Theoretical and Computational Aspects of Scattering from Periodic Surfaces: Two-dimensional Transmission Surfaces Using the Spectral-Coordinate Method J. DeSanto, G. Erdmann, W. Hereman, B. Krause, M. Misra, and E. Swim MCS-00-07R June 2001 submitted to: Waves in Random Media (2001) Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences Colorado School of Mines Golden, CO 80401-1887, USA Phone: (303) 273-3860 Fax: (303) 273-3875 Email: Abstract We consider the scattering from and transmission through a two-dimensional periodic surface. We use the spectral-coordinate (SC) method for all the computations. It was the fastest method for one-dimensional problems and proved optimal for the scattering from two-dimensional surfaces where computation time can prove to be excessive. In particular we can avoid approximation methods and solve the exact equations. The SC equations are derived for an infinite surface and reduced to coupled equations for a periodic surface which are solved numerically for the two boundary unknowns. Solutions of the SC equations for various periodic sinusoidal surface examples are studied. The surfaces vary in roughness ands period. Extensive computations are included in terms of the maximum roughness slope which can be computed using the method with a fixed maximum error as a function of azimuthal angle of incidence, polar angle of incidence, wavelength to period ratio, density ratio and wavenumber ratio. Examples of reflectionless interfaces as a function of density and wavenumber are presented. Particular attention is paid to the case of near-grazing incidence. As a result of these extensive computations we conclude that the SC method is stable and robust (a) over the entire incident azimuthal variability, (b) over a 50-fold change in value of the wave number ratio, and (c) as the density parameter varies over two orders of magnitude. In addition SC works very well under extreme neargrazing conditions even for very rough surfaces with large slopes over a very broad parameter range in density and wavenumber. Spectral based methods can thus play an important role in the description of the scattering from two-dimensional periodic surfaces. PART I: THEORETICAL DEVELOPMENT FOR AN INFINITE SURFACE 1 Introduction and Notation In previous reports [7, 10] and papers [11, 12] we presented the theoretical and computational results of scattering from one-dimensional rough surfaces. We studied several methods. They were all exact theoretical developments which were discretized and solved as matrix systems, and characterized by the space in which the rows and columns of the matrices were sampled, either coordinate (C) space or spectral (S) space. The coordinatecoordinate (CC) method was the usual method of moments. The spectral-coordinate (SC) method used the Weyl representation of the free-space Green’s function to generate equations in a mixed spectral and coordinate representation, and the spectral-spectral (SS) method had the equations fully in the spectral space. The results of our one-dimensional scattering confirmed that the SC method was the fastest method (usually by several orders of magnitude) in terms of fill time, i. e. the time necessary to create the matrix. For two-dimensional problems this is even more important. The SC method was designed for speed but the computations are limited by maximum roughness (slope) and we quantify these limitations for the two-dimensional transmission problem in this paper. Our computations reveal however that the SC method is quite robust in terms of its ability to produce highly accurate results over a wide range of 2 incident angles (including near-grazing incidence and reflection), surface period, and two orders of magnitude variability in density and wavenumber ratios for the two homogeneous media the surface separates. In this paper we use only this method to study the scattering and transmission from two-dimensional periodic surfaces. Other methods have been used to treat the scattering and transmission from twodimensional surfaces. For perfectly reflecting surfaces Kim et al. [13] used previous work of ours [3, 4] but then expanded the boundary unknowns in Fourier series. This is different from our spectral-spectral method discussed (for one-dimensional surfaces) in [12], and it is different from our approach here where we compute the discrete two-dimensional physical boundary unknowns in coordinate-space. In doing so we are able to solve problems with much larger surface heights than these authors reported. Boag et al. [2] used a method of fictitious simple sources located off the physical boundaries. The fields radiated by the fictitious sources are computed by summing Floquet modes and their amplitudes are adjusted to satisfy the approximate boundary conditions. In contrast we solve the exact integral equations. Tran and Maradudin [15] solved the integral equations in coordinate space using iterative techniques. Their surfaces were random and in order to solve for a large ensemble of surfaces, the solutions for each surface realization was optimized using a massively parallel computer. For our scalar two-dimensional problem, the SC method required not only a very brief time to fill the matrix but a small solution time also. Wagner et al. [16] used a method they refer to as fast multipole/fast Fourier transform. Again they were interested in optimizing the solution for a single member of an ensemble of surfaces (in their case for a two-dimensional vector wave problem). Pak et al. [14] used another technique called the sparse-matrix canonical grid method to the same end. For acoustic scattering Berkhoff et al. [1] compared the computational efficiency rate of convergence and residual error for two iterative methods (again with the aim of solving for an ensemble of surfaces). For a thorough discussion of these and other methods we refer to a forthcoming review paper [6]. All authors point out the difficulties of computing any fully two-dimensional scattering problem, and all are faced with fill-time questions which our SC method enables us to resolve. In Part I we present the theoretical development for an infinite surface. In Part II we specify this to a periodic surface and in Part III we summarize the computational results for a periodic surface. In Sec. 1 we define the notation. In Sec. 2 we use Green’s theorem in regions above and below the surface to derive spectral-coordinate (SC) equations relating the boundary values to the scattered and transmitted fields. In Sec. 3 we evaluate the scattered and transmitted fields using spectral representations. Snell’s law in Sec. 4 is used to simplify the results and in Sec. 5 we derive the flux conservation result which is used as an a posteriori check on our computations. The reduction to a periodic surface is derived in Sec. 6. The energy balance for the resulting discrete spectrum of waves is also in Sec. 6, and a summary of the numerical solution technique is presented in Sec. 7. We are able to abbreviate the results in several theoretical sections because of previous papers and whenever possible consistent with clarity and readability we do so. In Section 8 we present the results for the rough interface where we have transmission. We treat several examples of surfaces in Secs. 8.1 to 8.3. We study convergence as a function of φi , the azimuthal angle of incidence (Sec. 8.4), as a function of κ, the 3 ratio of wavenumbers (Sec. 8.5), and as a function of ρ, the density or electromagnetic parameter ratio (Sec. 8.6). The parameters were varied over several orders of magnitude. Fixing an upper bound on the error we present results of the maximum roughness (slope) attainable as a function of θi , the polar angle of incidence (Sec. 8.7), as it varies from 0◦ (vertical incidence) to 89.99◦ (near-grazing incidence), as a function of ρ (Sec. 8.8), as a function of ρ for near-grazing incidence (Sec. 8.9), as a function of κ (Sec. 8.10), and as a function of κ for near-grazing incidence (Sec. 8.11). All the results were generated using the two-dimensional SC method developed for periodice surfaces. Most computations were performed using MATLAB 5.2 on a Sun SPARC station 20. Some computations were done using MATLAB 5.3 on a customized Pentium III-500 MHz PC. These latter computations will be clearly indicated in the figure captions. The summary and conclusions are presented in Sec. 9. Note that the derivation is analogous to the electromagnetic case discussed previously in [5]. The objective of this study was to provide results for a broad suite of parameter values in order to assess the computational speed and accuracy of the SC method for two-dimensional scattering. The computations we present are a representative sample of the extensive computations in our report [8]. In Figure 1 we illustrate the geometry and definitions for the derivation of the spectralcoordinate method in 2 dimensions. Here x = (x, y, z) = (xt , z) denotes a vector in the 3 dimensional Cartesian space, and xt = (x, y). The z−axis points vertically upwards, the x−axis points towards the right, and the y−axis is such that (x, y, z) form a righthanded coordinate system. The two-dimensional surface is specified by z = h(xt ), and xh = (xt , h(xt )) is a position vector on the surface. z h(xt ) y R z = S1 ρ1 , k1 = V1 ω c1 x ρ2 , k2 = V2 ω c2 z = S2 T Figure 1: Illustration of the geometry and region parameters. The infinite rough surface h(xt ) separates two homogeneous half-spaces defined by constant densities ρj , wavenumbers kj and wave speeds cj (j = 1, 2). ω is circular frequency and the constant planes z = Sj refer to the highest (j = 1) and lowest (j = 2) rough surface excursion. The regions R, V1 , V2 and T are defined in the text. There are 4 regions of interest: R, V1 , V2 and T. They are defined as follows: 4 • For region R : z ≥ S1 . The value S1 is assumed to be above the highest surface excursion. • For region V1 : h(xt ) < z ≤ S1 . • For region V2 : S2 ≤ z < h(xt ). • For region T : z ≤ S2 , where S2 is below the lowest surface excursion. ψ is the symbol for the acoustic velocity potential which satisfies the appropriate Helmholtz equation in different regions. 2 Spectral-Coordinate (SC) Equations In region V1 the density is ρ1 , and the wave number of the incident sound wave is k1 = ω/c1. − L2 z y S1 L 2 ρ1 , k1 V1 x h(xt ) Figure 2: V1 is the region between the rough surface and the highest surface excursion. This region is bounded by h(xt ) and S1 vertically and ± L2 horizontally. In the derivation of the equations we let L → ∞ for the results through Section 5. Figure 2 illustrates region V1 . The shaded area is defined by h(xt ) < z ≤ S1 and − L2 ≤ x, y ≤ L2 . V1 is specified by the characteristic function θ1 (x) = 1, 0, x ∈ V1 , x∈ V1 , (2.1) which is given by θ1 (x) = θ(z − h(xt ))θ(S1 − z)θ+ (xt ), (2.2) where θ is the Heaviside function and θ+ (xt ) = θ(x + L L L L )θ( − x)θ(y + )θ( − y). 2 2 2 2 (2.3) The full derivation of the equations relating the unknown boundary fields on h and the scattered field on S1 was done in [8] and [9]. We summarize the results here for completeness. We define planar wave states in V1 as ± φ± 1 (x) = exp[ik1 M · x], 5 (2.4) where M± = (−Mt , ±Mz ), Mt = (Mx , My ), and ⎧ ⎨ Mz = ⎩ + 1 − Mt2 , +i Mt2 − 1, Mt2 < 1, Mt2 > 1. They satisfy the same Helmholtz equation as the field ψ (1) in region V1 (∂l ∂l + k12 ) φ± 1 (x) ψ (1) (x) = 0. (2.5) The result of the derivation is the relation U ± = S1± , (2.6) where the terms are defined by U ± = ik1 ∞ −∞ ± (1) φ± 1 (xh ) [nl Ml ψ (xh ) − 1 nl ∂l ψ (1) (xh )] dxt , ik1 (2.7) 1 ∂ (1) ψ (x1 )] dxt , ik1 ∂z (2.8) integrated on the upper part of the surface h, and S1± = ik1 ∞ −∞ (1) φ± 1 (x1 ) [±Mz ψ (x1 ) − integrated on the surface S1 . Here nl = δl3 − δl1 hx − δl2 hy is the normal to h. In (2.7) the field ψ (1) and its normal derivative are evaluated on the surface. These are related to the boundary unknowns. The field and normal derivative on the surface S1 in (2.8) will be evaluated using a spectral representation in Sec. 3. h(xt ) z y − L2 x ρ2 , k2 V2 S2 L 2 Figure 3: V2 is the region between the rough surface and the lowest surface excursion. This region is bounded by h(xt ) and S2 vertically and ± L2 horizontally. In the derivation of the equations L → ∞ for the results through Section 5. Figure 3 illustrates region V2 . In V2 the density is ρ2 and the wavenumber is k2 . The shaded area is defined by S2 ≤ z < h(xt ) and − L2 ≤ x, y ≤ L2 . V2 is specified by the characteristic function 1, x ∈ V2 , (2.9) θ2 (x) = 0, x∈ V2 . We define θ2 (x) = θ(h(xt − z))θ(z − S2 )θ+ (xt ), 6 (2.10) where θ is the Heaviside function and θ+ is given in (2.3). The vector derivative of θ2 is ∂l θ2 (x) = −nl (xt )δ(z − h)θ+ + δl3 δ(z − S2 )θ+ + θ(h − z)δ(z − S2 )∂l θ+ , (2.11) where ∂l θ+ is the vector derivative of (2.3). Furthermore, the field ψ is replaced by ψ (2) (x) ∈ V2 . Assuming that ψ (2) (x) is source free in V2 , it satisfies the Helmholtz equation (∂l ∂l + k22 )ψ (2) (x) = 0. (2.12) In V2 plane wave states are defined as ± φ± 2 (x) = exp[ik2 P · x], (2.13) where P± = (−Pt , ±Pz ), Pt = (Px , Py ), and ⎧ ⎨ Pz = ⎩ Pt2 < 1, + 1 − Pt2, +i Pt2 − 1, Pt2 > 1. These satisfy the same Helmholtz equation (∂l ∂l + k22 )φ± 2 (x) = 0. (2.14) From (2.12) and (2.14) we obtain the following vector identity: (2) ± (2) ∂l [∂l φ± 2 (x)ψ (x) − φ2 (x)∂l ψ (x)] = 0. (2.15) Multiplying (2.15) by θ2 (x) and integrating over all space in x we get ∞ −∞ (2) ± (2) θ2 (x) ∂l [∂l φ± 2 (x)ψ (x) − φ2 (x)∂l ψ (x)] dx = 0. (2.16) Integrating (2.16) by parts results in ∞ −∞ (2) ± (2) [∂l φ± 2 (x)ψ (x) − φ2 (x)∂l ψ (x)] ∂l θ2 (x) dx = 0. (2.17) Again the partially integrated term drops because θ2 (x) defines a bounded region. Using ∂l θ2 (x) from (2.11) we have to evaluate three types of integrals: An integral over h; an integral over z = S2 ; and ‘Edge’ or side integrals involving ∂l θ+ . As for region V1 , we will normalize the integrals to a per unit length by dividing them all by L2 . The result is (2.18) L± (L) = S2± (L) + E2± (L), where L± (L) are integrals on the lower side of h. Hence, 1 L (L) = 2 L ± L 2 −L 2 (2) ± (2) [nl ∂l φ± 2 (xh )ψ (xh ) − φ2 (xh )nl ∂l ψ (xh )] dxt , (2.19) ± (2) (2) where φ± 2 (xh ) = lim− φ2 (x) and nl ∂l ψ (xh ) = lim− nl ∂l ψ (x), both limits from below. z→h z→h 7 S2± (L) are the integrals over z = S2 which are S2± (L) 1 = 2 L L 2 −L 2 [ ∂ ± ∂ (2) φ2 (x2 )ψ (2) (x2 ) − φ± ψ (x2 )] dxt , 2 (x2 ) ∂z ∂z (2.20) where x2 = (xt , S2 ), and E2± (L) are the integrals on the ‘edge’ given by E2± (L) 1 = 2 L h(xt ) S2 dz L 2 −L 2 (2) ± (2) [∂l φ± 2 (x)ψ (x) − φ2 (x)∂l ψ (x)]∂l θ+ dxt . (2.21) The limits of integration with respect to z come from the ∂l θ+ part of ∂l θ2 . As L → ∞ the edge integrals behave like O( L1 ) whereas (2.19) and (2.20) behave like O(1) (see [8, 9]), and are negleted. If we define L± = lim L2 L± (L), (2.22) L→∞ and S2± = lim L2 S2± (L), (2.23) L± = S2± , (2.24) L→∞ then the equations reduce to where ± L = ∞ and S2± = −∞ (2) ± (2) [nl ∂l φ± 2 (xh )ψ (xh ) − φ2 (xh )nl ∂l ψ (xh )] dxt , (2.25) ∂ ± ∂ (2) φ2 (x2 )ψ (2) (x2 ) − φ± ψ (x2 )] dxt . 2 (x2 ) ∂z ∂z (2.26) ∞ −∞ [ We note the following: 1. Equation (2.24) relates integrals on z = h to those on z = S2 , a kind of lower region analytic continuation. 2. L± and S2± are functions of the spectral parameter P± through φ± 2 from (2.13). We have suppressed it. Indeed, using (2.13), ± ± nl ∂l φ± 2 (xh ) = ik2 nl Pl φ2 (xh ), (2.27) and ∂ ± φ (x2 ) = ik2 (±Pz )φ± 2 (x2 ), ∂z 2 so that (2.25) and (2.26) are (after ik2 is factored out) ± L = ik2 ∞ and S2± = ik2 −∞ ± (2) φ± 2 (xh ) [nl Pl ψ (xh ) − ∞ −∞ 1 nl ∂l ψ (2) (xh )] dxt , ik2 (2) φ± 2 (x2 ) [±Pz ψ (x2 ) − which we use in (2.24). 8 1 ∂ (2) ψ (x2 )] dxt , ik2 ∂z (2.28) (2.29) (2.30) If the ψ fields have the dimensions of a velocity potential then the following continuity conditions are valid at the interface. First, continuity of pressure which becomes ρ1 ψ (1) (xh ) = ρ2 ψ (2) (xh ), (2.31) and, second, continuity of the normal velocity component which is nl ∂l ψ (1) (xh ) = nl ∂l ψ (2) (xh ). (2.32) If we define ψ(xh ) = ψ (1) (xh ) then 1 ψ (2) (xh ) = ψ(xh ), ρ ρ= ρ2 . ρ1 (2.33) If we scale out the factor ik1 in the normal derivative and define N as then by (2.32) we also have nl ∂l ψ (1) (xh ) = ik1 N(xh ), (2.34) nl ∂l ψ (2) (xh ) = ik1 N(xh ). (2.35) This defines the two boundary unknowns ψ(xh ) and N(xh ). Using these definitions, we get that equations (2.6), (2.7), and (2.8) are U ± = S1± , with ± U = ik1 and S1± = ik1 ∞ ∞ −∞ −∞ (2.36) ± φ± 1 (xh ) [nl Ml ψ(xh ) − N(xh )] dxt , (1) φ± 1 (x1 ) [±Mz ψ (x1 ) − 1 ∂ (1) ψ (x1 )] dxt . ik1 ∂z (2.37) (2.38) Equations (2.24), (2.29), and (2.30) become L± = S2± , (2.39) with (κ = k2 /k1 ) L± = ik2 and ∞ ∞ 1 1 ± φ± 2 (xh ) [ nl Pl ψ(xh ) − N(xh )] dxt , ρ κ −∞ (2.40) 1 ∂ (2) ψ (x2 )] dxt . (2.41) ik2 ∂z −∞ Of the four equations above, two are used to solve for ψ and N on the boundary xh ; the two other equations are used to evaluate the reflection and transmission amplitudes after ψ and N are known on h. First we evaluate equations (2.38) and (2.41). Although the wavenumber scaling on the S1± and S2± integrals appears awkward we have set it up to benefit from cancellations later. S2± = ik2 (2) φ± 2 (x2 ) [±Pz ψ (x2 ) − 9 3 Evaluate S1± and S2± We start by evaluating S1± where ψ (1) is the sum of the incident and scattered fields. In region R : Above the highest surface excursion in region R we can write the total field ψ (1) (x) as the sum of incident and scattered fields, the latter of which is written as a superposition of purely upgoing waves using a spectral expansion ψ (1) → ψR (x) = ψ (0) (x) + ψ SC (x), where SC ψ (x) = (3.1) R(αt )eik1 α·x dαt , (3.2) with α = (αt , αz ), ⎧ ⎨ αz = ⎩ (3.3) + 1 − αt2 , +i αt2 − 1, αt2 < 1, (3.4) αt2 > 1. Note that we only consider upgoing waves since we are above the highest surface excursion. ψ (0) (x) is the incident field with an analogous spectral representation (0) ψ (x) = I(β t )eik1 β ·x dβ t , where (3.5) βz = + 1 − βt2 . β = (β t , −βz ), (3.6) The sign in −βz indicates a downgoing wave superposition (i.e. in the negative z direction). The combined result enables us to evaluate S1± which was done in [8] and [9] and yields ∞ −∞ φ± 1 (xh ) [nl Ml± ψ(xh ) 2(2π)2 Mz − N(xh )] dxt = k12 I(Mt ) −R(Mt ). (3.7) The top equation will be used to solve for the boundary unknowns and the bottom equation to evaluate the reflection coefficient R and thus the reflected field by (3.2). Note that the + equation (upgoing φ+ 1 ) projects out the downgoing incident field and the − equation − (downgoing φ1 ) projects out the upgoing reflected field. To evaluate the transmitted field S2± , expand ψ (2) (x) → ψT (x) in the region z ≤ S2 as a spectral expansion of downgoing waves (like the incident field expansion). Using (2) ψ (x) → ψT (x) = T̃ (γ t )eik2 γ ·x dγ t , z ≤ S2 , (3.8) where γ = (γ t , −γz ), ⎧ ⎨ γz = ⎩ + 1 − γt2 , +i γt2 − 1, 10 (3.9) γt2 < 1, γt2 > 1, (3.10) we compute the integral in (2.41) which yields S2± ∞ T̃ (γ t ) (±Pz + γz ) [ = ik2 −∞ ik2 γ ·x2 φ± dxt ] dγ t . 2 (x2 )e (3.11) Now, using (2.13), we compute ∞ −∞ ik2 γ ·x2 φ± dxt = 2 (x2 )e (2π)2 ik2 (±Pz −γz )S2 e δ(γ t − Pt ). k22 (3.12) Inserting this result in (3.11), we obtain S2± ik2 (2π)2 = k22 T̃ (γ t ) (±Pz + γz ) eik2 (±Pz −γz )S2 δ(γ t − Pt ) dγ t . When γ t = Pt : ±Pz + γz = and ±Pz − γz = Thus, S2± (3.13) 2Pz 0, (3.14) 0 −2Pz . (3.15) 2(2π)2 Pz = ik2 [ ] k22 T̃ (Pt ) 0. (3.16) Using the above results in (2.24) we obtain ∞ −∞ φ± 2 (xh ) 1 1 2(2π)2 Pz [ nl Pl± ψ(xh ) − N(xh )] dxt = ρ κ k22 T̃ (Pt ) 0. (3.17) Note the analogy with (3.7). The zero on the right hand side of (3.17) illustrates that there is no incident field from the region below the surface. 4 Snell’s Law and Summary of Equations The equations to be solved for the boundary unknowns ψ and N are the “+” sign equation in (3.7): ∞ 2Mz (2π)2 + φ+ (x ) [n M ψ(x ) − N(x )] dx = I(Mt ), (4.1) h l l h h t 1 k12 −∞ and the “–” sign equation in (3.17): ∞ 1 1 − φ− 2 (xh ) [ nl Pl ψ(xh ) − N(xh )] dxt = 0. ρ κ −∞ (4.2) Given the boundary unknowns, the reflection and transmission amplitudes follow from the “–” sign equation in (3.7) ∞ −∞ − φ− 1 (xh ) [nl Ml ψ(xh ) − N(xh )] dxt = − 11 2Mz (2π)2 R(Mt ), k12 (4.3) and the “+” sign equation in (3.17): ∞ 1 1 2Pz (2π)2 + φ+ T̃ (Pt ), 2 (xh ) [ nl Pl ψ(xh ) − N(xh )] dxt = ρ κ k22 −∞ (4.4) The transmitted field is given in (3.8) and written here as ψT (x) = T̃ (Pt )eik2 P·x dPt , z ≤ S2 , (4.5) where P = (Pt , −Pz ), ⎧ ⎨ + 1 − Pt2 , Pz = ⎩ +i Pt2 − 1, (4.6) Pt2 < 1, Pt2 > 1. (4.7) Snell’s law (conservation of ray parameter) is given by k1 Mt = k2 Pt , so that Pz = 1 2 1 2 1 − 2 Mt = κ − Mt2 . κ κ (4.8) (4.9) This allows one to rewrite φ− 2 as a function of k1 and the ratio κ − ik2 P ·xh φ− 2 (xh ) = e z h(xt ) = e−ik2 Pt ·xt e−ik2 P√ 2 2 = e−ik1 Mt ·xt e−ik1 κ −Mt h(xt ) . (4.10) The first exponential terms in the latter product correspond to conservation of horizontal wave number or ray parameter. Using (4.8) and (4.9), equation (4.2) can be rewritten as ∞ −∞ φ− 2 (xh ) 1 2 [ (− κ − Mt2 + hx Mx + hy My )ψ(xh ) − N(xh )] dxt = 0. ρ (4.11) Note that with respect to the solution of (4.1) and (4.2), it should be clear that if the sampling of Mt is to be maintained then (4.11) should be used instead of (4.2). (It is not necessary since Px and Py also generate a sampled set of equations). Further, if we define the transmitted field as √ 2 2 T (Mt )eik1 (Mt ·xt − κ −Mt z) dMt , (4.12) ψT (x) = using the wave number k1 , then from (4.5), (4.8) and the result T̃ (Pt ) = κ2 T (Mt ), 12 (4.13) equation (4.4) can be written as ∞ −∞ φ+ 2 (xh ) 1 2 2(2π)2 [ ( κ − Mt2 + hx Mx + hy My )ψ(xh ) − N(xh )] dxt = ρ k12 T (Mt ) 0, (4.14) which is appropriate for the Mt sampling. The result is that equations (4.1) and (4.2) (or (4.11)) are used to solve for the boundary unknowns ψ and N, equation (4.3) is used to evaluate the reflection amplitudes (and thus the scattered field from (3.2)), and (4.4) (with (4.5)) or (4.14) (with (4.12)) to evaluate the transmitted field. For simplicity we introduce two square root notations used henceforth. They correspond to region V1 m1 (Mt ) = 1 − Mt2 , (4.15) and to region V2 κ2 − Mt2 . m2 (Mt ) = (4.16) Further, we confine many of our results to single plane wave incidence. The spectral amplitude in (3.5) can be written as (0) I(Mt ) = δ(Mt − αt ), where αx(0) = cos φi sin θi , and αy(0) = sin φi sin θi , (0) m1 (αt ) = cos θi , (4.17) (4.18) (4.19) in terms of incident polar (θi ) and azimutal (φi ) angles. 5 Flux Conservation For any complex field φ(x) the z-component of flux is defined as Jz (x) = ρB [φ(x) ∂ ∂ φ(x) − φ(x) φ(x)], ∂z ∂z (5.1) where ρB is the density of the medium and the overbar is complex conjugation. A spectral representation of φ is φ(x) = B(t ) eik·x dt , (5.2) where = (t , z ), ⎧ ⎨ z = ⎩ (5.3) + 1 − +i 2 t 2 t, − 1, 13 2 t 2 t < 1, > 1. (5.4) We can thus write Jz (x) = ρB dt dt B(t ) B(t ) {−ik z − ik z } eik(t −t )·xt eik(z −z )z . (5.5) The flux through an area L2 is Jˆz = L 2 −L 2 Jz (x) dxt . (5.6) In the limit as L → ∞ this becomes 2 8iπ ρB Jˆz = − k |B(t )|2 (Re z ) dt , (5.7) which is independent of z and where only the real part of z appears in the integrals. For the scattered field replace z by αz = m1 from (3.4) and (4.15), and k by k1 in (5.7), so that 8iπ 2 SC ˆ Jz = − ρ1 |R(αt )|2 (Re m1 (αt )) dαt , (5.8) k1 and for the incident field replace z by −βz = −m1 from (3.6) and (4.15), and k by k1 in (5.7), so that 8iπ 2 Jˆzi = − ρ1 |I(β t )|2 (−Re m1 (β t )) dβt . (5.9) k1 For the transmitted field replace (still) k by k1 in (5.7), to get 2 8iπ JˆzT = − ρ2 k1 z by −m2 (Mt ) from (4.12) and (4.16), ρB by ρ2 and |T (Mt )|2 (−Re m2 (Mt )) dMt . (5.10) The overall energy flux conservation is Jˆzi + JˆzSC = JˆzT , (5.11) which yields |I(βt )|2 (Re m1 (β t )) dβt = |R(αt )|2 (Re m1 (αt )) dαt +ρ |T (Mt )|2 (Re m2 (Mt )) dMt . (5.12) This is used as a check in our computations. For a single plane wave incident on a periodic surface see Section 6. 14 PART II: THEORETICAL DEVELOPMENT FOR A PERIODIC SURFACE 6 Equations for a Periodic Surface In this section we reduce the equations in Section 4 to those for a periodic surface of period L1 in x and period L2 in y. For region V1 this was done in [8, 9]. We repeat some of this for completeness with the V2 results. Equation (4.1) is ∞ −∞ −ik1 Mt ·xt ik1 m1 (Mt )h(xt ) [n+ e dxt = F in(Mt ), 1 (Mt , xt )ψ(xh ) − N(xh )] e where (6.1) n+ 1 (Mt , xt ) = m1 (Mt ) + Mt · ht , (6.2) Mt = (Mx , My ), (6.3) and 2(2π)2 m1 (Mt )I(Mt ). k12 F in (Mt ) = (6.4) Similarly, (4.11) becomes ∞ −∞ −ik1 Mt ·xt −ik1 m2 (Mt )h(xt ) [n− e dxt = 0, 2 (Mt , xt )ψ(xh ) + ρN(xh )] e where n− 2 (Mt , xt ) = m2 (Mt ) − Mt · ht . (6.5) (6.6) Floquet conditions on the surface fields (0) ψ ik1 αt ·Lt ψ (x + L , y + L ) = e 1 2 N N (x, y), (6.7) where (0) αt = (αx(0) , αy(0) ), Lt = (L1 , L2 ), (6.8) yield a sum over an infinite number of finite cells (p, q run from −∞ to ∞) from (6.1): L1 L2 p q Ip(1)q (Mt ) = F in(Mt ), (6.9) where Ip(1)q (Mt ) = 1 L1 L2 (2p+1)L1 /2 (2p−1)L1 /2 dx (2q+1)L2 /2 (2q−1)L2 /2 dy [n+ 1 (Mt , xt )ψ(xh ) − N(xh )] · · e−ik1Mt ·xt eik1 m1 (Mt )h(xt ) . (6.10) If we change variables to x = x − pL1 and y = y − qL2 , and note that n+ 1 (Mt , xt ) is periodic, we can then use the Floquet conditions (6.7) on ψ and N to write (0) Ip(1)q (Mt ) = eik1 αx pL1 (0) eik1 αy qL2 15 (1) e−ik1 Mt ·(pL1 ,qL2 ) I0 0 (Mt ). (6.11) Then (6.9) becomes (0) (1) L1 L2 I0 0 (Mt ) eik1 (αx p (0) −Mx )pL1 eik1 (αy q −My )qL2 = F in(Mt ). (6.12) These are just Poisson sums: (1) L1 L2 I0 0 (Mt ) λ1 L1 ∞ j=−∞ λ1 L2 δ(Mx − αjx ) ∞ j =−∞ δ(My − αj y ) = F in (Mt ), (6.13) where λ1 λ1 , and αj y = αy(0) + j , L1 L2 are the Bragg equations in the 2 dimensions. The result of (6.12) is thus αjx = αx(0) + j (1) I0 0 (Mt ) ∞ j=−∞ δ(Mx − αjx ) ∞ j =−∞ δ(My − αj y ) = 1 in F (Mt ). λ21 (6.14) (6.15) The same sequence of operations applied to (6.5) yields ∞ (2) I0 0 (Mt ) j=−∞ δ(Mx − αjx ) ∞ j =−∞ δ(My − αj y ) = 0, (6.16) where (2) I0 0 (Mt ) L1 /2 1 = L1 L2 −L1 /2 dx L2 /2 −L2 /2 dy [n− 2 (Mt , xt )ψ(xh ) + ρN(xh )] e−ik1 Mt ·xt e−ik1 m2 (Mt )h(xt ) . (6.17) Integrating (6.15) and (6.16), using the following integration scheme, lim j →0 αpx +1 λ1 L1 λ αpx −1 L1 dMx 1 αqy +2 λ1 L2 λ αqy −2 L1 dMy 0< j < 1, j = 1, 2, (6.18) dMy F in(Mt ), (6.19) 2 these equations become (1) I0 0 (αjx , αj y ) 1 = 2 λ1 and αpx +1 λ1 L1 λ αpx −1 L1 dMx 1 αqy +2 λ1 L2 λ αqy −2 L1 2 (2) I0 0 (αjx , αj y ) = 0. (6.20) For a single plane wave incidence, from Sec. 4 and (6.4), 2(2π)2 m1 (Mt ) δ(Mx − αx(0) ) δ(My − αy(0) ), F (Mt ) = 2 k1 in (6.21) and equation (6.19) becomes (1) (0) I0 0 (αjx , αj y ) = 2m1 (αt ) δj0 δj 0 . 16 (6.22) The equations to solve are (6.22) and (6.20), which are explicitly, L1 /2 1 L1 L2 −L1 /2 L2 /2 dx −L2 /2 dy [(m1 (αjx , αj y ) + αjx hx + αj y hy ) ψ(xh ) − N(xh )] · (0) · e−ik1(αjx x+αj y y) eik1 m1 (αjx ,αj y )h(xt ) = 2m1 (αt )δj0 δj 0 , 1 L1 L2 L1 /2 −L1 /2 L2 /2 dx −L2 /2 (6.23) dy [(m2 (αjx , αj y ) − αjx hx − αj y hy ) ψ(xh ) + ρN(xh )] · · e−ik1 (αjx x+αj y y) e−ik1 m2 (αjx ,αj y )h(xt ) = 0. Note that (6.24) 2 1 − αjx − αj2 y , (6.25) 2 κ2 − αjx − αj2 y . (6.26) m1 (αjx , αj y ) = and m2 (αjx , αj y ) = For a periodic surface the reflected and transmitted fields are discrete infinite sums of Bragg waves. These can be written using (3.2) SC R(Mt ) eik1 Mt ·xt eik1 m1 (Mt )z dMt , ψ (x) = where here ∞ R(Mt ) = so that ∞ ∞ ψ (x) = j=−∞ j =−∞ Using (4.12) ψT (x) = we have which yields Ajj eik1 (αjx x+αj y y) eik1 m1 (αjx ,αj y )z . (6.29) ∞ ∞ j=−∞ j =−∞ (6.30) Bjj δ(Mx − αjx ) δ(My − αj y ), (6.31) Bjj eik1 (αjx x+αj y y) e−ik1 m2 (αjx ,αj y )z . (6.32) j=−∞ j =−∞ ∞ ψT (x) = (6.28) T (Mt ) eik1 Mt ·xt e−ik1 m2 (Mt )z dMt , ∞ T (Mt ) = Ajj δ(Mx − αjx ) δ(My − αj y ), j=−∞ j =−∞ ∞ SC (6.27) Equations (4.3) and (4.14) (upper equation) reduce to (0) (1) L1 L2 J0 0 (Mt ) p eik1 (αx (0) −Mx )pL1 q eik1 (αy −My )qL2 = 2(2π)2 m1 (Mt ) R(Mt ), k12 (6.33) 2(2π)2 m2 (Mt ) T (Mt ), k12 (6.34) and (0) (2) L1 L2 J0 0 (Mt ) p eik1 (αx (0) −Mx )pL1 q eik1 (αy 17 −My )qL2 =ρ where (1) J0 0 (Mt ) 1 L1 /2 (L2 /2 = dx dy [(m1 (Mt ) − Mt · ht )ψ(xh )+ N(xh )] L1 L2 −L1 /2 −L2 /2 e−ik1 Mt ·xt e−ik1 m1 (Mt )h(xt ) , and (2) J0 0 (Mt ) = 1 L1 L2 L1 /2 (L2 /2 −L1 /2 dx −L2 /2 (6.35) dy [(m2 (Mt ) + Mt · ht )ψ(xh )− ρN(xh )] e−ik1 Mt ·xt eik1 m2 (Mt )h(xt ) . (6.36) Next, use the Poisson sum evaluation and integration as in Section 6, to get the explicit equations that must be evaluated (1) J0 0 (αjx , αj y ) = 2m1 (αjx , αj y ) Ajj , and (2) J0 0 (αjx , αj y ) = 2ρm2 (αjx , αj y ) Bjj , where (1) J0 0 (αjx , αj y ) = (6.38) 1 L1 /2 L2 /2 dx dy [(m1 (αjx , αj y ) − αjx hx − αj y hy ) ψ(xh ) +N(xh )] · L1 L2 −L1 /2 −L2 /2 (6.39) · e−ik1 (αjx x+αj y y) e−ik1 m1 (αjx ,αj y )h(xt ) , and (2) J0 0 (αjx , αj y ) = (6.37) 1 L1 L2 L1 /2 −L1 /2 L2 /2 dx −L2 /2 dy [(m2 (αjx , αj y ) + αjx hx + αj y hy ) ψ(xh ) −ρN(xh )] · · e−ik1 (αjx x+αj y y) eik1 m2 (αjx ,αj y )h(xt ) . (6.40) In summary, the procedure is to compute the boundary unknowns ψ(xh ) and N(xh ) using (6.23) and (6.24) and use them in (6.39) and (6.40) to compute the scattered amplitudes by (6.37) and the transmission amplitudes from (6.38). The scattered and transmitted fields are then found from (6.29) and (6.32). The flux conservation or energy balance follows from the results in Section 5. The major difference is that the reflection and transmission coefficients are discrete sums as in (6.28) and (6.31). For a single plane wave as defined in (4.17)-(4.19) it can easily be shown that the energy balance result is analogous to (5.12) and given by m1 (αx(0) , αy(0) ) = j,j |Ajj |2 (Re m1 (αjx , αj y )) + ρ p,p |Bpp |2 (Re m2 (αpx , αpy )), (6.41) where the summations extend over all j, j values such that m1 (defined in (6.25) ) is real and all p, p values such that m2 (defined in (6.26) ) is real, i.e. over all real scattered and transmitted Bragg orders. This is used as a check in our calculations as follows: Divide the equation by m1 (αx(0) , αy(0) ) so the left hand side of (6.41) is 1 and the resulting right hand side is called the normalized energy. The resulting error is Error = log10 |1 − Normalized Energy|. (6.42) We have effectively scaled the incident energy to 1, and the normalized energy is the total energy in the scattered and transmitted fields. 18 7 Numerical Methods In this section we summarize the computational methodology. The equations to solve are (6.22) and (6.20), which are already discrete in spectral space. These integral equations are then discretized over the rough surface in coordinate space to give (wp are weight functions) M N q=1 p=1 [(m1 (αjx , αj y ) + αjx hx (xp , yq ) + αj y hy (xp , yq )) ψ(xp , yq , h(xp , yq )) −N(xp , yq , h(xp , yq ))] e−ik1 αjx xp e−ik1 αj y yq eik1 m1 (αjx ,αj y )h(xp ,yq ) wp wq (0) = 2L1 L2 m1 (αt ) δj0 δj 0 , (7.1) and M N q=1 p=1 [(m2 (αjx , αj y ) − αjx hx (xp , yq ) − αj y hy (xp , yq )) ψ(xp , yq , h(xp , yq )) +ρN(xp , yq , h(xp , yq ))] e−ik1 αjx xp e−ik1 αj y yq e−ik1 m2 (αjx ,αj y )h(xp ,yq ) wp wq = 0. (7.2) These integral equations can be written as matrix equations by defining the following matrices: [M1]jj , pq = e−ik1 αjx xp e−ik1 αj y yq eik1 m1 (αjx ,αj y )h(xp ,yq ) wp wq , [K1]jj , pq = [(m1 (αjx , αj y ) + αjx hx (xp , yq ) + αj y hy (xp , yq )] [M1]jj , pq (7.3) (7.4) [M2]jj , pq = e−ik1 αjx xp e−ik1 αj y yq e−ik1 m2 (αjx ,αj y )h(xp ,yq ) wp wq , [K2]jj , pq = [m2 (αjx , αj y ) − αjx hx (xp , yq ) − αj y hy (xp , yq )] [M2]jj , pq . (7.5) (7.6) The coordinate indices p and q and the spectral indices j and j are formed as products to create the matrix column and row indices in (7.3)–(7.6). This is done as follows: for the two-dimensional coordinate sampling indices p (say N samples in x) and q (M samples in y) we have a total of M · N coordinate samples labeled in a one-dimensional string running from 1 to M · N. For the two-dimensional spectral sampling for real propagating Bragg modes the indices j and j each run from a minimum to a maximum value for which m1 in (6.25) is real for real scattered modes and from a (generally different) minimum to a maximum value for which m2 in (6.26) is real for real transmitted modes. A schematic outline of these one-dimensional strings for the perfectly reflecting two-dimensional problem is in [8, 9]. The vectors b, Ψand N are defined as (0) bjj = 2L1 L2 m1 (αt )δj0 δj 0 , ψpq = ψ(xp , yq , h(xp , yq )), Npq = N(xp , yq , h(xp , yq )), (7.7) (7.8) (7.9) so the whole system can be expressed as K1 −M1 K2 ρM2 Ψ N 19 = b 0 . (7.10) The reported system size is the size of the matrix K1 −M1 K2 ρM2 , (7.11) and it is the condition number of this matrix which is quoted. When κ = 1, the system is not square. For this case, a single equation is used for the current, and a Dirichlet to Neumann map is used for the field to yield N = − M1 + K1 [K2]−1 ρM2 and Ψ = [K1]−1 [b + M1 N]. The pseudo inverse is used for all inverses. 20 −1 b, (7.12) (7.13) PART III: COMPUTATIONAL RESULTS FOR PERIODIC SURFACES 8 Transmission Interface Computations In this section we present results for the full transmission case using the theoretical results from Sections 6-7. In particular, we base the solution on Eq. (7.10). We present tables of results for both square and non-square systems of equations and plots of the boundary unknowns and scattered fields. The square systems results are a degenerate case of transmission where only the density changes in the lower region. The non-square systems also involved a change in wavenumber (κ = 1) and consequently a different number of radiating orders above and below the surface. Although even these systems could be made square by appropriate coordinate sampling, the non-square systems resulted in smaller condition numbers and better error results. Three wavelength parameter examples are presented in Sec. 8.1 (wavelength less than surface periods), Sec. 8.2 (wavelength approximately the same as the periods) under conditions of near-grazing incidence and reflection, and Sec. 8.3 (wavelength much greater than the surface periods). In Sec. 8.4, the azimuthal angle of incidence φi is varied from 0◦ to 90◦ in 5◦ increments using different spectral and coordinate sampling schemes. Convergence was excellent and nearly uniform for all cases. In Sec. 8.5, we present a suite of κ-values ranging from 0.1 to slightly over 5. The results for κ-values less than one amount to inverting the usual layer scattering problems since the medium of the incident field has the higher wavenumber. We include these examples to demonstrate the flexibility of the numerical codes. In Sec. 8.6 we present a suite of ρ-values ranging from 0.1 to 10, with the values less than one representing incidence on a less dense medium. Again the flexibility of the numerical code is evident. For both κ- and ρ-variability we present examples of perfect transmission, i.e. reflectionless surfaces. The maximum roughness (slope) values at fixed error are included in Sec. 8.7 (with respect to θi , the polar angle of incidence), Sec. 8.8 (with respect to ρ), Sec. 8.9 (with respect to ρ at near-grazing incidence), Sec. 8.10 (with respect to κ), and Sec. 8.11 (with respect to κ at near-grazing incidence). The examples we present are representative of far more extensive computations presented in [8]. From these extensive computations we can conclude that the SC method is an efficient and highly robust compuational method to describe the scattering from two-dimensional periodic interfaces. 8.1 Example 1 The results in Table 1 and Figs. 4, 5 and 6 are based on the following surface parameters: S(x, y) = −(d/2) cos(2πx/L1 ) cos(2πy/L2 ), where L1 = L2 = 1, d/L1 = d/L2 = 0.075, λ/L1 = λ/L2 = 0.25, ρ = 2, and κ = 1. The number of radiating orders above and below the surface is 48. The incident and azimuthal angles are θi = 75◦ and φi = 15◦ . The fraction of the energy that is reflected is 0.12. All the examples in Table 1 contained evanescent waves both above and below the surface. Fill times for even a very large matrix were very small as was the linear solution time. The systems studied were all square with the coordinate sampling adjusted to 21 equal the total number of propagating plus evanescent modes in the spectral sampling. Generally the more evanescent modes the better the energy check. Slopes were moderate (π d/L ∼ 0.24) as was the condition number. Coordinate sampling was relatively sparse (2-3 samples per wavelength) yet still provided a good energy check. Plots of the total field and normal derivative on the surface are illustrated in Fig. 4. These can be compared with the corresponding pictures in Fig. 7 for the case where the wavelength and surface periods are approximately equal. Various representations of the scattered field are plotted in Figs. 5 and 6. For this very large number of real propagating scattered modes it becomes difficult to represent the scattered field and we believe the somewhat unconventional representations in Fig. 5 yield the best overall picture. Contrast the results to those in Fig. 8 where the wavelength was approximately equal to the surface periods. System Size 112 × 112 144 × 144 180 × 180 220 × 220 264 × 264 312 × 312 364 × 364 Number of Samples Coord. Spectral Above Below x y j j j j 8 7 8 7 8 7 9 8 9 8 9 8 10 9 10 9 10 9 11 10 11 10 11 10 12 11 12 11 12 11 13 12 13 12 13 12 14 13 14 13 14 13 λ/∆x 2.0000 2.2500 2.5000 2.7500 3.0000 3.2500 3.5000 λ/∆y 1.7500 2.0000 2.2500 2.5000 2.7500 3.0000 3.2500 Fill Time (s) 0.1400 0.1900 0.2500 0.3200 0.3900 0.4900 0.6000 Linear Solution Time (s) 0.0400 0.0800 0.1400 0.3100 0.6200 1.1200 1.8300 Condition Number 12.6264 42.1853 55.1987 85.5216 83.3558 112.6966 131.1395 Error -1.7273 -2.8514 -2.7312 -4.1872 -3.4966 -4.7103 -4.2105 Table 1: Parameters and computational results for Example 1 of the transmission problem. Spectral modes in both x and y and both above and below the surface are present. The coordinate sampling is the product of the numbers in the columns “x” and “y” then doubled to cover both reflection and transmission regions. Only square systems were treated and the wavelength was 1/4 of the two equal surface periods. (Computations were done on a customized Pentium III 500 MHz PC). 22 Re[ψ T (x, y, S(x, y)] |ψ T (x, y, S(x, y))| 0.5 0.5 0.4 1.42 0.4 1 0.3 0.2 1.38 0.2 0.5 0.1 y 1.4 0.3 1.36 0.1 0 0 y 1.34 0 1.32 −0.1 −0.1 −0.5 −0.2 1.3 −0.2 1.28 −0.3 −0.3 1.26 −1 −0.4 −0.4 1.24 −0.5 −0.5 −0.4 −0.3 −0.2 −0.1 0 x 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 −0.5 −0.5 0.5 −0.4 −0.3 −0.2 −0.1 0 x (a) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (b) |N(x, y, S(x, y))| Re[N(x, y, S(x, y)] 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.25 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 y 0 0 y −0.1 0 0.15 −0.1 −0.1 −0.2 −0.2 0.1 −0.2 −0.3 −0.4 −0.3 0.05 −0.4 −0.3 −0.5 −0.5 −0.4 −0.3 −0.2 −0.1 0 x 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 −0.5 −0.5 0.5 (c) −0.4 −0.3 −0.2 −0.1 0 x 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (d) Figure 4: Example 1 for the transmission problem with a square system of size 220 × 220 and κ = 1. Real part (a) and magnitude (b) of the total field ψ T on the surface and real part (c) and magnitude (d) of the surface current or normal derivative N on the surface. 23 √ SC ψ x, y, R2 √ Re ψ SC x, y, R2 − x2 − y 2 , R = 2L 2 − x2 − y 2 , R = 2L 2 0.45 0.4 1.5 1.5 0.4 0.3 1 1 0.2 0.35 0.5 y 0.5 0.1 0 0 y −0.1 −0.5 0 0.3 −0.5 0.25 −0.2 −1 −1 −0.3 −1.5 0.2 −1.5 −0.4 −2 −2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 x 0.5 1 1.5 −2 −2 2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 x (a) 0.5 1 1.5 2 0.15 (b) √ Re ψ SC x, y, R2 − x2 − y 2 , R = 10L 10 √ SC ψ x, y, R2 − x2 − y 2 , R = 10L 10 0.45 0.4 8 8 0.3 0.4 6 6 0.2 4 4 0.35 0.1 2 y 0 2 y 0 0 −2 −0.1 0.3 −2 0.25 −4 −0.2 −6 −0.3 −8 −4 −6 0.2 −8 −0.4 −10 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 x 2 4 6 8 −10 −10 10 (c) −8 −6 −4 −2 0 x 2 4 6 8 10 0.15 (d) Figure 5: Example 1 for the transmission problem with a square system of size 220 × 220 and κ = 1. Real part ((a) and (c)) and magnitude ((b) and (d)) of the scattered field plotted on hemispheres of radius R = 2L ((a) and (b)) and R = 10L ((c) and (d)) looking down. Here L = L1 = L2 . The resolution is 100 × 100. 24 Spectral Orders Above the Surface Spectral Orders Below the Surface 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 j’ 0 j’ 0 −1 −1 −2 −2 −3 −3 −4 −4 −5 −5 −6 −10 −5 j 0 5 −6 −10 −5 0 j 5 (a) (b) Scattered Energy: Side View Scattered Energy: Side View Zoomed −3 x 10 0.5 0.4 1.5 0.3 0.2 1 0.1 0.5 z 0 z 0 −0.1 −0.5 −0.2 −1 −0.3 −1.5 −0.4 −0.5 −0.5 0 y 0.5 0 x −0.5 −1.5 −1 −0.5 −3 x 10 (c) 0 y 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1 0.5 0 x −0.5 −1 −1.5 −3 x 10 (d) Figure 6: Example 1 for the transmission problem with a square system of size 220 × 220 and κ = 1. (a) Spectral orders above the surface with 11 samples in j and 10 samples in j . Stars indicate radiating modes. (b) Spectral orders below the surface with 11 samples in j and 10 samples in j . (c) and (d) Scattered energy distribution viewed from θ = 90◦ and φ = −75◦ . Incident field is dashed, reflected field is solid and transmitted field is dotted. (c) is an unscaled side view and (d) is a zoomed view with scale of 10−3 in both x and y. 25 8.2 Example 2 The results in Table 2 and Figs. 7 and 8 are based on the following surface parameters: S(x, y) = −(d/2) cos(2πx/L1 ) cos(2πy/L2 ), where L1 = L2 = 1, d/L1 = d/L2 = 0.075, λ/L1 = λ/L2 = 0.95, ρ = 2, and κ = 1.5. There are 4 radiating orders above the surface and 7 below the surface. The incident and azimuthal angles are θi = 75◦ and φi = 15◦ . The fraction of the energy that is reflected is 0.14. All the examples in Table 2 contain evanescent modes both above and below the surface. Again fill times, solution times and condition numbers were small and except for the 15×18 system the error numbers were extremely good. There are far fewer radiating modes than in Example 1, since here the wavelength was approximately equal to the surface periods, and here the coordinate sampling was much more dense. The coordinate sampling was increased as the number of evanescent modes were increased but none of the systems were square. Non-square systems perform as well as square systems. The boundary unknowns are plotted in Fig. 7 and the scattered field in Fig. 8. The magnitudes and behavior of these quantities should be compared to those in Figs. 4 and 5. Distinctly different patterns emerge for different wavelength to period ratios and these could be useful in remotely identifying surface characteristics. System Size 15 × 18 28 × 32 45 × 50 66 × 72 91 × 98 120 × 128 153 × 162 190 × 200 231 × 242 276 × 288 325 × 338 378 × 392 435 × 450 Number of Samples Coord. Spectral Above Below x y j j j j 3 3 3 2 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 6 6 6 5 6 6 7 7 7 6 7 7 8 8 8 7 8 8 9 9 9 8 9 9 10 10 10 9 10 10 11 11 11 10 11 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 13 13 13 12 13 13 14 14 14 13 14 14 15 15 15 14 15 15 λ/∆x 2.8500 3.8000 4.7500 5.7000 6.6500 7.6000 8.5500 9.5000 10.4500 11.4000 12.3500 13.3000 14.2500 λ/∆y 2.8500 3.8000 4.7500 5.7000 6.6500 7.6000 8.5500 9.5000 10.4500 11.4000 12.3500 13.3000 14.2500 Fill Time (s) 0.0100 0.0300 0.0600 0.0800 0.1200 0.1600 0.2000 0.2700 0.3400 0.4300 0.5200 0.6600 0.8000 Linear Solution Time (s) 0.0100 0.0100 0.0300 0.0700 0.1700 0.3600 0.6900 1.3600 2.6100 4.3400 7.7300 13.2400 21.9400 Condition Number 5.0194 7.5752 8.4449 13.1800 15.9756 23.2795 27.8386 39.0782 46.4069 63.5278 75.0610 106.8442 134.3711 Error -1.5588 -5.2495 -3.2745 -4.2016 -3.9552 -5.4933 -5.6419 -6.3917 -6.2535 -7.5003 -7.4449 -8.5236 -8.4689 Table 2: Parameters and computational results for Example 2 of the transmission problem. Spectral modes in both x and y and both above and below the surface are present. The numbers of modes above and below are different since κ = 1. Additional coordinate samples were added to make the linear system non-square. For this transmission case the nonsquare systems performed about the same as the square systems. (Computations were done on a customized Pentium III 500 MHz PC). 26 Re[ψ T (x, y, S(x, y)] |ψ T (x, y, S(x, y))| 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.65 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.64 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 y 0.63 0.1 0 0 y 0 0.62 −0.1 −0.1 −0.2 −0.2 −0.2 −0.3 −0.4 0.61 −0.3 0.6 −0.4 −0.4 −0.6 −0.5 −0.5 −0.4 −0.3 −0.2 −0.1 0 x 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 −0.5 −0.5 0.5 −0.4 −0.3 −0.2 −0.1 0 x (a) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (b) |N(x, y, S(x, y))| Re[N(x, y, S(x, y)] 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.42 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.38 0.1 0.1 y 0 0.1 y 0 −0.1 0.36 0 −0.1 0.34 −0.1 −0.2 −0.2 0.32 −0.2 −0.3 −0.3 −0.3 −0.4 −0.5 −0.5 −0.4 −0.3 −0.2 −0.1 0 x 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 −0.5 −0.5 0.5 (c) 0.3 −0.4 −0.4 −0.3 −0.2 −0.1 0 x 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (d) Figure 7: Example 2 for the transmission problem with a non-square system of size 435 × 450 and κ = 1.5. Real part (a) and magnitude (b) of the total field ψ T on the surface and real part (c) and magnitude (d) of the surface current or normal derivative N on the surface. 27 √ SC ψ x, y, R2 √ Re ψ SC x, y, R2 − x2 − y 2 , R = 2L 2 y − x2 − y 2 , R = 2L 2 0.39 1.5 0.3 1.5 0.385 1 0.2 1 0.38 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.375 0 0.37 y 0 0 −0.5 −0.1 −0.5 0.365 −1 −0.2 −1 0.36 −1.5 −0.3 −1.5 0.355 −2 −2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 x 0.5 1 1.5 −2 −2 2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 x (a) 0.5 1 1.5 2 (b) √ Re ψ SC x, y, R2 − x2 − y 2 , R = 10L √ SC ψ x, y, R2 10 10 8 8 0.3 6 − x2 − y 2 , R = 10L 0.39 0.385 6 0.2 0.38 4 4 0.1 2 y 0 0.375 2 y 0 0 −2 −0.1 −4 0.37 −2 0.365 −4 0.36 −0.2 −6 −6 −0.3 −8 −10 −10 0.35 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 x 2 4 6 8 −10 −10 10 (c) 0.355 −8 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 x 2 4 6 8 10 0.35 (d) Figure 8: Example 2 for the transmission problem with a non-square system of size 435 × 450 and κ = 1.5. Real part ((a) and (c)) and magnitude ((b) and (d)) of the scattered field plotted on hemispheres of radius R = 2L ((a) and (b)) and R = 10L ((c) and (d)) looking down. Here L = L1 = L2 . The resolution is 100 × 100. 28 8.3 Example 3 The results in Table 3 and Fig. 9 are based on the following surface parameters: S(x, y) = −(d/2) cos(2πx/L1 ) cos(2πy/L2), where L1 = L2 = 1, d/L1 = d/L2 = 2.5, λ/L1 = λ/L2 = 100, ρ = 2, and κ = 1. The incident and azimuthal angles are θi = 75◦ and φi = 15◦ . The fraction of the energy that is reflected is 0.11. For this example only two real modes were present, the scattered mode in specular and the transmitted mode as if no roughness were present. In Table 3 it can be seen that the 2 × 2 system with only real propagating modes worked very well. Adding evanescent modes symmetrically worked well only through one example (8 × 8). Adding them unsymmetrically (18 × 18) produced poor results. Two views of this simple system are illustrated in Fig. 5. Although the parameters of this system yield the immediate conclusion that only two modes are present, the amplitudes of those modes still must be computed and the surface slopes are very large. System Size 2×2 8×8 18 × 18 Number of Samples Coord. Spectral Above Below x y j j j j 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 λ/∆x 100 200 300 λ/∆y 100 200 300 Fill Time (s) 0.0100 0.0100 0.0200 Linear Solution Condition Time (s) Number Error < 10−3 6.4572 -15.3525 < 10−3 580.1612 -15.6536 < 10−3 1.6554e+09 -1.4002 Table 3: Parameters and computational results for Example 3 of the transmission problem. Spectral modes in both x and y and both above and below the surface are present. The coordinate sampling is the product of the numbers in the columns “x” and “y” then doubled to cover both reflection and transmission regions. Only square systems were treated and the wavelength was 100 times larger than the two equal surface periods. This is a case of near-grazing incidence. 29 Scattered Energy: Side View Scattered Energy: General View 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 z 0 z 0 −0.1 −0.1 −0.2 −0.3 −0.2 −0.4 −0.5 −0.5 −0.3 −0.4 −0.5 −0.5 −0.5 0 0 y 0 x 0.5 0 y 0.5 (a) 0.5 0.5 x (b) Figure 9: Example 3 for the transmission problem with a square system of size 8 × 8 and κ = 1. Scattered energy distribution viewed from (a) θ = 90◦ and φ = −75◦ and (b) θ = 40◦ and φ = −5◦ . Incident field is dashed, reflected field is solid and transmitted field is dotted. 30 8.4 Suite of φi Values, Azimuthal Angle of Incidence In this section we present results of varying φi , the azimuthal angle of incidence, over its full range (0◦ − 90◦ ) in 5◦ increments. Table 4 and Fig. 10 are based on the following surface parameters: S(x, y) = −(d/2) cos(2πx/L1 ) cos(2πy/L2 ) where L1 = L2 = 1, d/L1 = d/L2 = 0.075, λ/L1 = λ/L2 = 0.25, ρ = 2, κ = 1.5, and θi = 20◦ . Table 4 illustrates the parameters and computational results and in Fig. 10 we present the results of error and condition number versus φi . All the examples in Table 4 contain evanescent modes. None of the matrix systems are square. The upper block in the Table illustrates examples where only a few evanescent modes are added. In the lower block many more evanescent modes are present. The addition of more evanescent modes increased the fill time, solution time and condition number but made no appreciable difference in the error which remained relatively stable over the entire azimuthal variation. This was true of other examples also [7]. The examples in the plots of Fig. 10 contained either no evanescent waves or one evanescent mode in each of the forward and backward directions both above and below the surface. The results are roughly the same as those in Table 4. The SC method is thus stable and robust over the entire azimuthal variability. 31 Number of Samples Coord. Spectral Radiating Radiating Fill Linear System Above Below Orders Orders Time Solution Condition i Size φ x y j j j j Above Below (s) Time (s) Number Error 188 × 264 0 12 11 8 7 12 11 50 110 2.4900 22.8200 8.3152 -6.3184 208 × 288 5 12 12 8 8 12 12 51 111 2.7400 37.5800 10.3545 -6.2158 208 × 288 10 12 12 8 8 12 12 51 114 2.6500 38.2400 10.4438 -6.2521 208 × 288 15 12 12 8 8 12 12 50 116 2.8100 37.3700 10.4720 -6.4737 208 × 288 20 12 12 8 8 12 12 51 116 2.7300 38.0900 10.4174 -7.6779 208 × 288 25 12 12 8 8 12 12 50 115 2.6200 39.9500 10.4660 -5.8449 208 × 288 30 12 12 8 8 12 12 51 112 2.6500 37.9700 10.4311 -7.6051 208 × 288 35 12 12 8 8 12 12 50 112 2.8100 37.0300 11.3118 -7.0022 208 × 288 40 12 12 8 8 12 12 48 113 2.6700 38.7700 11.0444 -6.7487 208 × 288 45 12 12 8 8 12 12 47 111 2.6400 38.5300 10.8652 -6.5637 208 × 288 50 12 12 8 8 12 12 48 113 2.8500 36.5900 11.0444 -6.7487 208 × 288 55 12 12 8 8 12 12 50 112 2.6300 38.5300 11.3118 -7.0022 208 × 288 60 12 12 8 8 12 12 51 112 2.6400 39.2000 10.4311 -7.6051 208 × 288 65 12 12 8 8 12 12 50 115 2.8200 37.6300 10.4660 -5.8449 208 × 288 70 12 12 8 8 12 12 51 116 2.7000 37.3900 10.4174 -7.6779 208 × 288 75 12 12 8 8 12 12 50 116 2.6300 39.5700 10.4720 -6.4737 208 × 288 80 12 12 8 8 12 12 51 114 2.6400 38.4500 10.4438 -6.2521 208 × 288 85 12 12 8 8 12 12 51 111 2.7900 37.3400 10.3545 -6.2158 188 × 264 90 11 12 7 8 11 12 50 110 2.3200 20.5900 8.3152 -6.3184 272 × 364 0 14 13 10 9 14 13 50 110 4.0500 76.4100 15.9388 -6.8955 296 × 292 5 14 14 10 10 14 14 51 111 4.3900 105.8800 19.3607 -7.8628 296 × 292 10 14 14 10 10 14 14 51 114 4.5300 104.5200 19.1891 -7.6142 296 × 292 15 14 14 10 10 14 14 50 116 4.3700 103.1300 19.3543 -8.8283 296 × 292 20 14 14 10 10 14 14 51 116 4.5900 103.0700 19.1041 -7.3425 296 × 292 25 14 14 10 10 14 14 50 115 4.3300 103.1300 19.4425 -6.8943 296 × 292 30 14 14 10 10 14 14 51 112 4.3000 103.0300 19.1593 -6.8839 296 × 292 35 14 14 10 10 14 14 50 112 4.3600 102.4400 20.2358 -6.5479 296 × 292 40 14 14 10 10 14 14 48 113 4.6000 103.7500 20.0768 -6.7477 296 × 292 45 14 14 10 10 14 14 47 111 4.3400 104.7000 19.9000 -6.9865 296 × 292 50 14 14 10 10 14 14 48 113 4.4400 103.6500 20.0768 -6.7477 296 × 292 55 14 14 10 10 14 14 50 112 4.3800 101.6900 20.2358 -6.5479 296 × 292 60 14 14 10 10 14 14 51 112 4.5800 103.1800 19.1593 -6.8839 296 × 292 65 14 14 10 10 14 14 50 115 4.3200 104.0700 19.4425 -6.8943 296 × 292 70 14 14 10 10 14 14 51 116 4.2900 104.5800 19.1041 -7.3425 296 × 292 75 14 14 10 10 14 14 50 116 4.4900 98.1500 19.3543 -8.8283 296 × 292 80 14 14 10 10 14 14 51 114 4.5200 102.1400 19.1891 -7.6142 296 × 292 85 14 14 10 10 14 14 51 111 4.2200 99.0300 19.3607 -7.8628 272 × 364 90 13 14 9 10 13 14 50 110 3.8800 75.2700 15.9388 -6.8955 Table 4: Parameters and computational results for parameters mostly similar to those of Example 1 of the transmission problem for different values of the azimuthal angle of incidence φi , in 5◦ increments, and using different spectral and coordinate sampling schemes. The error numbers were roughly uniform over the full azimuthal range and for all the different sampling schemes. 32 Error vs. φi −5.5 −6 −6.5 error −7 −7.5 −8 −8.5 −9 0 10 20 30 40 50 φi (deg) 60 70 80 90 (a) Condition Number vs. φi 22 20 condition number 18 16 14 12 10 8 0 10 20 30 40 50 φi (deg) 60 70 80 90 (b) Figure 10: (a) Error and (b) condition number vs. φi , the azimuthal angle of incidence for Example 1 of the transmission problem. Solid lines mean no added non-radiating rows or columns, and dotted lines mean one added non-radiating row and column on all sides above the surface and below the surface. Error is down by approximately six orders of magnitude over the entire azimuthal angular variability. 33 8.5 Suite of κ Values In this section we present results of varying κ = k2 /k1 , the ratio of wavenumbers, ranging from 0.1 to about 5. Table 5 and Fig. 11 are based on the following surface parameters: S(x, y) = −(d/2) cos(2πx/L1 ) cos(2πy/L2 ) where L1 = L2 = 1, d/L1 = d/L2 = 0.02, λ/L1 = λ/L2 = 0.70, ρ = 2, θi = 20◦ , and φi = 15◦ . The number of radiating orders above the surface is 6. Table 5 illustrates the parameters and computational results and in Fig. 11 we present the results of error and fraction of energy reflected versus κ. Here the results in the Table and the Figure correspond. The parameter κ varies over a factor of 50. In the upper part of Table 5 no added evanescent modes are included. This resulted in moderately good error checks. In the lower part of Table 5 on eevanescent mode was added in both forward and backward directions and both above and below the surface. The latter yielded better error checks. The upper and lower parts of Table 5 are plotted in Fig. 11(a). In Fig. 11(b) we illustrate an example of a reflectionless surface. The SC method is thus stable and robust over a 50-fold change in values of the wavenumber ratio. 34 Number of Samples Fraction Coord. Spectral of Radiating Fill Linear System Above Below Energy Orders Time Solution Condition Size κ x y j j j j Reflected Below (s) Time (s) Number Error 7 × 12 0.1000 2 3 2 3 1 1 1.0000 0 0.0700 0.0200 2.7807 -2.3049 7 × 12 0.1259 2 3 2 3 1 1 1.0000 0 0.0700 0.0100 2.7801 -2.2798 7 × 12 0.1585 2 3 2 3 1 1 1.0000 0 0.0700 0.0200 2.7791 -2.2369 7 × 12 0.1995 2 3 2 3 1 1 1.0000 0 0.0700 0.0100 2.7776 -2.1594 7 × 12 0.2512 2 3 2 3 1 1 1.0000 0 0.0600 0.0100 2.7751 -2.0006 7 × 12 0.3162 2 3 2 3 1 1 1.0000 0 0.0700 0.0200 2.7713 -1.4946 8 × 12 0.3981 2 3 2 3 2 1 0.6511 2 0.0700 0.0100 2.5972 -1.9012 8 × 12 0.5012 2 3 2 3 2 1 0.4557 2 0.0800 0.0200 2.3059 -2.4285 8 × 12 0.6310 2 3 2 3 2 1 0.3144 2 0.0800 0.0200 2.1262 -2.7674 10 × 12 0.7943 2 3 2 3 2 2 0.2007 4 0.1000 0.0200 2.8825 -3.3906 12 × 12 1.0000 2 3 2 3 2 3 0.1112 6 0.1200 < 10−3 3.4941 -4.8057 18 × 24 1.2589 4 3 2 3 4 3 0.0502 10 0.1800 0.0400 2.9246 -2.7676 26 × 40 1.5849 4 5 2 3 4 5 0.0095 16 0.2700 0.1000 2.7249 -4.1560 36 × 60 1.9953 6 5 2 3 6 5 0.0005 26 0.3900 0.2200 2.7497 -3.9722 62 × 112 2.5119 8 7 2 3 8 7 0.0194 41 0.7000 1.2000 2.9692 -3.6141 87 × 162 3.1623 9 9 2 3 9 9 0.0632 62 1.0600 3.2600 3.3818 -3.3691 138 × 264 3.9811 12 11 2 3 12 11 0.1272 102 1.7800 15.1900 4.0906 -3.1805 216 × 420 5.0119 14 15 2 3 14 15 0.2054 162 3.7400 85.6100 5.4669 -3.0325 29 × 40 0.1000 4 5 4 5 3 3 1.0000 0 0.2700 0.1300 4.4465 -5.3817 29 × 40 0.1259 4 5 4 5 3 3 1.0000 0 0.2800 0.1300 4.4499 -5.3510 29 × 40 0.1585 4 5 4 5 3 3 1.0000 0 0.2600 0.1300 4.4553 -5.3013 29 × 40 0.1995 4 5 4 5 3 3 1.0000 0 0.2900 0.1400 4.4640 -5.2183 29 × 40 0.2512 4 5 4 5 3 3 1.0000 0 0.2800 0.1300 4.4780 -5.0681 29 × 40 0.3162 4 5 4 5 3 3 1.0000 0 0.2800 0.1300 4.5008 -4.6845 32 × 40 0.3981 4 5 4 5 4 3 0.6470 2 0.3000 0.1400 4.6656 -5.2144 32 × 40 0.5012 4 5 4 5 4 3 0.4540 2 0.3000 0.1400 4.7354 -5.3304 32 × 40 0.6310 4 5 4 5 4 3 0.3137 2 0.3000 0.1400 4.8686 -5.3351 36 × 40 0.7943 4 5 4 5 4 4 0.2006 4 0.3300 0.1600 5.5010 -5.5439 40 × 40 1.0000 4 5 4 5 4 5 0.1109 6 0.4300 0.0500 7.4499 -6.3845 50 × 60 1.2589 6 5 4 5 6 5 0.0465 10 0.5500 0.3700 7.7222 -5.9901 62 × 84 1.5849 6 7 4 5 6 7 0.0093 16 0.7000 0.7600 6.2782 -7.2055 76 × 112 1.9953 8 7 4 5 8 7 0.0005 26 0.8800 1.4900 5.5584 -6.0970 110 × 180 2.5119 10 9 4 5 10 9 0.0194 41 1.4200 4.8200 6.1465 -7.2767 141 × 242 3.1623 11 11 4 5 11 11 0.0633 62 1.7400 12.4800 6.4060 -6.4826 202 × 364 3.9811 14 13 4 5 14 13 0.1274 102 3.3600 55.9600 7.4543 -6.2676 292 × 544 5.0119 16 17 4 5 16 17 0.2056 162 5.5500 267.6600 9.2238 -6.1307 Table 5: Parameters and computational results for the transmission problem for a suite of values of κ = k2 /k1 , the ratio of wavenumbers. Different coordinate and spectral sampling schemes are presented, nearly all for non-square systems. The upper part of the table is plotted as the solid line in Fig. 11(a) and includes no added non-radiating rows and columns. The lower part of the table (dotted line in Fig. 11(a)) consists of one added non-radiating row and column on all sides of the matrix both above and below the surface which improved the error numbers. 35 −1 −2 −3 Error −4 −5 −6 −7 −8 0 1 2 κ 3 4 5 6 4 5 6 (a) 1 0.9 Fraction of Energy Reflected 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 1 2 κ 3 (b) Figure 11: (a) Error vs. κ for the transmission problem. The surface parameters are listed in Table 5. Solid line refers to no added non-radiating rows or columns. The dotted line corresponds to one added non-radiating row and column on all sides above the surface and below the surface. (b) Shows the fraction of reflected energy vs. κ, with no added nonradiating rows or columns. The minimum of the curve illustrates an example of perfect transmission. 36 8.6 Suite of ρ Values In this section we present results of varying ρ, ranging from 0.1 to 10. Table 6 and Fig. 12 are based on the following surface parameters: S(x, y) = −(d/2) cos(2πx/L1 ) cos(2πy/L2) where L1 = L2 = 1, d/L1 = d/L2 = 0.075, λ/L1 = λ/L2 = 0.25, κ = 1.5, θi = 20◦ , and φi = 15◦ . The number of radiating orders above and below the surface is 48 and 116, respectively. Table 6 illustrates the parameters and computational results and in Fig. 12 we present the results of error and fraction of energy reflected versus ρ. All the examples in the Table contain many evanescent modes whereas the results in the Figure have no evanescent modes (Fig. 12(a)) or only one added evanescent mode in each of the forward and backward directions and in both regions. The parameter ρ varies over two orders of magnitude. The condition number is generally slightly higher than that observed for the azimuthal angle variability (see Table 4) or the wavenumber ratio variability (see Table 5) but was still smaller than the order of the system. Excellent error results were observed for all values of ρ. The error results are plotted in Fig. 12(a) for either no evanescent modes or the small number of added modes described above. The fraction of reflected energy is plotted in Fig. 12(b) and we observe an example of a reflectionless surface. The SC method is thus a stable and robust computational method for density variablity over two orders of magnitude. 37 System Size 208 × 288 208 × 288 208 × 288 208 × 288 208 × 288 208 × 288 208 × 288 208 × 288 208 × 288 208 × 288 208 × 288 208 × 288 208 × 288 208 × 288 208 × 288 208 × 288 208 × 288 208 × 288 208 × 288 208 × 288 208 × 288 296 × 392 296 × 392 296 × 392 296 × 392 296 × 392 296 × 392 296 × 392 296 × 392 296 × 392 296 × 392 296 × 392 296 × 392 296 × 392 296 × 392 296 × 392 296 × 392 296 × 392 296 × 392 296 × 392 296 × 392 296 × 392 ρ 0.1000 0.1259 0.1585 0.1995 0.2512 0.3162 0.3981 0.5012 0.6310 0.7943 1.0000 1.2589 1.5849 1.9953 2.5119 3.1623 3.9811 5.0119 6.3096 7.9433 10.0000 0.1000 0.1259 0.1585 0.1995 0.2512 0.3162 0.3981 0.5012 0.6310 0.7943 1.0000 1.2589 1.5849 1.9953 2.5119 3.1623 3.9811 5.0119 6.3096 7.9433 10.0000 Number of Samples Fraction Coord. Spectral of Fill Linear Above Below Energy Time Solution x y j j j j Reflected (s) Time (s) 12 12 8 8 12 12 0.7742 2.9800 36.2500 12 12 8 8 12 12 0.7244 2.8700 37.6600 12 12 8 8 12 12 0.6661 2.6100 37.4000 12 12 8 8 12 12 0.5989 2.7000 38.7600 12 12 8 8 12 12 0.5234 2.6700 39.2400 12 12 8 8 12 12 0.4408 2.6000 39.6700 12 12 8 8 12 12 0.3535 2.6000 36.2500 12 12 8 8 12 12 0.2653 2.6300 35.8800 12 12 8 8 12 12 0.1812 2.6400 37.7000 12 12 8 8 12 12 0.1070 2.6400 38.6400 12 12 8 8 12 12 0.0488 2.6000 38.0600 12 12 8 8 12 12 0.0120 2.6400 40.2300 12 12 8 8 12 12 0.0002 2.6100 37.3900 12 12 8 8 12 12 0.0146 2.6500 39.1700 12 12 8 8 12 12 0.0538 2.6300 42.0300 12 12 8 8 12 12 0.1137 2.6300 39.1600 12 12 8 8 12 12 0.1890 2.6300 37.7000 12 12 8 8 12 12 0.2735 2.8800 37.3500 12 12 8 8 12 12 0.3615 2.8200 36.6500 12 12 8 8 12 12 0.4483 2.6300 40.9900 12 12 8 8 12 12 0.5301 2.7000 38.7200 14 14 10 10 14 14 0.7742 4.3700 106.7200 14 14 10 10 14 14 0.7244 4.3800 106.8200 14 14 10 10 14 14 0.6660 4.6800 103.5800 14 14 10 10 14 14 0.5989 4.8000 104.7600 14 14 10 10 14 14 0.5234 4.6800 106.9500 14 14 10 10 14 14 0.4408 4.3800 103.8200 14 14 10 10 14 14 0.3535 4.6300 105.0700 14 14 10 10 14 14 0.2653 4.3100 108.5700 14 14 10 10 14 14 0.1811 4.5000 105.2700 14 14 10 10 14 14 0.1070 4.3400 106.6100 14 14 10 10 14 14 0.0488 4.8200 103.8400 14 14 10 10 14 14 0.0120 4.3800 106.3500 14 14 10 10 14 14 0.0002 4.3900 106.1300 14 14 10 10 14 14 0.0146 4.5200 104.7200 14 14 10 10 14 14 0.0537 4.3800 104.3800 14 14 10 10 14 14 0.1136 4.4100 105.8700 14 14 10 10 14 14 0.1888 4.3700 104.3100 14 14 10 10 14 14 0.2733 4.3700 106.2200 14 14 10 10 14 14 0.3612 4.5400 101.2500 14 14 10 10 14 14 0.4478 4.9800 106.2900 14 14 10 10 14 14 0.5296 4.3400 106.1900 Condition Number 16.9260 15.2338 13.3747 11.4855 9.6972 8.1086 6.9839 6.3893 5.9837 5.6171 5.3084 6.2400 7.8840 10.4389 14.4321 20.5077 29.6333 43.0853 62.4316 89.4511 126.0280 38.2908 34.2838 29.9761 26.7792 23.9234 20.8751 17.9190 15.2993 13.6450 12.9722 12.3741 12.8357 15.2528 19.3033 25.7208 35.9192 51.5533 75.2297 110.4746 161.7675 234.3887 Error -4.9444 -4.9919 -5.0543 -5.1375 -5.2511 -5.4128 -5.6627 -6.1587 -6.3934 -5.9992 -5.9485 -6.0001 -6.0610 -6.4576 -5.5776 -4.9103 -4.4868 -4.2055 -4.0380 -3.9742 -4.0219 -5.7059 -5.7338 -5.7703 -5.8174 -5.8772 -5.9496 -6.0297 -6.1039 -6.1529 -6.1726 -6.1912 -6.2625 -6.4863 -8.3088 -6.6114 -7.4531 -5.7810 -5.2654 -4.9484 -4.7560 -4.6631 Table 6: Parameters and computational results for parameters mostly similar to Example 1 of the transmission problem for different values of ρ ranging from 0.1 to 10. Different spectral and coordinate sampling schemes are included. Slightly higher condition numbers occur (compare Tables 4 and 5) than for angle and wavenumber suites. 38 −3.5 −4 −4.5 −5 Error −5.5 −6 −6.5 −7 −7.5 −8 −8.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 ρ 6 7 8 9 6 7 8 9 10 (a) 0.8 0.7 Fraction of Energy Reflected 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 ρ 10 (b) Figure 12: (a) Error vs. ρ for the transmission problem. The surface parameters are listed in Table 6. Solid line refers to no added non-radiating rows or columns. The dotted line corresponds to one added non-radiating row and column on all sides above the surface and below the surface. (b) Shows the fraction of reflected energy vs. ρ, with one added non-radiating row and column on all sides above the surface and below the surface. The minimum of the curve is an example of perfect transmission. 39 8.7 Maximum Roughness with Respect to Incident Polar Angle θi In this section we present results of varying θi , the polar angle, over its full range (0◦ −90◦ ) in 5◦ increments. Table 7 and Fig. 13 are based on the following surface parameters: S(x, y) = −(d/2) cos(2πx/L1 ) cos(2πy/L2) where L1 = L2 = 1, λ/L1 = λ/L2 = 0.25, ρ = κ = 1.5, and φi = 50◦ . Table 7 illustrates the parameters and in Fig. 13 we present maximum roughness (d/L) versus θi . It can be seen that the maximum roughness remains fairly stable over most of the full range of polar angles independent of the sampling scheme but then actually increases as grazing incidence is approached. A similar effect was noted for one-dimensional surfaces [11] and for two-dimensional perfectly reflecting surfaces [9]. The SC method works extremely well under near grazing conditions. Line Type Dash Dot Solid Dashed Added Spectral Orders Above Surface Below Surface L R T B L R T B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table 7: Parameters for Fig. 13, the maximum roughness (d/L) with respect to polar incident angle θi for the transmission problem and a fixed error less than −2. The box of added spectral orders refers to added columns (L = left, R = right) and added rows (T = top, B = bottom). 40 3.5 3 2.5 2 d/L 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 i θ (deg) 60 70 80 90 Figure 13: Maximum roughness (d/L) with respect to polar incident angle θi for the transmission problem and a fixed error less than −2. The curves are explained in Table 7. 41 8.8 Maximum Roughness with Respect to ρ In this section we give results of maximum roughness versus ρ, varying from 0.1 to 10. Table 8 and Fig. 14 are based on the surface S(x, y) = −(d/2) cos(2πx/L1 ) cos(2πy/L2), with parameters L1 = L2 = 1, λ/L1 = λ/L2 = 0.7, κ = 2, and φi = 15◦ for four different polar angles of incidence. In Table 8 we list the choices for angle θi . In Fig. 14 we present the results of maximum roughness versus ρ. Several large peaks in maximum roughness can be observed which extend over a broad density range. The full density variability extends over two orders of magnitude. Angle θi .01◦ 20◦ 50◦ 75◦ Line Type Dash Dot Solid Dashed Dotted Table 8: Parameters for Fig. 14, to compute the maximum roughness d/L (L = L1 = L2 ) with respect to the ratio of densities ρ for four different polar angles θi of incidence. The computations include one added row and column of non-radiating orders on all sides, above and below the surface. The fixed error is less than −2. 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 d/L 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 −1 10 0 10 ρ 1 10 Figure 14: Maximum roughness for error less than −2 with respect to ρ at different values of incident polar angle θi for the transmission problem. The curves are defined in Table 8. 42 8.9 Maximum Roughness with Respect to ρ at Near-Grazing Incidence In this section we again present results of maximum roughness versus ρ (varying from 0.1 to 10), but at near-grazing incidence θi = 89.99◦ . Table 9 and Fig. 15 are based on the following surface parameters: S(x, y) = −(d/2) cos(2πx/L1 ) cos(2πy/L2) where L1 = L2 = 1, λ/L1 = λ/L2 = 0.7, κ = 2, and φi = 15◦ . In Table 9 we list the parameters and in Fig. 15 we present the results of maximum roughness versus ρ for fixed error less than −2. It can be seen that under extreme neargrazing conditinos it is possible to compute the scattering within fixed error for extremely rough surfaces. This is further evidence of the effiency of the SC method under these conditions. Line Type Dash Dot Solid Dashed Dotted System Size 45 × 72 65 × 98 89 × 128 117 × 162 Added Spectral Orders Above Surface Below Surface L R T B L R T B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Table 9: Parameters for Fig. 15, to compute the maximum roughness d/L (L = L1 = L2 ) with respect ρ for fixed error less than −2 and for near grazing incidence (θi = 89.99◦ ). The table for the four curves plotted in Fig. 15 indicates the system size with added spectral orders above the surface (added columns: L = left, R = right, and added rows: T = top and B = bottom) with an analogous interpretation for added spectral orders below the surface. 43 11 10 9 8 7 d/L 6 5 4 3 2 −1 10 0 10 ρ 1 10 Figure 15: Maximum roughness for error less than −2 with respect to ρ at θi = 89.99◦ for the transmission problem. The curves are explained in Table 9. Very large values of roughness can be routinely computed as the polar angle of incidence approaches grazing. 44 8.10 Maximum Roughness with Respect to κ In this section we present results of maximum roughness vs. κ (ranging from 0.1 to 10). Table 10 and Fig. 16 are based on surface S(x, y) = −(d/2) cos(2πx/L1 ) cos(2πy/L2 ), with parameters L1 = L2 = 1, λ/L1 = λ/L2 = 0.7, ρ = 2, and φi = 15◦ for four different polar angles of incidence. In Table 10 we list our selection of angles θi and in Fig. 16 we present the results of maximum roughness versus κ for fixed error less than −2. The results for 0.01◦ and 20◦ are essentially the same. Within this fixed error large roughness values could be computed over a 50-fold variation in the wavenumber ratio (see Table 5 also). Note that the region κ < 1 inverts the transmission problem in the sense that the incident wave is in the medium with the large wavenumber. Line Type Dash Dot (overlaps Solid) Solid Dashed Dotted Angle θi .01◦ 20◦ 50◦ 75◦ Table 10: Parameters for the maximum roughness d/L (L = L1 = L2 ) for the transmission problem with respect to κ at four different angles of incidence for error less than −2. One added row and column of non-radiating orders was included on all sides, both above and below the surface. The results are plotted in Fig. 16. 45 0.28 0.26 0.24 0.22 d/L 0.2 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.1 −1 10 0 10 κ Figure 16: Maximum roughness d/L (L = L1 = L2 ) for the transmission problem as a function of κ for fixed error less than −2 at four different values of the polar incident angle θi . See Table 10 for the explanation of the curves. 46 8.11 Maximum Roughness with Respect to κ at Near-Grazing Incidence In this section we present results of maximum roughness versus κ (varying from 0.1 to 10), but at near-grazing incidence θi = 89.99◦. Table 11 and Fig. 17 are based on the following surface parameters: S(x, y) = −(d/2) cos(2πx/L1 ) cos(2πy/L2 ) where L1 = L2 = 1, λ/L1 = λ/L2 = 0.7, ρ = 2, and φi = 15◦ . The number of radiating orders above the surface is 6. In Table 11 we list the parameters; in Fig. 17 we present the results of maximum roughness versus κ for fixed error less than −2 and the four sampling schemes in Table 11. Note the difference in vertical scale between Figs. 15 and 16. At extreme near-grazing conditions the SC method is able to routinely compute the scattering from very rough surfaces over a 50-fold change in the wavenumber parameter (see Table 5 also). Line Type Dash Dot Solid Dashed Dotted Added Spectral Orders Above Surface Below Surface L R T B L R T B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Table 11: Parameters for the maximum roughness d/L (L = L1 = L2 ) for the transmission problem with respect to κ for four different sampling schemes and for fixed error is less than −2 at near-grazing incidence (θi = 89.99◦ ). The added spectral orders refer to added columns (L = left, R = right) and added rows (T = top, B = bottom) both above and below the surface. 47 12 10 8 d/L 6 4 2 0 −1 10 0 κ 10 Figure 17: Maximum roughness for error less than −2 with respect to κ at θi = 89.99◦ for the transmission problem. Added columns (L = left, R = right) and added rows (T = top, B = bottom). Note the vertical scale. Very large values of roughness could be obtained at near-grazing incidence. The curves are defined in Table 11. 48 9 Summary and Conclusions We presented theoretical and computational results to describe the scattering from and transmission through a two-dimensional periodic surface. The equations used to describe the scattering process were found using a reduction of the equations for an infinite surface. They were in a mixed spectral-coordinate (SC) representation. Calculations were presented for the full transmission case where the rough interface separates two different homogeneous media. The computations, involved not only surfaces of different roughness under conditions of near-grazing incidence and reflection, but also parameter studies over several orders of magnitude for density and wavenumber ratios as well as considerable variability in the incident angles. Examples of reflectionless surfaces were presented. Several conclusions are possible. The method is very fast as evidenced by the fill time of the matrix. Additional time savings can occur if different matrix solution methods are employed. We only used Gaussian (row reduction) or pseudo-inverse methods. Practically, most computations produced a lower error when the systems involved were square. The methods is robust and stable as evidenced by the breath of parameter values we have computed. Specifically, the SC method is stable and robust (a) over the entire incident azimuthal angle variably, (b) over a 50-fold change in values of the wavenumber ration, and (c) as the density parameter varies over two orders of magnitude. In addition, SC works extremely well under near-grazing conditions even for very rough surfaces with large slopes and over an extensive parameter range in density and wavenumber. The results presented here are a representative sample of far more extensive computations in [8]. Acknowledgements Effort sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Air Force Materials Command, USAF, under the Multi-University Research Initiative (MURI) program Grant # F49620-96-1-0039. Erdmann’s research was supported in part by an Undergraduate Research Grant from the Colorado Advanced Software Institute (CASI) and a Grant-in-Aid of Research from Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. We are grateful to Mr. Guy Somberg and Mr. Douglas Baldwin for technical assistance in the production of this paper. References [1] Berkoff A.P., Thijssen J.M., and van den Berg P.M., Ultrasound wave propagation through interfaces: Iterative methods. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 99, 1306–1314 (1996). [2] Boag A., Leviatan Y., and Boag A., Analysis of electromagnetic scattering from doubly periodic nonplanar surfaces using a patch-current model. IEEE Trans. AP41, 732–738 (1993). 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