. SYMBOLIC SOFTWARE FOR SOLITON THEORY: INTEGRABILITY, SYMMETRIES CONSERVATION LAWS AND EXACT SOLUTIONS Willy Hereman Dept. of Mathematical and Computer Sciences Colorado School of Mines Golden, Colorado Kruskal Fest Symposium in Applied Mathematics: Nonlinear Waves, Dynamics, Asymtotic Analysis and Physical Applications Boulder, Colorado August 3-6, 1995 I. INTRODUCTION Symbolic Software • Painlevé test for systems of ODEs and PDEs (Macsyma & Mathematica) • Conservation laws of systems of evolution equations (Mathematica) • Solitons via Hirota’s method (Macsyma & Mathematica) • Lie symmetries for systems of ODEs and PDEs (Macsyma) Purpose of the programs • Study of integrability of nonlinear PDEs • Exact solutions as bench mark for numerical algorithms • Classification of nonlinear PDEs • Lie symmetries −→ solutions via reductions Collaborators • Ünal Göktaş, Chris Elmer, Wuning Zhuang (MS students) • Ameina Nuseir (Ph.D student) • Mark Coffey (CU-Boulder) • Tony Miller & Tracy Otto (BS students) II. SYMBOLIC SOFTWARE Program 1 – Macsyma Painlevé Integrability Test for Systems of ODEs and PDEs Integrability of (a systems of) ODEs or PDEs requires that the only movable singularities in its solution are poles Definition: A single equation or system has the Painlevé Property if its solution in the complex plane has no worse singularities than movable poles Aim: Verify whether or not the system of equations satisfies the necessary criteria to have the Painlevé Property For simplicity, consider the case of a single PDE The solution f expressed as a Laurent series f = gα ∞ X k=0 should only have movable poles uk g k Steps of the Painlevé Test • Step 1: 1. Substitute the leading order term f ∝ u0 g α into the given equation 2. Determine the integer α < 0 by balancing the most singular terms in g 3. Calculate u0 • Step 2: 1. Substitute the generic terms f ∝ u0 g α + ur g α+r into the equation, retaining its most singular terms 2. Require that ur is arbitrary 3. Determine the corresponding values of r > 0 called resonances • Step 3: 1. Substitute the truncated expansion f =g R α X k=0 uk g k into the complete equation (R represents the largest resonance) 2. Determine uk unambiguously at the non-resonance levels 3. Check whether or not the compatibility condition is satisfied at resonance levels • An equation or system has the Painlevé Property and is conjectured to be integrable if: 1. Step 1 thru 3 can be carried out consistently with α < 0 and with positive resonances 2. The compatibility conditions are identically satisfied for all resonances • The above algorithm does not detect essential singularities Painlevé Integrability Test • Painlevé test for 3rd order equations by Hajee (Reduce, 1982) • Painlevé program (parts) by Hlavatý (Reduce, 1986) • ODE Painlevé by Winternitz & Rand (Macsyma, 1986) • PDE Painlevé by Hereman & Van den Bulck (Macsyma, 1987) • Painlevé test by Conte & Musette (AMP, 1988) • Painlevé analysis by Renner (Reduce, 1992) • Painlevé test for systems of ODEs and PDEs by Hereman, Elmer and Göktaş (Macsyma, 1994-96, under development) • Painlevé test for single ODEs and PDEs by Hereman, Miller and Otto (Mathematica, 1995, under development) • Painlevé test for systems of ODEs and PDEs by Hereman and Miller (Mathematica, 1995-96, planned) Painlevé Test of Systems • System of ODEs due to Akhiezer uxx + 2u3 − 2au + 2bv = 0 vxx + 2v 3 − 2av + 2bu = 0 ∞ X α1 u(x) = g (x) v(x) = g α2 (x) k=0 ∞ X k=0 uk g k (x) vk g k (x) Leading orders: α1 = α2 = −1 Resonances: r = −1, r = 4 Coefficients: u0 u1 u2 u3 = = = = v0 v1 v2 v3 =i =0 = i(b − a)/3 =0 At level 4: compatibility condition is satisfied Coefficients u4 and v4 are arbitrary and independent The system passes the Painlevé test • Carleman system (simplified version) ut + ux − c uv = 0 vt − vx + c uv = 0 α1 u(x, t) = g (x, t) v(x, t) = g α2 (x, t) ∞ X k=0 ∞ X k=0 uk (x, t) g k (x, t) vk (x, t) g k (x, t) Leading orders: α1 = α2 = −1 Resonances: r = −1, r = 1 Coefficients: 1 1 u0 = (gt − gx), v0 = − (gt + gx) c c At level 1: compatibility condition is satisfied However u1 and v1 dependent on each other gxx − gtt + c v1(gt − gx) u1 = c (gt + gx) The system passes the Painlevé test • Coupled KdV Equations (Hirota-Satsuma system) 1 ut − 3uux + 6vvx − uxxx = 0 2 vt + vxxx + 3uvx = 0 Use Kruskal simplification, g(x, t) = x − h(t), in α1 u(x, t) = g (x, t) v(x, t) = g α2 (x, t) ∞ X k=0 ∞ X k=0 uk (x, t) g k (x, t) vk (x, t) g k (x, t) Leading orders: First Branch α1 = α2 = −2 Resonances: r = −2, −1, 3, 4, 6, 8 Coefficients: u0 = −4, v0 = −2 u1 = v 1 = 0 u2 = ht/3, v2 = 2ht/3 htt + 30v3ht htt − 12v3ht u5 = − , v5 = 63 63 v4t + 12v3v4 4hthtt + v3(8h2t − 84v4) + 21v4t u7 = − , v7 = 12 504 At level 3: compatibility condition is satisfied Here u3 = v3 , one function is arbitary At level 4: compatibility condition is satisfied Here u4 = 2v4, one function is arbitrary At level 6: compatibility condition is satisfied −v3t + 24v6 − 3v32 , Here u6 = 12 one function is arbitrary At level 8: compatibility condition is satisfied Here u8 = −httt + 6v3htt + (12v3t + 198v32)ht − 3024v8 − 756v42 , 756 one function is arbitrary Leading orders: Second Branch α1 = −2, α2 = −1 Resonances: r = −1, 0, 1, 4, 5, 6 Coefficients: u0 = −2, v0 free u1 = 0, v1 free u2 = −(2ht + 3v02)/6, v2 = (4v0ht + 3v03)/12 v0t + 3v02v1 u3 = −v0v1, v3 = 12 At level 0: compatibility condition is satisfied Coefficient v0 is arbitary At level 1: compatibility condition is satisfied Coefficient v1 is arbitary At level 4: compatibility condition is satisfied 16v0h2t + 24v03ht − 24v1t + 9v05 + 72u4v0 Here u4 = − , 288 one function is arbitrary At level 5: compatibility condition is satisfied Here 2htt − 12v0v1ht + 3v0v0t − 9v03v1 u5 = 18 one function is arbitrary At level 6: compatibility condition is satisfied Here 1 u6 = (−64v0h3t − 144v03h2t +(96v1t − 108v05 − 480u4v0)ht 5760 +24v02v1t − 16v0tt + 288v03v12 − 27v07 − 360u4v03 + 576u6v0) one function is arbitrary The system passes the Painlevé test Program 2 – Mathematica Conserved Densities • Purpose Compute polynomial-type conservation laws of single evolution equations and systems of evolution equations For simplicity, consider a single evolution equation ut = F(u, ux, uxx, ..., unx) Conservation law is of the form ρt + J x = 0 both ρ(u, ux, u2x, . . . , unx) and J(u, ux, u2x, . . . , unx) are polynomials in their arguments Consequently P = +∞ −∞ ρ Z dx = constant provided J vanishes at infinity – Conservation laws describe the conservation of fundamental physical quantities such as mass, linear momentum, total energy (compare with constants of motion in mechanics) – For nonlinear PDEs, the existence of a sufficiently large (in principal infinite) number of conservation laws assures complete integrability – Tool to test numerical integrators for PDEs • Example Consider the KdV equation, ut + uux + u3x = 0 Conserved densities: ρ1 = u ρ2 = u2 ρ3 .. ρ6 = u3 − 3u2x .. = u6 − 60u3u2x − 30u4x + 108u2u22x 648 2 216 2 720 3 u − uu3x + u + 7 2x 7 7 4x Integrable equations have ∞ many conservation laws • Algorithm and Implementation Consider the scaling (weights) of the KdV ∂2 u ∼ 2, ∂x ∂ ∂3 ∼ 3 ∂t ∂x Compute building blocks of ρ3 (i) Start with building block u3 Divide by u and differentiate twice (u2)2x Produces the list of terms [u2x, uu2x] −→ [u2x] Second list: remove terms that are total derivative with respect to x or total derivative up to terms earlier in the list Divide by u2 and differentiate twice (u)4x Produces the list: [u4x] −→ [ ] [ ] is the empty list Gather the terms: ρ3 = u3 + c[1]u2x where the constant c1 must be determined ∂ρ3 (ii) Compute = 3u2ut + 2c1uxuxt ∂t Replace ut by −(uux + uxxx) and uxt by −(uux + uxxx)x (iii) Integrate the result with respect to x Carry out all integrations by parts 3 ∂ρ3 = −[ u4 + (c1 −3)uu2x + 3u2uxx − c1u2xx + 2c1uxuxxx]x ∂t 4 −(c1 + 3)u3x The last non-integrable term must vanish Thus, c1 = −3 Result: ρ3 = u3 − 3u2x (iv) Expression [. . .] yields 3 4 J3 = u − 6uu2x + 3u2uxx + 3u2xx − 6uxuxxx 4 Computer building blocks of ρ6 (i) Start with u6 Divide by u and differentiate twice (u5)2x produces the list of terms [u3u2x, u4u2x] −→ [u3u2x] Next, divide u6 by u2, and compute (u4)4x Corresponding list: [u4x, uu2xu2x, u2u22x, u2uxu3x, u3u4x] −→ [u4x, u2u22x] 6 6 Proceed with ( uu3 )6x = (u3)6x, ( uu4 )8x = (u2)8x 6 and ( uu5 )10x = (u)10x Obtain the lists: [u32x, uxu2xu3x, uu23x, u2xu4x, uu2xu4x, uuxu5x, u2u6x] −→ [u32x, uu23x] [u24x, u3xu5x, u2xu6x, uxu7x, uu8x] −→ [u24x] and [u10x] −→ [ ] Gather the terms: ρ6 = u6 + c1u3u2x + c2u4x + c3u2u22x + c4u32x + c5uu23x + c6u24x where the constants ci must be determined (ii) Compute ∂ ∂t ρ6 Replace ut, uxt, . . . , unx,t by −(uux + uxxx), . . . (iii) Integrate the result with respect to x Carry out all integrations by parts Require that non-integrabe part vanishes Set to zero all the coefficients of the independent combinations involving powers of u and its derivatives with respect to x Solve the linear system for unknowns c1, c2, . . . , c6 Result: ρ6 = u6 − 60u3u2x − 30u4x + 108u2u22x 648 2 216 2 720 3 u2x − uu3x + u4x + 7 7 7 (iv) Flux J6 can be computed by substituting the constants into the integrable part of ρ6 Conserved Densities • Conserved densities by Ito & Kako (Reduce, 1985, 1994) • Conserved densities in DELiA by Bocharov (Pascal, 1990) • Conserved densities by Gerdt (Reduce, 1993) • Conserved densities by Roelofs, Sanders and Wang (Reduce 1994, Maple 1995) • Conserved densities by Hereman and Göktaş (Mathematica, 1993-1995) • Conservation laws by Wolf (Reduce, 1995) A Class of Fifth-order Evolution Equations ut + αu2ux + βuxu2x + γuu3x + u5x = 0 Special cases: α = 30 α = 5 β = 20 β=5 α = 20 α = 2 β = 25 β=6 γ = 10 γ=5 Lax Sawada Kotera or Caudry−Dodd−Gibbon γ = 10 Kaup−Kuperschmidt γ=3 Ito Under what conditions for the parameters α, β, and γ does this equation admit ∞ many conservation laws? 3 2 γ and β = 2γ then there is a sequence • If α = 10 (without gaps!) of conserved densities (Lax case) • If α = 15 γ 2 and β = γ then there is a sequence (with gaps!) of conserved densities (SK case) • If α = 15 γ 2 and β = 25 γ then there is a sequence (with gaps!) of conserved densities (KK case) 2 2 • If α = −2β +7βγ−4γ or β = 2γ then there is a conserved 45 density of degree 4 2 Combining both conditions gives α = 2γ9 and β = 2γ (Ito case) Conserved Densities of Systems of Evolution Eqs. • Coupled KdV Equations (Hirota-Satsuma system) ut − a(uxxx + 6uux) − 2bvvx = 0 vt + vxxx + 3uvx = 0 ∂2 u ∼ 2, ∂x ∂2 v∼ 2 ∂x ρ1 = u 2 ρ2 = u2 + bv 2 3 1 ρ3 = (1 + a)(u3 − u2x) + b(uv 2 − vx2 ) 2 and e.g. 1 ρ4 = u4 − 2uu2x + u2xx 5 4 2 8 2 2 4 + b(u2v 2 + uvvxx + uvx2 − vxx ) + b2 v 4 5 3 3 3 15 provided a = 1 2 There are infinitely many more conservation laws • The Ito system ut − uxxx − 6uux − 2vvx = 0 vt − 2uxv − 2uvx = 0 ∂2 u ∼ 2, ∂x ∂2 v∼ 2 ∂x ρ1 = c 1 u + c 2 v ρ2 = u 2 + v 2 ρ3 = 2u3 + 2uv 2 − u2x ρ4 = 5u4 + 6u2v 2 + v 4 − 10uu2x + 2v 2u2x + u22x and there are infinitely many more conservation laws • The Drinfel’d-Sokolov system ut + 3vvx = 0 vt + vux + 2uvx + 2v3x = 0 ∂2 u ∼ 2, ∂x ∂2 v free, choose v ∼ 2 ∂x ρ1 = u ρ2 = v 2 −2 3 1 2 3 2 2 ρ3 = u + uv + ux − vx 9 6 2 1 4 1 2 2 1 4 1 2 ρ4 = u − u v − v − uux + uvx2 2 6 8 6 − 5 2 1 3 2 v u2x + u22x − v2x 12 36 4 and there are presumably infinitely many more conservation laws • The dispersiveless long-wave system ut + vux + uvx = 0 vt + ux + vvx = 0 u free, v free, but u ∼ 2v ∂ ∂ choose u ∼ and 2v ∼ ∂x ∂x ρ1 ρ2 ρ3 ρ4 ρ5 = = = = = ρ6 = v u uv u2 + uv 2 3u2v + uv 3 1 3 1 u + u2v 2 + uv 4 3 6 1 5 ρ7 = u v + u v + uv 10 3 2 3 1 4 1 6 3 2 2 4 ρ8 = u + 2u v + u v + uv 3 15 always the same set irrespective the choice of weights Further Examples • A generalized Schamel equation 2 n 2 n ut + (n + 1)(n + 2)u ux + uxxx = 0 n positive integer ρ1 = u, ρ 2 = u2 1 2 n2 2+ 2 ρ3 = u x − u n 2 2 no further conservation laws • The Boussinesq equation utt − buxx + 3uuxx + 3u2x + au4x = 0 a and b are real constants Write as system of evolution equations ut + v x = 0 vt + bux − 3uux − au3x = 0 ∂2 u ∼ 2, ∂x ∂2 b ∼ 2, ∂x ∂3 v free, take v ∼ 3 ∂x ρ1 = u ρ2 = u ρ3 = bu ρ4 = bc1u + c2uv ρ5 = b2c1u + c2(bu2 − u3 + v 2 + au2x) and there are infinitely many more conservation laws • A modified vector derivative NLS equation ∂B⊥ ∂ ∂B⊥ ∂ 2B⊥ 2 + (B⊥B⊥) + αB⊥0B⊥0 · + ex × =0 2 ∂t ∂x ∂x ∂x Replace vector equation by 2 2 ut + u(u + v ) + βu − vx x = 0 2 2 vt + v(u + v ) + ux x = 0 u and v denote the components of B⊥ parallel 2 and perpendicular to B⊥0 and β = αB⊥0 ∂ ∂ ∂ , 2v ∼ , β∼ 2u ∼ ∂x ∂x ∂x The first 6 conserved densities are: ρ1 = c 1 u + c 2 v ρ2 = u 2 + v 2 1 2 ρ3 = (u + v 2)2 − uvx + uxv + βu2 2 ρ4 = 1 2 1 β (u + v 2)3 + (u2x + vx2 ) − u3vx + v 3ux + (u4 − v 4) 4 2 4 ρ5 = 2 4 1 2 (u + v 2)4 − (uxvxx − uxxvx) + (uux + vvx)2 4 5 5 6 + (u2 + v 2)(u2x + vx2 ) − (u2 + v 2)2(uvx − uxv) 5 β2 4 β 2 3 6 4 2 6 + (2ux − 4u vx + 2u + 3u v − v ) + u 5 5 7 2 2 5 1 2 2 ρ6 = (u + v ) + (uxx + vxx ) 16 2 − 5 2 (u + v 2)(uxvxx −uxxvx) + 5(u2 + v 2)(uux + vvx)2 2 + 15 2 35 (u + v 2)2(u2x + vx2 ) − (u2 + v 2)3(uvx − uxv) 4 16 β 8 + (5u + 10u6v 2 − 10u2v 6 − 5v 8 + 20u2u2x 8 − 12u5vx + 60uv 4vx − 20v 2vx2 ) β2 6 + (u + v 6) 4 Table 1 Density Conserved Densities for Sawada-Kotera and Lax equations Sawada-Kotera equation Lax equation ρ1 u u ρ2 ---- 1 2 2u ρ3 1 3 3u − u2x 1 3 3u − 61 u2x ρ4 1 4 4u − 94 uu2x + 34 u22x 1 4 4u − 21 uu2x + ρ6 ---- 1 5 5u − u2 u2x + 51 uu22x − ρ6 1 6 6u 1 6 6u − 35 u3 u2x − − 25 3 2 4 u ux +2u32x − ρ7 1 7 7u − 21 2 8 uu3x ---- + 83 u24x 5 3 u2x − + 63 57 3 2 5 u u2x 1 7 7u 489 3 35 uu2x − 261 2 2 35 u u3x + 21 u2x u22x + − 9 2 35 u5x 5 − 42 u2x u23x + 81 2 35 uu4x 1 8 8u 5 4 36 ux 1 2 14 uu3x + 2 − 288 35 u2x u3x + ρ8 + 6u2 u22x 54 4 5 uux − 9u4 u2x − 2 2 + 648 35 ux u2x + 17 4 8 ux 1 2 20 u2x + 1 2 70 u3x + 12 u2 u22x 1 2 252 u4x − 25 u4 u2x − 65 uu4x + u3 u22x 10 3 21 uu2x − 1 2 42 uu4x − 27 u5 u2x − 3 2 2 14 u u3x 1 2 924 u5x − 35 2 4 12 u ux + 27 uu2x u22x + 35 u2 u32x + + 74 u4 u22x 7 4 24 u2x − 41 u2x u23x − 56 uu2x u23x + 7 u2x u24x − + 132 1 2 132 uu5x + 21 u3 u23x 1 2 2 12 u u4x + 1 2 3432 u6x Table 2 Conserved Densities for Kaup-Kuperschmidt and Ito equations Density Kaup-Kuperschmidt equation Ito equation ρ1 u u ρ2 ---- u2 2 ρ3 u3 3 − 81 u2x ---- ρ4 u4 4 − ρ5 ---- ρ6 u6 6 − 9 2 16 uux ρ8 u7 7 − u4 4 3 2 64 u2x 35 3 2 16 u ux − 31 4 256 ux 15 2 128 uu3x 27 4 2 8 u ux − + + 51 2 2 64 u u2x ---- 3 2 512 u4x 369 4 320 uux + 2619 2 2 + 4480 ux u2x + 2211 3 2240 uu2x 171 − 640 u2x u23x + 27 2 560 uu4x ---- − 94 uu2x + 34 u22x ---- 37 3 + 256 u2x − ρ7 + 69 3 2 40 u u2x − − ---- 477 2 2 1120 u u3x 9 2 4480 u5x ---- Example 3 – Macsyma/Mathematica Solitons – Hirota’s Method • Hirota’s Direct Method allows to construct soliton solutions of – nonlinear evolution equations – wave equations – coupled systems • Test conditions for existence of soliton solutions • Examples: – Korteweg-de Vries equation (KdV) ut + 6uux + u3x = 0 – Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation (KP) (ut + 6uux + u3x)x + 3u2y = 0 – Sawada-Kotera equation (SK) ut + 45u2ux + 15uxu2x + 15uu3x + u5x = 0 Hirota’s Method Korteweg-de Vries equation ut + 6uux + u3x = 0 Substitute ∂ 2 ln f (x, t) u(x, t) = 2 ∂x2 Integrate with respect to x 2 f fxt − fxft + f f4x − 4fxf3x + 3f2x =0 Bilinear form def B(f ·f ) = DxDt + Dx4 (f ·f ) = 0 Introduce the bilinear operator m n Dxm Dtn(f ·g) = (∂x − ∂x0) (∂t − ∂t0) f (x, t) g(x0, t0)|x0=x,t0=t Use the expansion f =1+ ∞ X n=1 n fn Substitute f into the bilinear equation Collect powers in (book keeping parameter) O(0) O(1) O(2) O(3) O(4) : : : : : B(1·1) = 0 B(1·f1 + f1·1) = 0 B(1·f2 + f1·f1 + f2·1) = 0 B(1·f3 + f1·f2 + f2·f1 + f3·1) = 0 B(1·f4 + f1·f3 + f2·f2 + f3·f1 + f4·1) = 0 n X n O( ) : B( j=0 fj ·fn−j ) = 0 with f0 = 1 Start with f1 = N X i=1 exp(θi) = N X i=1 exp (ki x − ωi t + δi) ki, ωi and δi are constants Dispersion law ωi = ki3 (i = 1, 2, ..., N ) If the original PDE admits a N-soliton solution then the expansion will truncate at level n = N Consider the case N=3 Terms generated by B(f1, f1) determine f2 = = + + a12 a12 a13 a23 exp(θ1 + θ2) + a13 exp(θ1 + θ3) + a23 exp(θ2 + θ3) exp [(k1 + k2) x − (ω1 + ω2) t + (δ1 + δ2)] exp [(k1 + k3) x − (ω1 + ω3) t + (δ1 + δ3)] exp [(k2 + k3) x − (ω2 + ω3) t + (δ2 + δ3)] Calculate the constants a12, a13 and a23 (ki − kj )2 i, j = 1, 2, 3 aij = 2 (ki + kj ) Terms from B(f1·f2 + f2·f1) determine f3 = b123 exp(θ1 + θ2 + θ3) = b123 exp [(k1 +k2 +k3)x−(ω1 +ω2 +ω3)t+(δ1 +δ2 +δ3)] with (k1 − k2)2 (k1 − k3)2 (k2 − k3)2 b123 = a12 a13 a23 = (k1 + k2)2 (k1 + k3)2 (k2 + k3)2 Subsequently, fi = 0 for i > 3 Set = 1 f = 1 + exp θ1 + exp θ2 + exp θ3 + a12 exp(θ1 + θ2) + a13 exp(θ1 + θ3) + a23 exp(θ2 + θ3) + b123 exp(θ1 + θ2 + θ3) Return to the original u(x, t) ∂ 2 ln f (x, t) u(x, t) = 2 ∂x2 Single soliton solution f = 1 + eθ , θ = kx − ωt + δ k, ω and δ are constants and ω = k 3 Substituting f into ∂ 2 ln f (x, t) u(x, t) = 2 ∂x2 fxxf − fx2 = 2( ) f2 Take k = 2K u = 2K 2sech2K(x − 4K 2t + δ) Two-soliton solution f = 1 + eθ1 + eθ2 + a12eθ1+θ2 θi = kix − ωit + δi with ωi = ki3 , (i = 1, 2) and a12 = (k1 −k2 )2 (k1 +k2 )2 Select δi e c2i kix−ωit+∆i = e ki 1 − 1 (θ̃1+θ̃2) ˜ f = fe 2 4 θ̃i = kix − ωit + ∆i k + k1 2 c2i = k2 − k1 ki Return to u(x, t) ∂ 2 ln f˜(x, t) u(x, t) = ũ(x, t) = 2 ∂x2 2 k2 = − 2 k22cosech2 θ̃22 + k12sech2 θ̃21 θ̃2 θ̃1 2 (k2 coth 2 − k1 tanh 2 ) k12 Program 4 – Macsyma Lie-point Symmetries • System of m differential equations of order k ∆i(x, u(k)) = 0, i = 1, 2, ..., m with p independent and q dependent variables x = (x1, x2, ..., xp) ∈ IRp u = (u1, u2, ..., uq ) ∈ IRq • The group transformations have the form x̃ = Λgroup (x, u), ũ = Ωgroup (x, u) where the functions Λgroup and Ωgroup are to be determined • Look for the Lie algebra L realized by the vector field p q ∂ ∂ X X i α= η (x, u) + ϕl (x, u) l i=1 ∂xi l=1 ∂u Procedure for finding the coefficients • Construct the k th prolongation pr(k)α of the vector field α • Apply it to the system of equations • Request that the resulting expression vanishes on the solution set of the given system pr(k)α∆i |∆j =0 i, j = 1, ..., m • This results in a system of linear homogeneous PDEs for η i and ϕl , with independent variables x and u ( determining equations) • Procedure thus consists of two major steps: deriving the determining equations solving the determining equations Procedure for Computing the Determining Equations • Use multi-index notation J = (j1, j2, ..., jp) ∈ INp, to denote partial derivatives of ul ulJ ∂ |J|ul ≡ , j j j p 1 2 ∂x1 ∂x2 ...∂xp where |J| = j1 + j2 + ... + jp • u(k) denotes a vector whose components are all the partial derivatives of order 0 up to k of all the ul • Steps: (1) Construct the k th prolongation of the vector field q X X (k) J (k) ∂ pr α = α + ψl (x, u ) l , 1 ≤ |J| ≤ k ∂uJ l=1 J The coefficients ψlJ of the first prolongation are: ψlJi = Diϕl (x, u) − p X j=1 ulJj Diη j (x, u), where Ji is a p−tuple with 1 on the ith position and zeros elsewhere Di is the total derivative operator q X ∂ ∂ X l Di = + uJ+Ji l , 0 ≤ |J| ≤ k ∂xi l=1 J ∂uJ Higher order prolongations are defined recursively: ψlJ+Ji = DiψlJ − p X j=1 ulJ+Jj Diη j (x, u), |J| ≥ 1 (2) Apply the prolonged operator pr(k)α to each equation ∆i(x, u(k)) = 0 Require that pr(k)α vanishes on the solution set of the system pr(k)α ∆i |∆j =0 = 0 i, j = 1, ..., m (3) Choose m components of the vector u(k), say v 1, ..., v m, such that: (a) Each v i is equal to a derivative of a ul (l = 1, ..., q) with respect to at least one variable xi (i = 1, ..., p). (b) None of the v i is the derivative of another one in the set. (c) The system can be solved algebraically for the v i in terms of the remaining components of u(k), which we denoted by w: v i = S i(x, w), i = 1, ..., m. (d) The derivatives of v i, vJi = DJ S i(x, w), where DJ ≡ D1j1 D2j2 ...Dpjp , can all be expressed in terms of the components of w and their derivatives, without ever reintroducing the v i or their derivatives. For instance, for a system of evolution equations uit(x1, ..., xp−1, t) = F i(x1, ..., xp−1, t, u(k)), i = 1, ..., m, where u(k) involves derivatives with respect to the variables xi but not t, choose v i = uit. (4) Eliminate all v i and their derivatives from the expression prolonged vector field, so that all the remaining variables are independent (5) Obtain the determining equations for η i(x, u) and ϕl (x, u) by equating to zero the coefficients of the remaining independent derivatives ulJ . Example: The Korteweg-de Vries Equation ut + auux + uxxx = 0 • one equation (parameter a) • two independent variables t and x • one dependent variable u ∂ ∂ ∂ + η t ∂t + ϕu ∂u • vector field α = η x ∂x Format for SYMMGRP.MAX • variables x[1] = x, x[2] = t, u[1] = u • equation e1 : u[1, [0, 1]] + a ∗ u[1] ∗ u[1, [1, 0]] + u[1, [3, 0]] • variable to be eliminated v1 : u[1, [0, 1]] • coefficients of vectorfield in SYMMGRP.MAX: eta[1] = η x, eta[2] = η t and phi[1] = ϕu There are only eight determining equations ∂eta[2] = 0 ∂u[1] ∂eta[2] = 0 ∂x[1] ∂eta[1] = 0 ∂u[1] ∂ 2phi[1] = 0 ∂u[1]2 ∂ 2phi[1] ∂ 2eta[1] − = 0 2 ∂u[1]∂x[1] ∂x[1] ∂phi[1] ∂phi[1] ∂ 3phi[1] + + u[1] = 0 3 ∂x[2] ∂x[1] ∂x[1] ∂eta[1] ∂ 3eta[1] ∂ 3phi[1] − 3 − ∂u[1]∂x[1]2 ∂x[2] ∂x[1]3 eta[1] + 2 u[1] + phi[1] = 0 ∂x[1] ∂eta[2] ∂ 3phi[1] ∂eta[1] ∂ 3eta[1] u[1] +3 − − ∂x[2] ∂u[1]∂x[1]2 ∂x[2] ∂x[1]3 eta[1] − u[1] + phi[1] = 0 ∂x[1] The solution in the original variables η x = k1 + k3 t − k4 x η t = k2 − 3k4 t ϕ u = k3 + 2 k4 u The four infinitesimal generators are G1 G2 G3 G4 = = = = ∂x ∂t t ∂x + ∂u x ∂x + 3 t ∂t − 2 u ∂u Equation is invariant under: • translations G1 and G2 • Galilean boost G3 • scaling G4 Computation of the flows corresponding to G1 thru G4 shows that for any solution u = f (x, t) of the KdV equation the transformed solutions ũ = f (x − , t) ũ = f (x, t − ) ũ = f (x − , t) + ũ = e−2f (e−x, e−3t) will solve the KdV equation Note that is the parameter of the transformation group III. PLANS FOR THE FUTURE Extension of Symbolic Software Packages (Macsyma/Mathematica) • Lie symmetries of differential-difference equations • Solver for systems of linear, homogeneous PDEs (Hereman) • Painlevé test for systems of PDEs (Elmer, Göktaş & Coffey) • Solitons via Hirota’s method for bilinear equations (Zhuang) • Simplification of Hirota’s method (Hereman & Nuseir) • Conservation laws of PDEs with variable coefficients (Göktaş) • Lax pairs, special solutions, ... New Software • Wavelets (prototype/educational tool) • Other methods for Differential Equations