Collaborators Neal Lathia Sarah Hopewell Rik Schalbroeck Cecilia Mascolo Andy McEwen Stephen Sutton Felix Naughton Behavioural Science Group University of Cambridge @FelixNaughton UCL CBC 2015 Craving Episodic craving (cue induced craving) Background craving Ferguson & Shiffman (2009) J Subst Abuse Treat Sense Use of theory/evidence Episodic craving (cue induced craving) Operant/Classical Conditioning Sense Use of theory/evidence Geofence messages Episodic craving (cue induced craving) directly/indirectly target: Situations and drivers of smoking Links between situations/drivers and cravings Response to cravings Geofence messages tailored to these situations/drivers Sense SET QUIT DATE WHAT IF REPORTS > THRESHOLD THEN ACTIVE GEOFENCE CREATED Sense AFTER QUIT DATE WHEN Sense Self-tailoring 79% of support messages delivered were rated (948 ratings from 15 participants) Mean rating = 3.5 (SD 1.3) Sense Self-tailoring Collaborative filtering People who like the same things are likely to feel the same way about other things Alice Bob Charlie Dave Regain control A future to avoid Cigs aren’t the boss Ride with wave ????? Sense Self-tailoring Context-aware collaborative filtering People who like the same things in similar situations are likely to feel the same way about other things in that situation Use of ‘harder’ outcomes and machine learning Changes in self-efficacy, lapses, sensor data as ‘ratings’ etc. Sense Conclusion In-app evidence can be used to tailor content and delivery and inform theoretical understanding of behaviour A feedback system for delivered support can enable self-tailoring Challenges include having sufficient users, user compliance and a bank of effective yet varied support messages Collaborators Neal Lathia Sarah Hopewell Rik Schalbroeck Cecilia Mascolo Andy McEwen Stephen Sutton Felix Naughton Behavioural Science Group University of Cambridge @FelixNaughton UCL CBC 2015