PASSIVITY-BASED ANALYSIS AND CONTROL OF NONLINEAR SYSTEMS a dissertation submitted to the department of mechanical engineering and the committee on graduate studies of stanford university in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy Thomas E. Pare, Jr. November 2000 c 2000 by Thomas E. Pare, Jr. Copyright All Rights Reserved. ii I certify that I have read this dissertation and that in my opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Jonathan P. How (Principal Adviser) I certify that I have read this dissertation and that in my opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Stephen P. Boyd I certify that I have read this dissertation and that in my opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Gene F. Franklin I certify that I have read this dissertation and that in my opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. J. Christian Gerdes Approved for the University Committee on Graduate Studies: iii iv Abstract A new set of tools for the stability analysis and robust control design for nonlinear systems is introduced in this dissertation. The tools have a wide range of applicability, covering systems with common types of hysteresis, as well as systems with memoryless forms such as saturation, or slope-restricted nonlinearities (e.g., parameter uncertainty or gain variation), and can be used to guarantee stability for systems with both nonlinearities and additional norm-bounded uncertainty. These robust stability tests are developed using a combination of passivity and dissipation theories, and are presented in both graphical (Nyquist) and numerical form using linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). The LMI formulation yields tests that are eciently solved with existing software packages, and allows the extension to the case of multiple nonlinearities. In particular, an asymptotic stability test is developed using LMIs for systems with multiple hysteresis nonlinearities. The invariant set for such systems is shown in general to be a polytopic region of the state space. This analysis framework is extended to include LMI-based algorithms for the design of reduced order, output feedback controllers. Four new synthesis routines are presented, each of which optimize an H1 performance metric. First, the basic full order H1 and robust H1 design algorithms are reformulated to produce controllers with an explicit constraint on controller order. The robust synthesis algorithm yields controllers that give optimal closed loop L2 -gain performance for systems having norm bounded uncertainties by performing a sequence of convex optimizations over LMI constraints. Order reduction is accomplished by treating the controller order as part of a multi-objective optimization. These two basic routines are then extended to solve v for controllers that are robust to sector bounded, memoryless and hysteresis nonlinearities. Control design for systems with sector bounded memoryless nonlinearities with a stability guarantee based on the Popov criteria is referred to as Popov/H1 control design, and is widely known to be a nonconvex problem due to the bilinear form of the corresponding matrix inequality constraints (i.e., BMIs). The new algorithm presented here solves this BMI problem while yielding controllers that have order lower than the plant, and is demonstrated to have improved convergence compared to xed order algorithms that solve the same problem. This reduced order technique is then adapted to produce H1 compensation for systems with hysteresis by building upon the new robust stability criteria, and used to synthesize locally optimal controllers for systems with input saturation. Numerical examples are used throughout the thesis to illustrate the utility of the new analysis and design algorithms. With these developments, this research aims to broaden the application of absolute stability and to extend robust control design to include these important classes of nonlinear systems. vi Acknowledgements My lasting memory of graduate school will be the people of Stanford I've come to know. The professors, sta and students together combined to make the University a truly unique learning atmosphere. Teaching, one realizes after enough years sitting in a classroom, is the art of giving in its purest form. No more so than at Stanford, where each class was an experience of new concepts and thought processes from an experience of People along the way who contributed in this work: Research advisor Jon How. Dedicated, for giving me the fundamental under- standing of robust control theory and broadening my knowledge of system engineering. While his focus is primarily on the development of hardware projects, he allowed me to pursue a mostly theoretical research. For this I am most grateful, since this served to best complement my previous background and work experience in hardware systems. Excellent professors who gave clarity to and inspired learning the more dicult, more abstract sciences: Stephen Boyd, Gene Franklin, Brad Parkinson, and Bernie Roth. Fellow classmates and collaborators: Bijan Sayir-Rodssari, Yuji Takahara, Arash Hassibi. Research group: David Banjerdpongchai, Heidi Schubert, Bruce Woodley, SungYung Lim, Hong Song Bae, Andrew Robertson Support from Hughes Aircraft Fellowship program. In particular, Ronald Cubalchini, Dennis Pollet, Bernie Skehan, and Keith Yokomoto. Look forward to vii working again with in the future. All those at Stanford, whom I haven't mentioned, who made the doctoral experience a memorable one. Family who kept my perspective grounded. Finally, to my wife, Dee Dee, who, to be sure, is the reason I try stu like this thesis. viii List of Figures 1.1 The Lur'e-Postnikov system for absolute stability analysis. . . . . . . 1.2 Robust control design set-up for systems with hysteresis. . . . . . . . 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Basic operator mapping , with y(t) = (x(t)). . . . Denition of sector and incrementally sector bounded A sector transformation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . System diagram for passivity analysis. . . . . . . . . 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Typical passive hysteresis input-output relationship . . . . . . . . . . General hysteresis operator (hysteron). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sector Transformation ~ 2 sector[0; 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Block diagram relation of passive operator ~ , with (t) = ~()(t). . . Transformation of hysteretic relay into passive operator. . . . . . . . Block diagram model of backlash nonlinearity is transformed into passive operator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Converting a backlash to a passive operator using generalized multiplier. Loop transformation for absolute stability analysis. . . . . . . . . . . Nyquist test for existence of stability multiplier. . . . . . . . . . . . . Nominal system with nonlinearity and additional performance channel. Example system with uncertainty and hysteresis nonlinearity. . . . . . Nyquist plot for nominal system with superimposed uncertainty ellipses Positive real Nyquist plot of system transformed with stability multiplier. Typical initial condition response for system indicating robust stability. Initial condition response with = ;2 indicates near instability. . . . 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 ix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 11 24 25 26 28 34 37 38 43 44 46 47 49 53 54 56 58 58 59 60 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 Nyquist plot with uncertainty gain increased. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input-output trajectories of hsyteresis near instability. . . . . . . . . . Limit cycle indicating onset of system instability . . . . . . . . . . . . Nyquist plot demonstrating intersection with nonlinearity describing function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.20 Hysteresis input/output with sustained oscillation. . . . . . . . . . . . 61 61 62 Sector transformation results in ~ as passive operator. . . . . . . . . Smooth approximation for discontinuous nonlinearity . . . . . . . . . Backlash, or play nonlinearity detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Typical Preisach hysteresis characteristic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nonlinear system and loop transformation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Multivariable version of Popov indirect control system . . . . . . . . . Graphical criteria for determining invariant stationary set . . . . . . . Block diagram depiction of main stability proof derivation. . . . . . . Stability analysis using multipliers and transformation to Popov indirect control form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Example of state convergence to stationary set for system with hysteretic relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alternate view of state trajectories convergence of relay system . . . . State convergence to polytopic stability region for multiple backlash system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alternate view of stable convergence of trajectories of multiple backlash system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 71 72 73 75 77 79 85 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 62 63 87 93 95 96 98 5.1 Block diagram framework for H1 control design . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 5.2 Robust H1 control design framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 5.3 Maximum singular value curves corresponding to various reduced order designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 5.4 Typical performance/controller order trade o using benchmark problem117 5.5 Root locus for systems with controllers of varying order. . . . . . . . 118 x 5.6 Robust H1 and Popov/H1 performance trade o curves using benchmark uncertainty problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.7 Performance comparison of new reduced order H1 design technique to controllers reduced by balanced real order reduction . . . . . . . . . . 5.8 Popov/H1 algorithm insensitivity to initial conditions . . . . . . . . 5.9 Alternative compensation designs achieved using design knob . . . 5.10 Convergence comparison between xed and reduced order design algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.11 Well conditioned solution matrices lead to good convergence for reduced order algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.12 S=KS mixed sensitivity synthesis set up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.13 Robustness test for -design requires containment in unit disk. . . . . 5.14 Nyquist stability test for new control requires less conservative avoidance of restricted region. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.15 Loop shaping performance of , reduced and xed order controllers . 5.16 Comparison of closed loop performance with iteration of reduced and xed order algorithms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.17 Disturbance rejection comparison of and multiplier control design for system with hysteresis: plant output y(t) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.18 Disturbance rejection comparison of and multiplier control design for system with hysteresis: control signal u(t) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.19 Hysteresis input-output: reduced order controller. . . . . . . . . . . . 5.20 Hysteresis input-output: ;controller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 Saturation locally sector bounded as parameterized by r. Control system with saturation nonlinearity. . . . . . . . Transformed system with deadzone nonlinearity. . . . . . Deadzone nonlinearity and saturation parameter r. . . . Inverted pendulum with disturbance. . . . . . . . . . . . Performance and disturbance level dependence on r. . . . Disturbance rejection vs. L2-gain performance trade-o. . xi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 125 126 127 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 136 137 137 142 146 152 153 160 161 162 B.1 Benchmark three mass used for algorithm comparisons. . . . . . . . . 177 D.1 Popov system with initial condition response as input. . . . . . . . . 186 xii List of Tables 4.1 Comparison of new stability theorem to previous work on multiple slope-restricted nonlinearities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Algorithm for reduced order H1 synthesis . . . . . . . . Synthesis algorithm for reduced order, robust H1 control Popov/H1 control synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H1/hysteresis control synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 115 119 122 123 xiv Notation and Symbols R The set of real numbers C The set of complex numbers R+ The set of nonnegative numbers jR The imaginary axis Rm, The set of real m-vectors Rmn The set of real m n real matrices XT The transpose of matrix X X The complex conjugate transpose matrix of X 2 Cmn . Im The identity matrix of dimension m m, or the identity operator. The subscript is omitted when m can be determined from context. 0mn An m n zero matrix. X ;1 The matrix inverse, or the inverse of the linear operator, i.e., XX ;1 = I: diag(A1; : : : ; Am ) Block diagonal matrix with A1; : : : ; Am on the diagonal. (X ); (X ) maximum, minimum singular value of the matrix X: (X ) The condition number of the matrix X . xv Tr X The trace of a matrix X 2 Rmm . X? h The orthogonal complement of matrix X , i.e., XX? = 0, and i X X? is of minimum rank. X > 0 (X 0) The symmetric matrix X is positive denite (semidenite), that is X = X T and yT Xy > 0 (yT Xy 0) for all y 2 Rn. X > Y (X Y ) The symmetric X; Y 2 Rnn satisfy X ; Y > 0 (X ; Y 0). E; M Stationary set, invariant set Co(x1 ; : : : ; xm) Convex hull of elements x1 ; : : : ; xm Ln2 Time domain square integrable signals in Rn. Ln1 Time domain absolutely integrable signals in Rn. Ln1 Time domain bounded signals in Rn. H2 The subset of L2(j R) with functions analytic in Re(s) > 0. H1 The set of L1(j R) functions analytic in Re(s) > 0. " A B C D # Shorthand for state space realization C (sI ; A)B + D. hx; yi The inner product of x and y; e.g., if x; y 2 Rn+, then hx; yit = Rt T 0 x( ) y ( ) d . (Note that a subscript may be used when necessary to specify domain.) xy The convolution of x and y: jj Absolute value, or modulus of a number. kxkp The p-norm of a vector; typically p = 1, 2, or 1. kX kp;i The induced p-norm of an operator xvi 0(a) (_ ) Derivitive of a function with respect to argument, i.e. 0(a) = d da (derivative with respect to time). =s Equivalent state space representation = Equal by denition equivalent 2 Belongs to, or is a member of. Subset T Intersection 9 exists 8 for all ! an input to output mapping ) implies, or it follows that end of proof LMI (BMI) Linear matrix inequality (bilinear matrix inequality) LTI Linear time invariant SISO Single input, single output SPR Strictly positive real xvii xviii Contents Abstract v Acknowledgements vii List of Figures viii List of Tables ix Notation and Symbols xiii 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation and approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Research objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Previous and related work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.1 Robust Control Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.2 Control Design for Systems with Hysteresis . . . . . . . 1.3.3 Linear Matrix Inequalities for Control System Design . 1.4 Research Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.1 Absolute Stability Analysis for Hysteresis . . . . . . . . 1.4.2 Robust H1 Control Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.3 Reduced Order Control Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.4 Control Design for Systems with Saturating Actuators 1.5 Thesis organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 5 5 10 14 15 17 17 19 19 21 22 2 Preliminaries 2.1 Linear and nonlinear operators 2.2 Linear Matrix Inequalities . . . 2.2.1 System analysis . . . . . 2.2.2 Control design . . . . . . 2.3 Signals and system norms . . . . . . . . 3 Input-Output Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Hysteresis Denitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Hysteresis as a Passive Operator . . . . . . . . 3.3.1 Sector Transformation . . . . . . . . . 3.3.2 Hysteresis Integral Properties . . . . . 3.3.3 Examples of Passive Hysteresis . . . . 3.4 Robust Stability Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.1 Loop Transformation . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.2 Robust Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.3 Robust Performance . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Numerical Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5.1 How conservative is this stability test? 3.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Multiple Hysteresis Nonlinearities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.1 Approach Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Nonlinearities and Sector Transformations . . . . . 4.2.1 Memoryless, Slope Restricted . . . . . . . . 4.2.2 Hysteresis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 System Description and Loop Transformation . . . 4.4 Stationary Sets and Stability Denitions . . . . . . 4.4.1 Stationary Set for Memoryless Nonlinearity 4.4.2 Stationary Sets for Hysteresis Nonlinearities xx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 23 27 27 29 30 33 33 36 37 38 39 44 48 48 50 54 55 57 60 65 65 67 68 68 71 75 78 78 79 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.4.3 Denitions of Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stability Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Passivity and Frequency Domain Interpretations . . . . . . . . . . . Numerical Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7.1 Computing the Maximum Allowed Slope for Nonlinearities . 4.7.2 Asymptotic Stability with Single Hysteretic Relay . . . . . . 4.7.3 Asymptotic Stability with Multiple Backlash Nonlinearities . Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Reduced Order Control Design 5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Synthesis Problem Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.1 H1 Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.2 Robust H1 Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.3 Popov/H1 Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.4 H1 Control for Systems with Hysteresis . . . . 5.3 Algorithm Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.1 Reduced order H1 design . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.2 Reduced Order Robust H1 control . . . . . . . 5.3.3 Reduced order Popov/H1 control . . . . . . . . 5.3.4 Reduced order H1/Hysteresis control . . . . . . 5.4 Numerical Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.1 Reduced order H1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.2 Popov/H1 convergence properties . . . . . . . 5.4.3 Robust loop shaping for system with hysteresis 5.5 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Control Design for Systems with Saturation 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . Problems of Local Control Design The Design Approach . . . . . . . System Model . . . . . . . . . . . xxi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 81 86 90 90 92 94 97 99 100 102 103 106 108 111 113 114 119 120 122 123 123 124 128 135 141 142 145 149 150 6.5 Design Algorithms . . . . . . . . . 6.5.1 Stability Region (SR) . . . . 6.5.2 Disturbance rejection (DR) 6.5.3 Local L2-Gain (EG) . . . . 6.5.4 Controller Reconstruction . 6.5.5 Optimization Algorithms . . 6.6 L2-Gain Control Example . . . . . 6.7 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Conclusion 7.1 Summary of Main Results . . 7.1.1 Stability Analysis . . . 7.1.2 Robust Control Design 7.2 Future Research Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 154 155 157 158 159 159 161 165 165 165 167 171 A Energy Storage and Dissipation Functions 175 B Benchmark Uncertainty Problem 177 C Controller Reconstruction 179 C.1 Popov/H1 Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 C.2 Hysteresis/H1 Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 C.3 Region of Convergence Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 C.4 Local Disturbance Rejection Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 C.5 Local L2-Gain Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 D Convergence Limit Proof 185 xxii Chapter 1 Introduction This thesis introduces a new set of tools for the stability analysis and compensation design for nonlinear systems. In particular, for systems with hysteresis, the analytical tools provide numerical and graphical techniques to predict asymptotic stability. These stability tests are formulated using linear matrix inequalities which allow the extension to analyze systems with multiple nonlinearities, and to perform robust stability tests for systems with both hysteresis and bounded uncertainty. Moreover, the analysis framework is developed to include the capability to synthesize controllers that will guarantee stability while optimizing an H1 performance metric. This new design approach for systems with hysteresis is a general technique that produces reduced order controllers, and can be readily adapted to other types of nonlinear systems. The versatility of the framework is demonstrated with three new local control design algorithms for unstable plants with actuator saturation. The new routines synthesize compensation for systems with saturating actuators that optimize disturbance rejection or H1 performance over a limited, or local, region of the system state space. For its general and practical application, the results of this research provide valuable new tools for the study of nonlinear control systems. 1 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 2 1.1 Motivation and approach Stability and control of nonlinear systems has long been an important eld of engineering study, simply because most physical systems have some form of nonlinearity. Hysteresis is such an example that occurs commonly in engineering practice, and takes many forms. For an introduction to the notion of hysteresis, Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary gives a rather technical denition: hys-ter-e-sis: n [NL, fr. Gk hysteresis shortcoming, fr. hysterein to be late, fall short, fr. hysteros later] (1801): a retardation of the eect when the forces acting upon a body are changed (as if from viscosity or internal friction); esp: a lagging in the values of resulting magnetization in a magnetic material (as iron) due to a changing magnetizing force. |hys-ter-et-ic adj Basically, hysteresis represents the history dependence of physical systems, and captures the property of a system to remember its past inputs. If you push on something, it will yield. When you release, does it spring back completely? If it does not, it is exhibiting hysteresis, in some broad sense. The term is most commonly applied, as Webster suggests, to magnetic materials: when the external eld generated by a write head is removed, the magnetic prole on the hard drive does not return to its original conguration. Of course this is by design, otherwise the data record would disappear! The most common mechanical analogy of hysteresis is the stress-strain behavior of a material undergoing plastic deformation. Mathematically, hysteresis typically refers to the input-output relation between two time-dependent quantities that can not be expressed as a single-valued function. Instead, the relationship usually takes the form of loops that are traversed either in a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction. Hysteresis loops are often associated with some form of energy exchange, or energy loss. The pressure-volume relation of a refrigeration system is an example in which the hysteresis loop (of the p-v curve) equals the work done in the cycle. The work done is transferred to the surrounding 1.1. MOTIVATION AND APPROACH 3 environment in the form of heat [CS81], and of course, the direction of the loops is strictly maintained, or else the system would violate the second law of thermodynamics. This unidirectionality is a fundamental property of a thermodynamic cycle, such a process is said to be irreversible. The second law of thermodynamics governs electro-magnetic systems as well. When the magnetic eld in a force actuator is reversed by changing the current applied to its windings, the magnetic eld remains. Because of this, it takes an additional supply of current just to reverse the eld (in essence, the magnetic eld can be thought of as having \memory"). On a microscopic level, the coupling between the electric and magnetic elds creates eddy-currents in the iron structure that completes the magnetic circuit. As the eld is varied, this current dissipates away in the form of heat. The overall eect results in hysteresis loops in the electric-magnetic eld relation, and again, the area of these loops is directly proportional to the energy lost to the device [May91, BS96]. Certainly, there are types of hysteresis that occur in engineering practice that have little connection to thermodynamics. Imperfections in a gear train, for instance, caused by manufacturing tolerances can often lead to backlash or the play nonlinearity found in many mechanical drive systems. In this case, the area of the hysteresis loop in the input-output graph does not have an exact energy interpretation. The same can be said for a hysteretic relay that is part an electronic circuit. Nevertheless, whether due to a thermodynamic law or some other physical constraint, these devices are guaranteed to have certain input-output characteristics: e.g., an input-output relation characterized by circulation that maintains a strict directional sense. While easy enough to characterize, these nonlinearities can result in complex dynamics for the systems in which they occur. A single hysteretic relay in a relatively simple circuit, for example, can exhibit limit cycles or even chaotic behavior [NE86, Jin96]. Such phenomena is often undesirable in a control system, so that when hysteresis is introduced into a system as part of a switching circuit, electromagnetic actuator, or certain types of friction, a priori knowledge of the nonlinear eects is critical. A primary goal of this research is to provide analytical tools to predict stability for systems that have nonlinearities, and guarantee system operation free of limit 4 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION cycles or chaos. The stability tests developed here are cast as a set of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). The feasibility of the LMIs is readily solved using widely available software packages. The analysis problem is further extended to treat hysteretic systems that contain additional norm bounded uncertainties (either dynamic or parametric), and posed as a convex semi-denite program. This allows the analyst to ask basic questions such as, \How much gain variation can the nonlinear system tolerate before going unstable?" Answering this question is referred to as robust stability analysis, and forms the basis for the robust control design problem. Thus, the analysis for hysteretic systems is further extended in this dissertation to the synthesis of robust controllers using an LMI framework. The essential element behind the stability criteria is based on the idea that the area contained by the characteristic loops represents energy exchange, or energy lost to the hysteretic element. This concept is utilized in the analysis by employing a particular transformation that converts the nonlinearity into a passive operator. A passive operator is simply a system that has a bounded (nite) amount of energy that can be extracted from it. In the electromagnetic case, the energy analogy is explicit; whereas, in general, the corresponding energy terms are considered in a general sense, as is typical in Lyapunov stability analysis. The overall approach proceeds by rst dening a class of hystereses for which the passive transformation holds. Then, a combination of passivity, Lyapunov and Popov stability theories are used to show that the nonlinear system must be stable, and the state of the linear subsystem must converge to an equilibrium point of the system. These asymptotic stability criteria are expressed as LMIs, which allows the direct extension to robust control synthesis. Stability analysis approached in this way in which conditions are derived for an entire class of nonlinearities is referred to as absolute stability theory [AG64, Lef65, DV75, Kha96]. A brief background of absolute stability approach is given below in order to place this research in the proper historical context. This is followed by a discussion of previous work done in robust control design, and in particular, concentrating on approaches that utilize an LMI formulation. 1.2. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES 5 1.2 Research objectives The main objective of this thesis is to provide a new set of robust control design and stability analysis tools for nonlinear systems. The tools have a wide range of applicability, covering systems with common types of hysteresis, as well as systems with memoryless forms such as saturation, or slope-restricted (e.g., gain uncertainty or variation) nonlinearities. In particular, the analysis tools will guarantee stability for uncertain systems with hysteresis and for systems having multiple hysteresis or memoryless, slope-restricted nonlinearities. Stability tests presented are in both graphical (Nyquist) and numerical form, using linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) that are readily solved with existing software packages. This analysis framework is extended to include an LMI-based synthesis technique which produces output feedback controllers for these nonlinear systems. Examples include controllers that optimize an H1 performance metric while guaranteeing stability for systems with hysteresis nonlinearity, and stabilizing controllers that achieve local L2 -gain performance for systems with saturating actuation. The LMI synthesis technique is very ecient for the user, requiring only a state space description of the system and various parameters that characterize the nonlinearity (maximum slopes, etc.), and will produce controllers that are both xed and reduced order. With these developments, this research aims to broaden the application of absolute stability and to extend robust control design to include these important classes of nonlinear systems. 1.3 Previous and related work The qualitative behavior of nonlinear systems having dynamics that can be modeled as the feedback interconnection of linear and nonlinear subsystems G(s) and F (), as depicted in Fig. 1.1, can be studied in a framework referred to as absolute stability theory [Vid93]. The original analysis, often attributed to Lur'e and Postnikov [LP44, Lur57], was motivated by the need to understand the eect of nonlinearities on control systems due to elements such as imperfect actuators (e.g., d.c. motors, etc.) or sensors that have gain or amplication that can vary over time. Within this framework CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 6 x e - G(s) y F Figure 1.1: Absolute stability framework for stability analysis: the Lur'e-Postnikov system. these nonlinearities are most commonly modeled as gain bounded, or sector bounded uncertainties, and the stability tests are developed to guarantee the state x of the linear system converges to the origin asymptotically, i.e., x(t) ! 0; as t ! 1: Analysis of these systems is accomplished by extending the direct method of Lyapunov [Lya92, Zub64] by augmenting the Lyapunov energy function with an integral of the nonlinearity. In this way the Lur'e form of the Lyapunov function captures the generalized total energy of the system, and stability is subsequently ensured by guaranteeing that this energy, and thus the state, decreases asymptotically to zero. The general solution to Lur'e problem requires the solution of a set of nonlinear equations and methods available at the time limited practical application of the analysis to second and third order systems. A breakthrough for this problem came with the introduction of frequency domain criteria in stability analysis by Popov [Pop61]. Incorporating Fourier integrals into the analysis removed any restriction on the order of the system and led to his well known graphical test for stability in a modied Nyquist plane. Popov developed tests for several dierent forms of nonlinear systems (direct and indirect control, etc.) and these results are well documented in the early monographs [AG64, Lef65, Cor73, NT73]. The new Popov criteria stirred a great deal of interest and progress in the eld beginning in the early 1960s. For example, equivalent algebraic conditions in the form of frequency domain matrix inequalities were soon after developed by Yakubovich 1.3. PREVIOUS AND RELATED WORK 7 Yak:1964, Yak:1967a,Bar:1996; and similarly, Kalman showed that the Popov results correspond to the solvability of the original Lur'e equations [Kal63]. Popov and Yakubovich provided further extensions to the case of systems with multiple nonlinearities [Pop64, GY65]. Of course, the work of the latter three researchers is captured by the celebrated Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov lemma, or the KYP lemma; various forms of the lemma appear throughout the controls literature. One important feature of the KYP lemma is that it relates the internal (state) stability of a nonlinear system to the input-output properties of its subsystems. In particular, a linear subsystem satises the KYP lemma if and only if it is a passive, or positive system. Popov referred to such systems as hyperstable, and generalized his original stability theory to apply to the interconnection of two hyperstable blocks, neither of which needs to be linear [Pop64, Pop73]. At the same time hyperstability theory was being developed in eastern Europe, system analysis based on operator theory and functional analysis was gaining popularity in the West. Researchers such as Zames, Sandberg, and Willems approached the stability question by viewing systems as operators which map signals from one vector space into another [Zam63], with the most powerful results obtained when the system is dened to operate on a Hilbert space. Sandberg introduced the idea of an extended Hilbert space to show that feedback connections of operators could yield stable mappings on the Hilbert space even though the subsystems themselves were unstable, or unbounded operators [San64b, San64a]. This work of Sandberg and Zames [Zam66a, Zam66b] ultimately resulted in the small gain theorem, which in turn was used to prove the circle criterion [San65, Zam66b]. Zames formulated the use of loop transforms to produce operators that satised either loop gain or positivity conditions [Zam66a], which is equivalent to Popov's hyperstability theory. These methods formed the basis for what is known today as passivity theory. He also introduced the use of RC and RL-type multipliers in order to strengthen the small gain theorem, and showed that this method itself could lead directly to the Popov criterion [Zam66a]. Multiplier methods were later generalized for systems with memoryless nonlinearities having certain sector and slope restrictions [BW65, O'S66, ZF68]; and subsequently, Cho and Narendra [CN68] found that the 8 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION existence of such multipliers could be established with an o-axis circle test in the Nyquist plane. The functional analytic approach, including multipliers, passivity, small gain theory and the relation to the Popov criterion, was later documented in the monographs [Wil71a, Hol72, NT73, DV75]. Shortly after the work of Popov, a unifying framework incorporating passivity and small gain concepts, referred to as dissipation theory, was developed by Willems [Wil72b], and subsequently extended by Moylan and Hill [HM76, HM80b]. The key idea behind this approach is that combining subsystems that absorb (or dissipate) more energy than they produce (or supply) results in stable systems. Within this framework, supplied energy is measured using an inner product of input and output signals, and the subsystems are considered as operators on a Hilbert space which, in addition, also supply, dissipate and store energy. Naturally, as one might expect, the results using dissipation are quite similar to those using absolute and input-output stability techniques. An advantage of this framework is that relatively complicated systems can be described in terms of the scalar quantities that measure the energy stored, dissipated or supplied by each of its subsystems. This allows the combination of a variety of conditions to be tested, such as worst case L2-gain across one input-output channel, while maintaining passivity across another. The combination of diverse conditions into one analytical test has gained some recent interest in the integral quadratic (IQC) framework [MR97, Jon98]. The IQC framework comes equipped with a set of frequency domain multipliers that allow the user to construct stability tests based on small gain, passivity, and the Popov criteria simultaneously, thus combining the essential features of multiplier and dissipation theories. Yakubovich rst applied absolute stability to systems with hysteresis nonlinearities [Yak67, BY79], using a combination of frequency domain criteria and Lyapunov methods to derive sucient conditions for stability. In this work, Yakubovich introduced a variation of the Lur'e-Postnikov Lyapunov function which, because the integral of the nonlinearity term is path-dependent, must take into account the circulation direction of the hysteresis loops. This approach is unique in that it utilized a general set of properties including circulation direction and slope bounds, to dene a class of hysteresis nonlinearities. The resulting test is a variation of the Popov 1.3. PREVIOUS AND RELATED WORK 9 test for memoryless nonlinearities and applies to a wide range of hysteresis, including the Preisach type [May91, BS96] and backlash cases. By contrast, Lecoq and Hopkin [LH72] developed an analysis limited to a particular electromagnetic nonlinearity called the Chua-Stromsmoe hysteresis. For this particular model, Lecoq and Hopkin developed a positive real stability test using passivity theory that was equivalent to the circle criteria. They further showed that when the time derivatives of the inputoutput relation of the hysteresis maintains a certain circulation direction, then the test can be generalized to the Popov criteria. In general, however, checking the circulation of the input-output time derivatives must be done by testing each Chua-Stromsmoe model on a case-by-case basis, which makes the Popov test inconvenient in practice. Safonov and Karimlou [SK83, SK84] later removed this inconvenience by showing that a sequence of loop transformations will decompose the Chua-Stromsmoe model into a pair of sector-bounded, memoryless nonlinearities and therefore justify the Popov test for this particular hysteresis. The analysis by Safonov and Karimlou, however, is limited since the constants used to parameterize the model are only valid at a particular excitation frequency. The results, therefore, are not valid on the general extended L2 space. In more recent work, Gorbet et al.[GMW97, GM98] concentrates on the Preisach hysteresis in connection with work involving shape memory alloys. By showing that dierentiating the output of the hysteretic relay results in a passive operator, the Preisach model itself is ultimately passive because the relay is the model's basic building block [May85, May91]. Although the analysis in Ref. [GMW97] does take into account the circulation of the relay, the resulting stability test does not include the multiplier introduced by Barabanov and Yakubovich [BY79] and is therefore not as general. Finally, an IQC methodology was recently applied to systems with hysteresis. Rantzer and Megretski [RM96] develop frequency domain multipliers to test stability for systems containing hysteretic relays; while Jonsson [Jon98] extends the approach to study backlash systems that have uncertain elements. While providing a benchmark for the later work on hysteresis, the approach by Yakubovich involves a unique combination of Lyapunov and frequency domain inequalities that does not extend gracefully to treat more general cases, such as systems with multiple hysteresis nonlinearities. This thesis extends the results of the previous 10 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION researchers with an analysis framework that is developed in a unique, and consistent mathematical way. The most common forms of hysteresis (relays, backlash, etc.) are shown to belong to a general class of nonlinearities that is dened by a set of input-output properties; the nonlinear elements in this class are then demonstrated to be passive operators under a particular loop transformation. Applying passivity theory on the transformed system directly results in a stability test equivalent to that of Barabanov and Yakubovich. More importantly, the distinct passivity approach developed here allows several signicant extensions. First, the stability criterion is generalized for hysteresis systems that have additional uncertain elements [PH98b], and to the case of multiple hysteresis nonlinearities [PHH99a, PHH00]. In the latter case, the notion of asymptotic stability to stationary sets is developed along with a simple technique to identify the stability sets for several common types of hysteresis. In addition, it is shown that a simple modication to the loop transformation allows a multiplier analysis for systems with backlash, with the same generality as that developed by Zames and Falb [ZF68] for memoryless, slope restricted nonlinearities. In each case, the stability tests are developed as a set of linear matrix inequalities, and can thus be easily computed with existing numerical software. Lastly, the LMI framework is used to design controllers for systems that have hysteresis using the robust control set up depicted in Fig. 1.2. A controller, K (s), designed to optimize a performance metric while guaranteeing closed loop stability for the nonlinear system is referred to as an optimal, robust controller. The synthesis technique developed in this thesis is a high level and ecient means for computing robust controllers for these nonlinear systems. An overview of the robust control eld given next serves as background and motivates the need for the new design method as an alternative to existing nonrobust synthesis techniques. 1.3.1 Robust Control Theory The early developments in stability theory formed the foundations of the system analysis and design framework referred to today as robust control [Zho98, ZDG96, SP96, 1.3. PREVIOUS AND RELATED WORK 11 p q G(s) w u z y K (s) Figure 1.2: Robust control design set-up for systems with hysteresis. DD95]. Whereas the Lur'e system involves an isolated nonlinearity, the robust control problem typically addresses the stability and control design for systems with an isolated uncertainty. The framework is often attributed to Zames, who introduced the use of small gain concepts to analyze systems having uncertain elements [Zam66b], and then later extended the results to robust control synthesis [Zam81]. In the typical robust control setting, depicted in Fig. 1.2, the uncertainty is assumed to be unity norm bounded, and stability is subsequently guaranteed provided the linear system (with input-output p ! q) has H1 norm less than one. Robust synthesis is then aimed at producing a controller K (s) to satisfy the stability constraint while possibly optimizing additional performance metrics. The need for this type of analysis and synthesis was highlighted by Doyle [Doy78], who showed that standard LQG control could lead to designs with innitesimally small tolerance to system uncertainty. This approach, however, can lead to overly conservative tests, particularly when the number of uncertainties grows, or when the uncertainty has a known structure such as block diagonal or real parametric. To address this concern, the H1 theory was combined with the multiplier techniques of the previous decade to result in the multivariable stability margin, Km, by Safonov [Saf82] and the structured singular value, 12 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION , by Doyle [Doy82, PD93]. These techniques employ frequency dependent multipliers that exploit the known mathematical structure of the system uncertainties and thereby reduce conservativeness of the standard H1 theory. Sharper stability predictions were later developed for systems with mixed (real and complex) uncertainties, known as mixed- or mixed-Km analysis [FTD91, You93, LCGS95]. While dicult to calculate exactly, the mixed- test is accomplished by computing the corresponding upper and lower bounds, or by using techniques based on the Popov criterion or dissipation theory developed by How and Hall [HH93b, HH93a]. The Popov analysis was further rened for the particular case when the nonlinearities are monotonic or odd monotonic [How93, HHHB92], which applies to systems which, for example, contain parametric uncertainty. An extension of this idea involves combining both stability and performance into the same analytical framework. Feron and Balakrishnan [Fer94, Bal94, Bal97] used an LMI formulation to include an H2 metric along with dynamic or parametric uncertainty in order to develop analytical tests for robust performance. Banjerdpongchai and How [BH96] and Yang et al.[YLH96] later extended these results to design controllers that provide guaranteed closed loop H2 performance robust to parametric uncertainty. A common element in all the stability tests discussed is that the analyses are improved when more information about the uncertainty or nonlinearity is taken into account. Usually such information is captured as either a norm bounded, sector bounded, or passive property. Taking these properties into account can relax the stability constraints, and allow for less conservative stability predictions. Naturally, this benet is an essential feature in optimal robust control synthesis, where less restrictive stability constraints permit controllers that can achieve better performance. This has been the trend in robust control for the past fteen years where, since the basic foundations of H1 were established [Dor87, DGKF89], researchers have sought reliable analytical and numerical means to design better performing robust controllers. The =Km-synthesis framework by Doyle and Safonov [BDG+93, CS94] has proven to be an eective design technique for systems with complex uncertainty. This technique utilizes multipliers that exploit the diagonal structure of the uncertainty. The design is accomplished in an iterative fashion by rst solving for an upper bound of the 1.3. PREVIOUS AND RELATED WORK 13 structured singular value, ; over a set of distinct frequency values, and computing the stability multipliers D(s) by curve tting the diagonal scalings to the points. The controller K (s) for the particular interation is obtained by solving the standard H1 problem for the system augmented with the multiplier. This method, so called the D{K iteration, is common in practice today, but it is limited by the curve tting procedure which can be time consuming if a dense grid of frequency points is used and lead to large controllers when a high order curve t is required to calculate D(s): This synthesis framework was further extended by Young [You93] to include real complex and real uncertainties, known as a mixed- constraint. This mixed- synthesis involves a D; G{K iteration in which the G component takes into account the known phase (i.e., 0 or 180 degrees) of the real uncertainty, but also requires a curve tting in the frequency domain to produce the stability multipliers. Safonov and Chiang [SC93] eectively eliminated the curve tting requirement by parameterizing the multipliers with a nite set of basis functions and replacing the D; G step in the iteration with a positivity constraint on a set of xed order, diagonal scaling matrices. An important feature of this approach is that the resulting analysis is convex and nite dimensional. Subsequently, the mixed- synthesis problem was recast by Goh et al.[GLTS94] as an optimization over bilinear matrix inequalities (BMIs). While in general a dicult problem to solve directly [TO95], the solution to the BMI problem in practice is also obtained by using a two part optimization. The rst step, called the analysis, requires xing the controller and optimizing over the multipliers. This is then followed by the synthesis phase, in which the multipliers are xed and the optimal controller is computed. The distinguishing feature of this approach is that both the analysis and synthesis steps are optimizations over LMIs and are thus convex programs. Convexity enables the application of very ecient interior point algorithms and greatly simplies the design procedure by eliminating the curve tting required using the -synthesis, and has even been shown to yield lower bounds with no increase in controller order [GLTS94]. Perhaps the most important advantage of a BMI approach is the exibility it provides by allowing the engineer to solve a wide range of problems. El Ghaoui and Folcher, for example, use a BMI synthesis approach to maximize regions of convergence in state space for 14 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION uncertain systems [EF96], while Banjerdpongchai and How, as mentioned above, use a BMI approach to solve for parametric robust H2 controllers. As an extension of these and other works, this thesis will show how to apply a BMI synthesis to produce optimal controllers that are robust to hysteresis nonlinearities. This is a signicant advancement over existing control techniques for hysteresis systems that are typically limited to inverse and constructive design methods, and which are discussed below. 1.3.2 Control Design for Systems with Hysteresis A natural extension of the analysis is the capability to design controllers that stabilize a particular nonlinear system. In the robust control framework, control design, or synthesis, is based on explicit use of the stability criteria so that the resulting compensation guarantees closed loop stability. This has been done for a variety of nonlinear systems. For hysteresis nonlinearities, several dierent synthesis approaches that have been pursued. The inverse approach is a technique whereby an inverse of the hysteresis model is used to cancel the nonlinearity of the system. Most often the nonlinearity of concern appears in a control actuator, and the hysteretic eects are nullied by incorporating the inverse model at the output of the controller. With the nonlinearity eectively canceled, the control design is completed by treating the modied system as linear. Of course, design in this way can be complicated when the hysteresis involved is hard to model accurately, as is the case for electro-magnetic types of hysteresis, and can fail (lead to instabilities) if the characteristics of the nonlinearity change over time. In order to alleviate this potential problem, the inverse control approach was recently extended with algorithms which estimate the model parameters on-line, so that the controller can adapt to changing plant conditions and improve operational performance [TK96, TT98, MT99]. This technique is referred to as adaptive inverse control. However, the inversion of a relatively simple hysteresis such as backlash requires a fair eort from the designer [TK96, chp. 2], and indeed, inverting a more complicated form such as the Preisach model may not even be possible [HW95, DHW96]. In any case, neither the standard nor adaptive inverse 1.3. PREVIOUS AND RELATED WORK 15 control schemes can guarantee closed loop stability or system performance. Control design techniques are available which can address this shortcoming by drawing upon the prior developments in absolute stability theory and robust control. For example, the analytical work by Gorbet on the passivity of the Preisach model was incorporated into a design method that enabled the design of PID controllers [GW98] for systems actuated using shape memory alloys. Other passivity based approaches, such as the constructive techniques that employ backstepping or forwarding algorithms, have the potential to apply to systems with hysteresis [SJK97]. To date, such applications have not been made, most likely because hysteresis nonlinearities do not t the standard denition of a passive operator (i.e., memoryless, sector-bounded). The passivity results of this research, in fact, will allow constructive methods to be applied to systems with hysteresis. In any event, techniques such as backstepping are limited to systems that satisfy a strict feedback or feedforward structure (see [JLK99] for a recent exception), and assume full state feedback information is available. Indeed, the latter condition is, in general, not true in most practical applications. This full state feedback assumption was also used recently to derive bang-bang controllers for systems with hysteretic actuators [Oss97]. The synthesis technique developed in this thesis avoids this assumption, and considers the more general case of output feedback control utilizing an LMI formulation, along the same lines as that developed by Banjerdpongchai and How for systems with parametric uncertainty. 1.3.3 Linear Matrix Inequalities for Control System Design The popularity of LMIs as a framework to analyze the stability of uncertain systems and to design linear robust controllers has grown rapidly over the last ve years. Linear matrix inequalities allow the user the freedom to express diverse concepts such as Lyapunov stability, dissipation theory, passivity and energy gain all in a single compact notational form [BEFB94], most often as feasibility or optimization problems. The availability of software [GNLC95, WB96] that can eciently solve for the resulting problems has led to widespread application. Recently LMI's have found extensive use in H1 multi-objective control design [Gah96, GA94, Iwa93, SIG97]. 16 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION Most of this work involves full-order design, whereby the controllers designed have the same order as the plant. However, it is commonly reported in these works that the order of controller is tied directly to the rank of a certain positive matrix that forms part of the closed loop stability guarantee. Because the rank of a matrix is not a convex constraint, optimal control synthesis aimed specically at producing reduced order designs has been achieved with only limited success due to the numerical complexity introduced by the nonconvex condition [GI94, BG96]. Researchers have since noted that replacing the rank of the matrix with its trace often leads to good low order stabilizing controllers [Mes99, GB99]. In this thesis, the Trace() function is treated as a convex (actually linear) relaxation for the matrix rank to develop new robust control algorithms for systems with nonlinearities and uncertainties. In particular, the Trace() is used to include controller order as an explicit component of several new multi-objective design algorithms which allow the user to trade o closed loop performance against controller size. First, the basic full order H1 and robust H1 design algorithms are reformulated to produce controllers with an explicit constraint on controller order. The robust synthesis algorithm yields controllers that give optimal closed loop L2-gain performance for systems having norm bounded uncertainties by performing a sequence of convex optimizations over LMI constraints. These two basic routines are then extended to solve for controllers that are robust to sector bounded, memoryless and hysteresis nonlinearities. Control design for systems with sector bounded memoryless nonlinearities with a stability guarantee based on the Popov criteria is referred to as Popov/H1 control design, and is widely known to be a nonconvex problem due to the bilinear form of the corresponding matrix inequality constraints (i.e., BMIs). The new solution to this BMI problem presented here is a reduced order alternative to recent xed order approaches [Ban97, BH97a]. A main benet of the reduced order BMI synthesis over existing techniques is in improved numerical reliability. A common step in all LMI-based output feedback control design algorithms is the controller reconstruction, which requires a matrix inversion. In general the associated matrix can be poorly conditioned and, in extreme cases, completely prevent a design solution. The approach presented in this thesis systematically isolates and removes the subspace 1.4. RESEARCH CONTRIBUTIONS 17 that has small aect on the overall design, resulting in matrices that are reduced in size and readily inverted. Another advantage, of course, it that the controllers are of reduced order which is advantageous when real-time computational resources are limited. 1.4 Research Contributions The main results of this thesis are the development of stability analysis and control synthesis techniques for nonlinear and uncertain systems. In doing so, this research leverages many of the advances made over the last decade in the eld of absolute stability and robust control theory. While much of this literature has focused on systems with uncertainties that can be modeled as either memoryless (e.g., parametric) or norm bounded and linear time invariant (LTI), more complicated eects such as hysteresis have been neglected. Thus, many of the analysis and synthesis techniques available today that utilize software packages that solve convex programs via interior point algorithms were not applicable to this class of systems. In addition, existing synthesis approaches for these systems can lead to xed order formulations that are dicult to solve numerically. This thesis bridges this gap by developing new analytical techniques for systems with hysteresis and saturation nonlinearities. Further, a new synthesis framework is presented that produces reduced order controllers by solving a set of well conditioned LMI problems. The main contributions are further described below. 1.4.1 Absolute Stability Analysis for Hysteresis This thesis introduces a new framework, based rmly in absolute stability theory, for the study of hysteretic systems. By employing a unique approach in which hysteresis nonlinearities are transformed into passive operators, a passivity based analysis is developed for the treatment of this important class of nonlinear systems. The new framework provides both graphical and numerical means to test for stability. For systems with a single nonlinearity the graphical test is a simple variation of the 18 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION familiar Popov test, which is carried out using a modied Nyquist plot. A simple frequency domain graph of the transformed linear subsystem gives a guarantee of stability provided the curve avoids a certain restricted region in the Nyquist plane. Equivalently, the test can be performed numerically by solving for the feasibility of a set of linear matrix inequalities, which are a function of the state space matrices representing the subsystem. The LMI test is a convenient alternative since there are a wide range of software packages available that can eciently solve the LMI feasibility problem. Moreover, as shown in this thesis, the new stability framework allows for numerical extensions of the simple analysis to tackle several signicant engineering problems. The robust analysis of uncertain systems with hysteresis is solved for using dissipation theory, and then cast as a convex programming problem over a set of linear matrix inequalities. Under the typical assumption of norm bounded uncertainties, solution of the convex optimization problem enables the analyst to assess the level of uncertainty that is tolerable while still being able to guarantee system stability. New absolute stability criteria for systems with multiple hysteresis nonlineari- ties are given in this thesis. This new result extends the passivity based solution for the scalar case by augmenting feasibility LMI set with an additional residue matrix inequality that must be satised. For systems satisfying the stability criteria, the system state is guaranteed to converge asymptotically to a stationary set rather than to the origin, which is characteristic of systems containing multi-valued nonlinearities. Because it is often important to not only determine stability but also to predict the asymptotic behavior of the state, mathematical descriptions of the (asymptotic) stationary sets corresponding to typical types of hysteresis (relay, backlash, etc.) are provided in detail. For the backlash hysteresis, the stability result is further extended to a multiplier analysis of the same form and generality as that developed by Zames for monotonic, memoryless nonlinearities. Thus, the framework incorporates an even broader class of systems for a very common type of nonlinearity. 1.4. RESEARCH CONTRIBUTIONS 19 Connections to related work are made throughout this thesis. In particular, the basic analysis stability result for the scalar system essentially provides a passivity interpretation of the work by Yakubovich. This is important since it demonstrates how a new perspective on earlier work can lead to signicant advances in the theory. In this case, the passivity conditions expressed in terms of linear matrix inequalities resulted in the multivariable extension, and allowed the development of a new robust control design capability, as is outlined below. As another example, because slope restricted memoryless nonlinearities can be thought of as a special case of hysteresis, the new stability criteria developed for multiple hystereses can apply to the memoryless case as well. In so doing, the new results serve to generalize recently published results [HK95, PBK98] by providing less restrictive criteria, and thus broadening the class of systems that can be studied. 1.4.2 Robust H1 Control Design A new procedure for the design of robust controllers for systems with hysteresis is introduced in this thesis. Developed as a direct extension of stability analysis, this synthesis method utilizes an LMI framework to produce controllers that are guaranteed to stabilize the nonlinear system while optimizing an H1 performance metric. In contrast to previous design procedures that assume full state information, this new approach requires the less restrictive, and more realistic case of output feedback for control. That is, the new technique requires only partial state information, and that the typical assumptions of controllability and observability conditions hold. Similarly, while existing passivity-based constructive techniques, such as backstepping or forwarding, are only applicable for systems with a particular structure (e.g., upper triangular), and are limited in practice to relatively low order systems, this LMI synthesis is a high level state space solution that allows control design for systems of any order or structure with the same relative ease. Thus, as a general design tool for systems with hysteresis, this new synthesis technique represents an important extension of robust control theory to include this important class of nonlinear systems. 20 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 1.4.3 Reduced Order Control Design While there has been much work done in recent years on optimal robust control synthesis, most frameworks produce compensators that are full order. To a large extent, reliable algorithms that produce reduced order controllers, that is controllers that have smaller dimension than the plant, are still needed in the engineering community. Direct reduced order design involves a nonconvex constraint that corresponds to the rank of a certain matrix in the LMI formulation. This inherent nonconvexity has been a primary challenge for control designers. To address the problem, this thesis introduces three new LMI-based algorithms for producing reduced order robust H1 controllers. In each case, the optimization is accomplished by utilizing a Trace() objective as a convex relaxation for the rank constraint. One algorithm simply optimizes the H1 performance subject to an explicit constraint on the order. This basic routine is then extended to synthesis robust H1 and Popov/H1 compensators by using a two part objective involving the Trace() and the closed loop performance. Using the combined objective, the designer is then free to select the relative weighting on the two parts of the objective cost in order to trade-o performance versus controller order. In this way, this algorithm provides a valuable tool that allows control designers to perform a multi-objective design analysis in the practical situations when performance is critical and the order of the controller must be reduced because of either real-time control hardware limitations or the excessive order of the plant. Popov/H1 controllers are designed to optimize an H1 performance metric while guaranteeing stability based on the Popov criteria. Technically, the solution for this controller is bilinear in the multiplier and controller parameters, and hence is a BMI, as opposed to an LMI problem. While this problem has been previously solved [BH97b], the new reduced order synthesis is potentially more reliable since the new algorithm systematically eliminates poorly conditioned subspaces of matrices which could otherwise lead to numerical instability in the reconstruction of the controller. A simple numerical example is used to illustrate a case in which a xed order algorithm fails due to poor conditioning while the new reduced order algorithm converges reliably, from a wide range of initial conditions. 1.4. RESEARCH CONTRIBUTIONS 21 1.4.4 Control Design for Systems with Saturating Actuators Lastly, this research oers new techniques for control design for unstable systems with actuators that are subject to saturation. For this common situation, standard techniques are fundamentally limited and the saturation can often lead to sensitive closed loop systems that are driven to instability by relatively small external disturbances. Compensator designs in this case are considered local, since for a system with actuator saturation stabilization can only be guaranteed for a limited region of the state space. In this thesis three new design algorithms are presented which enable the designer to optimize performance of a system with limited actuation. In all cases, the stability analyses are based on the Popov stability criterion and, in keeping within the context of the thesis, the synthesis routines are given in terms of LMI/BMI algorithms that oer a systematic way to achieve three critical performance metrics through output feedback for this important class of nonlinear system. By utilizing a performance metric proportional to the volume in state space for which stability can be guaranteed, the rst algorithm will produce compensation that maximize the regions of attraction for the closed loop system. In this case the controller is designed to guarantee stability while allowing for the largest range of initial conditions. The second routine is specically aimed at reducing closed loop sensitivity to external disturbances. The resulting controllers optimize disturbance rejection capability by maximizing the allowed energy of external disturbances that are applied to the plant. Building on the disturbance rejection objective, the last algorithm oers the designer optimal L2 -gain across a performance channel for disturbances of a specied energy level. It is shown in this research that the optimal disturbance rejection and L2-gain performance are competing objectives, and in practice, it may be desired to trade o between the two metrics in order to accomplish the nal design. In this way, the two algorithms together provide a unique advantage for the design of saturating controllers. 22 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION Some of the contributions described above have either appeared in preliminary form or have been accepted for publication in the controls literature. The scalar robust stability analysis can be found in Ref. [PH98b], and the extension to the case of multiple hysteresis nonlinearities published in [PHH99a], with a more thorough treatment to appear in [PHH00]. Control design for hysteresis systems was introduced in [PH98a]. The reduced order control algorithms were rst documented in [PH99a], while the results on local control design for systems with limited actuation can be found in [PHHB98, PHH99b]. Additional publications on robust control design that have appeared can be found in [PH99b, FPPH98]. 1.5 Thesis organization The mathematical preliminaries are followed with the robust stability analysis in Chapter 3; various examples of common hysteresis and numerical examples are used to demonstrate the utility of the new results. Stability criteria for multiple nonlinearities are developed in Chapter 4 along with the concepts and denitions for the associated stationary sets. Included there is related analysis for sector bounded, memoryless nonlinearities, which in a sense, can be treated as special cases of hysteresis. Using parallel developments for the two nonlinearities, the new analysis is shown to generalize recent results for this class of systems through the use of numerical examples. Chapter 5 describes the reduced order control algorithms for the basic H1, Popov/H1 , and for systems with hysteresis; while Chapter 6 describes local control design for systems with saturating actuators. A summary of the results along with ideas for future study are then provided in Chapter 7. Chapter 2 Preliminaries This chapter provides some denitions of nonlinear operators, and basic concepts from stability theory and linear matrix inequalities that will be referred to later. Most of the notation is standard, however, hysteresis nonlinearities are only described here in connection to passive operators and details of specic forms delayed until Chapters 3 and 4. 2.1 Linear and nonlinear operators An operator can be considered as simply a mapping between an input and an output, each dened in an appropriate vector space, is written as : X ! Y , as depicted in Figure 2.1. The notation y(t) = (x(t)) will be used to specify the output value of at a particular time t, while, more generally, y = x will denote the output signal in the given vector space. For example, if : X ! Y , then we write y = x 2 L2. A multiple input, multiple output (MIMIO) linear system G : Rm ! Rl , maps m real inputs to l outputs. When G(s) = C (sI ; A);1 B + D, the state space realization will be denoted as " # A B G =s : (2.1) C D 23 CHAPTER 2. PRELIMINARIES 24 x y Figure 2.1: Basic operator mapping , with y(t) = (x(t)). An operator, , with y = (x), is L2-stable if for some 0; > 0 hx; xiT + kxT k; 8T 0; where the subscript T on the signal is used to denote truncation: ( xT = x(t) 0 t T 0 else. The minimum for which the inequality holds is the L2-gain of . A passive operator , with y = (x), satises hx; yiT ;; 8T 0; (2.2) for some 0, where the inner product is dened as hx; yiT = Z 0 T xT y dt: Also, an operator is called strictly passive if for some > 0; 0 hx; yiT ; + hx; xiT (2.3) is satised 8T 0 [DV75, p. 173]. A sector bounded nonlinearity is one for which the characteristic remains contained in the input-output plane sector dened by the half-planes h ;k1 1 i " # " # h i x 0; and ;k2 1 x 0: y y A nonlinearity is said to lie in sector [k1; k2], or simply 2 sect[k1 ; k2] if it satises the half plane conditions. Sector bounded nonlinearities are commonly depicted 2.1. LINEAR AND NONLINEAR OPERATORS y (x) k2 25 y k1 k1 x (a) (x) k2 x (b) Fig. 2.2: (a) Sector bounded, and (b) incrementally sector bounded nonlinearities. graphically, with the input-output characteristic lying between the lines y = k1 x and y = k2x, as shown in Figure 2.2a. Similarly, if at any point the local slope 0(x) is bounded between k1 and k2, the nonlinearity is said to be incrementally sector bounded. This condition is expressed 0(x) 2 sector[k1 ; k2]. Incrementally sector bounded is a stronger condition than sector bounded. This fact is utilized later in Chapter 4. The operator is memoryless if the output y(t) = (x(t)) depends only on the input x at time instant t, and not on the time history of x(t); t 2 [0; t]. A nonlinearity 2 sector[k1; k2] can be characterized by its center c, and radius r, as c = 21 (k1 + k2 ) (2.4a) r = 12 (k2 ; k1); (2.4b) assuming k2 > k1: Using these denitions, we can dene an transformation that will convert a nonlinearity with center and radius (c; r) to one with arbitrary (~c; r~). A transformation that accomplishes this is depicted in Figure 2.3, and is parameterized by the pair (a; b): a = r~=r b = c~r=r~ ; c; (2.5a) (2.5b) CHAPTER 2. PRELIMINARIES 26 x y a y~ b Figure 2.3: A sector transformation. and results in a new operator ~ , with y~ = ~(x), given by: y~ = a((x) + bx): (2.6) For example, a gain bounded memoryless uncertainty 2 sector[;1; 1] can be converted to ~ 2 sector[0; 1] by selecting a = 1=2 and b = 1: This transformation is used in Chapter 5 as part of the control synthesis algorithm for systems with parametric uncertainties. Memoryless operators that are sector bounded [0; 1] are passive, by the denitions given above, since their input-output pairs are positive. That is, 2 sect[0; 1] ) (x)x > 0 ) is passive, with the constant = 0: A hysteresis is a functional mapping with memory operating on a particular input vector space. Hysteresis, in general, is not passive by the denitions given above since as depicted in Figure 3.2, for example, it may violate the sector conditions. In the sequel a hysteresis will be expressed as : L2e ! L2e such that for y = (x) we have y(t) = (x([0; t]); y0): For simplicity of notation, we will often drop the dependence on initial conditions, and write y(t) = (x)(t). 2.2. LINEAR MATRIX INEQUALITIES 27 2.2 Linear Matrix Inequalities A linear matrix inequality (LMI) is a matrix inequality of the form F (x) = F0 + m X i=1 xiFi > 0 (2.7) where x 2 Rm is a vector of free parameters and Fi = FiT 2 Rmm ; i = 1; : : : ; m are constant matrices particular to the given problem. Basic optimization problems expressed as LMIs are solvable using a wide range of software packages [GNLC95, WB96]. The use of LMIs has become widespread in system analysis and control because conditions for Lyapunov stability conditions, passivity, dissipation and small gain can be concisely written in LMI form and numerically solved. Below are some concepts from stability theory expressed as LMIs that are used in this thesis. 2.2.1 System analysis Lyapunov Stability A basic LMI appearing in stability analysis is due to Lyapunov. For a linear system with a state space dynamic representation x_ = Ax; x(0) = x0 will have asymptotic stability, x(t) ! 0, if and only if there exists a matrix P = P T > 0 such that AT P + PA < 0: (2.8) It is straightforward to show that the inequality (2.8) can be expressed in the basic form (2.7), with the entries of P comprising the free parameters in (2.8), and the matrices Fi; i = 0; : : : ; m dened by the system matrix A: For example, with the matrices in the Lyapunov inequality (2.8) given as " # " # 1 0:5 p p A= ; and P = 1 2 ; 3 7 p2 p3 CHAPTER 2. PRELIMINARIES 28 u1 e1 y1 H1 - y2 e2 H2 + + u2 Figure 2.4: System diagram for passivity analysis. then the equivalent expression for (2.7) becomes F (p) = F0 + " # " P3 # i=1 pi Fi < 0; with " # 2 0:5 6 8 0 3 F0 = 0; F1 = ; F2 = ; and F3 = : 0:5 0 8 1 3 14 Small Gain In addition to internal stability expressed by (2.8), system input-output properties are easily expressed in LMI form. The system (2.1) is said to be non-expansive, and satises the small gain condition: kGk1 (2.9) if and only if it satises the dissipation inequality [TW91]: d V (x(t)) ;2uT u ; yT y (2.10) dt where the storage function V (x(t)) = xT Px with P = P T > 0. This equivalently results in the LMI " # AT P + PA + C T C PB + C T D 0: B T P + DT C DT D ; ;2 I (2.11) Passivity A fundamental result from absolute stability theory, passivity is used throughout this thesis to develop new stability criteria for nonlinear systems. The theorem refers to 2.2. LINEAR MATRIX INEQUALITIES 29 the Lur'e type system depicted in Figure 2.4, and described by the equations: y1 = H1e1 = H1 (u1 ; y2) y2 = H2e2 = H2 (u2 + y1): (2.12a) (2.12b) Given below is one particular passivity theorem; for other versions see [NA89],[Vid93], or [VDS00]. This form appears in the stability analysis in Chapters 3 and 4. Theorem 2.2.1 (Passivity) If in Eqn. (2.12), u2(t) 0, H1 is passive, H2 is strictly passive, and u1 2 L2 , then y1 2 L2. Proof: Refer to [DV75]. In the sequel, the subsystem H2 is a stable LTI system G(s) (2.1), and its passivity tested with the feasibility of an LMI analogous to that for the small gain test. The system is strictly passive if and only if G(s) satises the dissipation inequality [TW91]: d V (x(t)) uT y ; uT u; (2.13) dt where the storage function is V (x(t)) = xT Px with P = P T > 0, and some > 0. This leads directly to the LMI " # AT P + PA PB ; C T 0: B T P ; C I ; (D + DT ) (2.14) Of course, for a given system, the passivity and small gain inequalities, (2.14) and (2.11), respectively, can be expressed in the standard form (2.7). 2.2.2 Control design The following two results are often used for compensation design using linear matrix inequalities. The Elimination Lemma is used to remove the controller parameters from the LMI expressions for closed loop stability, while the Completion Lemma is employed in the controller reconstruction. Both are used for reduced order control design in Chapter 5. CHAPTER 2. PRELIMINARIES 30 Lemma 2.2.2 (Elimination) Let G 2 Rnn, U 2 Rnp and V 2 Rnq . We dene U? to be an orthogonal complement of U . Similarly, V? is the orthogonal complement of V . There exists a matrix X 2 Rpq such that if and only if G + V X T U T + UXV T < 0; (2.15) V?T GV? < 0; U?T GU? < 0: (2.16) For detailed proof see, for example [BGFB94, pages 32{33]. Lemma 2.2.3 (Completion) Let P and Q 2 Rmm be positive denite matrices. There exists a positive denite matrix P~ 2 R2m2m such that the upper left m m block of P~ is P , and that of P~ ;1 is Q if and only if " # P I 0: I Q (2.17) See [PZPB91] for proof. For each pair of matrices P and Q that satisfy (2.17), the set of matrices P~ satisfying the conditions of the Completion Lemma is parameterized by " I 0 P~ = 0 MT #" P I I (P ; Q;1 );1 #" I 0 0 M # (2.18) where M 2 Rmm is an arbitrary invertible matrix. Then, " I 0 Q~ = P~ ;1 = 0 NT #" P I I (Q ; P ;1);1 #" I 0 0 N # (2.19) where N = (I ; QP )M ;1 . 2.3 Signals and system norms Throughout the dissertation various forms of system stability will refer to stable mappings between vector spaces. For example, as previously mentioned, the system 2.3. SIGNALS AND SYSTEM NORMS 31 P depicted in Fig. 2.1 is L2-stable if it maps inputs x 2 L2 to outputs y 2 L2. A signal x : R+ ! Rn belongs to the vector space L2 if it has nite 2-norm, dened as: kxk2 = n 1X Z 0 i=1 !1=2 xi (t)2 dt = n X i=1 kxi k22 !1=2 : (2.20) Other useful norms appearing in the sequel are the 1-norm, given as kxk1 = n 1X Z ! kxik1; (2.21) kxk1 = 1max kx k = sup 1max jx (t)j: in i 1 in i (2.22) 0 i=1 jxi(t)j dt = n X i=1 and the 1-norm for a vector, dened by t0 32 Chapter 3 Input-Output Stability There has been extensive work done in recent years on the analysis and synthesis of systems having memoryless, sector bounded nonlinearities and uncertainties. In this chapter a fundamentally dierent approach is taken to develop tests of the stability of systems with hysteresis nonlinearities which, in general, have memory and are not sector bounded. Using an operator perspective, and considering a hysteresis that obeys a strict circulation direction, a transformation is developed which converts a hysteresis nonlinearity into a passive operator. In the passivity framework, this transformation leads directly to a stability multiplier of the same form investigated in earlier work by Yakubovich. The main stability theorem then provides a simple Nyquist test (for a SISO system) or a linear matrix inequality (LMI) which is extended to include a provision for a robust performance test. A simple numerical example it then used to illustrate the benet of the multiplier introduced for this class of nonlinearities. 3.1 Introduction Hysteresis is a property of a wide range of physical systems and devices, such as electro-magnetic elds, mechanical ball bearings, and electronic relay circuits. The term hysteresis typically refers to the input-output relation between two time dependent quantities that can not be expressed as a single-valued function. Instead, the 33 CHAPTER 3. INPUT-OUTPUT STABILITY 34 Passive hysteresis (Preisach−type) 1 0.5 y (output) Major loop 0 Minor loop −0.5 −1 −3 −2 −1 0 x (input) 1 2 3 Fig. 3.1: Typical passive hysteresis input-output relationship relationship usually takes the form of loops that are traversed either in a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction. A hysteresis with counter-clockwise loops is sometimes referred to as a passive hysteresis [HM68, p. 366]. A particular example of a passive hysteresis is depicted in Figure 3.1. This nonlinerity could represent the relationship between the electric and magnetic elds of an electro-magnetic actuator, and is used later in x3.5 to illustrate the robust stability analysis developed in this chapter. The area enclosed by the loops is often thought of as representing energy loss into the hysteretic element [May91, p. 44]. Because this phenomenon is so prevalent, it is important to be able to predict its eect on systems in which it occurs. Early stability formulations for linear systems with hysteretic nonlinearities were done by Yakubovich [Yak67, BY79], who used a Lyapunov approach to arrive at a test for stability, similar to the Popov criterion, involving a multiplier of the form ( + s)=s. 3.1. INTRODUCTION 35 More recently, Jonsson suggested using this multiplier for stability analysis of systems with hysteresis in an integral quadratic constraint (IQC) setting [Jon98], with the rst numerical results illustrating the utility of the multiplier appearing in [PH98b], which served as a preliminary version of this chapter. This particular multiplier was also discussed in [Kap96] for use in determining stability of systems with sector and slope restricted nonlinearities. Other recent work [GMW97] considered the time-derivative of the output of the nonlinear element as the basis for guaranteed stability of systems with Preisach-type hysteresis. Stability of systems with frictional hysteresis using passivity concepts was also investigated in [dWOA93], where a certain product of variables in the nonlinear model was shown to represent a passive operator. A hysteresis function is said to have memory since its output at any given time depends on the entire history of the input signal, and its input-output relation is often not sector-bounded because of the characteristic loops, as depicted in Figure 3.1. Because of these two properties, much of the work done in recent years in robust analysis, with the exception of work cited, is not applicable to systems with hysteresis nonlinearities. For instance, parameter uncertainty is typically considered in the class of sector-bounded, memoryless perturbations (see [Ban97] and references therein, for examples). This chapter investigates the robustness analysis of systems which have nonlinearities that are described by a passive hysteresis. The approach diers from previous work by taking a distinct operator perspective. In particular it is shown that, under the proper transformation, the passive hysteresis becomes a passive operator. This transformation establishes the mathematical connection between the passive hysteresis as an energy absorbing element and the property of a passive operator as having bounded extractible energy. The connection is proven using only the basic integral properties of the hysteresis (e.g., counterclockwise circulation). This transformation then allows the problem to be cast into a passivity framework where a form of the Passivity Theorem [DV75] is used to guarantee the L2-stability of systems containing these nonlinearities. The main stability theorem leads to a simple graphical test in the Nyquist plane (for the SISO case) or to a particular linear matrix inequality (LMI) which can be readily extended to systems with multiple hystereses. While the 36 CHAPTER 3. INPUT-OUTPUT STABILITY work in [GMW97] also took a passivity approach to study the stability of systems with the Preisach nonlinearity, the test developed here is less conservative because the analysis captures more information about the behavior of the nonlinearity. The result is then extended to include a test for robust performance by using dissipation theory [Wil72b]. This again is expressed as an LMI, which is readily solved using existing optimization codes. Lastly, an example is given which illustrates the utility of the stability theorem. The chapter is organized as follows. Section 3.2 denes passive and active hystereses; section 3.3 details the properties of the passive hysteresis, and the transformation which will make the hysteresis a passive operator. In section 3.4, the transformation and the Passivity Theorem are used to develop the robust stability tests. Section 3.5 presents a simple numerical example to illustrate the benets of the analysis herein. 3.2 Hysteresis Denitions Passive hysteresis P : L2e ! L2e, having the input/output property with loops that are traversed counter-clockwise. As a result, for bounded input x([t1 ; t2]), for some A 0, Z x(t2 ) ; y dx ;A: x(t1 ) Similarly, an active hysteresis, A has loops that are strictly clockwise, and thus will have path integral with the lower bound Z x(t2 ) x(t1 ) y dx ;A: Note that this convention of active and passive hystereses as tied to the sense of the loop circulation is taken from the early reference [HM68, p. 351], but has by no means become standard. However, as shown in the following section, it is the counter-clockwise circulation of the passive hysteresis that allows it to be converted to a passive operator by using a particular transformation. 3.3. HYSTERESIS AS A PASSIVE OPERATOR 37 3.3 Hysteresis as a Passive Operator (x) m3 m2 m1 x Fig. 3.2: General hysteresis operator. Hysteresis is a property of a wide range of physical systems and devices, such as electro-magnetic elds, mechanical stress-strain elements, and electronic relay circuits. In general, the memory and looping characteristics can be quite complicated, and adequate models of these eects often require the composition of many basic hysteretic elements, called hysterons [KP89]. A typical hysteron, with counter-clockwise input-output circulation is depicted in Fig. 3.2. In order simplify the development, a set of properties is given which will limit the analysis to a particular class of hysteresis. These properties naturally characterize the basic hysteron in Fig. 3.2, and the class dened is general enough to include many models that occur in practice, such as the hysteretic relay, backlash, and Preisach hysteresis [BS96]. In the next sections, a sector transform and the properties of particular scalar hystereses are detailed, and the class of hysteresis nonlinearities is dened using these properties. As discussed in the introduction, the area enclosed by complete cycles in the graph of an input/output relation for a hysteresis is often thought of as representing some measure of energy exchange. For the case of a passive hysteresis, the area enclosed by the loops has a negative value, and thus results in the area constraint given in the denition above. Physically this means that energy is owing into the hysteretic element, and so a passive hysteresis is said to essentially absorb energy over the long term. Similarly, the denition of a passive operator expresses a bound on energy CHAPTER 3. INPUT-OUTPUT STABILITY 38 exchange. For a passive operator the constraint is on the time integral of the product of the input and output variable. When the input and output variables are power conjugates, the integral is thought of as specifying a constraint on the total energy that can be extracted from a system across the input and output junction. Since the concepts of a passive hysteresis and a passive operator are so closely related, it is natural to expect a mathematical link between the two. This section provides such a link. Below a simple sector transformation commonly used in stability analysis is dened which converts a nonlinearity with nite sector width to one with innite width. This transformation is then used with a set of integral properties to dene a class of hysteresis nonlinearities; elements of this class are then shown to be passive under a transformation which incorporates a modied Popov multiplier. Examples of some common hystereses which belong to this class are then given. 3.3.1 Sector Transformation Using the approach of [ZF68, NT73], we note that a nonlinearity with local slope conned to a nite sector can be converted to a nonlinearity with innite sector width. The transformation requires a positive feedback around the nonlinearity, as depicted in Figure 3.3. y + (y) 1= Fig. 3.3: Sector Transformation ~ 2 sector[0; 1) Lemma 3.3.1 (Finite/Innite Sector Transform) A slope restricted function : R ! R with (y)=y 2 sector[0; ) under positive feedback with gain 1=, as 3.3. HYSTERESIS AS A PASSIVE OPERATOR 39 depicted in Figure 3.3, is is converted to a nonlinearity ~ : R ! R with the innite slope bounds satisfying ~i()= 2 sector[0; 1). Proof: See [NT73, pp. 108{109]. The eect of this transformation on the hysteron in Fig. 3.2, for example, is to alter the segment slopes so that the steepest leg, with slope , becomes vertical, and the legs m1 , m2 , and m3 increase in slope as well. Note, however, that the circulation direction under this transformation remains unchanged. A simple consequence of the slope restricted sector condition is that the time derivitives of the relation are always in phase. That is, _ (t)~_ (t) 0; (3.1) which means, simply stated, that the input-output pair of signals always increase or decrease together in time. 3.3.2 Hysteresis Integral Properties Prop. 1 Non-local memory. Unlike memoryless nonlinearities, hysteresis output at any given time is a function of the entire history of the input, and the initial condition of the output, 0. Considering a general hysteresis as the mapping between continuous signals, : (R; C (0; t)) ! C (0; t), an output signal w(t) can be expressed as w(t) = (0; x([0; t)) = [x; 0 ](t): (3.2) (3.3) To simplify notation, we will drop the explicit dependence on 0 below. Prop. 2 Causality, time invariance and rate independence. The hystereses considered are causal and time-invariant operators, as given by the standard denitions Note that the sector is half-open, and essentially does not include innity. More precisely, the transformation should have positive feedback of 1=( ; ), where 0 < : This is the approach taken in Ref. [ZF68], and likewise, we assume this adjustment is included in the sector transform, but for simplicity this will not be expressed explicitly. CHAPTER 3. INPUT-OUTPUT STABILITY 40 [DV75]. They are also rate-independent, which essentially means that the inputoutput relation, as depicted on a graph such as Fig. 3.2, is unchanged for an arbitrary time scaling of the input function, such as changes in the frequency of cycling. Prop. 3 Counterclockwise circulation. Closed loops that occur on the input-output characteristic are strictly counterclockwise. That is, a periodic input x(t), with period T > 0, will result in a closed curve relation Z T 0 x(s)[x]0 (s)ds = = Z t+T t I x(s)w0(s) ds w(t+T ) w(t) x(s) dw(s) 0; (3.4a) (3.4b) with equality achieved, for the backlash example, when x(t) remains in the backlash deadzone. The value of the integral (3.4), when the path is closed, is equal to the area enclosed by the hysteresis loop. For partial, unclosed loops, the integral represents the area between the path traversed and the hysteresis output axis (i.e., -axis in Fig. 3.2). Prop. 4 Positive Path Integral. Let be the intersection of the output -axis and the hysteresis characteristic curvesy . For any input-output path ; = f(x(t); w(t)) j t 2 [0; T ]g ; R originating in , the path integral ; x dw is non-negative. That is, if x(t); t 2 [0; T ] with x(0) = 0 generates the path ;, joining points p 2 and some arbitrary b, we have Z T 0 x(s)[x]0 (s) ds = Z T 0 x(s)w0(s) ds = Z x dw 0: ;! p (3.5) b Similarly, now let ; denote the path joining any two points on the hysteresis graph, and note that this path may involve many complete cycles, as in (3.4) y For the unit relay, this set consists of two points: = f(0; 1); (0; ;1)g, for the backlash and Preisach models, is the corresponding line segment on the -axis. 3.3. HYSTERESIS AS A PASSIVE OPERATOR 41 above. Let ;ab denote the shortest path joining the two points a and b, not containing any complete cycles. Assuming ; results from input x(t); t 2 [0; T ] and taking a third point p 2 , we have that Z 0 T x[x]0 (t) dt = Z T Z0 x(t)w0 (t) dt x(t) dw(t) ;Z ab = ; x(t)x(t) dw(t) + ;! p a ; (x(0); 0) where (3.6a) (x(0); 0) = Z ;! p (3.6b) Z x(t) dw(t) ;! x(t) dw(t) 0: p b (3.6c) (3.7) a The rst inequality (3.6b) holds from the circulation condition (3.4), while the second inequality (3.6c), and the positivity of is a result of (3.5). Prop. 5 Finally, we require that the above Properties 3 and 4 hold when the nonlinearity is sector transformed in accordance with Lemma 3.3.1. In essence it is required that, under this transformation, the new hysteresis maintains the circulation and positivity properties, and satises the slope condition: ~0() 2 [0; 1]. Remarks: While this collection of integral properties may seem restrictive, they can be used to form a quite general set of hysteresis nonlinearities that includes many common forms, including the relay circuit, backlash and Preisach hysteresis. The properties are used below to form a class of nonlinearities, and in fact, these types of hysteresis are shown in x3.3.3 to belong to the class. Note that properties ({ express lower bounds on these integral expressions, which will be instrumental in satisfying the desired passivity. CHAPTER 3. INPUT-OUTPUT STABILITY 42 Class of Hysteresis Nonlinearities Using the set of properties for hysteresis nonlinearities above, the following class, or set, is now readily dened. We dene h, a hysteresis class as: 8 9 > > is dierentiable a.e. in R > > < = h = > : R ! R 0 (y)=y < : (3.8) > > > : has Properties{ ; The set, or class, h consists of hysteresis nonlinearities that are locally slope bounded (wherever the nonlinearity is dierentiable) and conforming to the properties detailed in the previous section, such as counterclockwise rotation, positive area integrals, etc. Lemma 3.3.2 (Passive Operator, Scalar case) Consider the hysteresis nonlinearities, : (R; C (0; t)) ! C (0; t), in the class dened (3.8). Then the input-output relation of the new operator ~ h dened with (t) as the input to ~ h and output (t) = dtd h(), the time derivative of sector transformed hysteresis h() (as depicted in Figure 3.4) is passive for all 0. Proof: For all T 0, the sequence of inequalities hold: Z T 0 Z T ( + d ) d ~() dt dt dt 0 Z T dtd ~() dt 0 dt = = = Z T Z0 Z; ; ( (3.9a) (3.9b) w0(t) dt (3.9c) (t) dw(t) (3.9d) (t) dw(t) ab = ; Z (t) dw(t) + ;! p (3.9e) ((0); w(0)) = (y(0); 0) = p Z b (t) dw(t) 0; ;! p (t) dw(t) ;! a ; ((0); w(0)) where ) Z a (3.9f) (3.9g) (3.10) 3.3. HYSTERESIS AS A PASSIVE OPERATOR 1 +s y + 43 (y) s 1 Fig. 3.4: Block diagram relation of passive operator ~ , with (t) = ~()(t). according to properties{ of the class. Hence, the input-output relation is passive, by the denition given in [DV75, p. 173]. The rst inequality (3.9a) above is a result of the slope restricted property, given by (3.1), while (3.9d) is the path integral equivalent to the integral over time (3.9c). Inequality (3.9e) is a consequence of positive area of enclosed paths caused by counterclockwise circulation, per property Finally, positivity of is a result of the positive path integral relationships described by property, and the given assumption 0. Notes: The denition of a passive operator typically uses a lower bound = 0 (see [GMW97] or [Vid93, p 352] for examples), probably because it is most commonly used in conjunction with sector-bounded nonlinearities. Here we require the more general denition ( 0) essentially because we are considering with nonlinearities that have memory and are not sector bounded. The constant in (3.10) is sometimes given the interpretation of the maximum energy that can be extracted (available energy) from the nonlinear operator with a given set of initial conditions [Wil72b]. While the list of properties given above may appear overly restrictive, many common hysteresis have these properties. Application of the properties and Lemma 3.3.2 to common types of hysteresis are provided below. CHAPTER 3. INPUT-OUTPUT STABILITY 44 σ 1 τ+s x y s ξ σ Hysteretic Relay 1 τ+s x ξ b: Tranformed Hysteretic relay a: Hysteretic relay with transformation Figure 3.5: (a.) Hysteretic relay under transformation and (b.) Transformed relay with dierentiated input-output relationship 3.3.3 Examples of Passive Hysteresis Here we give three examples of the usefulness of the transformation given above in converting a passive hysteresis into a passive operator. Hysteretic Relay The most simple example of a hysteresis with the properties above is the hysteretic relay common in electronic switches, shown in Figure 3.5. It has only two (stable) output states, and transitions from the low state to the high state only when the input is increasing, and similarly only transitions from the high to the low when the input is decreasing. Clearly, the maximum slope = 1, and as a result the feedback channel in the transformation (Figure 3.4) is shut o, resulting in the operator shown in Figure 3.5a. Absorbing the dierentiator into the operator results in a nonlinearity characterized by impulse-like functions, as depicted in Figure 3.5b. The signicance is that this operator is now sector bounded [0; 1) and is thus a passive operator. A similar result was found in [GMW97], using integral properties of the relay in conjunction with the Preisach hysteresis model. The inclusion of the Popov-like multiplier 1=( + s) at the input maintains the passivity of the net operator ~ : ! since, referring to Figure 3.5b, we have that Z T 0 dt = Z Z T 0 0 T (x + x_ )dt xdt _ 3.3. HYSTERESIS AS A PASSIVE OPERATOR = Z x(T ) x(0) 45 dx 0: The Backlash Nonlinearity Model (Netushil) [Net73] The backlash, or play-type operator (see Figure 3.6a) is another example of a hysteresis belonging to the class (3.8) which can be transformed into a passive operator as detailed by Lemma 3.3.2. Using the mathematical representation [Net73, pp.475{476] shown in Figure 3.6b, it is readily seen that under the transformation, the backlash becomes a memoryless, sector bounded operator as depicted in Figure 3.6c. Then, of course, having the Popov multiplier at the input to the sector bounded nonlinearity maintains the passivity of the input-output relation, by the same reasoning given for the hysteretic relayz. Passivity using Generalized Multipliers The analysis for the backlash nonlinearity can be extended to include a generalized multiplier of the form originally formulated by Zames and Falb [ZF68] for the analysis of systems with memoryless, slope-restricted nonlinearities. The benet of the more general form is that it provides additional degrees of freedom that can ultimately yield less conservative stability analyses for the corresponding class of nonlinear systems. The new multiplier for backlash systems has the form 1+s1;z(s) , where the additional term z(s) is taken to be an LTI system with impulse response properties: kz(t)k1 1 z(t) 0 z_ (t) 0: (3.11a) (3.11b) (3.11c) To show passivity of the transformed backlash depicted in Fig. 3.7, we use explicit characteristic equations instead of the Netushil block diagram model. For this we describe input-output behavior of a backlash (Fig. 3.6a) by two modes of operation, z For an alternate proof that the backlash satises the conditions of Lemma 3.3.2 not involving the block diagram model, see Appendix A. CHAPTER 3. INPUT-OUTPUT STABILITY 46 x D - y 1 s -D y µ 1 µ -D D (b.) Netushil backlash model x σ (a.) Backlash nonlinearity characteristic 1 τ+s ξ -D D (c.) Transformed backlash model Figure 3.6: The transformation, as detailed in Lemma 3.3.2, converts backlash into passive operator: (a.) Backlash nonlinearity; (b.) Block diagram representation of backlash and (c.) Transformed (passive) operator. as either tracking or in the deadzone, for which we dene: ( y_ > 0; y = (x ; D) or (3.12) y_ < 0; y = (x + D); Deadzone: y_ = 0 jy ; xj D; where 2D is the deadzone width and is the slope of the tracking region, as indicated in Fig. 3.6. Using the relations (3.12), it is straightforward to show Tracking: y_ = x_ = Dj j = Djx_ j (3.13) Using these relations we can now assert the passivity of the transformed backlash in Fig. 3.7 with the following lemma. Lemma 3.3.3 If is a backlash with input-output characterized by (3.12), then ~ with = ~( ) as depicted in Fig. 3.7, with 0, and z(t) characterized by (3.11), is a passive operator. 3.3. HYSTERESIS AS A PASSIVE OPERATOR 1 ;z(s)+1+s x + 47 y s 1 Figure 3.7: Converting a backlash to a passive operator using generalized multiplier. Proof: Since, from Fig. 3.7, then = 1 ;z(s) + 1 + s (t) = ; (t) z(t) + + _ (t); and the input-output pair satises h; iT = ;h z; iT + h ; iT + h_ ; _iT ;h z; iT + h ; iT (3.14) (3.15) (3.16a) (3.16b) with the inequality due to the slope restricted property of the nonlinearity. Now using the backlash model (3.12) h; iT ;h z; iT + h ; iT = h(x ; 1 y) z; iT + h(x ; 1 y); iT = ;Dhz; iT + DkT k1 ;Dkzk1 kT k1 + DkT k1 = D(1 ; kzk1 )kT k1 0: (3.17a) (3.17b) (3.17c) (3.17d) (3.17e) The transformed backlash operator is therefore passive by the denition (2.2). Note that in simplifying from (3.17b) to (3.17c) either positive or negative tracking conditions can be used, either of which leads to the nal result. 48 CHAPTER 3. INPUT-OUTPUT STABILITY The Preisach Hysteresis Model [May91] The Preisach model also satises the properties{ of the hysteresis set h. The model depicted in Figure 3.1 is used extensively to model the memory associated ferro-magnetic materials. This operator is essentially constructed with a bank of the hysteretic relay elements shown above with varying input switch points and output weightings [May91, BS96]. As such, the basic property of the relay, (i.e., that the total output increases only with increasing input, etc.) is maintained. Therefore, under the transformation dened, the Preisach hysteresis will behave as a passive operator. The exception here is that, with a large enough bank of relay elements, the input-output characteristic is smooth and the eective slope is no longer innite. For example, the hysteresis shown in Figure 3.1 was constructed with = 1. 3.4 Robust Stability Analysis Employing Lemma 3.3.2 and the transformation depicted in Fig. 3.4, passivity arguments can be used to analyze the stability of systems containing passive hystereses. Here using standard passivity techniques, we will apply a loop transformation [Vid93, pp. 224{5] to incorporate the transformation and then derive constraints on the linear portion of the system to guarantee robust stability. These constraints will be in the form of a linear matrix inequality (LMI), which is then extended to include bounds on a separate performance channel. 3.4.1 Loop Transformation We assume that the total system to be analyzed has a nonlinearity, , that appears in a feedback conguration with a linear system G(s), as depicted in Figure 3.8a, below. Introducing the transformation, as shown in Figure 3.8b, results in the system with modied feedforward and feedback elements, ~ and G~ (s). Of course, if the original was a passive hysteresis with the properties{ given above, then ~ is a passive operator, according to Lemma 3.3.2. An essential feature of the loop transformation in Figure (3.8b) is that the input-output property of the net system 3.4. ROBUST STABILITY ANALYSIS x u - 49 y G a. Linear system G(s), with nonlinearity . u +s u e - 1 +s x + 1 q +s + y s y_ ~ G 1 s 1 ~ G 1 s y p b. Transformed system G~ (s), with passive operator ~ . Figure 3.8: a. Block diagram of original system; and b. transformed system with G~ (s) and passive operator ~ . CHAPTER 3. INPUT-OUTPUT STABILITY 50 from u to y is unchanged. Therefore, any stability conclusions we make regarding the transformed system will be applicable to the original system. We note here that if the original system G : e 7! y has a state space representation " # A B G(s) =s ; C D then a representation for the transformed system G~ : p 7! q is given as 2 3 B~p A~ 5; G~ (s) =s 4 C~q1 + C~q2 D~ qp where and " A 0 A~ = C 0 h C~q1 = C 0 i # " (3.18) # B B~p = ; D + 1= h C~q2 = 0 1 i D~ qp = [D + 1=] : (3.19) (3.20) 3.4.2 Robust Stability Here we use a form of the Passivity Theorem to derive the positive-real constraint on the linear portion of the system to guarantee the L2 -stability of the closed loop system. Theorem 3.4.1 The feedback relation Rfb : u 7! y_ shown in Figure 3.8 is L2 -stable if, for some > 0, we have the three conditions: 1. The feedback element 2 h , i.e., is a passive hysteresis with properties{, 2. The linear system G~ : p 7! q is dissipative with respect to the supply rate: r(p; q) = pT q ; pT p; and (3.21) 3.4. ROBUST STABILITY ANALYSIS 51 3. u_ 2 L2 . As a result, we will have that y(t) ! yss, where the steady state value jyssj < 1. Proof: First, note that by condition (3) we have that if u 2 L2 , then u 2 L2, where u = u + u_ . Then by condition (1) we have that if 2 h , then by Lemma 3.3.2, ~ , is passive; i.e., he; ~ eiT ;; for some > 0, where, from Figure 3.8, e = u ;q. Next, let V (x) be a storage function [Wil72b] for the system G~ . Then by condition (2) we have that, with reference to Figure 3.8b, dV dt = ) V (x(T )) ; V (x(0)) = qT p ; pT p pT (u ; e) ; pT p hu; piT ; hp; eiT ; hp; piT hu; piT ; h~ e; eiT ; hp; piT kuT k2kpT k2 + ; kpT k22 ) kpT k22 ; kuT k2 kpT k2 V (x(0)) + : Completing the square on the left hand side yields, after some simplication 1=2 1 V ( x (0)) + 1 2 + 42 kuk2 kpT k2 2 kuk2 + h i 1 1 = 2 ) kpT k2 kuk2 + ((V (x(0)) + )) ; and, hence, the feedback relation Rfb : u 7! p is L2 -stable. It follows then since p = y_ 2 L2, as t ! 1 we have y_ ! 0. We conclude then that y(t) ! yss, where steady state yss is bounded. Notes: 1. Convergence to a bounded steady state value is consistent with the ndings in [Yak67], where the set of steady state values is dened as the intersection of CHAPTER 3. INPUT-OUTPUT STABILITY 52 the line y = G(0)e and graph of the hysteresis characteristic (see also [Jon98]). The idea of stability to stationary sets is developed in greater detail in the next chapter, for the case of multiple nonlinearities. 2. Dissipation with respect to the supply rate (3.21) is equivalent to the strict passivity of the linear system, as discussed in x2.2.1. Thus, we have that G~ is strictly passive, and ~ is passive in order to guarantee stability{a common condition for the Passivity Theorem [Vid93, p. 350]. 3. The last inequality clearly shows the L2-gain of Rfb : u 7! p is 1= and the \bias" is due to terms involving the initial stored energy in the linear system G~ and the hysteresis, ~ . 4. Having u; u_ 2 L2 means that u belongs to a Sobolev vector space [NS82, p. 281]. LMI Test for Robust Stability We note here that the dissipation condition (3.21) can be expressed as a set of linear matrix inequalities. By letting x be the state of system G~ : p 7! q and the storage function V (x) = 21 xT Px where P = P T > 0, then we have ~ + B~pu) pT q ; pT p ; xT P x_ = pT ((C~q1 + C~q2)x + D~ qpp) ; pT p ; xT P (Ax " #T " #" # x ; A~T P ; P A~ (C~q1 + C~q2 )T ; P B~p x 1 = 2 ; p p ()T12 D~ qp + D~ qpT ; 2I where ()T12 simply denotes the transpose of the (1; 2)-entry of the matrix. Assuming that conditions 1 and 3 of Theorem 3.4.2 hold, an equivalent test of stability for the closed loop system is the feasibility of the set of matrix inequalities: " > 0; > 0; P > 0 # ;A~T P ; P A~ (C~q1 + C~q2 )T ; P B~p 0; (C~q1 + C~q2 ) ; B~pT P D~ qp + D~ qpT ; 2I (3.22) where the last inequality in (3.22) enforces the dissipation constraint, and is equivalent to the strict passivity inequality (2.14). 3.4. ROBUST STABILITY ANALYSIS Imag 53 G(j!) G(1) G(0) ;1 Real Restricted region Stability boundary Figure 3.9: Nyquist test for existence of > 0 Graphical Test for Stability An equivalent condition for the strict passivity of an LTI system, H (s) is that H (j!)+ H (j!) > 0; 8! 2 R ([Vid93, p. 223]), which is equivalent to H (s) being strictly positive real. For the SISO system G~ qp = +s s (G(s) + 1=), where the original system G 2 RH1, it is straightforward to show that we can test for the existence of a 0 that will satisfy the strict passivity of G~ qp using the Nyquist plot of the original system. In particular, we have then that 9 0 for which G~ qp is positive real if the graph of G(j!); ! 0 does not enter the portion of third quadrant of the Nyquist plane to the left of the point (;1=; 0). This graphical test is depicted in Figure 3.9. (See [Kap96] for further discussion in using this graphical test in conjunction with sector bounded, slope restricted nonlinearities.) However, there are some obvious cases for G 2= RH1 that will require = 0 in order to have G~ qp strictly passivex . For example, consider G(s) with a single pole at zero, and assume we can expand G(s) so that G(s) = Rs0 + Gr (s) x The set of rational transfer functions F (s) such that sup kF (s)k < 1 is the space RH1 (see [CGL97], for example). Re(s) 0 CHAPTER 3. INPUT-OUTPUT STABILITY 54 w z G(s) p q Figure 3.10: G(s) with performance channel and nonlinearity. where R0 > 0 and for the reduced system Gr we have jGr (0)j < 1. Then for strict passivity of G~ we require that 8! 0, + 1)(G(j!) + 1=)g = Ref( j! ; !2 R0 + RefGr (j!)g + ! ImfGr (j!)g + 1= > 0: Since here jImfGr (j!)gj and jRefGr (j!)gj are bounded as ! ! 0, the term ; !2 R0 will dominate in the limit. In fact, by construction, we have jImfGr (j!)gj ! 0 as ! ! 0. Therefore, we must have = 0 in order to satisfy the passivity requirement. In that case the multiplier reduces to identity, and we are left with RefGr (j!)g > ; 1 8! 0; which is simply a positive real test, for guaranteed stability. 3.4.3 Robust Performance We can extend the analysis techniques for robust stability to include performance as well. Consider the system G(s) with a performance channel from w to z, as shown in Figure 3.10. We can simultaneously satisfy a norm bound constraint on the performance channel while guaranteeing L2-stability by simply augmenting the supply rate (3.21) with 3.5. NUMERICAL EXAMPLE 55 a term corresponding to the system performance (see [BGFB94, p. 124] for a similar example). With the supply rate then given as r(p; q; w; z) = 2 wT w ; zT z + pT q ; pT p; (3.23) we can then bound the L2 performance by solving the optimization problem, minimize 2 subject to: ; ; > 0 M 0; P > 0 where 2 (3.24) 3 ;A~T P ; P A~ ; C~zT C~z C~qT1 + C~qT2 ; P B~p ; C~zT D~ zp ;P B~w ; C~zT D~ zw 7 6 M = 64 ()T12 (D~ qp + D~ qpT ) ; 2I ; D~ zpT D~ zp D~ qw ; D~ zpT D~ zw 75 : T D ~ zw ()T13 ()T23 2 ; D~ zw The robust stability test given in (3.24) is used as the basis for control design later in x5.2.4. Next, a simple example is used to illustrate its use for stability analysis. 3.5 Numerical Example Here we will use the analysis given above to test the robust stability of a system with a passive hysteresis and plant output multiplicative uncertainty. Consider the nominal system, G0 (s) shown in Figure 3.11, with passive hysteresis, , in the feedback channel, and a norm bounded uncertainty, . Using standard practice we let 2 where = f 2 RH1 : kk 1g{. Our approach is to minimize the upper bound on , which is the L2-gain from w to z. If this upper bound is less than unity, then we can conclude that the system will be stable 8 2 . We will then examine the conservativeness of the upper bound by considering particular that exceed the norm bound. Consider the case with G0(s) and the weighting function, W (s), given as 2 G0(s) = 7:5 s3s +;2s02:2+s +2s0+:11 ; W (s) = 0:97 s +s 10 : { For examples and further detail, see [ZDG96, Chpt. 9] or [SP96, Chpts. 7{8]. CHAPTER 3. INPUT-OUTPUT STABILITY 56 z p r=0 - w W (s) G0(s) q Figure 3.11: Nominal plant G0 (s), with uncertainty , and hysteresis . and the nonlinearity is a Preisach type with = 1, as shown in Figure 3.1. A corresponding state space representation for G(s) is given as: 2 2 3 A Bp Bw 7 s 6 6 G(s) = 4 Cq Dqp Dqw 75 = Cz Dzp Dzw 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 ;2 ;2 ;1 1 0 0 7:5 7:5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ;10 ;1:5 0:75 ;9:7 ;1:5 0:75 0 3 1 0 7 0 0 77 7 0 0 77 : 0 1 77 7 0 0:97 75 0 0 Augmenting the system with the stability multiplier, using the system representation (3.18{3.20), gives: 2 A~ 6 G~ (s) =s 64 C~q1 + C~q2 C~z B~p D~ qp D~ zp B~w D~ qw D~ zw 3 7 7 5 3.5. NUMERICAL EXAMPLE 2 = 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 h 6 6 6 6 6 4 ;2 ;2 ;1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;10 0 7:5 ;1:5 0:75 ;9:7 0 i 7:5 ;h1:5 0:75 ;9:7i 0 + 0 0 0 0 1 7:5 ;1:5 0:75 0 0 57 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0:97 1 0:97 0 0 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 : With the augmented system, solving the optimization problem (3.24) (using [WB96], for example) yields the minimized upper bound, opt = 0:99, which indicates robust stability over the set of dynamic uncertainty . The corresponding stability (multiplier) parameters are = 1:129, = 2:097, and = 1:99e;9. This stability condition is consistent with the Nyquist plot, and uncertainty ellipses, of the nominal plant G0, shown in Figure 3.12, avoiding the restricted region of the lower left quadrant. ~ B~p; C~q1 + C~q2 ; D~ qp), As expected, the Nyquist plot of the augmented system, (A; shown in Figure 3.13, is strictly positive real, and a typical initial condition response for the case = ;1, Figure 3.14, indicates that the system is robustly stable. 3.5.1 How conservative is this stability test? Note that without the stability multiplier, ( = 0), the stability test reduces to that considered in [Jon98] and in this case the analysis would fail for this system with = 1. Thus, for this system we have established a less conservative test than that in [Jon98]. However, this test is still conservative to a certain degree. Consider two additional cases for 2= . For = ;2, the initial condition response, Figure 3.15, indicates stability which is consistent with the Nyquist plot, Figure 3.16, which clearly passes the stability test. At this level, we see that while the system is \active" in the sense that the Nyquist plot extends into the third quadrant, the passive hysteresis is able to absorb energy at a rate fast enough to maintain stability. This is seen graphically by the input/output graph, Figure 3.17, which displays the hysteresis CHAPTER 3. INPUT-OUTPUT STABILITY 58 Nyquist for Gqp(s) 5 4 3 imag 2 1 0 −1 −2 Stability boundary −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 real Figure 3.12: Nyquist plot of G0(s) with uncertainty ellipses. Nyquist of Gqp(s) with multiplier (positive real) 10 5 0 imag −5 −10 −15 −20 −25 −30 0 5 real 10 15 Figure 3.13: Nyquist plot of G~ qp, = 1:129, is positive real. 3.5. NUMERICAL EXAMPLE 59 Initial condition response, stable case (Delta=−1) 0.5 0 −0.5 q −1 −1.5 −2 −2.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 time 30 35 40 45 50 Figure 3.14: Typical stable initial condition response for sytem with = ;1. loops decreasing in area. Increasing the perturbation to = ;3, however, does cause instability, as indicated by a sustained 1:3 Hz oscillation depicted in Figure 3.18. At this perturbation level, the Nyquist plot extends well into the third quadrant, and intersects the describing function for the nonlinearity, as seen in Figure 3.19. The intersection of the Nyquist and describing function plots does predict a sustained oscillation at this frequency, (see [Coo94, p. 66])k. As the Nyquist plot indicates that the system at this level of perturbation is very active, we expect that at the limit cycle, the passive hysteresis is absorbing energy at a rate equal to the rate at which the system is producing it. The input/output diagram, Figure 3.20 shows the steady state orbit of the nonlinearity, and the area enclosed by the graph is a measure of the absorption rate. In this example, the describing function analysis is less conservative than the Nyquist test since, as shown in Figure 3.19, the stability region boundary completely contains the describing function graph. It should be noted however, that, unlike k Note that there are two points of intersection, but at 1:3 Hz the intersection occurs with an angle and direction that means sustained oscillation is more likely [Coo94, p. 66]. CHAPTER 3. INPUT-OUTPUT STABILITY 60 Initial condition response, stable case (Delta=−2) 8 6 4 q 2 0 −2 −4 −6 0 5 10 15 20 25 time 30 35 40 45 50 Figure 3.15: Initial condition response with = ;2 indicates near instability. the multiplier analysis, the describing function test does not necessarily guarantee system stability. That is, because the describing function is only a frequency domain approximation of the nonlinearity (typically rst or second order), the closed loop system may be unstable even though no intersection with the Nyquist plot occurs. In addition, the passivity-based analysis provides a direct extension to robust control design. Robust control design for systems with hysteresis based on this multiplier stability analysis is developed in x5.3.4. 3.6 Conclusions In this chapter we have investigated the stability of systems with hysteresis nonlinearities. By restricting our attention to hysteresis that has strictly counter-clockwise circulation we motivated the use a a particular transformation which converts this nonlinearity into a passive operator. In particular, for the backlash case, a straightforward extension of the approach results in a stability multiplier with the same generality as that developed by Zames for memoryless nonlinearities. The transformation is subsequently used in a passivity framework to develop a stability theorem 3.6. CONCLUSIONS 61 Perturbed plant, (Delta=−2), and describing function 5 4 3 imag 2 Nominal Perturb. 1 0 −1 −2 −3 Describing function −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 real Figure 3.16: Nyquist plot with = ;2 still avoids stability boundary. Input−Output response of nonlinearity, (Delta=−2) 1.5 1 0.5 (q) 0 −0.5 −1 −1.5 −6 −4 −2 0 q 2 4 6 8 Figure 3.17: Input/output graph with = ;2 shows decreasing hysteresis loops. CHAPTER 3. INPUT-OUTPUT STABILITY 62 Initial condition response, sustained oscillation (Delta=−3) 8 6 4 2 q 0 −2 −4 −6 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 time 35 40 45 50 Figure 3.18: At = ;3, system becomes unstable, with onset of limit cycle. Perturbed plant, (Delta=−3), and describing function 5 4 3 imag 2 Nominal Perturb. 1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 real 3 4 5 6 Figure 3.19: Nyquist plot with = ;3 crosses over boundary, intersects describing function. 3.6. CONCLUSIONS 63 Input−Output response of nonlinearity, (Delta=−3) 1.5 1 0.5 (q) 0 −0.5 −1 −1.5 −6 −4 −2 0 q 2 4 6 8 Figure 3.20: Limit cycle results in constant loop in hysteresis input/output trajectory with uncertainty = ;3. for systems having nonlinearities with the prescribed characteristics. This stability test, for the SISO case, is easily veried by a simple graphical test in the Nyquist plane, and is readily computed by solving an LMI. The LMI framework allows for a straightforward extension of the test to include robust performance. A simple numerical example is also presented to illustrate the utility of this particular form of the multiplier in testing for the robust stability of a linear system with a hysteresis nonlinearity and a multiplicative uncertainty in the plant output. The results presented here for scalar systems are extended in the following chapter to treat the case of multiple hysteresis nonlinearities. In Chapter 5, the stability analysis is used to develop algorithms for robust H1 control design for systems with hysteresis. 64 Chapter 4 Multiple Hysteresis Nonlinearities Absolute stability criteria for systems with multiple hysteresis nonlinearities are given in this chapter. It is shown that the stability guarantee is achieved with a simple two part test on the linear subsystem. If the linear subsystem satises a particular linear matrix inequality and a simple residue condition, then, as is proven, the nonlinear system will be asymptotically stable. The main stability theorem is developed using a combination of passivity, Lyapunov, and Popov stability theories to show that the state describing the linear system dynamics must converge to an equilibrium position of the nonlinear closed loop system. The invariant sets that contain all such possible equilibrium points are described in detail for several common types of hystereses. The class of nonlinearities covered by the analysis is very general and includes multiple slope-restricted memoryless nonlinearities as a special case. Simple numerical examples are used to demonstrate the eectiveness of the new analysis in comparison to other recent results, and graphically illustrate state asymptotic stability. 4.1 Introduction The Popov stability criteria [Pop61] has long been the standard analytical tool for systems having memoryless, sector bounded nonlinearities. Details of Popov's analytical approach can be found in the standard texts by Desoer, Vidyasagar and Khalil 65 66 CHAPTER 4. MULTIPLE HYSTERESIS NONLINEARITIES [DV75, Vid93, Kha96]. When nonlinearities, in addition to being sector bounded, are also monotonic and slope restricted, Zames and Falb [ZF68] proved that the Popov analysis can be further sharpened by employing a more general type of multiplier, often called the Zames-Falb multiplier. Subsequently, Cho and Narendra [CN68] found that the existence of such multipliers could be established with an o-axis circle test in the Nyquist plane. While this early work was limited to a scalar nonlinearity, an extension by Safonov [Saf84] considered multiple nonlinearities and established criteria through loop shifting and diagonal frequency dependent matrix multipliers, as is now common in the =Km-analysis approach, introduced by Doyle and Safonov [Doy82, Saf82]. An alternate approach for the slope restricted case pursued by Singh [Sin84] and Rasvan [Ras88] utilized a multiplier rst introduced by Yakubovich [Yak65] for systems with dierentiable nonlinearities. Although not as general as the Zames-Falb multiplier, the simple form of the Yakubovich multiplier makes it a valuable complement to the Popov analysis. More recently, Haddad and Kapila [HK95], and Park [PBK98] have attempted to generalize the results in [Sin84, Ras88] to the case of multiple slope restricted nonlinearities. The resulting criteria oered, however, restrict the value of the linear system transfer matrix, G(s), in a variety of ways. In both papers, for instance, the systems are restricted to be strictly proper (i.e., the feedthrough term D = 0). Also, in [HK95], the value of the system matrix at s = 0, G(0) must be either nonsingular or identically zero, while in [PBK98] the stability guarantee requires that G(0) = G(0)T > 0. In this chapter the analysis for multiple nonlinearities is generalized in several ways. First the extension to non-strictly proper systems, where D 6= 0, is provided, and the positivity requirement relaxed to G(0) = G(0)T > ;M ;1 , where M > 0 is the diagonal matrix of the maximum slopes occurring in the vector of nonlinearities. More importantly, it is shown that the same analysis that applies to the slope restricted case is valid for a class of multiple hysteresis nonlinearities as well. This is a rather signicant generalization since hysteresis is not sector bounded and has memory, and thus is functionally very dierent than a memoryless, slope restricted nonlinearity. These results eectively generalize the early scalar hysteresis work by Yakubovich and Barabanov [Yak67, BY79] and more recent analysis given in [PH98b, PH98a], to 4.1. INTRODUCTION 67 the case of multiple hysteresis nonlinearities. Using an approach similar to Park [PBK98], a linear matrix inequality is developed which, if feasible in a set of free matrix variables, proves the asymptotic stability of the system. For the slope restricted nonlinearity, asymptotic stability means the state converges to the origin, which is assumed to be the unique equilibrium point of the nonlinear system. Since a typical hysteresis is in general multivalued, convergence is not to a single point, but rather to a stationary set, dened by the intersection of the nonlinearity and the DC value of the system matrix. Several of these sets are explicitly dened for some commonly occurring types of hystereses. In contrast to the previous work of Haddad, Kapila [HK95] and Park [PBK98], the Lyapunov function is a function of the system state, and not its time derivative. This dierence results in a more straightforward conclusion of asymptotic stability. 4.1.1 Approach Overview The original general form of Popov's stability criterion [Pop61, Hah67] requires the linear portion of the system to be stable and strictly proper. However, the general form does allow for a single pure integrator in the system. This is sometimes referred to as the indirect form or the indirect control form of Popov's criteria (see texts [AG64, NT73, Vid93] for scalar versions), and it commonly has associated with it a three term Lyapunov function. In this chapter, this form is extended to the vector case using, as a guide, the procedure of Narendra and Taylor [NT73, p. 100] for the single nonlinearity, which we summarize in three simple steps. First, a loop transformation is applied that changes the slope sector bounds, dierentiates the output of the nonlinearity, and results in an integrator state in the transformed linear subsystem, G~ (s). Provided the original linear subsystem G(s) is stable, G~ (s) is then cast in Popov's indirect control form. A three part Lyapunov functional, V (t), is then formed that is quadratic in the state of G~ (s) and includes a particular integral of the nonlinearity. When the nonlinearity is a hysteresis having memory, the value of the integral is path dependent; while in the memoryless case, it is not. Lastly, the requirement that V_ 0 is enforced by the existence of a certain LMI, and subsequently, this condition is used to conclude 68 CHAPTER 4. MULTIPLE HYSTERESIS NONLINEARITIES asymptotic stability of certain stationary sets. The outline of the chapter is as follows. First, the next section details the properties of the nonlinearities, and in particular, limit the hysteresis class to multi-valued functions having an input-output relationship with characteristic loops that circulate in a strict direction. Following that, in x4.3, the nonlinear system is dened and the loop transform used for the analysis is given. The stationary, or equilibrium sets, for the various nonlinear systems are in general polytopic regions of state space, and are detailed in x4.4. This leads directly to the main stability theorem, which is proved in x4.5. Frequency domain and passivity interpretations of the Lyapunov result are discussed in x4.6. Simple numerical examples are then presented in x4.7 which conrm the benets of the new approach with respect to prior stability criteria and give a graphical illustration of the asymptotic stability to the stationary sets. 4.2 Nonlinearities and Sector Transformations 4.2.1 Memoryless, Slope Restricted Following the denition given by Haddad and Kapila [HK95], we dene the class of nonlinearities as 8 > > > > < 9 (y) = [1 (y1); : : : ; m(ym)]T > > > > = m is dierentiable a.e. 2 R m m => :R !R (4.1) 0 < i ; i = 1; : : : ; m > 0 > > i > > > > : ; (0) = 0 The set consists of m decoupled scalar nonlinearities, with each scalar component locally slope sector bounded obeying the slope restriction: a b (4.2) 0 i(yi a) ; bi(yi ) < i; yi ; yi for any yia; yib 2 R. This sector property is sometimes denoted as 0i 2 sector[0; i), or given the discrete representation [NT73]: i(yi)=yi 2 sector[0; i): (4.3) 4.2. NONLINEARITIES AND SECTOR TRANSFORMATIONS 69 The slope restriction (4.3) on a function is a stronger than the standard sector bound condition on a function. This idea is formalized with the following proposition. Proposition 4.2.1 (Sector Bound Property) A function i : R ! R satisfying the conditions (0) = 0 and (4.3) is necessarily sector bounded, with the same bounds. That is, i 2 sector[0; i). Proof: Simply set yib = 0 in (4.2) and multiply through by (yia)2 to get the relation: 0 i(yia)yia < i(yia)2; and thus i 2 sector[0; i), which is the standard sector bound condition on i. 2 Recall from the previous chapter, that a nonlinearity with local slope conned to a nite sector can be converted to a nonlinearity with semi-innite sector width using a transformation involving a positive feedback around the nonlinearity, as depicted in Figure 3.3. Also, as a consequence of Lemma 3.3.1, the transformed nonlinearity slope condition: 0 ~0i(i ) < 1; (4.4) is equivalent to the sector condition between the time derivatives of the input-output pair: 0 ~_i_i < 1: (4.5) To develop the Popov-based analysis for the vector case, it is convenient to employ a simplied version of the transformation used earlier for the scalar case, shown in Figure 3.4. Here the sector transform is applied to each scalar component of and a new operator dened by dierentiating the vector output, as depicted in Figure 4.1, where M = diag(1; : : : ; m) > 0 is the diagonal matrix of maximum slopes occurring in . Note that this transform does not include the multiplier, and that, as might be expected from the results of x3.3.2, the input-output relation from to , as dened in Figure 4.1, is passive. This is detailed by the following lemma. Lemma 4.2.2 (Passive Operator, Memoryless, Slope Restricted Case) Consider a slope restricted nonlinearity ~ : Rm ! Rm with decoupled scalar components satisfying 0 ~0i( ) < 1. Then the input-output relation dened with (t) as the input to CHAPTER 4. MULTIPLE HYSTERESIS NONLINEARITIES 70 ~ y + sI M ;1 Figure 4.1: Sector transformation results in ~ as passive operator. ~ and output (t) = dtd ~ (), the time derivative of ~ () (as depicted in Figure 4.1) is passive. Proof: For all T 0 we have Z T 0 T dt = = = = m Z X T i=0 0 m Z T X i=0 0 m Z T X i i dt (4.6a) i dtd ~i(i) dt (4.6b) i ~0i(i)_i dt (4.6c) i=0 0 m Z (T ) X i i~0i(i ) di(t) i=0 ( (0) Z (0) m X (4.6d) i = i=0 ; i 0 i ~0i(i ) di(t) + ; ((0)) where ((0)) = m Z X i=0 0 (0) i Z (T ) i 0 i~0i(i ) di(t) i~0i(i ) di(t) 0; ) (4.6e) (4.6f) (4.7) since each scalar kernel, ki(i) = i~0i(i ), is a memoryless, sector bounded function, with ki 2 sector[0; 1): Therefore, the input-output relation is passive, by the denition given in reference [DV75, p. 173]. 4.2. NONLINEARITIES AND SECTOR TRANSFORMATIONS 71 (x) (x) 1 1 ;D D -1 a.) Ideal, discontinuous relay. x ;D D x -1 b.) Smooth, analytical approximation. Figure 4.2: Discontinuous relay replaced with smooth approximation for stability analysis. Having dened the passive transformation for the memoryless class of slope restricted nonlinearities, we turn now to the hysteresis case. 4.2.2 Hysteresis The same approach used in the previous section for memoryless nonlinearities is applied in this section to convert a vector hysteresis into a passive operator. The result is a natural extension to the scalar case presented in x3.3.2, and is useful in practice since a particular system of interest may include several hysteretic eects, of possibly dierent types. Analytical techniques with generality sucient for this case are developed here using a passivity-based LMI formulation analagous to that given for the single nonlinearity in the previous chapter. First, a class of multiple, decoupled nonlinearities is dened using the scalar hysteresis properties ({5). Recall that limiting consideration to this particular class simplies the analysis, but the results still apply to many nonlinearities that occur in practice, such as the hysteretic relay, backlash, and Preisach hysteresis [May91], which are depicted in Figures 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4, respectively . The transformation used for the memoryless set (Figure 4.1) While counter-clockwise circulation is an assumed property of the class, it is possible to include clockwise behavior by employing a coordinate transformation that eectively reverses the circulation, 72 CHAPTER 4. MULTIPLE HYSTERESIS NONLINEARITIES (x) ;r r x Figure 4.3: Backlash with deadzone width = 2r. will be used again to convert members of this hysteresis class into passive operators. As before, proof of passivity is then detailed in the corresponding lemma. By utilizing a common transformation, the subsequent stability criteria developed in x4.5 is unied, applying to both the multiple memoryless and hysteresis nonlinearities. To simplify the following analysis, continuous approximations for certain hysteretic forms will be assumed, as discussed next. Smooth approximations for discontinuities Nonlinearities with discontinuities, such as the relay depicted in Fig. 4.2, can present diculties for the stability analysis because the transform used (shown in Fig. 4.1) involves the time derivitive of the nonlinear output. As such, the transformed nonlinearity will result in an unbounded operator, mapping continuous input signals, with bounded velocities, to an output signal with innite rate of change. Naturally, this would violate the sector bound (4.5) established for the memoryless case. In order to use the same analytical approach for hysteresis with discontinuities, certain smooth approximations must be assumed. Smooth approximations for relay-type nonlinearities, as depicted in Fig. 4.2b, will be assumed for the subsequent analysis, so that the as discussed in [HM68, p. 366]. 4.2. NONLINEARITIES AND SECTOR TRANSFORMATIONS (x) SATURATION ZONE + Minor Loop 73 Major Loop 1st Order Transition x; x+ x A ; Figure 4.4: Typical Preisach hysteresis characteristic. local slope, d dx = 0(x), satises the bound: 0 0(x) < 1; (4.8) where the upper bound is stricty. An important consequence of this condition is that the approximation maps continuous input signals into continuous outputs. This allows us to establish a local Lipschitz condition for the nonlinearity. That is, if the input x : R ! C0[0; t], where x(t2 ) is a suciently small (local) perturbation of x(t1 ) on an interval: jx(t1 ) ; x(t)j < ; 8t 2 [t1 ; t2] (4.9) then the local Lipschitz condition: j(x(t1 )) ; (x(t2 ))j 0jx(t1) ; x(t2 )j (4.10) will hold, where 0 0(x) 0 < 1. In this case 0 = , the maximum slope appearing in the nonlinearity. This property will ensure that the transformed operator y See [Vis88] for a similar approximation for the hysteretic relay. CHAPTER 4. MULTIPLE HYSTERESIS NONLINEARITIES 74 is a bounded operator on the space of continuous signals, C0[0; t]z. Multiple Hysteresis Nonlinearities Using the given properties of the scalar hysteresis nonlinearities, dening the class for the vector case is straightforward. We dene h, the multiple hysteresis class as: 8 > > > > < 9 > (y) = [1 (y1); : : : ; m(ym)]T > > > = obeys local Lipschitz property (4.10) i m m h = > : R ! R : (4.11) > 0 0i < i; i = 1; : : : ; m > > > > > > : ; i has Properties{ The set h consists of m decoupled scalar nonlinearities, with each scalar component locally slope bounded (wherever the nonlinearity is dierentiable) and conforming to the properties detailed previously in x3.3.2. Lemma 4.2.3 (Passive Operator, Hysteresis case) Consider a vector hysteresis nonlinearity h : Rm ! Rm in the class dened (4.11). Then the input-output relation of the sector transformed operator ~ h dened with (t) as the input to ~ h and output (t) = dtd ~ h (), the time derivative of ~ h() (as depicted in Figure 4.1) is passive. Proof: For all T 0 Z T 0 T dt = = = m Z X T i dtd ~i(i ) dt (4.12a) iwi0 (t) dt (4.12b) i (t) dwi(t) (4.12c) i=0 0 m Z T X i=0 0 m Z X i=0 ; m Z X i i (t) dwi(t) i=0 (; Z m X abi = i=0 ; ; ! ; ((0)) pi ai z See [BS96, p. 24], for a similar discussion. i (t) dwi(t) + (4.12d) ) Z ; ! pi bi i(t) dwi(t) (4.12e) (4.12f) 4.3. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND LOOP TRANSFORMATION 0 e 0 - p G(s) y - e s;1 I G(s) y 75 G~ (s) + M ;1 a.) Original nonlinear system. p sI y + M ;1 ~ b.) Loop transformed system. Fig. 4.5: Nonlinear system and loop transformation. where ((0); w(0)) = (y(0); 0) = m Z X i=0 ; ! pi i (t) dwi(t) 0; (4.13) ai according to properties ({ of the class. Hence, the input-output relation is passive, by the denition given in [DV75, p. 173]. Note, that the proof is structured in a way analogous to the memoryless case. Instead of positive (sector bounded, path independent) line integrals, the corresponding steps here involve positive path integrals. 4.3 System Description and Loop Transformation As in the standard absolute stability analysis framework, it is assumed that the nonlinearity can be isolated from the linear dynamics and placed into a feedback 76 CHAPTER 4. MULTIPLE HYSTERESIS NONLINEARITIES path, as is shown in Fig. 4.5a. Assuming the linear dynamics G(s) has a minimal state space representation (A; B; C; D), with A Hurwitz, the nonlinear (Lur'e) system is described as x_ = Ax + Be (4.14) y = Cx + De pi(t) = i(yi(t)); i = 1; : : : ; m; where p(t) 2 Rm and 2 or 2 h , belonging to either the multiple memoryless (4.1) or hysteresis classes (4.11), as dened above. In order to convert the nonlinearity into a passive operator, in accordance with Lemma 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 we introduce the loop transform, as described in Fig. 4.1, to give the equivalent system shown in Fig. 4.5b. Note that ~ is now passive, and that the transformed linear system: G~ (s) = (G(s) + M ;1 )(s;1I ); (4.15) has the state space representation: 2 " 6 G~ =s 664 h A 0 C 0 0 I # i " B D + M ;1 0 # 3 7 7 7 5 : (4.16) By the Hurwitz assumption, we have that A is invertible, and thus by introducing the similarity transform: " # I 0 T= ; CA;1 I the augmented system G~ (s) can be decomposed into its stable and constant dynamic components as: G~ (s) = G~ r (s) + s;1R; (4.17) where R = G(0) + M ;1 with G(0) = ;CA;1 B + D; and the stable component G~ r is reduced by the integrator states and has the state space description: " # A B G~ r = : CA;1 0 s (4.18) 4.3. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND LOOP TRANSFORMATION u 0 G~ r (s) - _ 1I s 77 y + R 0 sI M (t) M Figure 4.6: Popov indirect control form. With the linear dynamics decomposed in this way, the nonlinear, closed loop system can then be expressed in the vector version of Popov's indirect control form (see [Vid93, p. 231], for example), as is depicted in Fig. 4.6. The dynamics of the original Lur'e system (4.14) corresponding now to the Popov form are equivalently given as: x_ = Ax + Bu = Ax ; B _ = ;; (0) = ;M (0) (4.19) = CA;1 x + R = _ M (t) Proper initialization of the integral state , as shown in Fig. 4.6, leads to the identities: (t) = ;M (t) _ (t) = ; = ;_ M (t): (4.20a) (4.20b) The stable (equilibrium) conditions for the hysteresis case diers than that which results from memoryless, slope-restricted nonlinearities because the hysteresis is multivalued. As a result, while the equilibrium point for the memoryless nonlinear system is unique (e.g., the origin), convergence for the hysteresis system is to an invariant 78 CHAPTER 4. MULTIPLE HYSTERESIS NONLINEARITIES set, which may consist of an innite number of points. The next section provides explicit descriptions of these stability sets. 4.4 Stationary Sets and Stability Denitions Stability theory is often used to determine whether or not an autonomous system will achieve some sort of steady state condition. Generally speaking, in steady state, the system state may be at an equilibrium point (at rest with x_ = 0), or in a limit cycle. In either case, the state x(t) belongs to an invariant set [Hah63, Vid93]. The largest invariant set M Rn, for a particular system, is the union of all equilibrium points and the sets containing all possible limit cycles. The equilibrium, or stationary, set E M, for the nonlinear system (4.14) is dened as: n o E = x 2 Rn such that (4.22) is satised ; (4.21) where (4.22) is the set of algebraic conditions: yss = [;CA;1 B + D]ess = G(0)ess ess = ;(yss) xss = ;A;1 Bess: (4.22a) (4.22b) (4.22c) Naturally, E is unique to each system (4.14) and, in particular, depends on the type of nonlinearity present. Various stationary sets are given below. 4.4.1 Stationary Set for Memoryless Nonlinearity For the slope-restricted nonlinearity, we assume there exists a unique equilibrium point x = 0, for the closed loop system (4.14). That is, Em is a singleton: Em = f0g : (4.23) This result is consistent with the sector bounded property of the class , and the assumption G(0) > ;M ;1 . Geometrically, this condition means that the graph of i-th nonlinearity i(yi ) and the line i = ;yi=Gii (0) intersect only once, at the origin. 4.4. STATIONARY SETS AND STABILITY DEFINITIONS i = ;1 Gii(0) yi 79 i i i yi Fig. 4.7: Graphical criteria for determining stationary set E. This intersection is necessarily non-unique in the hysteresis case, and as a result, Eh is comprised of nite regions in state space. These sets are dened below for various special cases. 4.4.2 Stationary Sets for Hysteresis Nonlinearities The stationary sets for multiple hysteresis can be dened with a simple extension of the graphical technique for the scalar case originally detailed by [BY79]x. To proceed, consider a generic Preisach nonlinearity, and note that conditions (4.22a{b) together can be depicted graphically, as shown in Fig. 4.7, as the intersection of the line i = ;yi =Gii(0) and the graph of the hysteresis. This intersection denes the range of outputs for each nonlinearity i 2 [i; i ] which must be satised simultaneously for each i; i = 1; : : : ; m: Then letting each i vary over the allowed range maps out x A similar denition for (4.21) is given in Ref. [Jon98]. CHAPTER 4. MULTIPLE HYSTERESIS NONLINEARITIES 80 the invariant set E, according to the condition (4.22c) x = ;A;1 Be, where e = ;: Note that if Gii(0) = 0, then the corresponding limits i; i are simply the extreme values of intersection of the hysteresis with the {axis. The stationary sets for the relay, backlash, and Preisach hysteresis nonlinearities are given next. Hysteretic Relay For a system with a bank of m unit relays, as shown in Fig. 4.2, the stationary set is given by: ( Erelay = x 2 Rn x = ;A;1 Be e 2 Rm ; ei 2 f;1; 1g; i = 1; : : : ; m ) (4.24) Erelay consists of 2m discrete points in Rn. Each point is essentially the steady state solution of the open loop system G(s) in response to a particular constant input vector e consisting of elements ei = +1; or ; 1: Backlash and Preisach Nonlinearities The equilibrium sets for these two types of nonlinearities are dened in the same way, since both operators admit outputs that range continuously over a prescribed interval. Once the output limits are dened, the stationary set is completely determined. ( Ebacklash; EPreisach = x 2 Rn x = ;A;1 Be e 2 Rm ; ei 2 [i; i]; i = 1; : : : ; m ) (4.25) Note that these sets are polytopic regions, and are equivalently dened as the convex hull of the corresponding set of limiting vectors: Ebacklash; EPreisach = Co fvi ; vi; : : : ; vm ; vm g ; where vi; vi 2 Rn, with vi = ;A;1 Bz; where z j = and vi dened similarly. ( i; j = i 0; else, (4.26) 4.5. STABILITY THEOREM 81 The denitions for the stationary sets E provide a clear idea of the position of x 2 Rn should the system achieve the equilibrium condition dened by x_ = 0: Before providing the stability criteria that guarantees the system is indeed stable, we give precise denitions of what it means for a system to be stable with respect to an invariant set. 4.4.3 Denitions of Stability Using standard notation (as by [Hah63], for example), dene the trajectory of motion for an initial condition x(0) = x0 of some arbitrary system as q(x0 ; t). For an invariant set M of the system, the distance to the set from any arbitrary point is given by: dist(x; M) = inf kx ; yk; y 2 M; with dist(x; M) = 0 for x 2 M. A closed invariant set M is called stable, if for every > 0 a number > 0 can be found such that for all t > 0, dist(q(x0 ; t); M) < provided If in addition, dist(x0 ; M) < : dist(q(x0 ; t); M) ! 0; as t ! 0; then M is said to be asymptotically stable. 4.5 Stability Theorem This section provides a Lyapunov-based asymptotic stability theory for the systems with either slope-restricted (memoryless) or hysteresis nonlinearities. The Lyapunov function used refers to the transformed system dened in x4.3 and includes the integral of the nonlinearity that is positive, as a result of the passive properties dened in x4.2. Negativity of the Lyapunov derivative is enforced by a certain matrix inequality of a form similar to that associated with the well-known KYP Lemma (see [BGFB94, CHAPTER 4. MULTIPLE HYSTERESIS NONLINEARITIES 82 p. 120], for one treatment). The theorem then concludes asymptotic stability of the origin in the case of the memoryless, slope-restricted nonlinearities, and for the equilibrium sets given x4.4.2 in the hysteresis case by using the Lyapunov conditions and employing basic analytical results. Theorem 4.5.1 (Asymptotic Stability) If there exists constants P; N; , with P 2 Rnn; P = P T > 0 2 Rmm ; = T > 0 N = diag(n1; : : : ; nm ); ni > 0; i = 1; : : : ; m such that " (4.27) # ;AT P ; PA C T N + A;T C T ; PB 0; ()T12 ND + DT N + 2NM ;1 ; (4.28) and R = RT > 0; R = G(0) + M ;1 , then the closed loop system (4.19) is asymptotically stable. In this case, the Lyapunov functional: V (x(t); (t); t) = x(t)T Px(t) + 2 Z t 0 T ( ) ( ) d + (0 ; 0) + T (t)R(t) (4.29) proves stability. Proof: Choosing as (4.7) for the slope-restricted nonlinearity, or as (4.13) when the nonlinearity is a multiple hysteresis{ , then V 0; and since P; R > 0, V ! 1 whenever (x; ) ! 1, so V is positive denite and hence, a valid Lyapunov candidate. In order to assert V_ 0, rst note that matrix inequality (4.28) implies, for all x 2 Rn ; u 2 Rm xT (AT P + PA)x 2xT (C T N + A;T C T ; PB )u + uT M22 u; (4.30) where M22 is the (2; 2) entry of the LMI (4.28). Using this fact, and (4.20) we have V_ (x; ) = xT (PA + AT P )x ; 2xT PB _ M + 2T _ M + 2T R_ ;2xT (C T N + A;T C T )_ M + 2T _ M + 2TM R_ M + _ TM M22 _ M (4.31a) { In the particular case when the nonlinearity is of the multiple backlash type, = 0, as discussed in x3.3.3. 4.5. STABILITY THEOREM 83 = ;2(_ + (D + M ;1 )_ M )T N _ M ; 2( + RM )T _ M + 2T _ M + 2TM R_ M + _ TM M22 _ M = ;2_ T N _ M ; _ TM _ M ;_ TM _ M ;j_ M j2 0; (4.31b) (4.31c) (4.31d) where the rst inequality (4.31a) is due to the LMI condition, the second (4.31b) a result of the time-derivative sector condition (4.5), and the last two (4.31c-4.31d) follow from the constraint > 0 (4.27), and the assumption that is the minimum eigenvalue of . Now since V is positive denite in x; and V_ 0, we conclude the closed loop system is stable, or, simply that x and are bounded. To nd asymptotic stability, rst note that, V_ ;j_ M j2 ) _ M (t) ! 0 as t ! 1; (4.32) since V (t) is bounded below. Further, using (4.31c), we have V (t) ; V (0) ; which, can be rewritten as Z t 0 Z 0 t j_ M j2 dt; j_ M j2 dt 1 (V (0) ; V (t)) V (0)=; (4.33) (4.34) which implies _ 2 L2, and as a result y(t) 2 L2 as well since G~ r is L2-stable (i.e., A Hurwitz). Using the system dynamics (4.19), the signal y and its derivative are expressed as y(t) = y_ (t) = CA;1 eAt x(0) + Z t eA(t; ) Bu( ) d 0 Z t CeAtx(0) ; C eA(t; ) B _ M ( ) d 0 ; CA;1B _ M (t): (4.35a) (4.35b) Assuming Lipschitz continuous nonlinearities so that _ M (t) exists (i.e., _ M (t) 2 L1), we have that y_ 2 L1.k In this case, the two conditions y(t) 2 L2, y_ 2 L1 imply k Recall continuous approximation to establish local Lipschitz condition (4.10), and see Remark 2 below for alternate treatment allowing for discontinuities. CHAPTER 4. MULTIPLE HYSTERESIS NONLINEARITIES 84 that y(t) ! 0 as t ! 1 (see, for example, [NA89, Lemma 2.1.2]). The asymptotic conditions y(t); _ M (t) ! 0 together require that the closed loop system must approach an equilibrium condition as t ! 0. To see this, rst note that the conditions = ;_ M ! 0 and y ! 0 imply that all signals of the Popov system (4.19) contained within the dashed region of the block diagram in Fig. 4.8a approach zero asymptotically. Secondly, ; = _ ! 0, together with the condition _ (t) 2 L1, established in Appx. D, implies that limt!1 (t) exists. Further, recall that the initialization of variable (0) = ;M (0) implies that (t) = ;M (t) 8t 0, as given by Eqn. (4.20). Thus, in the limit, the zero signals can be eliminated and the system reduced to that shown in Fig. 4.8b, where the signal equivalence mentioned above is indicated by the dashed line. Reversing the sector transformation further simplies the diagram to that in Fig. 4.8c, which corresponds to the equivalent algebraic conditions: yss = G(0)uss uss = ;(yss) x = ;A;1 Buss; (4.36a) (4.36b) (4.36c) which are identical to the conditions (4.22) that describe the stationary set E. Therefore, in the hysteresis case, we conclude global asymptotic stability of the set E. In the special case of the system with multiple slope-restricted nonlinearities, the set E is simply the origin, as noted by Eqn. (4.23). Remarks: 1. This proof utilizes a combination of Lyapunov and input-output stability theories. Of course, connections between Lyapunov and input-output stability concepts have been well established [Wil71b, HM80a, BY89]. In this case, passivity conditions are used to establish Lyapunov stability arguments for slope restricted/hysteresis nonlinear systems, all within the analytical framework of Popov's indirect control form. An alternate approach could proceed using passivity (as is done in [PH98b]) or Popov's hyperstability theorem [Pop73], exclusively. However, the Lyapunov component included here enables the additional 4.5. STABILITY THEOREM 85 u 0 G~ r (s) - _ 1I s y + R 0 _ M M sI (a) 0 - uss G(0) R - M () M (b) yss (yss) (c) Figure 4.8: The condition V_ 0 implies steady state condition on the Popov sys- tem. The signals contained in the dashed region seen in (a) tend to zero asymptotically. In the limit, this allows reduction to the system (b), which is the transform equivalent to (c), that describes the steady state equilibrium condition (4.36). 86 CHAPTER 4. MULTIPLE HYSTERESIS NONLINEARITIES conclusion of asymptotic stability of the set E. Positive real and passivity interpretations of the analysis are further explored in the following section. 2. Note that the hysteresis set h (4.11) includes only smooth approximations for discontinuous nonlinearities such as the hysteretic relay. Of course this was done to maintain simplicity. A more exact treatment could be developed for these discontinuous nonlinearities using Filippov [Fil88] state solutions, onesided Lyapunov derivatives as described by [Hah63, Cla83], and the generalized version of LaSalles Invariance Principle [LaS76]. 3. The condition R = RT > 0 is not overly restrictive. For instance, the odiagonal elements G(s) can often be arbitrarily scaled using diagonal scaling matrices. In this way the matrix G(0) can be made symmetric with the necessary gain adjustments incorporated into the nonlinearity. The condition R = RT > 0 is less restrictive than the condition G(0) = 0 given by [HK95], and the criterion G(0) = G(0)T > 0 required by [PBK98], whenever the nonlinearity has nite maximum slope. The criteria in Ref. [PBK98] includes the additional constraint that NG(0) = G(0)T N , which limits N to a scalar quantity in the case when G(0) is a full matrix. This can further restrict the analysis, as is illustrated with a simple example in x4.7. 4.6 Passivity and Frequency Domain Interpretations The LMI (4.28) is recognized as a strict passivity condition on the linear system: " # A B G~ ra = (4.37) ; 1 NC + CA N (D + M ;1 ) which is an augmented version of the reduced system G~ r . Strict passivity of this augmented system is a requirement for stability that could have been derived using an equivalent analysis of the system in Fig. 4.5 that employs noncausal multipliers, as is detailed in Ref. [Wil71a, Ch. 6]. A robust stability analysis using passivity and 4.6. PASSIVITY AND FREQUENCY DOMAIN INTERPRETATIONS 87 G~ a 0 ; s;1 I G + M ;1 sI M Ns + I (Ns + I );1 ~ a.) Augmented, transformed nonlinear system. G~ ra 0 ; s;1R qr G~ a + qI + ~ b.) System in Popov Indirect form. Figure 4.9: Equivalent passivity-based stability analysis can be accomplished by (a.) including multipliers and (b.) transforming to Popov indirect control form. 88 CHAPTER 4. MULTIPLE HYSTERESIS NONLINEARITIES multipliers for the specic case of systems having a single hysteresis was recently done in Ref. [PH98b]. To proceed, introduce the multiplier W (s) = Ns + I (with N as dened in (4.27)) into the transformed system, as shown in Fig. 4.9a. In this case, premultiplying the hysteresis M with W ;1 as shown results in a new nonlinearity ~ in the feedback path which is passive. This passivity condition is ascertained using the steps in the proofs of Lemma 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 and using the additional time derivative constraint (4.5). Introducing the multiplier similarly leads to the transformed linear system: G~ a (s) = W (s)(G(s) + M ;1 )(s;1I ) = (Ns + I )(G(s) + M ;1 )(s;1I ): (4.38) This decomposes, as was done in Eqs. (4.15-4.17), to G~ a(s) = G~ ra (s) + s;1R; (4.39) where again R = G(0) + M ;1 , and Gra(s) is the augmented system (4.38) reduced by the integrator states and has the state space representation (4.37). This leads directly to the Popov indirect form, with a parallel combination of the augmented system G~ ra and the constant dynamics s;1R, as depicted in Fig. 4.9b. In the passivity framework, stability requires either the feedforward or feedback operator be strictly passive. In this case, strict passivity is achieved by conditions on the reduced system G~ ra and strict positivity of R, as detailed in the following corollary. Corollary 4.6.1 (Strict Passivity) If there exists N = diag(n1 ; : : : ; nm ) 0; = T > 0 such that the following two conditions: 1. R = RT ; R = G(0) + M ;1 > 0 2. The reduced system Gra , given by (4.37) is dissipative with respect to the supply rate: r(p; q) = pT q ; pT p; (4.40) are satised, then the system G~ a (s) is strictly passive. In this case, the closed loop system (4.14) is asymptotically stable. 4.6. PASSIVITY AND FREQUENCY DOMAIN INTERPRETATIONS 89 Proof: Let : R+ ! Rm represent the integrator state with (0) = 0 , V : Rn ! R+ be a storage function for G~ a and qI ; qr be the outputs of the integrator and G~ ra, respectively, as depicted in Fig. 4.9b. Then for any T 0 we have Z T 0 qT p dt = Z Z T 0 (qI + qr )T p dt Z T d T p dt = ( t ) dt + q r dt 0 0 1 2 (TT RT ; 0T R0 ) + V (xT ) ; V (x0 ) + hp; pi2T ; (0; x0 ) + kpT k22; T T (t)RT where (0; x0) = 0T R0 =2 + V (x0) 0 and > 0 is the minimum eigenvalue of . Thus, G~ a is strictly passive by the denition given in [DV75]. Then, since the loop transformed system consists of a passive (transformed) nonlinearity in feedback with a strictly passive linear system, we thus conclude the closed loop system will converge asymptotically to the equilibrium conditions. Corollary 4.6.1 essentially uses the idea that an operator consisting of the parallel combination of passive (nonstrict) and a strictly passive operators is strictly passive. Condition 1 ensures the passivity (nonstrict) of the integrator component, while condition 2 enforces the strict passivity of the reduced system G~ ra. The necessary dissipation for the parallel system is ultimately guaranteed by the existence of some > 0. Naturally, the scalar analogy for the positivity condition: R = RT > 0 on the integrator term is the simple capacitor, which is passive provided the capacitance value is positive. The notion that a linear system can be strictly passive even though it has zero eigenvalues is not intuitive, but similar results are available in the literature, and usually involve decomposing the system into its stable and constant dynamic components, as is done here for the indirect Popov criterion. In Ref. [AV73, p. 216], for example, it is shown that systems with purely imaginary poles are positive real only if the associated residue matrices are nonnegative denite Hermitian. A similar state space diagonalization is used to establish Lyapunov stability criteria in [BGFB94, pp. 20{22] for systems having eigenvalues with a zero real part. Assuming the input/output relation across the capacitor terminals is current/voltage. 90 CHAPTER 4. MULTIPLE HYSTERESIS NONLINEARITIES In essence, Thm. 4.5.1 is an extension of these ideas to a particular version of the KYP Lemma, and in eect could be called the Indirect Control KYP Lemma, for the historical reasons cited in x4.1. Of course, as is well known, a linear system is strictly passive if and only if its Hermitian form is strictly positive denite for all frequencies [DV75, p. 174]; that is, a system H (s) is strictly passive if and only if, for some > 0, H (j!) + H (j!) > I; 8! 0: (4.41) Hence, the stability question can be addressed by asking the equivalent question: When is a square, linear system having zero eigenvalues strictly passive? Note that, unlike the approach taken in [HK95, PBK98], we do not require the linear system to be strictly positive real (SPR) [Kha96, Wen88], which is a stronger condition than strict passivity. In fact, the transformed system G~ a in general can not be SPR since the multiplier W (s) introduces a zero eigenvalue (see [Kha96, pp 404-405]); however, it is clear that G~ a satisfying the conditions of Theorem 4.5.1 are strictly passive. This follows since, 1 (R ; RT ) G~ a (j!) + G~ a (j!) = G~ ra (j!) + G~ ra(j!) + j! (4.42a) = G~ ra (j!) + G~ ra(j!) (4.42b) > (4.42c) I; (4.42d) where is the minimum eigenvalue of . Therefore the strict passivity condition (4.41) is achieved. Here again, as in the Corollary 4.6.1, the role of symmetric R is apparent, this time in the frequency domain. 4.7. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES 91 4.7 Numerical Examples 4.7.1 Computing the Maximum Allowed Slope for Nonlinearities A common engineering problem that often arises is that of nding the maximum sloped nonlinearity that a given system can tolerate before going unstable. This problem was posed in [PBK98], and an LMI solution was suggested based on the analysis given in that paper. The same problem in terms of the conditions of Theorem 4.5.1 is stated as: ( max subject to: (4.27), (4.28) R = RT > 0 (4.43) where M = Im. Solving (4.43) for the arbitrary 2 2 system G(s) given as " G1(s) = s2 ;0:2s+0:1 s2 ;0:4s+0:75 s3 +2s2 +2s+1 s3 +32s2 +3s+1 0:1s2 +5s+0:75 0:15(s +s+0:75) s3 +1:33s2 +2s+1 s3 +s2 +1:1s+1 # ; (4.44) by using the LMI solver [GNLC95], yields a maximum allowed slope value of = 0:940. By comparison, the equivalent problem using the stability criteria from [PBK98] results in a maximum slope of 0:392, approximately a factor of 2 smaller. Obviously, Theorem 4.5.1 is less conservative in guaranteeing stability for this system. The reason for this is that while G(0) is symmetric, and thus satises the criteria in [PBK98], G(0) is a full matrix. As a result of Park's additional constraint, NG(0) ; G(0)T N = 0, the multiplier N must reduce to a scalar, positive number. By contrast, Theorem 4.5.1 poses no such condition on G(0), and allows N to remain a diagonal matrix with two degrees of freedom, and is thus able to give less conservative stability guarantees. This relative advantage is likely to increase as the number of nonlinearities increases in the case of non-diagonal G(0). This follows since Theorem 4.5.1 will allow one additional degree of freedom for each nonlinearity, while the criteria from [PBK98] restricts the multiplier to a single scalar number (i.e., N = nIm) regardless of the problem size. 92 CHAPTER 4. MULTIPLE HYSTERESIS NONLINEARITIES [HK95] [PBK98] Theorem 4.5.1 G1 (s) n=a 0:39 0:94 G2 (s) n=a n=a 0:99 Table 4.1: New analysis extends previous results for systems with multiple slope- restricted nonlinearities. In each case, Thm. 4.5.1 allows larger nonlinearity slopes, and applies to a wider class of systems (note, n/a: not applicable). As a second example, consider " G2 (s) = s;0:2 0:1s2 +1 s +2s2 +2s+1 s22+3s+1 0:1s2 +5s+1 0:2(s +s+0:75) s2 +1:33s+1 s3 +s2 +1:1s+1 3 # ; (4.45) and note the state space version of this system has a non-zero feedthrough term, D 6= 0, and the system matrix at s = 0: " ;0:2 1:0 G2(0) = # 1:0 0:15 has a negative eigenvalue. For either of these reasons, the recent results of [PBK98] and [HK95] do not apply in this case. Within the context of absolute stability then, it is fair to conclude the criteria in [PBK98, HK95] can guarantee stability only for nonlinearities having zero maximum slope (i.e., only when nonlinearities are not present). However, Theorem 4.5.1 does apply and guarantees stability for all nonlinearities in the classes described in x4.2 that have a maximum slope less than 0:996: The corresponding stability multiplier is N = diag(25:327; 11:134): The results of these two numerical examples are summarized in Table 4.1. Note that for these examples the new criteria provides a less conservative analytical tool than the previous results by predicting larger allowed slopes in the nonlinearities, and applying to systems which otherwise could not be evaluated. 4.7. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES 93 4.7.2 Asymptotic Stability with Single Hysteretic Relay As a simple example of an application of Theorem 4.5.1 for a system with a single nonlinearity, consider a third order system: 2 0:01s + 0:25 (4.46) G(s) = (ss ++1)( s2 + s + 1) that is attached in negative feedback with a hysteretic relay (Fig. 4.2). A simple graphical check, as described in x4.4.2 shows that the line = ;y=G(0) intersects the nonlinearity in two stable points, = 1, and does not intersect the discontinuous portion of the characteristic. In this case the stationary set is well dened and, according to denition (4.24), is simply two discrete points in state space: 8 > > < 2 0 E = > 0 > : 2 6 6 4 39 > > 7= 7 5> > ; : (4.47) To prove asymptotic stability of E, we solve the LMI (4.28) by approximating the innite slope of the relay with the value = 1106. Using the LMI toolbox [GNLC95], the stability parameters are found to be 2 3 5:0826 ;0:02149 0:16304 7 6 P = 64 ;0:02149 4:7911 ;0:02991 75 ; 0:16304 ;0:02991 3:038 N = 4:7078, and = 4:77 10;6, which proves the global asymptotic stability of the set E. Note that in this case G(s) is not positive real, and thus an analysis of this hysteretic relay system based on the circle criteria, such as the IQC technique given by [RM96], would fail. However, it is straightforward to show that the graph of G(j!); w 0 does not enter the third quadrant of the Nyquist plane and therefore satises less restrictive stability criteria for systems with scalar hysteresis nonlinearities, as discussed in x3.4.2, and depicted in Fig. 3.9yy. Several simulations of the nonlinear system conrm this result. The set is clearly visible in Fig. 4.10, as initial yy See [PH98b] for further details. CHAPTER 4. MULTIPLE HYSTERESIS NONLINEARITIES 94 State trajectories for system with hysteretic relay. 10 x3 5 0 -5 6 4 -10 -4 2 -2 0 -2 0 -4 2 4 x1 -6 x2 Figure 4.10: For system with hysteretic relay, analysis shows all solutions converge to the stationary set E, which consists of two distinct points in state space. conditions at various locations in state space converge to either of the two discrete points. The nonlinear behavior of the system is evident in Fig. 4.11, which shows nonsmooth trajectories of the state that result at times when the relay switches. The nonlinear switching is also the cause of the asymmetric pattern of the state trajectories, as seen in the x1 -x3 plane. 4.7. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES 95 Asymmetric trajectory pattern caused by relay hysteresis. 6 4 x2 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 x1 1 2 3 4 Fig. 4.11: Alternate view depicts nonsmooth trajectories that result from relay switching. In this view E appears as single point in state space. 4.7.3 Asymptotic Stability with Multiple Backlash Nonlinearities Here we investigate the stability of the two-input, two-output system: 2 " # A B G= = C D s 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 ;2 ;1 3 ;0:5 0:19365 0:41312 7 0 0 ;0:41312 77 2 0 0 1 0 1:875 ;0:1875 0:09375 1 0:75 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 5 (4.48) CHAPTER 4. MULTIPLE HYSTERESIS NONLINEARITIES 96 Multiple backlash nonlinearity results in polytopic stationary set. 0.6 0.4 0.2 x3 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -0.2 -0.1 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.1 -0.1 0.2 x1 -0.2 x2 Fig. 4.12: The stationary set E for a multiple backlash nonlinearity is a rectangular region in the x1 -x3 plane. that is attached in feedback with two backlash nonlinearities, described in Fig. 4.3, each having unit slope and deadband width (; D = 1). The system matrix at s = 0: " 0:0363 0:3873 G(0) = 0:3873 0:20656 # is symmetric, and has eigenvalues = ;0:275; 0:518, so that the criteria R = RT > 0, where R = G(0)+ I is satised. Solving the LMI (4.28) yields the stability parameters 2 3 4:2914 ;1:921 ;3:7638 7 6 P = 64 ;1:921 7:6573 ;2:3389 75 ;3:7638 ;2:3389 18:354 4.8. CONCLUSIONS and 97 " # " # 1:7292 0 0:75697 ;0:18976 N= = : 0 1:6253 ;0:18976 0:69497 Positivity of these matrices proves global asymptotic stability for the set E, as per Theorem 4.5.1. In this case, E is a polytopic region, as described for the backlash nonlinearity by Eqn. (4.26), given by: 8 > > < E = Co > > : 2 3 2 0:1712 7 0 6 0 75 ; 64 0 0 0:3737 6 6 4 3 9 > > 7 = 7 5 > > ; : (4.49) The stationary set E (4.49) is shown dashed in Fig. 4.12. Simulation of the nonlinear system with six dierent initial conditions conrms the stability of the set. All trajectories terminate in E, as shown in Fig. 4.12. The perspective looking down onto the x2 -x3 plane, given in Fig. 4.13, conrms that the second component of the state indeed converges to zero, since the various trajectories all end in the corresponding segment of the x3 -axis. 4.8 Conclusions This chapter establishes absolute stability criteria for systems with multiple hysteresis and slope-restricted nonlinearities. Using Popov's indirect control form as an analytical framework, a Lyapunov stability proof is developed to guarantee stability for these two classes of nonlinear systems. The analyses for the two dierent cases are eectively unied by introducing a transformation that converts either nonlinearity into a passive operator. In the hysteresis case, the Lyapunov function includes an integral term that is dependent on the nonlinearity input-output path, while the corresponding Lyapunov term for the memoryless nonlinearity is not. As a result of the new analysis, early work performed by Yakubovich for a scalar hysteresis is extended to handle multiple nonlinearities, and recent work on multiple slope-restricted nonlinearities is further generalized. The stability guarantee is presented in terms of a simple linear matrix inequality (LMI) in the given system matrices, and a certain CHAPTER 4. MULTIPLE HYSTERESIS NONLINEARITIES 98 All solutions converge to x2 = 0. 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 x3 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 x2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Fig. 4.13: As viewed in the x2 -x3 plane, the set E appears as a segment of the x3 -axis in which all trajectories terminate. residue matrix condition that must be satised. Asymptotic stability is with respect to a subset of state space that contains all equilibrium positions of the nonlinear system. Descriptions of these stationary sets for several common hysteresis types are given in detail. Simple numerical examples are then used to demonstrate the eectiveness of the new analysis in comparison to other recent results, and graphically illustrate state asymptotic stability. By contrast to the previous work, the analysis allows for non-strictly proper systems and, except for trivial cases such as a diagonal system matrix, the stability multiplier is allowed to be more general and leads to less conservative stability predictions. Chapter 5 Reduced Order Control Design While there has been much work done in recent years on robust control synthesis, most frameworks are constrained to produce controllers that are full order, whereby the controller and plant transfer functions have an equal number of poles. Reduced order design algorithms are required in the cases when robust performance is critical but the controller order must be constrained due to limitations of control hardware, or excessive order of the plant. This chapter presents LMI-based algorithms that explicitly synthesize reduced order robust controllers. Order reduction is accomplished by treating the controller order as part of a multi-objective optimization. As expected, the resulting controllers typically achieve degraded performance as the order is further constrained. This trade-o is explored in this chapter with new algorithms for the basic H1 and robust H1 cases. The robust synthesis algorithm yields controllers that give optimal closed loop L2-gain performance for systems having norm bounded uncertainties by performing a sequence of convex optimizations over LMI constraints. These basic routines are then extended to solve for controllers that are robust to sector bounded, memoryless and hysteresis nonlinearities. Control design for systems with sector bounded memoryless nonlinearities with a stability guarantee based on the Popov criteria is referred to as Popov/H1 control design, and is widely known to be a nonconvex problem due to the bilinear form of the corresponding matrix inequality constraints (i.e., BMIs). The new algorithm presented here solves this BMI problem while yielding controllers that have order lower than the plant. This 99 100 CHAPTER 5. REDUCED ORDER CONTROL DESIGN new synthesis technique is then adapted to produce H1 controllers for systems with hysteresis, using the stability criteria detailed in Chapter 3. The utility of the basic H1, robust H1 and Popov BMI routines is demonstrated using a typical benchmark system with uncertainty; while the hysteresis design algorithm is applied to synthesize a reduced order loop shaping controller for a system with a Preisach nonlinearity. 5.1 Introduction The popularity of linear matrix inequalities as a framework to analyze the stability of uncertain systems and to design linear robust controllers has grown rapidly over the last ve years. Linear matrix inequalities allow the user the freedom to express diverse concepts such as Lyapunov stability, passivity and energy gain all in a single compact notational form [BEFB94]. Recently LMI's have found extensive use in H1 multi-objective control design [Gah96, GA94, Iwa93, SIG97]. Most of this work involves full-order design in which the compensation has the same order as the plant. However, it is commonly reported in these works that the order of controller is tied directly to the rank of a certain positive matrix of the form: " R I M= I S # (5.1) that occurs in the design process, where the dimensions of R and S correspond to that of the plant and controller, respectively. Ultimately, minimum order control design requires solving for positive matrices, R and S , that simultaneous minimize the rank of M and satisfy the set of constraints that guarantee a preselected performance level. Unfortunately, while the performance constraint set is convex, the minimum rank set is not, and therefore the joint problem is not suitable for current LMI software [GNLC95, WB96]. Several attempts have been made to overcome this problem. In [GI94], for example, the eigendecomposition of the nonconvex constraint is used to produce an approximate subgradient for a descent direction in an optimization routine. It is noted, however, that this technique is numerically cumbersome in practice, and the nondierentiability of the constraints often leads to 5.1. INTRODUCTION 101 convergence problems. A more recent approach utilizes an alternating projection algorithm [GS94, BG96, GB98] which produces minimum order controllers by projecting the two matrices (R and S ) onto the convex and nonconvex constraint sets. As reported in Ref. [GB98], the alternating projection scheme is often not necessary in practice, and that minimizing the linear objective c = Trace(M ) often leads to the minimum order stabilizing controller. The connection between the rank of the matrix M (5.1) and its trace is explored in recent preliminary work by Mesbahi [Mes99]. Essentially, Ref. [Mes99] points out that positive matrices of the form (5.1) that satisfy the closed loop stability constraints form a type of set referred to as a hyperlattice, and minimum rank elements in this set will also have minimum trace (see also [MP97]). In this chapter this observation about Trace(M ) is used as the basis to generate reduced order controllers. In particular, the Trace() function is treated as a convex relaxation of the Rank() objective to develop LMI based algorithms to synthesize controllers that optimize an H1 performance objective subject to an order condition on the controller. First, we incorporate the trace objective into a bisection algorithm to perform a Pareto optimal investigation that trades o controller order for performance. We then extend the design objective to include a robustness constraint in addition to performance. For this case the objective function has two parts, one part pertaining to closed loop performance and the other corresponding to compensation order. This approach is used to develop synthesis algorithms for systems with both norm bounded uncertainties, and uncertainties that can be modeled as memoryless, sector bounded nonlinearities (such as saturation, or linear parametric uncertainty). In the latter case, the algorithm yields solutions that are referred to as reduced order Popov/H1 controllers, since the stability constraint used is based on the Popov criterion. Using a three-mass benchmark problem, we show that this algorithm consistently produces reduced order controllers that give better performance than those designed using the robust H1 algorithm. Finally, an algorithm that parallels the Popov synthesis routine is developed based on the stability analysis from Chapter 3 that produces reduced order controllers for systems with hysteresis nonlinearities. The utility of the new algorithm is demonstrated by solving an H1 loop shaping problem for a system with a Preisach hysteresis. CHAPTER 5. REDUCED ORDER CONTROL DESIGN 102 The chapter is organized as follows. In x5.2, four reduced order synthesis problem statements are dened. The dierent cases considered, Reduced order H1, Robust/H1, Popov/H1, and H1 for systems with hysteresis are presented in a uniform manner, with all design parameters concisely detailed. These problem denitions are then followed in x5.3 with the corresponding LMI/BMI design algorithms which can be used to solve these problems. Numerical examples are provided in x5.4 to compare the new reduced order design approach to a balanced realization/truncation technique using a typical benchmark problem, and demonstrate H1 control design for a system with hysteresis. 5.2 Synthesis Problem Statements The design for the controller K (s) that will achieve a closed loop L2-gain across some performance channel using an LMI framework is well documented in the literature [Gah96, GA94, Iwa93, SIG97]. All presentations start with the Bounded Real Lemma [BEFB94, p. 23], and use the Elimination and Completion Lemmas to convert the problem into an optimization over a set of convex constraints which is readily solved using available LMI solvers [WB96, GNLC95]. Here we use those well established techniques to arrive at the equivalent convex optimization problem for reduced order solutions. The typical problem, depicted in Fig. 5.1, is to design a proper, linear controller: " # s Ac Bc K= ; (5.2) Cc Dc 5.2. SYNTHESIS PROBLEM STATEMENTS w 103 z G(s) u y K (s) Figure 5.1: Standard H1 control design framework. that will achieve a closed loop L2-gain of from input disturbance w to performance output z of the linear plant G(s), given as: 2 3 A Bw Bu 7 G = 4 Cz Dzw Dzu 75 : Cy Dyw 0 s 6 6 5.2.1 H1 Control (5.3) By starting with the small gain LMI (2.11) expressed in terms of the closed loop system matrices, and applying the Elimination Lemma 2.2.2, it can be shown ([Gah96, GA94, Iwa93, SIG97]) that there exists a controller of the form (5.2) achieving the H1 upper bound if and only if there exist positive denite matrices R and S such that the conditions: 2 RCzT 3 Bw 7 Cz R ;I Dzw 75 U? < 0 ?4 T ;I BwT Dzw 2 3 T S + SA SBw C T A z 7 6 T T T 6 V? 4 Bw S ;I Dzw 75 V? < 0; Cz Dzw ;I 6 UT 6 AR + RAT (5.4a) (5.4b) CHAPTER 5. REDUCED ORDER CONTROL DESIGN 104 are satised, with 2 " 3 #? 2 " Bu 6 0 77 6 U? = Dzu 5 ; and V? = 4 0 I and the matrices R; S related by: 6 6 4 " R I " R Rank I I S I S # # CyT T Dyw #? 3 0 I 0 7 7 5 0 (5.5a) n + nc: (5.5b) The matrix pair R; S that satises (5.4) is a convex set (this follows simply because the set is linear in R; S ). Following the notation in Ref. [GB98] we refer to this convex set simply as: o n (5.6) ;convex = (R; S ) R; S 2 Sn; (5:4a{b) : However, as noted, the set described by the rank condition (5.5) is non-convex, and will be referred to by: n o Zn = (R; S ) R; S 2 Sn ; (5:5a{b) : (5.7) c Therefore, there exists a controller of the form (5.2) that achieves a given performance level , if and only if there exists a pair of matrices R; S > 0 such that (R; S ) 2 ;convex T Zn . The optimal control problem is now stated below. c H1 Control Problem Find the matrix pair R; S that solves the optimization problem: min : T such that : R; S > 0; (R; S ) 2 ;convex Zn : (5.8) c The pair R; S that solves (5.8) completely parameterizes the optimal H1 controller (5.2). An algorithm which solves this reduced order H1 control problem (5.8) is detailed in x5.3.1. 5.2. SYNTHESIS PROBLEM STATEMENTS 105 Controller Reconstruction Given the matrix pair R; S , performance level and desired controller order nc, recovering the optimal controller requires a feasible solution of a linear matrix inequality. The rst step in the procedure, often called controller reconstruction, requires rst the decomposition of the quadratic stability matrix (corresponding to the controller subspace): Q = R ; S ;1; (5.9) using the singular value decomposition (svd, [HJ92]), as W; ; W T = svd(Q): (5.10) Selecting the columns of W corresponding to the nc most signicant singular values, Wr = [w1 ; : : : ; wn ] (5.11) c and the reduced order matrix of singular values r = diag(1; : : : ; n ) then allows the formation of the reduced order, stability matrix: c " # S Wr S~ = : (5.12) WrT r Recovering the controller K then requires the solution of the LMI feasibility problem ~ V~ T + V~ K T U~ T < 0; M + UK (5.13) where M is dened in terms of the plant matrices and performance level as: 2 3 T T ~ ~ ~ A S + SA SB C t w;t t z;t 7 6 T T 7: 6 ~ M = 4 Bw;tS (5.14) ;I Dzw 5 Cz;t Dzw ;I The system matrices appearing above are simply those that result by applying the Elimination Lemma 2.2.2 to the closed loop H1 LMI (2.11). The matrix elements comprising (5.14) have the reduced order controller dimension nc, and are given as " A 0 At = 0 0n # c " # " # T B T = Cz : ; Bw;t = w ; and Cz;t 0 0 (5.15) 106 CHAPTER 5. REDUCED ORDER CONTROL DESIGN The outer matrices in the reconstruction inequality (5.13) are 2 3 2 3 T ~SBt Ct ~U = 664 0 775 ; and V~ T = 664 D2T;t 775 ; D1;t 0 where similarly, " # " # 0 Bu 0 I Bt = ; Ct = ; I 0 Cy 0 and " # h i 0 D1;t = 0 Dzu ; D2;t = : Dyw (5.16) (5.17) (5.18) 5.2.2 Robust H1 Control Following the formulation for H1 control, we consider now the corresponding robust control problem in which the plant has uncertainty , as is depicted in the standard three-block system set-up shown in Fig. 5.2. As is common practice in control theory [SP96], the optimal control design for the uncertain plant is achieved using either the Bounded Real Lemma (small gain), or the Popov criteria. In that framework, we seek a linear controller K (s) for a plant G that has norm-bounded uncertainty captured by the -block, where 2 , with = f 2 RH1 : kk1 < 1g : (5.19) The performance channel is then scaled by a constant that is used to determine the achievable performance of the closed loop system. The scaled system is dened as: 2 3 pB A Bp Bu w 6 7 pD 7 C D D q qp qw qu s 6 7 G = 66 p (5.20a) p p 7 C D D D 4 z zp zw zu 5 pD Cy Dyp 0 yw 2 3 A Bw Bu 7 6 D 7 ; = 64 Cz Dzw (5.20b) zu 5 Cy Dyw 0 5.2. SYNTHESIS PROBLEM STATEMENTS 107 p q G(s) w z u y K (s) Figure 5.2: Robust H1 control design set-up includes additional channel for system uncertainty (). where we articially combine the uncertainty and scaled performance channels into a single channel. Making the substitutions, Bw Bw , etc., in the set of inequalities (5.4), we dene a new convex set ;convex in terms of the scaled inequalities. Thus, we say there exists a robust controller that stabilizes the system G for all uncertainties 2 if and only if there exists a pair of matrices R; S > 0 such that T (R; S ) 2 ;convex Zn , with the parameter xed at = 1. We can now state the robust H1 control problem. c Robust H1 Control Problem Find the matrix pair R; S that solves the convex optimization problem: max : T subject to : (R; S ) 2 ;convex Zn ; = 1: (5.21) c The pair R; S that solves (5.21) parameterizes the controller that achieves optimal, robust H1 performance. The optimal performance is 1=opt, where opt solves (5.21), and is guaranteed for all 2 . The algorithm which produces robust H1 controllers, detailed in problem (5.21), is given in x5.3.2. CHAPTER 5. REDUCED ORDER CONTROL DESIGN 108 Controller Reconstruction Recovering the robust H1 controller is accomplished by solving LMI feasibility problem, ~ V~ T + V~ K T U~ T < 0; M + UK (5.22) where, after combing the uncertainty and performance channels, the matrices M ; U~ and V~ are identical to those described in x5.2.1. 5.2.3 Popov/H1 Control The robust design approach in x5.2.2 is known to result in conservative controllers if the plant uncertainty can be modeled as a sector-bounded, memoryless nonlinearity. This occurs, for instance, when the plant G includes a constant real parameter with a value only known to within a certain tolerance. A better approach in such cases is to use the Popov stability criterion, which can be much less restrictive than the small gain constraint [BH97b]. Robust performance for a system with uncertainty 2 sector[0; 1], using this criterion is guaranteed by the LMI [BEFB94, p. 122]: 2 6 6 4 A~T P + P A~ + C~zT C~z P B~p + A~T C~q + C~ T T P B~w ~ p + BpT C~ T ; 2T C~ B~w ()T12 CB B~wT P B~wT C~ T ; 2 I 3 7 7 5 0; (5.23) where ; T 2 Rn n are diagonal, non-negative and referred to as the stability multipliers. The system matrices in (5.23) are assumed to represent the closed loop dynamics depicted in Fig. 5.2. Note here that unlike the robust H1 case, the uncertainty is treated separately as a passivity constraint and not combined with the performance channel. Thus, the scaling between the two channels is not needed here, and instead, the LMI contains an additional row and column to satisfy the robustness and performance conditions simultaneously. To employ a Popov analysis, the simple sector transformation depicted in Fig. 2.3 can be used to convert a norm bounded uncertainty, 2 sector[;1; 1], to one with a positive sector, 2 sector[0; 1]. In the Using a = and b = 1, as discussed in x2.1. q 1 2 q 5.2. SYNTHESIS PROBLEM STATEMENTS 109 sequel, it will be assumed that the transformation required to re-sector the nonlinearity has been applied, and the resulting open loop system for consideration has the form: 2 3 A Bp Bw Bu 6 7 7 C 0 0 0 q s 6 7: GP = 66 (5.24) 7 4 Cz 0 Dzw Dzu 5 Cy 0 Dyw 0 Note that the matrices Dqp, Dqw , Dqu, Dzp, and Dyp are assumed zero to simplify the application of the Popov stability analysis. The controller, initially assumed full-order as dened by (5.2), can again be eliminated from the Popov/H1 constraint (5.23) resulting in the equivalent pair inequalities that guarantee existence of the Popov/H1 controller: 2 AR + RAT Bp + RAT CqT + RCqT T 6 6 ()T12 Cq Bp + BpT CqT ; 2T T U?66 Cz R 0 4 T T Bw Bw CqT 2 AT S + SA SBp + AT CqT + CqT T 6 6 ()T12 Cq Bp + BpT CqT ; 2T T V? 66 BwT S BwT CqT 4 Cz 0 where the outer matrices are 22 3? Bu 7 66 66 7 U? = 666 4 Cq Bu 5 Dzu 4 0 3 3 RCzT Bw 7 0 Cq Bw 77 U <0 ;I Dzw 75 ? T Dzw ;I 3 SBw CzT 7 Cq Bw 0 77 T 7V? < 0; ;I Dzw 5 Dzw ;I 22 w (5.25b) 3 3? CT 7 66 y 7 66 0 77 0 75 6 7 ; V? = 6 4 7 6 DT yw 5 4 In 0 (5.25a) 0 In 7 7 7 7 7 5 : (5.26) z These constraints have the same form as those in (5.4). Note that these inequalities are again linear in the pair R; S , and in the multiplier matrices ; T . However, the set is not jointly linear in both pairs of variables since products of R with and T appear in the (1; 2) entry of the center matrix of constraint (5.25a). Subsequently, Eqn. (5.25) CHAPTER 5. REDUCED ORDER CONTROL DESIGN 110 is considered a bilinear matrix inequality (BMI), and is thus not convex jointly in the two sets of variables. The common approach (see [BH97b], and references therein) is to consider convex subsets that result when xing either the pair R; S or the multipliers ; T: Fixing ; T gives the set: n o ;p(; T ) = (R; S ) (5:25a{b) ; (5.27) and, similarly, holding R; S xed denes the convex set: ;p(R; S ) = ( " S I (; T ) (5:23); P = I (S ; R;1 );1 # ) : (5.28) Note, that for ;p(R; S ) it is assumed that the feasible Popov/H1 controller corresponding to the given R; S is used to form the closed loop system matrices in the Popov LMI (5.23). Details of this reconstruction are discussed below. For convenience, dene the set of diagonal m m non-negative matrices as Dm+ . Now the quadruples that satisfy the sets above can be used to dene a Popov solution. Specifically, let ;Popov : Sn Sn Dm+ Dm+ be dened as: ;Popov = ( (R; S ) 2 ;p(; T ) (R; S; ; T ) (; T ) 2 ;p(R; S ) ) : (5.29) We can now state the Popov/H1 control problem as an optimization problem similar to the H1 and robust H1 cases. However, unlike these previous cases, the Popov/H1 is not a convex optimization problem since, as alluded to, the constraint set ;Popov is not convex. Popov/H1 Control Problem There exists a controller that robustly stabilizes the system if there exists a quadruple (R; S; ; T ) 2 ;Popov . The minimum that can be achieved for any such quadruple is the optimal Popov/H1 solution. This leads to the following optimization problem: min ( subject to: (R; S; ; T ) 2 ;Popov (R; S ) 2 Zn c (5.30) 5.2. SYNTHESIS PROBLEM STATEMENTS 111 An iterative algorithm which performs this minimization over the BMI constraints is detailed in x5.3.3. Controller Reconstruction Having solved (5.30) the corresponding controller can be recovered by nding a K satisfying ~ V~ T + V~ K T U~ T < 0: M (; T ) + UK (5.31) The matrices comprising this LMI are detailed in Appendix C.1. 5.2.4 H1 Control for Systems with Hysteresis The robust stability test (3.24) for systems with hysteresis given in terms of optimization over an LMI constraint containing multipliers and the gain term has the same form as in the Popov LMI (5.23). Because of this, the control design problem for systems with hysteresis can be stated in a manner analogous the Popov synthesis case. Now, instead of a sector bounded, memoryless nonlinearity, it is assumed the {block in the closed loop system, Fig. 5.2, represents a hysteresis that obeys the properties dened in x3.3.2. We seek a controller K (s) that minimizes the L2{gain , while guaranteeing stability in the presence of the nonlinearity. For notational consistency with the previous sections, we rewrite the corresponding hysteresis inequality from (3.24) as: 2 6 6 4 A~T P + P A~ + C~zT C~z P B~p + C~z D~ zp ; C~qT1 ; C~qT2T P B~w + C~zT D~ zw ()T12 D~ zpT D~ zp + 2I ; D~ qp ; D~ qpT D~ zpT D~ zw ; D~ qw T D ~ zw ; 2 I ()T13 ()T23 D~ zw 3 7 7 5 0; (5.32) where again ; T 2 Rn n are the diagonal, non-negative stability multipliers. Here we assume the closed loop system matrices in (5.32) have been augmented with the multiplier dynamics, as described by Eqns. (3.18{3.20). Assuming a full-order controller, as given by (5.2), the same approach used to formulate the stability constraints for the previous algorithms results in the corresponding inequalities that guarantee q q CHAPTER 5. REDUCED ORDER CONTROL DESIGN 112 existence of the H1 controller for systems with hysteresis: 2 AR + RAT Bp ; RCqT1 ; RCqT2T ;RCzT 6 T 6 ()T12 2I ; Dqp ; Dqp Dzp T U? 66 ;Cz R Dzp ;I 4 T T BwT Dqw Dzw 2 AT S + SA SBp ; CqT1 ; CqT2 T SBw 6 6 ()T12 2I ; Dqp ; Dqp Dqw T V? 66 T BwT S Dqw ;I 4 ;Cz Dzp Dzw where the outer matrices are 2 2 Bu 6 6 6 6 U? = 666 4 Dqu Dzu 4 0 3? 7 7 5 3 3 Bw 7 Dqw 77 U < 0 Dzw 75 ? ;I 3 ;CzT 7 DzpT 77 V? < 0; T 7 Dzw 5 ;I 2 2 CyT 7 6 6 6 6 0 77 DypT 6 7 ; and V? = 6 4 T 7 6 Dyw 5 4 In 0 w (5.33b) 3 3? 7 7 5 (5.33a) 0 In 7 7 7 7 7 5 : (5.34) z These constraints have the same form as those in (5.25), and again these inequalities are bilinear in the matrix pairs (R; S ) and (; T ), with products of R with and T appearing in the (1; 2) term of (5.33a). Following the same approach taken for the Popov case, we dene the convex subsets that result when xing either the pair R; S or the multipliers ; T: In this case, xing ; T gives the set: n o ;h(; T ) = (R; S ) (5:33a{b) ; (5.35) and, similarly, holding R; S xed denes the convex set: ;h(R; S ) = ( " S I (; T ) (5:32); P = I (S ; R;1);1 # ) : (5.36) Note that for ;h(R; S ) it is assumed that the stabilizing controller satisfying the H1 performance bound is formed using the given R; S and used to construct the closed loop system matrices in the hysteresis LMI (5.32). Again, in terms of the set of diagonal m m non-negative matrices Dm+ , the quadruples that satisfy the sets 5.3. ALGORITHM DESCRIPTIONS 113 above can be used to dene an H1 controller solution for a system with hysteresis. Specically, let ;hyst : Sn Sn Dm+ Dm+ be dened as: n o ;hyst = (R; S; ; T ) (R; S ) 2 ;h(; T ); (; T ) 2 ;h(R; S ) : (5.37) We can now state the hysteresis control problem as an optimization problem analogous to the Popov/H1 problem. Note again that the hysteresis synthesis problem is not a convex optimization problem for the same reasons stated for the Popov/H1 case. H1/Hysteresis Control Problem There exists a controller K (s) of the form (5.2) that robustly stabilizes the system G(s) having a hysteresis nonlinearity, as shown in Fig. 5.2, if there exists a quadruple (R; S; ; T ) 2 ;hyst. The minimum that can be achieved for any such quadruple is the optimal H1/hysteresis solution. This leads to the following optimization problem: min ( subject to: (R; S; ; T ) 2 ;hyst (R; S ) 2 Zn (5.38) c An iterative algorithm which performs this minimization over the BMI constraints is detailed in x5.3.4. Controller Reconstruction As was the case for the Popov controller, with the solution to (5.38) the corresponding controller can be recovered by following the reconstruction procedure detailed in Appendix C.2. 5.3 Algorithm Descriptions How can these control problems be practically solved? In particular, for a desired order of controller, what are the algorithms that can be used to numerically implement solutions for these problems to yield the optimal solution? We answer these questions 114 CHAPTER 5. REDUCED ORDER CONTROL DESIGN with a series of algorithms in this section. Naturally, they range in complication from easiest to hardest, with the Popov/H1 and hysteresis designs requiring the most sophistication. Note that in each case, the algorithms produce a pair of matrices (R; S ) that completely parameterize the reduced order solution. To obtain the controller K from a pair (R; S ) that solves one of the optimization problems requires the solution of a feasibility problem: M (R; S ) + UKV T + V K T U T < 0 (5.39) where U; V are the orthogonal complements of the corresponding matrices above, and M (R; S ) is a constant matrix involving the open loop system matrices, the specied performance level, the pair (R; S ) and when appropriate, the stability multipliers (; T ). The matrix M is simply the portion of the matrix from inequalities (5.23, 5.32, etc.) not dependent on the controller term K ; simplied versions of M appear as the center matrix in the expressions (5.25) and (5.33). These matrices are easily derived by employing the Elimination, Completion Lemmas and Schur complements in a now standard technique well documented in [Gah96]. Some of the details are omitted above for brevity, and instead, the nal results are given in sections x5.2.1, C.1, and C.2. We illustrate the use of the reduced order H1, robust H1 and Popov/H1 algorithms using a benchmark three mass-spring system (see Appendix B for details). The benchmark system is characterized by a rigid body mode and two exible modes, one of which is non-colocated. By including a small amount of damping in between the masses, the minimum order stabilizing controller is known in advance to be rst order. This simply corresponds to a rst order lead network required to stabilize the pole pair at the origin that models the system rigid body mode. We can expect however, that any controller designed to be rst order will not perform very well due to the presence of the lightly damped, non-colocated mode. 5.3.1 Reduced order H1 design Solving for reduced H1 controllers is fairly simple, and we present one approach that utilizes a simple bisection search and extends the algorithms for reduced order 5.3. ALGORITHM DESCRIPTIONS 115 1. Set upper, lower performance bounds, convergence tolerance: u; l ; tol 2. Set desired controller order: nc;des 3. Repeat f (a) = 21 (U + L) (b) Solve: min: Tr(R + S ); subject to: (R; S ) 2 ;convex (c) Decompose matrix: [U T ; ; U ] = svd(R ; S ;1) (d) nc = length(diag()) (e) if nc > nc;des, l = , else u = g until: (u ; l ) < tol l 4. Reconstruct controller, solving (5.13). Table 5.1: Algorithm for reduced order H1 synthesis stabilizing compensation design in [GB98, Mes99]. Specically, a ve-step iteration that nds the best xed-order H1 controller is provided in Table 5.1. This algorithm produces a controller of prescribed order that gives the best H1 performance. It performs a bisection, or line search, in order to determine the best performance possible for the given controller order. The upper and lower bounds on the search are adjusted according to whether or not a feasible controller exists that achieves the particular performance level : The order of the controller is equal to the number of non-zero elements of the singular value decomposition (svd()) of the matrix R ; S ;1 (see [Gah96, GA94, Iwa93] for discussion). Of course, the accuracy of the search can be adjusted using the tolerance level tol: For the benchmark problem, the six controllers (ve reduced and one full order) were generated using this algorithm. The corresponding maximum singular value curves are depicted in Fig. 5.3, along with the bar graph which summarizes the CHAPTER 5. REDUCED ORDER CONTROL DESIGN 116 Performance curves for dierent order controllers. 2 10 open loop nc=1 nc=2 nc=3 nc=4 nc=5,6 1 max 10 0 10 -1 10 -1 10 0 ! (rads/sec) 10 1 10 Figure 5.3: Reduced order designs for benchmark problem illustrate varying per- formance levels; peaks in maximum singular value curves, (!), are reduced as order of controller is allowed to increase. (Recall that opt = maxw (w).) performance as a function of controller order, shown in Fig. 5.4. Clearly, as expected, achievable performance reduces with controller order. Controller orders of ve and six both achieve the H1 limit of = 3:7, and have at max curve typical of a fullorder optimal controller. As the controllers are restricted to fourth order and lower, peaks appear in the max curves since the reduced order controllers cannot completely notch the exible body modes; lower order controllers result in higher peaks. This relationship between controller order and performance is captured by the bar graph in Fig. 5.4. In a sense, Fig. 5.4 can be considered a Pareto optimal curve which depicts the trade-o between two competing design objectives. 5.3. ALGORITHM DESCRIPTIONS 117 120 100 opt 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 controller order nc 3 4 5 6 Figure 5.4: Bar graph depicts trade o between controller order and closed loop performance; opt increases from unconstrained limit of = 3:7 with nc = 6, to = 117 when controller reduced to a single state (nc = 1). In addition to the performance curves, the root loci for the various systems are shown in Fig. 5.5. The progression of control designs can clearly be seen in these plots. Limited to rst order, the controller is a simple lead which draws the rigid body poles just slightly into the left half plane. The controller imposes little authority beyond this since any more would destabilize the non-colocated pole pair. A second order controller immediately changes strategy and places a minimum phase notch which stabilizes both the rigid body and non-colocated modes. The resulting eect on performance is signicant, reducing the performance by nearly one-fourth, from 110 to less than 30: As the order of control increases, the notching that occurs becomes more pronounced, with non-minimum phase zeros used for orders above nc = 4: Note CHAPTER 5. REDUCED ORDER CONTROL DESIGN 118 nc = 2 2 2 1 1 imag imag nc = 1 0 0 -1 -1 -2 -2 -0.1 real nc = 3 0 0.1 -0.2 2 2 1 1 imag imag -0.2 0 -1 -2 -2 0 real nc = 5 -0.4 2 2 1 1 imag imag -0.2 0 -1 -2 -2 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 real -0.2 0 0 0.1 -0.2 0 real nc = 6 0 -1 -1 real nc = 4 0 -1 -0.4 -0.1 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 real -0.2 0 Fig. 5.5: Root locus for systems with controllers of varying order. 5.3. ALGORITHM DESCRIPTIONS 119 1. Set performance channel bounds, convergence tolerance: u; l ; and tol 2. Set desired relative weight: 2 [0; 1] 3. Repeat f (a) = 21 (U + L) min: + (1 ; )Tr(R + S ) subject to: (R; S ) 2 ;convex (c) if > 1, u = , else l = g until: (u ; l ) < tol l . 4. Reconstruct controller, solving (5.22). (b) Solve: Table 5.2: Synthesis algorithm for reduced order, robust H1 control that the controllers of the fth and sixth (full order) controllers are virtually identical; in fact, the only dierence between the two is a near perfect pole-zero cancellation, and thus yield the same root loci and the same (at-line) performance curves. 5.3.2 Reduced Order Robust H1 control The design for robust H 1 controllers requires only a slight modication to the previous algorithm. Here the bisection is on the performance channel weighting , and not the control order explicitly. The objective function now consists of two parts: one part aecting controller order, Trace(R + S ) and the other performance : The same trade-o between order and performance is achieved by varying ; the relative weight between the two cost components. The algorithm is described in Table 5.2. Note that the iteration on continues until the scaled performance = 1; the optimal performance that results is then opt = 1=. Once again, using the benchmark problem, and now assuming that the spring 120 CHAPTER 5. REDUCED ORDER CONTROL DESIGN constant between the second and third masses is only known to within 10%, reduced order controllers were produced by running the algorithm for a range of values. The resulting performance curve for the swept values of is depicted in Fig. 5.6; note that the controller orders corresponding to the performance levels are labeled alongside the curve. As expected, as increases, more weight is put on in the cost objective, and results in improved performance. Of course, the cost improvement comes at the expense of controller order. Note that the order increases monotonically with , along with the performance improvement. As ! 1, the tends toward the unconstrained H1 limit value of 3:7: It is interesting that a rst order controller could not be found with this algorithm. This is most probably due to the conservativeness of the small gain stability guarantee. Essentially, this suggests that a 5% variation in the spring constant is too much uncertainty to guarantee stability when using the small gain criterion and limited to rst order controllers. 5.3.3 Reduced order Popov/H1 control The Popov/H1 algorithm is slightly more complicated than the previous two cases. The cost objective once again has two parts, but each step of the iteration involves two optimization steps. The rst step optimizes over the controller matrices, while the second step is with respect to the multipliers. The algorithm is summarized in Table 5.3. This algorithm was executed for a range of and the performance and corresponding controller orders are plotted in Fig. 5.6, along with the robust H1 results. There are several interesting aspects to this data. First, as we might expect, the performance curve for the Popov controllers lies strictly below that for the robust H1 designs. This follows since the Popov constraint is less conservative when the uncertainties are assumed to be sector bounded and memoryless. Also, the performance of the controllers monotonically improves as the performance weight increases, just as the previous case. However, the controller order does not strictly increase as performance improves. For example, several second order compensators are produced with weighting values between 0:55 and 0:75 that give better performance than the third and fourth order controllers that result from lower values of : It is dicult to 5.3. ALGORITHM DESCRIPTIONS 121 Robust H1 and Popov/H1 Control: Reduced Order comparison. 3 10 nc=2 Robust H∞ Popov H ∞ H∞ limit nc=3 2 10 nc=3 3 1 3 nc=4 opt 3 4 nc=4 2 2 nc=4 2 nc=4 1 4 10 5 5 5 0 10 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 relative objective weight ( ) 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Figure 5.6: Performance/controller order trade o for robust and Popov design using benchmark problem with uncertainty. Note that because Popov criteria is less restrictive, reduced order Popov controllers consistently outperform robust H1 designs. attribute this observation to anything other than the known nonconvexity of the sets over which the optimization is performed. Note also that a rst order controller is produced using the Popov algorithm that has better performance than the non-robust H1 controller. This seems to be an indication that while using the Trace() objective might be a good convex approach to minimizing rank, it is still just an approximation. This is evident here since, even though the Popov optimization has the additional stability constraint, the routine was able to nd a lower minimum. 122 CHAPTER 5. REDUCED ORDER CONTROL DESIGN 1. Initialize controller K1(s) and multipliers (; T ) 2. Set desired relative weight: 2 [0; 1] 3. Repeat f (a) Solve: min: + (1 ; )Trace(R + S ); subject to: (R; S ) 2 ;p(; T ) (b) Find feasible controller, Kk (s), by solving problem (5.31) (c) Form closed loop system matrices (d) Solve: min: + (1 ; )Trace(P ); subject to: (5:23) g until: jk ; k;1j < tol k Table 5.3: Popov/H1 control synthesis 5.3.4 Reduced order H1/Hysteresis control Because the stability multiplier for hysteresis and Popov analyses are cast in the same form, the resulting design problems given in (5.30) and (5.38) have the same structure. As a result, the algorithm for robust hysteresis synthesis is very similar to that given for the Popov control, consisting of a two part cost function, with each iteration involving two optimization steps and a feasible controller reconstruction. The algorithm is provided in Table 5.4. The utility of this algorithm is demonstrated with a numerical example in x5.4.3. 5.4. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES 123 1. Initialize controller K1 (s) and multipliers (; T ) that satisfy inequality (5.32) 2. Set desired relative weight: 2 [0; 1] 3. Repeat f (a) Solve: min: + (1 ; )Trace(R + S ); subject to: (R; S ) 2 ;h(; T ) (b) Find feasible controller, Kk (s) following procedure in xC.2 (c) Form closed loop matrices (d) Solve: min: + (1 ; )Trace(P ); subject to: (5:32) g until: jk ; k;1j < tol k Table 5.4: H1/hysteresis control synthesis 5.4 Numerical Examples 5.4.1 Reduced order H1 In order to assess the eectiveness of the new algorithms in generating optimal, reduced order controllers, we compare our results to another reduced order design approach. Depicted in Fig. 5.7 are the same results of the reduced order H1 design algorithm along with the performance of several other reduced order sub-optimal controllers. These sub-optimal cases were designed by taking full-order LQG controllers, designed using various control and performance weightings, and reducing the order by means of a balanced real order reduction. Clearly, in all cases, controllers designed using this reduced order technique could not approach the optimal performance levels of the reduced order algorithm from x5.3.1. As the controllers are truncated, the performance degrades in each case, and the corresponding performance lines all lie above the bar graph. For instance, reducing a full order controller with a performance of 124 CHAPTER 5. REDUCED ORDER CONTROL DESIGN = 25; can yield a second order controller with a = 47; however, the new algorithm produces a second order controller with = 23, which is an improvement of about 50%: Pushing the performance of the full order LQG controllers in an attempt to achieve better low order controllers leads to dramatic degradation in -levels. In fact, no stabilizing rst order controller could be found using the balance real reduction scheme. We note that the search for good low order controllers using the balanced real, order reduction technique was by no means exhaustive. Indeed, there may exist controllers that give better performance than those indicated by the bar graph. However, nding the true optimal reduced order controllers is still an open (non-convex) design problem; the algorithms presented in this chapter are an ecient, convex approach toward that goal. 5.4.2 Popov/H1 convergence properties As noted in previous sections, the Popov/H1 and robust hysteresis control design problems are not convex, due to bilinear matrix inequality constraints. In general, iterative solutions for BMI design, such as those described, are not guaranteed to converge to a global optimum. In fact, in practice, if the algorithm converges at all, the solution may be at a local minima, which could depend heavily on the initial condition. If the initial feasible controller is too far from optimal, the resulting controller may not give acceptable performance. Of course, from the designer's point of view, algorithms that do not converge reliably, require many iterations, or are sensitive to initial conditions are of limited practical use. The reduced order approach for BMI design presented in this chapter, however, is demonstrated to provide reliable convergence to near optimal solutions. For example, consider again the three-mass benchmark problem with 5% spring constant uncertainty. Setting = 0, the Popov/H1 algorithm was initialized with six dierent controllers, of third, fourth and fth order having performance levels ranging from = 5 to = 85. As depicted in Fig. 5.8, in each case, the algorithm converges within 5 iterations. All nal controllers were 5th order and, with the exception of the extreme case (3rd order initial controller), all 5.4. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES 125 150 100 opt 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 controller order Figure 5.7: Comparing reduced order H1 performance to controllers reduced via balanced real reduction, note that as controller orders are reduced, the resulting performance curves are always above bar graph values. controllers were within 0:25% of = 3:76: The nal case resulted in a performance of = 3:85: Since for this system the unconstrained performance limit is 3:7, the algorithm can be said to be robust to changing initial conditions. Alternatively, the user may have an existing compensator, with a certain order and performance capability, but may seek a design with either lower complexity, or higher performance. Using the given controller as a starting condition and a choice of depending on the objective, the Popov routine can be used for this investigation. Choosing = 0:75 with an initial 4th order controller, the algorithm converges to a new controller of order 2, as shown in Fig. 5.9. Of course, performance has been sacriced with lower order ( increases from 11:9 to 20). If higher performance is desired instead, setting = 0:95 or = 1:0 will provide the higher performing 5th CHAPTER 5. REDUCED ORDER CONTROL DESIGN 126 Convergence robustness to initial conditions. 2 10 nc= 3 nc= 4 nc= 4 nc= 4 nc= 4 1 10 nc= 5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 iteration Figure 5.8: Popov/H1 algorithm insensitivity to starting conditions illustrated with consistent convergence using a wide range of initial controllers. order solutions. Note again that in each case, only 16 iterations were required for each design. The feature of the algorithm that allows reduced order solutions provides the added benet of enhanced reliability. In fact, experience shows that forcing full order solutions when it is not required for optimal performance can lead to ill conditioned matrices and thus poor convergence. In particular, the algorithm, as described in x5.3.3 calls for a singular value decomposition of the controller matrix R ; S ;1 prior to taking its inverse for use in the controller reconstruction. Selecting the subspace corresponding to most signicant singular values and eliminating the values near zero tends to improve the condition of the inverse and maintain numerical reliability. Forcing a full order (6th order) solution for the simple benchmark problem, for example, 5.4. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES 127 Convergence to dierent order controllers 22 20 nc=2 nc=4 18 16 β = 0.75 β = 0.95 β = 1.00 nc=3 14 nc=4 12 10 8 6 nc=5 nc=5 4 nc=5 nc=5 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 iteration Figure 5.9: Alternate conpensation designs of varying complexity and performance can be investigated by simply varying the design parameter . Here, starting with 4th order compensation, three other Popov/H1 designs are investigated. can lead to numerical problems as optimal performance is achieved with a 5th order controller, and the eect of the additional state is nullied by a near perfect pole-zero cancellationy. In this case design routines constrained to full order solutions may encounter problems. Using the full order Popov/H1 algorithm from Banjerdpongchai [Ban97, p. 49], for example, can experience convergence diculties. Using an initial controller with near optimal performance ( = 8:14) results in a erratic convergence, oscillating between 7 and 40, as shown in Fig. 5.10, while the reduced order algorithm converges steadily to a performance level of = 4:6. The poor convergence in this case of the xed order algorithm is best explained by observing the condition number y Recall discussion in x5.3.1. 128 CHAPTER 5. REDUCED ORDER CONTROL DESIGN (R ; S ;1), where z is dened as (A) = max((AA)) : min (5.40) Following the rst controller optimization, > 1015, which means that inverting R ; S ;1 may be problematic. Indeed, the rst controller computed after reconstruction with this matrix results in a large performance degradation, with increasing by a factor of 12, to > 100, as depicted in Fig. 5.11. This large deviation introduces an oscillation from which the algorithm can not recover. The reduced order algorithm, however, experiences no such problems. The rapid convergence is accompanied by a well conditioned controller matrix, with approximately 50 throughout the iterations. 5.4.3 Robust loop shaping for system with hysteresis As a nal example, we consider the use of the robust synthesis method described in x5.3.4 to design a controller for a system with hysteresis that optimizes an S=KS mixed sensitivity cost objective [SP96, pages 369{375]. This controller will be compared to a full (xed) order solution designed using a similar BMI algorithm described in [PH98a]. The set-up for the synthesis is shown in Figure 5.12, where the hysteresis : q 7! p is taken to be passive, with maximum slope = 1. The plant transfer function is given as 2 G1 (s) = 7:s5(3 +s 2;s20+:2s2s++0:11) ; which has a pair of nonminimum phase zeros at 0:1 0:3j . The performance weights, given as s + 28 ; W (s) = 150s + 75 ; W1 (s) = 350 2 500s + 1 s + 100 are used to frequency weight the loop transfer functions. The objective of the S=KS mixed sensitivity optimization is to design a controller K (s) that minimizes the cost objective " # W1S = ; W2KS 1 z Sometimes is called the spectral condition of a matrix [HJ91, p. 158]. 5.4. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES 129 2 10 reduced order fixed order 1 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 iteration Figure 5.10: Reduced order formulation can provide more reliable convergence. As depicted above, the xed order performance oscillates widely with each iteration, while the reduced order algorithm converges steadily. where the sensitivity function, S = (I + KG);1 , is a measure of the closed loop disturbance rejection. By minimizing , we simultaneously minimize the peak gain in the error to a disturbance w and limit the bandwidth of the controller. The reduced order algorithm for hysteresis systems from x5.3.4 applies directly to this system. Because for the open loop system, Gqp(0) = ;0:75, we have that Gqp(0) > ;1= and since the system has no zero eigenvalues, we can use the parameterization of the system given in Ref. [PH98a], and also design a xed order controller K with dimension equal to that of the original plant with the augmented weights, that is, Ak 2 R55. In order to obtain reduced order controller with comparable performance to the xed order solution while eliminating any excess controller states, the relative weighting was set at 0:95. CHAPTER 5. REDUCED ORDER CONTROL DESIGN 130 condition of reconstruction matrices 18 10 16 10 14 10 12 10 (R ; S ;1) 10 10 8 10 6 10 -1 full order P-Q -1 reduced P-Q 4 10 2 10 0 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 iteration Figure 5.11: Convergence failure of full order algorithm can be traced to poorly conditioned controller matrix. Note that condition of corresponding reduced order matrix is steady throughout each iteration. To initialize the synthesis algorithms, a controller was designed that optimizes a skewed-, or s metric [SP96, page 321].x This controller gives the best H1 performance and provides a stability guarantee for the system with a hysteresis nonlinearity by maintaining a norm bound constraint on the robustness channel, so that for the closed loop system jG~ qp(j!)j < 1, 8! 0: This controller serves as a good initial condition for our synthesis algorithm since the norm bound means that the graph of G~ qp(j!) will not enter the forbidden region of the Nyquist plane and thus existence of an initial set of stability multipliers , , and is guaranteed. The design was accomplished by computing the optimal H1 controller for the system G(s) scaled by x Note, the variable is double booked here, but there should be no confusion when taken in context. 5.4. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES (q)(t) 131 q(t) W1(s) z1 (t) p(t) - u(t) y(t) G1(s) - w(t) K (s) W2(s) z2 (t) Figure 5.12: S=KS mixed sensitivity synthesis set up. the matrix " I 0 Km = 0 km I # and iterating the design on the scalar km until kG~ k1 < 1. Note here that Km is partitioned in accordance with the uncertainty structure = diagf1 ; P g with 1 , and P as full, complex blocks, and by denition s = 1=km. For this particular system the nal control design requires km = 0:01 and guarantees robust stability since the gain through the robustness channel (simply a scalar here) is less than unity. The resulting closed loop transfer function for the system with the -design is shown in a Nyquist plot, Figure 5.13. Indeed for the nal design we have (G~ ) = 0:95 and as shown in the plot, the graph of G~ qp(j!) stays within the unit circle. (See [FT92] for more on the s performance metric.) CHAPTER 5. REDUCED ORDER CONTROL DESIGN 132 Nyquist of design 5 µ design open loop 4 3 imag 2 1 0 -1 -2 -2 -1 0 1 real 2 3 4 5 Figure 5.13: Robustness test for -design requires containment in unit disk. However, as is consistent with having km 1; the performance of the -design is not very good. As shown in Figure 5.15, both the sensitivity S and the KS objective exceed the desired loop shaping requirements. At low frequency, the sensitivity requirement is violated by factor of 10 while the KS criteria exceeds the desired gain by nearly a factor of 25. This design, while not very appealing from a performance point of view, does provide guaranteed stability. Containment in the unit circle implies that the -design represents a valid initial condition for the multiplier synthesis algorithm. Using the controller as the initial condition, the xed order synthesis algorithm ran 18 iterations before converging to a new controller, reaching the stopping criterion set by tol = 0:0005. During the iteration, the performance improved by a factor of 50, with reducing from 0:75 down to a value of 0:0122 as indicated in Figure 5.16. Similarly, the reduced order algorithm required 10 iterations to produce a 4th-order controller with a = 0:0132, which is within 8:5% of the full order result. With either controller, the S=KS performance objective is now satised. It is clearly evident in 5.4. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES 5 133 Nyquist of xed, reduced order designs fixed order reduced order open loop 4 3 imag 2 1 0 -1 -2 -2 -1 0 1 real 2 3 4 5 Figure 5.14: Stability test for new control requires less conservative avoidance of restricted region in the Nyquist plane. In this case, restricted region is in the third quadrant to the left of the ;1 point on real axis. Figure 5.15 that the desired loop shaping design goal was attained since the graphs of the unweighted S and KS functions lie under the required shaping curves. The robustness guarantee is indicated in Figure 5.14, where the graphs of the closed loop transfer functions G~ qp do not enter into the restricted region of the third quadrant, to the left of the point (;1; 0), thus satisfying the graphical test discussed in x3.4.2. It is evident in comparing these Nyquist plots to the corresponding plot in Figure 5.13 that the robustness and performance requirements are competing. That is, in maintaining the graph inside the unit circle, the -controller had to sacrice a great deal of performance. The new controllers, however, take advantage of the less restrictive stability requirement and are thus able to meet the performance objectives. Closed loop simulations comparing the responses of the system with {controller and the reduced order design conrms the benets of the improved performance. For the simulation the nonlinearity was chosen with unity maximum slope, with typical CHAPTER 5. REDUCED ORDER CONTROL DESIGN 134 Sensitivity Performance Comparison 0 z1 =w 10 µ design Fixed order reduced order requirement -1 10 -2 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 Controller Bandwidth Comparison 0 z2 =w 10 -2 10 -4 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 freq (rad/sec) Figure 5.15: Because of restrictive stability criteria of -controller, the corresponding performance does not satisfy loop shaping objective. With less conservative analysis, the new design approach meets design requirements while providing closed loop stability guarantee. input/output characterized in Figures 5.19 and 5.20. This is the Preisach nonlinearity which is commonly used to model the hysteresis associated with electromagnetic actuators [May91]. The disturbance w(t) 2 L2 is displayed in Figure 5.17 with the time histories of the system response y(t) using the two dierent controllers. As shown, the response y(t) for the system using the 4th -order design is smaller in amplitude (after the initial transient) than that for the ;controller and dies out after 50 seconds. The response y(t) decays at a much slower rate, and has amplitude near unity after 70 seconds. The control response u(t) shows similar improvement. The reduced order control response, as indicated in Figure 5.18 peaks at a value of only one third of that for the ;controller. The improved response dies out after 5.5. CONCLUSIONS 135 Performance with iteration 0 10 Fixed Order Variable Order 10 -1 4th Order 5th Order -2 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 iteration Figure 5.16: Closed loop performance converges using either reduced or xed order algorithms, within 11 (reduced order) or 19 iterations (xed, full order). 40 seconds while the ;control amplitude is greater than unity after 70 seconds. Certainly, these results provide a strong conrmation as to the eectiveness of the new technique for robust control with an L2;gain performance criteria. 5.5 Conclusions Four dierent LMI-based algorithms for producing reduced order H1 controllers are detailed in this chapter. All four procedures utilize the Trace() objective function as a means to constrain the order of the controller. One algorithm simply optimizes the H1 performance subject to an explicit constraint on the order. The other algorithms produce reduced order robust controllers using a two part objective involving the CHAPTER 5. REDUCED ORDER CONTROL DESIGN 136 Closed loop output response, y(t) 6 multiplier design µ design disturbance 5 4 3 y(t) 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 time (sec) Figure 5.17: New multiplier compensation design shows better disturbance rejec- tion, with faster settling and smaller output (y(t)) response than that provided by -controller. control response 4 multiplier design µ design 3.5 3 2.5 2 u(t) 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 0 10 20 30 40 time (sec) 50 60 70 Figure 5.18: Improved disturbance rejection is also evident in response of control signal u(t) to disturbance; note large energy in -control compared to new controller. 5.5. CONCLUSIONS 137 Nonlinear input-output response (multipier design) 1.5 1 Φ(q)(t) 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 q(t) Figure 5.19: Hysteresis input-output: reduced order controller. Nonlinear input-output response ( µ design) 1.5 1 Φ(q)(t) 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 q(t) 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Figure 5.20: Hysteresis input-output: ;controller. 138 CHAPTER 5. REDUCED ORDER CONTROL DESIGN Trace() and the closed loop performance. Using the combined objective, the designer is then free to select the relative weighting on the two parts of the objective cost in order to trade-o performance versus controller order. In this way, these algorithms provide valuable tools that allow control designers to perform multi-objective design analyses in the practical situations when performance is critical and the order of the controller must be reduced because of either real-time control hardware limitations or the excessive order of the plant. The Trace() is used here as a convex relaxation to the rank condition and enables ecient design of reduced order controllers. Also, the reduced order BMI algorithm for the design of Popov/H1 controllers is more reliable than previous xed order design techniques since the new algorithm systematically eliminates poorly conditioned subspaces of matrices which could otherwise lead to numerical instability in the reconstruction of the controller. As a result, the new algorithm converges reliably and quickly from a wide range of initial conditions, allowing the user to evaluate several dierent controllers of varying complexity and performance levels. While the Popov/H1 design is specically geared to produce controllers robust to uncertainties that can be classied as sector bounded, memoryless nonlinearities, the general BMI framework presented in this chapter is readily extended for reduced order synthesis for systems with hysteresis by incorporating the stability analysis from Chapter 3. This new algorithm oers signicant practical advantages over the recently developed xed order procedure for hysteresis described in Ref. [PH98a]. In addition to the numerical advantages described above, the new approach eliminates the need to remove the constant eigenspace associated with the stability multiplier introduced in the analysis, which can be cumbersome and in general not always possible, since it requires the open loop plant to have an invertible system matrix.{ The benets of the new design technique are illustrated in solving a loop shaping control problem for a non-minimum phase system. The new technique allows for improved performance by both reducing tracking error and controller bandwidth compared to that for a suitably designed ;controller. This improvement is achievable with the { When not invertible, the system matrix includes a zero eigenvalue. In practice, approximate xed order solutions by replacing the constant eigenspace with a subspace characterized by a very small and stable eigenvalue. 5.5. CONCLUSIONS 139 new synthesis procedure since the new method utilizes stability constraints which are less restrictive than those of the ;synthesis, or small gain design procedures. Indeed, the general BMI technique developed here for memoryless and hysteresis nonlinearities has broader application. In the next chapter it is used in the practical case of control synthesis for unstable systems that have saturating actuators. 140 Chapter 6 Control Design for Systems with Saturation A large number of problems occurring in the practice of control theory can be thought of as feedback stabilization of systems using bounded controls. Indeed, the control input to any realizable system is ultimately limited by physical constraints. In cases in which a linear plant has eigenvalues with positive real part, the closed loop system is, in general, not globally stable. Instead, stability analysis must be limited to consider local, or semi-global, regions of convergence. In other words, initial conditions that are too large can result in a saturation condition from which these systems cannot recover. Similarly, an underdesigned system operating normally can be driven to instability by external disturbances. Of course, these are problems that have faced engineers for many years, and remain a topic of much current research. This chapter details local control design approaches for systems with actuators that are subject to saturation. Three design algorithms are presented which produce output feedback controllers that either maximize regions of attraction, maximize disturbance rejection, or optimize an L2-gain performance metric. In all cases, the stability analyses are based on the Popov stability criterion and, using the same approach detailed in the previous chapter for reduced order design, the controllers are formulated in terms of LMIs that can be solved eciently as semidenite programs. 141 142 CHAPTER 6. CONTROL DESIGN FOR SYSTEMS WITH SATURATION sat(q) q 1 1 ;1 1 rq p Figure 6.1: Saturation locally sector bounded as parameterized by r. 6.1 Introduction The eects of saturation on system behavior has long been a focus of attention for control system designers. Actuator saturation can lead to instability, or at the least, result in degraded closed loop performance. Traditionally, control system design has either ignored these eects altogether by intentionally over designing the actuation system so as to avoid possible saturation, or by designing the best compensation possible and post-analyzing the resulting system to ensure acceptable performance, and subsequently redesigning (e.g., reducing or increasing control bandwidth) to achieve desired closed loop behavior. This chapter takes a fundamentally dierent approach to saturation by basing the design process on the analysis which will guarantee certain levels of performance are achieved by the resulting closed loop system. The analysis, in keeping with the methodology of the previous chapters, is based on absolute stability theory, and employs sector transformations and properties of the nonlinearity to derive expressions for stability and performance levels, which in turn are developed into a synthesis algorithms. Perhaps the most fundamental analysis of a system with saturation is a prediction of regions of attraction. Early work applied absolute stability theory to address this question by isolating the nonlinearity, and casting the problem in the Lur'e-Postnikov framework, depicted in Fig. 1.1 [WM67, Wei68, DK71]. As is typical in these works, a Lyapunov function is used to dene regions in the state space in which energy is 6.1. INTRODUCTION 143 guaranteed to decrease, while the nonlinearity is bounded by a prescribed amplitude. With these conditions satised, it is then shown that initial conditions in these regions will result in state trajectories that converge to the origin. When the input to the nonlinearity remains within certain bounds, that is if jq(t)j < r; 8t 0, the saturation can then be treated as memoryless nonlinearity, locally sector-bounded in [; 1], where = 1 ; 1r . Using this observation, the early analysis was later extended to produce better stability region estimates by utilizing the circle stability criteria [Kos83, GS83]. More recently, the local stability analysis for multiple nonlinearities using both the circle and Popov criteria was formulated in an LMI setting [PTB97, HB98]. The exibility provided by the LMI framework allowed for a generalization of the stability guarantee to include performance as measured by external disturbance rejection and local L2{gain. These latter results provide the analytical basis for the local control design algorithms described in this chapter. The practical importance of control design for systems using bounded input keeps this an active area of research [TG97]. Various linear, piecewise linear and nonlinear methods can be found throughout the literature. A Lyapunov approach has been used to construct nonlinear approximations to linear, time-optimal control laws [SSDA94], while Kamarov proposed a nonlinear technique based upon an inner estimation of attainable ellipsoidal sets by solving a matrix dierential equation [Kom95]. Although these nonlinear techniques explore the limits of performance possible using bounded control, their application is limited to relatively simple systems, and by the common assumption of state feedback. Low-and-high gain control (LHG) is another state feedback technique with a simple implementation, approaching the problem by rst designing a low gain controller so as to avoid actuator saturation and thus widening the region of attraction for the system. Because the low gain controller is intentionally conservative, resulting in sluggish transient performance, the design is then augmented with a high gain outer loop which can help speed up system response [SLT96]. Piecewise linear LQ control (PLC) [WB94] is a less conservative state feedback technique in which the feedback gains are increased in a piecewise fashion as the state approaches the origin. While providing improved response, PLC lacks See also [Kha96, pp. 407{419] for a detailed scalar example. 144 CHAPTER 6. CONTROL DESIGN FOR SYSTEMS WITH SATURATION robustness to large uncertainties and the ability to reject arbitrarily large bounded disturbances. Recently, a state feedback design framework combining the LHG and PLC techniques in order to achieve a desirable mix of the robustness and performance oered by each was proposed in Ref. [LPBS97]. The PLC and LHG designs represent some of the latest attempts at achieving closed loop performance with bounded control. In other recent work, state feedback compensation for global stabilization with eigenvalue assignment and local L2{gain performance has been achieved based on the solution to an algebraic Riccati equation (ARE) [SARSD98, SARSIV97]. ARE-based approaches have also been applied to the more general output feedback case by utilizing state observers [Lin97, Lin98], and to local LQG design by solving coupled Riccati equations [TB97]. As with these later approaches, this chapter introduces synthesis algorithms for output feedback control aimed at specic local performance criteria. In particular, the new design methods build on the recent local saturation analysis in which the authors formulate bounds for regions of attraction, disturbance rejection and local L2{gain performance, all based on the Popov stability criterion. The analysis generalizes to treat the multiple nonlinearity case, and because the results are posed in terms of LMIs, the bounds are readily computed by solving semidenite programs [PTB97, HB98]. Synthesis of local regions of attraction via state feedback based on the circle criterion was introduced in [PTB97] and later extended to the case of output feedback [PHHB98]. In these works, the maximized stability region was dened in state space by the ellipse, EP = f x xT Px < 1; P = P T > 0 g; (6.1) and the optimal controllers guaranteed that any initial condition x0 2 EP resulted in the stable trajectory x(t) ! 0: In [PHHB98], the controllers were dynamic, of the same order as the given linear plant, and computed using an LMI approach. The resulting stability regions are not invariant, but have a property referred to as pseudo{ invariance [EF96], which means that state trajectories originating in the region may exit but will eventually return as the state converges. This chapter presents the analogous local stability design method based on the 6.2. PROBLEMS OF LOCAL CONTROL DESIGN 145 less conservative Popov criteria, using the analysis from [HB98]y, and builds this basic approach into two new design algorithms that yield dynamic compensation for closed loop robustness or local L2{gain performance for systems with actuator saturation. In the rst case, the controllers are designed to reduce the sensitivity of the closed loop system to external disturbances. This is accomplished with designs that guarantee stability in the presence of all external disturbances, w(t), that are bounded by a given level of energy, max (i.e., kwk2 max ). The second algorithm solves for controllers that minimize the L2{gain across a performance channel. In general, the local performance and external disturbance rejection problems have competing objectives. That is, controllers with the best L2{gains correspond to designs that will only tolerate relatively small external disturbances. In cases where both robustness and performance are critical, the analysis and design algorithms can be used in an iterative fashion to arrive at an optimal combination of the two objectives. This trade-o is illustrated with a simple numerical example at the end of the chapter. 6.2 Problems of Local Control Design A typical control system that includes bounded, or saturating control inputs is depicted in the standard three block framework shown in Fig. 6.2. In the diagram sat() is the unit saturation function, H is an LTI plant that is to be controlled and K is an LTI controller that is to be designed. Note that the linear plant includes the block L, which is some strictly proper very high bandwidth low pass system which is included for technical reasons discussed later. Using standard robust control notation, the signal w is the disturbance input, and z is the performance variable. Systems operating in saturation can exhibit nonlinear behavior such as local stability, nite disturbance rejection, and performance degradation. These eects are analyzed and quantied in [HB98] with bounds that are computable by solving a convex optimization over a set of linear matrix inequalities. The analysis is continued here with the consideration of three basic engineering design problems. To simplify the development, the case of a y Applying Popov criteria leads to regions of attraction dened by a constraint with both quadratic and nonquadratic components and thus generalizes the region dened in (6.1). 146 CHAPTER 6. CONTROL DESIGN FOR SYSTEMS WITH SATURATION sat() 1 1 r q p w z H L y u K Figure 6.2: Control system with saturation nonlinearity. The system within inner dashed line is original plant H augmentented with lowpass lter L, while outer dashed region is closed loop system. single saturation nonlinearity is considered, although the results are readily extended to the MIMO case. Let Umax be the maximum available actuator level (subsequently assumed normalized to 1) and let pmax bound the energy of input disturbances w that can be rejected by the system starting with zero initial conditions: max = supf j kwk22 ; x(0) = 0; tlim x(t) = 0g; !1 (6.2) where x is the overall state of the linear plant (consisting of H and L) and the controller K . Similarly, dene the L2-gain (energy gain from w to z) 22 of the closed loop system, starting from a zero state as: kzk2 : 22 = sup (6.3) kwk2 w(t) 2 L2 x(0) = 0 6.2. PROBLEMS OF LOCAL CONTROL DESIGN 147 Finally, let D be a region in the state space of H of initial conditions from which the closed loop system is guaranteed to be brought back to zero with the nite actuator authority in the absence of disturbance: D= n x 2 Rn o x(0) 2 D; w 0 ) x(t) ! 0, as t ! 1 : (6.4) Now consider following design problems, where we are given a set of design specications and asked to design a controller K that achieves one of the following objectives: (SR) : Given : H; Umax = 1; w 0 Find : K which maximizes D (DR) : Given : H; Umax = 1; 22 spec Find : K which maximizes max (EG) : Given : H; Umax = 1; max spec Find : K which minimizes 22 In the (SR) case, we are asked to nd a controller which maximizes, in some sense, the stability region; in (DR) we seek a controller which optimizes the closed loop disturbance rejection, while maintaining an L2-gain less than some value of spec ; whereas in (EG) we require a controller which minimizes gain, while maintaining a disturbance rejection bound of at least spec . It might appear that we have created an articial dependence between disturbance rejection and L2-gain in problems (DR) and (EG), since each of these is stated in terms of both max and 22, while in the global denitions (6.2) and (6.3), the two seem unrelated. In practice, however, solving for the optimal (EG) controller without requiring max spec can lead to closed loop systems that are not suciently robust to external disturbances. Of course, in the extreme case, an unconstrained (EG) controller designed by ignoring the eects of saturation altogether will achieve the highest performance, but can result in a closed loop system highly sensitive to external disturbances. Similarly, controllers that provide good disturbance rejection do so by 148 CHAPTER 6. CONTROL DESIGN FOR SYSTEMS WITH SATURATION maintaining stability despite large levels of actuator saturationz. This relationship motivates the need for a systematic approach that enables the designer to strike a balance between these two objectives. A natural choice for a design variable then becomes the saturation parameter, r, depicted in Figs. 6.1 and 6.2, that can be used to control the relative amount of nonlinear operation that a system will encounter when acted on by external disturbances, or when starting from some initial condition. The designer should expect better (EG) performance if operation is maintained \close to linear" by setting the parameter r not much larger than 1x; while better disturbance rejection (DR) could be achieved by allowing higher values of r. This motivates the following local versions of the global metrics given in (6.2, 6.3, and 6.4) [HB98] that have explicit dependence on r. First, consider the r-level local stability region Dr as the maximum volume set of initial conditions in the state space of H , for which the control never exceeds r, in the absence of disturbance, dened by, " Dr = x 2 Rn x(0) 2 Dr ; w 0 ) ( x(t) ! 0, as t ! 1 jq(t)j r; 8t 0 # : (6.5) Similarly, the r-level local disturbance rejection is dened by the largest disturbance that results in r-bounded control response: r = max supf j kwk22 ; x(0) = 0; tlim x(t) = 0; kqk1 rg: !1 (6.6) r is equivalent to computing the Note that from (6.6), it follows that computing max r-level local L2-to-L1-gain from w to q: kqk1 p r ; 1r 2 = sup (6.7) r k wk2 max 2 r kwk2 max x(0) = 0 z This relationship between the (DR) and (EG) designs is illustrated with a simple example in x6.6 x Note that r < 1 means that the system operates linearly. 6.3. THE DESIGN APPROACH and nally, the associated r-level local L2-gain from w to z is dened as: kzk2 : 22r = sup kwk2 r kwk22 max x(0) = 0 149 (6.8) It follows immediately from these denitions, that for a given closed loop system, r , r and r are all monotonically increasing functions of r, which tend to their max 12 22 global values for large r. Therefore, they will always produce less conservative bounds than their global counterparts. Thus it seems reasonable to recast problems (SR), r , r and r . Note that, in contrast to the global (DR), and (EG) in terms of max 12 22 r , r , r , and r. case, there is now a denite relationship among max 12 22 6.3 The Design Approach The local denitions above make it possible to talk about the local stability and performance of linear systems with saturation in a precise way. Unfortunately, at r , and r for general linear systems with this time, the exact computation of Dr , max 22 saturation such as Fig. 6.2 operating with r > 1 is still an open problem, and the same goes for the synthesis problems above. Therefore, in our actual design procedures for problems (SR), (DR), and (EG), we will make use of estimates of these objects. r , a lower bound Specically, we compute: D^r , an inner approximation to Dr ; ^max r , (and hence an upper bound on r , ^r ); and ^r , an upper bound on on max 12 12 22 r L2-gain 22. These estimates are computed using LMI/BMI techniques, by applying the Popov criterion to the r-level sector model of the system which will be described in the following sections. Consider the design of a controller for problem (EG). Strictly speaking, this problem is a mixed L2-gain and L2-to-L1-gain optimization problem. Such mixed norm multiobjective problems are, in general, not very easy to solve, even in the linear case. So one reasonable approach would be to simply start by trying a linear design, ie, assuming that (EG) can be solved with a controller which does not saturate, i.e., 150 CHAPTER 6. CONTROL DESIGN FOR SYSTEMS WITH SATURATION r = 1. One can then solve the single objective controller synthesis problem of computing a K which minimizes the H1-norm of the closed loop system using standard techniques. The closed loop system with K can then be post-analyzed to ensure that 1 the max spec constraint is met. If this is the case, then the problem is solved. 1 , and (Note that when the system operates linearly, it is possible to compute D1 , max 221 exactly.) 1 If the max spec constraint is not satised, then the r = 1 saturation level disturbance rejection bound is too small. At this point, one might wonder if it would be possible to increase max by allowing the system to saturate slightly, while possibly trading o some L2 performance. One can try increasing r to a value slightly greater than 1, and redoing the synthesis, this time computing a controller K which minimizes ^22r using BMI synthesis. Equation (6.7) shows that if the relative increase in the r gain 1r 2 for the new controller is smaller than the relative increase in r, then max will increase. Then the closed loop system can once again be post-analyzed: LMI r and the constraints are checked (conservatively) techniques are used to compute ^max r spec . If not, then r can be increased once more and the process by checking if ^max of BMI synthesis and LMI post-analysis can be repeated, until either the LMI's used in the computations become infeasible, or the specication is achieved. Similar BMI-synthesis/LMI-postanalysis design methods can be proposed for (SR) and (DR). Such methods, while seemingly crude, can often do a good job at tuning an initial controller to satisfy some desired specications. A numerical example in x3.5 is used to demonstrate this design approach. 6.4 System Model We will now describe the models that we use for the components of Fig. 6.2. The linear plant H (s) shown is given by the dynamics: H 8 > > < > > : x_ P = APxP + BPw w + BPup z = CPz xP + DPzw w + DPzup y = CPy xP + DPyw w; (6.9) 6.4. SYSTEM MODEL 151 where it is assumed the matrix A may have unstable eigenvalues, and that the system is both observable and controllable. The control u is assumed to be ltered with the high bandwidth, lowpass network L(s): ( x_ L = AL xL + BLu (6.10) q = CL xL : Without this lter, the control signal feedthrough to the nonlinearity would signicantly complicate the controller elimination in the synthesis in x6.5. The lter output q is subject to saturation p = sat(q): (6.11) We will consider the design and analysis of proper, linear controllers K of the form L ( x_ c = Acxc + Bcy u = Ccxc + Dcy: K (6.12) Following the analysis in Ref. [HB98], dene the deadzone nonlinearity dzn() as sat() + dzn() = 1() (6.13) and apply the loop transformation p = dzn(q) = ;(sat(q) ; 1(q)) (6.14) which transforms the system in Fig. 6.2 to that in Fig. 6.3, which is the nominal closed loop system (i.e., with no saturation) perturbed by the dzn() nonlinearity{. The corresponding open loop plant G : (p; w; u) 7! (q; z; y), shown by the inner dashed line in Fig. 6.3 is dened by 2 AP BPuCL ;BPu BPw 6 6 0 AL 0 0 6 s 6 G = 66 0 CL 0 0 6 C 4 Pz DPzu CL ;DPzu DPzw CPy 0 0 DPyw 0 BL 0 0 0 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 (6.15) { See also [BB91, pp. 230{31] for another analysis of saturation employing this loop transformation which converts sat() into a dzn() nonlinearity. 152 CHAPTER 6. CONTROL DESIGN FOR SYSTEMS WITH SATURATION dzn() 1 q p w H ; L z u y K Figure 6.3: Transformed system with deadzone nonlinearity. Transformation converts saturation into deadzone nonlinearity, and creates feedthrough path from lowpass system L(s) to linear plant H (s). 2 A 6 6 C = 66 q 4 Cz Cy Bp Dqp Dzp Dyp Bw Dqw Dzw Dyw 3 Bu 7 Dqu 77 : Dzu 75 Dyu This model is used in the synthesis phase of the design procedure. Similarly, the closed loop plant, shown by the outer dashed line in Fig. 6.3, G~ : (p; w) 7! (q; z) is 2 A11 BuCc 6 6 B C Ac G~ =s 66 c y 0 4 Cq C13 0 Bp M14 0 BcDyw 0 0 Dzp Dzw 3 7 7 7 7 5 (6.16) 6.5. DESIGN ALGORITHMS 153 dzn(q) q 1 ;r ;1 ;1 r r q 1 p Figure 6.4: Deadzone nonlinearity and saturation parameter r. 2 A~ 6 = 64 C~q C~z B~p D~ qp D~ zp 3 B~w 7 D~ qw 75 ; D~ zw where A11 = A + BuDcCy , M14 = Bw + BuDcDyw , and C13 = Cz + Cq Dzp. This model is used in the analysis phase of the design procedure. The level r relates to the transformed system, Fig. 6.3, as the limit on the input q to the dzn nonlinearity. Now if the input signal is limited such that jq(t)j r; 8t; then the dzn is guaranteed to act as a sector bounded nonlinearity, in sector[0; r ], where r = (1 ; 1r ), as depicted in Fig. 6.4. Normalizing the sector to [0; 1] then results in a multiplication of the corresponding matrices, Bp; Dqp; Dzp; Dyp, of system (6.16) by a factor of r , and similarly for the closed loop matrices dened in (6.17). In the sequel, these scaled transformed matrices will be designated with superscript r (i.e., B~pr , etc.). 6.5 Design Algorithms Because the dzn() function is a sector bounded, memoryless nonlinearity, the system, Fig. 6.3, is in a form suitable for Popov analysis [BGFB94]. In this section we present the analysis based on the Popov criterion to estimate the stability regions, disturbance rejection capability, and local L2 -gain performance for the closed loop system, and provide the corresponding (SR), (DR) and (EG) design algorithms. Note that each case is based on an assumed r-level being maintained, so that the local sector 154 CHAPTER 6. CONTROL DESIGN FOR SYSTEMS WITH SATURATION model described above is satised (depicted in Fig. 6.4). The (SR), (DR) and (EG) analyses and design solutions presented in the following sections extend the LMI local analysis and synthesis work in [PHHB98, HB98, BH97a], and are based on the Popov Lyapunov function of the closed loop system state x: ~ +2 V (x) = xT Px nq X i=1 i Z C~q;i x 0 dzn() d; (6.17) with P~ = P~ T > 0, i > 0, and where C~q;i denotes the ith row of the system output matrix, C~q . For brevity, the proofs are not included here; the interested reader can refer to [HB98]. 6.5.1 Stability Region (SR) In this case, we set the disturbance w = 0, and consider the simple objective of designing a controller K that maximizes the region of attraction for the system (6.17). Adapting the general analysis presented in [HB98, PTB97] to the system (6.17) we have the following theorem, which denes a region of attraction D^r for the closed loop system in terms of a level set of the Lyapunov function (6.17). Here a level set is simply the region in state space which satises the inequality n o lev"V (x) = x 2 Rn V (x) " : (6.18) Theorem 6.5.1: An r-level region of attraction D^r is given by the invariant set lev1V , where V is the Popov function obtained by solving the following convex optimization problem in the variables P~ = P T 2 Rn~ n~ , = diag(1; : : : ; n ), and T = diag(t1; : : : ; tn ) [HB98]: x x q q min Tr (P~ + C~qT #C~q ) " r2 C~ such that: ~ iT ~q;i 0; Cq;i P P"~ > 0; > 0; T > 0; A~T P~ + P~ A~ P~ B~pr + A~T C~qT + C~qT T ()T12 ;2T (6.19) # < 0; 6.5. DESIGN ALGORITHMS 155 for i = 1; : : : ; nq where the closed loop system matrices are dened in (6.17). The corresponding control design is posed by the following corollary. Corollary 6.5.1: A controller which maximizes the region of attraction D^r dened by a set of matrices satisfying Thm. 6.5.1 is parameterized by the matrices R, S that solve the following optimization problem: min Tr R + Tr CqT#Cq " ri2 Cq;i such that: 0; T C R q;i " # R I > 0; > 0; T > 0; I" S # T M12 AR + RA U?T U? < 0 T M ; 2 T 12 " # T S + SA N12 A V?T V < 0; N12T ;2T ? (6.20) for i = 1; : : : ; nq , where M12 = Bpr + RAT CqT + RCqT T , N12 = SBpr + AT CqT + CqT T , and 2 3 " # T C Bu U? = and V? = 4 ry T 5 ; (6.21) Cq Bu ? Dyp ? with U? being the orthogonal complement of U , and the open loop system matrices dened in (6.16). 6.5.2 Disturbance rejection (DR) The local disturbance rejection problem can be presented in a similar way. The theorem below computes an upper bound on the level of disturbance energy that a closed loop system can tolerate before instability for a given saturation level r. This theorem is then followed with the corresponding corollary for control design in terms of a semidenite program solution. r , Theorem 6.5.2: For system (6.17), an r-level disturbance rejection bound, ^max 156 CHAPTER 6. CONTROL DESIGN FOR SYSTEMS WITH SATURATION can be computed as Z r 2 r + 2 '() d; max = max 2[0;1] C~q P;1 C~qT 0 ^ r (6.22) where for each 2 [0; 1], (P; ) is the optimal value of the following convex semidefinite program in the variables s1 ; s2 2 R, P~ = P~ T 2 Rn n , x x min (1 ; )s1 + s 2 " # " # ~ s1 Cq;i s2 1 such that: 0; 0 T P~ C~q;i 1 P2~ > 0; > 0; s > 0; 3 ~T P~ + P~ A~ M12 ~ B~w A P 6 7 T 6 ~ ~ M ; 2 T C B q w 7 12 4 5 0; B~wT P~ B~wT C~qT ;I (6.23) for i = 1; : : : ; nq , where M12 = P~ B~pr + A~T C~qT + C~qT T . Corollary 6.5.2: A controller which maximizes the disturbance rejection is parameterized by the matrices R, S that solve the following optimization problem: min (1 ; )s1 + s2 " # " # s1 Cq;i s2 1 such that: 0 ; 0 T R C 1 q;i " # R I > 0; > 0; s > 0; I2 S 3 T M12 AR + RA B w 6 7 T T 6 U? 4 M12 ;2T Cq Bw 75 U? < 0 BwT ()T23 ;I 3 2 AT S + AA SBw N12 7 6 V?T 64 BwT S ;I BwT CqT 75 V? < 0; N12T ()T23 ;2T (6.24) 6.5. DESIGN ALGORITHMS for i = 1; : : : ; nq ; where 2 " 6 U? = 64 Bu Cq Bu 0 157 3 # ? 0 I 7 7 5 2 " 6 ; V? = 64 CyT T Dyw 0 3 # ? 0 I 7 7 5 ; (6.25) and N12 , M12 are dened as in (6.20). An extension of Theorem 6.5.2 and the corresponding design corollary to the case of multiple nonlinearities is possible using the analytical extension given in [HB98]. We now consider the case with an output performance variable z(t): 6.5.3 Local L2-Gain (EG) Extending the disturbance rejection case to the local L2-gain design can be accomplished by considering the small gain dissipation inequality (2.10): d V (x(t)) ;2wT w ; zT z; (6.26) dt where the storage quantity V (x(t)) is taken to be the Lyapunov function (6.17). Of course, the resulting controller will simply minimize the gain from disturbance w to performance variable z. Closed loop stability will still be subject to the absolute size of the disturbance (in an L2 sense), and can be checked using the disturbance rejection (DR) test (6.23). r , and x(0) = 0, an Theorem 6.5.3: For system (6.17), whenever kwk2 ^max r-level L2-gain bound bound, ^r , can be computed by solving the convex semidenite program [BGFB94]: min ^r2 such that: 2P~ > 0; > 0; T > 0; and A~T P~ + P~ A~ + C~zT C~zT M12 + C~zT D~ zpr P~ B~w + C~zT D~ zw 6 r )T D r ; 2T C~q B~w + (D r )T D 6 ~ zp ~ zp ~ zw ()T12 (D~ zp 4 T C~z T D r T D ~ zp ~ zw ; ^r2I B~wT P~ + D~ zw B~wT C~qT + D~ zw D~ zw 3 7 7 5 0; (6.27) 158 CHAPTER 6. CONTROL DESIGN FOR SYSTEMS WITH SATURATION where M12 is dened as in (6.23). Corollary 6.5.3: A controller K;r which minimizes the L2-gain bound is parameterized by the matrices R, S that solve the following optimization problem: min "^r2 # R I such that: > 0; > 0; T > 0; and I2 S Bw AR + RAT M12 6 6 M12T ;2T Cq Bw U?T 66 BwT BwT CqT ;^r I 4 Cz R Dzpr Dzw 2 N13 AT S + SA SBw 6 T 6 ;^r I BwT CqT V?T 66 BwTS N13 Cq Bw ;2T 4 Dzpr Cz Dzw 3 RCzT r )T 7 7 (Dzp 7 U? < 0 T Dzw 75 ;^r I 3 CzT T 7 7 Dzw 7 V? < 0; r T (Dzp) 75 ;^r I (6.28) where M12 = Bpr + RAT CqT + RCqT T , N13 = SBpr + AT CqT + CqT T , and the outer perpendicular matrices are 2" # 3 2" # 3 Bu CyT 0 0 77 6 7 6 T U? = 64 Cq Bu ? 75 and V? = 64 Dyw (6.29) ? 5: 0 I 0 I The identity matrices appearing above in (6.29) for U? and V? have dimension nw + nz and np + nz , respectively. 6.5.4 Controller Reconstruction To obtain the controller K from a pair (R; S ) that solves one of the optimization problems requires the solution of a feasibility problem: M;r + UKV T + V K T U T < 0 (6.30) where U; V are complements of the corresponding matrices above in (6.21, 6.25, and 6.29). The matrix M;r is a constant matrix involving the open loop system matrices 6.6. L2-GAIN CONTROL EXAMPLE 159 and the specied performance and saturation levels. The form of the matrices M;r , U and V are easily derived by isolating terms involving the controller K , which is a step necessary prior to application of the Elimination Lemma (2.2.2). Optimization determines the matrices (R; S; ; T ) and parameters r; which then, through the use of the Completion Lemma (2.2.3), completely dene the feasibility problem (6.30). Details of this elimination/completion technique is well documented in [Gah96] and omitted here for brevity. Instead, as was done for the reduced order design in Chapter 5, the nal matrices necessary to solve (6.30) for the (SR), (DR) and (EG) problems are detailed in appendix sections C.3, C.4 and C.5, respectively. 6.5.5 Optimization Algorithms The optimization problems are bilinear in the multipliers (; T ) and the Lyapunov variables (R; S ). As discussed in the previous chapter, this problem is well known to be nonconvex, and typically solved by successive optimization over the two sets of variables. This technique is referred to as BMI synthesis [GLTS94, BH97a, PH99a], and applicable to the local designs described above. The successive iteration algorithms described in Chapter 5 are readily applied to the (SR), (DR) and (EG) problems and are not detailed here. In particular, the reduced order Popov/H1 algorithm described in x5.3.3 was used directly to solve the local L2-gain problem described below. 6.6 L2-Gain Control Example Here we consider the linearized inverted pendulum problem, depicted in Fig. 6.5, with control force f input and angle output, and dynamics =f = s2;1 k2 , with k = 0:1. The disturbance is a force fd, entering the system in the same way as the control. The performance z = [W1 W2 u]T is a weighted combination of angle and control eort, with W1 = (0:1s +1)=(s +1) and W2 = W1;1, and the lowpass set at L = 1=(s=200+1). Using a BMI synthesis algorithm based on Corollary 6.5.3, L2-gain controllers were designed for this system using saturation levels ranging from r = 1:1 to r = 3:0, in increments of 0:10. For each r value, the algorithm was initialized with a controller 160 CHAPTER 6. CONTROL DESIGN FOR SYSTEMS WITH SATURATION w m y= u Figure 6.5: Inverted pendulum with disturbance. designed by extending the Circle criterion method in [PHHB98] to optimize the given performance. The BMI algorithm for this example typically converged to a minimum after 13 iterations, and yielded a new controller, based on the Popov analysis, that improved performance by about 20% over that based on the Circle criteria. The performance, 22r , of the new controllers is shown for each r value in Fig. 6.6. Performance degrades as r increases, with 22r increasing from 1:7 to 4:5 as r ranges from 1:1 to 3:0: This trend should be expected since higher values of r correspond to larger sector widths, which allows the possibility of more nonlinear control behavior. However, widening the sector generally improves the disturbance rejection capability. r , computed using Theorem 6.5.2, The disturbance energy bound for this system, ^max increases by 66% over the full range of r (see Fig. 6.6). So that while performance does degrade, designs using higher values of r give the closed loop systems that can tolerate larger disturbances. The tradeo between performance and disturbance r rejection is depicted with a graph of 22r vs. 1=^max in Fig. 6.7. Systems with good performance (low values of 22) have relatively poor disturbance rejection (high values r ). Conversely, designs with improved disturbance rejection are necessarily of 1=^max penalized with degraded performance. Of course, if disturbance rejection is critical 6.7. CONCLUSIONS 161 4.5 4 3.5 22(r) r ; r ^max 22 3 2.5 2 1.5 ^max(r) 1 0.5 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 r 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 Figure 6.6: Performance and disturbance level dependence on r. and performance is not an issue, then the controller should be designed directly using a BMI algorithm based on Corollary 6.5.2. 6.7 Conclusions This chapter detailed control synthesis for systems with actuators that are subject to saturation. Optimal control designs for three dierent performance objectives are considered, and each is formulated as a solution to an LMI/BMI optimization problem. The rst design method produces controllers that maximize region of attraction for an unstable plant. In this case, the optimal controller guarantees the largest region in state space in which all initial conditions will result in stable trajectories. The solution to the second optimization problem gives controllers that allow the closed 162 CHAPTER 6. CONTROL DESIGN FOR SYSTEMS WITH SATURATION r = 3:0 4.5 4 22r 3.5 3 2.5 r = 1:1 2 1.5 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 1.05 1.1 1=^r max Figure 6.7: Disturbance rejection vs. L2-gain performance trade-o. loop system to reject external disturbances which have a maximum level of energy content. The last design algorithm yields controllers that optimize the L2-gain across a specied performance channel. Each design algorithm is based on the Popov stability criterion, and employs a sector model of the saturation nonlinearity. The BMI implementations are eciently solved using available LMI software. For a simple numerical example the algorithms typically converged after 13 iterations and produced Popov controllers that achieved a 20% improvement in L2-gain performance compared to controllers designed based on the Circle criteria. One limitation in the L2-gain design case is that each closed loop system must be post analyzed to determine the worst case disturbance levels the system can tolerate while achieving the optimal disturbance attenuation. As a practical consideration, it 6.7. CONCLUSIONS 163 may be desired to trade o performance against disturbance energy levels in order to accomplish the nal design. Control design using this approach is explored with the numerical example. Finally, the BMI solutions for each of the local control designs are presented in a form consistent with the reduced order designs detailed in Chapter 5. This means that the algorithms that solve these problems can be structured to provide reduced order solutions as well. Of course order reduction is desirable when controller complexity needs to be avoided; reduced order algorithms will allow the designer to trade o the local performance against compensation size in the same way illustrated with the numerical examples in x5.3.3. 164 Chapter 7 Conclusion 7.1 Summary of Main Results This thesis introduced a new set of tools for the stability analysis and compensation design for nonlinear systems. Particular nonlinear forms considered include hysteresis, memoryless slope-restricted nonlinearities, and saturation. Stability tests are developed for these systems as both state space and frequency domain criteria. The state space formulation can be solved numerically as a convex optimization problem over linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) using widely available software packages [WB96, GNLC95]. For systems with a single nonlinearity, the frequency domain criterion reduces to a graphical form which is a simple variation of the familiar Popov test. Stability is guaranteed provided the frequency response of the transformed linear subsystem avoids a certain restricted region in the Nyquist plane. The LMI analysis extends gracefully to provide companion robust control design techniques for a variety of nonlinear systems. The main results of the research in nonlinear system analysis and control design are overviewed in the following sections. 165 CHAPTER 7. CONCLUSION 166 7.1.1 Stability Analysis The stability results are valid for a class of hysteresis nonlinearities dened by a set of properties (slope bounds, positivity of certain path integrals, circulation direction, etc.), and includes the most commonly occurring types, such as backlash and relays. A particular transformation is developed that converts these nonlinearities into a passive operators and stability is subsequently ensured by requiring strict passivity on the transformed linear subsystem. This fundamental result provides a passivity interpretation of the earlier work by Yakubovich [Yak67, BY79], and, more importantly, the new analysis framework permits a straightforward extension to treat both multiple hysteresis and memoryless nonlinearities. In the latter case, the new analysis extends recent work [HK95, PBK98] with less restrictive criteria that applies to a broader class of nonlinear systems. This benet is illustrated with several numerical examples. In addition, linear matrix inequalities are combined with basic dissipation theory [Wil72a, Wil72b] in order to develop a multiplier analysis and robust stability test for uncertain nonlinear systems. These results and others are highlighted below. Robust analysis of systems with norm bounded uncertainties and hysteresis is solved for using dissipation theory, and then cast as a convex optimization over a set of linear matrix inequalities. Solution of the convex optimization problem enables the analyst to assess the level of uncertainty that is tolerable while still being able to guarantee system stability. In turn, this numerical analysis is used as the basis for algorithms that produce robust controllers for this class of nonlinear systems. Absolute stability criteria is developed to treat systems with multiple hystere- sis nonlinearities. This new result extends the passivity based solution for the scalar case by augmenting feasibility LMI set with an additional residue matrix inequality that must be satised. For systems satisfying the stability criteria, the system state is guaranteed to converge asymptotically to a stationary set rather than to the origin, which is characteristic of systems containing multivalued nonlinearities. In addition, to predict the asymptotic behavior of the 7.1. SUMMARY OF MAIN RESULTS 167 state, mathematical descriptions of the (asymptotic) stationary sets corresponding to typical types of hysteresis (relay, backlash, etc.) are provided in detail. For the backlash hysteresis, the stability result is further extended to a multiplier analysis of the same form and generality as that developed by Zames for monotonic, memoryless nonlinearities. Thus, the framework incorporates an even broader class of systems for a very common type of nonlinearity. Hysteresis was chosen as the particular nonlinearity for study primarily because much of the absolute stability results to date consider only simpler memoryless forms. Accordingly, since hysteresis occurs commonly in engineering practice in a wide range of forms, this thesis provides new analytical tools for an important class of nonlinear systems. However, it is important to note that this does not limit the application of the analysis to other system classes. Indeed, any memoryless, slope restricted nonlinearity can be considered as a special case of a hysteresis, and can be treated as a passive operator under the transformations dened in x3.3. Thus, all of the stability criteria can be applied directly. In particular, the analysis can be used to study eects such as saturation and linear parameter uncertainty as well as hysteresis. Throughout the research, an emphasis was placed on utility and usability of the results. In their nal form, analytical expressions for stability are expressed as LMIs, which are readily solved for reasonably sized systems (i.e., 20{30 states) using moderate computational resources. Similarly, the stability criteria are easily formulated at system level, requiring only the matrices of a state space representation for the linear subsystem and properties of the nonlinearity, such as minimum and maximum slope bounds. 7.1.2 Robust Control Design The simplicity of LMI analysis framework leads to a straightforward formulation for the control synthesis algorithms which, again, require only system level inputs by the designer. Other passivity based, constructive techniques, such as backstepping or forwarding [SJK97], require the designer to rst transform the linear subsystem 168 CHAPTER 7. CONCLUSION into a special form and then to build up controllers one state at a time, maintaining passivity at each stage in the process. These techniques can become cumbersome, and are thus practically limited to relatively low order systems. Also, while the constructive methods often assume full state information, the routines developed in this thesis design for the more general output feedback case. Building on the robust stability analysis, several new algorithms are introduced which synthesize reduced order controllers that guarantee stability while optimizing an H1 performance metric. In particular, a reduced order version of the standard H1 design algorithm is formulated and then extended to include the robust H1, Popov/H1 synthesis cases, as well as robust control design for systems with hysteresis. The new framework is a general technique that produces reduced order controllers, and can be readily adapted to other types of nonlinear systems. The versatility of the approach is demonstrated with three new local control design algorithms for unstable plants with actuator saturation. The new routines synthesize compensation for systems with saturating actuators that optimize disturbance rejection or H1 performance over a limited, or local, region of the system state space. For its general and practical application, the results of this research provide valuable new tools for the study of nonlinear control systems. An overview of the reduced order design and bounded control results is given below. Reduced order control While there has been much work done in recent years on optimal robust control synthesis, most frameworks produce compensators that are full order, having as many states as the original plant [DGKF89, ZDG96]. Iterative algorithms such as { synthesis [ZDG96, SP96, Zho98] often yield controllers with order much higher than the plant when accurate computation requires high order frequency domain curve tting. Large controllers designed to give optimal performance, must be reduced in size in order for practical, real time implementation. Reduction schemes can result in lost optimality and, in severe cases, even closed loop instability, and must be checked For example, the system matrix for backstepping must be lower triangular; and similarly, for forwarding must be upper triangular. 7.1. SUMMARY OF MAIN RESULTS 169 through post-analysis. For an alternate approach, this research focused on developing reliable algorithms that explicitly produce reduced order controllers { that is { controllers with smaller dimension than the plant. Direct reduced order design involves a nonconvex constraint that corresponds to the rank of a certain matrix in the LMI formulation. This inherent nonconvexity has been a primary challenge for control designers. To address the problem, this thesis introduces new LMI-based reduced order algorithms for producing robust H1 controllers that are useful in situations where performance is critical but real time computational resources are limited. In each case, the optimization is accomplished by utilizing a Trace() objective as a convex relaxation for the rank constraint. Features of the four new methods are described below. 1. The H1 performance metric and Trace() objective are incorporated into a bisection routine to produce output feedback controllers that optimize the H1 performance subject to an explicit constraint on the order. This simple algorithm provides a simple extension to basic H1 design, allowing the designer to explore the relative trade-o between controller order and closed loop performance. 2. This basic routine is then extended to synthesis robust H1 and Popov/H1 compensators by using a two part objective involving the Trace() and the closed loop performance. Using the combined objective, the designer is then free to select the relative weighting on the two parts of the objective cost in order to trade-o performance versus controller order. In this way, this algorithm provides a valuable tool that allows control designers to perform a multi-objective design analysis in the practical situations when performance is critical and the order of the controller must be reduced because of either real-time control hardware limitations or the excessive order of the plant. 3. Popov/H1 controllers are designed to optimize an H1 performance metric while guaranteeing stability based on the Popov criteria. The Popov criteria is preferred when the uncertainty, or nonlinearity can be modeled as memoryless and sector-bounded, such as the case with linear parameter uncertainty or time CHAPTER 7. CONCLUSION 170 invariant gain variation. Technically, the solution for this controller is bilinear in the multiplier and controller parameters, and hence is a BMI, as opposed to an LMI problem. While this problem has been previously solved [BH97b], the new reduced order synthesis is potentially more reliable since the new algorithm systematically eliminates poorly conditioned subspaces of matrices which could otherwise lead to numerical instability in the reconstruction of the controller. 4. Finally, a new procedure for the design of robust controllers for systems with hysteresis is introduced. Utilizing the same two part objective as the previous robust designs, this new algorithm produces reduced order, output feedback controllers that optimize H1 performance. Similarly, while existing passivitybased constructive techniques, such as backstepping or forwarding, are only applicable for systems with a particular structure (e.g., upper triangular), and are limited in practice to relatively low order systems, this LMI synthesis is a high level state space solution that allows control design for systems of any order or structure with the same relative ease. Thus, as a general design tool for systems with hysteresis, this new synthesis technique represents an important extension of robust control theory for this important class of nonlinear systems. Bounded control design The nal chapter of this thesis addresses the common control problem of feedback stabilization of systems using bounded controls. Indeed, this is an important problem since, as noted, control input to any realizable system is ultimately limited by physical constraints. In cases in which the plant is open loop unstable, the closed loop system with bounded control is in general not globally stable. Instead, stability analysis must seek local, or semi-global, regions of convergence. In other words, initial conditions that are too large can result in a saturation condition from which these systems cannot recover. Similarly, a poorly designed system operating normally can be driven to instability by external disturbances. Of course, these problems have faced engineers for many years, and remain a topic of much current research. This research details local control design approaches for systems with actuators that are 7.1. SUMMARY OF MAIN RESULTS 171 subject to saturation. Three design algorithms are presented which produce output feedback controllers that either maximize regions of attraction, maximize disturbance rejection, or optimize an L2-gain performance metric. In all cases, the stability analyses are based on the Popov stability criterion and, using the same approach detailed for the reduced order design, the controllers are formulated in terms of LMIs that are eciently solved as semidenite programs. These three new design algorithms are described below. 1. By utilizing a performance metric proportional to the volume in state space for which stability can be guaranteed, the rst algorithm will produce compensation that maximize the regions of attraction for the closed loop system. In this case the controller is designed to guarantee stability while allowing for the largest range of initial conditions. 2. The second routine is specically aimed at reducing closed loop sensitivity to external disturbances. The resulting controllers optimize disturbance rejection capability by maximizing the allowed energy of external disturbances that are applied to the plant. 3. Building on the disturbance rejection objective, the last algorithm oers the designer optimal L2 -gain across a performance channel for disturbances of a specied energy level. It is shown in this research that the optimal disturbance rejection and L2-gain performance are competing objectives, and in practice, it may be desired to trade o between the two metrics in order to accomplish the nal design. In this way, the two algorithms together provide a unique advantage for the design of saturating controllers. For each algorithm, the saturation parameter r can be used as a design parameter. Selecting larger r values allows larger regions of attraction, and better disturbance rejection, while reduced values of r yields controllers with better L2-gain performance. 172 CHAPTER 7. CONCLUSION 7.2 Future Research Directions All good things must come to a close, but along the way several ideas for new research directions presented themselves. A few of these are discussed below. Local stability analysis/synthesis for hysteretic actuation In the case of bounded control, the analysis is simplied by the fact that the saturation operator is well behaved, and can be treated simply as a piecewise linear eect. Analytical bounds on region of convergence and local performance for a given system with actuator saturation have been derived using various forms of absolute stability theory. However, a new level of complexity is added to the analysis when actuator models include hysteresis, which introduce eects such as memory. A local analysis for hysteresis would provide a valuable extension to the stability analysis given in Chpts. 3 and 4. Of course, this would require expanding the denitions of stationary sets detailed in x4.4 to include oscillatory trajectories for hysteresis forms with a deadzone that include the origin, such as a relay or backlash (see Figs. 3.6 and 4.2). Other forms such as the Preisach model that have a continuous characteristic near the origin, but saturate for large input may be analyzed in a piecewise fashion, as is done for the memoryless case, to establish local stability regions. Developing synthesis algorithms based on these new local analysis would provide further valuable engineering tools. Local and reduced order H2 design This thesis primarily focuses on compensation design that optimize L2{gain performance. These algorithms require that the external disturbances acting on a system can be modeled a signals in an L2 vector space, which means the signals have bounded energy, and thus asymptotically approach zero. Often, disturbances are persistent, and are better characterized as being bounded in a mean square sense. In these cases linear quadratic design (LQG) may be more appropriate, and optimal performance achieved by minimizing the H2, and not the H1 system norm. Recent research eorts have yielded LMI formulations for the H2 control design problem, but are limited to the global case [YLY96, BH98], while others are able to achieve local xed order 7.2. FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS 173 control using a coupled Riccati equation approach [TB97]. A useful extension of the H1 design presented in this thesis would be the extension to an LMI-based reduced order, local H2 design. This would further unify these two important design formulations, as they are often considered jointly throughout the literature (see, for examples [DGKF89, SP96, CGL97]). Ecient alternatives to LMI design Finally, it must be noted that while providing notationally concise expressions for absolute stability, LMI formulations of control design problems can become computationally intensive when the order of the system grows above 30{40 states. Routines that can improve computational eciency by taking advantage of sparse matrices are currently under development that may alleviate the problem for higher order systems [VBA99, VB96]. Until that time, alternate representations for the analyses and control designs given in this thesis { possibly reformulated as Riccati inequalities following the approach in [YLY96]{ that can lead to more ecient numerical solutions may be benecial. 174 Appendix A Energy Storage and Dissipation Functions Energy storage and dissipation for the Backlash hysteresis Here we show the common backlash nonlinearity conforms to the properties{5 described in x3.3.2. In particular, we give a simple mathematical representation for the nonlinearity, and then show that the positivity constraint (3.6) holds under the sector transformation indicated by property The input-output behaviour of a backlash (Fig. 4.3) can be described by two modes of operation, as either tracking or in the deadzone, for which we dene: ( Tracking: w_ = y_ Deadzone: w_ = 0 y_ > 0; w = (y ; r) or y_ < 0; w = (y + r); jw ; yj r; (A.1) where 2r is the deadzone width and is the slope of the tracking region, as indicated in Fig. 4.3. Applying the sector transformation, shown in Fig. 3.3, we have, when tracking with positive velocity _ = w_ = (y ; 1 w)w_ = ry_ (A.2) and, similarly for negative tracking: w_ = ;ry_ . This quantity is then expressed for 175 176 APPENDIX A. ENERGY STORAGE AND DISSIPATION FUNCTIONS all times as ( rjy_ j when tracking; (A.3) 0 in deadzone. Dening the interval I = [0; T ], for some T 0, and Ttrk I encompassing all the subintervals in I for which tracking occurs, the integral (3.6) for the backlash becomes Z T Z 0 (t)w (t) dt = r jy_ (t)j dt 0: (A.4) w_ = 0 t2T trk Thus, = 0, which means that the sector transformed nonlinearity has zero stored (or available) energy. In this case, it can be shown that the transformation induces a dissipation equality. In particular, the energy balance, as noted by Brokate and Sprekels [BS96, p. 69], is given as M0(t) ; U 0 (t) = jD0(t)j (A.5) where the terms from (A.2{A.3) are identied with: M0(t) = wy _ as the mechanical 1 0 work rate; U (t) = ww_ , the rate of hysteresis potential [BS96] energy storage; and D0(t) = ry_ as the energy dissipation into the hysteretic element. The transformation (Fig. 4.1) strips the energy potential and leaves only the energy dissipation term in the integrand in (A.4). Expressed this way, we can exactly account for all energy components associated with the nonlinear operator. Explicit potential, work and dissipation expressions for more complicated hysteresis operators, such as the Preisach and Prandtl models, is discussed in [BS96]. While being very powerful analytical tools, they are not pursued further herein. Appendix B Benchmark Uncertainty Problem b1 m1 k1 b2 m2 k2 x2 x1 ; d m3 x3 ; F Fig. B.1: Benchmark three mass used for algorithm comparisons. A typical mechanical benchmark problem for robust control design is depicted in Fig. B.1; this problem was used to demonstrate the reduced order algorithms. For this system it is assumed the third spring constant k3 has 10% uncertainty, and we would like to control the system by applying a force F to the third mass, m3 using a position measurement, x1 of the rst mass, while the rst mass is subject to a disturbance force d. For this system, the performance variable was chosen as z = [z1 z2]T ; where z1 = x1 + x2 corresponds to the average position of the rst two masses, and z2 = u is the control force. The system parameters were chosen to be m1 = m2 = m3 = 1:0; b1 = b2 = 0:015; and k1 = k2 = 1:0: Note that the addition of a small amount of damping to the mass/spring system will mean that the minimum order controller for this system is simply rst order, corresponding to a stabilization of the rigid body 177 178 APPENDIX B. BENCHMARK UNCERTAINTY PROBLEM mode. This problem is used widely throughout the controls literature as a benchmark plant to compare various robust control design methods (see [Ban97], for example and references therein). Appendix C Controller Reconstruction C.1 Popov/H1 Control Given a solution to the BMI problem (5.30) consisting of the set of matrices (R; S; ; T ), the corresponding optimal controller can be recovered by nding a K (s) (5.2) satisfying ~ V~ T + V~ K T U~ T < 0: M (; T ) + UK (C.1) The matrices comprising this LMI are described here. First, given the matrix pair R; S , and desired controller order nc, the quadratic stability matrix is computed Q = R ; S ;1; (C.2) and decomposed using the singular value decomposition as W; ; W T = svd(Q): (C.3) Using the same reduction procedure described in x5.2.1 for standard H1 case, the columns of W corresponding to the nc most signicant singular values are selected, Wr = [w1 ; : : : ; wn ] (C.4) and the reduced order matrix of singular values r = diag(1; : : : ; n ) then allows the formation of the reduced order, stability matrix " # S W r S~ = : (C.5) WrT r c c 179 APPENDIX C. CONTROLLER RECONSTRUCTION 180 Using S~ the matrix M (; T ) is dened in terms of the plant matrices and performance level as: 2 3 T + CT T T ~ Tt SB ~ p;t + ATt Cq;t ~ w;t At S~ + SA SB Cz;t q;t 6 7 T T C T ; 2T C B 6 7 ( ) C B + B 0 q;t p;t q;t w;t n n 12 p;t q;t 7: M = 66 (C.6) T S~ T CT T 7 Bw;t Bw;t ; I D 4 5 n q;t zw Cz;t 0n n Dzw ;In q z w z q z Again, the matrices appearing in (C.6) result by applying the Elimination Lemma 2.2.2 to the closed loop Popov/H1 LMI (5.23). The t-subscripted matrices have the reduced order controller dimension, and are given as " A 0 At = 0 0n c with h # " B ; Bp;t = p 0 # i " # B Bw;t = w ; 0 h i Cq;t = Cq 0 ; and Cz;t = Cz 0 : The outer matrices in the reconstruction inequality (C.1) are 2 2 3 ~ t 3 SB CtT 6 7 6 7 6 Cq;t Bt 7 6 0 7 7 ; and V ~ = 66 7; U~ = 66 7 7 T 0 D 4 5 4 2;t 5 D1;t 0 where the additional matrices in (C.9) are " # " h D1;t = 0 Dzu i (C.8) (C.9) # 0 Bu 0 I Bt = ; Ct = ; I 0 Cy 0 and (C.7) " (C.10) # 0 ; D2;t = : Dyw (C.11) C.2 Hysteresis/H1 Control Reconstruction of the optimal K for sytems with hysteresis again requires the solution of a feasibility problem very similar to the Popov case in the previous section. In this C.3. REGION OF CONVERGENCE DESIGN 181 case, starting with the hysteresis inequality (5.32) the corresponding matrix 2 ~ Tt SB ~ p;t ; CqT1;t ; CqT2;tT At S~ + SA 6 6 ()T12 2I ; Dqp ; Dqp M = 66 T S~ T Bw;t ;Dqw 4 ;Cz;t ;Dzp ~ w;t SB ;Dqw ;In ;Dzw w 3 ;Cz;tT ;Dzp0 777 : T 7 ;Dzw 5 ;In (C.12) z is found in the same manner by forming the S~ as in (C.5) and applying the Elimination Lemma. Note that because the stability multiplier allows for a more general plant having more non-zero throughput matrices (Dqw , etc.), there are no zero entries in (C.12). The t-subscripted matrices are as dened above in (C.7-C.8), with the new terms given by h i h i Cq1;t = Cq1 0 ; and Cq2;t = Cq2 0 : (C.13) where Cq1 = Cq and Cq2 = A;1Cq , as discussed in x3.4. The outer matrices 2 U~ = 6 6 6 6 4 ~ t ;SB 3 2 3 CtT 7 6 7 6 D4T;t 7 D3;t 77 ; and V~ = 66 T 77 ; 0 75 4 D2;t 5 D1;t 0 (C.14) where, similarly, the new terms here are h D3;t = 0 Dqu i " # 0 ; D4;t = : Dyp (C.15) C.3 Region of Convergence Design The local control design for systems with saturation requires a similar reconstruction to obtain the nal controller. First, solving for the optimal solution (R; S; ; T ) to the region of convergence problem (6.20), the corresponding feasibility inequality ~ V~ T + V~ K T U~ T < 0 M (; T ) + UK r (C.16) can be established. In this case, the matrix M is a function of the parameter r used to sector bound the dzn() nonlinearity, as detailed in x6.4 and Fig. 6.4. Here r APPENDIX C. CONTROLLER RECONSTRUCTION 182 we have " # T + CT T ~ T SB ~ p;t + ATt Cq;t A S~ + SA q;t M (; T ) = t T t ; ()12 ;2T and the outer matrices are given as " # " # T ~ t SB C U~ = ; and V~ = t : Cq;tBt 0 r (C.17) (C.18) Again, the stability matrix S~ is formed as in (C.5), and the t-subscripted matrices are the same as above in (C.7{C.10). However, care must be taken to use the matrices augmented with the lowpass lter, and incorporating the sector parameter r as dened by the system (6.16). C.4 Local Disturbance Rejection Design The corresponding feasibility LMI that must be solved using the optimal solution to the disturbance rejection problem (6.24) again has the form (C.16). In this case the matrix 2 3 T T T T ~ ~ ~ ~ At S + SAt SBp;t + At Cq;t + Cq;tT SBw;t 7 6 6 M (; T ) = 4 ()T12 (C.19) ;2T Cq;tBw;t 75 ; T S~ T CT Bw;t Bw;t ;I q;t r and the outer matrices are 2 3 2 3 T ~ t SB C t 6 7 6 7 U~ = 64 Cq;tBt 75 ; and V~ = 64 0 75 : 0 D2;t (C.20) where again, all t-subsrcipted matrices are dened in xC.1 and the system matrices are the augmented versions, as discussed in x6.4. C.5. LOCAL L2-GAIN DESIGN 183 C.5 Local L2-Gain Design For the local L2 optimal compensation, reconstruction requires solution of the feasibility LMI (C.16), where 2 T + CT T ~ Tt SB ~ p;t + ATt Cq;t ~ w;t At S~ + SA SB q;t 6 6 ()T12 ;2T Cq;tBw;t M (; T; ) = 66 T T T Bw;tS~ Bw;tCq;t ;In 4 Cz;t Dzp Dzw r w T Cz;t DzpT T Dzw ;In 3 7 7 7 7 5 : z (C.21) is now also a function of the performance metric : Similarly, the outer matrices for the corresponding feasibility are given as: 2 2 3 ~ t 3 SB CtT 6 7 6 7 6 Cq;t Bt 7 6 0 7 7 ; and V ~ = 66 7 U~ = 66 T 7: 0 75 4 4 D2;t 5 0 0 (C.22) Note that Eqns. (C.21) and (C.22) have the same form as (C.6) and (C.9), respectively. This is expected since this problem is simply the local version of the Popov/H1 design case. Here, due to restrictions and simplications imposed by the local system model, various terms in the above matrices (C.21) and (C.22) must be set to zero. Also, the various system matrices here are dened according to the design model described in x6.4. 184 Appendix D Convergence Limit Proof In this appendix, the existence of limt!1 (t) is established. This is done rst by showing rst that _ 2 L1, and then by employing the Lebesgue Monotone Convergence theorem. Recall rst, as a result of the Lyapunov proof, and the dierentiability of the nonlinearity, that _ 2 L1. We note that the dynamics of the transformed system in Fig. 4.6 can be equivalently depicted as resulting from an external input signal that is the initial condition response of the (open loop) linear subsystem, u2(t) = yh(t) + R(0); where yh = CA;1 eAt x(0); as is shown in Fig. D.1. The initial state of the linear subsystem, G~ r (s) + 1s I , is then considered zero, and its output y1(t) = yf (t) + R(t); R with yf (t) = CA;1 0t eA(t; ) Bu( ) d . We then have _ = ; dtd M ((t)) = ;0M () d (t) dt = ;0M () d fy1 + u2g dt d fy + R + y + R(0)g ; 0 = ;M () dt f h 185 (D.1a) (D.1b) (D.1c) (D.1d) APPENDIX D. CONVERGENCE LIMIT PROOF 186 u 0 G~ r (s) - _ 1I s yf + R M (t) M sI yh + R(0) Figure D.1: Popov system with initial condition response as input. where 0M () is the diagonal matrix of local slopes occurring at the m scalar nonlinearities, 0M () = diag f0i(i); : : : ; 0m(m )g > 0: (D.2) Inserting the identities y_f (t) = C and Z 0 t eA(t; ) B _ ( ) d + CA;1 B _ (t); R_ (t) = (;CA;1B + D + M ;1 )_ (t); into (D.1d) results in _ = ;0M (G + M ;1 )_ + CeAt x(0) ; (D.3) where G : e 7! y is original system operator (as depicted in Fig. 4.5a), M ;1 is the diagonal matrix of maximum slopes and, for simplicity of notation, the dependence on is dropped. Solving for _ gives ;1 _ (t) = ; I + 0M (G + M ;1 ) 0M CeAtx(0); (D.4) where the inverse exists, since _ is bounded. That is, the input-output mapping ;1 G = I + 0M (G + M ;1 ) 0M (D.5) BIBLIOGRAPHY 187 is L1 stable. Designating the peak gain as kGk1;i < 1, _ can be bounded pointwise in time with c1 ; c2 > 0, as j_ (t)j kGk1;ijCeAt x(0)j c1 kGk1;i1e;c t (D.6a) (D.6b) 2 where c1 e;c2t max sup jyk (t)j k t0 k = 1; : : : ; m; with y(t) = CeAt x(0) and 1 2 Rm is a vector of 1's. In particular, ;c2 is the real part of the \slowest" eigenvalue of A (assumed Hurwitz), and c1 is chosen simply to ensure the exponential envelope bounds all elements of jyk (t)j; t 0. Therefore, the following holds: k_ k1 = m Z X 1 j_k (t)j dt k=1 0 Z 1 m max j_k (t)j dt k 0 Z 1 mc1kGk1;i e;c2t dt 0 c 1 m c kGk1;i 2 (D.7a) (D.7b) (D.7c) = < 1: (D.7d) (D.7e) R Thus, _ 2 L1, which ensures the existence of limt!1 0t _ ( ) d y. Therefore, (t) asymptotically becomes constant. Furthermore, in this case, convergence to that constant is exponential. 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