Grade Schedule, Policies and Procedures Online grade worksheets for Winter 2016 grade submission are available starting on the dates listed below. All grades are due by 11:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 28, 2016. After this date and time, the grade worksheets will be closed and grades will need to be submitted in person to the Office of Records and Registration. Part of Term 1 15 week session 2 7.5 week session 3 7.5 week session 4 7.5 week session 5 6 week session 7 33 1 week Winter Break session 7.5 week session IMC 1 7.5 week session IMC 2 4 Week Session 34 4 Week Session 14 15 Start Date End Date Grade Roster Open Grades Due Wednesday January 6 Wednesday January 6 Tuesday January 19 Monday February 29 Monday March 7 Sunday February 21 Monday, January 4 Monday, February 29 Monday January 4 Monday February 1 Tuesday April 26 Wednesday February 24 Friday March 11 Tuesday April 19 Friday April 15 Friday February 26 Wednesday February 24 Wednesday April 20 Friday January 29 Friday February 26 Wednesday April 20 Thursday February 18 Thursday Marych10 Thursday April 14 Thursday April 14 Friday February 26 Thursday February 18 Thursday April 14 Friday, January 29 Friday February 26 Thursday April 28 48 hours after last exam 48 hours after last exam Thursday April 28 Thursday April 28 48 hours after last exam 48 hours after last exam Thursday April 28 48 hours after last exam 48 hours after last exam System Hours The my.emich system is available 24 hours. Occasionally, the system may be unavailable due to required maintenance. Scheduled system closures are posted at http:/ Grade Submission Instructions Final Grade Submission Instructions are available from the Faculty Tab when you log into your my.emich account or by going directly to: The Office of Records and Registration will be available to assist in the grade submission process from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. Call 734.487.4111. -1- Last Date of Attendance Requirement: When submitting an Incomplete (I) or failing (F) grade, a Last Date of Attendance (LDA) will be required. If you do not enter the LDA, NONE of the grades you have entered will be saved or submitted. This requirement is due to federal financial aid regulations which require confirmation that students who do not complete courses have attended beyond the 60% point of the semester. Please note: this is not a requirement to take attendance. The use of test dates, homework submissions, and/or online discussions are all acceptable methods to determine the best estimate of last date of attendance. Banner grade processing Grades submitted on the Final Grades submission page are posted to the Class Roster form in Banner. Grades are then “rolled” to Banner Academic History and posted to the student’s official transcript via a batch process. Weekly grade rolls for Part of Terms ending before April 26 will occur at 11:00 p.m. starting Wednesday, February 10 through Wednesday, April 6. Nightly grade rolls for all Part-of-Terms will occur at 11:00 p.m. starting Wednesday, April 13 through Thursday, April 28. The final grade roll for winter will be Thursday, April 28 after the 11:00 p.m. deadline. Students are able to view their grades online via their my.emich account once grades have been submitted and rolled to Academic History. Change of grade procedure Once grades are rolled, they are flagged as such on the Final Grades submission page and are no longer available for update. To change a grade, use the Change of Grade Request form available in your department office. The department head and appropriate dean must approve any grade change, excluding incomplete (I) and in progress (IP) grades within one year. Signature requirements All grade changes submitted for posting through the Office of Records and Registration must contain an instructor’s signature. o If the request is to change a letter grade to another letter grade, signatures of the department head and dean are also necessary, regardless of date of submission. o If the request is to change an “N” placeholder grade to a letter grade prior to the end of the next semester, signature of the instructor only is required. If the request is to change an “N” placeholder grade to a letter grade after the end of the next semester, department head and dean signatures are also required. o If the request is to change an “I” or “IP” to a letter grade within one year, only the signature of the instructor is necessary. If the request is to change an “I” or “IP” grade to a letter grade after one year, signatures of the department head and dean are also necessary. Note: Graduate thesis, capstone and independent study courses are not subject to this “one year rule.” They are subject to a “three year rule.” o Grades of “W” cannot be assigned by faculty. Students must initiate the withdrawal. Requests for late withdrawals must be submitted to the Office of Records and Registration by the student with a written explanation and supporting documentation. o Without expressed approval from the Provost, no grades (excluding graduate field-based research, internships and dissertation hours) will be changed more than three years following the close of the semester of the course. o Without expressed approval from the Registrar, no grades will be changed after the posting of the degree which held the taken course. -2- Other grade information 1. Non-attendance University policy requires that a grade of “NA” be assigned if a student NEVER attended the class. 2. Course withdrawal As soon as a student withdraws from a course, the student record will be assigned a grade of 'W' in the banner system. The registration status field on the final grades online submission form will indicate a withdrawal status. No other grade should be submitted. 3. Incomplete grades An incomplete (I) grade may be awarded when illness or other unavoidable extenuating circumstances prevent completion of a course, provided that academic performance for the completed portion of the course (50% or more) merits a grade of B or better for graduate students and C or better for undergraduate students. A student should never be awarded an incomplete for poor work or willful non-attendance of class. Departmental offices will maintain information about the work that the student must complete in order to remove an incomplete and receive a grade for the class. A suggested form for retaining needed information has been disseminated to departments by the provost’s office, in consultation with faculty council. An incomplete must be replaced by a grade within one calendar year from the end of the semester or session in which the grade was given. The initiative for removal of an incomplete rests with the student. If not converted by the end of the one-year period, the incomplete will remain as a permanent part of the student’s record. Incomplete grades received in graduate-level thesis or independent study-type courses are not governed by these regulations. The time for replacement of an incomplete grade may be extended with written approval. Graduate students must have the recommendation of the instructor, department head and approval of the graduate dean. Undergraduate students must have the recommendation of the instructor, department head and dean of the college. The incomplete policy can be found in the graduate and undergraduate catalogs. 4. In Progress course grades The IP grade is assigned to all students in a course that continues past the semester close date or courses, such as Thesis or Fieldwork, which extend over more than one semester. This grade does not apply to independent/directed studies courses or to individual students seeking an incomplete (I) grade. This grade will be calculated in all aspects just as an incomplete is calculated. 5. Audit grade mode If the student has elected to audit your course, the student record will be assigned an audit grade of “AUD” in the banner system. A status of “audit course” will display in the registration status field on the final grades online submission form. No other grade should be submitted. -3- 6. Credit/No Credit grade mode Only courses approved for credit/no credit are to be assigned credit/no credit grades (CR/NC). Mark CR if the student is to receive credit for the course. Mark NC if the student is not to receive credit. 7. Pass/Fail grade mode For students who have elected the pass/fail option, mark the grade that would have been awarded had this option not been elected. A grade of D- or above will grant credit and the designation S will appear on the student's record. If a grade of F or NA (Never Attended) is given, a grade of U will appear on the grade report and no credit will be awarded for the course. 8. Student Teaching grade mode The following grades are assigned for student teaching: SC = credit and certification, PN = credit but not certification, UN = no credit and no certification. Applicable Grades for Grade Submission in My.Emich Grade Code Description A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF Failing Grade I Incomplete IP In Progress Course CR Passing Grade – Credit/No Credit Course NC Failing Grade – Credit/No Credit Course PN Passing Grade – No Certification - Student Teaching Course SC Passing Grade – With Certification – Student Teaching Course UN Failing Grade – Student Teaching Course NA Failing Grade - Never Attended Class -4- Quality (Grade) Points 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.3 1.0 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0