6–10 May 2013, Venice, Italy Random Combinatorial Structures and Statistical Mechanics, Joint work with Jesse Goodman Frank den Hollander Leiden University The Netherlands EXTREMAL GEOMETRY OF A BROWNIAN POROUS MEDIUM Describe the geometry of the complement for d ≥ 3 and reflect on what happens for d = 2. GOAL OF THIS TALK Run a Brownian motion on a d-dimensional torus for a long time. What does its complement look like? QUESTION Simulation of W [0, t] for t = 15 in d = 2. Let W = (W (t))t≥0 denote standard Brownian motion wrapped around the unit torus Td = Rd (mod Zd). Write W [0, t] for the path of W up to time t. A deranged builder runs a heating coil through your house in an erratic manner and switches it on. How fast does the temperature equilibrate? • The Brownian heating coil You and a mosquito are trapped in a room for one hour. How should you position yourself to minimize the chance of being bitten? • The Brownian mosquito § TWO FUN APPLICATIONS x ∈ Td fixed. n o d d ∃ x ∈ T : x + φE ⊂ T \ W [0, t] . Fix E ⊂ Rd compact. For suitably chosen φ = φglobal(t), consider the event Global properties: n o d x + φE ⊂ T \ W [0, t] , Fix E ⊂ Rd compact. For suitably chosen φ = φlocal(t), consider the event Local properties: § PROPERTIES OF INTEREST , φlocal(t) φglobal(t), i.e., the largest holes are much larger than the typical holes. Note that t log t 1/(d−2) φglobal(t) = . t φlocal(t) = 1/(d−2) 1 We will see that the proper scales for these events to be typical are φd(t) = d log t (d − 2)κd t Rin(t) =1 t→∞ φd (t) lim !1/(d−2) a.s. , where κd = 2π d/2/Γ(d/2 − 1) is the Newtonian capacity of the unit ball. with For d ≥ 3, THEOREM 1 Dembo, Peres, Rosen 2003 x∈Td Rin(t) = sup d(x, W [0, t]). The largest inradius at time t is defined as § LITERATURE with namely, o ψd() = a.s. 1 log(1/) . d−2 κd C() =d ↓0 ψd () lim C() = inf t ≥ 0 : ρin(t) ≤ , n Theorem 1 can be reformulated in terms of the -cover time o T (x, ) = inf t ≥ 0 : d(x, W [0, t]) ≤ . n T (x, ) =α ψd() a.s. Theorem 2 identifies the fractal dimension of late points. n o d dim x ∈ T : x is α-late = d − α For d ≥ 3 and 0 ≤ α ≤ d, THEOREM 2 Dembo, Peres, Rosen 2003 Since C() = supx∈Td T (x, ), Theorem 1 states that no point is α-late for any α > d. with ↓0 lim sup A point x ∈ Td is called α-late when (3) Does Td \ W [0, t] have some kind of component structure? (2) Is W [0, t] sparse or dense in the neighborhood of this copy? (1) Given E ⊂ Rd compact, does Td \ W [0, t] contain a shifted scaled copy x + φd(t)E for some x ∈ Td? In the remainder of the talk we will consider the following three quantitative questions: Goodman & dH 2013 van den Berg, Bolthausen & dH 2013 § EXTREMAL GEOMETRY dense picture sparse picture • Spatial avoidance: W [0, t] stays a typical amount of time near x + φd(t)E but moves in an atypical manner. • Temporal avoidance: W [0, t] stays an atypically short amount of time near x + φd(t)E but moves in a typical manner. Two possible strategies to avoid sets are: x + ϕd (t)E x + ϕd (t)E where Cap(E) is the Newtonian capacity of E. lim P ∃ x ∈ Td : x + φd(t)E ⊂ Td \ W [0, t] t→∞ 1 if Cap(E) < κ , d = 0 if Cap(E) > κ , d For d ≥ 3, let E ⊂ Rd be a compact set satisfying a certain regularity condition. Then THEOREM 3 (1) SHAPE OF LARGE HOLES? d Cap(E) log χ(t, E) = 1− t→∞ log t d−2 κd a.s. Then subsets of the form x + φd(t)E 0 are much less numerous than subsets of the form x + φd(t)E, and so dense picture with spatial avoidance applies. Cap(E 0) ≥ Cap(E) + δ. Pick any δ > 0, and any E ⊂ E 0 with lim ! For d ≥ 3, if Cap(E) < κd, then the maximal number χ(t, E) of disjoint shifts x + φd(t)E inside Td \ W [0, t] satisfies THEOREM 4 (2) SPARSE OR DENSE? Wρ(t)[0, t] = x ∈ Td : d(x, W [0, t]) ≤ ρ(t) n ρ(t) φd(t). be the Wiener sausage of radius ρ(t). Let (log t)1/d φd(t) Let ρ(t) be such that o The set Td \ W [0, t] is connected a.s. However, large holes are rare and tend to be surrounded by W [0, t]. They can therefore be viewed as lakes connected by narrow channels, which can be sealed off by thickening up W [0, t]. (3) COMPONENT STRUCTURE? maxi∈I Cap(Ci) lim = κd. t→∞ φd(t)d−2 Note that the almost-component structure of Td \ W [0, t] is well-defined because the scaling does not depend on the fine details of the thickening radius ρ(t). For d ≥ 3, THEOREM 5 Write (Ci)i∈I to denote the components of Td \ Wρ(t)[0, t]. lim φd(t)2λmin = λ(unit ball). t→∞ Let λmin = mini∈I λ(Ci) denote the minimal principal Dirichlet eigenvalue of the components of Td \ Wρ(t)[0, t]. Then COROLLARY 7 lim Vmax = Vol(unit ball). d t→∞ φd (t) Let Vmax = maxi∈I Vol(Ci) denote the maximal volume of the components of Td \ Wρ(t)[0, t]. Then COROLLARY 6 The proofs of Corollaries 6–7 rely on the fact that, among all regions of a given volume, respectively, principal Dirichlet eigenvalue, the ball has the smallest capacity. E The proofs of Theorems 3–5 rely on a careful analysis of excursions between boundaries of small concentric balls that fill the torus, and on lattice approximations of compact sets that allow for a proper counting of shifts of scaled copies of sets. § KEY INGREDIENTS OF PROOFS Id (κ) ∞ I(r) = Id(κdrd−2), κd κ r ∈ (0, ∞). The proofs of Theorems 3–5 also imply large deviation principles. For instance, Rin(t)/φd(t) satisfies the LDP on (0, ∞) with rate log t and ]rate function I given by C(E) = 1 − e−Cap(E) for all finite sets E ⊂ Zd, where CapZd (E) is the discrete capacity of E and u ∈ (0, ∞) is a parameter. Pu(Xu ∩ E = ∅) = e −uCapZd (E) The discrete analogue of X is a random finite set Xu ⊂ Zd such that for all closed sets E ⊂ Rd. P(X ∩ E = ∅) = e−Cap(E) is a Choquet capacity with 0 ≤ C(E) ≤ 1 and C(∅) = 0, there is a random closed set X ⊂ Rd such that Since § RANDOM INTERLACEMENTS N ≈ t1/(d−2). The link between the discrete and the continuum model is obtained by picking Interestingly, Xu undergoes a percolation transition at a critical threshold u∗ ∈ (0, ∞). TdN \ S[0, uN d] seen locally from a uniformly chosen point of TdN converges in law to Xu as N → ∞. Random interlacements arise from running a random walk S = (S(n))n∈N on the N -torus TdN = Zd(modN ) up to time uN d, namely, Sznitman & co-workers Xu is called the random interlacement with parameter u. ρ(t) (log t)1/d φd(t) • Is there a percolation transition in the continuum model for some critical choice ρ∗(t) of the thickening radius? • Does the link N ≈ t1/(d−2) for random interlacements carry over to large holes, i.e., is this the link for local and global properties? of the Wiener sausage optimal or can it be pushed down to ρ(t) t−1/(d−2)? • Is the scale § OPEN QUESTIONS Goodman & dH work in progress Expect sparse picture and temporal avoidance, together with strong correlations between times spent near different points. § WHAT HAPPENS IN d = 2?