CPEx Learning Plan 2013

CPEx Learning Plan 2013
1. Running the test
2. Interpreting the test-what do the graphs mean?
3. What do the numbers mean- and what are we going to do with them?
 Each 2 weeks set a few structured tasks - feedback
 Read through 2 texts on the UCL CPEx website
 Attend CPEx course July 2013
 Work through relevant parts of ‘Cambridge’ book
 Talk through running of normal CPEx text
 Attend Lab CPEx sessions at UCLH
Tues + Thurs Afternoons
with Al O’Doherty and James Otto
Do a test on yourself once!
 Lots of normal tests to start with- Rob find n=20?
 Scheme for looking at the tests like an ECG-Rob to do
 Interpret tests on your own/checked with me or Dan M
Keeping a logbook
 Read evidence on association with outcomes
Summarised in Cardiopulmonary exercise testing for the evaluation of perioperative
risk in non-cardiopulmonary surgery Hennis et al Postgrad Med J 2011;87: 550
 Write article?/podcast / research