Ultra High Energy Cosmic-Rays Recent results from the Pierre Auger Observatory Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 OUTLINE • Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) • The Pierre Auger Observatory • Recent (selected) results • Upgrading the Observatory Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Centaurus A (aka Cen-A) multi-wavelength (Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/CfA/R.Kraft et al; Radio: NSF/VLA/Univ.Hertfordshire/M.Hardcastle; Optical: ESO/WFI/M.Rejkuba et al.) Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Centaurus A 13 Millions light years away from Earth Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory Multi-messenger astronomy • Photons – Most of what we know about the Universe comes from photon measurements • Neutrinos – Sun – 1987A supernova – Ice Cube in Antartica • Charged particles? 1018eV 1019eV 1020eV A charged particle astronomy window opens up at (ultra) high energy – Acceleration process / sites? – Galactic magnetic field? – Composition? Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory The cosmic-ray energy spectrum • Power-law flux over many orders of magnitude Knee • Direct measurements only below 1015eV (106GeV) • Features: knee, ankle Ankle • End of the spectrum? – Flux at 1020eV (1011GeV): <1particle/km2/century Ultra-High Energy Cosmic-Rays (UHECRs) Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory The darkest place in the Universe – seen by Hubble • Hubble Ultra-Deep Field (HDF) • 11.3 days total exposure, 800 exposures over 400 orbits between Sept 24, 2003 and Jan 16, 2004 • Bottom line: wherever you look, chances are there is something! Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory K.Greisen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 16 (1966) 748-750 The end of the cosmic-ray spectrum • GZK Cut-off: Interaction of UHECRs with Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) photons. WMAP “Rest frame of the Universe”: UHECR CMB Photon Rest frame of the UHECR: Also Zatsepin and Kuzmin (1966) CMB Photon UHECR p+γcmb→ Δ+ → p + π0 →n+π+ (also photodissociation on heavier nuclei) Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory The GZK horizon / sphere Solar System Size of Known Universe (~5000 Mpc) Closest Star (1.3 pc) 10-3 1 pc Size of Galaxy Closest Local Diameter Galaxy Supercluster Visible Horizon ~5000 Mpc (25 kpc) (700 kpc) (50 Mpc) kpc Mpc Gpc 1 parsec (pc) = 3.26 light-years ~3x1013 km “GZK Sphere” (∝R3) 3x1020eV The sources are nearby! Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines 20-30Mpc 40-50Mpc Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory Accelerator Sites ? Hillas plot: PM Bauleo & JR Martino Nature 458, 847-851 (2009) • Maximum energy (energy loss not included) " R %" B % 1018 eV Z $ ' '$ # kpc & # µG & € (size of the source) Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory Extended Air Shower (EAS) • Secondary particles are produced from a primary interaction with air high in the atmosphere (20-30km) • Subsequent interactions of secondaries produce an air shower • Only a fraction of the particles reaches the ground • The higher the energy of the primary, the larger the shower – For UHECRs, the shower can cover tens of km2 on the ground – A 1020eV primary yields 1011particles at the maximum development of the EAS. • Opportunity to study particle physics at UHE (pA cross-sections…) – About 30 times higher c.m. energy than LHC Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Extended Air Shower (EAS) Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory A (very) large ground array “We need to think big, VERY big” (circ 1992) Jim Cronin Nobel Prize 1980 Alan Watson Cosmic-Ray Expert Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory Surface Detector (SD) Array 1660 detector stations, 1.5 km spacing, 3000 km2 Fluorescence Detectors (FD) 4 telescope buildings, 6 telescopes per enclosure, 3 new HEAT telescopes, 27 telescopes total + Atmospheric Monitoring Systems The Pierre Auger Observatory 500+ PhD scientists 70+ Institutions 19 countries Calibration facilities Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory Surface Detector (SD) Array 1660 detector stations, 1.5 km spacing, 3000 km2 Fluorescence Detectors (FD) 4 telescope buildings, 6 telescopes per enclosure, 3 new HEAT telescopes, 27 telescopes total + Atmospheric Monitoring Systems The Pierre Auger Observatory 400+ PhD scientists 70+ Institutions 19 countries Calibration facilities Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory EAS measurement • Surface detector (SD) array samples the EAS particle density on the ground. 100% duty cycle. Robust detectors and good angular resolution. • Fluorescence detector (FD) detects UV light from ionized Nitrogen molecules in the air. 10-15% duty cycle only. Near calorimetric measurement and shower development across the atmosphere. • Hybrid detector combines SD and FD for more precise determination of the shower parameters. The Pierre Auger Observatory is a hybrid detector Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory The Pierre Auger Observatory Fluorescence Detector Surface Detector Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory FD Longitudinal distribution (mostly e.m.) Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Measuring the EAS development SD Lateral distribution (µ + e.m.) Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Fluorescence Detectors (~14% duty cycle (moonless nights) - calorimetric method) 440 PMTs / telescope (Photonis XP 3062) Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory FD event Duty factor: ~14% Resolution (after cuts) • Cosmic-ray energy: 8% stat + 14% syst • Shower direction: < 1° • Depth of shower maximum (Xmax): <40 g/cm2 Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Surface Detectors (100% duty cycle - the statistical engine of the Observatory) PM Bauleo & JR Martino Nature 458, 847-851 (2009) 1.5km Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory The surface detector dS S = dt Total signal: ∫ • dt • Shower direction: (0.5°-3°) Duty factor: ~100% Shower size Air s how er pa rticle Communication & GPS antennas Solar panel SD electronics and enclosure Hatch PMT, Base & enclosure Cherenkov photons 12m3 Battery Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines of pure water in a reflective Tyvek liner Rotomolded polyethylene tank Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory Shower size / energy estimation from SD SD 1500m θ≤60° SD 750m θ<55° SD 1500m 60°>θ>80° “Vertical” events Fully efficient: E≥3EeV Energy estimator: S1000 750m events Fully efficient: E≥0.3EeV Energy estimator: S450 “Inclined” events Fully efficient: E≥4EeV Energy estimator: N19 Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory Hybrid events – the “Rosetta stone” of the Observatory Lateral Distribution Function (LDF) Hybrid directions cross-check SD directions S1000: Etotal (VEM: Composition) (timing: Composition) + arrival direction Shower profile Integral: Etotal Xmax, ΔXmax: Composition + arrival direction E = A ⋅ Ŝ B FD calibrates SD energy scale Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent results Summary Four-eyes hybrid event Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Atmospheric monitoring Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory CLF / XLF – the “test” beams of the Observatory Laser Optical Equivalence: 5 mJ Laser Track~100 EeV EAS track FD records ~ 500 laser tracks/hour Applications: Photometric Calibration Timing, Pointing, Triggering, Atmospherics Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Shoot-the-astrophysical sites Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory UHECR spectrum A.Schulz for the Pierre Auger Collaboration, ICRC 2013 • SD Data 1500m (Jan’04 - Dec’12, 31645km2 sr yr) – Core contained – Zenith angle < 60° – E > 3.1018eV Ankle • Hybrid Data (Nov’05 - Dec’12) – Core contained – Zenith angle < 60° – E > 1018eV • Combined – 14% systematic uncertainty on the energy scale GZK-like cutoff Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory (Small scale) anisotropy Pierre Auger Collaboration, Science 318 (2007) 938 • Correlation with AGN with redshift < 0.018 (75Mpc) • Auger data: E>56 EeV (5.6x1019eV) • 20 out of 27 events correlate within 3.1° • Anisotropy at >99% CL Pierre Auger Collaboration, Astropart. Phys. 34 (2010) 314 Fraction of events correlating with nearby VCV AGNs 38% Science paper Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory (Small scale) anisotropy Pierre Auger Collaboration, Science 318 (2007) 938 • Correlation with AGN with redshift < 0.018 (75Mpc) • Auger data: E>56 EeV (5.6x1019eV) • 20 out of 27 events correlate within 3.1° • Anisotropy at >99% CL A.Letessier-Selvon for the Pierre Auger Collaboration, ICRC 2013 Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory Cen-A? • Cen-A is the closest AGN from our galaxy • Weak anisotropy signal – – – Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines E > 55EeV Δθ < 20° P ~ 1% (including penalty for scan) Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory Composition study with FD From: M.Unger, Snowpac and Snowcluster 2010 PHOTON PROTON Depth of shower maximum (Xmax) IRON Shower-to-shower fluctuation (σXmax) Number of muons (Nµ) • Xmax and σXmax reflect the properties of the first interaction • The first interaction for heavier particle happens at shallower depth with less fluctuation • The interpretation relies on hadronic models – Opportunity to study particle physics Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory Composition A.Letessier-Selvon for the Pierre Auger Collaboration, ICRC 2013 • Apparent transition towards heavier composition • Break in <Xmax> behavior seems to occur around the Ankle energy • Break in RMS(Xmax) at roughly the same energy • Appears to be confirmed by SD composition analysis as well Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory Two very different scenarii! A.Schulz for the Pierre Auger Collaboration, ICRC 2013 e+e- Proton sources Photo-pion production Iron sources Photo-disintegration Fe-scenario: sources running out of steam before GZK effect Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory Mixed composition The Pierre Auger Collaboration, Phys Rev D (2014) ? 1018 Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines 1019 Energy (eV) Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory More results! Hadronic cross section: Pierre Auger Collaboration, PRL 109 (2012) 062002 Photons: M.Settimo for the Pierre Auger Collaboration, ICRC 2011 Neutrinos: P.Pieroni for the Pierre Auger Collaboration, ICRC 2013 • Hadronic cross-sections, well above LHC energies! • Existence of UHE (GZK) photons and neutrinos? + Neutrinos (5%): p + γ CMB → Δ(1232) → n + π 0 Photons (10%): p + γ CMB → Δ(1232) → p + π ↓ γ +γ ↓ µ+ + νµ ↓ e+ + ν µ + ν e Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory The big picture in one plot Ankle “GZK-like” Isotropic Anisotropic Light Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Becoming heavier End of FD composition data End of SD composition data PUZZLING… BUT EXCITING!!!! Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent (selected) results Upgrading the Observatory Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Nµ and Xmax: more discrimination Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent results JEM-EUSO Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines NASA grant: 1.7M$ out of 4.4M$ for Mines! Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent results JEM-EUSO Space… the final frontier The Extreme Universe Space Observatory (EUSO) A cosmic-ray telescope on board of the ISS Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Honors Modern Physics, April 2015 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) The Pierre Auger Observatory Recent results JEM-EUSO Fred Sarazin (fsarazin@mines.edu) Physics Department, Colorado School of Mines Exposure is key! Honors Modern Physics, April 2015