Atomic Transitions


Atomic Transitions

Transitions between atomic states

(Hydrogen Atom)

• Transition probabilities are different depending on the combination of the quantum numbers (n, l ,m l

,m s

) of the initial and final states

• Selection rules:

– Δ n = anything

Δ l = ±1

– Δ m l

= 0, ±1

• The photon carries one unit of angular momentum ( ħ )

Allowed / Forbidden transitions

• Allowed transitions:

– Electrons absorbing or emitting photons to change states when Δℓ = ±1.

• Forbidden transitions:

– Other transitions still possible (not truly forbidden) but occur with much smaller probabilities when Δℓ ≠ ±1

Total Angular Momentum

• Solving the Schödinger equation introduces the orbital angular momentum as quantum number.

• A relativistic treatment would also yield the spin angular momentum as quantum number

Orbital angular momentum Spin angular momentum

Total angular momentum

Total angular Momentum

• If j and m j atom).

are quantum numbers for the single electron (hydrogen

• Quantization of the magnitudes.

• The total angular momentum quantum number for the single electron can only have the values

L , L z

, S , S z

J and J z

are quantized.

Quantum Numbers

• New quantum numbers:

– j = l ± s

Total angular momentum quantum number j=+1/2 (if l =0)

– -j ≤ m j

≤ j j, m j

: half-integers

• Notation:

– (nlm l

) changed to: (nLm j

– Example:


• n=2, l =1, m j

=3/2 gives 2P



• Only J z

can be known because the uncertainty principle forbids J x

or J y

from being known at the same time as J z


No external magnetic field

Random Orientation

External Magnetic field

J cannot align with B ext

(also true for L and S )

Complex precession motion

Spin-Orbit Coupling

• An effect of the spins of the electron and the orbital angular momentum interaction is called spin-orbit coupling .

• Similarly than in the case of the magnetic moment:

– Spin magnetic moment ∝

• Level splitting due to spin-orbit coupling:

– j = l - ½ lower in energy than j = l + ½






(4) -3/2 ≤ m j

≤ 3/2; m j

= ±1/2, ±3/2

(2) -1/2 ≤ m j

≤ 1/2; m j

= ±1/2

Expanded selection rule

• Now the selection rules for a single-electron atom become

– Δ n = anything

– Δ m j

= 0, ±1

Δℓ = ±1

Δ j = 0, ±1

Many-electron atoms?

Two-electron atom:

It gets messy very quickly!

Couplings: LS, jj

Hund’s rules (1925):

• The total spin angular momentum S should be maximized to the extent possible without violating the Pauli exclusion principle.

• Insofar as rule 1 is not violated, L should also be maximized.

• For atoms having subshells less than half full, J should be minimized.


• For example:

– Alkalis: core + one electron

– Similar to H
