Symbolic Computation of Conservation Laws, Generalized Symmetries, and Recursion Operators for Nonlinear Differential-Difference Equations Ünal Göktaş ∗ and Willy Hereman ◦ ∗ Department of Computer Engineering Turgut Özal University, Keçiören, Ankara, Turkey ◦ Department of Mathematical & Computer Sciences Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, U.S.A. 3rd. Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity Ankara, Turkey Thursday, July 29, 2010, 17:00 p.m. Acknowledgements Mark Hickman (Univ. of Canterbury, New Zealand) Bernard Deconinck (Univ. of Washington, U.S.A.) Jan Sanders (Free University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Jing-Ping Wang (Univ. of Kent, Canterbury, U.K.) Research supported in part by NSF under Grant No. CCF-0830783 This presentation was made in TeXpower Outline • Motivation • Definitions I Systems of Differential-difference equations I Dilation Invariance I Up-shift and Down-shift Operators I Conservation Law I Generalized (Higher Order) Symmetry I Recursion Operator • Algorithm for Conservation Laws • Algorithm for Generalized Symmetries • Algorithm for Recursion Operators • Computer Demonstration Motivation Differential-difference Equations (DDEs) • arise in key branches of physics (classical, quantum, particle, statistical and plasma physics) • model wave phenomena in nonlinear optics • arise in bio-sciences An integrable DDE • is linearizable or solvable via IST • has infinite sequence of conservation laws • has infinite sequence of generalized (higher order) symmetries • has recursion operator(s) linking these symmetries Systems of nonlinear DDEs Consider a system of nonlinear DDEs of first order, u̇n = F(un−` , ..., un−1 , un , un+1 , ..., un+m ) where un and F are vector-valued functions with N components, and F is nonlinear function. • DDEs with one discrete variable, denoted by integer n, which often corresponds to the discretization of a space variable • dot stands for differentiation with respect to the continuous variable (time t) • each component of F is assumed to be a polynomial with constant coefficients Leading Example: The Toda Lattice One of the earliest and most famous examples of completely integrable DDEs is the Toda lattice: ÿn = exp (yn−1 − yn ) − exp (yn − yn+1 ), where yn is the displacement from equilibrium of the nth particle with unit mass under an exponential decaying interaction force between nearest neighbors. In new variables (un , vn ), defined by un = ẏn , vn = exp (yn − yn+1 ), lattice can be written in polynomial form u̇n = vn−1 − vn , v̇n = vn (un − un+1 ) Dilation Invariance A DDE is dilation invariant if it is invariant under a dilation (scaling) symmetry. Example Toda Lattice is invariant under scaling symmetry (t, un , vn ) → (λ−1 t, λ1 un , λ2 vn ) Uniformity in Rank Define the weight, w, of a variable as the exponent of the scaling parameter (λ) which multiplies that variable. Since λ can be selected at will, t can always d be replaced by λt and, thus, w( dt ) = w(Dt ) = 1. Weights of dependent variables are nonnegative, rational, and independent of n. For example, w(un−3 ) = · · · = w(un ) = · · · = w(un+2 ). The rank, R, of a monomial is defined as the total weight of the monomial. An expression is uniform in rank if all of its terms have the same rank. Dilation symmetries, which are special Lie-point symmetries, are common to many DDEs. Example For the Toda lattice: w(un ) = 1, and w(vn ) = 2 Requiring uniformity in rank for each equation in the Toda lattice allows one to compute the weights of the dependent variables (and, thus, the scaling symmetry) with simple linear algebra. Balancing the weights of the various terms, w(un ) + 1 = w(vn ), w(vn ) + 1 = w(un ) + w(vn ), yields w(un ) = 1, w(vn ) = 2 which confirms the dilation symmetry. Up-Shift and Down-Shift Operator Define the shift operator D by Dun = un+1 . The operator D is often called the up-shift operator or forward- or right-shift operator. The inverse, D−1 , is the down-shift operator or backward- or left-shift operator, D−1 un = un−1 . Shift operators apply to functions by acting on the arguments of the functions. For example, DF(un−` , · · · , un−1 , un , un+1 , · · · , un+m ) = F(Dun−` , · · · , Dun−1 , Dun , Dun+1 , . . . , Dun+m ) = F(un−`+1 , . . . , un , un+1 , un+2 , · · · , un+m+1 ). Conservation Law A conservation law of a DDE system Dt ρ + ∆ J = 0 connects a conserved density ρ to an associated flux J, where both are scalar functions depending on un and its shifts. • Dt is the total derivative with respect to time, • ∆ = D − I is the forward difference operator, • I is the identity operator For readability, the components of un will be denoted by un , vn , wn , etc. Example The Toda lattice has infinitely many conservation laws List of the densities of rank 1 ≤ R ≤ 4 : ρ(1) = un ρ(2) = ρ(3) = ρ(4) = 1 2 u + vn 2 n 1 3 u + un (vn−1 + 3 n 2 1 4 u + u n (vn−1 + 4 n + 21 vn2 + vn vn+1 vn ) vn ) + un un+1 vn The first two density-flux pairs are easily computed by hand, and so is ρ(0) n = ln(vn ) which is the only non-polynomial density (of rank 0). Generalized Symmetry A vector function G(un ) is called a generalized symmetry of DDE system if the infinitesimal transformation un → un + G leaves the DDE system invariant up to order . G must then satisfy Dt G = F0 (un )[G] on solutions of the DDE system, where F0 (un )[G] is the Fréchet derivative of F in the direction of G. In the vector case with, say, components un and vn , the Fréchet derivative operator is a matrix operator: P ∂F1 k P ∂F1 k k ∂un+k D k ∂vn+k D 0 . F (un ) = P ∂F P ∂F k k 2 2 D D k ∂u k ∂v n+k n+k Applied to G = (G1 G2 )T , where T is transpose, one obtains X ∂Fi X ∂Fi Fi 0 (un )[G] = Dk G1 + D k G2 , ∂un+k ∂vn+k k k with i = 1, 2. Example The first two non-trivial symmetries of the Toda lattice are vn − vn−1 (1) , G = vn (un+1 − un ) vn (un + un+1 ) − vn−1 (un−1 + un ) (2) . G = vn (u2n+1 − u2n + vn+1 − vn−1 ) Recursion Operator A recursion operator R connects symmetries G(j+s) = RG(j) , where j = 1, 2, · · · , and s is the gap length. The symmetries are linked consecutively if s = 1. This happens in most (but not all) cases. For N -component systems, R is an N × N matrix operator. The defining equation for R is Dt R + [R, F0 (un )] ∂R = + R0 [F] + R ◦ F0 (un ) − F0 (un ) ◦ R = 0, ∂t where [ , ] denotes the commutator and ◦ the composition of operators. R0 [F] is the Fréchet derivative of R in the direction of F. For the scalar case, the operator R is of the form R = U (un ) O((D − I)−1 , D−1 , I, D) V (un ), and then X X ∂U ∂V 0 k k R [F ] = (D F ) OV + U O(D F ) . ∂un+k ∂un+k k k For the vector case, the elements of the N × N operator matrix R are of the form Rij = Uij (un ) Oij ((D − I)−1 , D−1 , I, D) Vij (un ). Hence, for the 2-component case 0 R [F]ij ∂Uij Oij Vij = (D F1 ) ∂un+k k X ∂Uij k + (D F2 ) Oij Vij ∂vn+k k X ∂Vij k + Uij Oij (D F1 ) ∂u n+k k X ∂Vij k + Uij Oij (D F2 ) . ∂vn+k k X k Example The recursion operator of the Toda lattice is un I D−1 +I+(vn −vn−1 )(D−I)−1 v1n I R = . vn I+vn D un+1 I+vn (un+1 −un )(D−I)−1 v1n I It is straightforward to verify that RG(1) = G(2) . Algorithm for Conservation Laws As an example, we will compute the density ρ(3) (of rank R = 3). Step 1: Construct the Form of the Density Start from V = {un , vn }, the set of dependent variables with weights. List all monomials in u and v of rank R = 3 or less: M = {u3n , u2n , un vn , un , vn }. Next, for each monomial in M, introduce the correct number of t-derivatives so that each term has rank 3. Using the Toda lattice, compute 0u v d0 u3n d n n 3 = u , = u v , n n n dt0 dt0 du2n = 2un u̇n = 2un vn−1 − 2un vn , dt dvn = v̇n = un vn − un+1 vn , dt d2 un du̇n d(vn−1 − vn ) = = 2 dt dt dt = un−1 vn−1 − un vn−1 − un vn + un+1 vn . Gather the terms in the right hand sides to get R = {u3n , un vn−1 , un vn , un−1 vn−1 , un+1 vn }. Identify members belonging to the same equivalence classes and replace them by their canonical representatives. For example, un vn−1 ≡ un+1 vn . Adhering to lexicographical ordering, use un vn−1 instead of un+1 vn . Doing so, replace R by S = {u3n , un vn−1 , un vn }, which has the building blocks of the density. Linearly combine the monomials in S with undetermined coefficients ci to get the candidate density of rank 3 : ρ = c1 u3n + c2 un vn−1 + c3 un vn . Step 2: Compute the Undetermined Coefficients ci Compute Dt ρ and use the Toda lattice to eliminate u̇n and v̇n and their shifts. Next, introduce the main representatives to get E = (3c1 −c2 )u2n vn−1 +(c3 −3c1 )u2n vn +(c3 −c2 )vn vn+1 +(c2 − c3 )un un+1 vn +(c2 − c3 )vn2 + ∆J, with 2 J = (c3 − c2 )vn−1 vn + c2 un−1 un vn−1 + c2 vn−1 . Set E − ∆J ≡ 0 to get the linear system 3c1 − c2 = 0, c3 − 3c1 = 0, c2 − c3 = 0. Select c1 = 13 and substitute the solution c1 = 13 , c2 = c3 = 1, into the candidate form to obtain density ρ(3) = 13 u3n + un vn−1 + un vn , with matching flux 2 J (3) = un−1 un vn−1 + vn−1 . Algorithm for Symmetries As an example, we will compute the symmetry (2) (2) (2) G = (G1 , G2 ) of rank (3, 4). Step 1: Construct the Form of the Symmetry Listing all monomials in un and vn of ranks 3 and 4, or less: L1 = {u3n , u2n , un vn , un , vn }, L2 = {u4n , u3n , u2n vn , u2n , un vn , un , vn2 , vn }. Next, for each monomial in L1 and L2 , introduce the necessary t-derivatives so that each term exactly has ranks 3 and 4, respectively. At the same time, use the Toda lattice to remove all t−derivatives. Doing so, based on L1 , 0 d0 3 d 3 (u ) = u n n, 0 0 (un vn ) = un vn , dt dt d 2 (un ) = 2un u̇n = 2un vn−1 − 2un vn , dt d (vn ) = v̇n = un vn − un+1 vn , dt d2 d d (u̇n ) = (vn−1 − vn ) 2 (un ) = dt dt dt = un−1 vn−1 − un vn−1 − un vn + un+1 vn . Put the terms from the right hand sides into a set: R1 = {u3n , un−1 vn−1 , un vn−1 , un vn , un+1 vn }. Similarly, based on the monomials in L2 , construct 2 , R2 = {u4n , u2n−1 vn−1 , un−1 un vn−1 , u2n vn−1 , vn−2 vn−1 , vn−1 u2n vn , un un+1 vn , u2n+1 vn , vn−1 vn , vn2 , vn vn+1 }. Linearly combine the monomials in R1 and R2 with undetermined coefficients ci to get the form of the components of the candidate symmetry: (2) G1 = c1 u3n + c2 un−1 vn−1 + c3 un vn−1 + c4 un vn +c5 un+1 vn , (2) G2 = c6 u4n + c7 u2n−1 vn−1 + c8 un−1 un vn−1 + c9 u2n vn−1 2 +c10 vn−2 vn−1 + c11 vn−1 + c12 u2n vn + c13 un un+1 vn +c14 u2n+1 vn + c15 vn−1 vn + c16 vn2 + c17 vn vn+1 . Step 2: Compute the Undetermined Coefficients ci To determine the coefficients ci , require that the symmetry condition holds on any solution of the DDE. Compute Dt G and use the DDE to remove all u̇n−1 , u̇n , u̇n+1 , etc. Compute the Fréchet derivative and, in view of the symmetry condition, equate the resulting expressions. Treat as independent all the monomials in un and their shifts, to obtain the linear system that determines the coefficients ci . Apply the strategy to the Toda lattice with candidate form of the symmetry, to get c1 = c6 = c7 = c8 = c9 = c10 = c11 = c13 = c16 = 0, −c2 = −c3 = c4 = c5 = −c12 = c14 = −c15 = c17 . Set c17 = 1 and substitute into the candidate form to (2) (2) (2) get G = (G1 , G2 ), as given earlier. Algorithm for Recursion Operators We will now construct the recursion operator the recursion operator for the Toda lattice. Step 1: Determine the Rank of the Recursion Operator The difference in the ranks of symmetries is used to compute the rank of the elements of the recursion operator. Recall that 2 3 (1) (2) . rank G = , rank G = 3 4 Assume that R G(1) = G(2) and use the formula (k+1) rank Rij = rank Gi (k) − rank Gj , to compute a rank matrix associated to operator R : 1 0 . rank R = 2 1 Step 2: Determine the Form of the Recursion Operator Assume that R = R0 + R1 . R0 is a sum of terms involving D−1 , I, and D. The coefficients of these terms are admissible power combinations of un , un+1 , vn , and vn−1 (which come from the terms on the right hand sides of the Toda lattice), so that all the terms have the correct rank. The maximum up-shift and down-shift operator that should be included can be determined by comparing two consecutive symmetries. For the Toda lattice, (R0 )11 (R0 )12 , R0 = (R0 )21 (R0 )22 with (R0 )11 = (c1 un + c2 un+1 ) I, (R0 )12 = c3 D−1 + c4 I, (R0 )21 = (c5 u2n + c6 un un+1 + c7 u2n+1 + c8 vn−1 + c9 vn ) I +(c10 u2n + c11 un un+1 + c12 u2n+1 + c13 vn−1 +c14 vn ) D, (R0 )22 = (c15 un + c16 un+1 ) I. R1 is a linear combination (with undetermined coefficients c̃jk ) of all suitable products of symmetries and covariants, i.e. Fréchet derivatives of densities, sandwiching (D − I)−1 . Hence, XX (j) −1 (k)0 c̃jk G (D − I) ⊗ ρn , j k where ⊗ denotes the matrix outer product, defined as (j) G1 (k)0 (D−I)−1 ⊗ ρ(k)0 ρ = n,1 n,2 (j) G2 (j) (k)0 (j) (k)0 G1 (D−I)−1 ρn,1 G1 (D−I)−1 ρn,2 . (j) (k)0 (j) (k)0 G2 (D−I)−1 ρn,1 G2 (D−I)−1 ρn,2 (0)0 (1) (G , ρn ) Only the pair can be used, otherwise the ranks in the recursion operator would be exceeded. Computing 1 ρ(0)0 = , 0 I n vn After renaming c̃10 to c17 , obtain 0 c17 (vn−1 −vn )(D−I)−1 v1n I . R1 = 0 c17 vn (un −un+1 )(D−I)−1 v1n I Then, R = R0 + R1 . Step 3: Determine the unknown coefficients Compute all the terms in the defining equation to find the ci . We refer to our papers for the details of the computation, resulting in c2 = c5 = c6 = c7 = c8 = c10 = c11 = c12 = c13 = c15 = 0, c1 = c3 = c4 = c9 = c14 = c16 = 1, and c17 = −1. Substitute the constants into the candidate recursion operator to get its final form: un I D−1 +I+(vn −vn−1 )(D−I)−1 v1n I R = . vn I+vn D un+1 I+vn (un+1 −un )(D−I)−1 v1n I Software Demonstration Software packages in Mathematica Codes are available via the Internet: URL:∼whereman/ Thank You