page 1 0f 2 Vaccine Administration Record for Adults Patient name Birthdate Before administering any vaccines, give the patient copies of all pertinent Vaccine Information Statements (VISs) and make sure he/she understands the risks and benefits of the vaccine(s). Always provide or update the patient’s personal record card. Vaccine Type of Vaccine1 Date vaccine Funding given Source (mo/day/yr) (F,S,P)2 Route3 and Site3 Chart number practice name and address Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) Vaccine Lot # Mfr. Date on VIS4 Date given4 Vaccinator5 (signature or initials and title) Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (e.g., Tdap, Td) Give IM.3 Hepatitis A6 (e.g., HepA, HepA-HepB) Give IM.3 Hepatitis B6 (e.g., HepB, HepA-HepB) Give IM.3 Human papillomavirus (HPV2, HPV4, HPV9) Give IM.3 Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) Give Subcut.3 Varicella (VAR) Give Subcut.3 Meningococcal ACWY (e.g., MenACWY [MCV4], MPSV4) Give MenACWY IM.7 Give MPSV4 Subcut.7 Meningococcal B (e.g., MenB) Give MenB IM.7 • See page 2 to record influenza, pneumococcal, zoster, Hib, and other vaccines (e.g., travel vaccines). How to Complete this Record Abbreviation Trade Name and Manufacturer 1.Record the generic abbreviation (e.g., Tdap) or the trade name for each vaccine (see table at right). 2.Record the funding source of the vaccine given as either F (federal), S (state), or P (private). 3.Record the route by which the vaccine was given as either intramuscular (IM), subcutaneous (Subcut), intradermal (ID), intranasal (NAS), or oral (PO) and also the site where it was administered as either RA (right arm), LA (left arm), RT (right thigh), or LT (left thigh). 4.Record the publication date of each VIS as well as the date the VIS is given to the patient. 5.To meet the space constraints of this form and federal requirements for documentation, a healthcare setting may want to keep a reference list of vaccinators that includes their initials and titles. 6.For combination vaccines, fill in a row for each antigen in the combination. Tdap Td HepA HepB HepA-HepB HPV2 HPV4, HPV5 MMR VAR MenACWY MPSV4 MenB Adacel (Sanofi Pasteur); Boostrix (GlaxoSmithKline [GSK]) Decavac, Tenivac (Sanofi Pasteur); generic Td (MA Biological Labs) Havrix (GSK); Vaqta (Merck) Engerix-B (GSK); Recombivax HB (Merck) Twinrix (GSK) Cervarix (GSK) Gardasil, Gardasil 9 (Merck) MMRII (Merck) Varivax (Merck) Menactra (Sanofi Pasteur); Menveo (GSK) Menomune (Sanofi Pasteur) Bexsero (GSK); Trumenba (Pfizer) Technical content reviewed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Immunization Action Coalition Saint Paul, Minnesota • 651- 647- 9009 • • • Item #P2023 (4/16) page 2 0f 2 Vaccine Administration Record for Adults (continued) Patient name Birthdate Before administering any vaccines, give the patient copies of all pertinent Vaccine Information Statements (VISs) and make sure he/she understands the risks and benefits of the vaccine(s). Always provide or update the patient’s personal record card. Vaccine Type of Vaccine1 Date vaccine Funding given Source (mo/day/yr) (F,S,P)2 Route3 and Site3 Chart number practice name and address Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) Vaccine Lot # Mfr. Date on VIS4 Date given4 Vaccinator5 (signature or initials and title) Influenza (e.g., IIV3, IIV4, ccIIV3, RIV3, LAIV4) Give IIV3, IIV4, ccIIV3, and RIV3 IM.3 Give LAIV4 NAS.3 Pneumococcal conjugate (e.g., PCV13) Give PCV13 IM.3 Pneumococcal polysaccharide (e.g., PPSV23) Give PPSV23 IM or Subcut.3 Zoster (HZV) Give Subcut.3 Hib Give IM.3 Other • See page 1 to record Tdap/Td, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, HPV, MMR, varicella, MenACWY, and MenB vaccines. How to Complete this Record 1.Record the generic abbreviation (e.g., Tdap) or the trade name for each vaccine (see table at right). 2.Record the funding source of the vaccine given as either F (federal), S (state), or P (private). 3.Record the route by which the vaccine was given as either intramuscular (IM), subcutaneous (Subcut), intradermal (ID), intranasal (NAS), or oral (PO) and also the site where it was administered as either RA (right arm), LA (left arm), RT (right thigh), or LT (left thigh). 4.Record the publication date of each VIS as well as the date the VIS is given to the patient. 5.To meet the space constraints of this form and federal requirements for documentation, a healthcare setting may want to keep a reference list of vaccinators that includes their initials and titles. Abbreviation Trade Name and Manufacturer IIV3 (inactivated influenza vaccine, trivalent); IIV4 (inactivated influenza vaccine, quadrivalent); ccIIV3 (cell culture-based inactivated influenza vaccine, trivalent); RIV3 (inactivated recombinant influenza vaccine, trivalent) Fluarix (GSK); Flublok (Protein Sciences Corp.); Afluria, Fluad, Flucelvax, Fluvirin (Seqirus); FluLaval (GSK); Fluzone, Fluzone Intradermal, Fluzone High-Dose (Sanofi Pasteur) LAIV (live attenuated influenza vaccine, quadrivalent] FluMist (MedImmune) PCV13 PPSV23 HZV (shingles) Prevnar 13 (Pfizer) Pneumovax 23 (Merck) Zostavax (Merck) Hib ActHIB (Sanofi Pasteur); Hiberix (GSK); PedvaxHib (Merck) Immunization Action Coalition • Saint Paul, Minnesota • 651- 647- 9009 • • • Item #P2023 – page 2 (4/16) Vaccine Administration Record for Adults 3DWLHQWQDPH 5/31/1971 %LUWKGDWH&KDUWQXPEHU %HIRUHDGPLQLVWHULQJDQ\YDFFLQHVJLYHWKHSDWLHQWFRSLHVRIDOOSHUWLQHQW 9DFFLQH,QIRUPDWLRQ6WDWHPHQWV9,6VDQGPDNHVXUHKHVKHXQGHUVWDQGV WKHULVNVDQGEHQHƫWVRIWKHYDFFLQHV$OZD\VSURYLGHRUXSGDWHWKHSDWLHQWôV SHUVRQDOUHFRUGFDUG Route3 and Site3 Small Rural Clinic 135 County Road D Small Town, CD 46902 Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) Vaccine /RW 0IU 'DWHRQ9,6 'DWHJLYHQ Vaccinator5 VLJQDWXUHRU LQLWLDOVDQGWLWOH Td 8/1/2002 P IM/LA UO376AA AVP 6/10/1994 8/1/2002 JTA Td 9/1/2002 P IM/LA UO376AA AVP 6/10/1994 9/1/2002 RVO Td 3/1/2003 P IM/LA UO376AA AVP 6/10/1994 3/1/2003 TAA Tdap 3/1/2015 P IM/LA AC52B030AA GSK 2/24/2015 3/1/2015 JA 0025L MSD 6/13/2002 8/1/2002 JTA 0025L MSD 6/13/2002 11/1/2002 TAA am Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis HJ7GDS7G *LYH,03 Date vaccine Funding given Source PRGD\\U )63 practice name and address pl e Type of Vaccine1 Vaccine page 1 0f 2 Mahamud Omar Hepatitis A6 HJ+HS$+HS$+HS% *LYH,03 Human papillomavirus +39+39+39 *LYH,03 E x Hepatitis B6 HJ+HS%+HS$+HS% *LYH,03 Measles, Mumps, Rubella 005*LYH6XEFXW3 MMR 8/1/2002 P Subcut/RA MMR 11/1/2002 P Subcut/RA Varicella 9$5*LYH6XEFXW3 VAR 8/1/2002 Subcut/LA VAR P Meningococcal ACWY MenACWY 11/1/2002 7/12/2011 P P Subcut/LA IM/RA M28011 0799M MSD 12/16/1998 8/1/2002 JTA 0689M MSD 12/16/1998 11/1/2002 NOV 1/2/2008 7/12/2011 TAA LTB HJ0HQ$&:<>0&9@ 0369*LYH0HQ$&:< ,07*LYH03696XEFXW7 Menveo 7/15/2016 P IM/LA M12115 NOV 3/31/16 7/15/2016 RVO Meningococcal B HJ0HQ%*LYH0HQ% ,07 MenB 1/14/2016 P IM/LA J296203 PFR 8/14/2015 1/14/2016 RVO Trumenba 3/15/2016 P IM/LA J296203 PFR 8/14/2015 3/15/2016 RVO Trumenba 7/15/2016 P IM/RA J296203 PFR 8/14/2015 7/15/2016 RVO See page 2WRUHFRUGLQƬXHQ]DSQHXPRFRFFDO]RVWHU+LEDQGRWKHUYDFFLQHV HJWUDYHOYDFFLQHV How to Complete this Record Abbreviation Trade Name and Manufacturer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ƫOOLQDURZIRUHDFKDQWLJHQLQWKHFRPELQDWLRQ Tdap Td HepA +HS% +HS$+HS% +39 +39+39 005 9$5 0HQ$&:< 0369 0HQ% $GDFHO6DQRƫ3DVWHXU%RRVWUL[*OD[R6PLWK.OLQH>*6.@ 'HFDYDF7HQLYDF6DQRƫ3DVWHXUJHQHULF7G0$%LRORJLFDO/DEV +DYUL[*6.9DTWD0HUFN (QJHUL[%*6.5HFRPELYD[+%0HUFN 7ZLQUL[*6. &HUYDUL[*6. *DUGDVLO*DUGDVLO0HUFN 005,,0HUFN 9DULYD[0HUFN 0HQDFWUD6DQRƫ3DVWHXU0HQYHR*6. 0HQRPXQH6DQRƫ3DVWHXU %H[VHUR*6.7UXPHQED3ƫ]HU THFKQLFDOFRQWHQWUHYLHZHGE\WKH&HQWHUVIRU'LVHDVH&RQWURODQG3UHYHQWLRQ Immunization Action Coalition Saint Paul, Minnesota 651- 647- 9009 t t t ZZZLPPXQL]HRUJFDWJGpSGI t,WHP3 Vaccine Administration Record for Adults FRQWLQXHG 5/31/1971 %LUWKGDWH&KDUWQXPEHU practice name and address %HIRUHDGPLQLVWHULQJDQ\YDFFLQHVJLYHWKHSDWLHQWFRSLHVRIDOOSHUWLQHQW 9DFFLQH,QIRUPDWLRQ6WDWHPHQWV9,6VDQGPDNHVXUHKHVKHXQGHUVWDQGV WKHULVNVDQGEHQHƫWVRIWKHYDFFLQHV$OZD\VSURYLGHRUXSGDWHWKHSDWLHQWôV SHUVRQDOUHFRUGFDUG Type of Vaccine1 Vaccine page 2 0f 2 Mahamud Omar 3DWLHQWQDPH Date vaccine Funding given Source PRGD\\U )63 Small Rural Clinic 135 County Road D Small Town, CD 46902 Route3 and Site3 Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) Vaccine /RW 0IU 'DWHRQ9,6 'DWHJLYHQ Vaccinator5 VLJQDWXUHRU LQLWLDOVDQGWLWOH ,QƬXHQ]D HJ,,9,,9FF,,9 5,9/$,9 Flulaval 10/2/2009 F IM/RA 2F600411 GSK 8/11/09 10/2/09 PWS H1N1 12/7/2009 P IM/RA 10092224P NOV 10/2/09 12/7/09 DLW *LYH,,9,,9FF,,9 DQG5,9,03 Afluria 9/12/2010 P IM/RA 06949111A CSL 8/10/10 9/12/10 TAA Flulaval 10/1/2011 P IM/LA 2F600411 GSK 8/10/11 10/1/11 JTA IIV3 9/5/2012 P IM/RA M50907 CSL 7/2/12 9/5/12 KKC RIV3 12/2/2013 P IM/RA 350603F PSC 7/26/13 12/2/13 DCP IIV4 10/5/2014 P IM/RA UI196AA PMC 8/19/14 10/5/14 JTA IIV4 11/2/2015 P IM/LA 111773P NOV 8/7/15 11/2/15 DCP Pneumococcal conjugate HJ3&9*LYH3&9,03 PCV13 11/1/2012 P IM/LA 7-5096-o6A PPSV23 9/10/2011 P IM/LA 663012/1163X MSD 10/6/09 9/10/11 DLW PPSV23 9/15/2015 P IM/LA 663860/1626X MSD 4/24/15 9/15/15 TAA P IM/RA PMC 2/4/14 11/1/14 MAT Zoster+=9*LYH6XEFXW3 Other ActHIB 11/1/2014 D05561 WYE 4/16/10 11/1/12 CJP E Hib*LYH,03 x Pneumococcal polysaccharideHJ3369 *LYH3369,0RU 6XEFXW3 am pl e *LYH/$,91$63 See page 1WRUHFRUG7GDS7GKHSDWLWLV$KHSDWLWLV%+39005YDULFHOOD 0HQ$&:<DQG0HQ%YDFFLQHV How to Complete this Record 5HFRUGWKHJHQHULFDEEUHYLDWLRQHJ7GDSRUWKHWUDGHQDPHIRUHDFK YDFFLQHVHHWDEOHDWULJKW 5HFRUGWKHIXQGLQJVRXUFHRIWKHYDFFLQHJLYHQDVHLWKHU)IHGHUDO 6VWDWHRU3SULYDWH 5HFRUGWKHURXWHE\ZKLFKWKHYDFFLQHZDVJLYHQDVHLWKHULQWUDPXVFXODU ,0VXEFXWDQHRXV6XEFXWLQWUDGHUPDO,'LQWUDQDVDO1$6RURUDO 32DQGDOVRWKHVLWHZKHUHLWZDVDGPLQLVWHUHGDVHLWKHU5$ULJKWDUP /$OHIWDUP57ULJKWWKLJKRU/7OHIWWKLJK 5HFRUGWKHSXEOLFDWLRQGDWHRIHDFK9,6DVZHOODVWKHGDWHWKH9,6LV JLYHQWRWKHSDWLHQW 7RPHHWWKHVSDFHFRQVWUDLQWVRIWKLVIRUPDQGIHGHUDOUHTXLUHPHQWVIRU GRFXPHQWDWLRQDKHDOWKFDUHVHWWLQJPD\ZDQWWRNHHSDUHIHUHQFHOLVWRI YDFFLQDWRUVWKDWLQFOXGHVWKHLULQLWLDOVDQGWLWOHV Abbreviation Trade Name and Manufacturer ,,9LQDFWLYDWHGLQƬXHQ]D YDFFLQHWULYDOHQW,,9 LQDFWLYDWHGLQƬXHQ]D YDFFLQHTXDGULYDOHQW FF,,9FHOOFXOWXUHEDVHG LQDFWLYDWHGLQƬXHQ]D YDFFLQHWULYDOHQW5,9 LQDFWLYDWHGUHFRPELQDQW LQƬXHQ]DYDFFLQHWULYDOHQW )OXDUL[*6.)OXEORN3URWHLQ6FLHQFHV&RUS $ƬXULD)OXDG)OXFHOYD[)OXYLULQ6HTLUXV)OX/DYDO *6.)OX]RQH)OX]RQH,QWUDGHUPDO)OX]RQH +LJK'RVH6DQRƫ3DVWHXU /$,9OLYHDWWHQXDWHG LQƬXHQ]DYDFFLQHTXDG ULYDOHQW@ )OX0LVW0HG,PPXQH 3&9 3369 +=9VKLQJOHV 3UHYQDU3ƫ]HU 3QHXPRYD[0HUFN =RVWDYD[0HUFN +LE $FW+,%6DQRƫ3DVWHXU+LEHUL[*6.3HGYD[+LE 0HUFN Immunization Action Coalition t Saint Paul, Minnesota t 651- 647- 9009 t t ZZZLPPXQL]HRUJFDWJGpSGIt,WHP3ñSDJH 1