HIV/AIDS Bureau, Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs National Monitoring Standards for Ryan White Part A Grantees: Program – Part A Table of Contents Section A: Allowable Uses of Part A Service Funds Section B: Core Medical Services Section C: Support Services Section D: Quality Management Section E: Administration Section F: Other Service Requirements Section G: Prohibitions and Additional Requirements Section H: Chief Elected Official (CEO) Agreements & Assurances Section I: Minority AIDS Initiative Standard Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility RFP, contracts, MOU/LOA, and/or statements of work language that describes and defines Part A services within the range of activities and uses of funds allowed under the legislation and defined in Include RFP, contracts, MOU/LOA, and/or statements of work language that allows use of Part A funds only for the provision of Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation Section A: Allowable Uses of Part A Service Funds 1. Use of Part A funds only to support: • Core medical services • Support services that are needed by individuals with HIV/AIDS to achieve 1 • Provide the services described in the RFP, contracts, MOU/LOA, and/or statements of work Bill only for allowable activities PHS ACT 2604 1 (a)(2) HAB Policy Notices 97-01, 97-02, and 10- All statutory citations are to title XXVI of the Public Health Service Act, 42 U.S.C. § 300ff-11 et seq, and are abbreviated with “PHS ACT XXX” and the section reference. 1 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard • • medical outcomes related to their HIV/AIDS-related clinical status Clinical quality management Administrative activities (including Planning Council support) Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility • Maintain in files, and share with the grantee on request, documentation that only allowable activities are being billed to the Part A grant Source Citation 02 HRSA HAB Policy Notices including core medical and support services, clinical quality management and administration (including Planning Council support) services and activities allowed under the legislation and defined in referenced HAB Policy Notices Documentation of the following: • Care is provided by health care professionals certified in their jurisdictions to prescribe medications in an outpatient setting such as a clinic, medical office, or mobile van • Only allowable services are provided • Services are provided as part of the treatment of HIV infection • Specialty medical care relates to HIV infection and/or conditions arising from the use of HIV medications resulting in side effects • Services are consistent with HHS Guidelines • Service is not being provided in an emergency room, hospital or any other type of inpatient PHS ACT 2604 • Include the • Ensure that client (c)(3)(A) definition, allowable medical records services, and document services limitations of provided, the dates and outpatient frequency of services ambulatory medical provided, that services services in the RFP, are for the treatment of contracts, HIV infection MOU/LOA, and/or • Include clinician notes statements of work in patient records that Require subgrantees are signed by the to provide licensed provider of assurances that care services is provided only in • Maintain professional an outpatient setting, certifications and is consistent with licensure documents HHS Guidelines, and and make them is chronicled in client available to the grantee medical records on request • Review client medical records to ensure compliance 2 Dr. ParhamHopson Letter 8/14/09, 4/8/10 Section B: Core Medical Services 1. Provision of Outpatient and Ambulatory Medical Care, defined as the provision of professional diagnostic and therapeutic services rendered by a licensed physician, physician's assistant, clinical nurse specialist, or nurse practitioner in an outpatient setting (not a hospital, hospital emergency room, or any other type of inpatient treatment center), consistent with HHS guidelines and including access to antiretroviral and other drug therapies, including prophylaxis and treatment of opportunistic infections and combination antiretroviral therapies • Allowable services include: HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard • Diagnostic testing • Early intervention and risk assessment, • Preventive care and screening • Practitioner examination, medical history taking, diagnosis and treatment of common physical and mental conditions • Prescribing and managing of medication therapy • Education and counseling on health issues • Well-baby care • Continuing care and management of chronic conditions • Referral to and provision of HIV-related specialty care (includes all medical subspecialties even ophthalmic and optometric services) 1. As part of Outpatient and Ambulatory Medical Care, provision of laboratory tests integral to the treatment of HIV infection and related complications Performance Measure/ Method treatment center Documentation that tests are: • Integral to the treatment of HIV and related complications, necessary based on established clinical practice, and ordered by a registered, certified, licensed provider • Consistent with medical and laboratory standards • Approved by the Food and Drug Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation with contract conditions and Ryan White program requirements • Review the licensure of health care professionals providing ambulatory care • Include the HRSA approved service category definition, requirements, and limitations of testing in medical services contract • Develop and share with providers a listing of laboratory Document, include in client medical records, and make available to the grantee on request: • The number of laboratory tests performed • The certification, licenses, or FDA approval of the HAB Policy Notice 07-02 3 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard 2. Part A funding allocated to a State-supported AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) that provides an approved formulary of medications to HIV-infected individuals for the treatment of HIV disease or the prevention of opportunistic infections, based on income guidelines and Federal Poverty Level (FPL) set by the State Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Administration (FDA) and/or Certified under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) Program tests that meet these definitions • Document the number of laboratory tests performed • Review client records to ensure requirements are met and match quantity of tests with reports Review State documentation that the ADAP program receiving funds from the Part A program meets federal requirements, including: o Use of an approved medical formulary based on purchase of HIV medications included in the list of classes of core antiretrovirals for eligible clients in a cost-effective manner o Use of medications that are FDAapproved Documentation of the following: • A medication formulary that includes pharmaceutical agents from all the classes approved in HHS Clinical Practice Guidelines for use of Antiretroviral Agents in HIV-1 infected Adults and Adolescents • A medication formulary that meets the minimum requirements from all approved classes of medications according to HHS treatment guidelines. • Policies and procedures for access, monitoring, and assure adherence to 5-10 percent of the State’s total ADAP funding • An eligibility process requiring documentation in client medical records of low-income status Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation laboratory from which tests were ordered • The credentials of the individual ordering the tests • Provide to the Part A grantee, on request, documentation that the ADAP program meets HRSA/HAB requirements • Maintain documentation, and make available to the Part A grantee on request, proof of client ADAP eligibility that includes HIV status, EMA/TGA residency, and low- income status as defined by the State based on a specified percent of the FPL • Provide reports to the Part A program of number of individuals served and the PHS ACT 2604 (c)(3)(B) PHS ACT 2616 (e) HAB Policy Notice 00-02 4 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Performance Measure/ Method Standard • 3. Implementation of a Local AIDS Pharmaceutical and eligibility based on a specified percent of the FPL and proof of an individual’s HIV-positive status, residency. A process used to secure the best price available for all products including 340B pricing or better • Documentation that the (LPAP) program’s drug distribution Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility o Use of Federal funds to match and expand the purchase of HIV medications and not displace State funding for the same purpose o Determination and documentation of client eligibility at least every six months • Require reporting on client eligibility, clients served, and medications provided medications provided Note: In cases where Part A contributes to the State ADAP, the State becomes a Part A provider and must provide documentation to the Part A Program to ensure allowable use of funds, report costs, and ensure client eligibility • Include a statement of need in RFP, • Provide to the Part A grantee, on request, Source Citation PHS ACT 2604 (c)(3)(C) 5 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Assistance Program (LPAP) for the provision of HIV/AIDS medications using a drug distribution system that has: • A client enrollment and eligibility determination process that includes screening for ADAP and LPAP eligibility with rescreening every six months • A LPAP advisory board • Uniform benefits for all enrolled clients throughout the EMA or TGA • A drug formulary approved by the local advisory committee/board • A recordkeeping system for distributed medications • A drug distribution system An LPAP that does not dispense medications as: • A result or component of a primary medical visit • A single occurrence of short duration (an emergency) • Vouchers to clients on an emergency basis A Program that is: • Consistent with the most current HIV/AIDS Treatment Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation system has: o A client enrollment and eligibility process that includes screening for ADAP and LPAP eligibility with rescreening at least every six months o Uniform benefits for all enrolled clients throughout the EMA or TGA o A LPAP advisory board o A recordkeeping system for distributed medications o A drug distribution system that includes a drug formulary approved by the local advisory committee/board contracts, MOU/LOA, and/or statements of work Specify in RFP, contracts, MOU/LOA, and/or scopes of work all applicable federal, state, and local requirements for pharmaceutical distribution systems and the geographic area to be covered Ensure that the program: Meets federal requirements regarding client enrollment, uniform benefits, recordkeeping, and drug distribution process, consistency with current HIV/AIDS Treatment Guidelines, consistency with payer of last resort Has consistent procedures/ systems that account for tracking and documentation that the LPAP program meets HRSA/HAB requirements • Maintain documentation, and make available to the Part A grantee on request, proof of client LPAP eligibility that includes HIV status, residency, medical necessity, and lowincome status as defined by the EMA/TGA based on a specified percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) • Provide reports to the Part A program of number of individuals served and the medications provided HAB plans to issue future guidance regarding this service category. • Documentation that the LPAP is not dispensing medications as: o A result or component of a primary medical visit o A single occurrence of short duration (an emergency) without arrangements for longer term access to medication o Vouchers to clients on a single occurrence without arrangements for longer-term access to medications • Documentation that the LPAP • • • • 6 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard • Guidelines Coordinated with the State’s Part B AIDS Drug Assistance Program Performance Measure/ Method Program is: o Consistent with the most current HIV/AIDS Treatment Guidelines o Coordinated with the State’s Part B AIDS Drug Assistance Program Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation reporting of expenditures and income, drug pricing, client utilization, client eligibility and support clinical quality management • Defines the geographic area covered by the local pharmacy program The geographic area must be either a TGA/EMA or consortium area • Does not dispense medication as the result of a primary care visit, in emergency situations or in the form of medication vouchers to clients on a single occurrence without arrangements for longer term access to medications • Review program files to ensure that distributed medications meet federal and contract 7 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation requirements • Review client 3. Support for Oral Health Services including diagnostic, preventive, and therapeutic dental care that is in compliance with state dental practice laws, includes evidence-based clinical decisions that are informed by the American Dental Documentation that: • Oral health services are provided by general dental practitioners, dental specialists, dental hygienists and auxiliaries and meet current dental care guidelines • Oral health professionals providing the services have records to ensure proper enrollment, eligibility, uniform benefits, no dispensing of medications for unallowable purposes, no duplication of services • LPAPs need to be implemented in accordance with requirements of the 340B Drug Pricing Program, Prime Vendor Program and/or Alternative Methods Project in order to ensure “best Price” to maximize these resources. • Develop a RFP, contracts, MOU/LOA, and/or scopes of work for the provision of oral health that: o Specify allowable diagnostic, preventive, and • Maintain a dental record for each client that is signed by the licensed provider and includes a treatment plan, services provided, and any referrals made PHS ACT 2604 (c)(3)(D) 8 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Association Dental Practice Parameters, is based on an oral health treatment plan, adheres to specified service caps, and is provided by licensed and certified dental professionals Performance Measure/ Method appropriate and valid licensure and certification, based on State and local laws • Clinical decisions that are supported by the American Dental Association Dental Practice Parameters • An oral health treatment plan is developed for each eligible client and signed by the oral health professional rendering the services • Services fall within specified service caps, expressed by dollar amount, type of procedure, limitations on the number of procedures, or a combination of any of the above, as determined by the Planning Council or Grantee under Part A Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility therapeutic • services o Define and specify the limitations or caps on providing oral health services o Ensure that services are provided by dental professionals certified and licensed according to state guidelines o Ensure that clinical decisions are informed by the American Dental Association Dental Practice Parameters • Review client records and treatment plans for compliance with contract conditions and Ryan White program requirements Source Citation Maintain, and provide to grantee on request, copies of professional licensure and certification 9 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard 4. Support of Early Intervention Services (EIS) that include identification of individuals at points of entry and access to services and provision of: • HIV Testing and Targeted counseling • Referral services • Linkage to care • Health education and literacy training that enable clients to navigate the HIV system of care All four components must be present, but Part A funds to be used for HIV testing only as necessary to supplement, not supplant, existing funding Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Documentation that: • Part A funds are used for HIV testing only where existing federal, state, and local funds are not adequate, and Ryan White funds will supplement and not supplant existing funds for testing • Individuals who test positive are referred for and linked to health care and supportive services • Health education and literacy training is provided that enables clients to navigate the HIV system • EIS is provided at or in coordination with documented key points of entry • EIS services are coordinated with HIV prevention efforts and programs Include RFP, contract, MOU/LOA and/or statement of work language that: • Specifies that Part A funding is to be used to supplement and not supplant existing federal, state, or local funding for HIV testing • Provides EIS definitions and description of EIS service delivery models (funded through Ryan White) that include and are limited to counseling and HIV testing, referral to appropriate services based on HIV status, linkage to care, and education and health literacy training for clients to help them navigate the HIV care system • Specifies that services shall be provided at specific points of entry • Establish memoranda of understanding (MOUs) with key points of entry into care to facilitate access to care for those who test positive • Document provision of all four required EIS service components, with Part A or other funding • Document and report on numbers of HIV tests and positives, as well as where and when Part A-funded HIV testing occurs • Document that HIV testing activities and methods meet CDC and state requirements • Document the number of referrals for health care and supportive services • Document referrals from key points of entry to EIS programs • Document training and education sessions designed to help individuals navigate Source Citation PHS ACT 2604 (e) Additional policy guidance forthcoming, including expectations for Health education and literacy training, which are not covered in the legislation 10 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard 5. Provision of Health Insurance Premium and Cost-sharing Assistance that provides a cost-effective alternative to ADAP by: • Purchasing health insurance that provides comprehensive primary care and pharmacy benefits for low income clients that provide a full range of HIV medications • Paying co-pays (including copays for prescription eyewear for conditions related to HIV infection) and deductibles on Performance Measure/ Method • Documentation of an annual cost-benefit analysis illustrating the greater benefit in purchasing public or private health insurance, pharmacy benefits, co-pays and or deductibles for eligible low income clients, compared to the costs of having the client in the Ryan White Services Program • Where funds are covering premiums, documentation that the insurance plan purchased provides comprehensive primary care and a full range of Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility • Specifies required coordination with HIV prevention efforts and programs • Requires coordination with providers of prevention services • Requires monitoring and reporting on the number of HIV tests conducted and the number of positives found • Requires monitoring of referrals into care and treatment and understand the HIV system of care • Establish linkage agreements with testing sites where Part A is not funding testing but is funding referral and access to care, education and system navigation services • Obtain written approval from the grantee to provide EIS services in points of entry not included in original scope of work Include RFP, contract, MOU/LOA and/or statement of work language that: • Conduct an annual cost benefit analysis (if not done by the grantee) that addresses noted criteria • Where premiums are covered by Ryan White funds, provide proof that the insurance policy provides comprehensive primary care and a formulary with a full range of HIV medications • Specify that Part A funding is to be used to supplement and not supplant existing federal, state, or local funding for Health Insurance Premium and costsharing assistance • Ensure an annual Source Citation PHS ACT 2604 (c)(3)(F) HAB Policy Notice 10-02 11 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard behalf of the client • Providing funds to contribute to a client’s Medicare Part D true out-of-pocked (TrOOP) costs 2 2 Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility HIV medications • Where funds are used to cover co-pays for prescription eyewear, documentation including a physician’s written statement that the eye condition is related to HIV infection • Assurance that any cost associated with liability risk pools is not being funded by Ryan White • Assurance that Ryan White funds are not being used to cover costs associated with Social Security • Documentation of clients’ low income status as defined by the EMA/TGA cost benefit analysis that demonstrates the greater benefit of using Ryan White funds for Insurance/CostsSharing Program versus having the client on ADAP • Monitor provider documentation of client eligibility determination • Where funds are used to cover the costs associated with insurance premiums, ensure that comprehensive primary care services and a full range of HIV medications are available to clients • Ensure RFP, contracts, MOU/LOA, and/or statements of work contain clear directives on the • Maintain proof of lowincome status, • Provide documentation that demonstrates that funds were not used to cover costs of liability risk pools, or social security • Coordinate with CMS, including entering into appropriate agreements, to ensure that funds are appropriately included in TrOOP or donut hole costs • When funds are used to cover co-pays for prescription eyewear, provide a physician’s written statement that the eye condition is related to HIV infection Source Citation Allowable use of Ryan White funds as of January 1, 2011 as specified in the Affordable Care Act. 12 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation payment of premiums, co-pays (including co-pays for prescription eyewear for conditions related to HIV infection) and deductibles • Monitoring systems to check that funds are NOT being used for liability risk pools, or social security • Ensure coordination with CMS, including entering into appropriate agreements, to ensure that funds are appropriately included in and or Medicare -TrOOP or client out of pocket costs 6. Support for Home Health Care services provided in the patient’s home by licensed health care workers such as nurses; services to exclude personal care and to include: • The administration of intravenous and aerosolized Assurance that: • Services are limited to medical therapies in the home and exclude personal care services • Services are provided by home health care workers with appropriate licensure as required by State and local laws • Include in the RFP, contract, MOU/LOA and/or statement of work a clear definition of services to be provided and staffing and licensure PHS ACT • Document the number and types of services in 2604 (c)(3)(G) the client records, with the provider’s signature included • Maintain on file and provide to the grantee on request copies of 13 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Performance Measure/ Method treatment • Parenteral feeding • Diagnostic testing • Other medical therapies 7. Provision of Home and Community-based Health Services, defined as skilled health services furnished in the home of an HIV-infected individual, based on a written plan of care prepared by a case management team that includes appropriate health care professionals Allowable services include: • Durable medical equipment • Home health aide and personal care services • Day treatment or other partial hospitalization services • Home intravenous and aerosolized drug therapy (including prescription drugs administered as part of such therapy) • Routine diagnostic testing • Documentation that: o All services are provided based on a written care plan signed by a case manager and a clinical health care professional responsible for the individual’s HIV care and indicating the need for these services o The care plan specifies the types of services needed and the quantity and duration of services o All planned services are allowable within the service category • Documentation of services provided that: o Specifies the types, dates, and location of services o Includes the signature of the professional who provided the service at each visit Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility requirements the licenses of home health care workers • Review client records to determine compliance with contract conditions and Ryan White program requirements • Review licenses and certificates • Include RFP, • Ensure that written contract, MOU/LOA care plans with and/or statement of appropriate content work language that and signatures are specifies what consistently prepared, services are included in client allowable, the records, and updated requirement that as needed they be provided in • Establish and maintain the home of a client a program and client with HIV/AIDS, and record keeping system the requirement for a to document the types written care plan of home services signed by a case provided, dates manager and a provided, the location skilled health care of the service, and the professional signature of the responsible for the professional who individual’s HIV care provided the service at each visit • Review program files and client records to • Make available to the ensure that grantee program files treatment plans are and client records as Source Citation PHS ACT 2604 (c)(3)(J) PHS ACT 2614(a)(1-3) 14 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard • Appropriate mental health, developmental, and rehabilitation services Non-allowable services include: • Inpatient hospital services • Nursing home and other long term care facilities Performance Measure/ Method o Indicates that all services are allowable under this service category o Provides assurance that the services are provided in accordance with allowable modalities and locations under the definition of home and community based health services • Documentation of appropriate licensure and certifications for individuals providing the services, as required by local and state laws Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation prepared for all client required for monitoring and that they • Provide assurance that include: the services are being o Need for home provided only in an and communityHIV-positive client’s based health home services • Maintain, and make o Types, quantity available to the grantee and length of time on request, copies of services are to be appropriate licenses provided and certifications for • Review client professionals providing records to services determine: o Services provided, dates, and locations o Whether services provided were allowable o Whether they were consistent with the treatment plan o Whether the file includes the signature of the professional who provided the service o Require assurance that the services are 15 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility • 8. Provision of Hospice Care provided by licensed hospice care providers to clients in the terminal stages of illness, in a home or other residential setting, including a nonacute-care section of a hospital that has been designated and staffed to provide hospice care for terminal patients Allowable services: • Room • Board • Nursing care • Mental health counseling • Physician services • Palliative therapeutics • Documentation including the following: o Physician certification that the patient’s illness is terminal as defined under Medicaid hospice regulations (having a life expectancy of 6 months or less) o Appropriate and valid licensure of provider as required by the State in which hospice care is delivered o Types of services provided, and assurance that they include only allowable services o Locations where hospice • • • Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility provided in accordance with allowable modalities and locations under the definition of home and community based health services Review licensure and certifications to ensure compliance with local and state laws Specify in the RFP, • Obtain and have contract, MOU/LOA available for inspection and/or statement of appropriate and valid work language licensure to provide allowable services, hospice care service standards, • Maintain and provide service locations, the grantee access to and licensure program files and client requirements records that include Review provider documentation of licensure to ensure it o Physician meets requirements certification of of State in which clients terminal hospice care is status delivered o Services provided and that they are Review program files allowable under and client records to Ryan White and in ensure the following: accordance with the o Physician Source Citation PHS ACT 2604 (c)(3)(I) HAB Policy Notice 10-02 16 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Funding of Mental Health Services that include psychological and psychiatric treatment and counseling services offered to individuals with a diagnosed mental illness, conducted in a group Performance Measure/ Method services are provided, and assurance that they are limited to a home or other residential setting or a nonacute care section of a hospital designated and staffed as a hospice setting • Assurance that services meet Medicaid or other applicable requirements, including the following: o Counseling services that are consistent with the definition of mental health counseling, including treatment and counseling provided by mental health professionals (psychiatrists, psychologists, or licensed clinical social workers) who are licensed or authorized within the State where the service is provided o Palliative therapies that are consistent with those covered under the respective State’s Medicaid program • Documentation of appropriate and valid licensure and certification of mental health professionals as required by the State • Documentation of the existence of a detailed treatment plan for Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility certification of client’s terminal status o Documentation that services provided are allowable and funded hospice activities o Assurance that hospice services are provided in permitted settings o Assurance that services such as counseling and palliative therapies meet Medicaid or other applicable requirements provider contract and scope of work o Locations where hospice services are provided include only permitted settings o Services such as counseling and palliative therapies meet Medicaid or other applicable requirements as specified in the contract • Specify in the RFP, contract, MOU/LOA and/or statement of work language what are allowable services and treatment modalities, • Obtain and have on file and available for grantee review appropriate and valid licensure and certification of mental health professionals Source Citation PHS ACT 2604 (c)(3)(K) 17 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard or individual setting, based on a detailed treatment plan, and provided by a mental health professional licensed or authorized within the State to provide such services, typically including psychiatrists, psychologists, and licensed clinical social workers Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility each eligible client that includes: o The diagnosed mental illness or condition o The treatment modality (group or individual) o Start date for mental health services o Recommended number of sessions o Date for reassessment o Projected treatment end date, o Any recommendations for follow up o The signature of the mental health professional rendering service • Documentation of service provided to ensure that: o Services provided are allowable under Ryan White guidelines and contract requirements o Services provided are consistent with the treatment plan staffing and licensure requirements, and requirements for treatment plans and service documentation • Review staffing and the licenses and certification of mental health professionals to ensure compliance with Ryan White and State requirements • Review program reports and client records to: o Ensure the existence of a treatment plan that includes required components and signature o Document services provided, dates, and their compliance with Ryan White requirements and with the treatment • Maintain client records that include: o A detailed treatment plan for each eligible client that includes required components and signature o Documentation of services provided, dates, and consistency with Ryan White requirements and with individual client treatment plans Source Citation 18 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation plan 9. Support for Medical Nutrition Therapy services including nutritional supplements provided outside of a primary care visit by a licensed registered dietician; may include food provided pursuant to a physician’s recommendation and based on a nutritional plan developed by a licensed registered dietician Documentation of: • Licensure and registration of the dietician as required by the State in which the service is provided • Where food is provided to a client under this service category, a client record is maintained that includes a physician’s recommendation and a nutritional plan • Required content of the nutritional plan, including: o Recommended services and course of medical nutrition therapy to be provided, including types and amounts of nutritional supplements and food o Date service is to be initiated o Planned number and frequency of sessions o The signature of the registered dietician who developed the plan • Services provided, including: o Nutritional supplements and food provided, quantity, and dates o The signature of each registered dietician who • Specify in the RFP, • Maintain and make contract, MOU/LOA available to the grantee and/or statement of copies of the dietician’s work language that license and registration indicates: : • Document services o The allowable provided, number of services to be clients served, and provided quantity of nutritional o The requirement supplements and food for provision of provided to clients services by a • Document in each licensed client record: registered o Services provided dietician and dates o The requirement o Nutritional plan as for a nutritional required, including plan and required information physician’s and signature recommendation o Physician’s where food is recommendation for provided through the provision of food this service category o The required content of the nutritional plan • Review program files and client records for: o Documentation of the licensure and PHS ACT 2604 (c)(3)(H) HAB Policy Notice 10-02 19 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Performance Measure/ Method rendered service, the date of service o Date of reassessment o Termination date of medical nutrition therapy o Any recommendations for follow up Grantee Responsibility o o o o Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation registration of the dietician providing services Documentation of services provided, including the quantity and number of recipients of nutritional supplements and food Documentation of physician recommendations and nutritional plans for clients provided food Content of the nutritional plan Documentation of medical nutritional therapy services provided to each client, compliance with Ryan White and contract requirements, and consistency of services with the nutritional 20 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation • Provide written assurances and maintain documentation showing that medical case management services are provided by trained professionals who are either medically credentialed or trained health care staff and operate as part of the clinical care team • Maintain client records that include the required elements for compliance with contractual and Ryan White programmatic requirements, including required case management activities such as services and activities, the type of contact, and the duration and frequency of the encounter PHS ACT 2604 (c)(3)(M) plan 10. Support for Medical Case Management Services (including treatment adherence) to ensure timely and coordinated access to medically appropriate levels of health and support services and continuity of care, provided by trained professionals, including both medically credentialed and other health care staff who are part of the clinical care team, through all types of encounters including face-toface, phone contact, and any other form of communication Activities that include at least the following: • Initial assessment of service needs • Development of a comprehensive, individualized care plan • Coordination of services required to implement the plan • Continuous client monitoring to assess the efficacy of the plan • Documentation that service providers are trained professionals, either medically credentialed persons or other health care staff who are part of the clinical care team • Documentation that the following activities are being carried out for clients as necessary: o Initial assessment of service needs o Development of a comprehensive, individualized care plan o Coordination of services required to implement the plan o Continuous client monitoring to assess the efficacy of the plan o Periodic re-evaluation and adaptation of the plan at least every 6 months, during the enrollment of the client • Documentation in program and client records of case management services and encounters, including: o Types of services provided o Types of encounters/ • Develop RFPs and contracts that: o Clearly define medical case management services and activities and specify required activities and components o Specify required documentation to be included in client records • Review client records and service documentation to ensure compliance with contractual and Ryan White programmatic requirements, including inclusion of required case management activities • Review medical credentials and/or evidence of training of health care staff providing medical HAB Policy Notice 10-02 21 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Performance Measure/ Method • Periodic re-evaluation and adaptation of the plan at least every 6 months, as necessary o Duration and frequency of Service components that may include: • A range of client-centered services that link clients with health care, psychosocial, and other services, including benefits/ entitlement counseling and referral activities assisting them to access other public and private programs for which they may be eligible (e.g., Medicaid, Medicare Part D, State Pharmacy Assistance Programs, Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’ Patient Assistance Programs, and other State or local health care and supportive services) • Coordination and follow up of medical treatments • Ongoing assessment of the client’s and other key family members’ needs and personal support systems • Treatment adherence counseling to ensure readiness for, and adherence communication the encounters • Documentation in client records of services provided, such as: o Client-centered services that link clients with health care, psychosocial, and other services and assist them to access other public and private programs for which they may be eligible o Coordination and follow up of medical treatments o Ongoing assessment of client’s and other key family members’ needs and personal support systems o Treatment adherence counseling o Client-specific advocacy Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation case management services • Obtain assurances and documentation showing that medical case management staff are operating as part of the clinical care team 22 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard to, complex HIV/AIDS treatments • Client-specific advocacy and/or review of utilization of services 11. Support for Substance Abuse Treatment ServicesOutpatient, provided by or under the supervision of a physician or other qualified/licensed personnel; may include use of funds to expand HIV-specific capacity of programs if timely access to treatment and counseling is not otherwise available Services limited to the following: • Pre-treatment/recovery readiness programs • Harm reduction • Mental health counseling to reduce depression, anxiety and other disorders associated with substance abuse • Outpatient drug-free treatment and counseling • Opiate Assisted Therapy • Neuro-psychiatric pharmaceuticals • Relapse prevention • Limited acupuncture services Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation • Documentation that services are provided by or under the supervision of a physician or by other qualified personnel with appropriate and valid licensure and certification as required by the State in which services are provided • Documentation through program files and client records that: o Services provided meet the service category definition o All services provided with Part A funds are allowable under Ryan White • Assurance that services are provided only in an outpatient setting • Assurance that Ryan White funds are used to expand HIVspecific capacity of programs only if timely access would not otherwise be available to treatment and counseling • Assurance that services provided include a treatment plan that calls for only allowable • Develop RFPs, contracts, MOU/LOA, and/or statements of work that clearly specify: o Allowable activities under this service category o The requirement that services be provided on an outpatient basis o The information that must be documented in each client’s file • Review staff licensure and certification and staffing structure to ensure that services are provided under the supervision of a physician or other qualified/licensed personnel • Require assurance • Maintain and provide to grantee on request documentation of: o Provider licensure or certifications as required by the State in which service is provided; this includes licensures and certifications for a provider of acupuncture services o Staffing structure showing supervision by a physician or other qualified personnel • Provide assurance that all services are provided on an outpatient basis • Maintain program files and client records that include treatment plans with all required elements and PHS ACT 2604 (c)(3)(L) HAB Policy Notice 10-02 23 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard with a written referral from the client’s primary health care provider, provided by certified or licensed practitioners wherever State certification or licensure exists • Services provided must include a treatment plan that calls only for allowable activities and includes: o The quantity, frequency, and modality of treatment provided o The date treatment begins and ends o Regular monitoring and assessment of client progress o The signature of the individual providing the service and or the supervisor as applicable Performance Measure/ Method activities and includes: o The quantity, frequency, and modality of treatment provided o The date treatment begins and ends o Regular monitoring and assessment of client progress o The signature of the individual providing the service and or the supervisor as applicable • Documentation that o The use of funds for acupuncture services is limited through some form of defined cap o Acupuncture is not the dominant treatment modality o Acupuncture services are provided only with a written referral from the client’s primary care provider o The acupuncture provider has appropriate State license and certification Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation that services are document: provided on an o That all services outpatient basis provided are allowable under • Review program files Ryan White and client records for o The quantity, evidence of a frequency and treatment plan that modality of specifies only treatment services allowable activities o The date treatment and includes: begins, and ends o The quantity, o Regular monitoring frequency, and and assessment of modality of client progress treatment o The signature of the provided individual providing o The date the service or the treatment begins supervisor as and ends applicable o Regular monitoring and • In cases where assessment of acupuncture therapy client progress services are provided, o The signature of document in the client the individual file: providing the o A written referral service and or the from the primary supervisor as health care provider applicable o The quantity of acupuncture • For any client services provided receiving o The cap on such acupuncture services services under this service category, 24 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation documentation in the client file including: o Caps on use of Ryan White funds are in place o A written referral from their primary health care provider o Proof that the acupuncturist has appropriate certification or licensure, if the State provides such certification or licensure Section C: Support Services 1. Use of Part A funds only for Support Services approved by the Secretary of Health and Human Services Documentation that all funded support services are on the current list of HHS-approved support services 2. Support for Case Management (Non-medical) services that provide advice and assistance to clients in Documentation that: • Scope of activity includes advice and assistance to clients in obtaining medical, • Provide and contract for only HHSapproved support services • Monitor subgrantees to ensure that no Part A funds are used for nonallowable services categories Include in RFPs, contracts, MOU/LOA, and/or statements of work: • Provide assurance to the grantee that Part A funds are being used only for support services approved by HHS PHS ACT 2604 (d) Maintain client records that include the required elements as detailed by the grantee, including: Dr. ParhamHopson Letter 8/14/09 25 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard obtaining medical, social, community, legal, financial, and other needed services May include: • Benefits/entitlement counseling and referral activities to assist eligible clients to obtain access to public and private programs for which they may be eligible • All types of case management encounters and communications (face-toface, telephone contact, other) • Transitional case management for incarcerated persons as they prepare to exit the correctional system Note: Does not involve coordination and follow up of medical treatments Performance Measure/ Method social, community, legal, financial, and other needed services • Where benefits/ entitlement counseling and referral services are provided, they assist clients in obtaining access to both public and private programs, such as Medicaid, Medicare Part D, State Pharmacy Assistance Programs, Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’ Patient Assistance Programs, and other State or local health care and supportive services • Services cover all types of encounters and communications (e.g., faceto-face, telephone contact, other) Where transitional case management for incarcerated persons is provided, assurance that such services are provided either as part of discharge planning or for individuals who are in the correctional system for a brief period Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility • Clear statement of required and optional case management services and activities, including benefits/ entitlement counseling, • Full range of allowable types of encounters and communications • Require in contract that client records document at least the following: o Date of each encounter o Type of encounter (e.g., face-to-face, telephone contact, etc.) o Duration of encounter o Key activities • Review client records and service documentation for compliance with contract requirements • Date of encounter • Type of encounter • Duration of encounter • Key activities, including benefits/ entitlement counseling and referral services Source Citation HAB Policy Notice 10-02 Provide assurances that any transitional case management for incarcerated persons meets contract requirements 26 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard 3. Funding for Child Care Services for the children of HIV-positive clients, provided intermittently, only while the client attends medical or other appointments or Ryan White HIV/AIDS Programrelated meetings, groups, or training sessions May include use of funds to support: • A licensed or registered child care provider to deliver intermittent care • Informal child care provided by a neighbor, family member, or other person (with the understanding that existing Federal restrictions prohibit giving cash to clients or primary caregivers to pay for these services) Such allocations to be limited and carefully monitored to assure: • Compliance with the prohibition on direct payments to eligible individuals • Assurance that liability issues for the funding source are carefully weighed and Performance Measure/ Method Documentation of: o The parent’s eligibility as defined by the grantee, including proof of HIV status o The medical or other appointments or Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program-related meetings, groups, or training sessions attended by the parent that made child care services necessary o Appropriate and valid licensure and registration of child care providers under applicable State and local laws in cases where the services are provided in a day care or child care setting • Assurance that o Where child care is provided by a neighbor, family member, or other person, payments do not include cash payments to clients or primary caregivers for these services o Liability issues for the funding source are addressed through use of liability release forms designed to protect the client, provider, and the Ryan White Program o Any recreational and social Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility • Develop RFPs, • Maintain contracts and documentation of: scopes of work as o Date and duration of appropriate that each unit of child clearly define child care service care services and provided allowable settings o Determination of client eligibility • Provide o Reason why child documentation that care was needed – demonstrates that e.g., client medical the grantee has or other clearly addressed appointment or the limitations of participation in a informal child care Ryan White-related arrangements, meeting, group, or including the issues training session of liability raised by o Any recreational such informal and social activities, arrangements in including child care and the documentation that appropriate and they were provided legal releases from only within a liability that cover the certified or licensed Ryan White Program provider setting and other federal, • Where provider is a state and local child care center or entities as allowed program, make by law available for inspection • Require provider appropriate and valid documentation that licensure or registration records the as required under frequency, dates, applicable State and and length of Source Citation Funding Opportunity Announcement Dr. ParhamHopson Letter 8/14/09 HAB Policy Notice 10-02 27 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard addressed through the use of liability release forms designed to protect the client, provider, and the Ryan White Program Performance Measure/ Method activities are provided only in a licensed or certified provider setting May include Recreational and Social Activities for the child, if provided in a licensed or certified provider setting including drop-in centers in primary care or satellite facilities • Excludes use of funds for offpremise social/recreational activities or gym membership Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility service, and type of medical or other appointment or Ryan White-related meetings, group, or training session that made child care necessary • Review provider documentation to ensure that child care is intermittent and is provided only to permit the client to keep medical and other appointments or other permitted Ryan White-related activities • Develop a mechanism for use with informal child care arrangements to ensure that no direct cash payments are made to clients or primary caregivers • Document that any recreational and social activities are provided only within a licensed or local laws • Where the provider manages informal child care arrangements, maintain and have available for grantee review: o Documentation of compliance with grantee-required mechanism for handling payments for informal child care arrangements o Appropriate liability release forms obtained that protect the client, provider, and the Ryan White program o Documentation that no cash payments are being made to clients or primary care givers o Documentation that payment is for actual costs of service Source Citation 28 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation • Maintain client records that document for each client: o Client eligibility and need for EFA o Types of EFA provided o Date(s) EFA was provided o Method of providing EFA • Maintain and make available to the grantee program documentation of assistance provided, including: o Number of clients and amount expended for each type of EFA o Summary of number of EFA services received by client o Methods used to provide EFA (e.g., payments to agencies, vouchers) • Provide assurance to the grantee that all Funding Opportunity Announcement certified provider setting 4. • • Support for Emergency Financial Assistance (EFA) for essential services including utilities, housing, food (including groceries, food vouchers, and food stamps), or medications, provided to clients with limited frequency and for limited periods of time, through either: Short-term payments to agencies Establishment of voucher programs Note: Direct cash payments to clients are not permitted Documentation of services and payments to verify that: • EFA to individual clients is provided with limited frequency and for limited periods of time, with frequency and duration of assistance specified by the grantee • Assistance is provided only for the following essential services: utilities, housing, food (including groceries, food vouchers, and food stamps), or medications • Payments are made either through a voucher program or short-term payments to the service entity, with no direct payments to clients • Emergency funds are allocated, tracked, and reported by type of assistance • Ryan White is the payer of last resort • Develop RFPs, contracts, MOU/LOA, and/or statements of work that: o Define the allowable uses of EFA funds and the limitations of the program, including number/level of payments permitted to a single client o Require that Ryan White funds are used for EFA only as a last resort o Require providers to record and track use of EFA funds under each discrete service category as required by the Ryan White Services Report (RSR) Dr. ParhamHopson Letter 8/14/09 DSS Program Policy Guidance No. 2, 6/1/2011 HAB Policy Notice 97-02 HAB Policy Notice 10-02 29 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility • Review provider services and payment documentation to assure compliance with contractual and Ryan White programmatic requirements including: o Uses of funds o Methods of providing EFA payments o Use of Ryan White as payer of last resort o Specified limits on amounts and frequency of EFA to a single client • Documentation that: o Services supported are limited to food bank, homedelivered meals, and/or food voucher program o Types of non-food items provided are allowable o If water filtration/ purification systems are provided, community has water purity May also include the provision of issues non-food items that are limited to: 5. Funding for Food Bank/Home-delivered Meals that may include: • The provision of actual food items • Provision of hot meals • A voucher program to purchase food • Develop RFPs, contracts, MOU/LOA, and/or statements of work that specify: o What types of services are to be supported – food bank, homedelivered meals, and/or food Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation EFA: o Was for allowable types of assistance o Was used only in cases where Ryan White was the payer of last resort o Met granteespecified limitations on amount and frequency of assistance to an individual client o Was provided through allowable payment methods • Maintain and make available to grantee documentation of: o Services provided by type of service, number of clients served, and levels of service o Amount and use of funds for purchase of non-food items, Funding Opportunity Announcement Dr. ParhamHopson Letter 8/14/09 HAB Policy Notice 10-02 30 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard • Personal hygiene products • Household cleaning supplies • Water filtration/ purification systems in communities where issues with water purity exist Appropriate licensure/ certification for food banks and home delivered meals where required under State or local regulations No funds used for: • Permanent water filtration systems for water entering the house • Household appliances • Pet foods • Other non-essential products Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility • Assurance of: o Compliance with federal, state and local regulations including any required licensure or certification for the provision of food banks and/or home- delivered meals o Use of funds only for allowable essential non-food items • Monitoring of providers to document actual services provided, client eligibility, number of clients served, and level of services to these clients voucher program o Allowable and prohibited uses of funds for nonfood items o Requirements for documenting services provided, client eligibility, and level and type of services provided to clients • Monitor providers to ensure: o Compliance with contractual requirements and with other federal, state, and local laws and regulations regarding food banks, homedelivered meals, and food voucher programs, including any required licensure and/or certifications o Verification that Ryan White funds including use of funds only for allowable non-food items o Compliance with all federal, state, and local laws regarding the provision of food bank, homedelivered meals and food voucher programs, including any required licensure and/or certifications • Provide assurance that Ryan White funds were used only for allowable purposes and Ryan White was the payer of last resort Source Citation 31 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation • Maintain, and make available to the grantee on request, records of services provided • Document in client records: o Client eligibility determination o Information provided on available medical and psychosocial support services o Education about HIV transmission o Counseling on how to improve their health status and reduce the risk of HIV transmission Funding Opportunity Announcement are used only for purchase of allowable nonfood items 6. Support for Health Education/Risk Reduction services that educate clients living with HIV about HIV transmission and how to reduce the risk of HIV transmission Includes: • Provision of information about available medical and psychosocial support services • Education on HIV transmission and how to reduce the risk of transmission • Counseling on how to improve their health status and reduce the risk of HIV transmission to others Documentation that clients served under this category: • Are educated about HIV transmission and how to reduce the risk of HIV transmission to others • Receive information about available medical and psychosocial support services • Receive education on methods of HIV transmission and how to reduce the risk of transmission • Receive counseling on how to improve their health status and reduce the risk of transmission to others • Develop RFPs, contracts, MOU/LOA, and/or statements of work that define risk reduction counseling and provide guidance on the types of information, education, and counseling to be provided to the client • Review provider data to: o Determine compliance with contract and program obligations o Ensure that clients have been educated and counseled on HIV transmission and risk reduction o Ensure that clients have been provided Dr. ParhamHopson Letter 8/14/09 32 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard 7. Support for Housing Services that involve the provision of short-term assistance to support emergency, temporary or transitional housing to enable an individual or family to gain or maintain medical care Funds received under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program may be used for the following housing expenditures: • Housing referral services defined as assessment, search, placement, and advocacy services must be provided by case managers or other professional(s)who possess a comprehensive knowledge of local, state, and federal housing programs and how these programs can be accessed; or • Short-term or emergency housing defined as necessary to gain or maintain access to medical care and must be related to either: - Housing services that include Performance Measure/ Method • Documentation that funds are used only for allowable purposes: o The provision of short-term assistance to support emergency, temporary, or transitional housing to enable an individual or family to gain or maintain medical care. Housing-related referral services including housing assessment, search, placement, advocacy, and the fees associated with them. • Housing related referrals are provided by case managers or other professional(s)who possess a comprehensive knowledge of local, state, and federal housing programs and how to access these programs For all housing, regardless of whether or not the service includes some type of medical or supportive services. • Each client receives assistance designed to help him/her obtain stable long-term housing, through a strategy to identify, re- Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation information about available medical and psychosocial support services • Develop RFPs, contracts, MOU/LOA, and/or statements of work that clearly define and specify allowable housingrelated services, including housingrelated referrals, types of housing, and focus on shortterm housing assistance • Review and monitor provider programs to: o Determine compliance with contract and program requirements o Ensure that housing referral services include housing assessment, search, placement, • Document: o Services provided including number of clients served, duration of housing services, types of housing provided, and housing referral services • Ensure staff providing housing services are case managers or other professionals who possess a comprehensive knowledge of local, state, and federal housing programs and how to access those programs. • Maintain client records that document: o Client eligibility determination o Housing services, including referral services provided o Individualized housing plans for all Funding Opportunity Announcement Dr. ParhamHopson Letter 8/14/09 HAB Policy Notice 11– 01 76 FR 27649 33 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard some type of medical or supportive service: including, but not limited to, residential substance treatment or mental health services (not including facilities classified as an Institution for Mental Diseases under Medicaid), residential foster care, and assisted living residential services; or - Housing services that do not provide direct medical or supportive services, but are essential for an individual or family to gain or maintain access and compliance with HIV-related medical care and treatment; necessity of housing services for purposes of medical care must be certified or documented. • Grantees must develop mechanisms to allow newly identified clients access to housing services. Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility locate, and/or ensure the individual or family is moved to or capable of maintaining a stable long-term living situation advocacy, and the fees associated with them • Ensure that housing related referrals are provided by case managers or other professional(s) who possess a comprehensive knowledge of local, state, and federal housing programs and how to access these programs • Housing services are essential for an individual or family to gain or maintain access and compliance with HIV-related medical care and treatment. • Mechanisms are in place to allow newly identified clients access to housing services. • Policies and procedures to provide individualized written housing plan, consistent with this Housing Policy, covering each client receiving short term, transitional and emergency housing services. • No funds are used for direct payments to recipients of services for rent or mortgages Upon request, Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Grantees must provide HAB with an individualized written housing plan, consistent with this Housing Policy, covering Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation clients that receive short-term, transitional, and emergency housing services • Mechanisms are in place to allow newly identified clients access to housing services. • Develop and maintain housing policies and procedures that are consistent with this Housing Policy o Assistance provided to clients to help o Ensure that them obtain stable clients receive long-term housing assistance in Provide documentation obtaining stable and assurance that no long-term housing Ryan White funds are o Ensure that used to provide direct housing services payments to clients for are essential to rent or mortgages maintaining or accessing HIVrelated medical care and treatment o Ensure that Mechanisms are 34 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Performance Measure/ Method each client receiving short term, transitional and emergency housing services. • • Short-term or emergency assistance is understood as transitional in nature and for the purposes of moving or maintaining an individual or family in a long-term, stable living situation. Thus, such assistance cannot be permanent and must be accompanied by a strategy to identify, relocate, and/or ensure the individual or family is moved to, or capable of maintaining, a long-term, stable living situation. Housing funds cannot be in the form of direct cash payments to recipients or services and cannot be used for mortgage payments. Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation in place to allow newly identified clients access to housing services o Monitor providers to ensure policies and procedures are in place requiring an individualized written housing plan consistent with this Housing Policy, covering each client receiving short term, transitional and emergency housing services o Verify that no Ryan White funds are used for direct payment to clients for rent or mortgages Note: Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Grantees and local decision making planning bodies, i.e. Part A and Part B, are strongly encouraged to institute duration limits to provide 35 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard transitional and emergency housing services. HUD defines transitional housing as 24 months and HRSA/HAB recommends that grantees consider using HUD’s definition as their standard 8. Funding for Legal Services provided for an HIV-infected person to address legal matters directly necessitated by the individual’s HIV status Such services include(but are not limited to: • Preparation of Powers of Attorney and Living Wills • Interventions necessary to ensure access to eligible benefits, including discrimination or breach of confidentiality litigation as it relates to services eligible for funding under Ryan White • Permanency planning for an individual or family where the responsible adult is expected to pre-decease a dependent (usually a minor child) due to HIV/AIDS; includes the provision of social service counseling or legal counsel regarding (1) the drafting of Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation • Documentation that funds are used only for allowable legal services, which involve legal matters directly necessitated by an individual’s HIV status, such as: o Preparation of Powers of Attorney and Living Wills o Services designed to ensure access to eligible benefits o Permanency planning • Assurance that program activities do not include any criminal defense or class-action suits unrelated to access to services eligible for funding under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program • Develop RFPs, contracts, MOU/LOA, and/or statements of work that clearly define allowable and nonallowable legal services and state the requirement that services must address legal matters directly necessitated by the individual’s HIV status • Monitor providers to ensure that: o Funds are being used only for allowable services o No funds are being used for criminal defense or for class-action suits unless • Document, and make available to the grantee upon request, services provided, including specific types of legal services provided • Provide assurance that: o Funds are being used only for legal services directly necessitated by an individual’s HIV status o Ryan White serves as the payer of last resort • Document in each client file: o Client eligibility determination o A description of how the legal service is necessitated by the individual’s HIV status Funding Opportunity Announcement Dr. ParhamHopson Letter 8/14/09 HAB Policy Notice 10-02 36 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Performance Measure/ Method wills or delegating powers of attorney, (2) preparation for custody options for legal dependents including standby guardianship, joint custody or adoption. Excludes: • Criminal defense • Class-action suits unless related to access to services eligible for funding under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program 9. Support for Linguistic Services including interpretation (oral) and translation (written) services, provided by qualified individuals as a component of HIV service delivery between the provider and the client, when such services are necessary to facilitate communication between the provider and client and/or support delivery of Ryan White-eligible services Grantee Responsibility related to access to services eligible for funding under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program • Documentation that o Linguistic services are being provided as a component of HIV service delivery between the provider and the client, to facilitate communication between the client and provider and the delivery of Ryan White-eligible services in both group and individual settings o Services are provided by appropriately trained and qualified individuals holding appropriate State or local certification • Develop RFPs, contracts, MOU/LOA, and/or statements of work that clearly describe: o The range and types of linguistic services to be provided, including oral interpretation and written translation as needed to facilitate communications and service delivery o Requirements for training and Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation o Types of services provided o Hours spent in the provision of such services • Document the provision of linguistic services, including: o Number and types of providers requesting and receiving services o Number of assignments o Languages involved o Types of services provided – oral interpretation or written translation, and whether interpretation is for an individual client or a group • Maintain Funding Opportunity Announcement Dr. ParhamHopson Letter 8/14/09 37 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility qualifications based on available State and local certification • Monitor providers to assure that: o Linguistic services are provided based on documented provider need in order for Ryan White clients to communicate with the provider and/or receive appropriate services o Interpreters and translators have appropriate training and State or local certification 10. Funding for Medical Transportation Services that enable an eligible individual to access HIVrelated health and support services, including services needed to maintain the client • Documentation that: medical transportation services are used only to enable an eligible individual to access HIV-related health and support services • Documentation that services are provided through one of the • Develop RFPs, contracts, MOU/LOA, and/or statements of work that: o Clearly define medical Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation documentation showing that interpreters and translators employed with Ryan White funds have appropriate training and hold relevant State and/or local certification • Maintain program files that document: o The level of services/number of trips provided o The reason for each trip and its relation Funding Opportunity Announcement Dr. ParhamHopson Letter 8/14/09 38 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard in HIV medical care, through either direct transportation services or vouchers or tokens May be provided through: • Contracts with providers of transportation services • Voucher or token systems • Use of volunteer drivers (through programs with insurance and other liability issues specifically addressed) • Purchase or lease of organizational vehicles for client transportation programs, provided the grantee receives prior approval for the purchase of a vehicle Performance Measure/ Method following methods: o A contract or some other local procurement mechanism with a provider of transportation services o A voucher or token system that allows for tracking the distribution of the vouchers or tokens o A system of mileage reimbursement that does not exceed the federal per-mile reimbursement rates o A system of volunteer drivers, where insurance and other liability issues are addressed o Purchase or lease of organizational vehicles for client transportation, with prior approval from HRSA/HAB for the purchase Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation transportation in terms of allowable services and methods of delivery o Require record keeping that tracks both services provided and the purpose of the service (e.g., transportation to/from what type of medical or support service appointment) o Specify requirements related to each service delivery method o Require that clients receive vouchers or tokens rather than direct payments for transportation services • Monitor providers to ensure that use of to accessing health and support services o Trip origin and destination o Client eligibility determination o The cost per trip o The method used to meet the transportation need • Maintain documentation showing that the provider is meeting stated contract requirements with regard to methods of providing transportation: o Reimbursement methods do not involve cash payments to service recipients o Mileage reimbursement does not exceed the federal reimbursement rate o Use of volunteer drivers appropriately HAB Policy Notice 10-02 39 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility funds meets contract and program requirements • Submit a prior approval request when the grantee or a provider is proposing the purchase or lease of a vehicle(s) 11. Support for Outreach Services designed to identify individuals who do not know their HIV status and/or individuals who know their status and are not in care and help them to learn their status and enter care Outreach programs must be: • Planned and delivered in coordination with local HIV prevention outreach programs to avoid duplication of effort • Targeted to populations • Documentation that outreach services are designed to identify: o Individuals who do not know their HIV status and refer them for counseling and testing o Individuals who know their status and are not in care and help them enter or reenter HIV-related medical care • Documentation that outreach services: o Are planned and delivered in addresses insurance and other liability issues • Collection and maintenance of data documenting that funds are used only for transportation designed to help eligible individuals remain in medical care by enabling them to access medical and support services • Obtain grantee approval prior to purchasing or leasing a vehicle(s) • Develop RFPs and • Document and be contracts that: prepared to share with the grantee: o Provide a detailed description of the o The design, required scope implementation, and components target areas and of an outreach populations, and program, outcomes of including whether outreach activities, it targets including the individuals who number of know and/or who individuals reached, do not know their referred for testing, HIV status found to be positive, o Specify referred to care, and Source Citation Funding Opportunity Announcement Dr. ParhamHopson Letter 8/14/09 HAB Policy Notice 07-06 40 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard known through local epidemiologic data to be at disproportionate risk for HIV infection • Targeted to communities or local establishments that are frequented by individuals exhibiting high-risk behavior • Conducted at times and in places where there is a high probability that individuals with HIV infection will be reached • Designed to provide quantified program reporting of activities and results to accommodate local evaluation of effectiveness Note: Funds may not be used to pay for HIV counseling or testing Performance Measure/ Method coordination with local HIV prevention outreach programs and avoid duplication of effort o Target populations known to be at disproportionate risk for HIV infection o Target communities whose residents have disproportionate risk or establishments frequented by individuals exhibiting highrisk behaviors o Are designed so that activities and results can be quantified for program reporting and evaluation of effectiveness • Documentation and assurance that outreach funds are not being used: o For HIV counseling and testing o To support broad-scope awareness activities that target the general public rather than specific populations and/or communities with high rates of HIV infection o To duplicate HIV prevention outreach efforts Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation parameters to entering care ensure that the o Data showing that program meets all all RFP and contract HRSA/HAB requirements are requirements and being met with guidance regard to program design, targeting, o Require clearly activities, and use of defined targeting funds of populations and communities • Provide financial and o Require program data quantified demonstrating that no reporting of outreach funds are individuals being used: reached, referred o To pay for HIV for testing, found counseling and to be positive, testing referred to care, o To support broadand entering scope awareness care, to facilitate activities evaluation of o To duplicate HIV effectiveness prevention outreach • Provide program efforts monitoring and review for compliance with contract and program requirements and to ensure that funds are not being used: o For HIV counseling and 41 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard 12. Support for Psychosocial Support Services that may include: • Support and counseling activities • Child abuse and neglect counseling • HIV support groups • Pastoral care/counseling • Caregiver support • Bereavement counseling • Nutrition counseling provided by a non-registered dietitian Note: Funds under this service category may not be used to provide nutritional supplements Pastoral care/counseling supported under this service category to be: • Provided by an institutional pastoral care program (e.g., components of AIDS interfaith networks, separately incorporated pastoral care Performance Measure/ Method • Documentation that psychosocial services funds are used only to support eligible activities, including: o Support and counseling activities o Child abuse and neglect counseling o HIV support groups o Pastoral care/counseling o Caregiver support o Bereavement counseling o Nutrition counseling provided by a non-registered dietitian • Documentation that pastoral care/counseling services meet all stated requirements: o Provided by an institutional pastoral care program o Provided by a licensed or accredited provider wherever such licensure or accreditation is either required or available o Available to all individuals eligible to receive Ryan Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility testing o To support broadscope awareness activities o To duplicate HIV prevention outreach efforts • Develop RFPs, • Document the contracts, provision of MOU/LOA, and/or psychosocial support statements of work services, including: that clearly specify: o Types and level of activities provided o The range and o Client eligibility limitations of determination allowable services • Maintain o Types of documentation permitted pastoral demonstrating that: care/ counseling o Funds are used only • Monitor providers to for allowable ensure compliance services with contract and o No funds are used program for provision of requirements nutritional supplements • Provide assurance o Any pastoral that: care/counseling o Funds are being services meet all used only for stated requirements allowable services o No funds are being used for the provision of Source Citation Funding Opportunity Announcement Dr. ParhamHopson Letter 8/14/09 HAB Policy Notice 10-02 42 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Performance Measure/ Method and counseling centers, components of services provided by a licensed provider, such as a home care or hospice provider) • Provided by a licensed or accredited provider wherever such licensure or accreditation is either required or available • Available to all individuals eligible to receive Ryan White services, regardless of their religious denominational affiliation White services, regardless of their religious denominational affiliation • Assurance that no funds under this service category are used for the provision of nutritional supplements 13. Support for Referral for Health Care/Supportive Services that direct a client to a service in person or through telephone, written, or other types of communication, including the management of such services where they are not provided as part of Ambulatory/ Outpatient Medical Care or Case Management services • Documentation that funds are used only: o To direct a client to a service in person or through other types of communication o To provide benefits/entitlements counseling and referral consistent with HRSA requirements o To manage such activities o Where these services are not provided as a part of Ambulatory/ Outpatient Medical Care or Case Management services • Documentation of: May include benefits/entitlement counseling and referrals to assist eligible clients in obtaining access to other public and Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation • Maintain program files that document: o Number and types of referrals provided o Benefits counseling and referral activities o Number of clients served o Follow up provided • Maintain client records that include required elements as detailed by the grantee, including: o Date of service o Type of Funding Opportunity Announcement nutritional supplements o Funds for pastoral care/counseling met all stated requirements regarding the program, provider licensing or accreditation, and availability to all clients regardless of religious affiliation • Develop RFPs, contracts, MOU/LOA, and/or statements of work to: o Clearly specify allowable activities and methods of communication o Specify that services may include benefits/ entitlements counseling and referral and provide a Dr. ParhamHopson Letter 8/14/09 43 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard private programs for which they may be eligible, e.g., Medicaid, Medicare Part D, State Pharmacy Assistance Programs, Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’ Patient Assistance Programs, and other State or local health care and supportive services Referrals may be made: • Within the Non-medical Case Management system by professional case managers • Informally through community health workers or support staff • As part of an outreach program Performance Measure/ Method o Method of client contact/ communication o Method of providing referrals (within the non-medical case management system, informally, or as part of an outreach program) o Referrals and follow up provided Grantee Responsibility definition and description of these services o Clearly define the circumstances under which these activities may take place in order to avoid duplication with referrals provided through other service categories such as Non-medical Case Management o Require documentation of referrals and follow up • Monitor providers to ensure compliance with contract and program requirements • Provide assurance that funds are not being used to duplicate referral services provided through other service categories Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation communication o Type of referral o Benefits counseling/referral provided o Follow up provided • Maintain documentation demonstrating that services and circumstances of referral services meet contract requirements 44 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard 14. Funding for Rehabilitation Services: Services intended to improve or maintain a client’s quality of life and optimal capacity for self-care, provided by a licensed or authorized professional in an outpatient setting in accordance with an individualized plan of care May include: • Physical and occupational therapy • Speech pathology services • Low-vision training Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation • Documentation that services: o Are intended to improve or maintain a client’s quality of life and optimal capacity for self-care o Are limited to allowable activities, including physical and occupational therapy, speech pathology services, and low-vision training o Are provided by a licensed or authorized professional o Are provided in accordance with an individualized plan of care that includes components specified by the grantee • Develop RFPs, contracts, MOU/LOA, and/or statements of work that: o Clearly define rehabilitation services and allowable activities o Specify requirement for provision of services by a licensed or authorized professional in accordance with an individualized plan of care o Specify where these activities may take place in order to avoid their provision in in-patient settings • Monitor providers to ensure compliance with contract and program requirements • Review program and client records to • Maintain, and share with the grantee upon request, program and financial records that document: o Types of services provided o Type of facility o Provider licensing o Use of funds only for allowable services by appropriately licensed and authorized professionals • Maintain client records that include the required elements as detailed by the grantee, including: o An individualized plan of care o Types of rehabilitation services provided (physical and occupational therapy, speech pathology, lowvision training) o Dates, duration, and location of services Funding Opportunity Announcement Dr. ParhamHopson Letter 8/14/09 45 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard 15. Support for Respite Care that includes non-medical assistance for an HIVinfected client, provided in community or home-based settings and designed to relieve the primary caregiver responsible for the day-today care of an adult or minor living with HIV/AIDS Note: Funds may be used to support informal respite care provided issues of liability are addressed, payment made is reimbursement for actual costs, and no cash payments are made to clients or primary caregivers Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation • Documentation that funds are used only: o To provide non-medical assistance for an HIVinfected client to relieve the primary caregiver responsible for the day-to-day care of that adult or minor o In a community or homebased setting • If grantee permits use of informal respite care arrangements, documentation that: o Liability issues have been addressed o A mechanism for payments has been developed that does not involve direct cash payment to clients or primary caregivers o Payments provide reimbursement for actual ensure that: o Client has an individualized plan of care that includes specified components o Services provided are in accordance with the plan of care • Develop RFPs, contracts, MOU/LOA, and/or statements of work: o Clearly define respite care including allowable recipients, services, and settings o Specify requirements for documentation of dates, frequency, and settings of services • If informal respite care arrangements are permitted, monitor providers to ensure that: o Issues of liability • Maintain, and make available to the grantee on request, program files including: o Number of clients served o Settings/methods of providing care • Maintain in each client file documentation of: o Client and primary caretaker eligibility determination o Services provided including dates and duration o Setting/method of services • Provide program and financial records and assurances that if informal respite care arrangements are HAB Policy Notice 10-02 46 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Performance Measure/ Method costs without over payment, especially if using vouchers or gift cards 16. Funding for Substance Abuse Treatment – Residential to address substance abuse problems (including alcohol and/or legal and illegal drugs) in a short-term residential health service setting Requirements: • Services to be provided by or under the supervision of a • Documentation that: o Services are provided by or under the supervision of a physician or by other qualified personnel with appropriate and valid licensure and certification as required by the State in which services are provided o Services provided meet the service category definition o Services are provided in Grantee Responsibility have been addressed in a way that protects the client, provider, and Ryan White program o A mechanism is in place to ensure that no cash payments are made to clients or primary caregivers o Payment made is for reimbursement of actual costs, especially if using vouchers or gift cards • Develop RFPs, contracts, MOU/LOA, and/or statements of work that clearly specify: o Allowable activities under this service category o The requirement that services be provided in a Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation used: o Liability issues have been addressed, with appropriate releases obtained that protect the client, provider, and Ryan White program o No cash payments are being made to clients or primary caregivers o Payment is reimbursement for actual costs • Maintain, and provide to grantee on request, documentation of: o Provider licensure or certifications as required by the State in which service is provided; this includes licensures and certifications for a provider of HAB Policy Notice 10-02 47 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard physician or other qualified personnel with appropriate and valid licensure and certification by the State in which the services are provided • Services to be provided in accordance with a treatment plan • Detoxification to be provided in a separate licensed residential setting (including a separately-licensed detoxification facility within the walls of a hospital) • Limited acupuncture services permitted with a written referral from the client’s primary health care provider, provided by certified or licensed practitioners wherever State certification or licensure exists Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility accordance with a written treatment plan • Assurance that services are provided only in a short-term residential setting • Documentation that if provided, acupuncture services: o Are limited through some form of defined financial cap o Are provided only with a written referral from the client’s primary care provider o Are offered by a provider with appropriate State license and certification if it exists short-term residential health service setting o Limitations and permitted use of acupuncture o Requirements for a treatment plan including specified elements o What information must be documented in each client’s file o What information is to be reported to the grantee • Review staff licensure and certification and staffing structure to ensure that services are provided under the supervision of a physician or other qualified/licensed personnel • Require assurance that services are provided in a shortterm residential setting Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility • • • • Source Citation acupuncture services o Staffing structure showing supervision by a physician or other qualified personnel Provide assurance that all services are provided in a shortterm residential setting Maintain program files that document: o That all services provided are allowable under this service category o The quantity, frequency, and modality of treatment services Maintain client records that document: o The date treatment begins and ends o Individual treatment plan o Evidence of regular monitoring and assessment of client progress In cases where acupuncture therapy 48 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard 17. Support for Treatment Adherence Counseling, which is the provision of counseling or special programs to ensure Performance Measure/ Method Documentation that services provided under this category are: • Designed to ensure readiness for, and adherence to, complex HIV/AIDS treatments Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility services are provided, • Monitor provider and document in the client review program files file: and client records for o A written referral evidence of a from the primary treatment plan with health care provider the required o The quantity of components acupuncture • For any client services provided receiving acupuncture services under this service category, documentation in the client file including: o Caps on use of Ryan White funds o A written referral from their primary health care provider o Proof that the acupuncturist has appropriate certification or licensure, if the State provides such certification or licensure • Develop RFPs, • Provide assurances contracts, and maintain MOU/LOA, and/or documentation that : statements of work o Services provided that clearly specify: are limited to those Source Citation Funding Opportunity Announcement Dr. ParhamHopson Letter 49 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard readiness for, and adherence to, complex HIV/AIDS treatments, provided by nonmedical personnel outside of the Medical Case Management and clinical setting Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation • Provided by non-medical personnel • Provided outside of the Medical Case Management and clinical setting o Allowable activities under this service category o The requirement that services be provided by nonmedical personnel o The requirement that services be provided outside of the Medical Case Management and clinical setting o The information that must be documented in each client’s file and reported to the grantee • Monitor provider and review client records to ensure compliance with contractual and program requirements permitted by the contract o Services are provided by nonmedical personnel o Services are provided outside the Medical Care Management and clinical setting • Maintain client records that include the required elements as detailed by the grantee 8/14/09 • Documentation that the EMA/TGA has in place a Clinical • Develop, implement, and monitor an • Participate in quality management activities PHS ACT 2604 (h)(5) Section D: Quality Management 1. Implementation of a Clinical Quality Management (CQM) 50 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Program to: • Assess the extent to which HIV health services provided to patients under the grant are consistent with the most recent HHS Guidelines for the treatment of HIV/AIDS and related opportunistic infections • Develop strategies for ensuring that services are consistent with the guidelines for improvement in the access to and quality of HIV health services CQM program to include: • A Quality Management Plan • Quality expectations for providers and services • A method to report and track expected outcomes • Monitoring of provider compliance with HHS Guidelines and the EMA/TGA’s approved Standards of Care Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Quality Management Program that includes, at a minimum: o A Quality Management Plan o Quality expectations for providers and services o A method to report and track expected outcomes o Monitoring of provider compliance with HHS Guidelines and the EMA/TGA’s approved service category definition for each funded service • Review of CQM program to ensure that both the grantee and providers are carrying out necessary CQM activities and reporting CQM performance data EMA/TGA Quality Management Plan • Specify in RFPs, contracts, MOU/LOA, and/or statements of work the grantee’s qualityrelated expectations for each service category • Conduct chart (client record) reviews and visits to providers/subgrantee s to monitor compliance with the Quality Management Plan, HHS Guidelines and with Ryan White Program quality expectations • Provide a written Assurance signed by the Chief Elected Official that the Quality Management Program meets HRSA requirements • Documentation that grantee administrative costs paid by Part A funds are not more than 10% • Document, through job descriptions and time and effort Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation as contractually required; at a minimum: o Compliance with relevant service category definitions and EMA/TGA standards of care o Collection and reporting of data for use in measuring performance Section E: Administration 1. Administration: Grantees are to spend no more than 10% of the total Part A grant Notice of Award 51 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard • • • • • • • • for routine grant administration and monitoring activities, which may include: Preparation of routine programmatic and financial reports Compliance with grant conditions and audit requirements Activities associated with the grantee's contract award procedures including: o The development of requests for proposals (RFPs o Drafting, negotiation, awarding, and monitoring of contract awards The development of the applications for Part A funds The receipt and disbursal of program funds The development and establishment of reimbursement and accounting systems Funding re-allocation HIV Health Services Planning Council operations and support Performance Measure/ Method of total grant funds • Review of activities to ensure the proper categorization of allowable administrative functions Grantee Responsibility reports, that the activities defined in the legislation and guidance as administration are charged to administration of the program and cost no more than 10% of the total grant amount • Document that no activities defined as administrative in nature are included in other Part A budget categories • Provide HRSA/HAB with current operating budgets that include sufficient detail to review administrative expenses Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation PHS ACT 2604 (h) Part A Manual Note: Please see Part A Fiscal Monitoring Standards, especially 52 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility • Documentation that the amount of Part A funding spent on services for women, infants, children, and youth is at least equal to the proportion each of these populations represents of the entire population of persons living with AIDS in the EMA or TGA • If a waiver is requested, documentation that the service needs of one or more of these populations are already met through funding from another federal or state program • Track and report the amount and percentage of Part A funds expended for each priority population separately • Demonstrate that expenditures for each priority population meet or exceed the ratio of reported cases for that specific population to the total AIDS population • Apply for a waiver for one or more of the designated populations if needed care is provided through other federal/state programs Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation Section A, for additional information on use of funds for administration Section F: Other Service Requirements 1. WICY – Women, Infants, Children, and Youth: Amounts set aside for women, infants, children, and youth to be determined based on each of these population’s relative percentage of the total number of persons living with AIDS in the EMA/TGA Waiver available if grantee can document that funds sufficient to meet the needs of these population groups are being provided through other federal or state programs Track and report to the grantee the amount and percentage of Part A funds expended for services to each priority population PHS ACT 2604(f) Dr. Joseph F. O’Neill Letter 8/10/2000 Doug Morgan Letter 6/17/03 53 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard 2. Referral relationships with key points of entry: Requirement that Part A service providers maintain appropriate referral relationships with entities that constitute key points of entry Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Documentation that written referral relationships exist between Part A service providers and key points of entry • Require in RFPs, contracts, MOU/LOA, and/or statements of work that providers establish written referral relationships with defined key points of entry into care • Review subcontractors’ written referral agreements with specified points of entry • Review documented client records to determine whether referral relationships are being used • Establish written referral relationships with specified points of entry • Document referrals from these points of entry Key points of entry defined in legislation: • Emergency rooms • Substance abuse and mental health treatment programs • Detoxification centers • Detention facilities • Clinics regarding sexually transmitted disease • Homeless shelters • HIV disease counseling and testing sites Source Citation PHS ACT 2605 (a)(1))(C)(3) Funding Opportunity Announcement Additional points of entry include: • Public health departments • Health care points of entry specified by eligible areas • Federally Qualified Health Centers • Entities such as Ryan White Part B, C , D, and F grantees Section G: Prohibitions on Promotion of Certain Activities and Additional 54 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility • Include definitions of unallowable activities in all subgrantee RFPs, contracts, MOU/LOA, and/or statements of work, • Include in financial monitoring a review of subgrantee expenses to identify any unallowable costs • Require subgrantee budgets and expense reports with sufficient budget justification and expense detail to document that they do not include unallowable activities • Maintain a file with signed subgrant agreement, assurances, and/or certifications that specify unallowable activities • Ensure that budgets and expenditures do not include unallowable activities • Ensure that expenditures do not include unallowable activities • Provide budgets and financial expense reports to the grantee with sufficient detail to document that they do not include unallowable costs or activities Source Citation Requirements 1. Drug Use and Sexual Activity: Ryan White funds cannot be used to support AIDS programs or materials designed to promote or encourage, directly, intravenous drug use or sexual activity, whether homosexual or heterosexual • Signed contracts, grantee and subgrantee assurances, and/or certifications that define and specifically forbid the use of Ryan White funds for unallowable activities • Grantee review of subgrantee budget and expenditures to ensure that they do not include any unallowable costs or activities Notice of Award PHS ACT 2684 55 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation 2. Purchase of Vehicles without Approval: No use of Ryan White funds by grantees or subgrantees for the purchase of vehicles without written approval of HRSA Grants Management Officer (GMO) • Implementation of measure/method, grantee responsibility and provider/subgrantee responsibility actions specified in G.1 above • Where vehicles were purchased, review of files for written permission from GMO • Carry out actions specified in G.1 above • If any vehicles were purchased, maintain file documentation of permission of GMO to purchase a vehicle • Carry out subgrantee actions specified in G.1 above • If vehicle purchase is needed, seek grantee assistance in obtaining written GMO approval and maintain document in file Notice of Award 3. Broad Scope Awareness Activities: No use of Ryan White funds for broad scope awareness activities about HIV services that target the general public • Implementation of actions specified in G.1 above • Review of program plans, budgets, and budget narratives for marketing, promotions and advertising efforts, to determine whether they are appropriately targeted to geographic areas and/or disproportionately affected populations rather than targeting the general public • Carry out actions specified in G.1 above • Review program plans and budget narratives for any marketing or advertising activities to ensure that they do not include unallowable activities • Carry out subgrantee actions specified in G.1 above • Prepare a detailed program plan and budget narrative that describe planned use of any advertising or marketing activities Notice of Award Lobbying Activities: prohibition on the use of Ryan White funds for influencing or attempting to • Implementation of actions specified in G.1 above • Review of lobbying certification and disclosure forms for both • Carry out actions specified in G.1 above • File a signed • Carry out subgrantee actions specified in G.1 above • Include in personnel * 45 CFR 93 4. 3 HAB Policy Notice 10-02 HAB Policy Notice 07-06 3 Notice of Award References to the Code of Federal Regulations will be abbreviated as “CFR” throughout this document 56 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard influence members of Congress and other Federal personnel 5. Direct Cash Payments: No use of Ryan White program funds to make direct payments of cash to service recipients Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility the grantee and subgrantees “Certification Regarding Lobbying”, and, as appropriate, a “Disclosure of Lobbying Activities” • Ensure that subgrantee staff are familiar and in compliance with prohibitions on lobbying with federal funds • Carry out actions specified in G.1 above • Ensure that Standards of Care for service categories involving payments made on behalf of clients forbid cash payments to service recipients Note: Forms can be obtained from the CFR website: • Implementation of activities described in the “Performance Measure/Method, Grantee Responsibility and Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility” sections in G.1 above • Review of Standards of Care and other policies and procedures for service categories involving payments made on behalf of individuals to ensure that no direct payments are made to individuals (e.g., emergency financial assistance, transportation, health insurance premiums, medical or medication co-pays and deductibles, food and nutrition) • Review of expenditures by Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility manual and employee orientation information on regulations that forbid lobbying with federal funds • Carry out subgrantee actions specified in G.1 above • Maintain documentation that all provider staff have been informed of policies that forbid use of Ryan White funds for cash payments to service recipients Source Citation Dr. ParhamHopson Letter 2/3/09 PHS ACT 2604(i) HAB Policy Notice 10-02 57 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard 6. Employment and Employment-Readiness Services: prohibition on the use of Ryan White program funds to support employment, vocational, or employment-readiness services 7. Maintenance of Privately Owned Vehicle: No use of Ryan White funds for direct maintenance expenses (tires, repairs, etc.) of a privately owned vehicle or any other costs associated with a vehicle, such as lease or loan payments, insurance, or license and registration fees Note: This restriction does not apply to vehicles operated by organizations for program purposes Performance Measure/ Method subgrantees to ensure that no cash payments were made to individuals Implementation of measure/method, grantee responsibility and provider/subgrantee responsibility actions specified in G.1 above • Implementation of actions specified in G.1 above • Documentation that Ryan White funds are not being used for direct maintenance expenses or any other costs associated with privately owned vehicles, such as lease or loan payments, insurance, or license and registration fees – except for vehicles operated by organizations for program purposes Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation Carry out actions specified in G.1 above Carry out subgrantee actions specified in G.1 above HAB Policy Notice 10-02 • Carry out actions specified in G.1 above • Clearly define the prohibition against expenditures for maintenance of privately owned vehicles in RFPs, contracts, MOU/LOA, and/or statements of work including clarification of the difference between privately owned vehicles and vehicles owned and operated by organizations for program purposes • Carry out subgrantee actions specified in G.1 above HAB Policy Notice 10-02 58 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard 8. Syringe Services: No use of Ryan White funds shall be used to carry out any program of distributing sterile needles or syringes for the hypodermic injection of any illegal drug 9. Additional Prohibitions: No use of Ryan White Funds for the following activities or to purchase these items: • Clothing • Funeral, burial, cremation or related expenses • Local or State personal property taxes (for residential property, private automobiles, or any other personal property against which taxes may be levied) • Household appliances • Pet foods or other nonessential products • Off-premise social/recreational activities or payments for a client’s gym Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation Implementation of measure/method, grantee responsibility and provider/subgrantee responsibility actions specified in G.1 above Documentation that Ryan White funds are not being used for programs related to sterile needles or syringe exchange for injection drug use. • Carry out actions specified in G.1 above • Clearly define the prohibition against the expenditures for syringe and sterile needle exchange in RFPs, contracts, MOU/LOA, and/or statements of work • Carry out subgrantee actions specified in G.1 above Consolidated Appropriations Act 2012, Division F, Title V, Sec. 523 • Carry out actions specified in G.1 above • Develop and implement a system to review and monitor subgrantee program activities and expenditures and ensure a similar system to review and monitor grantee expenditures • Carry out subgrantee actions specified in G.1 above • Implementation of measure/method, grantee responsibility and provider/subgrantee responsibility actions specified in G.1 above • Review and monitoring of grantee and subgrantee activities and expenditures to ensure that Ryan White funds are not being used for any of the prohibited activities Ronald Valdiserri Letter 3/29/2012 Dr. Parham Hopson Letter 1/6/2012 HAB Policy Notice 10-02 59 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation Documentation that the CEO has established a mechanism to allocate funds that includes an HIV Health Services Planning Council with the membership and roles and responsibilities specified in the legislation Ensure the CEO understands the role of the Planning Council, the membership requirements, and the Planning Council’s responsibility for setting priorities and allocating resources N/A PHS ACT 2602 (a)(2) Participate in the Statewide Coordinated Statement of Need process initiated by the State, and the services provided under the EMA/TGA’s comprehensive plan are consistent with the SCSN Ensure the participation N/A of the Part A program in the SCSN process by attending meetings, reviewing drafts, joint planning and alignment of comprehensive plans PHS ACT 2605 (a)(8) membership • Purchase or improve land, or to purchase, construct, or permanently improve (other than minor remodeling) any building or other facility • Pre-exposure prophylaxis Section H: Chief Elected Official (CEO) Agreements & Assurances 1. Planning: a. Establishment of a mechanism to allocate funds and an HIV Health Services Planning Council that meets legislatively specified requirements Note: Certain TGAs are exempt from this requirement b. Participation in the Statewide Coordinated Statement of Need (SCSN) process initiated by the State, and assurance that the services provided under the EMA/TGA’s comprehensive plan are consistent with the SCSN 60 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard 2. Access to Care a. Intergovernmental agreements (IGAs) to be established and maintained with the Chief Elected Officials (CEOs) of the political subdivisions in the EMA/TGA that provide HIVrelated health services and account for no less than 10% of AIDS cases diagnosed in the EMA or TGA over the last five years b. Maintenance of appropriate referral relationships with entities considered key points of access to the healthcare system for the purpose of facilitating early intervention services for HIV-positive individuals c. Participation in an established HIV community- Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Documentation that intergovernmental agreements are in place with the Chief Elected Officials of the political subdivisions in the EMA/TGA that provide HIVrelated health services and account for no less than 10% of AIDS cases diagnosed in the EMA or TGA over the last five years Have on file IGAs with the CEOs of applicable political subdivisions N/A PHS ACT 2602 (a)(2)(AB) Documentation of written referral relationships with entities considered key points of access to the healthcare system for the purpose of facilitating early intervention services for individuals diagnosed as being HIV positive • Work with the Planning Council to identify key points of entry using needs assessment process • Require development and maintenance of written referral and linkage agreements between Ryan White providers and key points of entry • Monitor the use of referral and linkage agreements by funded providers • Award program funds to community- • Obtain written referral and linkage agreements with key points of entry, and make these agreements available for review by the grantee upon request • Develop a mechanism to track referrals from these key points of entry and linkages to care PHS ACT 2605(a)(3) • Assurance that entities that receive Part A funds will Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation N/A 61 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard based continuum of care, if such continuum exists within the EMA/TGA Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility participate in an established HIV continuum of care if such continuum exists within the EMA or TGA • Work carried out with the Planning Council to describe and analyze the current continuum of care and identify and implement for improving it, based on of development of the comprehensive plan for the EMA/TGA based not-for-profit organizations or public agencies, where such entities exist • Work with the Planning Council and area providers in developing or enhancing a continuum of care; this includes collaboration with the Planning Council to develop and update the comprehensive plan for the EMA/TGA, which involves describing and analyzing the current continuum of care and identifying and implementing actions to improve it • Include language in RFPs, contracts, MOU/LOA and/or statements of work language regarding access to care regardless of ability to pay and/or current Provision of Part A- funded • Documentation that the HIV primary medical care and EMA/TGA is funding HIV support services, to the Primary medical care and maximum extent possible, support services without regard to either: • Documentation that agency • The ability of the individual to billing and collection policies pay for such services, or and procedures are in place that • The current or past health do not: d. Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation PHS ACT 2605 (a)(5) N/A PHS ACT 2605 (a)(7)(A) 62 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard conditions of the individuals to be served Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility o Deny services for nonpayment o Deny services for inability to produce income documentation o Require full payment prior to service o Include any other procedure that denies services for nonpayment o Permit denial of services due to pre-existing conditions o Permit denial of services due to non-HIV-related conditions o Provide any other barrier to care due to a person’s past or present health condition or past health condition, and requirements regarding client eligibility criteria and use of fees and sliding fee scales Review agency’s billing, collection, copay, and sliding fee policies and procedures to ensure that they do not result in denial of services Review agency eligibility and clinical policies Investigate any complaints against the agency for denial of services Review files of refused clients and client complaints Investigate any complaints of subgrantees dropping high risk or high cost clients including “dumping” or “cherry picking” of patients • • • • • Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation 63 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility e. Provision of Part A-funded Documentation that: • Specify in RFPs, HIV primary medical care and • Part A funded HIV primary contracts, support services in settings medical care and support MOU/LOA, and/or that are accessible to lowservices are provided in a facility statements of work income individuals with HIV that is accessible expectations that disease services be provided • Providers have in place policies in settings that are and procedures that provide accessible to lowtransportation if facility is not income individuals accessible to public with HIV disease transportation • Inspect service • No provider policies dictate a provider facilities for dress code or conduct that may ADA compliance, act as a barrier for low-income and location of individuals facility with regard to access to public transportation • Review policies and procedures for providing transportation assistance if facility is not accessible by public transportation f. Provision of a program of Review documents • Use of informational materials outreach efforts to inform indicating activities for about agency services and low-income individuals with eligibility requirements including: promotion and HIV disease of the availability awareness of the o Brochures of services and how to availability of HIV o Newsletters access them services o Posters o Community Bulletins o Any other types of promotional materials Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation PHS ACT 2605 (a)(7)(B) Maintain file documenting agency activities for the promotion of HIV services to low-income individuals, including copies of HIV program materials promoting services and explaining eligibility requirements PHS ACT 2605 (a)(7)(C) 64 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard 3. Expenditure and Use of Funds a. Compliance with statutory requirements regarding the timeframe for obligation and expenditure of funds, and with any cancellation of unobligated funds Performance Measure/ Method • Documentation that any funded awareness activities target specific groups of low-income individuals with HIV disease to inform them of such services Documentation that grantee has complied with statutory requirements regarding the timeframe for obligation and expenditure of funds, and with any cancellation of unobligated funds Grantee Responsibility • Establish systems to ensure that formula funds are spent first and to maximize timely expenditure of funds by providers to meet identified service needs • Ensure that providers understand the importance of timely expenditures and reporting and their responsibility for informing the grantee of expected under-expenditures • Work with the Planning Council to ensure an efficient and timely reallocations process • Provide timely and accurate carryover requests • Comply with Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility • Inform the grantee of any expected underexpenditures as soon as identified Source Citation PHS ACT 2603 (c) 65 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard b. Expenditure of program funds in compliance with priorities established by the HIV Health Services Planning Council Note: Certain TGAs are exempt from this requirement c. Expenditure of funds for core medical services, support services approved by the Secretary of HHS, and administrative expenses only Performance Measure/ Method • Documentation that actual contracting and expenditure of Part A funds is consistent with the program priorities and allocations established by the Planning Council and submitted to HRSA/HAB • Review of the Planning Council’s letter regarding compliance, as submitted as part of the annual Part A application Documentation of the grantee’s expenditure of funds for core medical services, support services approved by the Secretary of HHS, and administrative expenses only Grantee Responsibility unobligated balance requirements • Comparison of actual contracted amounts of program funding by service category with the revised list of priorities and allocations adopted by the Planning Council following each year’s grant award • Review of the letter from the Chair or Co-Chairs of the Planning Council concerning whether funds were contracted to service categories as specified by the Planning Council • Establish and maintain systems and procedures that ensure that funds are used only for permitted activities • Ensure that subgrantees Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation N/A PHS ACT 2603 (d) N/A PHS ACT 2604 (a) 66 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation understand and are required to use funds only for allowable service categories • Ensure that activities carried out within each service category meet HRSA definitions and are categorized and reported appropriately d. Expenditure of not less than 75% of service dollars for core medical services, and expenditure of not more than 25% of service dollars for support services that contribute to positive clinical outcomes for individuals with HIV/AIDS, unless a waiver from this provision is obtained Review of budgeted allocations and actual program expenses to verify that:: • The grantee has met or exceeded the required 75% expenditure on HRSA-defined core medical services • Aggregated support service expenses do not exceed 25% of service funds • Support services are being used to help achieve positive medical outcomes for clients • These requirements are met, unless a waiver has been obtained • Work with the Planning Council to ensure that final allocations meet the 75%-25% requirement • Monitor program allocations, subgrantee agreements, actual expenditures, and reallocations throughout the year to ensure at least 75% percent of program funds are expended for HRSA-defined core medical services N/A PHS ACT 2604(c)(3), 2604(d) 67 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation and no more than 25% percent of program funds are expended for HHSapproved support services • Require subgrantee monitoring and financial reporting that documents expenditures by program service category • Maintain budgets and funding allocations, subgrantee award information, and expenditure data with sufficient detail to allow for the tracking of core medical services and support services expenses • Document and assess the use of support service funds to demonstrate that they are contributing to positive medical outcomes for clients 68 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation • If a waiver is desired, certify and provide evidence to HRSA/HAB that all core medical services funded under Part A program are available to all eligible individuals in the area through other funding sources e. Use of grant funds each fiscal year for each of the populations of women, infants, children and youth, not less than the percentage constituted by the ratio of the population in such area with HIV/AIDS to the general population in such area with HIV/AIDS, unless a waiver from this provision is obtained Documentation of : • What percent each of the specified populations constitutes of the total AIDS population • The amount and percent of Part A program funds that are being used to serve each of these populations • Whether the proportion of Ryan White Part A funds being used for each of the specified populations meets legislative requirements • Funds from other sources (such as Ryan White Part D) that are being used to meet the needs of these populations • A waiver request, with justification, if other funds are • Prepare and submit the annual WICY Report • Submission of a WICY Waiver when needed N/A PHS ACT 2604(f)(A) 69 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard f. Performance Measure/ Method believed to be meeting the needs of any of these populations Compliance with legislative Documentation that funded requirements regarding the providers providing MedicaidMedicaid status of providers: reimbursable services either: funded providers of • Are participating in Medicaid, Medicaid-reimbursable certified to receive Medicaid services must be participating payments, and using Medicaid in Medicaid and certified to funds whenever possible to receive Medicaid payments cover services to people living or able to document efforts with HIV disease under way to obtain such • Are actively working to obtain certification. such certification g. Maintenance of Effort (MOE), which includes the following: • Funds to be used to supplement, not supplant, local funds made available in the year for which the grant is awarded to provide HIVrelated services to individuals with HIV disease • Political subdivisions within the EMA/TGA to maintain at Documentation of the grantee’s Maintenance of Effort, including submission of non-Ryan White amounts allocated and assurances that: • Part A funds will be used to supplement, not supplant, local funds made available in the year for which the grant is awarded • Political subdivisions within the EMA/TGA will maintain at least Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Specify in RFPs, • contracts, MOU/LOA, and/or statements of work that providers receiving Part A funding to provide Medicaidreimbursable services are required to seek • certification to receive Medicaid payments or to describe current efforts to obtain certification • Maintain documentation of each provider’s Medicaid certification status Collect and submit the following MOE information to HRSA/HAB annually: • A list of core medical and support services, budget elements that will be used to document MOE in subsequent grant applications Maintain on file documentation of Medicaid Status and that the provider is able to receive Medicaid payments Source Citation PHS ACT 2604(g) Document efforts and timeline for certification if in process of obtaining certification N/A PHS ACT 2605(a) HAB Policy Notice 11-02 70 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard • • h. • • i. least their prior fiscal year’s level of expenditures for HIVrelated services for individuals with HIV disease EMA/TGA will not use funds received under Part A in maintaining the level of expenditures for HIV-related services as required in the above paragraph Documentation of this maintenance of effort to be retained Procedures in place to ensure that services are provided by appropriate entities: Program services to be provided by public or nonprofit entities, or by private for-profit entities if they are the only available provider of quality HIV care in the area Providers and personnel providing services expected to meet appropriate State and local licensure and certification requirements Funded services to be Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation their prior fiscal year’s level of • A description of the expenditures for HIV-related tracking system that services will be used to document these • The EMA/TGA will not use funds elements received under Part A in maintaining the level of • Budget for expenditures EMA/TGA contributors • Tracking/accounting documentation of actual contributions • Documentation that program services are being provided by public or nonprofit entities unless private for-profit entities are the only available provider of quality HIV care in the area • Review of providers to ensure that the entities and the individuals providing services have appropriate licensure and certification, as required by the State and locality in which the provider is operating Documentation that funded Part A • Review and monitor the licensing and certification of provider entities and staff to ensure they are valid and appropriate • Provide documentation of situations in which private for-profit entities are the only available provider of quality HIV care in the area • Have for-profit justification available for HRSA/HAB review as needed • Specify in RFPs, N/A PHS ACT 2605 (a)(10) N/A PHS ACT 71 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard integrated with other such services and coordinated with other available programs (including Medicaid), so that the continuity of care and prevention services for individuals with HIV is enhanced Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility providers are expected to work collaboratively with each other, other available programs, and prevention providers to enhance continuity of care, as specified in RFPs, contracts, MOU/LOA, and/or statements of work and standards of care • • • 4. Limitations on Use of Funds a. Expenditure of no more than 10% of the grant on administrative costs, with funds expended in accordance with the Documentation that : • Grantee expenditures for administrative costs do not exceed 10% of grant funds • Aggregate subgrantee expenditures for administrative purposes do not exceed 10% of service dollars • Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility contracts, MOU/LOA, and/or statements of work expectations for service integration and coordination with other available programs Work with the Planning Council and providers to improve linkages and strengthen the continuum of care Encourage linkages between Part A providers and prevention providers Describe in the annual grant application the continuum of care and ways the entities are integrated and coordinated Clearly define • N/A administrative cost caps and allowable activities in RFPs, contracts, MOU/LOA, and/or statements of work Monitor subgrantee Source Citation 2681 (d) PHS ACT 2604 (h)(2), 2604 (h)(3) 72 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard legislative definition of administrative activities, and allocation of funds to entities and sub-contractors such that their aggregate expenditure of funds for administrative purposes does not exceed 10% of those funds Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility • Both grantee and subgrantee administrative expenditures meet the legislative definition of administrative activities • b. Implementation of a Clinical Quality Management (CQM) program that meets HRSA requirements, with funding that does not exceed the lesser of 5% of total grant funds or $3 million c. No use of Part A funds for Documentation that: • The grantee has implemented a CQM program that that meets HRSA requirements • CQM funding does not exceed the lesser of 5% of program funds or $3 million • Documentation that no Part A • • • Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility expenditures to ensure that: o They meet the legislative definition of administrative activities o In the aggregate they do not exceed 10% of service dollars Identify and describe all expenses within grantee budget that are categorized as administrative costs, and ensure that such expenses do not exceed 10% of the Part A grant Develop and • N/A implement a CQM plan Develop a CQM budget and separately track CQM costs Provide a budget and a financial report to HRSA that separately identify all CQM costs Specify in RFPs, • N/A Source Citation PHS ACT 2604 (h)(5) PHS ACT 73 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard construction or to make cash payments to recipients of services d. No use of Part A funds to pay for any item or service that can reasonably be expected to be paid under any State compensation program, insurance policy, or any Federal or State health benefits program (except for programs related to Indian Health Service) or by an Performance Measure/ Method funds are used for construction or to make cash payments to recipients of services Documentation and certification that no Part A funds have been used to pay for any item or service that could reasonably be expected to be paid for under any State compensation program, insurance policy, or Federal or State health benefits program (except for programs related to the Indian Health Service) or by an entity that Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility contracts, MOU/LOA, and/or statements of work the requirement that no Part A funds be used for construction and that no funds be used to make cash payments to recipients of services [See Section F.5, Direct Cash Payment] • Document grantee costs and ensure that no funds are used for construction; if the grantee is also a service provider, ensure that no Part A funds are used for cash payments N/A • Maintain documentation that all costs that can be paid under any State compensation program, insurance policy, or federal or State health benefits program (except for programs related to Source Citation 2604 (i) PHS ACT 2604(c)(1-2) 74 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard entity that provides health services on a prepaid basis Performance Measure/ Method provides health services on a prepaid basis e. Ryan White Part A funds cannot be used to support AIDS programs or materials designed to promote or encourage, directly, intravenous drug use or sexual activity, whether homosexual or heterosexual 5. Miscellaneous a. Compliance with the statutory requirements regarding the imposition of charges for services, for those providers who charge for services [See Section G.I, Drug Use and Sexual Activity] b. Submit to the lead State agency under Part B, audits consistent with Office of Management and Budget Documentation that the EMA/TGA is submitting audits consistent with OMB A-133 to the Part B lead agency every two years Refer to fiscal monitoring standards Grantee Responsibility the Indian Health Service) or by an entity that provides health services on a prepaid basis, have been paid under these programs and not through use of Part A funds • Provide certification that Part A funds have not been used in any of the specified situations [See Section G.I, Drug Use and Sexual Activity] Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility N/A • Refer to fiscal • N/A monitoring standards Submit audits to State Part B program every 2 years Source Citation PHS ACT 2684 PHS ACT 2605 (e) PHS ACT 2605 (a)(10) 75 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation (OMB) Circular A-133 regarding funds expended under Part A, every two years Section I: Minority AIDS Initiative 1. Reporting a. Submission of an Annual Plan 60 days after the budget start date or as specified in the Notice of Award that details: • The actual award amount • Anticipated number of unduplicated clients who will receive each service • Anticipated units of service • Planned client-level outcomes for each minority population served under the Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI) b. Submission of an Annual Report due January 31 of the year following completion of the MAI fiscal year Documentation that the grantee has submitted an MAI Annual Plan 60 days after the budget start date that contains required elements and meets HRSA/HAB reporting requirements Documentation that the grantee has submitted an Annual Report on MAI services that includes: • Expenditures • Number and demographics of clients served • Outcomes achieved • Prepare and submit • Establish and maintain an MAI Annual Plan a system that tracks with specified and reports the content that meets following for MAI HRSA/HAB reporting services: requirements o Dollars expended o Number of clients • Ensure that provider served contracts contain o Units of service clear reporting overall and by race requirements that and ethnicity, include funds spent, women, infants, units of service children, youth provided, and cliento Client-level level outcomes outcomes within each minority population served under the initiative • Prepare and submit • Maintain a system to a year-end report track and report MAI documenting expenditures, the expenditures, number and number and demographics of demographics of clients served, and the clients served, and outcomes achieved the outcomes • Provide timely data to achieved the grantee for use in • Ensure that provider preparing the Annual contracts include Report Part A Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI) Reporting Instructions Part A Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI) Reporting Instructions 76 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard Performance Measure/ Method Grantee Responsibility Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility Source Citation clear reporting requirements Section J: Data Reporting Requirements 1. Submission of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Services Report (RSR), which includes three components: the Grantee Report, the Service Provider Report, and the Client Report Documentation that the EMA or TGA has submitted the annual online Grantee Report and that it includes a complete list of service provider contracts and the services funded under each contract a. Submission of the online Grantee Report b. Submission of the on-line service providers report Documentation that all service providers have submitted their sections of the online service providers report • Review the EMA/TGA’s organization’s information for accuracy • Review and if necessary correct the pre-filled list of funded contractors and the list of the contracted services for each provider • Submit the grantee report electronically by the deadline • Include contract language requiring providers and subgrantees to meet the reporting requirements N/A • Report all the Ryan White Services the provider offers to clients during the funding year • Submit both interim Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Services Report Instruction Manual Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Services Report Instruction Manual 77 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013 Standard c. Submission of the on-line client report Performance Measure/ Method Documentation that all service providers have submitted their sections of the online client report Grantee Responsibility • Ensure providers are entering client-level data, timely, accurately and completely. Provider/Subgrantee Responsibility and final reports by the specified deadlines • Maintain client-level data on each client served, including in each client record demographic status, HIV clinical information, HIV-care medical and support services received, and the client’s Unique Client Identifier • Submit this report online as an electronic file upload using the standard format • Submit both interim and final reports by the specified deadlines Source Citation Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Services Report Instruction Manual 78 HRSA/HAB Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs Program Monitoring Standards – Part A April 2013