Course developed by Joel M. Bach, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Karl W. Brown, MS Adjunct Faculty, Mechanical Engineering Colorado School of Mines Director, Center For Biomechanics and Rehabilitation Research Associate Clinical Professor, UCD, Assistive Technology Partners Orthopedic Biomechanics Labs Director, InCAST Syllabus and housekeeping Introduction What is Biomechanical Engineering? Web page From this page you’ll be able to link to the class web page Timeline of Major Advancements You’ll also find a link for announcements Case Study with a Bilateral Transtibular Amputee Class notes will be posted in PDF format ahead of time Anatomy and Physiology Definitions on the class web page After this week, the PDF files will be protected with the password CSM Office hours (subject to change, see the announcements on the class web page for updates) Tuesdays (1:30 – 3:00) Thursdays (10:45 – 12:15) Additional hours can be arranged Tuesdays and Thursdays by appointment • Adjunct Faculty, Mechanical Engineering, CSM • Director, InCAST • B.S. Aerospace Engineering, CU Boulder • M.S. Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Pittsburgh Head Position Monitor and Virtual Driving Simulation Head Position Monitor and Virtual Driving Simulation Variable Compliance Joystick Variable Compliance Joystick Watercraft Transfer Device Watercraft Transfer Device Powered Mounting Arm Powered Mounting Arm Head Position Monitor and Virtual Driving Simulation Head Position Monitor and Virtual Driving Simulation Variable Compliance Joystick Variable Compliance Joystick Watercraft Transfer Device Watercraft Transfer Device Powered Mounting Arm Powered Mounting Arm I will assume that everyone has taken Physics II Mechanics of Materials In addition, Dynamics is a co-requisite If you were able to register without one or more of them, or without an override from me, then please see me after class Introduction to Biomedical Engineering, Second Edition, by John Enderle, Academic Press, 2005; ISBN 978-0-12374979-6 An anatomy text might be helpful The Anatomy Coloring Book (Kapit & Elson) ($15-$20) Basic Biomechanics of the Musculoskeletal System; M. Nordin and V. Frankel; ISBN 9781609133351 This is the book that is required for the Musculoskeletal Biomechanics course (MEGN 430) in the Spring Exams (2) Project Report Project Presentation Color Atlas of Human Anatomy ($70) Homework Just about any other anatomy text Quizzes Participation 20% each 25% 5% 10% 15% 5% We are going to use the i>Clickers for class participation and quizzes At the beginning of most classes, and throughout others, there will be questions (T/F, multiple choice) that you will answer with your i>Clickers Responding will establish your participation grade You’ll need to register yours (even if you’ve done so in prior semesters) if you want a grade Go to and register your device We’re going to start using them Thursday Please be sure to bring yours to class every day Some days’ questions will randomly be graded This will establish your quiz grade I really like classes where we can get discussions going Discuss… With such a large class that will be difficult What is good about it? I will try some things out to see if we can facilitate What is bad about it? discussions If you have ideas, let me know There will be three types of homework Knowledge based (short answer questions) Problems (requiring calculations) Research (internet or literature search and summary) Electronic (e-mail) submissions are encouraged where reasonable Treat everyone with respect No cell phones (please silence the ringer and tone down the buzz) No texting No passing notes back and forth No surfing the web on your laptop, tablet, phone, etc. I reserve the right to eject you from class if your behavior violates these policies or if you are disturbing your classmates or me This course is intended to provide an introduction to, and overview of, Biomechanical Engineering (hence the title) This course is a prereq for the other biomechanics courses At the end of the semester, you should have a working knowledge of the special considerations necessary to apply mechanical engineering and related principles to the human body Tentative version is posted on the web page It may be changing in the next week or so as I update my plans for the class Anatomy and Physiology Bioelectric Phenomenon Biomechanical Sensors Bioinstrumentation Biosignal Processing Biomechanics Biomaterials Tissue Engineering Human Motion Rehabilitation Engineering Group size 4 to 6 students per project Written Report (25% of grade) 5 to 15 pages, double spaced Length will be affected by type of project, size of team, etc. Presentations (5% of grade) 10 minutes followed by 5 minutes Q&A The time limit will be strictly enforced Scope Review of medical and/or engineering literature pertaining to a selected biomechanical engineering related application, condition, injury, problem, device, topic, etc. Intervertebral disc replacements and spinal fusion Tommy John surgery Spine reconstruction Cervical spinal cord injury case study Upper extremity prosthetics Lower extremity prosthetics Myoelectric prosthetic hand Tissue engineering for musculoskeletal applications Nanotechnology in orthopedics Finite element analysis of the proximal femur Shod vs. barefoot running Mechanics of rotator cuff surgery Straightening scoliosis Knee therapy/repair devices Patellar tendinitis Meniscus tears Total knee replacement Exoskeletons 3d printing Rotationplasty Umbrella term, often associated more with biotech or genetic engineering Sometimes used as a default rather than getting more specific (biomedical, biomechanical, bioelectrical, etc) Life Sciences, Medicine, Veterinary First, what do they have in common? Biology BioEngineers Medicine Engineering Biologist Engineer Traditional Engineering Fields Medical Professional Applies electrical, chemical, optical, mechanical, and Medical Sciences other engineering principles to understand, modify, or control biologic systems Must have a good understanding of engineering fundamentals as well as anatomy, physiology, and medicine BioMedical Engineers Traditional Engineering Fields Modeling, simulation, systems analysis Detection, measurement, modeling of physiologic signals Development of devices for replacement or augmentation of body parts And development of therapeutic and rehabilitation procedures and devices Research in new materials for prosthetics, tissues, implants, etc. Research physiological processes such as walking, running, manual wheelchair propulsion and transfers, etc. And develop computer models of physiologic systems and functions Design imaging systems, sensors, implants, instruments Design control systems And study of normal and abnormal function to develop new methodologies of treatment As medicine becomes more reliant on technology, there is increasing need for biomedical engineers M.D.s (and other medical professionals) speak one language, traditionally trained engineers speak another. Biomedical engineers bridge this gap and often act as facilitators 1714 – Fahrenheit scale proposed based upon human body temperature (100°) 1733 – First blood pressure measurement 1816 – The Stethoscope is invented 1818 – First successful blood transfusion 1853 – The Hypodermic Syringe is invented 1860 – The Sphygmomanometer is invented 1870 – Aseptic surgical technique developed 1895 – X-Rays are discovered 1899 – Aspirin is introduced 1903 – Electrocardiograph (ECG) invented 1906 – First human cornea transplant 1921 – Insulin—a treatment for diabetes 1924 – The Electroencephalogram (EEG) 1928 – Penicillin is discovered 1929 – The iron lung breathes for polio victims 1937 – First blood bank 1938 – First total hip replacement 1944 – Open-heart surgery 1953 – Discovery of the structure of DNA 1953 – Heart-Lung machine is successful 1954 – First kidney transplant 1957 – Ultrasound scanning of pregnant women 1964 – First surgical use of lasers 1967 – The CT Scan is developed 1967 – First human heart transplant 1973 – DNA cloning is invented—birth of genetic engineering 1974 – Patent is granted for the MRI 1981 – First use of artificial skin to treat a 3rd-degree burn 1982 – First implantation of the Jarvik Artificial Heart 1995 – Patent issued for unique blood substitute 2012 – bilateral trans-tibial amputee races in the Olympics against “able bodied” athletes Now we transplant kidneys, livers, hearts, lungs, pancreas, intestines, blood vessels, cornea, etc. We have artificial kidneys (dialysis), livers (liver dialysis), hearts (fully implantable) We can genetically engineer compounds and tissues We’ve decoded the human genome Disadvantages? What do we need to consider? No energy generation from muscles Mechanical No/limited ability to adapt to varying terrain, turns, etc. Biomechanical Advantages? Physiological Springs are more efficient at energy storage and return than ??? are muscles/tendons His prosthetic legs are lighter than his natural legs would be His prosthetic legs may be longer than his natural legs would be Unknown? Altered biomechanics relative to how humans have evolved (2.8 mph) (4.5 mph) Walking Speed Ankle (A2) Knee (K2) Hip (H1+H3) Total Slow (J/kg) 0.22 0.04 0.08 0.35 % Total 63 11 23 Natural (J/kg) 0.21 0.06 0.12 (7.3 mph),sawicki_Interface_2011_walkrunID.pdf % Total 54 15 31 Fast (J/kg) 0.19 0.10 0.15 % Total 42 22 33 0.39 0.45 Disadvantages: No energy generation from muscles No/limited ability to adapt to varying terrain, turns, etc. Advantages: Springs are more efficient at energy storage and return than are muscles/tendons His prosthetic legs are lighter than his natural legs would be His prosthetic legs may be longer than his natural legs would be What might be even more amazing are the claims of an unfair advantage Pistorius didn’t get to run in the 2008 Olympics because of the claims we just discussed He was allowed to run in the 2012 Olympics In the 2012 Paralympics Pistorius claimed that one of his competitors had an unfair advantage, that his blades were too long Unknown: Altered biomechanics relative to how humans have evolved Everyone is different Most body parts have multiple functions Gender differences Deformable bodies Racial differences Large degree of redundancy Age differences Other individual differences We often can’t see what we are studying Most tissues are not linearly elastic, but rather are viscoelastic (including fluids) Most tissues can repair or remodel Language !!! Mechanics - the science which deals with motion or non-motion of material objects Statics Kinematics Kinetics Dynamics Refers to the internal and external structures of the body and their physical relationships The description of dimensions and masses of the body Refers to the study of the functions of the anatomical structures Standing upright, looking straight ahead, feet straight ahead, arms straight and at your sides, palms forward. its segments and/or its parts Superior (cranial, cephallic), Inferior (caudal) Anterior (ventral, frontal), Posterior (dorsal) Superficial, Deep Medial, Lateral Proximal, Distal Sagittal – divides body into left and right Palmar (plantar), Dorsal Frontal – divides body Ipsilateral, Contralateral into front and back Transverse – divides body into top and bottom Email (the best way to reach me) One paragraph answering why you signed up to take Phone TBD Grade based on Office Brown Building, room 317 this class Honesty Professionalism Length – three to five sentences Send in body of email to Due by beginning of class Thursday (8/27)