JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 93, NO. B10, PAGES 12,067-12,080, OCTOBER 10, 1988 Large-ScaleWaveformInversionsof SurfaceWaves for Lateral Heterogeneity 2. Applicationto SurfaceWaves in Europeandthe Mediterranean ROEL SNIEDER Departmentof TheoreticalGeophysics, Universityof Utrecht,TheNetherlands Linear surfacewave scatteringtheory is usedto reconstructthe lateral heterogeneityunder Europeand the Mediterranean usingsurfacewave datarecordedwith the Networkof Autonomously RecordingSeismographs (NARS). The waveforminversionof the phaseandthe amplitudeof the directsurfacewaveleadsto a variance reductionof approximately 40% andresultsin phasevelocitymapsin the periodranges30-40 s, 40-60 s and 60-100 s. A resolutionanalysisis performedin order to establishthe lateral resolutionof theseinversions. Using the phasevelocity perturbations of the threeperiodbands,a two-layermodel for the S velocityunder Europeand the Mediterraneanis constructed. The S velocityperturbations in the deepestlayer (100-200 km) aremuchmorepronounced thanin thetoplayer (0-100 kin), whichconfirmsthatthelow-velocityzoneexhibits pronounced lateralvariations.In bothlayersthe S velocityis low underthe westernMediterranean, whiletheS velocityis high underthe Scandinavian shield.In the deepestlayer a highS velocityregionextendsfrom Greece under the Adriatic to northem Italy. Several interestingsmaller features, such as the Massif Central, are reconstructed.One of the spectacular featuresof the reconstructed modelsis a sharptransitionin the layer between100 and 200 km nearthe Tomquist-Tesseyre zone.This would indicatethat thereis a sharptransition at depthbetweenCentralEuropeandthe EastEuropeanplatform. The waveforminversionof the surfacewave coda leads to good waveform fits, but the reconstructedmodels are chaotic.This is due both to a lack of sufficientdatafor a goodimagingof the surfacewaveenergyon the heterogeneities andto an appreciable noise componentin the surfacewavecoda. INTRODUCTION One of the main tasks of modem seismologyis to map the lateral heterogeneityin the Earth. Low-order spectralmodelsof lateral heterogeneityhave been constructedusing P wave delay times [Dziewonski,1984], surfacewave dispersiondata [Nataf et al., 1986], or surface waveforms [Woodhouse and Dziewonski, 1984; Tanimoto,1987]. Thesestudiesproducedextremelysmooth Earth models because of the low-order expansion of the heterogeneityin sphericalharmonics.However,recentlarge-scale tomographicinversionsof P wave delay times have shown that lateralheterogeneity existsdownto depthsof at least500 km on a horizontalscaleof a few hundredkilometers[Spakman,1986a,b]. Lateral variations in the P velocity on this scale can be analyzedaccuratelyusing delay time tomography.In principle, tomographicinversionscould also be applied to S wave delay times.In practice,this is not so simplebecausethe presenceof the low-velocitylayer renderstheS wave tomographyproblemhighly nonlinear. In fact, it is shown by Chapman [1987] that the tomographicinversionproblemis illposedif a low-velocitylayer is present.The fact that the low-velocity layer exhibits strong lateral variations [York and Helmberger, 1973; Souriau, 1981; Paulssen,1987] posesan additionalcomplication. measurements, cannotbe usedin that case.Up to this point, this fact hasbeenconsequentlyignored. The breakdown of ray theory means that scattering and multipathingeffects can be important.In the companionpaper [Snieder, this issue; (hereafterreferred to as "paper 1")], linear surfacewave scatteringtheoryis presented.It is shownin paper 1 how this theorycan be usedto map the lateralvariationsof the S velocity in the Earth. With this method,completewaveformsof surfacewave data can be inverted,so that not only the phasebut alsothe amplitudecanbe usedfor inversion.Unfortunately,there is at this point only linear theory for surfacewave scatteringin three dimensions [Snieder, 1986a, b; Snieder and Nolet, 1987; Snieder and Romanowicz, 1988; Romanowiczand Snieder, 1988] which limits the applicability of this method. Large-scale inversionof both the phase and the amplitudeof surfacewave data has also been performedby Yomogidaand Aki [1987], who applieda scatteringformalismto the Rytov field of surfacewaves. However, their methodis basedon the assumptionthat surface waves satisfy the two-dimensionalwave equation, which has neverbeenshown(andwhichis probablynot true). In this paper, large-scalewaveform inversionsusing linear scatteringtheory, as presentedin paper 1, are appliedto surface wave data recorded with the Network of Autonomously RecordingSeismographs (NARS) [Dost et al., 1984; Nolet et al., One could use surface wave data instead because Love waves 1986] for events in southern Europe.The inversionswith linear and Rayleigh waves are stronglyinfluencedby the S velocity. scattering theory, which will be called the "Born inversion," are However, fundamentalmode surface wave data (which are most easilymeasuredandidentified)that penetrateas deepas 200 km, appliedboth to the surfacewave coda and to the direct surface have a horizontalwavelengthof the order of 300 km. This means wave. Details of the inversionmethodwith numericalexamples that lateral heterogeneities on a scaleof a few hundredkilometers are shownin paper1. The Born inversionis first appliedto the surfacewave coda.To are no longersmoothon a scaleof a wavelengthof thesewaves. Thereforeray theory, which forms the basis of all dispersion this end the natureof the surfacewave coda is investigatedin section 2, and the conditionsfor the validity of the Born approximation for the surface wave coda are established.In inversionsof the completewaveform,parameters like the source Copyright1988by theAmericanGeophysical Union. mechanism,station amplification,etc., should be specified correctly.The proceduresthat are followed in this study are Papernumber7B6094. 0148-0227/88/007B- 6094505.00 reported in section 3. As shown in paper 1, it may be 12,067 12,068 Source-reciever SNIEDER: LARGE-SALE INVERSION OFSURFACE WAVEDATA,2 minor arcs. Event 5300 (Algeria), stationNE03, depth=10 km. i i i i i /•A T>30 s. A•A^ T>25 s. , i i 600 800 i 1000 1200 1400 time (s.) Fig. 2. Low passedseismograms for an Algerianeventrecordedin NE03 (Denmark). Fig. 1. Source-receiverminor arcs for the seismogramsused in the inversions.The dashedminorarcscorrespond to the seismograms usedin the computation of the spectrafor the westernMediterranean, while the minor arcsusedfor the spectrafor the pathsin Europeare dotted. The seismograms for all minor arcs(dashed,dotted,and solid) are usedin the than30 s. (This is confirmedlaterby Figure4b.) Thereforeonly periods larger than 30 s have been used in the inversions presented in this paper. It is verified that for all recorded waveform inversions. seismograms low passfilmring at 30 s leadsto a codalevel which is low enoughtojustify theBorn approximation. This conditionfor the validity of the Born approximationmay advantageous to performa nonlinearinversionfirst for a smooth be overconservative. In a field experiment,surfacewavesreflected referencemodel in order to renderthe problemmore linear. The from a concretedam on a tidal flat have beenusedsuccessfullyto results of this nonlinear inversion are shown in section 4. Section the locationof thisdamusingBorn inversion[Snieder, 5 features waveform inversions of the surface wave coda, while in reconstruct 1987a]. Due to the very large contrastposedby this dam, the section 6 the Born inversions of the direct wave are shown. The direct surface wave and the reflected surface wave had reliability of theseresultsis investigatedin section7, where a resolutionanalysisis presented.A two-layer model of the S approximatelythe samestrength,andBorn inversionwas strictly velocity underEuropeand the Mediterraneanis finally presented not justified. Nevertheless,an accuratereconstructionof the locationof this dam was achieved.The reasonfor this discrepancy in section 8. is that the geometry of the heterogeneityprecluded multiple scattering.In such a situation, linear inversion gives at least 2. NATURE OF THeESURFACE WAVE CODA qualitativelygoodresults. Before proceedingwith the inversion,it is instructiveto study the surfacewave coda in somemore detail. In this study,surface wave datarecordedby theNARS array[Dost et al., 1984;Nolet et Event3082 (Greece), stationNE03, depth=13km. al., 1986] are used for shallow events around the Mediterranean and a deeper event in Rumania. Figure 1 shows the source receiver minor arcs for the seismogramsused in this study. Becausethe inversionis linear, it is importantto establishfirst the conditionsfor the validity of the Born approximationfor the i i i i i ß surface wave coda. In Figure 2 a seismogramis shown for an event in Algeria recorded at station NE03 in Denmark, low passed at several differentperiods. For the seismogram low passedat 16 s, the codahasapproximately the samestrengthasthedirectwave.This meansthatthe Born approximation cannotbe usedto describethe surfacewave coda at theseperiods.However,for periodslarger ß ß than 20 s the coda is much weaker than the direct wave, which ß justifiesthe Born approximationfor theseperiods. Low passed seismogramsrecordedin the same stationfor a Greek event at approximatelythe samedepth are shownin Figure 3. For this I I I I , I 600 800 1000 1200 1400 event in the seismogramlow passedat 25 s, there is still an time (s.) appreciablesecondarywave train (around700 s) just after the arrival of the direct wave, and the Born approximationfor the Fig. 3. Low passedseismograms for a Greekeventrecordedin NE03 surfacewave coda is thereforeonly justified for periodslarger (Denmark). SNIEDER: LARGE-SALE INVERSION OFSURFACE WAVE DATA,2 be defined by subtractinga constantnoise level from the coda spectrumandby divisionby the spectrumof the directwave. This normalizedcoda level is approximatelyequal to the interaction coefficients,seeequations(1) and(5) of paper1. (One shouldbe a Paths through the western Mediterranean ' i ' i -- direct wave ........ coda , i , _ 0.01 0.02 0.03 12,069 0.04 0.05 Frequency (Hz) Fig. 4a. Spectraof the directwave, surfacewave coda,and background noisefor wavepathsthroughthe westemMediterranean. The examplesshownin the Figures2 and 3 showthat the coda level is very different for the differentwave paths.This is verified by dividing the seismogramsin two groups.One groupconsistsof seismograms for with wave paths through the western Mediterranean (the dashed lines in Figure 1), while the other groupis for the wave pathsthrougheasternand centralEurope (the dottedlines in Figure 1). For eachgroupthe spectrumof the direct surfacewave is determined,as well as the spectumof the coda (definedby groupvelocitiesbetween1.6 and 2.9 km/s), and the spectrumof the signalbefore the arrival of the direct wave. The spectrumof the signalbeforethe arrival of the direct wave is consideredto give an estimateof the backgroundnoise level. From an academicpoint of view this is acceptablebecausebody waves andhigher-modesurfacewavesare noisefor our purposes. On the otherhand, thisproceduremay give an overestimateof the bit careful with this identification because an organized distributionof scatterersleads to extra frequency dependent factors;see Snieder [1986a] for an exampleof scatteringof surfacewavesby a quarterspace.) The normalizedcoda levels are comparedwith the interaction termsfor differentheterogeneities the Figures5a and5b. (In this examplethe absolutevalue of the interactiontermsis averaged over all scatteringangles.)Theseinhomogeneities havea constant relative shearwave velocity perturbationdown to the indicated depth,while the densityis unperturbed; furthermore,õk=õg. For the wave pathsthrougheasternandcentralEuropethesecurvesin Figure 5b can only be comparedwith the interactionterms for periodslongerthan30 s, becausetheconditionof linearitybreaks down for shorter periods. All shown heterogeneitiesfit the normalizedcoda level within the accuracyof the measurements. Also, it follows from Figures la and b of paper 1 that these heterogeneities have approximately the sameradiationpattern. This meansthatfor thesewavepathsit is virtuallyimpossible to determinethe depthof the heterogeneity from the surfacewave coda. For the paths through the western Mediterraneanthis situationis differentbecauseit canbe seenfrom Figure5a that a shallowheterogeneity(or topography)fits the normalizedcoda spectrum betterthana deeperinhomogeneity. Thisis an indication that the lateral heterogeneityin easternand centralEuropeis presentat greaterdepthsthan in the westernMediterranean. 3. PROCEDURESFOR T}m INVERSION OF SURFACE WAVE SEISMOGRAMS In orderto performwaveformfits of surfacewave data,several parametersand proceduresneed to be specified.All inversions presentedin this paper have been performedwith the model shownin Figure6. This modelis equalto the M7 modelof Nolet [1977],exceptthattheS velocityin the top 170 km is 2% lower background noise. than intheM7model. This compensates forthefactthat theM7 Thespectra forthepaths through thewestern Mediterranean are model isfortheScandinavian shield which hasananomalously shown inFigure 4a.Note thattheaverage coda level ismuchhighS velocity. Theanelastic damping of thePREM model weaker than the strengthof the direct surface wave, even for periodsas short as 16 s (0.06 Hz). For periodslarger than 25 s (0.04 Hz) the noiselevel has aboutthe samestrengthas the coda level. The meansthat inversionsusingthe surfacewave codafor these periods can only give meaningfulresults if there is an abundanceof data, which leadsto a systemof linear equations o whichis sufficiently overdetermined to average out the d •. Paths through Europe i direct wave ........ coda before direct wave • contaminatinginfluenceof noise. For the wave paths through easternand central Europe (Figure 4b) the situationis different. For all frequenciesthe coda level lies above the noise level, althoughfor periodslonger than 50 s (0.02 Hz) this differenceis marginal. For these seismogramsthe coda energy increases c• o rapidly as a function of frequency;for periodsshorterthan 22 s • ' (0.045 Hz) the codaspectrumis evenhigherthanthe spectrumof co the directwave. This meansthat thereis only a relativelynarrow frequencyband where the Born approximationis valid and where • the coda stands out well above the noise level. The fact that the codalevel for the pathsthrougheasternand I [ I [ I [ I [ I , centralEuropeincreases morerapidlyas a functionof frequency 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 than for the paths through the western Mediterranean has Frequency(Hz) implicationsfor the depthof the heterogeneities that generatethe Fig. 4b. Spectraof the direct wave, surfacewave coda,and background coda.In orderto quantifythisnotiona normalizedcodalevel can noiseforwavepaths through eastern andcentral Europe. _•o 12,070 SNIEDER: LARGE-SALE INVERSION OFSURFACE WAVEDATA,2 Reference model for inversions Pathsthroughthe western Mediterranean ' i ' i ' i , i , i , i S-velocity ........ density o z=33 km. ......... topography , g•. . _• o ,, // o z w.- - o , , I 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 I 50 0.05 • I 100 , I 150 • I 200 • I , 250 I 300 , I 350 , 400 Depth (km) Frequency (Hz) Fig. 5a. Normalizedcodalevel for the •vavepathsthroughthe westem Mediterraneanand the (normalized)integratedradiationfor different inhomogeneities asdefinedin section3. Fig. 6. Startingmodel for the inversions. in this studyare, in general,ratherweak (ms=5-6),so that the reportedsourcemechanismsare not always reliable. All seismograms with a strongdifference in waveshapebetween the [Dziewonski andAnderson, 1981] isassumed; thisdamping isnot dataandthe(initial)synthetics havenotbeenusedin the varied intheinversions. For the sourcemechanismsand the event locationand depth, the centroid moment tensor solutions, as reported in the InternationalSeismological Centrebulletins,are usedwhenever available.For the remainingeventsthe sourceparametersfrom the PreliminaryDeterminationof Epicentersbulletinsare used. inversion. Surface waverecordings thattriggered onthesurface wave have also been discarded. The stationmagnifications are not includedin the inversions presented here.The stationmagnification includesnot only the instrumental magnification but alsothe magnification effectsof the local environment of the station. As a check, the inversions For the Rumania event the source mechanism as determined from presentedhere have also beenperformedwith a simultaneous GEOSCOPE data (B. Romanowicz, personal communication, inversion for the station amplifications.Even though this 1986) is employed.No inversionfor the sourcemechanismis produced stationmagnifications aslargeas 10%,theresultin the performed because theNARSstations provideonlya limited models forlateral heterogeneity wasminimal. azimuthalcoverage,whichmeansthatthesourcemechanisms are In paper1, the waveforminversionis formulatedas the least poorly constrained by the data.The sourcestrengthis usually squares solutionof a largematrixequation.The rowsandcolumns rather inaccurate;this parameteris determinedby fitting the of this matrix can be scaled at will [Van der Sluis and Van der envelopes of thesynthetics to thedataenvelopes.The eventsused Vorst, 1987]. It has been shownby Tanimoto[1987] that it is importantthateachseismogram getsmoreor lessthesameweight in the inversion. Similarly, the different frequency components within each seismogramshouldhave a comparableweight.For the shalloweventsusedhere, the low frequenciesare not excited Paths throughEurope ' i , i , I , i , /i ' ! ,! very well. In orderto compensate for this,dataandsynthetics are scaled in the frequency domain with a factor 1/co. In the , to_ data '- z=170 km. ....... cv o -cd ' O O Z to z:110 km. kin. z=33 i: [ inversions for thesurface wavecoda,a scaling withMo/sxt•-•nA is /' / - applied,whereMo is the strengthof the momenttensorandA is the epicentral distance.This factor corrects for the different strengthsand geometrical spreadingfactors of the different events.In the inversionfor the direct wave the seismogramsare scaledin sucha way thatmaximumamplitudein thetime domain is equalized. ,,/,,,,,,//,/,;/,//, Last, in the Born inversions both for the coda and the direct wave,eachseismogram is scaledwith a factorl/x/1+ E/<E>. In this expression,E is the energy of the data residualof the seismogram underconsideration, while <E > denotesthe average of this quantityfor all seismograms. This weight factorensures thatthe seismograms with appreciable misfitsgetmoreor lessthe sameweightin the inversion,so that the contaminating influence 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 Frequency(Hz) of outliersis reduced.In the meantime,seismograms with a good initial fit havea low weightin the inversion;thispreventsa small Fig. 5b. Normalizedcodalevel for the wavepathsthrougheasternand centralEuropeand the (normalized)integratedradiationfor different amount of spurious noise in these seismogramsgetting an excessiveweight in the inversion. inhomogeneities asdefinedin section3. , , SNIEDER:LARGE-SALEINVERSIONOF SURFACEWAVE DATA,2 4. NONLINEAR INVERSION OF Tim DtRECT WAVE As mentionedin paper 1, it is advantageousto perform a -5%L 12,071 +5% (•c/c after constrained nonlinear inversion. noldinear inversion of the direct wave first because this renders the Born inversionmore linear. For this inversionthe procedures describedin paper 1 are usedfor determiningthe phasevelocity perturbationof a smoothreferencemodel. In this inversionthe phasevelocityis determinedon a rectangulargrid of 12x12 points in the domain shown in Figure 1 and is interpolated at intermediatelocationsusing bicubic splines.The relative phase velocityperturbationõc/c is assumed to be constantin theperiod bands 30-40 s, 40-60 s, and 60-100 s. In Figure 7a the phase velocity perturbation for periods between 60 s and 100 s is shown for the unconstrainedcase, i.e., T=0 in equation(21) of paper 1. Note that the phasevelocity perturbations arenot confinedto thevicinity of the sourcereceiver paths.This is an artifact of the bicubic splineparameterization, whichhasan oscillatorynaturenearplaceswherethe interpolated function changesrapidly. These artifacts can be removed by switchingon the regularizationparameter? in expression(21) of paper 1. The constrainedsolution(?>0) is shownin Figure 7b. This regularizationgoesat the expenseof the waveformfit, andit is subjectivehow much regularizationone wants to impose on thesesolution.However,in thisstudythenonlinearinversionfor a Fig.7b. Relative phase velocity perturbation (5cIc ) forperiods between smoothreferencemodel is only the first step in the complete 60 and 100 s determinedfrom constrainednonlinear waveform fitting waveform inversion, so that there is no need to obtain the (7>0.). maximuminformationfrom this nonlinearinversion.For periods largerthan 30 s the resultingreferencemodelsfor the employed 5. BORN INVERSION OF TH2ESURFACE WAVE CODA value of ? (see, for example,Figure7b) producea waveformfit which is sufficientlygood to warrant a linear inversionfor the The Born inversioncan be applied both for inversionof the remainingdataresidual.(This meansthat the phaseshift between direct surface wave, as well as for the coda. In this section the the data and syntheticsis at the most 45ø, and that the amplitude waveform inversion of the surface wave coda is discussed. The mismatchis not largerthan30%.) Thesereferencemodelsfor the surfacewave coda is extractedfrom the full seismogramwith a phase velocity perturbationsare used in the subsequentBorn time window that allows groupvelocitiesbetween1.74 and 2.90 inversions.Waveformfits of thenonlinearinversionarepresented km/s. At both endsthiswindow is taperedwith a cosinetaperover in section 6. a lengthof 100 s. In this inversionthe depthdependence of the heterogeneityis prescribedto consistof a constantrelativeS velocityperturbation -5% +5% •5[•/[•downto a depthof 170km, while thedensityis unperturbed. after unconstrained nonlinear inversion. The perturbationson the Lain6 parametersare equal. In the inversiona model of 100xl00 cells is determined(with a cell size of 35x35km2), so that 10,000unknownsare determined in the inversion.The 42 seismograms produce2520 data points,where the real and imaginary parts of each spectral component are countedas independentvariables.This meansthat the resulting systemof linear equationsis underdetermined. Increasingthe cell sizehasthe disadvantage thatthe scatteringintegral(5) of paper1 is not discretizedaccurately.Imposing a smoothness constraint alsois no option, sincescatteredsurfacewaves are most sensitive to abrupt lateral changes of the heterogeneity. As argued in section2, it is difficult to obtain a good depthresolutionfor this kind of inversion. This, and the consideration that for a fixed depth dependenceof the heterogeneitythe resulting system of linear equationis alreadyunderdetermined, makesit unjustifiable to perform an inversion with more degreesof freedom with respectto the depthdependence of the heterogeneity. The result of the Born inversion of the surface wave coda for periodsbetween30 and 100 s is shownin Figure 8. For this inversion,threeiterationshavebeenperformed;accordingto the resultsof paper1 thisis sufficientto imagetheheterogeneity. The Fig. 7a.Relative phase velocity perturbation (•5c Ic) forperiods between reconstructed model hasamessy appearance andisdominated by 60 and100s determined fromunconstrained nonlinear waveform fitting ellipsoidalstructures.These structuresare reminiscentof the (T=0). "smiles"thatoccurin improperlymigratedsections in exploration 12,072 $NIEDER: LARGE-SALE •qYERSION OFSURFACE WAVEDATA, 2 -5O/o h-- +5% for z<170 km., 30. s.<T<100s. Envelopeof modelfor pointscatterers. Fig.8. RelativeS velocityperturbation ([•/•) fromtheinversion of the Fig. 10. Filteredenvelopeof the modeldeterminedfrom a waveform surface wavecoda.Theheterogeneity extends downtoa depthof 170km. inversionof synthetics computedfor positive(circles)and negative (triangles) pointscatterers with[•/• constant down toa depth of 170km. seismics[Berkhout,1984]. Note the oscillatorynatureof the solution, whichis a consequence of thefactthatthisimageis better resolution alongthese ellipsoidal stripes. Thedirection of reconstructed essentially witha correlation method (paper1). It these ellipsoidal stripes isthusdetermined bythegeometry ofthe can be seenin Figure1 that the majorityof thepathsin central eventsandthestations; it doesnotnecessarily reflectthestructure Europerunsin thesoutheast-northwest direction. The ellipsoidal of theinhomogeneity. structures in easternEuropeandbetweenSicily and Franceare This directivityof the oscillationsin the reconstructed model centeredaroundthesepaths.This meansthat just as in the can be removedby computingthe two-dimensional spatial syntheticexampleof section8 of paper 1, the shapeof these envelopeof the solutionin Figure8. Subtracting a smoothed ellipsoidalstripesdoesnotnecessarily coincidewith thelocations versionof this envelopefrom the envelopeitself enhances the of thescatterers andthatsomesmearing of thetrueinhomogeneitycontrastsin the final solution.The resultof this procedureis alongthesestripes(smiles)hastakenplacein theinversion.More shownin Figure9. Oneshouldalwaysbe carefulin applying this data,and especiallymore crossingpathsare neededto obtaina kindof imageprocessing techniques because it mayintroduce an unwanteddegreeof subjectivity in theresultingpatterns. On the otherhand,thesemethodsmay help to extractsomeorderout of 0.5% .......... ',1111',1111111• 3% an apparent chaos.Unfortunately, in theresulting model(Figure Envelope of model from coda inversion. 9) thisgoalis onlypartlyreached.Someof the heterogeneities could be relatedto familiar geologicalstructuressuch as the Tomquist-Tesseyre zone and the northernedgeof the African continent,while otherheterogeneities appearto be distributed at random. In orderto establishthe significance of theseresults,the same inversion is performed withsynthetic datafora modelconsisting of ninepositive andeightnegative pointscatterers. Theenvelope of theresulting modelis shownin Figure10.Theheterogeneity is reconstructed nearmostpointscatterers but alsoin areasaway fromthesepointscatterers (Spain,southwest France, Aegean Sea, etc.). This meansthat even if the datawere noisefree, thereare insufficientdata to constrainthe resultingmodel.For noisecorrupteddatathiseffectis aggravated. Nevertheless, a reasonable goodfit of thesurfacewavecodais achieved,with a variancereductionof 25%. It may appear surprising thatthevariance reduction is only25%,despite thefact thatthesystemof linearequations is underdetermined. However, the linearequationsare not only underdetermined but alsoselfcontradictory. Thiscanbe seenfor examplein Figures 4a and4b, wheretheaverage amplitude spectra for thecodashowa jagged Fig. 9. Filteredenvelopeof themodelin Figure8. appearance.(This is even more pronouncedfor the individual SNIEDER: LAR6E-SALE INVERSION OFSURFACE WAVEDATA,2 Event 3218 (Greece), stationNE02. Fit of (coda)dataand synthetics,for T>50 s. I -- I 12,073 I ' I I I ' ' I data data ........ synthetics ........ synthetics 5300NE15 5300NE04 3218NE12 o-3218NE02 - _.. . .__ __• I I 600 I 800 I 1000 1200 time (s) I I 400 Fig. 1la. Examplesof the waveformfit of the surfacewave coda,low passedat a comerperiodof 50 s. I 600 800 [ I t 1000 I 1200 time (s) Fig. 12. Full waveformfit of the surfacewave coda,high passedat a comerperiodof 50 s. spectra.) The scattering theory leads, in general, to much smootherspectra, so that it is impossibleto fit all spectral Inversionsfor heterogeneities whichextendto a depthdifferent componentsperfectly, thus producing an imperfect variance from 170 km producealmostthe samemodel;only the strengths reduction. of theseheterogeneities differsfrom themodelshownin Figure8. Some waveform fits of the surface wave coda are shown in An inversionfor data band passedbetween30 and 40 s gives Figures11a and 1lb both low passedandhigh passedat a comer virtually the same result as Figure 8, which confirmsthat for period of 50 s. For periodslarger than 50 s (Figure 11a) the longer periods the surfacewave coda containsa large noise andnotmuchscattered surfacewaves. waveformfit is poor.This is consistent with the resultsof section component These resultsdo not imply that mappinglateralheterogeneity 2, whereit was arguedthat the codalevel doesnot standout very well abovethe noise level. However, for the higher frequencies using the surfacewave coda is impossible.In fact, it has been imagingof (periodsfrom 30 to 50 s, seeFigure 1lb) a reasonablewaveform shownin a controlledfield experimentthat successful fit is obtained. Most of the beats in the surface wave coda are the surfacewave codais possible[Snieder,1987a]. However,the reproducedin the synthetics.It shouldbe rememberedthat the surfacewave coda data at our disposalare currentlytoo sparseto seismograms in thesefiguresonly showthe surfacewavecoda.In produce an accuratereconstructionof the lateral heterogeneity. orderto seethesedatain their properperspective,a fit of the coda This is exacerbatedby the fact that the noiselevel in the surface with (band passedfor periodsbetween30 s and 50 s) is shown in wave codais relativelyhigh, which can only be compensated Figure 12 togetherwith the direct wave. Unfortunately,the fact a redundantdataset.Largenetworksof digitalseismicstations,as that good waveform fits are achieveddoes not establishthe formulated in the ORFEUS [Nolet et al., 1985] and PASSCAL reliability of the resultingmodelsbecausethe linear systemof proposals,are necessaryto achievethis goal. Alternatively,the Born inversionof the surfacewave codamightbe usedin regional equationsis underdetermined. studies where one wishes to study tectonic features such as continental margins or the boundaries of major geological Fit of (coda)dataand synthetics,for 30 s.<T<50 s. formations.A systemof portabledigital seismographs would be data very usefulfor thiskind of investigations. ....... synthetics The directivityof the solutionin Figure 8 is related to the source-receivergeometry.This means that apart from a denser networkof stations,we shouldaim to employthesestationin such a way that the wavepathsof the recordedwavescoverthe domain . 5300NE04 of interestin a more or lesshomogeneous fashion.Furthermore, three-component data might help to constrainthe locationof the inhomogeneitybecause the horizontal componentsimplicitly ' I ' I ' I ' I contain information 3218NE12 ,• ---'... . - -,, o 3218NE02 I I 600 800 • on the backazimuth from the receiver to the scatterer.Numerical experiments,similar to the experimentthat producedFigure 10, could be used to determinewhich station configurationshouldbe used to image a particularstructure.In this way, the designof networkscan be related to a particular geophysicalor geologicalproblem. I 1000 I 1200 6. BORN INVERSION OF TI-tE DIRECT SURFACE WWAVE time (s) Fig. 1lb. Examples of the waveformfit of the surfacewavecoda,high passed ata comerperiod ,of50 s. / Linear scatteringtheory can also be used to describethe distortionof the direct wave [Snieder, 1987b]. This distortioncan 12,074 SNIEDER: LARGE-SALE INVERSION OFSURFACE WAVE DATA,2 (Note that in contrast to the case for the surface wave coda, the •c/c for 30 s.<T<40 s. after Born inversion. directwave standsout well abovethe noiselevel for all employed frequencies;seeFigures4a and4b.) A separateBorn inversionis performedfor each of thesefrequencybands,so that the phase velocity perturbation is determined independently for each frequency band. In order to justify the isotropic approximation (paper 1), a time window is used to extractthe direct wave from the completeseismograms. The Born inversionspresentedhere are performedfor a model of 100x100 cells with a cell size of 35x35 km 2. In the Born inversion of the surface wave coda in section 5, no a priori smoothnessconstraintwas imposed becausescatteredsurface waves are most efficiently generated by sharp lateral heterogeneities. This led to an underdetermined systemof linear equations.For the Born inversionof the directwave the available data set also producesan underdeterminedsystem of linear equations.One alternativewould be to increasethe cell size, but accordingto the exampleof Figure7 in paper1, rathersmallcells are neededto producethe requiredfocusing/defocusing. Instead of this,the smoothingoperatorof equation(26) in paper1 is used in this inversion to constrain the solution. In these inversions the values ct•-0.66 and N=4 are used, which implies an effective correlationlengthof 140 km. The Born inversionsareperformed Fig.13a.Relative phase velocity perturbation (•c/c ) forperiods between in threeiterations(seealsopaper1); it hasbeencheckedthatmore 30 and 40 s as determinedfrom nonlinearwaveforminversionplus a subsequentBorn inversion.The dominantwavelengthof the employed iterationsdo not changetheresultingmodelsverymuch. The phasevelocityperturbationfor the threefrequencybands wavesis shownfor comparison. are shownin Figure 13. The phasevelocitiesare the resultof both the nonlinear inversion for the smooth reference medium and the subsequent Born inversion.See Figure 7b as an exampleof the eitherbe due to ray geometricaleffectsor to multipathingeffects that are not accountedfor by ray theory.In the Born inversion presentedin this section, the isotropic approximationis used (paper 1). This means that the relative phase velocity perturbations are retrievedfrom the linearwaveforminversionof the directwave.This quantityis assumedto be constantwithin the frequencybandsemployed(30-40 s, 40-60 s and 60-100 s). -5% (5c/c for 40 s.<T<60 +5O/o s. after Born inversion. contribution of the nonlinear inversion for the smooth reference mediumto thephasevelocitymodelof Figure13c. Note that the resulting phase velocity patterns vary considerably on a scaleof onehorizontalwavelength.This means that ray theory cannot be used to model the effects of these heterogeneifies, while surfacewavescattering theorytakeseffects suchasmultipathinginto account.Surprisingly, Figure13cfor the phasevelocity determinedfrom Born inversionis not too different from Figure 7a for the unconstrained nonlinearinversionusing -5%h-=(5c/c for 60 s.<T<100 +5O/o s. after Born inversion. for T=75 s. Fig.13b.AsFigure13a,butforperiods between 40 and60 s. Fig.13c.AsFigure13a,butforperiods between 60and100s. $NIEDER: LARGE-SALE •¾ERSION OFSURFACE WAVEDATA,2 Event5300 (Algeria),stakonNE15, 40 s.<T<60 s. Event3218 (Greece),stationNE12, 30 s.<T<40 s. I ' I ' I data 12,075 I ' ' I I I I data ,,, ...... synthetics :"/•/"• ::/• lat. hom. ',,; '""•, I , I 500 I 600 I 700 northnear fit , 400 800 500 600 700 hme (s) time (s) Fig. 16. As Figure 14 for an Algerianevent recordedin NE15 Fig. 14. Waveform fit for periods between 30 and40 s for thelaterally (Netherlands) for periodsbetween40 and60 s. homogeneous starting model(top),afterthe nonlinear inversion for a smoothreference model(middle),andafterBorninversion(bottom),for a Greekeventrecordedin NE12 (Spain). Waveform fits after the nonlinear inversion for the smooth referencemodel and after the subsequent Born inversion(the "finalfit") are shownin Figures14-19. In Figure14, resultsfor stationNE12 nearMadrid are shown.The amplitudeof the direct raytheory. Thesmaller-scale features of Figure13careabsent in Figure7a because the splineinterpolation doesnot allowthese surfacewaveis changedconsiderably in the inversion. Note that small-scalefeatures(nor does ray theory). Nevertheless,the the waveform fit has slightly deterioratedin the nonlinear overallpatternin theseFigures isthesame.Apparently, raytheory inversion. The reason for this is that the 42 seismogramsare is rather robust to violations of the requirement that the invertedsimultaneously, so that it is possiblethat the fit of one heterogeneity is smooth.This may explainthe success of seismogram is improvedat the expense of anotherseismogram. dispersion measurements in situations whereray theoryis not In Figure15 an exampleis shownfor a seismogram recorded at justified.Most of the information on the S velocitystructure NE01 (Gothenborg). Forthisseismogram theamplitude is already underEuropein the crustanduppermantleis determined from quitegoodfor the laterallyhomogeneous starting model,butthe surface wavedispersion measurements. Forexample, Panzaet al. phaseis adjustedin the Born inversion.In the preceding [1982] delineateda heterogeneity betweenCorsicaandnorthern examplesthe Born inversionrealizedthe fit betweendata and Italy with a scaleof approximately 250 km, fromanomalouslysynthetics. Thisis notthecasefor all seismograms. In Figure16 a low Rayleighwavephasevelocities between 40 and60 s. Their seismogram for an event in Algeria recordedat NE15 resultsare thereforeinconsistentwith the (ray) theory that they (Netherlands)is shown. For this seismogram the nonlinear employed. Nevertheless, thislow phasevelocityanomaly is also inversionperformedmostof thewaveformfit. visiblein Figure13b, whichis constructed usingsurfacewave By superposing theseismograms forthethreefrequency bands, scatteringtheory. seismogramsfor the full bandwidth (30-100 s) can be Event4042 (Greece),stationNE01,30 s.<T<40s. I I - I data . ' I ' I ' m ' '" '""i'", "% I , I , 600 I ' I ' I ' ........synthetics /r• :,,• . I 700 ,,: final fit I • 800 time (s) Fig.15. AsFigure14,fora Greekeventrecorded inNE01(Oothenborg) for periodsbetween30 and40 s. ' data ear fit ., "", ' ' ! i 500 Event3218 (Greece),stationNE12, 30 s.<T<100s. I :', 500 600 time (s) 700 800 Fig.17. AsFigure14forthefullbandwidth (30-100s). 12,076 SNIEDER: LARGE-SALE •WERSION OFSURFACE WAVE DATA, 2 Event5300 (Algeria),stationNE15, 30 s.<T<100s. ' i TABLE 1, VarianceReductions for the WaveformInversions , data Period, s 30-40 40-60 60-100 nonlinear Nonlinear 15% 37% 21% Bom 20% 27% 25% Nonlinear +Bom 31% 54% 41% fit smoothreferencemedium the solutionis rather heavily constrained (compare Figures7a and7b) sothatlargervariance reductions could be achieved with the nonlinear inversion. The smallest variance reduction occurs in theperiodrangefrom30 to ß 40 s. This is not surprising becausethesesurfacewaveshavethe . shallowest penetration depthsandaretherefore moststrongly subjected to lateralheterogeneity andthereforemostdifficultto , I I I , fit. Surprisingly, thevariancereduction for periods between 40to I 60 s is largerthanfor60-100s.Thereason forthismightbethat surfacewavesbetween60-100s. are influenced by the lowvelocityzone,whichisreported toexhibitstrong lateralvariations Fig.18. AsFigure14forthefullbandwidth (30-100s). [YorkandHelmberger, 1973;Paulssen, 1987].Thetotalvariance reductionis largerthan the variancereduction obtainedby constructed. Figure17 displays theseismogram of Figure14,but Yomogida andAki [1987]for surface waveswhichpropagated 400 500 600 700 time (s) now for the full employedbandwidth.The final fit betweenthe throughthe Pacific. (They obtaineda variancereductionof dataandthesynthetic is extremely good.Notethatthetail of the approximately 30%.) However,it is difficultto compare these directwave (around725 s) is fittedquitewell afterthe Born resultsbecause on theonehandthepathsof propagation of the inversion.For therecording of theAlgerianeventin NE15,the surface wavesthattheyusedaremuchlongerthanin thisstudy full bandwidth dataareshownin Figure18.The troughin the butontheotherhandEuropeandtheMediterranean ismuchmore waveformaround420 s hasbeenadjusted well in thenonlinear heterogeneous thanthe Pacific. inversion, whereas thefit of thestartof thesignal (around 400s) is improvedconsiderably in the subsequent Born inversion. Unfortunately, theimprovement in thewaveformfitsis notfor all 7. A RESOLUTIONANALYSISOFTIlE INVERSION FOR THE DmECT WAVE seismograms asdramatic asin thepreceding examples. Figure19 Justaswiththeinversion forthesurface wavecoda, thequality (Denmark). Thephaseof thesignalis slightlyimproved in the of the waveform fit is no measure of the resolution of the this issue,synthetics havebeen nonlinear inversion, butthefinalwaveform fit isnotimpressive. inversion.In orderto address Thequalityof thewaveform fitsis expressed by thevariance featuresthe waveform fit for a Greek event recordedat NE02 reductionsshownin Table 1. Both in the nonlinearinversionand in the subsequent Born inversionthevariancereductionis of the orderof 25%, although thisdiffersconsiderably between the different frequencybands.In the nonlinearinversionfor the -s%h-- +s% 6c/c modelfor resolution experiment. Event3218 (Greece),stationNE02, 30 s.<T<100s. ' -- I , i , i , data ........ syni•eti•i .../f• ),,/) ,,"'-..'"' _. ß . final fit 5OO 6OO 7OO time (s) Fig. 20. Synthetic modelof the relativephasevelocity perturbation Fig.19. AsFigure14fora Greek eventrecorded inNE02(Denmark) for (•5c/c) fortheresolution experiment of section 7. Thesource-receiver thefull bandwidth(30-100 s). minorarcsaresuperposed. SNIEDER: LARGE-SALE INWERSION OFSURFACE WAVEDATA,2 ,5c/c model after nonlinear inversion, 60 s.<T<100 s. 12,077 wavepathsrunsin a bundlefrom Greeceto northwestern Europe and encountersa suite of positiveand negativeanomalies.This leadsto a smearingof the solutionunderGermanyandDenmark in the northwest-southeast direction and a subsequent underestimateof the true inhomogeneity.A similar smearingin the northwest-southeast direction is visible in the northern Adriatic; this area also suffersfrom a lack of crossingray paths. One of the most conspicuousfeaturesin Figure 13 is the high phasevelocitiesunderGreece.This is no artifactof the inversion because this feature is not present in the results from the resolutionanalysis(Figure22). In conclusion,the reconstructedphase velocity models are meaningless outsidethe dottedline in Figures24 and25. In the area enclosedby this line, lateral smearingin the northwestsoutheastdirection occurs under Denmark, Germany, and the northern Adriatic, while there is an east-westsmearing in the southern Mediterranean. 8. A MODEL FOR TIDES VELOCITY UNDER EUROPE AND Tim MEDiTERRANEAN The phasevelocityperturbations presented in section6 canbe convertedto a depthmodelusingthe phasevelocityinformation Fig. 21. Reconstruction of the modelof Figure20 afterthe constrai•.ed of the differentfrequencybands.However,thesephasevelocities nonlinearinversionfor periodsbetween60 and100s. are influencednot only by the composition of the crustandupper mantle but also by the crustalthickness.The crustalthickness is knownfrom refraction computedusing asymptoticray theory [Woodhouse and Wong, underEuropeand the Mediterranean studies, and it is therefore possible to correctfor the varying 1986] for the phasevelocitymodel shownin Figure 20. For convenience,the minor arcsof the usedsource-receiver pairs are crustalthickness. The referencemodel shown in Figure 6 has a also shown in this Figure. The resultingsyntheticshave been crustalthicknessof 33 km. By determiningthe phasevelocityfor subjected to the sametwo-stepinversionasthe surfacewavedata the same model, but with a different crustal thickness, the of theeffectof crustalthickness from section6. As a representative example,the resultsfor the followinglinearparameterization periodbandbetween60 and100 s arepresented in thissection.In on the fundamentalRayleigh mode phase velocity has been determined: Figure21 the modelasderivedin the nonlinearinversionfor the 5c smooth reference model is shown. The thin lines show the model of Figure20; in the ideal casethe inversionwouldreproducethis model. Since only the directwave is usedin this inversion,the solutionis only nonzeroin the vicinity of the source-receiver minor arcs. Apart from the positive anomaly in the northern Adriatic, the heterogeneitiesare placed more or less at their • c = F ( z - 33 km ) (%) (1) 6c/c model after Born inversion, 60 s.<T<100 s. correct location. The reconstructedmodel after the subsequent Born inversionis depictedin Figure22. The strengthof the model afterBorn inversionis closerto the true model than after the nonlinear inversion alone. However, the magnitudeof the reconstructed heterogeneityis still much less than the magnitudeof the input model. The physicalreasonfor this is that the model used in this resolution test consists of alternatingpositiveandnegativeanomalies.A smearingof these anomalies leads to a reduction of the magnitude of these anomalies.In the true Earth an alternationbetween positive and negativephase velocity anomaliesmay also occur, so that the reconstructedmodels (Figure 13) may underestimatethe true phasevelocityperturbations. Surprisingly, the heterogeneities arebetterpositioned afterthe Born inversion (Figure 22) than after the nonlinear inversion alone (Figure 21). The reason for this is that with the ray geometricalnonlinear inversion one basically measurescertain path integralsover the sourcereceiverminor arc (see equations (10a)-(10d) of paper 1), whereasin the Born inversionmore completewave informationis used. It follows from Figure 22 that the east-westresolutionin the Fig. 22. Reconstruction of ,he model of Figure20 after the constrained southern Mediterranean is ratherpoor.Thisis dueto thefactthat nonlinear inversion andthesubsequent Borninversion forperiods between there are no crossingrays in that region. A large portionof the 60 and100s. 12,078 SNIEDER: LARGE-SALE •WERSIONOFSURFACE WAVE DATA,2 Smoothed crustal thickness in domain. Fig. 23. Smoothedcrustalthicknessusedin the correctionfor the varying Moho depth. same smoothingis applied to the crustal thickness,as for the reconstructions shownin Figure 13. The variationsin the crustal thicknessare as large as 25 km in the area of interest.For the shortest-periodband this leads to a phasevelocity perturbationof 4.5%, which is of the same order of magnitude as the perturbationsas determinedfrom the Born inversion(Figure 13a). After correcting for the crustal thickness,a standardlinear inversion [Nolet, 1981] leads to the S velocity perturbationsfor depthsbetween 0 and 100 km, and between 100 and 200 km. A simpleresolutionanalysisshowsthat incorporatinga third layer is unjustified.The resultingS velocity perturbationsare shownin Figures24 and25. A biasin the S velocityof thereferencemodel would show up as a dominanceof either positive or negative velocity perturbations.Likewise, a bias in the attenuationwould show up in structuresthat would for the majority of the paths produce a marked focusingor defocusing.As can be seenfrom Figures24 and 25, and from the wave pathsin Figure 1, neither effect seemsto be present. The S velocitymodelsin theseFigurescan be comparedwith mapsof the S velocity as compiledsubjectivelyfrom a wide range of surface wave and body wave data [Panza et al., 1980; Calcagnile and Scarpa, 1985]. In general, there is a correspondence of the large-scalefeatures.The velocityis highin the Scandinavian shield, which can be seen in the northern area of in thisexpression,z is the crustalthicknessin kilometers. The parameterF is for the differentfrequencybandsgivenby F=-0.180(%/km) for 30s<T<40s F=-0.113 for 40s<T<60s for 60s<T<100s (%/km) F=-0.076(%/km) (2) The crustal thicknessused in this study is adoptedfrom Meissner[1986] andStokoet al. [1987], and is shownin Figure 23. In the area outsidethe dottedline in Figures24 and 25 the default value is assumed(33 km). For consistencyreasons,the -s% inversionof Figures24 and 25. Under the westernMediterranean the velocity is low [Marillier and Mueller, 1985], whereasthe Adriatic is characterizedby a S velocity higher than in the adjacentregions.This high velocity under the Adriatic is more pronouncedin the lowestlayer (Figure 25) than in the top layer (Figure 24). Note that the Alps do not showup in Figures24 and 25, whereasPanza et al. [1980] and Calcagnile and Scarpa [1985] report large anomaliesboth in the westernAlps and the eastern Alps. A reason for this discrepancymight be that the depth-averaged structureof the Alps deviatesnot very muchfrom the rest of Europe,so that the surfacewaves are not perturbed strongly. +s% for 0 km.<z<100km. -5% +5O/o (513/13 for 100 km.<z<200km. Fig.24. Relative Svelocity perturbation ([•/•) between thesurface anda Fig.25. Relative S velocity perturbation ([•/•) fordepths between 100 depthof 100km. and200 km. $NIEDER:LARGE-SALE INVERSION OF$U•ACE WAVE DATA,2 Early tomographic studies using P wave delay times [Romanowicz,1980; Hovland et al., 1981; Hovland and Husebey, 1982; Babuska et al., 1984] producedrather different resultsfor the P velocityunderEurope. The only consistentfeaturesof these studiesare the low velocity in the Pannonianbasin and the high velocity under the Bohemian massif for the upper layer (0-100 km). Both featurescan also be seen in Figure 24. (In Figure 23 the Pannonianbasin shows up as a region with a thin crust, whereasthe Bohemianmassifcan be identifiedby its thick crust.) A more recent tomographicinversionwith a much larger data set producedmore detailedresults [Spakmart,1986a,b; Spakmartet al., 1988]. In his studiesthe subductionof Africa under Europe has been imaged spectacularly.The subductionof Africa of the African slab under Europe can also be seen in Figure 25 as a positive velocity anomaly in the deepestlayer (100-200 km) under the Adriatic and northern Italy. Panza et al. [1982] observedrelatively low velocitiesin the lid betweenCorsicaand Italy; the sameanomalyis visible in Figure24. In Figures24 and 25 the Rhine Grabenshowsup as a zone of relatively low velocitiesextendingtoward the southeastfrom the Netherlands.Most wave pathsin thisregion are in the southeastnorthwestdirection.This may explainwhy in the top layer (Figure 24) only the northern part of the Rhine Graben can be seen, whereasthe southernpart of the Rhine Graben (which trendsin the north-southdirection) is not delineated. The variationsin the S velocity for the deepestlayer (Figure 25) reflect the lateral 12,079 9. CONCLUSION Linear inversionof a large set of surfacewave data is feasible with present-daycomputers.The Born inversionfor the surface wave coda (using42 seismograms) ran in roughly one night on a superminicomputer. The inversionof the direct surfacewave for the threefrequencybandstakesapproximatelythe sametime. The nonlinear inversion for the smooth reference model is comparativelyfast andtakesabout3 hoursfor the threefrequency bands.With the presentgrowth in computerpower, larger data sets can soon be inverted with the same method,possiblyon a global scale. Reasonable waveform fits of the surface wave coda can be obtained,leadingto a variancereductionof approximately25% for the surface wave coda. However, with the data set used in this studymany artifactsare introducedin the inversion(the analogue of the smiles in explorationseismics). The fact that the surface wave codacontainsa relatively largenoisecomponentis an extra complication.A larger (redundant)data set is neededto perform an accurateimagingof the inhomogeneityin the Earth usingthe surfacewave coda. It would be interestingto set up controlled experimentsto probe tectonicstructureslike continentalmargins or the Tornquist-Tesseyre zonewith scatteredsurfacewaves. Applicationof Born inversionto the direct surfacewavesleads to detailed S velocity models on a scale conaparableto the wavelength of the surface waves used. With the data set employed,a lateral resolutionof approximately300 km can be variationsof the low-velocity zone. It is noted by York and Helmberger [1973] and Paulssen [1987] that strong velocity achieved in some regions (Italy, France, Alps, western variationsof the low-velocityzone exist, which is confirmedby Mediterranean),while in other areas,smearingalong the wave Europe,the Figure 25. Under the Massif Central the positive anomalyin the paths occurs(southernMediterranean,northeastern Adriatic). More data are needed to achieve a more evenly top layer (Figure24) andthe negativeanomalyin thebottomlayer distributed resolution. Only a limited depth resolution can be (Figure 25) indicate a pronouncedlow-velocity zone, which is obtained. consistentwith the resultsof Souriau [1981]. The fact that a modelof theheterogeneity is constructed with a The featurewhich showsthe power of the inversionmethodof horizontal length scale comparable to the wavelength of the used this paper most spectacularlyis the high-velocity anomaly in surfacewavesimpliesthat scatteringandmultipathingeffectsare easternEuropein the deepestlayer (Figure25). (It is possiblethat this area of high velocitiesextendsfarthereastward,but this area operative. This means that for this situation, dispersion measurements are not justified.Nevertheless,the resultingmodel is not sampledby the data.) From the waveform point of view, for theS velocitybearscloseresemblance to theS velocitymodels this anomalyis neededto producethe focusingneededto fit the constructed by Panza et al. [1980] and Calcagnile and Sca•;pa amplitudesof seismograms recordedin the northernstationof the [1985], which are largely based on surface wave dispersion NARS array. For this reason,this anomalyis locatedaway from measurements.Apparently, the phaseas deducedfrom ray theory (but closeto) the sourcereceiverminor arcs.This zoneof a highS is relativelyrobustfor structuresthat are not smoothon scaleof a velocitycloselymarkstheTomquist-Tesseyre zone,theboundary wavelength. betweencentralEuropeand the eastEuropeanplatform.Note that Linear waveform inversionis a powerful and rigorousmethod this transition zone is not visible in the upper layer of the Sto fit surfacewave data. Presently,the main limitation is imposed velocity model (Figure24). This is consistentwith the findingsof Hurtig et al. [1979], who showedby fitting travel time curvesthat by the availability of high-qualitydigital surfacewave data. A network of seismometers,as describedin the ORFEUS [Nolet et below 100 km the eastern European platform has higher P al., 1985] or PASSCAL proposals,will increasethe resolutionand velocities than central Europe. According to Figure 25 this reliability of the resultingmodels.A datadistributioncenterlike transition at depth between Central Europe and the eastern ODC (ORFEUS Data Center) provides access to digital Europeanplatformis very sharp. seismologicaldata at low costs.Born inversionfor surfacewaves, The modelspresentedproducea wealth of interestingfeatures. applied to these data, may help to constructaccurateS velocity However, at this point one shouldbe extremely careful with a models of the Earth. physical interpretation of these models. As shown by the resolution analysis of section 7, parts of these models are Acknowledgments.I thank GuustNolet for his stimulatinginterestand subjected to strong lateral smearing, which could produce advicefor this research.His nonlinearwaveformfitting programformed unwantedartifacts.Furthermore,the numberof seismogramsthat the backboneof the nonlinearwaveforminversionpresentedin this study. contributesto the reconstructionof a particularinhomogeneityis Wire Spakmanprovidedme kindly with his tomographyprogram,which relatively small. This meansthat errorsin individualseismograms formed the basisfor the softwarefor the Bom inversion.The help of Gordon Shudofsky, Bemard Dost, and Hanneke Paulssen was can distortthe reconstructed images. Larger data setswith a more indispensable for handlingthe NARS data. 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