of Warwick MENTEE (PRINT NAME & SIGN)__________________________________________________ DATE______________ MENTOR (PRINT NAME & SIGN)_________________________________________________ DATE______________