Hl,lsc 'HMSC QL 9r 628 a .o7 .07 s363 63 t97 4 1974 o WATERSHEDS' 1974 1974 COASTAL SPAWNINGSAUON SAL)N SURVEYS ININCOASTAL WATERSHEDS, SURVEYS SPAIVI{ING t o BcrrY L. Berry Richard L. Richard o o Infonnation Report 75-4 Rivers Information Coastal Rivers and lttildlife Fish andWildlife of Fish Oregon Department Departnrcnt of Oregon o . 1975 O c t o b e r 1975 October tc i*?'Jr'll'g$'r" Ti:rtiT,Tfi POTTS GUIN 1IBRAR SCiENCE CE$1 UWIVERSTY UNIVIRSITY ,i*',,,'ll\i aTE i3 1,o..';!il. : .,, 0R[G0[l$7ffi H________________________________ c . a ) o c0l\rEl.rTs CONTENTS PaFe GENERALINFORMATION. INFOTIO RESULTS. RESULTS F a l l C h i n o oSalmon kS a l m o.............................................. n.... FallChinook C o h o S a l r n o n . . . . CohoSalmon ..................................................... S 5 LITERATURE LITERATURE CITED CITED. .................................................... 9 APPENDIX TABLES. APPENDIX TABLES ......................................................... t0 10 TABLES TABLES Te I*!e 2 2 4 4 page Page Numbers Numbers of of Sunrey and Total Survey Trips Trips and Total Distances Surveyed Sunreyed During During the the 1974-75 1974-75 Spawning SpawningSalmon Salncn Season Season. .................... 2 2 Conparison Comparison Salrron and Salmon and Between 1974 Fish per Mile Between 1974 Mile Counts Cormts of ot Spawning Spawning the Long-Term the Long-Term Averages Averages of of the Annual Annual Counts Comts ....... 3 Summaryof Peak Fish/Mile Summary of Peak Fish/t'lile Counts Cormts of of Coho Coho in in Survey Sunrey Areas Areas of Tenslile Pof Tenxnile Lakes Lakes Tributaries Tributaries Since 1955 1955. ......................... 6 Calculated C a l c u l a t e d Escapement Potentj al Egg Escapenent and and Potential Egg Deposition Deposition of of Coho Coho in Tenmile in Tenmile L a k e s , 1955-74 Lakes, 1 9 5 5 -7 4..................................... .. . 8 8 FIGURES FIGURES 0 o Figure I1 2 2 3 3 o t 5 3 3 8 3 3 o I 1 Stll'0vtARY. surf4ARY .............................................................. I1 o . Page Page Average Number Nunber of of Fall Fall Chinook/Mile Average in Standard Standard Survey Chinook/l,lile in Suney A r e a s of o f Six S i x Coastal Areas C o a s t a l Rivers, R i v e r s , 1952-74 l 9 S 2 - 7 4......................... . 4 4 Average Number Numberof of Coho/Mile Coho/Mile in Average Standard Survey Are in Standard Areas of of Eight Coastal Rivers, 1950-74 Eight Coastal Rivers, 1950-74. ................................ 4 4 Calculated Coh3 Col:cEscapement Escapement Tennil,e Lakes, Calculated into Lakes, 1955-74 into Teninile 1955-74. ....... 7 7 a I.. APPENDIX TABLES TPBLES APPENDIX . 1 2 o 3 4 o S 6 . o 7 8 to 0. 9 l0 10 a 11 II 12 T2 o 13 13 14 T4 o l.) 15 166 1 . P3gu Page Table Table l17 7 Peak Peak Counts Counts on Nehalem Nehalem River Spawning Fish Surveys Surveys for River Spawning for Fall Fa11 Chinook Chinook Since Since 1950 1950...................................... 1 111 Peak Counts Peak Ti1laook Bay BaySpawning Counts on Til.lamook SpawningFish Fish Surveys Surveys for for Fall Fall Chinook ....................................... CtiinookSince Since1950 1950. 12 L2 Peak Peak Counts Counts on on Nestucca Nestucca River Spawning Fish Surveys SpawningFish Sunreys for for Fall Fall Chinook ...................................... ChinookSince Since 1950 1950. 13 13 Petk Perrk Counts Counts on on Siletz Siletz River River Spawning SpawningFish Fish Surveys Surveys for for Fall Fal1 Chinook Chinook Since Since 1952 1952...................................... 14 L4 Peak Counts Peak Yaquina River Counts on on Yaquina P.iver Spawning SpawningFish Fish Surveys Surveys for for Fall F a l 1 Chinook C h i n o o kSince S i n c e1950 1 9 5 0..................................... . 15 15 . Peak Counts Peak Counts on on Alsea River Spawning SpawningFish Fish Surveys Suneys for Fall for Fall Chinook Since 1952 Chinook Since 1952. ........................................... 16 16 Peak Peak Counts Counts on Siuslaw River River Spawning SpawningFish Fish Surveys Surveys for for Fall F a 1 1 Chinook C h i n o o kSince S i n c e1952 1 9 5 2...................................... . 17 17 Peak Counts Peak on Coquille Counts on Coquille River Spawning SpawningFish Fish Surveys Surveys for for F a L l Chinook Fall C h i n o o kSince S i n c e 1952 ..................................... 1952. 18 18 Peak Counts Peak Counts on on Nehalen P.iver Spawning Nehalem River SpawningFish Surveys Surveys for for Coho Since 1950 Coho 1950.............................................. l19 9 Peak Counts Peak Counts on ltlilsorr Wilson River Spawning Fish Surveys River Spawning Surveys for for Coho Coho S i n c e 1 9 5 0................................................... Since1950 . 20 20 Peak Peak Counts River Spawning Counts on Nestucca Nestucca River Spawning Fish Surveys SurveTs for for Coho Since Coho Since 1950 . I 9 5 0............................................... 21 2T Peak Peak Counts Counts on Yaquina Yaquina River Spawning Fish Surveys River Spawning Surveys for for Coho CohoSince Since 1950 . I 9 5 0............................................. 22 22 Peak Peak Counts River Spawning Counts on Alsea River Spawning Fish Surveys Surveys for for Coho Coho S i n c e 1 9 5 0...................................................... Since1950 . 23 73 Peak Counts Peak Counts on Beaver Spawning Fish Surveys Surveys for Beaver Creek Creek Spawning for Coho Coho Since -Since1950 1 9 5 0.............................................. . 24 z4 Peak Peak Counts Counts on Tenrnile Tenmile Lakes Spawning Salmon Salmon Surveys Surveys for Lakes Spawning for CohoSince Coho Since l955. 1 9 5 5 ................................................ 25 ?s Peak Counts Peak River Spawning Coos River Counts on Coos Spawning Fish Fish Surveys Surveys for Coho for Coho Since1950 S i n c e 1 9 5 0................................................... . 26 26 Peak Peak Counts Counts on Coquille River Spawning Coquille River Spawning Fish Fish Surveys Surveys for for CohoSince Coho Since 1950 I 9 5 0............................................... . 27 27 o Watersheds, 1974 SpawningSalmon Spawning Salnon Surveys Surveys in in Coastal Watersheds, 1974 GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATIOI.I Spawningcoho, Spawning and chum are annually annually surveyed surveyed in in coho, chinook, chinook, and chumsalicn salncn are coastal streans by Department Wildlife personnel. personnel. coastal streams and Wildlife Departmentof Fish and of Fish e Annual Annual peak cotmts of of spawning index of of peak counts provide data for computing spawning salmon salrpn provide data for computing an an index year to coastal trends coastal escapenent escapement which is plotted each salnon trends to chart spawning salmon is plotted each year chart spawning over aa period period of years. over of years. o peak counts coho and and This report for coho report presents peak cormts for chinook salmon salmon during ancl makes nakes comparisons conrparisons spawning season season and during the the 1974-75 1974-75 spawning with years. similar data with similar data from from previous years. Information salmon salrnonsurveys Information on on chum chr-na surveys presented in is presented (Berry, 1975). is report (Berry, f97S) in aa separate separate report . o years ago, and addiaddilrere first ago, and Spawning Spawningfish 28 years established 28 surveys were first established fish surveys program. tional tional areas areas were were added sampling program. needed to to form coastwide sampling added as as needed fonn aa coastwide In 1971, project was was substantially In 1971, the project modified. substantially modified. a . . o were not Surveys that that were Surveys representative habitat changes, access, or other representative because access, of habitat changes, difficult difficult because of ph;'sical reasons were eliminated. physical reasons were elininated. were deleted chinook surveys .sufleys were Spring chinook were evident. because were so trends were evident. because the counts low no neaningful trends counts were so low no meaningful o StatisStatis- were discussed tical discussed in in tical analysis analysis and of eliminating these surveys surveys were and effects effects of elinrinating these a. (Skeesick, 1972). the 1971 spawning fish 1971 spawning survey report report (Skeesick, 1972). fish survey o point of The The beginning and was redefined in 1974 end point of each each survey surve). was redefined in to and end 1974 to The changes were essential calculate calculate the exact essential to exact distance surveyed. The changeswere to compute corpute distance surveyed. Present annual accurate fish per mile accurate fish mile averages. annual survey survey distances distances are are 30.8 30.8 averages. Present tn miles for miles for fall and 38.5 rniles for for côho. fall chinook 38.5 miles coho. chinook and were Corrected mileages n:ileages were for all used for uscd all tables and figures in this this report. tables and figures in report. Thus, Thus, a discrepancy discrepancy exists exists between this report between data presented presented in survey in this and in in earlier earlier spawning spawning fish fish suney report and o . a reports. reports. year coho Each year are conducted the Tenmile Terunile lakes Each coho surveys surveys are conducted in in the lakes system system to to provide the data provide spawning population population and and egg egg base for of the spawning data base for an an estimate of S o . 2. 2. the to rninimize In the nlsnber number of of surveys was was reduced reduced to minimize the In 1974 1974 the desposition, des position, work. field work. field estinates accurate population that accurate Statistical analysis population estimates showedthat analysis showed Statistical sunreys. 25 surveys. original 25 of the the original on eight eight of be based based on could be per mile nile Annual fish per Annual fish with annual counts obtained annual counts surveys wete correlated with were correlated counts from eight surveys irom these eight o years 1955-73, correlation and correlation the years 25 surveys for from fron 25 for the 1955-73, and jacks and were both both 0.99. 0.99. for jacks adults were and adults for (r) coefficients coefficients Cr) to was reduced reduced to Total rnileage was Total survey survey mileage 25 o:riginal 25 for the the original miles for 17.1 miles to 17.1 comparedto 7.0 miles for eight surveys, compared for eight o surveys. surveys. cotmts that counts to ensure ensure that once to more than than once surveyed more Index areas were were often often surveyed rrm. peak of the spawning spaming run. of the were made the peak nade near near the were a tining Variability in the timing Variability in of floods, floods, and duration duration of voltrne and betweenstreams, streams, volume of the spawning migrations between of the spawningmigrations and occasionally occasionally surveys and rescheduling surveys forced rescheduling and silt silt load frequently forced and load frequently areas. index areas. standard index on some somestandard surveys on resulted resulted in in inadequate inadequate surveys tO su::rteys Coho Coho surveys south north a"id the north and south personnel from fron the were done by personnel in in the region were doneby the mid-coast nid-coast region resigned. Newportresigned. in Newport coast when area biologist biologist in when the area were These surveys surveys were These activity. peak spawning spawningactivity. not necessarily done during peak doneduring a season s p a w n i n gseason t h e 1974-75 1 . 9 7 4 - 7 5spawning d u r i n g the Field walked miles 138.3 m i l e s during F i e l d ppersonnel a l k e d 138.3 ersonnel w year. preuious year. (Table 1), oveT the the previous 9.5eoover 1), an increase of of 9.5% o a S started Surveys Surveys started lg7s. 16, 1975. January 16, through January on on November November15, ild continued continued through 15, 1974, Lg74, and Table Table I. 1. River System Syst.em River Nehalen Nehalem K ilchis Kjlchjs l,li l son Wilson Ti I lanook Tillamook Nestucca Nestucca Silet z Siletz Yaquina Yaquina Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Alsea Alsea Sius law Siuslaw Tenmile Tenmile Coos Coos Coquille Coquille TotaI Total Surveyed Numbers of Survey_Trips Survey Trips and and Tctal Total D:.stances Dstances Surveyed Nunbers of During the 1974-75 Spawning Salmon Salmon Season Secson 1974-75 Spawning During the Fall Chinook Fall CIrinook Miles No. ffi-"]im; 7 7 1 2 2 1r 5 5 4 4 7 7 1 Coho Coho I,iiles Miles 11.8 11.8 6.0 6.0 1 .0 1.0 14 l4 i.0 1.0 1.8 1.8 3.3 3.3 4 .2 4.2 11.0 11.0 6 6 7.8 7.8 l3 13 11.6 11.6 9 9 J 3 7 7 lI.1 11.1 2.3 2.3 7.2 7.2 26 26 6 6 13 13 20.0 20.0 6.6 6.6 1 4 .6 14.6 97 97 93.0 93.0 8 8 13.5 13.5 2 1.1 1 .1 4 _4 4l 41 froNo. 2.4 2-.4 45.3 45.3 T otal Total ffi.--ffi; No. 2t 21 1 8 8 1I l8 18 4 4 I6 16 3 3 15 15 2 2 26 26 66 t7 17 138 138 1 Miles 17.8 1 7 .8 1.0 1.0 8.8 8.8 1.8 1.8 14.9 1 4 .9 4.2 4.2 22.L 22.1 2.3 2.3 20.7 20.7 1.1 1.1 20.0 20.0 6.6 6.6 17.9 _17.0 138.3 138.3 o J. 3. RESULTS RESULTS Salmon F aIl C h i n o o k Salmon Pail Chinook rivets' six coastal rivers, in six was 27 fish/mile in 27 fish/mile The chinook was fall chinook T\e count count of fall (Table 2). 2)' l9S2-73 (Table from 1952-73 average from Z|-year average the 22-year below the which was 10 l0 fish/mile fish/mile below which was o on 12 on fmrn 12 ranged from 1974 ranged in 1974 sufl/eys in standard surveys amongstandard The nunber number of The of fish/mile fish/mile among River. Nehal,emRiver. the Nehalem of the tributaries of 5I on on tributaries the Alsea Alsea River to to 51 Auxiliary Auxiliary 18 fish/mile, fish/nile' 116 and avettge;d116 and 18 rivers averaged and Coquille Coquille rivers Siuslar.rand surveys surveys on the Siuslaw a respectively. respectively. Creek Hunbu.gCreek on IIuxnbg was on survey was standard survey The in aa standard count in highest count The highest A high su::vey' A nile survey. 1.0 mile in aa 1.0 obsened in (Nehalem chinook observed with 157 157 chinook (NehalemRiver) River) with an Creek'' an Lake Creek; on Lake mile survey sunrey on 0.6 mile in aa 0.6 observed in count of of 199 was observed 199 chinook was a River. Siuslaw River. on the the Siuslaw auxiliary survey survey on auxiliary and Nehalemand the Nehalem All except the A1l rivers rivers except averages. !.ong-termaverages. their long-term below their Siuslaw counts below fish/nile counts Siuslaw had had fish/mile Table Z. Table 2. o o o a Spawning of Spawning per Mile llile Counts Cornts of Comparison 1974 Fish per Between1974 CornpariscnBetween Annual Counts Comts the Annual Averages of of the Salmon and Long-TermAverages and the Long-Term Sallncn Species Coho Fall Chinook 1974 average average fish/nile fish/mile U 1/ 1974 average 2/ Long-term Long-term average U the average average of 1974 fron the 1974 from Departure of Range Range 77(2) 27(2) 37(7) 3 7( 7 ) -10 -10 L 4( 2 )- s e( 8 ) 14(2)-59(8) 1 7( 4 ) 17(4) 31(3) 31(5) '14 -14 12(2)-71(6) 12(2)-7r(6) average. in the average. ineluded in aye included parentheses, arc males, in in parentheses, Preeoetal males, 1/ Precocial L/ oho. 1.950'73for dtinook, 2950-73 1952-73for 2/ for coho. 2/ 2952-73 for chinook, fishery peak counts comnercial fishery when the the commercial 1956 when Peak after 1956 considerably after counts varied considerably a (Figu.re 1). l). streams (Figure w a s closed on coastal coastal streams was closed on to appears to The trend appears The overall overall trend above years have been above have been past 77 years the past in only 22 of the counts in downward. Counts 1e slightly downward. ! ) e slightly average. the long-term l o n g - t e r m average. ti;,e a areas are are tabulated Peak tabulated in in Appendix Appendix fall chinook survey areas Peak counts for for fall T a b l e s 1-8. I-8. Tables o a S 4. 4. o S o 6 o 5 \ o 4 \ T- J o Jacks Adul,ts and and Jacks Adults \ t, ,f. Z7-Year AverAge (19s2-73) earverjA \ 2 \/\ Lz' 1 7 n I 10 o 0t, \-,A/-\ / \ I -/ w"r __/1J \-J ' * -i *t "--t-:*l**-r_ s522 54 54 56 56 Jacks :,Jacks \. \ --- -? ^- /7 \ - / /--- \ ' _\ ,i **r----r SB 64 64 - , --- _/ _ r r - - ----\_ _\_ 6 688 r' 72 7 0 72 70 rv - '-r*--"T 62 62 60 60 \r-- --._ 6 666 r \--l 74 74 Year Year Figure Figure 1. 1. in Standard Standard Average of Fall Fall Chinook/Mile Chinook/l'lile in Number of Average Ntmber Rivers, 1952-74 1952-74 Survey Survey Areas Areas of of Six SiJ( Coastal Coastal Rivers, 6Q and Jacks Jacl<s Adults and o u-Adults o '-I -4 4 I 24-Yeat r.x. a a z 0 I 1Q - fJacks -'-- o a o Average (1es0-73) - - Q____., --,//\' - I JZ 52 JT 54 - - , - r / - _ - -- -- - ---r/ I 56 56 58 5B 60 60 I 62 64 62 64 66 66 68 68 70 70 72 72 Year Year Figure 2. 2. Figure Average Number in Standard Survey Sunrey Average Numberof of Coho/Mile Coho/l.tile in Areas Rivers, 1950-74 1950-74 Areas of of Eight Eight Coastal Rivers, 74 o. o o ). Coho Coho Salmon Salmon 17 averaged 17 drainages averaged coastal drainages Peak counts eight coastal Peak in eight of coho coho salmon salnon in counts of (Table 2), abundanceneasured fish/mile the low level of abundance measured the the tevel of fish/mile (Table 2), continuing continuing the year. previous year. previous o 1950-73average. average. The was 55% the 1950-73 551 of of the The average average count count was Peak Peak River l'lestucca River five fish/mile on Nestucca fish /nile on counts cn individual watersheds ranged individuaL watersheds ranged from fmm fivc tributaries to River. tributaries to 42 42 fish/mile on Coos fish/nile on CoosRiver. All except the the Wilson Wilson A11 rivers, rivers, except and averages. and Coos, had counts below their Coos, had counts below their long-term long-tern averages. o fourth lowest lowest was the the fourth counts was The fish/mile counts peak fish/mile The coastwide average of of peak coastwide average was oily (Figure 2), fish/nile one fish/mile reco:ded since reco:decl 2), and and was c:rly one the counts began since the began (Figure above the 1973 above 1973 average. average. downward The 1974 .rave been been influenced influenced downward rnayiave The cormts may 1974 counts by poor poor counts counts in the midcoast midcoast area. area. in the o Peak counts of Tennile lakes tributaries Peak areas of of Tenmile lakes tributaries coho in in survey of coho surrrey areas averaged 70 The data data (fable 3), averaged the 1955-73 1955-73average. average. The 70 fish/mile fish/nile (Table 3), 30% 30%of of the r.rponaI population were estinate population estimate were used escapcnent based based tpon used to to estimate estinate total total escapcment (lricrganand completedin Henly, 1959). completed andHenry, 1959). in 1955-56 1955-55(Morgan E!matd in Esiirnat:jescapements escapements in the Tenmile lcvel Tenmile systen system indicate indicate a fairly fairly static static spavrnint spawning population popu1tion level o bctween 1960 L972 between in 19C8 1968and again in in 1972 l96C and and 1967 1967 with aa sharp sharp decline decline in and ag.in (Figure 3). (Figure 3). the calculated There r.rasaa modest in 1973, 1973, but but in 1974the calculated There was nodest increase increase in in 1974 escapementfell escapement fell to the lowest on record. to the lowest on record. o produced The adult The adult escapement escapenentproduced (Table 4) was 27% 27* of of the the an a) which an estimated estinated deposition of nillion eggs eggs (Table which was of 8.9 8.9 million 1955-73 1955-73 average. average. in the Drastic have occurred in population the coho coho population Drastic changes changes have was chemically remove stunted populations since the lake was 1968 to to remove chenically treated treated in in 1968 o warm-waterfish. of warm-water of fish. Peak tabulated in Appendix in Appendix Peak counts each coho coho survey sun'ey area are tabulated cor:nts for for each g-L7. T a b l e s9-17. Tables a o o o 6 6.. Table 3. 3. Table It in Sunrey Survey of Coho Coho a in Cotmts of Peak Fish/Mile Fish/Mile Counts of Peak Summary of Sr.urniarY 1955 Since 1953 Since Tributaries Lakes Tributaries Tenrnile Lakes Areas of Tenmile Areas of Year Year 1955 1955 1 956 1956 1957 1957 1958 1958 l95e 1959 I 960 1960 1 9 6I 1961 L962 1962 1963 1963 1964 1964 1965 1965 I1966 966 1 967 1967 t96B 1968 : t969 969 1970 1970 1 97 l 1971 1972 1972 1 97 3 1973 L974 1974 I o o to . Avcrage Average 1955-73 19 5 5 -7 3 o o . I Fish/Mile Fish/Mile 686 (199) 686(ree) 614(2s6) 614 (296) s0s(r64) 505 (164) 23e(102) 239 (102) 26) r o s ( 26) 105( 240(r74) 240(174) 3 18( 1 l s ) 318(115) 366(r 34) 366(134) 33s(200) 335 (200) 38r(164) 381(164) 7e) 218( 2 1 8 (79) 93) ?s9(93) 259( 2 7 6( 13 1 ) 276(131) 3l) 123( 1 2 3 ( 31) 2 1 0( 12 6 ) 210(126) s46(3ss) 546(355) 74) 400( 74) 400( 28) llS1( s r ( 28) St) 212( 51) 212( 17) 70( 7 0 ( 17) e7) 233( zss(97) Departure Departure Average From Fron Average - 163(- 80) -163(-80) Index Index l{ileage Mileage 7.0 7.0 1/ L/ O JJ of iacke jacks i,neluded included numbers of Numbersininparentheses parentheses indtccte indicate nwnbere Nwbez,s in total tatal count. cotmt. in : 7. 7. to 10 o Adults and andJacks Adults Jacks 80 o (n tr I en a F 4. o 60 60 .J E: 4 u, lrl r5 q) P (d I 5) (1gss-7 (1955-73) / /\ II' o (! l) Average f-Year Average JLYear \ c a) I' \ I ,r 40 7\ t, ,r 4ot\ \ a U / 6 I 20 I v ' 'n t '" Ja cks Jacks i \Vf 0 o 7 55 57 1 1 S9 61 6 633 65 65 67 69 71 73 Year Year o o Figure 3. 3. Figure Lakes, Tennile Lakes, into Tenmile Calculated Escapernortinto coho Escapement Calculated Coho 1955-74 1955-74 74 8. epcsition'of Depositionof Egg D Potential. Egg and Potential Calculated Escapement EscaPenentand Calculated 7 4 1 9 5 5 Lakes, 1955-74 Tennile Lakes, in Tenmile Coho in Coho 4. Table 4. Table o o o Yezt Year Adults 19.'r5 19S5 1956 1956 1957 1957 1 958 1958 1959 1959 1960 1960 961 I1961 1962 1962 1963 1963 1964 1964 1965 1965 1966 1966 L967 1967 1 968 1968 1969 1969 1970 1970 l9 71 1971 t972 1972 1973 1973 L974 1974 4 1,500 41,500 30,500 30,500 3 1 ,5 0 0 31,506 2,500 1 12,500 8 ,000 8,000 5 , 50J 5,503 16,000 16,000 I 8 ,5 0 0 18,500 11 , 0 0 0 11,000 19,500 19,500 12 , 5 0 0 12,506 I13,500 3,500 I l, 500 11,500 7,500 7,500 6 ,500 6,500 14,900 1 4 ,9 0 0 2 8 ,0 0 0 28,000 8,000 8,000 ooo l.3, 13,000 4,500 4,500 1 9 5 5 -7 3 1955-73 Average Average o 66.s1/ 66.5 u 66.51/ 66.5 u 65.2 65.2 62.9 62.9 66.sy1/ 66.5 6 6 .8 66.8 66.2 66.2 67.0 67.0 7 r.6 71.6 66.1 66.1 7 L.3 71.3 5 6.8 56.8 6 0 .9 60.9 6 6 .9 66.9 6 1 ,I 61.8 6 5 .4 65.4 60.8 60.8 65.4 65.4 6 1.5 61.5 66.4 66.4 2/ Potential Egg ,t?i.tIAfEssl Deposition Deposition Total in Millions in Millions / 1o, 500 10,500 3,500 3,500 8,000 8,000 3,000 3,000 77,5oo 77,500 8 2 ,o 0 o 82,000 6 60,500 0,500 28,500 28,500 12,500 12,500 32,500 32,500 35,500 35,500 39,000 39,000 41,500 41,500 4 4,000 44,000 24,500 24,500 27,500 27,500 3 2,500 32,500 12,500 l2,S00 23,500 23,500 7 1, 9 0 0 71,900 38,500 38,500 I 1,500 11,500 21,000 21,000 7,500 7,S0O 8 2 .I 82.8 6 0.9 60.9 61.5 61.5 2s.7 23.7 15.9 15.9 1 1 .1 11.1 31.8 3 1 .8 37.2 37.2 s8.7 38.7 38.7 38.7 26.7 26.7 23.1 23.1 21..6 21.6 I5.0 15.0 t2.0 12.0 29.1 29.1 51.1 5 1 r. 15.7 15.7 23.8 23.8 8.9 8.9 2L,400 21,400 37,700 37,700 32.7 32.7 3 6 ,0 0 0 36,000 51,500 51,500 29,000 29,000 16,000 16,000 4,500 4,500 27,000 27,000 19,500 19,500 20,500 20,500 30,500 30,500 2 4 ,5 0 0 24,500 I 2,000 12,000 14,000 14,000 2 1 ,0 0 0 21,000 5,000 5,000 17,000 17,000 57,oet 57,OC') fhe average aue"a'ge female-to-inal-e ratio Estinated from 1/ Estimated femaLe'to-nlaLe ratio from the t/ a l 163OO 1.6,300 Es Calculated Calculated Escapement ercentage Percentage Jacks Jacks Fenales Females 1957-64. of o! 1957-64. pe? female. eggs per 3,000 eggs Based ort on fectn&LtV fecundzty ofof 3,000 Ba.seC fenale. SULk1ARY SI,JI,C'L{RY o the longlong73eaof coastwide fall abunCance was was 73% of the index of of abun-Jance fall chinook chinoolt index Tii.q Th coastwide the streans except coastal streams all najor Counts wete were down down on all major coastal except the Counts torn t(r1n averago. average. o the Oregon along the decline was NEha1em and Siuslaw indicating was widespread widespread along Oregon and Siuslaw indicating the decline Nshalen cc'ast. ccast. good, although generally good, although peak Survey were generally peak for chinook chinook were Survey conditions conditions for flows earlier low strean spawniig was delayed tmtil until late November due due to to low stream flows earlier late November spawnir:qwas O S o in the month. nonth. in o 9, 9, average, long-term average. its long-term of its 55t of index of of abundance was 55% abundance was The coho index Co:urts Counts rivers' nd Coos Coos rivers. the Wilson ind except the stream except every major in every of :oho were down major stream down in of:oho long-term the long-term was 14? of of the lakes was jacks to Terunile lakes to Tenmile The of jacks The estimated.return estimated return of l49z in systen in lake system the lake to the return to adult return projected adult low projected average, average, indicating indicating aa low o 1975. 1975. CITED LITERATtTE CITED LITERANI1E o streans select'ed coastal streams in selected sabnon runs runs in of churn chtrtnsalinon Status of l9t'5. Status l95. Berry, i. L. Berry, L. Info' Invest. Info. Rivers Invest. Coastal Rivers Coran.Oreg., Coastal Fish Comm. 0regon, iS74. 974. of Oregon, of f S p. l v l i n e o . 15 R e p t . 75-2. 7 5 - 2 . Mimeo. Rept. P. . into nm into salnon run silver salmon The 1955-56 1955-56 silver 1959. The Henry. l959. K. A. A. Henry. and K. A. R. R. and !organ, Morgan, A. s 7-77' 57-77. B r i e f s , 7 ( l ) t R e s . Fish Comm. Oreg. O r e g . Res. Briefs, 7(1): system. Fish conun. tthe he T e n m i l elakes l a k e s system. Tenmile o )g7I' w a t e r s h e c l ,3971. i n ^coastal c o a s t a l watershed, s u r v e y s in f i s h surveys S p a w n i n gfish 1 9 7 2 . Spawning G . 1972. S k e e s i c k , D. D . G. Skeesick, llineo' Mimeo. 72-1. Rept. Info. Rept. 72-1. Invest. Info. i.iuurs Invest. Oreg. , Coastal Coltal Rivers Fish Comm. Conun.Oreg., p. 4 455 p. a o o o o o o , 10. 10. TABLES APPENDIX TABLES APPENDIX ) a waterby waterwithin species species by and within species and by species organized by are organized Appendix tables are Appendix tables south. to south. north to shed frorn north shed from fiSures nay fish/niIe figures and fish/mile The peak peak counts and may not The the in the reduction in of aa reduction 1974 because because of to 1974 fron years with reports reports from years pricr pricr to agree with o spring of Spring ild deletion deletion of distances, and survey distances, of survey redefinition of number numberof of surveys, surveys, redefinition surveys. chinook surveys. chinook jack salmon salnon are the jack parentheses are in parentheses the figures figures in Within the tables, I'/ithin tables, the a totals. in the totals. are included included in figures are and these figures counts and counts made. be made. not be could not the standard survey survey could were estirnated. were estimated. o instances' In some someinstances, In fish In those cases cases the the nr.urbers numbers of of fish In fish total fish of total the ratio ratio of determining the Estimates were were nade made by determining Estinates years prece d'ing 22 years in that were seen particular survey survey during during the preceding which were that Particular seen in streans (with completed completed surveys) surveys) to to the the total total fish fish seen seen in in all all the the other streams (with in that that in period. sameperiod. the same system during the system during the to the was applied applied to That That ratio ratio was and question and in question for the theryear drainage for in the drainage total of of the other other surveys year in surveys in total ) have should have which should of fish fish which numberof as the number the resulting was assumed assumedas figure was resulting figure the into the entered into was then then entered That figure figure was aTea. That survey area. seen in in the the survey been seen been o com-oleted. b e e ncompleted. h a d been i f the s u r v e y had calculations t h e survey a s if c a l c u l a t i o n s as reference. for reference. included for are included The surveys are The supplemental supplernentalsurveys these from these Data from Data cases, n nmost o s t cases, b e c a u s e , iin v a l u e s because, f i s h / r n i l e values i n computing c o m p u t i n gfish/mile a r e not u s e d in surveys n o t used s u r v e y s are o o a o S o date. later date. were started starteC ae.'Ja later surveys were the supplemental supplenental surveys o 11. 11. for surveys for Fish Surveys spawning Fish River Spawning peak Counts Nehalem River on Nehalem counts on 1 . . Peak T a b l e 1. Table 1950 Fall Chinook Since 1950 Chinook Since Fal1 o o o o o o o Year 1 950 1950 1 951 1951 1952 1952 1953 1933 1954 1954 1955 1955 1956 1956 r957 1957 1958 1958 1 959 1959 1 960 1960 19 6 1 1961 L962 1962 1963 1963 1964 1964 1 965 1965 1966 1966 1967 1967 1968 1968 1969 1969 1970 1970 1 97 1 1971 1972 L972 1973 t973 1974 r974 24 yr yr avg. av. ((1950-73) 1e s 0 -7 3 ) I'li Miles l es . o o ) o Buchanan Buchanan Creek Standard tandar Surveys Fast East tlunbug Humbug Humbug Humbug Cron^n Cron1.n Creek Creek Creek Creek I Creek 1/ Creek 32(1) 32(r) 2 7( 2 ) 27(2) 5(4) s( 4 ) (o) 23 23(0) 12(1) 1 2( 1 ) 13 13 34 34t8) 18) 23(2) 23(2) (1s) 66 66(15) 4 1( 1 s ) 41(15) 2s(r8) 29(18) 42(s) 42(3) 74(24) 74(24) 69(11) 6 e( r l ) 6 8( 6 ) 68(6) 134(80) 134(80) 104(8) 104(8) 78(e) 78(9) 133(37) I 33(37) 126(t4) 126(14) 1 4 3( 4 5 ) 143(43) r03(8) 103(8) 66(2) 66(2) 46(2) 46(2) 31(2) 3L(2) 57(3) s7(3) 94(10) e4(10) 117(46) 1 1 7( 4 6 ) 167(28) 1 6 7( 2 8 ) 157(16) l s 7( 1 6 ) 6 6 8 8 2 7( L ) 27(1) a J 5 14 T4 2 20(4) 2 0(4 ) s(2) 5(2) ss(4) 55(4) (4) 8 8(4) 8 8 0 0 1 6( s ) 16(5) 4 4 (e) 3s 39(9) 9 9 22(4) 22(4) 3 6(e ) 36(9) 73(5) 7 3(s) 24(e) 24(9) 20(2) 20(2) 39(5) 3e(s) 4 0( 8 ) 40(8) 233 2 26(r) 26(1) 12(1) 1 2( 1 ) 8(1) 8( l ) 25(1) 2 s( 1 ) 30(0) 3 0(0 ) 2 1( 1 ) 21(1) 30(5) 3 0(s) 7(0) 7 (0 ) 12(4) t2(4) l6 16 34(8) 54(8) 2L 21 4 4( 3 ) 44(3) 2 0( 1 ) 20(1) 32(3) s2(s) 16(1) 16(t) 18 18 10 10 1 0( 1 ) 10(1) 31(6) 3 1( 6 ) 10(2) 10(2) 12(3) 12(s) 3(0) 3(0) 13(2) L3(2) 2/ 6 (0) 6(0) (0) 2 2(0) 6(1) 6(1) 1(0) I (0) a 29 29 14(3) 14(3) 7 7 3 3( 18 ) 33(18) 25 25 s 7( r 6 ) 57(16) 24 24 l0 10 4 6( 3 0 ) 46(30) 3 s( 5 ) 35(3) 44(7) 4 4( 7 ) 36(9) 36(e) ( 3) 17 17(3) 13(2) L3(2) 6 6 16(1) 16(1) 10 10 0 0 sh Fish Total Total s4(1) 54(1) ss(8) 55(8) L?7|GfD 127(10) s3(24) 93(24) s6(1s) 56(15) eo(4s) 90(45) 87(3) 87(3) 204(s7) 204(57) 123(11) 123(11) 144(13) 1 4 4( r o 15.4 1s'4 15.7 LS.7 36.3 36.3 76.6 26.6 16.0 16.0 25.7 2s.7 24.9 ?4.e 58.3 s8.3 35.1 3s.1 4 1 .I 41.1 67.4 67.4 69.7 6e.7 46.3 46.3 236(t?0) 236(120) 244(t9) 244(19) L62(26) 162(26) s9.t 207(48) 59.1. 207(48) 54.9 192(22) re2(22) s4.s s8.s 2 0 6 ( s 4 ) 58.9 206(54) 46.6 163(14) 46.6 163(14) 33.7 s3.7 118(6) 118(6) 22.9 22.e 80(6) 80(6) 12.0 12.0 4Z(s) 42(3) 36.3 36.s 127(7) L27(7) 44.e 44.9 157(12) rs7(12) 4t.4 41.4 145(51) 145(sr) 64.6 64.6 226(34) 226(34) s o.6 50.6 177(17) L 77(t7) 22(3) 22(s) 17(2) 7 7( 2 ) 23(4) 2 3( 4 ) 77(16) 7 7( 1 6 ) 139(25) 13s(2s) 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.5 3.5 L958. sinee 1958. Conitission slnce Wildltfe Cormrtseion 1regon Wildlife by Oregon nade bY Surveys made L' Sumseye U done' rtot done. EstincteC-'suro;eA8not 2/ Estimcrbed--surveys per per l{i1e Mile 3 9 .I 39.8 12. t2. T a b l e 2. 2. Table to Year o o o o 1950 1950 1951 1951 1952 1953 1953 1954 1954 1955 1955 I 956 1956 1957 1 957 1958 1 958 1959 1959 1960 1960 1961 19 6 1 r1962 962 1963 1963 1964 1964 1955 1965 1966 1966 1967 1 9 67 I1968 968 1969 1969 1970 I 970 1971 1 97 1 1972 t972 1973 I973 1974 L974 Sunreys Spawning Fish Surveys Bay Spawning Tlllarnook Bay on Tillamook Peak Peak Counts Cormts on 1950 Since 1950 Fall Chinook for for Fall Chinook Since River Kilchis River Silchis Sam San Down Down Creek TiIlercok Ti11aook Fk. Lower !{, N. Fk. River Wilson River - - - - 7( 2 ) 7(2) 11; 115 0 0 (13) 34(13) 34 2 22(9) 2(s) 7(4) 7 (4) 12(7) L2C7) ( 13) 36(13) 36 83(12) 8 3( 1 2 ) r 4) 104 104((14) ( 47) 100(47) 100 ( 36) 166 166(36) ( \I7 22) 117(22) 150(22) Isu(22) 163(29) 163( 2e) 111(18) 1 1 1( i 8 ) 110(25) 110(2s) 4(3) 4 (3 ) 00 3( 1 ) 3(1) 37(15) 3 7(1s) 64(22) 64(22) 62(3) 62(3) 65(24) 6 s(2 4 ) 7 r (7 ) 71(7) (4 ) 54(4) s4 7 0(3 ) 70(3) (a) 55(3) ss 36(2) s6(2) 104(20) 1 0 4( 2 0 ) 932) e 3r 2 ) 66(6) 6 6( 6 ) 6(0) 6(0) 32(5) 32(s) 19(3) is(3) 23(4) 23(4) 22(5) 22(s) 18(2) 1 8(2) o o o o lvli Miles les 17 l7 per Per M ile Mile 52(1) s2(l) 2s(r) 25(1) 221(26) 221(26) 64115) 64(15) 43( 13) 43(13) 14(6) 14(6) 30(13) 30(13) 230(76) 230(76) 209(40) 20e(40') 2oe(18) 209(18) z0eg4) 208(74) 266(47) 266(47) 223(30) 22s(so) (27) 307(27) so7 zss(s7) 235(37) 190(41) 1 s 0( 4 1 ) 301(60) 30r (60) 384(50) 384(s0) 233(41) 235(dr) 97(14) e7tL4) 264(47) 264(47) 101(22) r0r(22) 170(47) 170(47) 341(13) 3 4 1( r 3 ) 119(9) r 1s(s) 6 9 .I 69.1 20.0 20.0 13.4 13.4 4,4 4.4 9.4 9.4 7 1 .9 71.9 65.3 65.3 6 5 .3 65.3 65.0 65.0 83.1 83.1 69.7 69.7 96.0 96.0 7 3 .S5 73 59.4 5 9 .4 94.1 9 4 .I 120.0 120.0 72.8 72.8 30.3 34.3 82.5 82.5 31.6 31.6 53.1 53.1 106.6 106.6 37.2 3 7- 2 (13) 54(13) s4 I168(29) 68( 2s) ( 4) 39(4) 3e 66(12) 6 6( i 2 ) 85(1) 8 s(1) 49(4) 4 e( 4 ) 4 3( 2 r) 43(21) 8 7( r s ) 87(15) 133(7) 1 3 3( 7 ) s57(6) 7( 6 ) 37(1) 37(1) 64(13) 6 4( 1 3 ) 4 3( 1s ) 43(15) 81(31) 8 1( 3 1 ) 234(7) 2s4(7) s52(3) 2( 3 ) 41(6) 41(6) 91(18) e l ( 18 ) 63(9): 63( e) 184(32) r 84( 32) 1.0 t.0 1.7 L7 0.5 0.5 3.2 3.2 158(dl) 158(41) 110(29) 1 r o( 2 e ) 24yrav3. 24 yr av7,. ( l e s 4 -7 3 ) (195-73) 52(1) s 2( 1 ) 25(1) 2 s( 1 ) ee(24) 99(24) ( 2) 30(2) 30 17(1) 17(1) 7(2) 7 ( 2) 1s(s) 15(5) 1 s 7( 4 8 ) 157(48) (6) 62(6) 62 43(1) 43(1) 45(3) 43(3) 2e(4) 29(4) 52(4) s2(4) 87(2) 8 7( 2 ) Total Total 61.6 61.6 I f 13. 13. o T a b l e 3. Table 3 . Peak Counts on on Nestucca Nestucca River Peak Counts Spawning Fish Flsh River Spawning for Fall ChinookSince Since1950 1950 for FaliChinook I Srrnreys Surveys Standard Surveys *, o [, . i ir L {. t t o o Year Year 1 950 li'50 1 95i 1951 l1952 9s2 1 953 1953 1 954 1954 t 955 1955 1956 1956 1 9 57 1957 t1958 95B 1959 1959 1960 1960 1961 1961 1962 1962 r963 1963 1 964 1964 1965 1965 1966 1966 1967 1967 1968 1968 1969 1969 1 97 0 1970 I1971 971 t972 1972 1973 1973 1974 1974 24 24 yr yravg. avg. ( 1 e s 0 -7 3 ) (1950-73) Miles o o D o E1 East East Beaver Creek Creek t17 7 ls (t) 15(1) 130(e) 130(9) 77 rs(2) 19(2) 1 7( 2 ) 17(2) 44 (s) 30 30(5) (3) ss 59(3) ( 6 3 1) 63(1) (7) 60 60(7) (6) 34 34(6) 6 s( l l ) 69(11) s 3( s ) 53(5) 42(7) 42(7) 6 8( 6 ) 68(6) 4 8( 7 ) 48(7) 6 4( 2 ) 64(2) 3 32(1) 2( 1 ) r6(1) 16(1) 4 7( 3 ) 47(3) ? 7( 2 ) 27(2) I (0) 1(0) 28(2) 28(2) 26(2) 26(2) -T:Gfi- l"frron Moon Hiaglra !4igra Creek Creek Creek Total Total s( 1 ) 5(1) ss(4) 55(4) (l) 36 36(1) 44s(2s) 445(23) 24(s) 24(3) 4s(s) 45(5) 80(r1) 80(11) 2s(2) 25(2) 27r(76) 271(76) r67(10) 167(10) 126(l) 126(1) (78) 302 302(78) 22e(37) 229(37) r&l(371 184(37) 20e(re) 209(19) 130(23) 130(23) 437(2s) 437(25) 287(3s) 287(33) 2s4(4t) 234(41) ts?(7) 132(7) s6(e) 56(9) lsz(1s) 157(15) (12) t27 127(12) 106(13) 106(13) rzs(7) 125(7) 1 0 4( 4 ) 104(4) (5) 33 33(3) 1 100 t78( 12) 178(12) 10(3) 10(3) r 1 ( 3) 11(3) 2L(2) 21(2) 1 0( 2 ) 10(2) 1s7(52) 137(52) 1 111 r37(2) 137(2) 77 t5 15 42(7) 42(7) 11 11 1 0 4( 1 e ) 104(19) s 7( s ) 57(5) 27 27 L4s(42) 145(42) 126( 27) 126(27) 68( r 8) 68(18) 66(12) 66(12) 3s( 8) 35(8) 244(17) 244 (17) l159(19) se(le) 10e( 33j 109(33) s57(4) 7( 4 ) 1i(0) (0) ( 4) 65 63(4) (e) 64 64(9) 1 3(t) 13(1) 52(1) 32(1) s6(2) 36(2) e7(2s) 97(29) 6 e(4) 69(4) 4 7 (8) 47(8) e0(2) 90(2) s3(8) 53(8) rzs(2) 125(2) 80(7) 80(7) 6l (6) 61(6) 4s(2) 43(2) 36(8) 36(8) 4 7( 8 ) 47(8) 3 6(1) 36(1) e 2( t 0 ) 92(10) 6s(4) 65(4) 42(0) 42(0) 4 0( 3 ) 40(3) 70(r2) 70(12) s7( 6) 57(6) 1 6 6( 2 0 ) 166(20) 1.5 1.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 2 .4 2.4 sL{2) 51(2) 36 36 .er lar Mile Mile 22.9 22.9 1 5.0 15.0 185.4 185.4 10.0 10.0 1 8.8 18.8 33.3 33.3 10,4 10.4 1 12.9 112.9 6 9.6 69.6 s2.5 52.5 125.8 125.8 9 5.4 95.4 76.7 767 8 7 .I 87.1 s4.2 54.2 1 8 2 .I 182.1 119.6 119.6 97.5 97.5 5 5.0 55.0 2 s.3 23.3 6 5 .4 65.4 s2.9 52.9 44.2 44.2 5 2 .i 52.1 43.3 43.3 69.3 69.3 H a L4. 14. ' T a b l e 4. 4. Table Surveys Flsh Surveys Spanning Fish River Spawning Siletz River Peak Peak Counts Counts on Siletz Since 1952 for Fall Fall Chinook Chinook Since 1952 for Standard Surveys a o Euchre Euchre Creek Creek Year Year 1952 1953 1954 1954 I 955 1955 1956 1956 1 9 57 1957 r958 1958 1 959 1959 1 960 1960 o o o o 1 961 1961 1 962 1962 1963 1963 1 964 1964 1965 1965 1966 1966 r967 1967 1 968 1968 1 969 1969 1 1970 97 0 1971 1971 L972 1972 I973 1973 1974 1974 yr avg. 24 24 yr avg. ( 1e s 2 7- 3 ) (1952-73) a tti les Miles 1/ 7/ o o S o 3s(7) N. Fk. Rock Rock Creek 108 1 3( 4 ) 4(1) 4(1) 2 2 18(8) 18(8) 3 7( 7 ) 37(7) 40(12) 40(12) 2 3(1) 23(1) 2 7( r ) 27(1) 7 8( s 1 ) 78(51) 33(7) 3 s(7) 42(6) 42(6) 1 6( r ) 16(1) 1l (1) 11(1) 20(l) 20(1) 2 3( 3 ) 23(3) 34'.13) 34'13) 2 s(1) 29(1) 3 2( 3 ) 32(3) 3 1( 6 ) 31(6) 1 4( 4 ) 14(4) 16(2) 16(2) 18(2) 18(2) 2 B( s ) 28(5) 5 3( 1 1 ) 33(11) 33(16) 33(16) 31(5) r8(8) 18(8) 4 7( r 1 ) 47(11) s2(26) 92(26) 2 6( 6 ) 26(6) 3 3(1) 33(1) Is (1) 15(1) 8 (2) 8(2) ( 3) 6 6(3) 4 e( s ) 49(5) e( 0 ) 9(0) 36(11) 36(11) 16(1) 16(1) 2 0( o ) 20(0) 2 e ( L )L 29(1) 2// (1) 4 4(1) (s) se 59(5) 28 28 3r(s) Fi5 Srmshine Sunshine Creek Creek 51 L 7( 2 ) L 122 I 1 I 8 per pe Total Total 1e4(7) .).uj 53( 6) 43(2) 43(2) 81( s1) 81(51) 59(15) l30(1s) 130(15) 230(7e) 230(29) 8 8( 2 ) 88(2) .89(38) 105(17) 1e8( 38) 198(38) 146(22) 146(22) lsr ( 46) 151(46) 95(15) , 07( 10) J07(l0) 88(1o) 88(10) 64,6 r 1 .0 j.i.v 10(3) 10(3) 60(s) 60(9) 4s(s) 45(5) 4 1( r 4 ) 41(14) 4 7( 0 ) 47(0) 4s(2) 49(2) 32(8) s2(8) 127(16) r27 (16) 82(to) 82(10) 110(36) r 10( 36) s2(2) 92(2) 73(3) 73(3) 1 4 .3 14.3 2 7.0 27.0 19.6 19.6 43.3 43.3 7 6.6 76.6 29.3 29.3 29.f.t 29.6 3 5 .0 35.0 65.9 65.9 48.6 48.6 5 0.3 50.3 3 r .6 31.6 35,6 35.6 29.s 29.3 15.0 15.0 10.7 10.7 42.3 42.3 27.3 27.3 36.7 36.7 30.7 30.7 24.3 24.3 3 5 .2 35.2 sl (2) 51(2) 1 3 1( 1 2 ) 131(12) 37(1) 37(1) 46(21) 46(21) 6 3( r 1 ) 63(11) 1 6 0( 2 e ) 160(29) 7l (8) 71(8) 2 s(7) 25(7) 4 0( 8 ) 40(8) 42(6) 42(6) 42(s) 42(3) 2s(4) 23(4) se(1s) .8e(3s) r0s(r7) ss(rs) 4 s( 1 0 ) 45(10) 2s(4) 23(4) 3 7( 8 ) 37(8) 46(7) 46(7) 106(18) 106(18) t1.0 .0 0 .8 0.8 L .2 1.2 3.0 3.0 made. Eetinated--no E6tirncztCd--no eotmt count made. r,rile Hi] ts. 15. Table 5. I. for SunreYs for Fish Surveys Spawning Fish Yaquina River Spawning on Yaquina Peak Corsrts on Peak Counts 1950 l9S0 Slnce Ctrinook Since Fal I Fall Chinook Surveys Standard o Year Year 19s0 1950 19sl 1951 o o o o o I 952 1952 19s3 1953 1954 1954 1 955 1955 1956 1956 1957 1957 I9S8 1958 1959 1959 1960 1960 l1961 96t 1962 1962 1 963 1963 1964 1964 I965 1965 1966 1966 1 967 1967 1968 I 968 1 969 1969 r1970 970 l1971 97i r972 1972 L973 1973 r974 1974 a loS l. I 15 15 32 32 8 s(1 8 ) 89(18) 55 4 l (4 ) 41(4) 2 4(L ) 24(1) e(s) 9(5) 7 6( 1 8 ) 76(18) 8 7( 1 4 ) 87(14) 43(s) 43(3) (14) 27 27(14) 34(3) s4(3) 38(10) 38(10) 4 0( 4 ) 40(4) (7) 5s 39(7) 35(9) 3s(e) 34(4) u (4) (7) 34(7) 34 (e) 2e 29(9) 3 8( 13 ) 38(13) 6 0( 4 ) 60(4) 4 4(11) 44(11) e(l) 9(1) 1 i (1) 11(1) 1 6( 5 ) 16(3) avg. 24 yr avg. ( r e s o - 7 337(7) ) 7( 7 ) (1950-73) 3 M iles Miles a Feagles Feagles Creek Creek 2.0 2.0 Grant Creek Creek el (23) 91(23) 1 05 105 226(46) 226(46) 34 34 56(1) s6(r) 1 r 2( 4 6 ) 112(46) 6e(36) 69(36) e7(27) 97(27) 8 8(6 ) 88(6) (4) 74(4) 74 (s) 3r 31(9) s 2( 1 ) 52(1) 4 7( r s ) 47(15) Siqpson Simpson Creek Creek r 1( 1 ) 11(1) 26 26 7 t(se) 71(39) le(1) 19(1) 3( 1 ) 3(1) 3 6( e ) 36(9) 1l (2) 11(2) 5(2) s(2) (r) 2s 25(1) t5 15 2 r( l r ) 21(11) 80(13) 80(13) (3) 2s 25(3) 78(34) 78(34) (rs) 82 82(15) (13) 4 8 48(13) 41(s) 41(9) 88(20) 88(20) 1 1 s( 1 0 ) 115(10) ss(r7) 95(17) 4 8( r 2 ) 48(12) (4) 52(4) s2 93(0) e3(0) 47(e) 47(9) 63(34) 63(34) 40(10) 40(10) (13) so 50(13) 46(2s) 46(23) s6( 10) 56(10) 4 r( 1 s ) 41(15) (s) 4 7 47(9) 8 0( 8 ) 80(8) 115(40) 113(40) (e) 3s 35(9) 1(1) 1 (l) (s) ss 55(5) 40(1) 40(1) 7 6( 1 s ) 76(15) 38(11) 38(11) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Salnon Salmon Creek Yaquina Yaquina River - - : - - irrrt 84(22) 28(3) 28(3) s2(7) 52(7) 31(e) 31(9) 3(5) 3(3) 1 4( 3 ) 14(3) 67 (2) 67(2) Total Total Fish per Per Hi l e Mile - - 22 56(6) 36(6) 25(0) 2s(o] 26(4) 26(4) 1 3( 6 ) 13(6) 3(2) 3(2) 19(1) ls(1) 6(01 6(0) 47o(r2S) 470(125) 8 9( 4 ) 89(4) 1 58(13) 158(13) 228(68) 228(68) s6(46) 96(46) res(s2) 195(52) 2e6(25) 296(25) 171(11) 171(11) 1 1 8( 4 8 ) 118(48) r76tr4) 176(14) 195( 69) 193(69) 2 s7(46) 237(46) re4(s7) 194(37) t76(7s) 176(73) 2s2(4r) 232(41) r44(38) 144(38) 1 6 e( 3 8 ) 169(38) 2s0(4s) 250(45) s26(Se) 326(59) 197(43) 197( 43) 68(18) 68(18) 1 e5(21) 193(21) 168(8) 168(8) 62-7 62.7 11.9 11.9 2 1 .I 21.1 30.4 r2.8 12.8 26.0 26.0 3e.s 39.5 22.8 22.8 LS,7 15.7 2s.s 23.5 2s .7 25.7 31.6 31.6 2s.e 25.9 zs.s 23.5 30.9 30.s 19.2 L9.2 22.s 22.5 33.3 33.3 43.s 43.5 2 6.3 26.3 9.1 e .l 25.7 25.7 22.4 22.4 15(3) 15(3) 3 r( s ) 31(5) 199(42) lse( 42) 2 6.5 26.5 0.5 0.5 2.0 2.0 7.5 7 .5 00 33 66 2s(s) 25(3) 44 s(2) 3(2) 29(2) 2e(2) 24(1) 24(4) e (6) 9(6) 88 1 6( 8 ) 16(8) 33 33(10) 33(10) s(2) 3(2) L6(7) 16(7) re(3) 19(3) 1 6( s ) 16(5) r e( 4 ) 19(4) 12(r) 12(1) 10(0) 10(o) 7( 2) 7(2) 56(10) s6(r0) 1 3( 4 ) 13(4) 15 15 30(8) 30(8) 3s(1) 35(1) 2s(2) 29(2) 74(le) 74(19) 47( 4) 47(4) 14(s) 14(5) 44( s) 44(5) t' 16. 16. S T a b l e 6. 6. Table Surveys Spawning Fish Surveys on Alsea River Spawning Peak Counts Courts on Peak 1952 Since 1952 for Fall Chinook Chinook Since for Fall O Standard Surveys Year Year o I952 1952 1 953 1953 I 954 1954 1955 1955 r956 1956 1 9 57 1957 1958 1958 1 959 1959 1960 1960 1 961 1961 1962 1962 o a a 1963 1963 I1964 964 1 965 1965 1966 1966 19 6 7 1967 I 968 1968 1969 i 959 1 970 1970 I 971 1971 1972 1972 1973 1973 L974 1974 o Buck Buck Creek Creek Drift Drift Creek Creek 6 s( 2 0 ) 69(20) I 1 6 6 s533 2 4( r e ) 24(19) 1t (e) 33 33(9) - (2) s5(2) 1 e( 8 ) 19(8) 4 6(8 ) 46(8) l13(5) 3 (s) sl (i2) 51(12) 2 e(7 ) 29(7) 4 s( r 4 ) 45(14) 62(20) 62(20) 2 6( 1 4 ) 26(14) 3 0( i 2 ) 30(12) l15(2) s(2) 77(34) 7 7(3 4 ) 4 6( 8 ) 46(8) s( 2 ) 5(2) 2 4( 4 ) 24(4) 1 13(0) 3( 0 ) 22 yr avg. yr avg. ((1952-73) r e s 2 - 7 32 ) 8(s) 28(9) M iles Miles 1.0 1.0 o 1/ L/ o S o Eetimated. E8timated. 3 8( 2 ) 38(2) 1 6( 4 ) 16(4) 44(s7) 44(37) (1 7) 34 34(17) 6 6( 1 7 ) 66(17) 6 7( 6 ) 67(6) 7 s( 2 ) 79(2) 7 3( 5 8 ) 73(38) 7 1( 8 ) 71(8) 4e(r i) 49(ls) 6 0( r 2 ) 60(12) 86(31) 8 6( 3 1 ) 38(4) 38(4) 54(7) 6 4( 7 ) 4 6( r s ) 46(15) 3 4( 1 0 ) 34(10) 71(6) 7 1( 6 ) 78(10) 7 8( 1o ) 41(2) 41(2) 39(7) 3 e( 7 ) Fal FallI Creek Creek 5 5 l18(5) 8 (s) s3(2) (2) 9(5) 20(7) 20(7) 13(e) 13(9) 2 1( 6 ) 21(6) ls (8) 15(8) - 3s(s) 35(5) 2 1( 3 ) 21(3) 1 4( 1 ) 14(1) 1 4( 3 ) 14(3) 31 31 22(7) 22(7) 36(4) 36(4) 2e(s) 29(5) (e) 73 73(9) 2 4( t ) 24(1) 14 14 2( 1 ) 2(I) 2e( 4) 29(4) 64(s) 64(5) 30(3)1/ 3a$)v 6(2) 6(2) - - 5(0) s (0) s0)L/ 9(1)1/ s55(12) s( 1 2 ) 1 .5 1.5 Lobster Creek Creek e(s) - l1 (3) 11(3) 2 2 11 ii 1 o( 6 ) 10(6) r8(s) 18(5) 2s(13) 29(13) 4 s( 1 2 ) 45(12) 1 8(8) 18(8) 33( s) 33(5) 32(B) 32(8) 18(3) 18(3) 0 0 3 3( 10 ) 33(10) 123(23) r23(23) 42(r4) 42(14) 73(27) 73(27) 2 4( 4 ) 24(4) s7( 7) 37(7) N. Fk. Fish Alsea Alsea River per per l.ii1e Mile 5(r) 3(1) 2 s( r ) 25(1) r 1( 2 ) 11(2) 2S 25 - r0(3) 10(3) 4 4 t2 12 11(3) Total Total 1 4 8( 2 6 ) 148(26) 76(10) 76(10) 74(re) 74(19) tzl(75) 121(73) 19.2 1 9 .2 oa 9.9 9.6 9.6 1 5 .7 15.7 rss(37) 155(37) 20.1 20.1 - rzits: - ri.z 2 7( 0 ) 27(0) sl ( 8) 91(8) 15.7 16.5 16.5 2 2.2 22.2 16.5 16.5 27.6 27.6 23.9 23.9 29.2 29.2 34.7 34.7 20.3 20.3 11.6 1 1 .6 23.8 23.8 55.3 55.3 25.7 25.7 21.3 21.3 36.4 36.4 11.8 11.8 22.8 22.8 u (3) s 5 1 4( 5 ) 14(3) 20(4) 20(4) 22(4) 22(4) 36(4) 36(4) 8 s( l r ) 85(11) s2(4) 52(4) 2s(s) 23(5) 35(5) 3s(s) (4) 84 84(4) 39(6) 3e(6) 4r (8) 41(8) - 121(5) 127(s8) 127(58) r 7 1( 2 1 ) 171(21) t27(4r) 127(41) 212(44) 212(44) l 84(ss) 184(55) 22s(s6) 225(36) 267(47) 267(47) 1s6( 36) 156(36) Be( 28) 89(28) r$s(27) 183(27) 426(76) 426(76) 1s8( 33) 198(33) 164(46) 164( 46)., 280(2s)!! 280(23)1/ 2 4( 4 ) 24(4) 2 8( 8 ) 28(8) 2 8( 3 ) 28(3) r7s(37) 175(37) L .2 1.2 2 .5 2.5 1.5 1.5 7.7 o t17. 7. T a b l e 7. 7. Table SunteYs Fish Surveys Sparming Fish on Siuslaw Siuslaw River Spawning Peak Counts Peak Cor:nts on L9S2 Since 1952 Fall Chinook Chinook Since for Fall Auxiliary Surveys Fish N . F. F . Siuslaw Siuslaw N. o o o o S c. o Year Year River L952 1952 1 953 1953 1 954 1954 1955 1955 1956 1956 1957 1957 I 958 1958 1959 1959 1960 1960 1961 1961 1962 1962 7963 1963 1964 1964 1965 1965 1966 1966 1967 1967 1 968 1968 1969 1969 1970 l9 70 1971 1971 1972 1972 1973 1973 1974 1974 1 3( 1 ) 13(1) Esrond Esmond Creek Creek - - - - 16(6) 16(6) 13(3) 13(3) 0 0 3s(e) 35(9) 4 4 -. 4 (2) 4(2) 7 2 (14) 72(14) (r) 7 7(1) 4 4 ( 13 ) 44(13) e( 1 ) 9(1) 3s(13) 35(13) 1 4( 4 ) 14(4) 7( 2 ) 7(2) 7( 0 ) 7(0) 2e(r2) 29(12) 3( 0 ) 3(0) 3(0) 3( 0 ) (2) s5(2) 2(0) 2(0) a Miles I'ii.les per Per Total Total 2e( 10) 29(10) - M ile Mile - - - - I 8 4 (2) 4(2) s58(17) 8 ( 17 ) 17(s) 17(5) .- (s) 7 7(5) s(0) 5(0) 32(1) 32(1) 2s(s) 23(3) 2 8( s ) 28(5) 4 1( i ) 41(1) l1(3) 11(3) L 7( 7 ) 17(7) 31(10) 3 1( 1 0 ) 33(s) 5e(s) L 7( 4 ) 17(4) (1) 4 4(1) 2(r) 2(l) 2a$) !/ 20(5) 1/ 22 yr avg. 22yravg. ( r 9 s 27- 3 ) (1952-73) Lake Lake Creek Creek 1 7( 4 ) 17(4) 2 0( 4 ) 20(4) 0.5 0.5 0 .8 0.8 2( 1 ) 2(1) 2s(8) 25(8) s8( 16) 58(16). 40( s) 40(5) - 2s(4) 23(4) 2s(10) 29(10) LsL(42) 151(42) 61(10) 61(10) .- se(2s) 48(22) 48(22) 1 6( 4 ) 16(4) 2e(2) 29(2) 247(ss) 247(35) 3e(11) 39(11) 122(tr) 122(11) 59(29) e3(r 8) 93(18) 68(4) 68(4) 5 1 4( s 1 ) 314(51) 76(17) 76(17) 1e8(2s) 198(25) 31) 141((31) 141 166(38) 166(381 108(41) 108(41) 2 5 0( 6 3 ) 230(63) 400(s7) 400(97) 81(32) 84(32) 192(53) re2(s3) ssz(76) 332(76) 59(10) 1 4 4( s 6 ) 144(56) se(ro) 7e(t4) 79(14) ( s7) 1sl 151(57) - 12.1 12.1 15.5 15.3 70c 79.5 ':'' 32.1 - 31.1 3 1 .I 48.9 48.9 35.8 35.8 1 6 5 .3 165.3 40.0 40.0 I04.2 104.2 87.4 87.4 56.8 56.8 121.0 1 2 1 .0 210.5 210.5 4 1 .6 41.6 7 79.5 9.5 - 199(68) 1ee( 68) 221(73) 221(v3) 1 1 6 .3 116.3 s4(22) 94(22) 138(32) 1 3 8( 3 2 ) 72.6 7 2.6 0.6 0.6 r1.9 .9 Estinated. L/ A Estimated. a o o I o 18. 18. SurveYs Fish Surveys River Spawning Fish Coquil'le River Peak Counts Counts on on (oqui11e 8 . Peak T a b l e 8. Table l'952 Since 1952 for Fall Fall Chinook Chinook Since for Irk. N.. Fk. O a o L r o o . o Year Year CoquiI 1e Coquille River River 1952 1952 1 1953 953 I954 1954 1955 1955 1 956 1956 1 957 1957 1 958 1958 1959 1959 1960 1960 1961 1961 1962 1962 1963 1963 1964 1964 1 965 1965 1966 1966 1967 1967 1 968 1968 I1969 959 i970 1970 1 97 1 1971 1977 1972 r97 3 1973 I97 4 1974 Salnon Salmon Creek Creek - - 1 4( 1 ) 14(1) - 2 2 - - - - -n - t)rzl 12(7) 11(2) 11(2) 1 0( 4 ) 10(4) 0 0 0 0 7(2) 7(2) 1 3( 1 ) 13(1) 1 3( 6 ) 13(6) 19(5) 1 0(l) 10(1) re(s) e( 1 ) 9(1) 2 7( 1 7 ) 27(17) 1 6( s ) 16(5) 3 e( 2 0 ) 39(20) 1 s( 7 ) 15(7) 2 0( 8 ) 20(8) ,7(2) t l o a a 0.3 0.3 - - - - - :- ((1952-73) res2-73) 1 13(5) 3(s) trtiles Miles 10(1) 10(1) 1 4( 1 ) 14(1) Total Total - - 13(2) 13(2) 1 6( 7 ) 16(7) L 2 6 6 0 0 - - ?-4(r4) 24(14) I1 3 3 1 1( 2 ) 11(2) r 4 0( 4 e ) 140(49) 7 4( l e ) 74(19) L7 17 2 o( 4 ) 20(4) - 27(e) 27(9) 33(e) 33(9) 17( 4) 17(4) ;0 2(l) 2(1) t0 10 I 1 20 20 s2 52 41(4) 41(4) 5 5 5'.rJ 5(1) 10(2) 10(2) s( 0 ) 5(0) 3(1) 3(Ij lB(0) 18(0) I (0) 1(0) 16.9 16.9 20.6 20.6 10.6 10.6 - - 7( 0 ) 7(0) s e( 2 3 ) 59(23) 2 2(s) 22(5) 12(4) 12(4) - - 7 - 1o(3) 10(3) 2 6( 1 ) 26(1) 2s( 8) 25(8) 1 7 e( s 4 ) 179(54) 156( 20) 136(20) 67(s) 67(5) 52(21) s2(2L) 28(6) 28 (6) 108(4s) 108(45) 42(L?) 42(12) 33( l 3) 33(13) - 20(7) 20(7) (1) I1(1) 28( 1o) 28(10) 2 7{ 8 ) 27(8) 1o(1) 10(1) s6(rs) 56(15) 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.5 avg.22 22 yr yr avg. o Fk. s . fl. S. R. u i l l e R. Coguille s FiSh per Per Mile Mile 1.6 1.6 :6.2 6.2 16.2 16.2 15.6 15.6 111.9 111.9 8 s .0 85.0 4L-9 41.9 32.5 32.5 1 7 .5 17.5 67.5 67'5 26.2 26.2 20.6 20.6 - 1 7 .5 17.5 3 4 .9 34.9 .Fl s ok .t{ q) 3l +) C*f ; .r-{tf tf rn A^^ Qa \ m + \Ool c! @ lo I J;ci;HGrGrdH 'da lvv \o c\l \t- t n3 '")-f @C{f-' v:ug;vr: 6^a: F V rd dl\lr<dFld a : a - ^Gl^ vtn..to vvv o4 tn 9! :n9 nr-@borc d(\Crld ^-^^ d I 9 -f Ln 6l VVVV st e{'{F{Fr Of C! * 19. c\t \O f\ \o @ F{ FlFr FlGlr.lF Ol F.- dd(:rdd ^A^^^ O'{OFO vuvvv OttO A^ ^ rn O '{ Of g O \rvv Y ( ' Y Y\ O \ O tC F\O (\Frc.lvFr | < c 9q a dNd(\ t --.-:.^^ \o ro o Fi o vvvvv I O tn F{ Ln d F n d'-{ v'\oF € <o<)-o-oo VV\JVVV I t'- s OOOdO vvvvv \r '-r '-r O A^A vvvvvv :{*l d Fl \oGl O. --{ O F r-{ H sl(\lOlf\Ol€ ddi.)GlHt) Crd(\lOO vvvvv ^^^^^ Fl r' qr\ t :t'l tt) r{ l € '-'l 6 d tt) I co f!r\ c.l fa d AAA o O O O - YY:a 3 C)'<l tt) \O O4 @ -r F v9 v1 v Y?\o ol r-' l{ € m 'c C! * A- F) orc{ d vv ^^^A-A 'ro'ttr ro F{ to (\ vvv!/vv(\t Fr @(.'l (\l @ € ooo ol or rn CO l-' l'- 99 F? € d!f,ddts,'<l ^-\^^ vvv AAA i' O.l -i d gvvvv\-/v C{ @ ;' ii t\ F\ v o () ddF< <) -t F{(\(\l - Oan'{AA rD (f d f\ \O * vvv vvv !n c) tGt or\ c{ co t t\ c! F r" tt (\l t- rn tivL,:ll;vvr'-z 'J 'r !! i.q P cl !! 9 F e 6l t d tnu.) d oco o'o F^At"ttf'^a'**^ C'l 9O.$.*; V) -. lO sf lO'{ v:)ir _ !f, \J ;' ro d v -t v r ' t -! n- @ c | - v ii rJ ; ;''t4 LiC/' cO 9'D boFc'r ^4J - A I - r r ^ A ',1"11-'11 . ;' r< O't i4 F{ t\ C/ vv vijii\i vv O) l/l ln Itr r- \OO Olf'-F{f\ e<O)C.f (\d c\l 6olro o \c) C> d Ir) co ; ; i-} ;- - f , + c\ F{ v v r- n' ;c.\o A ' C '< v €a -t4 01 c'.1 f: <<'ln e.t-; L< r{ @ . -+ a - c r! c' -t l - t o 9' t osH d € r " . o .i Gt r.r !a \-/v v $ e, t\ @ d d or c* c) c{ rf)Ln ;Xi i\iiJc.rm vvvvvv irl i-t i\' \O \O r., u1 iti6d-1i- C{ C! vvv io d v v ( )- _r n \- oi 6 G cr, ; ; crr Or'. \o '-. c.l F'i vv .rrra € co F.oo olr\t"o\oroo \0 ot$lF{@.t)to - i i -o6 c \oi J ' qqor r O < r t or - r $r:{'-' \o <l rn orcc r\ c.l @ \o F,tst.$d ^OU) itr C!,.. { vvv\/vvv H o :i6;; I gx p+r0) F{ ta {.) OOF. 7-7r) -x R o tn \o rn o @ € dr\ rot-&;+irr;.n e \ l r n d € q t ;d(\F, tata vv o ;;;;6.no;; or o o d Xi;-;; o F tn a vv .*( t r t\ -< airi\" E& goq) CJtrC) OOF{ c( L) r. to vv @ * r', \O r\ ;di' .54qr O o Lr.d 'Ot{ zzL) +J 'J< (4F C) oEc) =5k CJ i< c{ r l:x EOA) C) cJP r{ :Ed .'{ (J J4 (3!ok o Enz 'F{ t r q"!4 ) oo trk (J (J 6 Of ; q ct Fr c! t') rr o d c.r ro .q u) \o r\ @ o O -{ q! a ! !? tO c\ cE \o \o F \g \o \o \o b b D. I* J6 a; i/i rri rn rn rn rn rn rn \o \g \o \o q ol or ch ol or or or or or o) '{o'r Fa or or o, or o or<lt 6i 6i d 6 6 oi F{ Fa r{ H '-l r-t Fa r-a Fa Fa t-a t-1 Fl '{ ,-a F{ r-{ ; 24yravg. ° 26.8 179(11) o o o o o o fr l+{ v, xq) t< a E (n oo g 3 F{ c) e q) .c o, z, o {r trtn +jo q) tol O '-r C) C) )du (!E *u) ql q) 3 6 F x 30) oe) (.F. t< 6 d) f{o rO c't f\t f\O (\l (\ \t t.) F{ H r(rd r/) F{ <} @ (\ an Fi F.O F{ lo(} F.l lA v't Ft .Fi 0) '-{ () >r.t 9Ja (tF\ I F.. O Or xr.|., lfd 6tv:t hr fi {J 'iJ s \J q) .lJ Eatimated. 6.7 1.0 o.s 1.1 1.1 1.0 114(10) 152(7) 251(6) 114(11) 103(5) 82(0) 10(0) 28(1) 11(0) 29(1) 6(0) 24(5) 17(0) 26(1) 42(9) 16(1) 6(0) 30 23(2) 17(2) 42(2) 31(1) 14(1) o o o o o a o a - 1.0 0.5 0.5 Miles - - 28(1) 13(1) (lcsO-73)ll(l) - - 1 - -- 5 17 18(1) 65(6) 71(3) 15(0 11(1) 17(0) 54(1) 5(1) 5(4) 12(1) 4 34(4) 12(0) 70(0) 8(0) 21(0) 11(0) 1(0) 26 16 2 10(0) 7(0) 4(0) 6(1) 2(0) 12(0) 39(1) 27(2) 19(0) 38(0) 4 9 5 75(5) 86(3) 33(2) 45(1) 7(1) 13(3) 32 34 6 1 8(1) 22(1) 2/ 7(0) 1(0) 1(1) 1(0) 11(1) 7(2) 49(7) 10 11(3) 28(3) 12(3) 12(1) 18(3) 18(2) 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 2/ s co t, b q) F R E }) 'a {s \ 6 \}) s) R h 1J r.) F.J E .o \) c0 a 't) C) s 'tJ s q) c\ H V) g) e; Surveys made by Oregon Wildlife Comniaaian since 1958. \r .2/ 17.0 22.7 37.5 17.0 15.4 12.2 4(0) 3(0) 6(0) 0 18(3) 41(1) 57(8) 16(2) 52(7) 5 38(13) 70(4) 26(3) 28 34(13) 16 17(4) 8(1) 15(2) 48(4) 17(1) 17(2) 38(2) 43(4) 10(1) 10(2) 8(2) - 6.1 0 0 2 48(1) 56(2) 24(2) 18(1) 8 23(1) 4 14 - 45(4) 11 24 2 3 28 6(1) 44 60(2) 106 27 71 2(1) - 36 56 80 27 7 20 24 14 0 5 39(3) 22(1) 37(7) 6(1) 20(1) 9(1) 7 11 - 20.8 20.9 39.7 29.7 19.0 42.6 34.3 21.9 18.2 59(8) 117(4) 283(6) 394(11) 41(3) 139(4) 140(37) 266(14) 199(27) 127(8) 285(20) 230(11) 147(11) 122(7) 7(2) 8(3) 3(1) 19(2) 8 12 8 12 0 45(3) 36(2) 93(2) 45 24(3) 20 27 128('s) 11 1 7 10 1 5(1) 303(5) 16.6 44,9 45.2 19.1 .8.8 17.5 42.3 58.8 111(4) 301(20) 29(3) 40(3) 24(1) 27(3) 55(3) 76(3) 63(5) 15(1) 29 10 4 8 1950 1951 1952 1953 N.Fk. West Ham- 8 9 6(1) 30 36 11 4(1) per Humbug Creek Creek 2 No. 2/ Cow Creek 9(1) 1j1e Total Creek Oak Ranch Creek Year 29(3) 27(3) 20(2) 12(2) 23(1) 35(3) 1954 Fish Northwest Creek Wolf iltor. Fishhawk Creek N. Fk. Cronir Creek Peak Counts on Nehalem River Spawning Fish Surveys for Coho Since 1950 Table 9. . . Standard Surveys o 20. 20. ,.!. o 10. T a b l e 10. Table SurueYs River Spawning Fish Surveys SPawningFish Counts on Wilson Wilson River Peak Peak Counts'on 1950 Since 1950 C,ohoSince for Coho I t Cedar Cedar Creek Creek Year Year o o o ,f 1950 19S0 1951 1951 1952 1952 1 9 53 1953 1954 1954 1955 1955 1956 1956 1957 1957 1 958 1958 l9 59 1959 1 96 0 1960 1 9 6I 1961 1962 1962 i963 1963 1 964 1964 1 965 1965 I1966 966 1967 1967 I 968 1968 1969 1969 1 970 1970 r97 197l7 1972 r972 1973 1973 1974 L974 avg. 24 yt 24 yr avg. (lsso-73) (1950-73) l'li.l es Miles trib. 6 trib. 2 277 1 18(8) 118(8) rk Lak Fork Devils Lake' Devils RiYer Wilson River Wilson Upper Lower ffi 44 88 55 F1Sfl - totat Total 36 36 s6(2) 56(2) 3e(s) 39(5) 7 r( 2 ) 71(2) 31(2) 3 1( 2 ) 82(4) 8 2( 4 ) 4 e( 0 ) 49(0) 22 15 15 1 2(1) 12(1) tn 10 20(4) 2 0( 4 ) 6 600 26(2) 26(?) 1l(o) 11(0) 8(0) 8(0) 1 4( 1 ) 14(1) 56 2A 20 18(1) 18(1) 14 L4 22 1i 11 22(3) 22(3) 8( 1 ) 8(1) 2 4( 0 ) 24(0) 3L(2) 31(2) 132(8) 152( 8) es(7) 95(7) 65 (5) . 65(5) 2s(4) 23(4) 38(o) 38(0) 2L(2) 21(2) s6(o) 56(0) 18(o) 18(0) 8 8( 0 ) 88(0) 10s(8) 105(8) 157(13) 1 s 7( 1 3 ) l 4 s ( 11 ) 145(11) 1 rr ( 4 ) 111(4) 1 4 2( 8 ) 142(8) 59(7) se(7) 4 6( 1 ) 46(1) 1s2(10) 152(10) 78(4) 78(4) 64(11) 6 4( 1 1 ) l 8 7( 8 ) 187(8) rlq (7) 119(7) 50(3) so(3) l 1 4( 4 ) 114(4) 94(3) e 4( 3 ) 52(3) s 2( 3 ) 26(1) 26(1) lo(1) 10(1) 88( s) 88(5) 2.9 2.9 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 3.9 3.9 (3) 7s 75(3) 4 e( 3 ) 49(3) 1 4( 3 ) 14(3) 27 27 1 8( 1 ) 18(1) 9 9 88 26 26 3 8( 4 ) 38(4) 7 7( 7 ) 77(7) 8 8(4) 88(4) 4s(4) 45(4) 47(r) 47(1) s51(7) 1( 7 ) 11(i) 11(1) 122(8) 122(8) s54(4) 4( 4 ) 42(7) 42(7) 1 1 6( 8 1 116(8) 1 e( 4 ) 19(4) 1 6(2) 16(2) 7 7 9 3(1) 3(1) 47 47 10 10 62 62 6 3( 3 ) 63(3) 6 6( 4 ) 66(4) 4 4( 6 ) 44(6) 49 49 66 11 00 2( 1 ) 2(1) 22 0n 00 00 0 0 4(1) 4(1) 14(2) 14(2) 1 3( 1 ) 13(1) T7 17 per Per tttite Mile 9.2 9.2 33.8 33.8 24.4 24.4 16.7 16.7 5.9 5.9 9.7 9.7 5.4 5.4 L4.4 14.4 4.6 4.6 22.6 22.6 26.9 26.9 40.3 40.3 37.2 37.2 28.5 28.5 36.4 36.4 1 5 .I 15.1 11.8 11.8 3 9 .0 39.0 20.0 20.0 16.4 16.4 47.9 47.9 30.5 30.5 t2.8 12.8 29.2 29.2 24.1 24.1 22.4 22.4 l]: r.l; - ii),; , S 7 J ta l" i o (J (/1t, oo, z.d gq) oo a.A PU) Lio (tt< J .Fl o lt) c\l c) 14 rn c! o i.) d \o O) -' tn d * cn (\l o t") to @ o * C! e! ol 14 Q o) F-) t.)(\ F @ ct'l c\I d t\ rc O) Or li d *C''l dc\t vv vv g' \O t'tn -- d71 e4 d (Ft \Oi Fl (\'l v P1 l') vVV H !! (\ F r.) d oo - -(\tr - d st (\l a O d o $ d \O c) Lr: v b.] :-'f, 9 \O N rn -'f,- ^ ^U) to a Vvv F{ d'ro(}(> vvvvv r{) ln C"J m9q d € o q I 14 t4 n'o Q 9 rn ; \O .s .? O q -t q \' vi:VvVVvVV lq'9 ^^ H st -\^^^^ 6 Lo @ e\'l -.Q:. (} c) \I"t- / v- v ? sv. v/v m Or C' oo rt) <) < A^^^^ C) * ttl t4'l A^/\ * 1" Q d o) t/) :l \O vvvvv !l !? Flcldd -t \O C) \o v $ c\l \t c.J c.J U1 HS Or@ (\r ir) Yt@ r-O c{ t) bO^ 24 yr avg. (>!rro- Ot >. r.) rf,d (\v fo c) oe () r(l' 4.8 O O $ c\l FJ,*l !? 9 O O C\t Or e'l d N i ^Ol rn d -\,-\Fr r< r') clt'i\"*'b,'* vvvvviY Q t- tf, c\ <t r\ (i) ch <t i r= 0.4 @ H tA(\ d - r:\a:avvvvvv rO VJ'f, 3.8 r-. .O.O d \Or-O A/-^ \O \C t'- Oq € vvv ' r1- dd vv bC r- rACr t) -l 101(9) 5.0 t? to r- co ol () d c-'l !.) rct c! F?'1 to 9 9 !? to to \o \o l-- Ft F\ r'- r\ o' or ot qr or ctr o' ot q q q ol o' 21.0 15(1) kt G) P d ^t:\^\O tt * to <f d *'vvvvvvv Liv \O F.) \t !f, Q io \O !n'1 Ff "t \O '-'( tt) d d d.tn '-< #'+ vv\/,gvvvvvvvvvv c'l \O Ff rn O fO tt' FA cg o- \ tn !n \t d -j 14 c't F1 t \o J v r,) o VrJ9'vVvVvv!+VVVv C' \o cD ra r- (\r I 4.d *vL' ta d ^ aa^^a-a>ltt r- :'.d 4 (D <r -,ni''oo'to c) a( H O r\ld vv Ot \Orn r-. oo rn or \o ao € rn G rn t^ !l 6 I\ Fr r.. @ Ol \O \t \O ; il.$ A rdr v C) c.r a \O -r :u3:;i- v v Ln c! LJ.) (..l crl c..r ba c\ .a <t 12 F F c) c{ cr dk '.e (J z x q, t{ CJ x .rJ c) t,0) ctk 3)(2) 24 O o o a I a for Coho Since 1950 o.qr ,,x /\-H !a v'Jvv\-''\J <r F-. \O tn rf, Fa d rn t /\^^ o.o v'v.v tn dSLnc\J<-aC'f(.l")c{d'<c'l* ,y c) 3 4 1 1.3 2(4) 6(3) OCr dti l. d ,<<-J; --iid tt1 d s ,-t*-- d 1(3) o r< dHd vvv c{ U.) rn <'NaJ Or< t< dd-^nJJ*<a4Add'-d 13(3) 24(2) th t/') 0.8 9 6/(3) 28(1) 13(2) 5(0) 6(0) 3(0) 1972 1973 1974 1.5 15(1) 19(2) 13(2) 19(1) 20(2) 8(0) 5(0) 25(0) 6(1) 10 16 14(2) 17(5) 19(2) 1967 1968 1969 1970 6 31(2) 3 4 11() 11(1) 11(2) 5(1) 1955 1956 1958 1959 1960 17(4) (1950-73) 4(1) 16(2) 5(1) 1(0) 8(1) 39(6) 20(1) 14(2) 16(2) 1971 4(1) 10 13 13(1) 16(3) 25(4) 61(16) 36(4 33(2) 1964 1965 1966 16(3) 1 21 o d ct tJ rf, tn \o r- 6 or o d 6 to tc u1 rn rn rn r') rn In u: ; oi oi o, ot o, <r, Zi o; 6 o' ;i ; 22(1) 38(1) 28(1) 37(4) 42(1) 56(5) 63(6) 15(1) 50(5) 3(1) 5(1) 5(1) 4(1) 23(5) 14 1953 1954 1957 13(2) = Miles o o a a 45(1) 1951 1952 13(8) 23(6) 7(1) 20(7 31(3) 29(15) 14(7) 11(1) 9(4) 5(1) 24(7) 13(0) 3(0) 12(1) 6(0) 0 19(5) 46(5) 50(4) 7(1) 24(1) 11.5 9,4 19.8 12.1 22.9 35.2 30.0 29.8 21.9 21,0 3.3 22.7 13.8 10.4 14.0 1963 Creek 5(1) 14(1) 1961 1962 East Creek 1950 20 13 4(0) 9.6 16(2) 15(1) 3 9 21(4) 32 49(1) 9 .0 2 47(1) 13(1) 25(1) 6 40 11(1) 13(1) 16(1) 18 10 25 Clear Creek Fish Standard Surveys Moon 16.0 66.2 57.3 18.5 20.3 14.2 10.0 13.5 77(6) 318(6) 275(7) 89(2) 96(8) 68(1) 48(5) 65(9) 46(7) 55(1) 45(9) 95(11) 58(5) 110(19) 169(25) 144(26) 143(20) 105(10) 101(12) 16(2) 109(17) 66(4) 50(5) 33 62 131 16 132 Total Creek per Niagara Creek Upper Bear Year Peak Counts on Nestucca River Spawnini Fish 3urveys Table 11. .. q o a o o x F{ ( | ) . F { !) Fl (! .P o F H AA^^-- cO.<rr'a'tO'-oo-O -;'s';; to v + ro v O gr O tn I \ to c\| e.l Fl v1 4v .v. 'v+v v v v v F H trl F{ rtl d A F{ F{ sf, vv * - e\r l'' !f c{ or Ln F{ \o c! or 6l @ Fl c) tn @ €,n n q 1 t I € to rn 14 14 co o o) @ Fr o 17) rn Or c{ @ ln td vj oi ti D !4 :t 3 no'{ !+ lt'F F{ ro m nulc! n = d F{ c\r.f ; -: Fr (D (\r u1 tQ co c! 'c,'^^^^-<}, H ba - v rn $ \O '^r ^t ' L i ' n' ^r * ' - 9 '+ d tC'r- S.-ctl.i'< rO at4 F' <f '-' ^A^ -r l-- '<l rr (\t ^('il aall --i'| rn -r rn '-'. < r- i7)' v\i,vvv v.--riv () oo tn @ \o c.l r\ o € c\tF{ t,)rOF{c!c\l\f S q c! ol '|-r^ lO F{ v\'/ 6l € e{ AA"- -t -'- -! +O F{ I Fl -A'-'-^ O '-l F{ \''v'\r'vv q r\'-r Fl ^^ $ Fl F - N Ft' C) -t to \o' h' '-{';"tt !n.9. i..^l i l'1. v v v \ / v -vL)i-isir-jvvvvi;vv () Ot tn cl tt) 6l F{ rn c\l tO Or -l Ctl 9 (\t t Ot cO ; <+ F{ d ,{ .<l C.t \f rn Fr r-r N ^^-A iJLi'iirivvvvvvvv\Jvvvv v v co G q) @ !'l i l? c-r c-l ta 61 s -' rC u1 ro t or N \o r'c! c\l nt' .q t') r-. - € iC- U- Q - t- I ItF{( \ (D '-{ ln Ftn (u.) \ F{ F{F e\|a .-a izCzv vv-U vvs'v tt O F' \ to 9 I^{ I !+ n n 9 9.O*- tn t.) o.) <J, cr) -r @ r- ln - c|.| o.o F a gr @ s c! \O o O 9 I \o :r !o Gl .-{ \o rn t') ;r' + 5 Fr crlta ,-r*'-;=i'D-;tootm-r; Ft <'F< i\'+';' vvv O - m tn 0l Gl AO 22. (\l rr) ro tn \o oo Fa € \o FO .c o <f @d t) oo € N r-{ -t n v v vP.9..O vu 99 \O <f F{ i'r c! c{ I'') (\ tr) (\ c) (\l -fa--^^ -i -l r' tl't t1 fA m F..(\f C.t C.t '-r: ivvrivvvvuevvvv\r'\J F{ Gt L.) rn r') \O -,{ <t d !! <> F< l/) t/) r\ sf tQC!C!tOHF{C!x|\l F d i\' = c.|"rn Ol N t4 rO t.) rA Uri\,\zsivvvvv \O r> !4 F tn O 6 c! Or tQ I li ro to l, r'n to c\t c\l c\! ; 33.2 FI @n >ra c!FI rrl Ol ko \ t+d (\v 5.6 (\r 2.0 q) G' Cr{ q) :J> "Fl d ^ .-r' 65;rn tacrr S ^<t 'ro J< vvv f.- .C,n -t u:r -j 36(10) 58(4) 20(1) 186(18) 104(7) t{ v) s ln (Cfn "{E oJ( (J inq) AA) EF{ a .ri rO C! \Jvv $ sf- 25(10) 42(5) 13(0) 2(1) 11(2) 5(1) o0 CC F. (n e q) .F{ ((l \o - ; ; .o 5 4 crr OJ Ea) F{O (!F. U) (J tO 'r4' t4 -(',-{''{ \Jvvv v c.r ri -r tn c'r O rf qr d ra lJ1 Fr t) F{ c{ r' ; AA ;'i4' iiii O rn Hd 9 <dOl )tsH gc) OU o.A utt PX tro) 6q) t{ t< (, L) O 12(3) 8(1) o o o oo 50 OE L)O (J J< c!F{ A t+{ 6r l-. Or Ln 6,1 42(12) 26(2) 42(19) 54(7) 10(4) 19(5) 20(9) 48(5) 25(12) 18(5) 6(1) 29(4) 5(2) 15(2) 7(1) 3(1) 46(5) 31(5) 24(3) 21(3) 37(7) 11(2) 12(1) 25(1) 15(i) 22(4) 2(1) 8 7(0) 11(1) 4(1) 7(1) 7(0) 28(1) 26(0) 4(0) 11(0) 11(1) 27 12(2) 19(10) 35(2) 30(5) 56(9) 57(2) 35(3) 27(3) 25(3) 20(3) F € Or 9 n il !4'C c d c\r t4 tf, trr \o F- € o) o -r ry n?'a &? to to \o \o F lt' t' l- l-' i6 U id rn r'n rn o rn 6 6 .o .o\o \o 9 9 tg or or ot of or or cD o) oi 6 d oi o, ot ot ot 6 6 o't ot a q q dorH Hor F{F{Fir<FlF{d ;;;laa-r*ii-r*-l < 46(7) 87(1) 62(21) 269(4) 128(11) 72(4) 171(20) 153(16) 212(17) 82(16) 113(4) 59(13) 154(4) 11 0 11 o (s F IA o . . .a OF b0.Ft (6li u. k a 3 tt) 1.5 79(6) 117 9(3) 28(6) 8(2) 12(1) 3(1) 9(5) 11(1) 30(4) 58(7) 12(3) 10(1) 15(3) 18(4) 43(3) 5(1) 6 15(1) 32(1) 10(1) 24(3) 49 5 rn L., o.,s 35 4 9 5 0 14(3) 4(2) 25(3) 51 9 1.5 th o o.i = o Miles 135(3) 18(3) 8.1 449(19) 134(5) 29(3) 111(8) 68(2) 157(19) 255(13) 77(12) 149(4) 109(43) 376(18) 201(30) 101(31) 306(30) 290(47) 326(30) 150(29) 197(20) 87(15) 243(11) 326(12) 61(13) 109(11) 45(4) 11.6 80.2 23.9 5.2 19.8 12.1 28.0 45,5 13.8 26.6 19.5 67.2 35.9 34.1 54.7 51.8 58.2 26.8 35.2 15.5 43.4 58.2 10.9 19.5 65 36(2) 190(4) 45(1) 17(3) 54(14) 15(1) 6 2 4 30(2) 15(2) 24 yr avg. (1950-73) a e o I I Trib. Year 43 27 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 lS62 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 per Mile Total Yaquina River Simpson Creek Salmon Creek Grant Creek Feag' es Peak Counts on Yaquina River Spawning Fish Surveys for Coho Since 1950 Table 12. I. IS I . I a Standard Surveys Fish a o x C) (a k a m h0 l! tr F.F{(\1 AA- @ J -t t) ra F{ c\.€' -l }o O \O C\l vv O c\t F. rv a C! v €} @ \Od ^ (\t tn ti F'' v @ v YY vl/t F- O O '< \o (\l t\ it: -i^^ (\l rf) O Fr Gl O tO tO vvvvvv r.-Y v^o|-.O vvv ln \O \C o) <t :f, F{ q 9 tO'f Ot I c.r P' Gl 6l '<f ,* t'f d i'tO v5tv v vvvvv rA Or - ' - {r-\ o (H\ h 4Hr o t€7 ) ! :t 4 $ c9! F g -tn A A^-^AA 6l A A(\I .+'; ln. -t4 :t \o Fr ; a t ) ivvvL/vv\'/v vv ln or rn u.) rn o c! t fo .o s o o l- I \o o o r.i r- rn r- t{t r- -r ro <t }t' F{ d ^A^AA F{ c! v v v-o v v 9 -o l/) Gl iQ co \O Fr cD H F{ d A'-n c\l ^^ o| @ t\ :: v @ lt) oO rt nt: rf () H I o tf, rf' r\' ol s <f o) l* t) er r\ 9{ C) o \o r\ \o @ m o o F? 11 ol o \o o) Gt (\l rn tf) tn -, o c.r r\r r\ rt ln o (\t o ol r- .{ q| F{ fo'{ N ra\ov) tf, e! c-r ;rt ln.t - ;ciirr'q ;6-t; F{ d Fl =l a d F F{ o a F{ !n !? t*- (\l o ^-N d d F{ d \O Ol F{ dr Fl r'l Ol GI O Ol O r4€ i c{ 6l !oo v @d 6l b0a >14 dr- I OJ t{(} xt/1 <d (\v aa rn 23. rn \o (n \t OFl |.o rao \o r<l O d O c\ra C{ '-r (\l vgvvv ttt O t\ H(\ -l oo Ft l'\ <) Gl t-' \O 6l (\l d }4 Gl +-l F@tnGloHc!oo vvvvvvvvv () -f \ r- N c\l d to d sl 6lt'D aa-^--A^ ^rO \^AA(\.l A. (f rf Fr t') r.) tO d -r t/l rO'+ <f d vvvvvvvvvv!/vvvvv m'+ Or l'* \C, i4 !.1 O I !D t.' oO lD (\-r c.l tn c!(\1 Gl'9 dd H F{ Frfortligt4* vvvvvvv or.+ -- .f, 9 !? rittt ; Fl 29.5 156(15) q) kd O'F{ C.f / (! .t, '-{ Fr vv oO oO rn ' - i i or ^A^ ^ -nn '^O ' - ' l \ -' O \c oh? O 9!'{ ^^-{ 9 t4 oO S ,c'l ;6 ltt i '-{ rA |.r, c|.r m gl"Fl'; \ J v vv v iivvv\J \Jvv v\rv to rC F{ tQ l, ?.) O t? 9 99 -f Or U? O'<l rn =( \ l It . ) ' = - i ' - ;r O r d { O J IF t F l* d \o- or r\ lo t.o G o F ;^A-^ h|'i-"co' clr c\ \t '{ st r<l '-{ i/iJ; vvv vvvv rO <r \O \t m O \O \O r- I O.O ;+;;..lio\o+-ni;-;rornto'f oe lnq) (') < ...1 h =(J o <' A ;''t4';' vvv s- \o st'f l; + ; -. v q + oL) -l tr (l)Jl 1., q) (/lq) .O t{ r.f) <t .f t.) -. v\/vvv t.) ; O) c.r .C ai6+;(.,t.);;; o-x u) c) ko ok ; v S i =L) d 5.1 1.3 1.0 C = 6 A U) f. c) d, oo (! o rt) .-1 O1 <d E(l) o(J tr U) a.l) a) "'{ v C! ra rO(\i vvv n- FLr.)d '.a';'i\' -@ -tn' \O - t< Jl ko oq) fi.t 'ro' o t\ 34(4) 33(1) 46(7) -,{ qJ F? a !? .o l- € cD I r{ cJ !O'c c> d c\I.., !r rn \o r.. @ clr o ro \o 9 9 9 \o'O to \o \ F* b !' rJ6 Lr; 6 rri r.6 rn m in t,) 6.o oi d a; oi o, or or ot oi oi o o, or or or o, rlr or ol o q ol q q o' v n d 26(4) 55(16) 24(3) 25(3) 7(3) 8(1) 15(0) 2(0) 12(1) 2(0) o o t6ti c to OE c)o x o ol+{ A t) F o -(u k crx Eo EC) tt{ ra (J k o 10(2) 27(1) 5(2) 10(0) 9(0) 34 3(2) 6(0) 2(0) O o a e 15(2) 82(0) 13(0) 18(0) 16(1) 6(2) 16(3) 9(0) 4(1) 24(2) 1(0) 4 40(12) 30(4) 26.1 9.4 12.0 32.4 5.3 13.7 5.9 29 9(1) 17(3) 61(4) 21(1) 38(2) 25 Fl 1.0 60(18) 59(9) 36(8) 46(6) 24(3) 19(1) 17(S 76(6) 13(4) 22(4) 40(7) 24(8) 37(5) 17(2) 12(0) 32(1) 0.8 th c) 1.0 .t{ = Miles 36(2) 17(7) 30(8) 19 75(4) 50(12) 72(5) 24(1) 73(5) 116(3) 37(4) 40(6) 30(1) 25 17 14 6 35 14 10 9(1) 4(3) 14(3) 54(10) 33(4) 10(3) 75(17) 34 46(3) 45,7 30.2 12.0 28.0 22.6 47.7 21.6 39.8 63.5 31.0 42.0 29.0 1 27(2) 34.1 44(1) 65 14(1) 89(12) 85(3) 3 8 18(2) 20(6) 12(2) 41(3) 23(5) S7(3) 17(1) 40(2) 23 18 4(1) 56(3) 44(1) 14 23(5) 58(4) 49(4) 12(3) 56(1) 62 76 6 15(3) 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 20(3) 42.9 12.7 37.3 58(10) 298(11) 219(171 65(5) 190(5) 174(9) 233(30) 154(9) 61(1) 143(11) 115(30) 243(33) 110(10) 203(32) 324(41) 158(20) 214(36) 148(22) 133(8) 48(7) 61(8) 165(2) 27(5) 70(3) 30(1) 34(9) 65(7) 40(4) Total Year 28(3) 24 yr avg. (1950-73) 11.4 58.4 1ile 10(1) 46(4) 46(4) 14(1) 36 Fish per Wilson Creek Lobster Creek Horse Creek Cherry Creek Bummer Creek Peak Counts on Alsea River Spawning Fish Surveys for Coho Since 1950 Table 13. . . . S. . S. Standard Surveys 24. 24. 14. Table Table 14. i, Sparning Cfeek Spawning BeaverCreek on Beaver Peak Counts Counts on 1.950 Since 1950 CohoSince F'Lh Surveys Srrrreys for Coho F,igh Standard Surveys S. Fk. N. Fk. FK. N . Fk. N. O Year a o oo o 1950 1950 1 95! 1951 t9s2 1952 1 953 1953 1 954 1954 l1955 9s5 1 956 1956 r 95 7 1957 1958 158 1 959 1959 1960 1960 1.961 1961 1962 1962 1963 1963 1964 1964 1965 1965 1966 1966 1967 1967 1968 1968 1969 1969 1970 1970 1971 1"971 1972 L972 1973 1973 7974 1974 Beaver Creek Creek 12(2) 179 179 47(4) 47(4) r11(2) 1(2) 1 1].1 24 24 2 4(4 ) 24(4) s2(2) 52(2) ls (2) 15(2) 3 2( 1 ) 32(1) 2e(4) 29(4) 2 3( s ) 23(5) s7(s) 37(3) 2 s( l o ) 25(10) 20(0) 20(0) 2 6( s ) 26(5) 4 0( 1 ) 40(1) 1s(s) 15(5) 5e(3) 39(3) 1 7(3) 17(3) 4 6(s) 46(5) 52(3) s2(3 ) 8(1) I (1) 12(1) l2(1) 4(1) 4(1) avg. 24 yr 24 yr avg. a ( l e s o - 7 3 )3 3(3) 33(3) (1950-73) ttl Les MIles S 1.0 1.0 o off FK. N . Fk. N. Beaver Beaver Creek Crcel'. s( 2 ) 5(2) 80( 8) 80(8) ( 4) 2s 25(4) 2 2 13(3) 13(3) 20i3) 20(3) 1 8( 4 ) 18(4) 22(3) 22(3) 00 5 00 (1) s5(1) e(t) 9(1) l8(r1) 18(11) 1 7(s) 17(5) 2s(s) 25(5) 42( 1 r ) 42(11) 1 4( s ) 14(5) 21(1) 21(1) 6(2) 6 ( 2) 1 s(2) 1S(2) 12(1) l2(1) 1 7( s ) 17(5) 2( 0 ) 2(0) 22(e) 22(9) of of Fish Fish FK. N . Fk. N. Beaver Beaver Creek Creek 1 7( 4 ) 17(4) 1 1 s( 1 1 ) 115(11) 2 0( 1 ) 20(1) e( 2 ) 9(2) 1 3( 3 ) 13(3) 8 (2) 8(2) 2 7( r ) 27(1) s2(2) 32(2) e(t) 9(1) 66 1I 21(4) 21(4) :0(3) ZO(3) 1 s( 4 ) 15(4) 4 s( 3 ) 45(3) 12 l2 l8 18 22 66 9(3) e(3) s(0) 5(0) 3( 0 ) 3(0) 2(0) 2(0) 1 (0) 1(0) 0( 0 ) 0(0) Total per Per l'lile Mile 14.8 14.8 3 4( 8 ) 34(8) L62.6 3 7 4 ( 1 s ) 162.6 374(19) 4 0.0 40.0 9 2( e ) 92(9) e.6 9.6 22(4) 22(4) 16.1 16.1 3 7( 6 ) 37(6) 22.6 22.6 s 2( s ) 52(5) 30.o 6e(e) 30.0 69(9) 46.1 46.1 1 06(7) 106(7) 10.4 2 4 ( . 3 ) 10.4 24(3) 78.7 18.7 43(r) 43(1) 13.0 13.0 30(4) 30(4) 2L.s 4 9 ( 1 0 ) 21.3 49(10) 28.7 28.7 66(7) 66(7) 25.2 s 8 ( 2 s ) 25.2 58(25) 3 3. 7 35.7 8 2( 8 ) 82(8) 27.4 6 3 ( 1 0 ) 27.4 63(10) 4 3 .s 1 0 0 ( I 2 ) 43.5 100(12) 1 3 .s 3 1( 1 0 ) 13.5 31(10) 28.7 28.7 66(4) 66(4) 13.9 13.e 32(8) 32(8) 28.7 28.7 66(7) 66(7) ( 4 ) z e.L 29.1 67 67(4) ( 6 ) 11.7 LL.7 27 27(6) 6.5 6 .s 15(1) lsn) lt.5 2 6 ( 1 0 ) 11.3 26(10) 16(3) 1 6( 5 ) 1 7( 2 ) 17(2) 6/(8) 67(8) 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.8 2.3 23 29.1 2e.r ? . 2 5' 25. Strnreys Salnon Surveys Spacning Salmon Lakes Spaming Tennile Lakes Peak Counts Counts on Teninile 1 5 . Peak T a b l e 15. Table 1955 Since 1955 for Coho CohoSince o o . Standard Surveys o o o o o a Year Year t1955 955 1956 1956 1957 1957 1958 1958 1959 1 959 1 960 1960 1961 1961 1962 t962 1963 1963 1 964 1964 196S 1965 1966 1966 1967 1967 1 968 1968 1 969 1969 1970 1970 1 9 7I 1971 L972 1972 t973 1973 1974 1974 7oo(t44) 700(144) 681(301) 681(301) se2(21s) 592(215) 106(4e) 106(49) s 0( 2 1) 90(21) 104(82) 104(82) 1 2 3( s e ) 123(59) 76(33) 76(33) 2L6(r44) 216(144) 180(s6) 180(56) (se) 137 137(59) s57(28) 7(28) z s o( r 1 8 ) 250(118) 6 r( 1 6 ) 61(16) r r 8( 8 2 ) 113(82) 7 1 0( s 2 e ) 710(529) 3se(18) 359(18) (e) s6 56(9) 120(36) 1 2 0( 3 6 ) 83(21) 8 5( 2 1 ) 1 s e (l s 4 1 ) 1591(541) Ls44(s20) 1344(520) ee6{3s6) 996(356) s86(178) 586(178) 2s7(3s) 257(33) (s73) 7ss 755(573) 260(105) 2 6 0(1 0 s) 1 .5 1.5 avg. 19 yr yr avg. ( l e s s -7 3 ) (1955-73) l,li les Miles o o o r B ig Big Creek Creek Mans Adams Creek Creek Fish Johnson Johnson Creek Creek pef per Mile Mile 791 (486) 7e1(486) 1763(9e4) 1763(994) 1068( 136) 1068(136) 480( 1s0) 480(150) e2e(23S) 929(238) 2s7(6s) 297(63) 686(ree) 686(199) 614(2e6) 614(296) sos(164) 505(164) zse(ro2) 239(102) 10s(26) 105(26) 240(r74) 240(174) 3 1 8( 1 1 s ) 318(115) 366(ts4) 366(l34) (200) 35s 335(200) (164) 381 381(164) zr8(7e) 218(79) 2se(e3) 259(93) 276(Lst) 276(131) 123(3r) 123(31) 71a(G26) 210(126) s46(3ss) 546(355) 4OaQ4) 400(74) 1s1(28) 151(28) 2 1 2( s 1 ) 212(51) 70(17) 70(17) (36s) e08 908(365) 1122(467) Lr22(467) 326(134) 326(1 34) 2.2 2.2 3.3 3.3 7 .0 7.0 1221(468) 1221(468) i4s4(sl4) 1494(514) eos(sl0) 905(510) L2L4(s74) 1214(574) ( 230) 6e3 693(230) 8s7( 302) 857(302) 686( 301) 686(301) 407(67) 407(67) ( 3i7) s62 562(317) ( 961) 134.5 134'(961) 1373(361) r 373( 361) ( 40) s20 ' 520(40) 4 36(8 5) 436(83) 11r ( 38) 111(38) 2 s 1 3( 7 1 1 ) 2513(711) 2270(t248) 2270(1248) Le46(s77) 1946(577) (484) e83 983(484) 388(r 2e) 388(129) 821(s63) 821(563) ( 281) 883 883(281) 9e4(3e6) 994(396) r z24( 74e) 1224(749) 1 2 7 (6s r s ) 1276(515) 95(261) (261) 6es (318) 8se 899(318) (4es) 997(495) 997 3e6(13s) 396(135) 0 26. 26. ' Table T a b l e 16. 16. Peak Peak Counts River Spawning Fish SpawningFish Counts on on Coos Coos River Surveys Surveys tor tor Coho S i n c e 1950 1950 C o h oSince Standard Surveys Sunreys Fish Fish a o o Year Year 1950 I 950 1951 1951 1952 1 9 52 1953 1 9 53 1954 I 954 1955 1955 1956 1956 1957 I 957 1958 19 5 8 1959 19 5 9 1960 1960 1961 1961 1962 196Z o . a o 1963 19 6 3 1964 1 964 1965 I965 3966 I 966 7967 1967 1968 I 968 1969 I 969 1970 i970 1971 T97L 1972 I97 2 1973 L973 1974 L974 a 24 24 O I o - l4organ r4organ Creek Creek Creek Creek rs8(2r) 6(1) 6(1) 28(3) 28(3) 68(12) 6 8( 12 ) 18(2) 18(2) 158(21) s327(77) 2 7( 7 7 ) 254(26) 2 s4 (2 6 ) 65(19) 6 s( 1 e ) 67(33) 5 7( 3 3 ) 96(18) e6(18) 195(72) 1 s s( 7 2 ) 49(6) 4 e(6 ) 24(6) 2 4(6 ) 63(7) 6 3( 7 ) 47(30) 47(30) 192(116) l s 2 ( 1 16 ) 129(31) 12e(31) 53(17) s 3( l 7 ) 52(11) s 2( 1 1 ) 28(2) 28(2) 50(10) s0(1o ) 53(11) s 3t r l ) 26(3) 26(3) 45(7) 4s(7) (s) 35(5) 3s 18(2) 18(2) 53(29) s3(2s) 58(16) s 8( l 6 ) 103(42) 1 0 3( 4 2 ) l,larlow Marlow Creek Creek 21(5) 2 1( s ) 16(2) 16(2) 16(5) 16(s) 16(2) 16(2) 25(5) 2 s( s ) 18(10) 1 8( 1 0 ) 6(1) 6( 1 ) 15(5) 1s(s) 3(1) 3( 1 ) 4(1) 4(1) 3 3( 1 ) 33(1) 19(5) 1e(s) 24(12) 24(\2) 22(5) 22(s) 179(22) t79( 2?) 388(80) 388(80) 342(44) s42( 44) 101(24) 1 0 1( 2 4 ) ( 3e) 97(39) e7 114(18) r 1 4( 18 ) 267(93) 267(e3) 79(10) 7e( 10) 26(6) 26(6) 76(7) 76(7) 64(40) 64(40) 246(132) 246(1s2) 181(62) 1 8 1( 6 2 ) 86(22) e 6Q2) 121(17) t2L(i7) s51(6) 1(5) 63(10) 63( r 0) 80(17) 8 0( r 7 ) 4 8( s ) 48(5) ( 13) 64(13) 64 55(8) ss(8) 76(8) 76(B) (44) e0 90(44) 88(29) 8 8( 2 e ) 140(52) 1 40 ( s 2 ) 18(4) r 8( 4 ) 17(4) t7 (4) 124(32) r24 (32) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.3 J.J 15 l5 17 L7 40(19) 4 0( r e ) 11(2) 1 l (2) 2 100 1 10(3) 1 0( 3 ) 8(4) 8 (4) 25(12) 2 s( 1 2 ) 26(4) 26(4) 26(3) 26(s) 1 7 7 7 15 l5 33 33 20(6) 20( 6) 18(3) 1 E( 3 ) 15(6) 1 s( 6 ) t 1I 32(2) 3?(2) l19(2) e (2) 0 0 3 3 7(7) 7(7) 46(12) 46(12) 27(19) 27(1s) 7(1) 7(l) 43(3) 4 3( 3 ) 16(4) 1 5( 4 ) 6 6 6(1) 6(1) 6 6 89(24) 8s(24) 1.3 1.3 Counts made by by 2regon Oregon FhldTife Wildlife Conv?iesion. Cornrrission. 1/ Cowtts l'l Total per Per Mile M il e 54.2 s4.2 117.6 LL7.6 103.6 103.6 30.6 5 0 .6 29.4 29.4 34.5 3 4 .5 80.9 80.9 23.9 23.9 7.9 7.9 23.0 23.0 19.4 1 9 .4 74.5 74.5 54.8 5 4 .I 26.1 26.t 36.7 36.7 15.5 1 5 .5 19.1 19.1 24.2 24.2 14.5 1 4 .5 19.4 t . 9 .4 16.7 16.7 23.0 23.0 27.3 ?7,3 26.7 26.7 42.4 42.4 yyrr avg. av7. (ies0-73) (1950-73) l'li Miles les o Larson 1/ 1/ 37.6 37.6 a x o p k v) tt .r{ ll. tr bc 3 tr 'Fl (g 0) a r< l. ri t: l(' k o) B t{ (l) p.E kF( q) .rl o P F. i< c) b(' q) ,F{ 0) cal{ (J I I bl'-* o >l0r .-{ | q,, C) glp l. O S Fr u.) lQ -r N r.)f\ Ol nA !') -' 1r \O '-{ *-{ I 6 a dJ F r? !{ !t) () \O Gl f- t+ F rO 27. s GI 3 3^'-A^ --"38goa933os tn u1 Ol o i o i- - { o r \ \ s 5 ig 3 5 S i U ; R X : F : R X g A io o l..t'..'.f4.9Ag99ggI ua d GrrogtfGl\Or\ 6; '@.'co'ivvvvvvvv lt)€Gtc\te.l d'<rn ^F^^G^^^a] l.l:{. F{<'dtrlv) o'r ; F{ g{Ii - xdd; d rn Cr r\'+ d (! d H i c 3 . : C ^ - ' 4 : - - 3 ^ ^n a jI + o = c! --\A^ ^^---^ \o !.1 ra6 ()\o o C o <.t.r \OO g o \o o) o \o c) c'l c€ . l c'rrn'c'< rns€ A^^-^ rf ii"tol.r: eAagOX. d d $ -'-t'toio vvvvi:rJrvvvvvv\/ to tO oo rn s t\o c\t c'r !: i ttl to a :a?eaaaa ^^C6^ - 6 -ln' rn o) o4 o "' : + =- ; ,^r' -o' O ' : '; r- u. i . ^Sm ' l a - r r! ? - FO {.t tn n$ vvvvvv cii.:rjvvi.)v X , 1= F : : = x I 3 ; S ' * S ' ' -_1 f't.) 55YRKEssX55fiil3 g Fs q 3EI qg 3 3 I d or st - @r'ra^'oo'c'r^e'r=?3 s ^^ iR/ a; iG: 'i3Y6-K 3333o33PP9o -sS * r or . o - , p l - r ; 5 R S U : g B N - - : K = R * R F7 --RooilrmrX A dO)\Oc\Q-'' aGG'...S - Cr<'C)rt.)t d@ (\ r* trl c! rn .<i - - Fod r. !vvv-i-'vvv-ivvvv.gvvvv ,^ Fr t- X;:;;;b'* 6t 14 < t*- c{ t-' \o <.i vvvvvvlOi.) v cr c r- 3.,rt io - * J ; s & il 14 rn d \o iq c!.o r r" ls F tj t I 161 (15) - t o o o o F| 5o cr u') o o-l L, c0) o(J rO.F{ $u) ot (JO (J & <!lr (l)o o. t+'{ le 1 t l r.lif x I olt c'l >lo ol .AlZ r\l ol dl v)d r{ - ll === = = ; -t a A d d d Fr Fr d d co Lrt F{ r.) tt1 Or rt) F\O Ot rn t\ v O boA > t) dr- I F1o x l n( ' t n d <f (!v c) 2 .d o go Fl Q n-O rno 6.8 1.0 44.2 300(36) 34(6) 166(30) 66(2) 208(72) 17(3) 14(1) 0(0) 099P93\o eeec Eeosa3soooso = F';5Fi 55R: s n g t"il s Rs x s 5 o o I I 1 333s 30soie!- 9e*?-3*P*Pg .': ;555ns:'* FsRRE* s's 33: *': 1 33(3) 36(1) 5(1) 11(3) 1.0 1 xxor EQ€CqqFii 3il;nsn3; - sssEq! or o) or bi t ; ; 6 ot o' cl - - or o) o) "{ o) or or or or dor -- c.r c! rn r- c\'l 7 1.0 67(11) 15(7) 49(18) 43(12) 10(1) 114(13) 77(18) 143(13) 31(2) 184(4) 29(18) 52(12) 62(4) 43(12) 63(3) 95(4) 22(1) 110(18) 96(5) 26(6) 45(3) 20(12) 78(23) 100(7) 53(5) 330(68) ;;;i: Lo rn o 55 50 lFa c) F 32 . 20(3) 9(0) 7(0) 22(1) 3(0) 0(0) 49(15) 12(2) 21(0) 18(3) 20(1) 7(0) 79(28) 40(5) 15(4) 17(0) 43(4) 9(0) 17(5) --- (19) d lq) .dl'< 11 11(1) 38(9) 73(4) 11(5) 95(5) 77(2) 60(2) 51(3) 148(25) 44(10) 50(15) 46(7) 68(14) 20(4) 56(4) 40(9) 12(0) 24(5) 55(9) 46(5) 28(4) 43(13) 24(1) I J :' rr, q) o1€ o) c) l.F{ H (JlE <-'l I .l J4 l FI 5 ul(2) 33 2(1) 27(4) 16(1) 36(17) 33(6) 5(1) 4(0) 15(3) 6 I I I ll< c) lo q) f{ l4 I() L) .l >. z,lA -u I I t{ c) d ss t0 +5 Si H € a J, c) k S) q) s o s F) \J t$ e, B F OJ o 'tJ s o t 'rr o o q) O) FI |rJ d Counts rc.cde by Oregon Wildlife Coln7rissiOn since 1958. r-r I 1/ 5 6(17) 32(7) 232(14) 36(4) 25(3) 55 9(2) 117(3) 5 316(20) 65(6) 35(7) 27.1 44(7) 23(2) 69(35) 71(6) 28(4) 35(1) 11(2) 14(1) 31(8) 76(24) 121(7) 38(9) 79(3) 21(1) 67(21) 38(3) 20(9) 113(5) 35(2) 28(1) 19(2) 1.0 1.0 1.8 Miles 67.5 74.3 23.1 59.3 15.7 41.9 56.3 13.7 65.4 5).1 28.7 24.3 14.0 27.6 18.2 23.7 24.4 9.7 30.6 1,244(67) 279(45) 275(11) 184(5) 459(120) 505(31) 157(26) 403(11) 107(41) 285(83) 383(41) 93(28) 445(33) 407(35) 195(32) 165(29) 95(8) 188(30) 124(16) 24 50 59(5) 59(7) 24 yr avg. 60(7) (1950-73) 493 (48) 7(l) 86 Big 54 . per Mile Total Creek River Steel Creek 48.5 72.5 182.9 41.0 40.4 144 (22) 6i11e 39(11) 77(23) 145(12) 191(15) 59(9) 56(2) 14(2) 96(17) 63 2 61 94(18) 57(16) 57(13) 383(15) 22(2) 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 Fish S.Fk.Coquille River 1/ Salmon Creek Standard Surveys M.Fk.Coquille River 1/ N. Fk. Ccguille River North iTdd1e Cherry Perk Creek Creek Year Peak Counts on Coquille River Spawning Fish Surveys for Coho Since 1950 17. Table . P