Outline Spin variables Interacting particle systems and Pfaffians Annihilating and coalescing particle systems as extended Pfaffian point processes Roger Tribe, Kwan Yip and Oleg Zaboronski Department of Mathematics, University of Warwick May 6 2013 Venice, May 6-10, 2013 Conclusions Outline Spin variables Interacting particle systems and Pfaffians Outline 1 Spin variables Definition From spin variables to correlation functions 2 Interacting particle systems and Pfaffians Pfaffians Annihilating Brownian motions on R Pfaffian Point Processes Extended Pfaffian Point Process Applications 3 Conclusions Venice, May 6-10, 2013 Conclusions Outline Spin variables Interacting particle systems and Pfaffians Spin variables N(dx) simple point measure on R Spin variable s(x) = (−1)N(0,x) x <y implies s(x)s(y ) = (−1)N(x,y ) Spin correlations Venice, May 6-10, 2013 E [s(x1 ) . . . s(x2n )] Conclusions Outline Spin variables Interacting particle systems and Pfaffians Spin variables → correlation functions d (−1)N(x,y ) = (−2)(−1)N(x,y ) N(dx) dx 1 d − lim s(x)s(y ) = N(dx) 2 y ↓x dx ρ(x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) n 1 = − lim . . . lim x2n ↓x2n−1 2 x2 ↓x1 d d d ... E [s(x1 ) . . . s(x2n )] dx1 dx3 dx2n−1 Venice, May 6-10, 2013 Conclusions Outline Spin variables Interacting particle systems and Pfaffians Pfaffians Recall, for anti-symmetric real 2n × 2n matrix A, det(A) = (Pf(A))2 . 0 a −a 0 Pf −b −d −c −e Venice, May 6-10, 2013 b d 0 −f c e = af − be + cd. f 0 Conclusions Outline Spin variables Interacting particle systems and Pfaffians Annihilating Brownian motions on R Nt (A) = Number of particles in A at time t E[s(x1 ) . . . s(x2n )] = Pf (E[s(xi )s(xj )] : i < j) Proof: Both sides solve 1 ∂t u (2n) = ∆u (2n) 2 with boundary conditions on V2n = {x1 < x2 < . . . x2n } u (2n) |xi =xi +1 = u (2n−2) (t, x1 , . . . , xi −1 , xi +2 , . . . , x2n ) Venice, May 6-10, 2013 Conclusions Outline Spin variables Interacting particle systems and Pfaffians Conclusions Pfaffian Point Processes . Corollary: Nt is a Pfaffian Point process. . That is, ρt (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) = Pf(K (xi , xj ) : i < j) Special case: maximal entrance law Kt (z) = Kt11 (z) Kt12 (z) Kt21 (z) Kt22 (z) = −F ′′ (zt −1/2 ) t −1 F ′ (zt −1/2 ) t −1/2 and F is the Gaussian error function given by Z ∞ 1 2 F (z) = 1/2 e −x /4 dx 2π z Venice, May 6-10, 2013 −F ′ (zt −1/2 ) t −1/2 sgn(z)F (|z|t −1/2 ) ! Outline Spin variables Interacting particle systems and Pfaffians Extended Pfaffian Point process Let ρ((t1 , x1 ), . . . , (tn , xn ))dx1 . . . dxn = P(particles at times ti at positions dxi ) Then ρ((t1 , x1 ), . . . , (tn , xn )) = Pf(K ((ti , xi ), (tj , xj ) : i < j)) Under maximal entrance law: for t > s and i , j ∈ {1, 2} K ij ((t, x); (s, y )) = Gt−s Ksij (y − x) − 2I{i =1,j=2} gt−s (y − x); Proof: double induction over space and time points. Venice, May 6-10, 2013 Conclusions Outline Spin variables Interacting particle systems and Pfaffians Conclusions Applications Coalescing case: The same structure as ABM’s. The kernel is rescaled by 2. Proof. Use empty interval formula I (Nt ([y1 , y2 ]) = Nt ([y3 , y4 ]) = . . . = Nt ([y2m−1 , y2m ]) = 0) in place of product spin formula. Negative dependence: An x ρt (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) = n/2 ∆ √ 1 + O(t −1/2 ) t t Venice, May 6-10, 2013 Outline Spin variables Interacting particle systems and Pfaffians Conclusions Conclusions Coalescing (annihilating) Brownian motions on R can be characterized as an extended Pfaffian point process The one dimensional law of C(A)BM’s at t = 1 coincides with the law of real eigenvalues for the real Ginibre ensemble in the limit N → ∞ (Borodin, Sinclair; Forrester, Nagao) The Pfaffian structure allows for a detailed study of the structure of correlations in C(A)BM’s including negative dependencies between particles Further research: asymptotics of multi-time correlations, the distribution of inter-particle spacings (Janossi densities), models with immigration Reference: Roger Tribe, Oleg Zaboronski, K. Yip, One dimensional annihilating and coalescing particle systems as extended Pfaffian point processes, ECP vol.17 (2012) Venice, May 6-10, 2013