Anti-windup Compensation for Nonlinear Systems via Gradient Projection Application to Adaptive Control

Anti-windup Compensation for Nonlinear Systems
via Gradient Projection
Application to Adaptive Control
Justin Teo and Jonathan P. How
Aerospace Controls Laboratory
Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
December 18, 2009
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Gradient Projection Anti-windup Scheme
Application to Adaptive Sliding Mode Control
Limitations of GPAW Scheme
Conclusions and Acknowledgments
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Some well recognized facts (Khalil 2002, Bernstein and Michel
Most practical control systems
are nonlinear, eg. Euler-Lagrange systems, deadzone, backlash,
hysteresis, driven by nonlinear controllers
have actuation limits, eg. deflection & thrust limits in aircrafts,
acceleration/deceleration & steering limits in cars, cooling capacity
in air-conditioners
Effects called “windup” (Tarbouriech and
Turner 2009)
When system driven to saturation limits
performance degradation (with certainty)
destabilize (possibly)
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Some well recognized facts (Khalil 2002, Bernstein and Michel
Most practical control systems
are nonlinear, eg. Euler-Lagrange systems, deadzone, backlash,
hysteresis, driven by nonlinear controllers
have actuation limits, eg. deflection & thrust limits in aircrafts,
acceleration/deceleration & steering limits in cars, cooling capacity
in air-conditioners
Stable Open Loop Plant, Unstable Controller
with Anti−windup
Effects called “windup” (Tarbouriech and
Turner 2009)
When system driven to saturation limits
performance degradation (with certainty)
destabilize (possibly)
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Prior Work
Prior Work
Anti-windup compensation for linear time invariant (LTI) systems
well developed. Surveys: (Tarbouriech and Turner 2009, Kothare
et al. 1994, Edwards and Postlethwaite 1998)
Anti-windup for nonlinear systems:
feedback linearizable systems: (Calvet and Arkun 1988, Kendi and
Doyle 1997, Kapoor and Daoutidis 1997, 1999, Herrmann et al.
2006, Menon et al. 2006, 2008b,a, Yoon et al. 2008)
with specific adaptive controllers: (Hu and Rangaiah 2000, Johnson
and Calise 2003, Kahveci et al. 2007)
for Euler-Lagrange systems: (Morabito et al. 2004)
Open Problem (Tarbouriech and Turner 2009)
Anti-windup compensation for nonlinear systems/controllers
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Prior Work
Prior Work
Anti-windup compensation for linear time invariant (LTI) systems
well developed. Surveys: (Tarbouriech and Turner 2009, Kothare
et al. 1994, Edwards and Postlethwaite 1998)
Anti-windup for nonlinear systems:
feedback linearizable systems: (Calvet and Arkun 1988, Kendi and
Doyle 1997, Kapoor and Daoutidis 1997, 1999, Herrmann et al.
2006, Menon et al. 2006, 2008b,a, Yoon et al. 2008)
with specific adaptive controllers: (Hu and Rangaiah 2000, Johnson
and Calise 2003, Kahveci et al. 2007)
for Euler-Lagrange systems: (Morabito et al. 2004)
Open Problem (Tarbouriech and Turner 2009)
Anti-windup compensation for nonlinear systems/controllers
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Prior Work
Prior Work
Anti-windup compensation for linear time invariant (LTI) systems
well developed. Surveys: (Tarbouriech and Turner 2009, Kothare
et al. 1994, Edwards and Postlethwaite 1998)
Anti-windup for nonlinear systems:
feedback linearizable systems: (Calvet and Arkun 1988, Kendi and
Doyle 1997, Kapoor and Daoutidis 1997, 1999, Herrmann et al.
2006, Menon et al. 2006, 2008b,a, Yoon et al. 2008)
with specific adaptive controllers: (Hu and Rangaiah 2000, Johnson
and Calise 2003, Kahveci et al. 2007)
for Euler-Lagrange systems: (Morabito et al. 2004)
Open Problem (Tarbouriech and Turner 2009)
Anti-windup compensation for nonlinear systems/controllers
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Overview of GPAW Scheme
Gradient Projection Anti-windup (GPAW) scheme:
generalization of “stop integration” heuristic (Åström and
Rundqwist 1989) to multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) nonlinear
systems/controllers, ie. general purpose
requires solving a combinatorial optimization sub-problem
attempts to maintain controller state-output consistency
To develop GPAW scheme, need to:
extend gradient projection method of nonlinear programming (Rosen
1960, 1961) to continuous-time
use continuous-time gradient projection (only) to project controller
state to unsaturated region
Note: Last idea well known in adaptive control to bound parameter
estimates in some a priori known region (Ioannou and Sun 1996,
Pomet and Praly 1992), but only for single nonlinear constraint
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Overview of GPAW Scheme
Gradient Projection Anti-windup (GPAW) scheme:
generalization of “stop integration” heuristic (Åström and
Rundqwist 1989) to multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) nonlinear
systems/controllers, ie. general purpose
requires solving a combinatorial optimization sub-problem
attempts to maintain controller state-output consistency
To develop GPAW scheme, need to:
extend gradient projection method of nonlinear programming (Rosen
1960, 1961) to continuous-time
use continuous-time gradient projection (only) to project controller
state to unsaturated region
Note: Last idea well known in adaptive control to bound parameter
estimates in some a priori known region (Ioannou and Sun 1996,
Pomet and Praly 1992), but only for single nonlinear constraint
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Overview of GPAW Scheme
Gradient Projection Anti-windup (GPAW) scheme:
generalization of “stop integration” heuristic (Åström and
Rundqwist 1989) to multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) nonlinear
systems/controllers, ie. general purpose
requires solving a combinatorial optimization sub-problem
attempts to maintain controller state-output consistency
To develop GPAW scheme, need to:
extend gradient projection method of nonlinear programming (Rosen
1960, 1961) to continuous-time
use continuous-time gradient projection (only) to project controller
state to unsaturated region
Note: Last idea well known in adaptive control to bound parameter
estimates in some a priori known region (Ioannou and Sun 1996,
Pomet and Praly 1992), but only for single nonlinear constraint
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Problem Statement
Problem Statement
Given input constrained plant and nominal controller
ẋ = f (x, sat(u)),
ẋc = fc (xc , y, r(t)), xc (0) = xco ,
Σsys :
Σcont :
y = g(x, sat(u)),
u = gc (xc , y, r(t)),
design anti-windup compensated controller
ẋg = fg (xg , y, r(t)), xg (0) = xc0 ,
Σaw cont :
ug = gg (xg , y, r(t)),
so nominal uncompensated system Σn (feedback interconnection
(FI) of Σsys and Σcont ) and anti-windup compensated system Σg
(FI of Σsys and Σaw cont with u := ug ) satisfy
when no controls saturate, nominal performance recovered, ie.
ug ≡ gc (xc , y, r(t))
when some controls saturate, performance of Σg is no worse than
Σn , and performance of Σg degrades gracefully with severity of
saturation constraints
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Problem Statement
Problem Statement
Given input constrained plant and nominal controller
ẋ = f (x, sat(u)),
ẋc = fc (xc , y, r(t)), xc (0) = xco ,
Σsys :
Σcont :
y = g(x, sat(u)),
u = gc (xc , y, r(t)),
design anti-windup compensated controller
ẋg = fg (xg , y, r(t)), xg (0) = xc0 ,
Σaw cont :
ug = gg (xg , y, r(t)),
so nominal uncompensated system Σn (feedback interconnection
(FI) of Σsys and Σcont ) and anti-windup compensated system Σg
(FI of Σsys and Σaw cont with u := ug ) satisfy
when no controls saturate, nominal performance recovered, ie.
ug ≡ gc (xc , y, r(t))
when some controls saturate, performance of Σg is no worse than
Σn , and performance of Σg degrades gracefully with severity of
saturation constraints
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Problem Statement
Problem Statement
Given input constrained plant and nominal controller
ẋ = f (x, sat(u)),
ẋc = fc (xc , y, r(t)), xc (0) = xco ,
Σsys :
Σcont :
y = g(x, sat(u)),
u = gc (xc , y, r(t)),
design anti-windup compensated controller
ẋg = fg (xg , y, r(t)), xg (0) = xc0 ,
Σaw cont :
ug = gg (xg , y, r(t)),
so nominal uncompensated system Σn (feedback interconnection
(FI) of Σsys and Σcont ) and anti-windup compensated system Σg
(FI of Σsys and Σaw cont with u := ug ) satisfy
when no controls saturate, nominal performance recovered, ie.
ug ≡ gc (xc , y, r(t))
when some controls saturate, performance of Σg is no worse than
Σn , and performance of Σg degrades gracefully with severity of
saturation constraints
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GPAW Scheme
Intuition from Decoupled Nonlinear MIMO Systems
Intuition from Decoupled Nonlinear MIMO
“Conditionally Freeze Integrator” method (Hodel and Hall 2001):
0, if ((e > 0) ∧ (u ≥ umax )),
ėi = 0, if ((e < 0) ∧ (u ≤ umin )),
ėi = e,
e, otherwise.
u = Kp e + Ki ei ,
u = Kp e + Ki ei .
Extend to decoupled nonlinear MIMO controllers:
if A,
ẋi = fi (xi , yi , ri ), anti-windup ẋi =
fi (xi , yi , ri ), otherwise.
ui = gi (xi , yi , ri ),
ui = gi (xi , yi , ri ),
where logical statement A suppresses “undesirable” updates
(ui ≥ uimax ) ∧
J. Teo & J. P. How (ACL, MIT)
«« „
fi (xi , yi , ri ) > 0
∨ (ui ≤ uimin ) ∧
fi (xi , yi , ri ) < 0
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GPAW Scheme
Intuition from Decoupled Nonlinear MIMO Systems
Intuition from Decoupled Nonlinear MIMO
“Conditionally Freeze Integrator” method (Hodel and Hall 2001):
0, if ((e > 0) ∧ (u ≥ umax )),
ėi = 0, if ((e < 0) ∧ (u ≤ umin )),
ėi = e,
e, otherwise.
u = Kp e + Ki ei ,
u = Kp e + Ki ei .
Extend to decoupled nonlinear MIMO controllers:
if A,
ẋi = fi (xi , yi , ri ), anti-windup ẋi =
fi (xi , yi , ri ), otherwise.
ui = gi (xi , yi , ri ),
ui = gi (xi , yi , ri ),
where logical statement A suppresses “undesirable” updates
(ui ≥ uimax ) ∧
J. Teo & J. P. How (ACL, MIT)
«« „
fi (xi , yi , ri ) > 0
∨ (ui ≤ uimin ) ∧
fi (xi , yi , ri ) < 0
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GPAW Scheme
Gradient Projection Method of Nonlinear Programming
Gradient Projection Method I
To extend to coupled nonlinear MIMO systems/controllers, update
controller state vector in nominal direction as much as
possible, while attempting not to aggravate existing saturation
constraints ⇒ gradient projection
Gradient Projection Method (Rosen 1960, 1961) solves constrained
nonlinear programs
min J(x),
subject to h(x) ≤ 0 ∈ Rk .
Reduces to steepest descent method in the absence of active
Maintains feasibility by projection of nominal descent direction along
multiple gradient vectors of active constraints
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GPAW Scheme
Gradient Projection Method of Nonlinear Programming
Gradient Projection Method II
−∇J(x2 )
−∇J(x1 )
(x 3
∇h 3
∇h 1
−∇J(x0 )
−∇J(x3 )
x 3)
H 3(
Feasible region: S = {x ∈ Rq | h(x) ≤ 0}
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GPAW Scheme
Gradient Projection Anti-windup Scheme
Gradient Projection Anti-windup Scheme
Can extend Gradient Projection Method to continuous-time,
similar to (Ioannou and Sun 1996) for a single nonlinear constraint
Continuous-time Gradient Projection Method requires solving a
combinatorial optimization subproblem online
Use only gradient projection part to construct GPAW controller,
with constraints defined by 2m saturation limits
hi (xg ) := gci (xg , y, r(t)) − uimax ≤ 0,
∀i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , m}
hi+m (xg ) := −gci (xg , y, r(t)) + uimin ≤ 0, ∀i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , m}.
GPAW scheme has a single tuning parameter, Γ ∈ Rq×q , symmetric
positive definite
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GPAW Scheme
Gradient Projection Anti-windup Scheme
GPAW Scheme Visualization
fc (xg2 )
fc (xg1 )
(x g 3
xg1 f g1
∇h 3
∇h 1
x g3
H 3(
K(y, r(t))
f g3
fg0 = fc (xg0 )
fc (xg3 )
Note: fc (xgi ) := fc (xgi , y, r(t)) and fgi := fg (xgi , y, r(t))
Unsaturated region is
K(y, r(t)) = {x ∈ Rq | sat(gc (x, y, r(t))) = gc (x, y, r(t))}
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Application to Adaptive Sliding Mode Control
GPAW Controller Construction
Application to Adaptive Sliding Mode Control
Consider robot manipulator described by
nonlinear Euler-Lagrange equations
In the absence of actuator limits, an
adaptive sliding mode controller (Slotine
and Coetsee 1986) achieves GAS
With actuator limits, apply GPAW
scheme to obtain GPAW compensated
− I − y Γy
ΦY T s,
T Γy1 y1
˙â = −ΦY T s,
â =
ΦY T s,
− I − y2 Γy
T Γy2 y2
u = Y â − Kd s,
− I − ΓY T Y ΓY T −1 Y ΦY T s,
if A,
if B,
if C,
u = Y â − Kd s.
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Application to Adaptive Sliding Mode Control
Simulation Results
Simulation Results
Fix nominal controller gains, (Λ, Kd , Φ), sinusoidal reference and
simulate 5 cases
unconstrained nominal system
constrained, uncompensated system
constrained with “stop integration” rule
−ΦY T s, if sat(u) = u,
â˙ =
constrained with GPAW compensation, Γ = Φ
constrained with GPAW compensation, Γ = I
Set ulim := uimax = −uimin , simulate 6 scenarios
ulim ∈ {180, 150, 120, 90, 60, 30} Nm
Show movies
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Application to Adaptive Sliding Mode Control
Simulation Results
Simulation Results
Fix nominal controller gains, (Λ, Kd , Φ), sinusoidal reference and
simulate 5 cases
unconstrained nominal system
constrained, uncompensated system
constrained with “stop integration” rule
−ΦY T s, if sat(u) = u,
â˙ =
constrained with GPAW compensation, Γ = Φ
constrained with GPAW compensation, Γ = I
Set ulim := uimax = −uimin , simulate 6 scenarios
ulim ∈ {180, 150, 120, 90, 60, 30} Nm
Show movies
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Application to Adaptive Sliding Mode Control
Simulation Results
Graceful Performance Degradation
Let ei be peak steady state tracking errors
Graceful performance degradation for case 4 (GPAW with Γ = Φ)
ei (deg)
ulim (Nm)
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Limitations of GPAW Scheme
Limitations of GPAW Scheme
Full controller state-output consistency achieved when sat(u) ≡ u
In general, GPAW scheme only achieves state-output consistency
Only controller state modified. Likely ineffective when
∂gc ∂gc
∂gc ∂xc ẋc ∂y ẏ + ∂r ṙ
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Conclusions and Acknowledgments
Anti-windup compensation for nonlinear systems/controllers remains
an open problem (Tarbouriech and Turner 2009)
Extended gradient projection method (Rosen 1960, 1961) to
continuous time
Used gradient projection to construct GPAW compensated controller
GPAW scheme
– can be viewed as a generalization of “stop integration” heuristic
– requires online solution to a combinatorial optimization subproblem
Demonstrated viability of GPAW scheme on a non-trivial nonlinear
Identified some limitations
Lots of interesting questions remain
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Conclusions and Acknowledgments
Prof. Jean-Jacques Slotine (MIT Mechanical Engineering
Department, Nonlinear Systems Laboratory) for critical insights
Dr. Han-Lim Choi (MIT Aeronautics & Astronautics Department,
Aerospace Controls Laboratory) for insights into combinatorial
optimization subproblem
Funding agencies:
– DSO National Laboratories, Singapore
– Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), USA
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Conclusions and Acknowledgments
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Recent Results
Recent Results
When restricted to 1st-order constrained LTI system driven by
1st-order LTI controller, can show
– GPAW compensated system is a projected dynamical system
(PDS) (Dupuis and Nagurney 1993, Zhang and Nagurney 1995,
Nagurney and Zhang 1996, Cojocaru and Jonker 2004) (PDS is an
independent line of research that has attracted significant attention
of economists, physicists and mathematicians)
– GPAW scheme can only maintain/enlarge exact region of attraction
When output equation of nominal controller depends only on
controller state, u = gc (xc ), ie. not on measurements and/or
exogenous inputs, then exact state-output consistency achieved
when appropriately initialized - eliminates previously identified
Under similar conditions, derived geometric bounding condition
foreseen to aid in Lyapunov analysis of general GPAW compensated
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Recent Results
Recent Results
When restricted to 1st-order constrained LTI system driven by
1st-order LTI controller, can show
– GPAW compensated system is a projected dynamical system
(PDS) (Dupuis and Nagurney 1993, Zhang and Nagurney 1995,
Nagurney and Zhang 1996, Cojocaru and Jonker 2004) (PDS is an
independent line of research that has attracted significant attention
of economists, physicists and mathematicians)
– GPAW scheme can only maintain/enlarge exact region of attraction
When output equation of nominal controller depends only on
controller state, u = gc (xc ), ie. not on measurements and/or
exogenous inputs, then exact state-output consistency achieved
when appropriately initialized - eliminates previously identified
Under similar conditions, derived geometric bounding condition
foreseen to aid in Lyapunov analysis of general GPAW compensated
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Recent Results
Recent Results
When restricted to 1st-order constrained LTI system driven by
1st-order LTI controller, can show
– GPAW compensated system is a projected dynamical system
(PDS) (Dupuis and Nagurney 1993, Zhang and Nagurney 1995,
Nagurney and Zhang 1996, Cojocaru and Jonker 2004) (PDS is an
independent line of research that has attracted significant attention
of economists, physicists and mathematicians)
– GPAW scheme can only maintain/enlarge exact region of attraction
When output equation of nominal controller depends only on
controller state, u = gc (xc ), ie. not on measurements and/or
exogenous inputs, then exact state-output consistency achieved
when appropriately initialized - eliminates previously identified
Under similar conditions, derived geometric bounding condition
foreseen to aid in Lyapunov analysis of general GPAW compensated
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References I
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Oper. Res. Manag. Sci. Kluwer, Norwell, MA, 1996.
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J. Teo & J. P. How (ACL, MIT)
Anti-windup via Gradient Projection
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