PRECISE RELATIVE NAVIGATION USING AUGMENTED CDGPS a dissertation submitted to the department of mechanical engineering and the committee on graduate studies of stanford university in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy Chan-Woo Park June 2001 c Copyright by Chan-Woo Park 2001 All Rights Reserved ii I certify that I have read this dissertation and that in my opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Jonathan P. How Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Principal Adviser) I certify that I have read this dissertation and that in my opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. J. Christian Gerdes Department of Mechanical Engineering I certify that I have read this dissertation and that in my opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Per K. Enge Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics Approved for the University Committee on Graduate Studies: iii iv Abstract Autonomous formation flying of multiple vehicles is a revolutionary enabling technology for many future space and earth science missions that require distributed measurements, such as sparse aperture radars and stellar interferometry. The techniques developed for the space applications will also have a significant impact on many terrestrial formation flying missions, such as air-to-air refueling. One of the key requirements of formation flying is accurate knowledge of the relative positions and velocities between the vehicles. Several researchers have shown that the Global Positioning System (GPS) is a viable sensor to perform this relative navigation. However, there are several limitations in the use of GPS because it is limited to locations with adequate visibility to the NAVSTAR constellation. For some mission scenarios, such as MEO, GEO and tight formation missions where signals can be blocked by nearby vehicles, the visibility/geometry of the GPS constellation may not be sufficient to accurately estimate the relative states. Another difficulty is that there is a fundamental limitation to the accuracy of relative position/velocity estimates using a GPS-only system. In addition, the GPS system has a very limited capability to initialize the cycle ambiguity, thereby making it impossible to quickly achieve centimeter-level accuracy, which is important for highly dynamic environments. One solution to these problems is to include an RF ranging device (transmitter) onboard the vehicles in the formation and form a local constellation that augments the existing NAVSTAR constellation. These local range measurements, when properly combined with the GPS measurements, can provide a sufficient number of measurements and adequate geometry to solve for the relative position and velocity states. Furthermore, these RF ranging devices can be designed to provide substantially more v accurate measures of the vehicle relative ranges and range rates than the traditional GPS pseudolites. These highly accurate measurements could then be combined with the CDGPS solution to obtain a better overall estimate (sub-centimeter position accuracy). The local range measurements also allow relative vehicle motion to be used to efficiently solve for the cycle ambiguities in real-time. This dissertation presents the development of an onboard ranging sensor and the extension of several related algorithms for a formation of vehicles with both GPS and local transmitters. Key among these are a robust cycle ambiguity estimation method and a decentralized relative navigation filter. The robust cycle ambiguity estimation algorithm can be used in a real-time autonomous initialization process, which is experimentally demonstrated. The thesis also presents a decentralized approach to the GPS-only relative navigation problem. This is extended to an iterative cascade extended Kalman filtering (ICEKF) approach when the vehicles have onboard transmitters. When compared to a centralized estimation scheme, the decentralized estimation process is shown to substantially reduce the computational load, eliminate the numerical problems, and reduce the information flow between the vehicles. It is also shown in this thesis that a linearization error occurs in the NAVSTAR measurement equations for long baseline (>1 km) separations between the vehicles. Correction terms are derived, and it is demonstrated that this error can be efficiently removed using the information available from the standard pseudorange solution. Finally, a quasi-optimal constellation geometry selection algorithm is developed for the case where local ranging signals are also available. This algorithm is important since there are a limited number of channels on the GPS receivers, which only allows it to track a subset of the available NAVSTAR signals. Thus it is desirable to select the subset that provides the best possible geometry. This new selection algorithm provides near optimal geometries from the combined NAVSTAR and local constellations but greatly reduces the computational load when compared to the true optimal methods. Several ground testbeds were developed to demonstrate the feasibility of the augmentation concept and the relative navigation algorithms. The testbed includes the Stanford Pseudolite Transceiver Crosslink (SPTC), which was developed and extensively tested with a formation of outdoor ground vehicles. vi Acknowledgments I would like to thank several individuals who made this thesis possible. First, I would like to thank my principal advisor, Jonathan How. He introduced me to the Global Positioning System and provided me with the opportunity to work on the formation flying research (blimp project, 1997). His guidance, technical insight, management skill, and dedication are much appreciated. I would also like to thank my oral examination committee: Professors Christian Gerdes, Per Enge, Tommas Kenny, and Paul Segall. I have profited from their advice, insightful comments, and helpful ideas. In particular, I would also like to thank for their support during my stay at Stanford. I wish to express my gratitude to many former and current colleagues at Stanford and MIT. I was extremely fortunate to work with the former student Eric Olsen. We worked together on many aspects of the formation flying blimp project including receiver design and software development that are inherited by various current GPS projects. Without the foundation created by his great work and our collaboration, this research would not have been possible. There are several students, in particular, who I would like to thank. Franz Busse, Nick Pohlman, Cory Dixon, and Ung-suok Kim contributed to many aspects of this project, and the successful demonstration of the research would have never been possible without their invaluable help. Many hours were spent in various discussions with Franz Busse, Arthur Richards, Phil Ferguson, Jonathan Stone, Eric Prigge, Ed LeMaster, Demoz Gebre, Chad Jennings, Tobe Corazzini. Their insights, comments, and suggestions were extremely valuable. I gratefully acknowledge the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory for supporting the early formation blimp project (contract DL-H-505325) and the Lockheed Martin for vii funding the formation flying research-with special thanks to Mr. Larry Cappots. This research would not have been possible without the support from the Mitel Semiconductor regarding the GPS receiver design. Finally, I would like to thank my family for their support both financially and emotionally, during my stay at Stanford and throughout my academic life. viii Contents Abstract v Acknowledgments vii 1 Introduction 1.1 1 Formation Flying Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.1.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Example Formation Flying Missions 1.2 Motivation 1.3 Previous Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1.3.1 Formation Flying Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1.3.2 Augmentation of GPS Constellation with Transmitters . . . . 14 1.3.3 Cycle Ambiguity Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1.4 Research Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1.5 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2 Formation State Estimation 20 2.1 Coordinate Systems 2.2 Correction Terms for the Large Separations 2.3 2.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 22 2.2.1 Correction Terms for the Linear Relative Position Estimation 22 2.2.2 Correction Terms for the Relative Velocity Estimation . . . . 27 Formation Measurement Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2.3.1 Measurement Equations Using NAVSTAR Satellites . . . . . 29 2.3.2 Measurement Equation Using Local Transmitters . . . . . . . 33 State and Cycle Ambiguity Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 ix 2.5 2.4.1 WLS State Estimation - EKF Bias Estimation . . . . . . . . 36 2.4.2 EKF State Estimation - EKF Bias Estimation . . . . . . . . 40 Decentralized Iterative Cascade EKF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 2.5.1 Iterative Cascade EKF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 2.5.2 Numerical Stability of EKF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 2.6 Coarse Navigation Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 2.7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 3 Robust Bias Estimation Algorithm 3.1 3.2 Cycle Ambiguity Estimation 68 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 3.1.1 Previous Initialization Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 3.1.2 Robust Initialization Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 3.1.3 Performance of Robust Initialization Algorithm . . . . . . . . 84 3.1.4 Selection of Initialization Path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 4 Quasi-Optimal Satellite Selection 4.1 Satellite Selection 4.2 Optimal Satellite Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 4.3 Sub-optimal Satellite Selection Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 4.3.1 Highest Elevation Satellite Selection Algorithm . . . . . . . . 97 4.3.2 Kihara’s Maximum Volume Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 4.3.3 Four-step Selection Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 4.4 4.5 5 92 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quasi-optimal Satellite Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 4.4.1 Validation of Quasi-Optimal Algorithm 4.4.2 Computational Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 4.4.3 Other Cost Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 4.4.4 Weighted Quasi-optimal Selection Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 . . . . . . . . . 114 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Mission Simulations 5.1 92 116 LEO Formation with Onboard Transmitters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 x 5.2 5.1.1 Orbit Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 5.1.2 LEO Simulation Parameters 5.1.3 EKF Bias Estimation in LEO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 5.1.4 EKF State Estimation - EKF Bias Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Effect of Long Baseline Correction Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 5.2.1 Corrections for Differential Phase Measurements ∆φ . . . . . 124 5.2.2 Corrections for Differential Doppler Measurements ∆φ̇ 5.3 Terrestrial Applications 5.4 Formation Geometry & Improved Transmitters 5.5 5.6 . . . 125 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 5.4.1 Line Formation (In-Track) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 5.4.2 Improved Line Formation (In-Track & Cross-track) . . . . . . 136 5.4.3 Ellipse Formation (Single Ellipse) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 5.4.4 Double Ellipse Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 PowerSail Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 5.5.1 Relative Motions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 5.5.2 Visibility of NAVSTAR Satellite 5.5.3 Effect of Local Transmitters on GDOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 5.5.4 Impact of Operating at Higher Altitudes . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 5.5.5 Impact of Adding Local Transmitters 5.5.6 GEO Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 6 Experimental Results 6.1 . . . . . . . . 121 Experimental Setup 154 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 6.1.1 Formation Truck Testbed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 6.1.2 Formation Robot Testbed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 6.1.3 Onboard Ranging and Communication Device . . . . . . . . . 157 6.1.4 SPTC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 6.2 Multi-vehicle Autonomous Initialization 6.3 Robust Bias Estimator Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 6.4 Mobile Formation Center & Multi-Transmitters . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 xi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 6.5 6.6 Formation Maneuvers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 6.5.1 Truck Formation Maneuver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 6.5.2 Robot Formation Maneuver with Multi-Transmitters . . . . . 169 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 7 Conclusion 173 7.1 Summary of Contributions 7.2 Future Work 7.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 7.2.1 LEO Formation Flying Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 7.2.2 Transceiver Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 7.2.3 UAV Relative Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 Closing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 A GPS Attitude Receiver Development and Testing 180 A.1 Receiver Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 A.2 Receiver Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 A.3 Onboard Cycle Ambiguity Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 A.3.1 Computing Initial Guess of States For Two Base Line Platform 183 A.3.2 Batch Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 A.3.3 Iterative Information Smoother . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 B Formation Ranging Device Development 191 B.1 Laser Pointer Ranging Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Bibliography 195 xii List of Tables 1.1 Positioning Accuracy Levels Required for Several Missions . . . . . 7 1.2 Importance of Onboard Transmitter in Various Application Areas . . 12 2.1 Simulated Doppler Correction Terms (2 km baseline) . . . . . . . . . 28 2.2 Major Data Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 2.3 Minor Data Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 3.1 Final Position Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 5.1 Orbit Parameters of Simulated Vehicles 5.2 Selected Variables for Simulation in Section 5.1.2 . . . . . . . . . . . 118 5.3 Initial Conditions of Simulated Vehicles: Relative Position and Velocity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 (ECI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 5.4 Performance of EKF and WLS State Estimators 5.5 Effect of ∆φ̇ and ∆φ on Estimation Error (WLS) with Vehicle Separation of 2 km. . . . . . . . . . . . 124 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 5.6 Parameter Selected for Air-to-air Refueling Simulation . . . . . . . . 130 5.7 Air-to-air Refueling Simulation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 5.8 Orbit Parameters Selected for PowerSail Simulation 6.1 Final Position Estimation Errors xiii . . . . . . . . . 143 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 List of Figures 1.1 TechSat-21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.2 Autonomous Rendezvous and Docking Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.3 Nanosat Constellation Trailblazer mission (ST-5) 5 1.4 Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment mission (GRACE) 1.5 ST-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.6 Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.7 ISS Docking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.8 Aircraft Formation Flying (F-16) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.9 Farming Vehicle Formation Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.10 Air-to-Air Refueling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.11 PowerSail Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.1 Formation Coordinate System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.2 Relative Positioning of Formation Flying Spacecraft . . . . . . . . . 24 2.3 Long Baseline Spacecraft (Simple Example) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2.4 Magnitude of Phase Correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2.5 Relative Velocity Measurement of Vehicle Formation . . . . . . . . . 28 2.6 Magnitude of Doppler Correction Term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2.7 Centralized Formulation vs. Decentralized Formulation . . . . . . . 48 2.8 Computational Load Savings (NAVSTAR-only System) . . . . . . . 49 2.9 Coupled Measurement Equation and Multiple Decoupled Equations 50 2.10 Full Centralized Extended Kalman Filter and Iterative Cascade Kalman Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv 53 2.11 Computation Required for a Single Measurement Update (EKF and ICEKF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 2.12 Ratio of the Computational Power Used in EKF and ICEKF Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 2.13 RMS Position Errors of 4 Different EKFs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 2.14 Information Flow Diagrams of Decentalized and Centralized System Architectures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 2.15 Maximum Data Rate Required in Centralized and Decentralized Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 2.16 RMS Position Error Comparison (EKF and ICEKF) . . . . . . . . . 61 2.17 Effect of the Sampling Time Slew on the Code Phase Single Difference 64 2.18 Comparison of a Typical Convergence Pattern of Conventional Carrier Smoothing Filter New Smoothing Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 2.19 Single Base-Line Positioning Error of the Coarse Navigation Filter . 67 3.1 Simulation of Circular Initialization Maneuver (r=5 m) . . . . . . . 72 3.2 Horizontal Estimation Error During Initialization Maneuver . . . . 73 3.3 Convergence Map of Previous Initialization Algorithm (r=5 m) . . . 74 3.4 Convergence Map of Previous Initialization Algorithm (r=100 m) . 75 3.5 Error Contour 100m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 3.6 Typical Formation Geometry and NAVSTAR Satellite . . . . . . . . 78 3.7 Maximum Magnitude of Error Term c2 2|X| as Function of Initial Position Uncertainty and Vehicle Separation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.8 Performance of Robust Initialization Algorithm (Estimated Mean and Variance of Error Term) 3.9 80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Convergence Characteristic Comparison (Typical) . . . . . . . . . . 85 3.10 Convergence Characteristic Comparison (Extreme) . . . . . . . . . 85 3.11 Convergence Map After 5 m Radius Circular Motion: Previous algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 3.12 Convergence Map After 5 m Radius Circular Motion: Robust algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv 87 3.13 Convergence Map (control based on current estimate): Previous method 88 3.14 Convergence Map (control based on current estimate): Robust algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.15 Possible Initialization Paths 88 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 3.16 Position Error as a Function of the LOS Change . . . . . . . . . . . 90 3.17 Position Error as a Function of the LOS Change (small initial error) 90 4.1 Combined Local and NAVSTAR Constellation . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 4.2 Number of Visible Satellites in LEO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 4.3 Minimum and Maximum PDOP Values of Selected Subset of Satellites 95 4.4 Computational Load Required for Optimal Selection of Satellites . . 96 4.5 Cost Function of Quasi-optimal Algorithm 99 4.6 Optimal Selection Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 4.7 Quasi-optimal Sequential Selection Example 4.8 Polar Plot Showing LOS to Satellites in View and Satellites Selected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Using Optimal and Quasi-optimal Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 4.9 All Possible PDOP values and PDOP of Quasi-optimal Method 4.10 Quasi-optimal Selection (worst case) . . 105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 4.11 PDOP Values of Quasi-optimal Selection (worst case) . . . . . . . . 106 4.12 Distribution of ζ. (Selection from Random Geometry) . . . . . . . . 107 4.13 Distribution of ζ when 4 Satellites are Selected. (LEO simulation) . 109 4.14 Distribution of ζ when 6 Satellites are Selected. (LEO simulation) . 110 4.15 Distribution of ζ when 6 Measurements are Selected. (LEO simulation, 5 Vehicle Formation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 4.16 Distribution of ζ when 6 Measurements are Selected. (Ground simulation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 4.17 Computational Loads Required in Each Method . . . . . . . . . . . 113 5.1 Relative Motions in the Formation Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 5.2 Magnitude of Bias Errors of NAVSTAR measurements and Local Ranging Measurements in LEO xvi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 5.3 Magnitude of Entire Bias State Vector of NAVSTAR-only System and Augmented System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 5.4 Relative Position Error Comparison EKF vs. WLS . . . . . . . . . 123 5.5 Relative Velocity Error Comparison EKF vs. WLS . . . . . . . . . 123 5.6 Position Error without Correction (WLS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 5.7 Velocity Error with Correction (WLS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 5.8 Velocity Error without Correction (WLS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 5.9 Velocity Error with Correction (WLS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 5.10 Transmitter Locations on DC-10 Aircraft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 5.11 Relative Horizontal Motion of Receiver Aircraft . . . . . . . . . . . 130 5.12 Relative Vertical Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 5.13 Line-of-sight Angle during Relative Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 5.14 PDOP Values of Each Configuration During Relative Motion . . . . 131 5.15 RMS Position Errors during Refueling Maneuver . . . . . . . . . . . 132 5.16 Statistics of Position Estimation Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 5.17 Statistics of Velocity Estimation Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 5.18 In-Track Formation Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 5.19 In-Track Formation with Small Cross-track Separation . . . . . . . 134 5.20 RMS Position Error (In-track separation only) . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 5.21 RMS Position Error (In-track and small cross-track component) . . 136 5.22 Ellipse Formation on Reference Orbit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 5.23 Double Ellipse Formation on Reference Orbit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 5.24 3-D Relative Motion on Single Ellipse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 5.25 Double Ellipse (180◦ Phase) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 5.26 Double Ellipse 90◦ Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 5.27 RMS Position Error (Single ellipse formation) . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 5.28 RMS Position Error (Double ellipse formation) . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 5.29 PowerSail with 4 Onboard Transmitters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 5.30 PowerSail with 2 Onboard Transmitters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 5.31 Typical Relative Motion of Host Spacecraft with respect to the Sail (In-track difference) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 xvii 5.32 Typical Relative Motion of Host Spacecraft with respect to the Sail (Eccentricity difference) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 5.33 Number of Visible Satellites from Host Spacecraft 5.34 Number of Satellites Blocked by PowerSail . . . . . . . . . . 144 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 5.35 Maximum GDOP Values vs. Distance between the Host and the Sails 145 5.36 Number of Visible Satellites from Host Spacecraft in 2 Different Altitudes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 5.37 Maximum GDOP Values without Transmitters for 2 Different Orbits 147 5.38 Visibility comparison at LEO and MEO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 5.39 Maximum GDOP Values at 2 Different Altitudes (4 transmitters are onboard Sail) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 5.40 Maximum GDOP Values for Different Numbers of Transmitters Onboard Sail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 5.41 Number of Commonly Visible Satellites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 5.42 Number of Satellites Blocked by Sail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 5.43 GDOP Values Using 4 Onboard Transmitters 5.44 Visibility comparison at MEO and GEO . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 6.1 Formation Truck Testbed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 6.2 RC Truck with Onboard Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 6.3 Formation of Outdoor Robots with SPTC 6.4 Pseudolite and Transmit Antenna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 6.5 Stanford Pseudolite Transceiver Crosslink (SPTC) . . . . . . . . . . 158 6.6 3 Truck Formation in Front of Durand Building 6.7 Demonstration of Autonomous Formation Intialization Maneuver of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 . . . . . . . . . . . 160 3 Trucks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 6.8 Initialization Experiment (Estimated Relative Trajectories around Truck 1) 162 6.9 Roof-top Testbed: Grid and Laser Pointer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 6.10 Roof-top Experiment: Estimated Absolute Position of 2 Vehicles . . 165 xviii 6.11 Roof-top Experiment: Estimated Position of Second Vehicle Relative to Reference Vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 6.12 Roof-top Experiment: Estimation Error Convergence . . . . . . . . 167 6.13 Roof-top Experiment: Number of Measurements Used in Initialization Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 6.14 Formation Keeping Maneuver (RC Trucks) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 6.15 Robot Fomation Keeping Maneuver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 6.16 Validation Result (Open-loop Maneuver) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 6.17 Validation Result(Closed-loop Control Maneuver) . . . . . . . . . . 171 7.1 Orion Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 7.2 UAV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 A.1 Double-board Attitude Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 A.2 Single-board Attitude Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 A.3 Large angle motion of baseline in 2D B.1 Laser Pointer and Baseline Mounted on Follower Robot . . . . . . . 192 B.2 Target Board Mounted on Leader Robot B.3 Geometry of Laser Pointer Ranging Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 xix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Chapter 1 Introduction This dissertation presents theoretical and experimental results on the use of the Global Positioning System (GPS) and onboard local ranging devices as a relative navigation sensor system for a formation of vehicles. Successful control of a formation will require knowledge of the cluster’s absolute position as well as very precise estimates of the relative positions and velocities of the vehicles. To this end, standard GPS sensing techniques (e.g. pseudo-ranging [GPS96]) and advanced techniques, such as carrierphase differential GPS (CDGPS), could be used as part of the navigation sensor. Although CDGPS techniques can provide a highly accurate navigation solution, there are several important limitations in a relative navigation sensing system that is solely based on the NAVSTAR constellation: 1. The availability of the NAVSTAR constellation is limited in some missions (e.g., GEO, MEO, aerial-refueling, docking) where the NAVSTAR signals are only partially available or are blocked by nearby vehicles or structures. This can result in a very poor constellation geometry and poor sensing robustness. 2. The NAVSTAR constellation can provide highly accurate phase measurements, but this accuracy is limited (∼ 2 cm) due to the relatively long wavelength (∼ 19 cm). There are many planned future missions that require a more accurate relative navigation capability. 1 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 2 3. Initializing cycle ambiguities in the NAVSTAR signal has been a major problem in the use of CDGPS techniques. This is expecially true for systems that only use the L1 frequency of the NAVSTAR signal. These fundamental limitations of NAVSTAR-only systems can be successfully overcome by using onboard ranging devices and related advanced algorithms that will be presented in this thesis. This thesis extends previous work and successfully demonstrates the augmentation of the NAVSTAR constellation in an outdoor experiment with 2–3 vehicles (simulation results are presented for a larger number of vehicles). Combined with the other extensions in this thesis that address long baseline corrections, satellite selection methods, and distributed estimation algorithms; this thesis presents a “complete package” that is ready for implementation on-orbit. As part of this research, the Stanford Pseudolite Transceiver Crosslink (SPTC) was developed along with several ground-based testbeds to demonstrate the relative navigation approach for a formation. The SPTC consists of an onboard transmitter (pseudolite), a GPS receiver, and a dedicated communication link. The primary ground testbed consists of 3 commercially available robots that can maneuver in formation and carry the SPTC. 1.1 Formation Flying Technology Formation flying of multiple vehicles is a revolutionary technology for many future space and earth science missions involving distributed measurements such as a sparse aperture radar, earth mapping and stellar interferometry. This novel concept is based on the idea that a monolithic structure can be distributed into several small, inexpensive spacecraft that collectively form a virtual spacecraft bus of unlimited scale, resulting in a significant improvement in the mission capability and flexibility [FB97, FB98, KL96, FB99, AD98]. For example, a separated interferometer can be formed in space that has a virtual baseline of several kilometers [CAB98], but this would be impractical to build with other existing technologies. Another example is the separated spacecraft synthetic aperture radar (SAR) that can obtain an extremely 1.1. FORMATION FLYING TECHNOLOGY 3 Figure 1.1: AFRL Formation Flying Mission (TechSat-21) [AFR, AD98]. high resolution using distributed and coordinated measurements from multiple apertures onboard formation flying spacecraft [TS21] (see Figure 1.1). 1.1.1 Example Formation Flying Missions Previous Missions Several spacecraft formation flying missions have demonstrated the relative navigation capability using the code-based differential GPS. A GPS receiver was installed on the OREFEUS-SPAS [FG99] satellite that was deployed from the space shuttle. A second GPS receiver was mounted on the shuttle and raw GPS phase measurements were collected by these two receivers. In this mission, 10-50 m relative positioning accuracy and the meter/sec-level relative velocity accuracy were achieved by post processing the data. Surrey Space Center [MU00] also demonstrated a formation flying experiment of two spacecraft, SNAP-1 and Tsinghua-1, using GPS. These two CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 4 Figure 1.2: Autonomous Rendezvous and Docking Mission (ETS-VII) [IK99]. spacecraft carried GPS receivers and demonstrated meter-level positioning capabilities using the pseudoranging technique. However, these two spacecraft computed their absolute positions independently, and relative positioning capability using differential GPS was not demonstrated. NASDA (National Space development Agency of Japan) successfully performed the autonomous rendezvous and docking mission of the ETS-VII [IK99] (Figure 1.2) using code-based differential GPS. They achieved relative position and velocity errors of less than 10 m and 1 cm/sec, respectively. However, the code-based differential GPS was only used in the coarse approach phase due to its low accuracy. A laser radar and a proximity image sensor were used in the final approach and docking phases. The co-flight of the EO-1 with the Landsat-7 [FB97] demonstrated a coarse formation flying capability of two spacecraft separated by a large in-track distance. The two spacecraft fly in formation so that the EO-1 imager is viewing Earth through the same column of the air as the similar imager onboard the Landsat-7. Thus, the results obtained by the imager onboard the Landsat-7 can be validated by EO-1. This requires formation flying accuracy of on the order of 10-100m, which is achievable with the code based DGPS sensor or the pseudorange technique. 1.1. FORMATION FLYING TECHNOLOGY Fig. 1.3: Nanosat Constellation Trailblazer mission (ST-5) [ST5]. 5 Fig. 1.4: Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment Mission [GR]. Planned Future Missions The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) is exploring the formation flying technology to perform a space mission called TechSat21 (Technology Satellite of the 21st Century) [AFR, AD98], as shown in Figure 1.1. Several application scenarios were initially under consideration for this mission. Among these, the space-based radar mission for Ground Moving Target Indication was chosen as the focus of the initial design. The key to this concept is a cluster of microsatellites orbiting in close formation with highly accurate relative position and velocity knowledge. Each spacecraft has a radar element to coherently detect the return from its own radar transmitter and the responses received from the signals of the other satellites. In this mode of operation, the cluster of spacecraft form a large (but sparse) coherent array that provides a rich set of independently sampled data. Since the accuracy requirements for this mission exceed the capability of the GPS sensing system, an onboard inter-spacecraft ranging device is required to augment the GPS sensing system. The device being developed for this mission will be more accurate than the standard GPS signal and will also provide a dedicated communication link between the spacecraft [RZ00]. CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 6 Fig. 1.5: The StarLight Interferometry mission (ST-3) [SL]. Fig. 1.6: Terrestrial Planet Finder mission (TPF) [TPF]. The Nanosat Constellation Trailblazer mission [ST5] (Figure 1.3) is one of the advanced missions in NASA’s New Millennium Program (It is also known as Space Technology 5). The mission will attempt to fly three miniature spacecraft in formation and study the magnetosphere of Earth. Each spacecraft is about 42 cm across and 20 cm high, and weighs about 22 kg. One of the key technologies that ST-5 will attempt to test is the formation flying capability and operation of multiple spacecraft as a single system. A key device that will enable this technology is the Formation Flying and Communications Instrument (AFFCI) from JPL [KL96]. This device is a miniature spacecraft communications system that provides a capability to communicate between spacecraft and determine the relative positions of the spacecraft using the GPS. This system, which is currently under development, will be used to realize complete constellation autonomy. The precision relative ranging capability between the formation flying spacecraft is a fundamental issue in the gravity field mapping missions (Figure 1.4). Scheduled to launch in November of 2001, Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission [GR] will accurately map variations in the Earth’s gravity field. The GRACE mission will have two identical spacecraft flying in formation about 220 km apart in a polar orbit (500 km altitude). The key technology required in this mission is to use GPS and K-band crosslink ranging system to accurately determine the variations 1.1. FORMATION FLYING TECHNOLOGY 7 Table 1.1: Positioning Accuracy Levels Required for Several Missions Missions ST-3 TPF GRACE ST-5 TechSat21 Position Accuracy 0.01 m 0.01 m 50 m ∼100 m 0.001 m in the relative range between spacecraft. These range measurements are essential to accurately measure the gravity field of Earth since the variations in the gravity will cause the relative position of the two spacecraft to change. StarLight [SL] (Figure 1.5) is a technological pioneer for the Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF) mission [TPF]. One possible configuration for TPF is shown in Figure 1.6. This version of TPF is a formation-flying, infrared interferometer mission that consists of four spacecraft with telescopes that send their collected light to a fifth combiner spacecraft. TPF should be able to see Earth-sized planets around other stars, and study them for the signs of life. The space-borne optical interferometry and formation flying technologies of StarLight [SL] are vital to the space interferometry missions. The StarLight’s two small telescopes can achieve the resolution of a telescope mirror 125 m in diameter. The key technology issue in this mission is precise formation control of two spacecraft. A new formation flying technology is required that will control the distance between the two spacecraft to within less than 1 centimeter and the attitude angle to within 3 arc minutes. Since the NAVSTAR signals are not available for these deep space missions, the Autonomous Formation Flying (AFF) Sensor [KL96] (onboard ranging device) is under development that will enable this mission. Each spacecraft will carry the AFF transceivers that will determine the relative positions of the spacecraft in a spherical coordinate system. The measurements are predicted to be accurate to 2 cm in range and 1.5 arcminute in relative attitude. A laser metrology system will then be used to provide fine attitude angle information (to the arcsecond level) between spacecraft during the primary observation mode. Various levels of sensing precision are required for these planned missions in accordance with the overall goals. These requirements for the sample missions are listed in Table 1.1 [TC00]. CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 8 Fig. 1.7: ISS Docking Fig. 1.8: Aircraft Formation Flying The spacecraft formation flying technology can also be applied to an autonomous Space Station rendezvous and docking missions (Figure 1.7). Note that, in these rendezvous missions and some of the terrestrial missions that involve close formation flying maneuvers, GPS based formation flying sensor could be hindered by the bad geometry due to signal blockage. Terrestrial formation flying missions include air-to-air refueling (Figure 1.10) and aircraft formation flying maneuvers (Figure 1.8). It could be extremely beneficial if these operations can be automated, especially during poor weather and night operations. To automate these high-risk maneuvers, the navigation systems will require very accurate and robust sensors. A CDGPS sensor is a possible candidate for this system, but the slow initialization/re-initialization process of the NAVSTAR signal can be a issue for these operations. Also, the NAVSTAR signals can be blocked by nearby vehicles, causing a poor geometry. Further potential ground-based applications include formation maneuvers of farming vehicles (see Figure 1.9) [MOC97]. 1.2 Motivation The ability to accurately and robustly measure (in real-time) the relative position and velocity between all the vehicles in the formation is vital to successfully accomplish the formation flying missions. This accuracy limit will determine the navigation 1.2. MOTIVATION Fig. 1.9: Farming Vehicle formation 9 Fig. 1.10: Air-to-air Refueling precision of the formation which is a determining factor for most of the formation flying missions (Table 1.1). Several researchers have shown that GPS is an accurate relative navigation and attitude sensor for a formation [EO99, TC00, PB97, KL96]. In particular, differential carrier phase measurements of GPS (CDGPS) can obtain centimeter-level relative position between the vehicles within the formation. However, many future formation flying missions [AFR, TPF, SL] require extreme precision, robustness, or operations in an environment that is poorly served by the NAVSTAR constellation. Thus, it will be hard to meet all of these requirements with a GPS-only navigation system. An alternative approach is to equip the vehicles in the formation with onboard devices that transmit RF ranging signals. This array of transmitters created by the cluster of vehicles can form a local constellation that augments NAVSTAR constellation. By providing additional local range and Doppler measurements to the navigation solution, these onboard transmitters can assist the use of CDGPS for many mission scenarios in which adequate visibility/geometry to the NAVSTAR constellation is not available [TC99] (for example, MEO and GEO formation flying missions). These RF ranging devices can be designed to provide far more accurate measurements of the vehicle relative ranges and range rates than the traditional GPS pseudolites. These highly accurate measurements, together with the improved geometry/availability, could then be combined with the CDGPS measurements to obtain a superior overall estimate of the vehicle relative positions and velocities. These devices CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 10 should ultimately be able to provide sub-centimeter relative navigation accuracy for a formation of vehicles. There are several researchers that are currently developing ranging and communication devices that could be used for the CDGPS augmentation. For example, the Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) is developing the Cross Link Transceiver (CLT) [DG99]. This device will provide inter-spacecraft communications that will support formation flying missions at a rate of 5-20 kbps. Its pseudorandom noise code will also provide range measurements that will enhance relative navigation solution. The Autonomous Formation Flying (AFF) sensor [KL96] is being developed by JPL as a part of the ST-3 mission (Section 1.1.1). It uses technology that is similar to current GPS system, operating at 30 GHz with a code rate of 100 M Chips per second1 . NASA/GSFC and Stanford Telecommunications, Inc. are jointly developing a Low Power Transceiver (LPT). The LPT combines an S-band 2-way communications system with GPS navigation in a compact, low-power package, which will then be ideal for small formation flying spacecraft with limited power. Star Ranger, which is being developed by AeroAstro [RZ], will demonstrate ultra high precision ranging capability (∼ 1 cm) with its Ku-band transceiver. The 128kbps cross link will provide a data rate that is sufficient to support all of the information that must be exchanged between the spacecraft. Since all of these ranging devices are still under development, this thesis discusses the Stanford Pseudolite Transceiver Crosslink (SPTC) that was developed and extensively tested in this dissertation. It consists of L1 pseudolite, attitude capable GPS receiver, and modems. It is demonstrated in this dissertation that it can provide 2-5 cm relative position accuracy. Note that the RF augmentation discussed above not only provides a communication crosslink and highly accurate ranging signals, but it also allows relative motion between the vehicles in the formation to be used to initialize the cycle ambiguities (bias in the differential carrier phase measurements) [BP96]. Initializing biases in the differential carrier phase measurements is essential to achieve cm-level accuracy in the position estimate. Without the local augmentation, the vehicles must wait for a 1 NAVSTAR C/A code rate is 1 M Chips per second. 1.2. MOTIVATION 11 Fig. 1.11: Power Sail [TM00] with Onboard Transmitters line-of-sight change to the NAVSTAR constellation. However, in terrestrial formation missions, this procedure can take more than ∼15 minutes [DL96]. As will be shown in this thesis, with onboard transmitters, these biases can be initialized in a few seconds. The augmentation is also very useful for many types of formation flying mission where a significant portion of the NAVSTAR satellites could be blocked by nearby vehicles in the formation. For example, Figure 1.11 shows a possible configuration of the Power Sail mission [TM00], where the host vehicle flies in tight formation with a large sail vehicle that generates high power. In this case, a large fraction of the NAVSTAR constellation can be blocked by the sail, resulting in poor visibility for the host vehicle. A similar situation can occur in the autonomous docking maneuver to the Space Station (Figure 1.7) or air-to-air refueling maneuver using GPS. For these missions, one of the vehicles can carry transmitters to compensate for NAVSTAR occlusion and to improve the viewing geometry. Section 1.1.1 showed many types of formation flying and related missions that could benefit from using an onboard ranging device. These missions typically require CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 12 Table 1.2: Importance of Onboard Transmitter in Various Application Areas Bias Estimation Geometry Augmentation High Performance Transmitter Occlusion High High Medium Low LEO Formation Flying Low Low High Low MEO Formation Flying Low Medium High Low GEO Formation Flying Docking Maneuver, Refueling, Power Sail Low High High Low High Medium Medium High General Terrestrial Formation Flying, Relative Navigation the ranging device for one or more of the reasons described above. Table 1.2 summarizes the various application areas and the primary areas of concern where a local constellation plays an important role. 1.3 Previous Work GPS based navigation and control has been a major area of research at Stanford and elsewhere for more than two decades. This research builds on a broad base of earlier work. Some important extensions in this research are discussed in this section. Others will be presented within the context of the relevant chapters. The related work can be broken down into a three areas. The first is formation flying research, the second is pseudolite augmentation, and the third is cycle ambiguity resolution research. 1.3. PREVIOUS WORK 1.3.1 13 Formation Flying Research Zimmerman [KZ96] applied CDGPS sensing techniques to an indoor, experimental testbed using two free-flying robots. These robots were able to maneuver around on a granite table (3.5m x 2.7m) and an array of six pseudolites was placed around the testbed. As part of this testbed, an overhead vision system was installed which was used to (re)initialize the vehicle locations whenever the estimation failed due to excessive signal loss. Zimmerman demonstrated that GPS was able to sense the relative attitude and locations of the two vehicles in a frame where the locations of pseudolites were fixed. However, the main limitation of the testbed was that the scale of the maneuvers was limited due to the size of the granite table and the vision sensor had to be frequently used to compensate for the noisy indoor environment. The work on the 2D testbed used by Zimmerman was extended by Corazzini [TC98] to include an additional vehicle and onboard pseudolites. Similar to the work done by Zimmerman, the vehicles are constrained to maneuver in 2 dimensions. Corazzini’s work [TC00] validated the feasibility of using a combination of onboard pseudolites and remote transmitters. Most recently, Olsen [EO99] applied GPS sensing techniques to a large-scale indoor experimental testbed using blimps carrying a GPS receiver. He also developed an expandable modular GPS receiver for this testbed that is being used in many other testbeds, including the testbed described in this dissertation. His work demonstrated autonomous 3D formation flying maneuvers with the blimps. He also addressed issues such as the optimal path planning algorithm for bias initialization. Although Olsen and Corazzini successfully demonstrated the formation flying concept, their testbeds were confined to be indoors where the NAVSTAR constellation is not available. Therefore, they were unable to develop/demonstrate the initialization algorithms and their analyzes were limited to the pure pseudolite systems where only one coordinate system is required, as opposed to the outdoor augmentation system where 2 distinct coordinate systems are used. Also, appropriate orbital simulation/analysis and the constellation geometry problems were not considered. Binning investigated the use of GPS for relative satellite to satellite navigation using both L1 , and L2 [PB97]. His work did not use experimental vehicles, but used a CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 14 GPS simulator to provide a “hardware-in-the-loop” demonstration. The concept of a formation flying “simulator testbed” is currently being extended by GSFC [FDB01]. This testbed has multiple GPS simulators that allow formation flying space missions to be simulated in hardware. Many of the issues related to transitioning from a terrestrial application to a mission in low-earth-orbit (LEO) can be addressed and tested prior to launching the spacecraft. However, these simulators are not capable of generating the onboard range measurements that may be critical in many planned formation flying missions. 1.3.2 Augmentation of GPS Constellation with Transmitters Stone [JS99] developed an outdoor testbed augmented by pseudolites fixed on the ground. This testbed simulated an open-pit mine environment where visibility to NAVSTAR constellation is limited by high elevation mask angle. He successfully demonstrated pseudolite aided CDGPS positioning of vehicles that carried a GPS receiver. Corazzini [TC99], on the other hand, developed a self-constellation concept where relative positioning is possible with only the transmitters onboard the vehicles (also shown indoors). Concurrent to the research in this thesis, LeMaster [EL99] has also applied a similar concept that is applicable to the problem of remote area navigation. His testbed consists of a 4 transceiver (GPS receiver + pseudolite) array (1 mobile and 3 stationary) and he does not use the NAVSTAR constellation. He showed in his simulation that by moving one transceiver around other fixed transceivers [EL00], it is possible to initialize the cycle ambiguities using a simple batch method. He also experimentally demonstrated limited relative positioning capabilities using his transceivers. However, only one of the transceivers in the testbed can be mobile and real-time autonomous initialization has not demonstrated. 1.3.3 Cycle Ambiguity Estimation Since it is required to have a good estimate of the integers in order to achieve centimeter level relative position accuracy, various integer ambiguity estimation algorithms 1.3. PREVIOUS WORK 15 have been developed by a number of projects. It is also a major issue in the formation flying missions to successfully perform precise relative navigation. Many researchers worked on the search methods based on the integer property of the biases in the measurements. Although the search space can be reduced by differential code phase measurements and other various algorithms, integrity of these method was not sufficient to be used in practical high-integrity applications [BP96]. Goad [GC90] developed a filtering method that takes both the carrier and code phase to estimate a better phase measurement. This method is also called “carrier smoothing”. In practice, however, this filter is susceptible to the large multipath components in the code phase [MB96] and inherent long convergence time could be a problem for many types of applications. Loomis [PL89] and Hwang [PH90] independently showed that the satellite motion could provide the observability to resolve the integer ambiguity without using an integer search algorithms. Lawrence [DL96] extended this idea and developed a Kalman filtering scheme that uses the null space of measurement matrix to continuously update the estimate of the ambiguity states. Pervan developed a batch algorithm for IBLS (Integrated Beacon Landing System) [BP96] and demonstrated the real-time estimation of biases by moving the vehicles close to the transmitter fixed on the ground. Although the idea that geometry change can provide observability to the cycle ambiguity was no different than that of Loomis and Hwang, the biases could be solved for in a matter of a few seconds as the aircraft quickly passes through the “bubble”. For this reason, this concept was also used in the autonomous tractor project [MOC97]. The Kalman filter method developed by Lawrence was adapted to the re-initialization problem for a formation of vehicles by Corazzini [TC99]. She demonstrated rapid reinitialization of biases by continuously running a Kalman filter for the ambiguity states. Although this algorithm worked well, it required a fairly good guess of the bias state. Therefore, it could not be applied to the initialization problem where good initial guess cannot be guaranteed. The source of this problem is geometrically analyzed in this dissertation and a new, highly improved, algorithm is developed that can initialize the biases without good initial estimates. This new algorithm CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 16 can replace both the batch initialization algorithm [BP96] and the re-initialization algorithm [TC00]. Several other researchers [KZ00, JJ00] proposed a near instant initialization of biases using multi-frequency receivers. Although these methods are feasible and very attractive, those devices or multi-frequency ranging signals are not yet available in most application areas. 1.4 Research Issues At the beginning of this research effort, several key challenges were determined to exist before an augmented GPS system could be robustly used to perform the state estimation for formation flying vehicles: 1. Techniques were needed to solve for the carrier-phase integer ambiguities. Although many researchers developed initialization algorithms (Section 1.3.3), it is very important to initialize the cycle ambiguities rapidly and robustly in real-time since the formation of spacecraft is typically deployed from a single platform and they form a very tight formation in the initial phase of operation. Therefore a new real-time algorithm was needed for the formation flying vehicles which could be used in a real-time, autonomous initialization procedure and prevent collision during the initial deployment phase and the tight formation missions. 2. As the number of vehicles in the formation increases, computational and numerical issues can arise in the measurement equations if the local range measurements are to be used in the estimation. This is in contrast to the NAVSTARonly systems, which leads to a completely decoupled set of estimation problems. For the augmented GPS system, new techniques were needed to distribute and decentralize this computation across the formation. 3. Sensing geometry is also a very important factor to obtain highly accurate estimates of the relative positions. In a typical scenario, a large number of ranging signals (NAVSTAR + local ranging signals) will be available for the 1.5. CONTRIBUTIONS 17 spacecraft formation in LEO (e.g., ∼13 + local measurements). However, since most GPS receivers can only track a limited number of signals at a time, it is desirable to use the subset of the available measurements that forms the best geometry. The optimal way of selecting a subset of measurements requires extremely large amounts of computational power and this amount increases sharply for large fleets. A fast, efficient satellite selection algorithm was required since each vehicle pair in the formation may have to select a different set of measurements due to the different geometries created by the local constellation. 4. Complete orbital simulations of formation flying spacecraft must be conducted to evaluate the performance and limitation of various aspects of the augmented GPS sensing system for the formation vehicles. For example, these simulations were necessary to analyze the effect of formation geometry on the performance of local transmitter. 1.5 Contributions The goal of this research was to develop and demonstrate a comprehensive set of sensing algorithms for a formation of vehicles using the Global Positioning System augmented with a local constellation created by the transmitters onboard the vehicles in the fleet. The contributions described in this thesis were made in the following specific areas: 1. Developed and demonstrated relative position and velocity estimation algorithms for formation flying vehicles using onboard transmitters and NAVSTAR constellation. An efficient decentralized algorithm was developed for a large number of vehicles with the onboard transmitters. This algorithm can greatly reduce the total computational load, and at the same time, distribute the load over the vehicles. This algorithm includes a simple nonlinear orbit model for the formation flying spacecraft scenario. It also incorporates correction terms for the long baseline (>1 km) formation flying. 18 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 2. Developed a robust real-time cycle ambiguity estimation algorithm for formation flying vehicles using onboard transmitters. In contrast to the various batch algorithms, the bias states can be improved in real-time as the vehicles undergo relative motions which enables an autonomous initialization maneuver. With the extensions provided in this thesis, it is demonstrated that large initial errors can be easily tolerated, having comparable convergence region to that of the batch algorithms. The high-integrity and robustness of the algorithm are demonstrated in extensive simulations, and these results greatly increase the confidence in the autonomous initialization process. 3. Demonstrated autonomous formation initialization and multi-vehicle formationfollowing maneuvers for the first time. A series of experiments were performed using outdoor robots and RC (radio controlled) trucks. The robust cycle ambiguity estimation algorithm and the state estimation algorithm were implemented in a real-time operating system. The sensing provided centimeter-level relative positioning and precise attitude estimation for the vehicles in the formation after the autonomous initialization maneuver. 4. Developed a new, very efficient, constellation selection algorithm that provides near-optimal viewing geometries at a fraction of the computational load. This algorithm can be applied to a formation of vehicles to help select a near-optimal subset of measurements from both the NAVSTAR and local constellations. This algorithm requires a very small computational load (typically 2%) when compared to the optimal method, and thus it is feasible for real-time applications. 5. Developed a prototype transceiver system for the experimental demonstration of advanced algorithms for the local ranging devices. It consists of a GPS receiver, a pseudolite, and a radio modem. It provides the full communication, ranging, and CDGPS capabilities that are being embedded in the future devices (Section 1.2). An embedded algorithm was developed for the GPS receiver to compute attitude at a rate of 5 Hz and to initialize attitude biases. 1.5. CONTRIBUTIONS 19 The research in these five areas addresses all of the key challenges that were identified earlier, and the result is a “complete sensing package” that is ready for implementation on-orbit in future rendezvous and formation flying missions. Chapter 2 Formation State Estimation This chapter discusses the state estimation problem for the general formation flying problem. This includes a complete discussion of the two main issues associated with linearizing the GPS measurement equations: nonlinearity in the NAVSTAR satellite signal measurement, and nonlinearity in the local transmitter measurement. The formation measurement equations are given for both the relative position and velocity states, and a general solution to the estimation problem is presented. In addition, a decentralized approch to the estimation problem is introduced. This new approach to the formation estimation distributes the computation amongst the vehicles in the fleet, which greatly improves the flexibility and robustness of the formation flying system. 2.1 Coordinate Systems Figure 2.1 shows the coordinate systems used for the relative navigation of a cluster of formation flying vehicles. In principle, there are two separate systems specified. The first system, denoted by the unit triad (X,Y ,Z) is used to indicate the po sition of the formation in some absolute sense. This frame will generally be fixed to the Earth (Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed (ECEF) frame or Earth-Centered-Inertial (ECI)). The vector XF ormation specifies the position of the formation in the inertial frame. The “absolute” formation location will, in general, not be developed using 20 2.1. COORDINATE SYSTEMS Zf 21 X1 XN Yf ZI Xf XFormation YI XII Figure 2.1: Coordinate System for Formation differential carrier-phase measurements, but instead one could use standard pseudoranging techniques. This will result in a relatively coarse position estimate (≈100 m single-point position accuracy with SA on). This could be improved using Kalman filtering techniques, and differential GPS (DGPS) corrections, such as those available from WAAS [GPS96] or other beacons. Figure 2.1 also indicates the coordinate system used to specify the relative vehicle positions. This coordinate frame is attached to the cluster of vehicles, and is given by the unit triad (Xf ,Yf ,Zf ). The formation state (relative position and velocity) will be specified in this local reference frame. The formation state estimates used to specify the relative vehicle locations will be derived from differential carrier-phase measurements. The accuracy of the relative position measurements will generally be better than 10 cm, depending on the geometric dilution of precision (GDOP) and the number of visible satellites. CHAPTER 2. FORMATION STATE ESTIMATION 22 2.2 Correction Terms for the Large Separations Most relative navigation applications use a linear measurement equation which assumes that the far constellation approximation or planar wavefront approximation is valid [BWP96-1] because the separation between the two receiving antennas is much smaller than the distance from the users to the satellites. However, the nonlinear measurement model is also widely used in the indoor navigation problems [EO99] as well as in several surveying applications [PS97]. In space, especially in higher orbits, this planar wavefront assumption will typically be invalid because of the inherently large separation between spacecraft and the relatively short distance from the NAVSTAR satellites. For close-in formation flying missions, it is natural to use the relative states and the linearized measurement equations. This is the primary type of mission that we are focused on. However, it would also be very beneficial to use the same approach as the vehicle separations increase since the linear measurement model does not require the iteration processes which are necessary in the nonlinear measurement model. The problem is that the linearization error grows very rapidly with the separation distance, so we must correct for this linearization error. In this section, the errors introduced by the linearization are analyzed and methods to estimate and compensate for these errors are presented. 2.2.1 Correction Terms for the Linear Relative Position Estimation Consider the case in Figure 2.2 with antennas on separate vehicles in view of a single transmitter (GPS satellite). The differential phase between antennas 1 and 2 from the transmitter is given by ∆φ = |R1 | − |R2 | + β + ν = |R1 | − |R1 − ∆X| + β + ν where (2.1) 2.2. CORRECTION TERMS FOR THE LARGE SEPARATIONS R1 = position vector from vehicle 1 to the transmitter R2 = position vector from vehicle 2 to the transmitter 23 ∆X = relative position vector from vehicle 1 to vehicle 2 β = integer cycle ambiguity ν = receiver noise Define θ as the angle between the vector R1 and ∆X, ∆φ = |R1 | − |R1 |2 + |∆X|2 − 2|R1 ||∆X| cos θ + β + ν = |R1 | − |R1 |1 + |∆X|2 |∆X| −2 cos θ + β + ν 2 |R1 | |R1 | (2.2) (2.3) Eq. 2.3 can be expressed in the power series [HT97] since |∆X|/|R1 | < 1 is true for most systems. |∆X| 1 − cos2 θ ∆φ = |R1 | − |R1 | 1 − cos θ + |R1 | 2 |∆X| |R1 | 2 + ... + β + ν (2.4) Ignoring the second and higher order terms in Eq. 2.4, ∆φ ∼ = cos θ|∆X| + β + ν (2.5) The differential phase |R2 | − |R1 | can be approximated as a linear function of the vector ∆X |R2 | − |R1 | ∼ = cos θ|∆X| R1 · ∆X |∆X| = |R1 ||∆X| = los1 · ∆X where los1 ≡ R1 |R1 | (2.6) (2.7) (2.8) (2.9) CHAPTER 2. FORMATION STATE ESTIMATION 24 5 /26 ∆; α /26 ε∆Φ ∆Φ *366DWHOOLWH /26 5 69 ∆; 69 Figure 2.2: Relative Positioning of Formation Flying Spacecraft This linear approximation is valid when the magnitude of the second order term in Eq. 2.4 is small, or equivalently |∆X|2 < Errormax 2 |R1 | (2.10) where Errormax is the maximum error magnitude that can be tolerated. In the CDGPS system, this maximum error is usually the magnitude of the receiver carrier phase noise [HT97] because this error will not substantially impact the estimate if it is smaller than the phase noise. In the case of the LEO formation flying spacecraft (R1 ≈ 2 × 107 m) with a relative distance of ≈10km, this linearization is clearly not valid since 2 |1 × 104 | = 2.5m Errormax 2 |2 × 107 | (2.11) 2.2. CORRECTION TERMS FOR THE LARGE SEPARATIONS 25 SV2 20,000.000625 km 5 km GPS SV1 20,000 km Planar wave front approximation error Æ 62.5 cm Figure 2.3: Simple Example: Error Magnitude of Planar Wave Front Ap- proximation Simple Example Figure 2.3 shows the effect of the planar wave front assumption on the long baseline formation flying spacecraft with a simple geometric configuration. The two spacecraft form a right-angle with the line-of-sight vector to the GPS satellite, thus the differential phase measurement would be zero if the planar wave front assumption had been used. However, without the approximation, the true differential phase measurement is 62.5 cm, which is almost two orders of magnitude larger than the carrier phase noise level. Solution Figure 2.2 illustrates the geometry of the problem for a pair of vehicles with a NAVSTAR satellite. The figure shows both the differential carrier phase measurement and the linear measurement model (los1 · ∆X) when the planar wavefront approximation is used. The measurement error that occurs when the linear approximation is used is defined to be ∆φ, which is given by ∆φ = los1 · ∆X − (|R1 | − |R2 |) (2.12) CHAPTER 2. FORMATION STATE ESTIMATION 26 By estimating the magnitude of ∆φ with an accuracy that is better than the magnitude of receiver phase noise, the linearized measurement equation can be used regardless of the distance between the spacecraft. The linearized equation can be written as ∆φ + ∆φ = los1 · ∆X + β + ν (2.13) Note that ∆φ can be computed using the geometry between the user vehicles and the NAVSTAR satellite. For example, from Figure 2.2, ∆φ is given by ∆φ = R2 (1 − cos(α)) = R2 (1 − los1 · los2 ) (2.14) If this ∆φ term is not compensated for correctly, then it can introduce a significant error for long baseline separations. However, it is possible to accurately estimate this quantity throughout the orbit using the SPS position information (Eq. 2.14). Because R2 can only be obtained from pseudoranging, an error in the estimate of R2 can be as large as 100 m with SA on. However, since the magnitude of (1 − los1 · los2 ) is very small for a reasonable separation between the spacecraft (i.e. ≤ 100km), the magnitude of estimation error of ∆φ can be well under the phase noise level. A simple orbit simulation1 was performed to verify the magnitude of the ∆φ and the ability to estimate this term with the pseudorange solutions. The first plot in Figure 2.4 shows the mean and maximum values2 of ∆φ observable as a function of the distance between two spacecraft. The mean (maximum) value of the ∆φ is 5 cm (10 cm) for 2 km baseline, which is significantly larger than the receiver noise level (∼1 cm). In addition, the mean and maximum estimation errors of the ∆φ were also computed and stored during the simulation. These values (maximum is 6 mm) are well under the receiver noise level for the spacecraft separation upto 5 km. The mean and maximum estimation error values are shown in the second plot of Figure 2.4 (note the very different scales in these two plots). 1 2 Details about the simulation procedures and the selected parameters are given in Chapter 5 During approximately one orbit (6000 sec) 2.2. CORRECTION TERMS FOR THE LARGE SEPARATIONS 27 Magnitude of Phase Correction Term 0.7 Mean Max Magnitude (m) 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Distance between spacecraft (km) 4 4.5 5 4 4.5 5 Estimation Error of Phase Correction Term Magnitude (m) 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Distance between spacecraft (km) Figure 2.4: Maximum Magnitude of ∆φ and Maximum Estimation Error of ∆φ 2.2.2 Correction Terms for the Relative Velocity Estimation A similar correction term is needed in the linear estimation of relative velocity. Figure 2.5 shows the velocity and line-of-sight vectors that determine the Doppler measurements. The differential Doppler measurement ∆φ̇ is given by ∆φ̇ = los2 · (V2 − VSV ) − los1 · (V1 − VSV ) (2.15) Although this equation is linear, it is not a direct function of relative velocity state (∆V = V2 − V1 ) that will be used in the formation estimation. Rewriting Eq. 2.15 in terms of relative velocity state, ∆φ̇ = (los1 − los2 ) · VSV + los2 · V2 − los1 · V1 = los2 · (V2 − V1 ) + ∆φ̇ = los2 · ∆V + ∆φ̇ (2.16) CHAPTER 2. FORMATION STATE ESTIMATION 28 Vs v GPS S atellite V1 LOS 1 LOS 2 V2 S V1 S V2 Figure 2.5: Relative Velocity Measurement of Formation Flying Spacecraft where ∆φ̇ = (los2 − los1 ) · (V1 − VSV ) (2.17) Here, VSV can be directly obtained from the ephemeris data, but the absolute velocity vector V1 and the line-of-sight vectors must be computed using the standard pseudorange technique. Note that the magnitude of ∆φ̇ can be more significant than ∆φ as the baseline increases. This is because the magnitude of the vector (los2 − los1 ) grows much faster than the value of (1 − los1 · los2 ) as the separation between the vehicles increases. Table 2.1: Simulated Doppler Correction Terms (2 km baseline) Magnitude of ∆φ̇ (m/s) mean max 0.32 0.77 Estimation Errors of ∆φ̇ (mm/s) mean max 2.7 5.7 2.3. FORMATION MEASUREMENT EQUATION 29 Magnitude of Doppler Correction Term 2 Magnitude (m/s) Mean Max 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 1 2 3 Distance between spacecraft (km) 4 5 4 5 Estimation Error of Doppler Correction Term 0.01 Magnitude (m/s) 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.002 0 0 1 2 3 Distance between spacecraft (km) Figure 2.6: Maximum Magnitude of ∆φ̇ and Maximum Estimation Error of ∆φ̇ Figure 2.6 shows the simulation results. It shows the mean and maximum values of ∆φ̇ and the mean and maximum estimation errors of ∆φ̇ when it is estimated from the ephemeris and pseudorange information. Table 2.1 summarizes the magnitude of the values for the 2 km baseline formation. It is shown that the estimation error of the Doppler correction term is not a strong function of the distance. More simulation results are presented in Chapter 5. 2.3 2.3.1 Formation Measurement Equation Measurement Equations Using NAVSTAR Satellites For the formation flying applications of interest in this thesis, the estimation of relative position and velocity is performed using measurements from both the NAVSTAR satellites and onboard transmitters (pseudolites). Attaching the formation coordinate CHAPTER 2. FORMATION STATE ESTIMATION 30 system to a master vehicle (designated as vehicle m), the measurements from the NAVSTAR constellation can then be written in vector form [EO99, TC00] as 1 1 X i + β s + ν s mi ∆φs mi + Ri 2 . − diag(Gm GTi ) = Gm mi . τi . 1 (2.18) ∆φs mi + ∆φs mi = Gm Xi τi + βs mi + ν s mi (2.19) where ∆φs mi = differential carrier phase between vehicles m and i using the NAVSTAR signals 1 Ri Ri = Ri2 .. Gi . Rin 1 losi 1 los2 1 i = .. .. . . losni 1 diag(A)= vector consists of diagonal entry of matrix A Xi = position of vehicle i relative to vehicle m τi = relative clock bias between receivers on vehicles m and i β s mi = carrier-phase biases for the single-differences between vehicles m and i using the NAVSTAR signals ν s mi = carrier-phase noise for the single-differences between vehicles m and i using the NAVSTAR signals Ri is a diagonal matrix where the diagonal elements are the ranges from ith vehicle to the NAVSTAR satellites 1, 2, . . . , n. Gi is the traditional geometry matrix. The 2.3. FORMATION MEASUREMENT EQUATION 31 components loski are the line-of-sights from the ith user vehicle to the k th NAVSTAR satellite in the formation coordinate frame. For an N-vehicle formation, these measurements are combined into one equation Gm ∆Φs + ∆Φs = 0 Gm .. 0 . Gm τ1 .. + . XN −1 X1 τN −1 β s m1 β s m2 .. . β s mN −1 = GX + β s + ν s where ∆Φs = ∆φs m1 s ∆φ m2 .. . ∆φs mN −1 + νs (2.20) (2.21) and ∆Φs = ∆φs m1 ∆φ .. . s m2 ∆φs mN −1 and it is assumed that the master vehicle m had visibility to all available satellites and all the vehicle tracks the same set of satellites. In general this may not be the case, and G may have off-diagonal terms corresponding to the single differences that can be made between vehicles using NAVSTAR signals not available on the master vehicle. In addition, not all of the block diagonal entries will be Gm as shown in Eq. 2.20. For example, if the k th GPS satellite was not visible on vehicle m, but was visible on vehicles i and j, then the following single difference could be formed ∆φji + Rjk (1 − loski · loskj ) = loski (Xj − Xi ) + τj − τi + βijs + νijs (2.22) where Rjk is the range from the j th vehicle to the k th GPS satellite. This measurement would be added to those using the master vehicle, and would appear in the off-diagonal elements of G. Doppler measurements using n NAVSTAR satellite signals can also be represented in vector form. When differential Doppler measurements are formed between the CHAPTER 2. FORMATION STATE ESTIMATION 32 master vehicle and vehicle i, ∆φ̇smi − ∆φ̇smi = Gi ∆φ̇smi = (Gi − Gm ) Ẋi τ̇i Vm τ̇m + ν̇ s (2.23) mi − diag (Gi − Gm ) 1 VSV n ... VSV 1 τ̇SV n τ̇SV ... (2.24) where ∆φ̇smi = differential carrier phase Doppler between vehicles m and i using the NAVSTAR signals Vm = absolute velocity of vehicle m k VSV = absolute velocity of NAVSTAR satellite k Ẋi = velocity of vehicle i relative to vehicle m τ̇i = relative clock drift rate between receivers on vehicles m and i τ̇m = clock drift rate of vehicle m k τ̇SV = clock drift rate of NAVSTAR satellite k s ν̇mi = carrier-phase Doppler noise for the single-differences between vehicles m and i using the NAVSTAR signals For an N-vehicle formation, these measurements are combined into one equation ∆Φ̇s + ∆Φ̇s = G1 GN −1 0 G2 .. 0 = Gv Ẋ + ν̇ s . Ẋ1 + ν̇ s ẊN −1 τ̇1 .. . (2.25) τ̇N −1 (2.26) 2.3. FORMATION MEASUREMENT EQUATION where ∆Φ̇s = ∆φ̇sm1 ∆φ̇sm2 .. . ∆φ̇smN −1 and ∆Φ̇s = 33 −∆φ̇sm1 −∆φ̇sm2 .. . −∆φ̇smN −1 As in the position equation, it is assumed that master vehicle m has visibility to all available satellites and all of the vehicles track the same set of satellites. In general this may not be the case, especially if the separation between the spacecraft is large, and Gv may also have off-diagonal terms corresponding to the single differences that can be made between vehicles using NAVSTAR signals not available on the master vehicle. For example, if the k th GPS satellite was not visible on vehicle m, but was visible on vehicles i and j, then the following Doppler single difference could be formed k ∆φ̇ij + (loskj − loski )(Vi − VSV ) = loskj Ẋij + τ̇ij + ν̇ijs Ẋij = Ẋj − Ẋi (2.27) (2.28) This measurement would be added to those using the master vehicle and would appear in the off-diagonal elements of Gv . These two velocity and position equations for formation vehicles can also be combined into a single matrix equation 2.3.2 ∆Φs ∆Φ̇s + ∆Φs ∆Φ̇s = G 0 0 Gv X Ẋ + βs 0 + νs ν̇ s (2.29) Measurement Equation Using Local Transmitters In addition to the signals generated by the NAVSTAR constellation, each vehicle in the formation could have onboard transmitters or ranging devices that provide additional measurements. Because the local transmitters are very close, the full nonlinear measurements equations must be used. The transmitter on vehicle m can be used to CHAPTER 2. FORMATION STATE ESTIMATION 34 form ranging measurements that are given by ∆φp mi = dmi (Xi ) + τi + β p mi + ν p mi (2.30) where ∆φp mi = differential carrier phase between vehicles m and i using the signal generated on vehicle m dmi (Xi )= distance between vehicles m and i τi = relative clock bias (in meters) between receivers on vehicles m and i, β p mi = carrier-phase biases for the single-difference between vehicles m and i using the transmitter on vehicle m ν p mi = carrier-phase noise for the single-difference between vehicles m and i using the transmitter on vehicle m The signal generated on vehicle m is assumed to have been measured on the vehicle itself. This can be accomplished by running the signal through a splitter to both the transmit antenna and the receiver. Alternatively, the receiver antenna that receives the NAVSTAR signals and/or the ranging signals from other vehicles can be used to track the signal transmitted by itself if the antennas are oriented properly. The latter method was used in the experimental testbed presented in Chapter 6. The single difference formed between vehicles i and m, using the transmitter on vehicle i can be written as ∆φp im = dim (Xi ) − τi + β p im + ν p im (2.31) Additionally, measurements can be formed between vehicles i and j (using the transmitter on vehicle i), exclusive of vehicle m. These are written as ∆φp ij = dij (Xi , Xj ) + τj − τi + β p ij + ν p ij (2.32) 2.3. FORMATION MEASUREMENT EQUATION 35 In this case, the range and relative clock biases between the two vehicles are written in terms of their positions and the clock biases relative to vehicle m. The single difference made using the transmitter on vehicle j is derived by interchanging the indexes in Eq. 2.32. These differences are formed between all of the vehicles in the system in order to generate a maximal set of independent measurements. Note that for an N-vehicle formation, there are a total of N × (N − 1) independent inter-vehicle single differences that can be formed. If double differences were used, there would be a total of N × (N − 1)/2 independent measurements with out the clock bias terms. In addition, Doppler measurements from the local transmitters can be included in the relative velocity measurement equation. For the transmitter on vehicle m, p ∆φ̇pmi = d˙mi (Xi ) + τ̇i + ν̇mi Xi p = Ẋi + τ̇i + ν̇mi dmi (Xi ) (2.33) (2.34) where ∆φ̇pmi = differential carrier Doppler between vehicles m and i using the signal generated on vehicle m ˙ dmi (Xi )= range rate between vehicle m and vehicle i τ̇i = relative clock drift (in m/sec) between the receivers on vehicles m and i, p ν̇mi = carrier Doppler noise for the single-difference between vehicles m and i using the transmitter on vehicle m Similar to the discussion above, measurements can be formed using the signal transmitted from vehicle i and that measurements can be formed between vehicles i and j, exclusive of vehicle m. The following sections discuss how these measurement equations are used to solve for the formation state (relative position and velocities) and carrier phase ambiguities. CHAPTER 2. FORMATION STATE ESTIMATION 36 2.4 State and Cycle Ambiguity Estimation This section outlines the general state and bias estimation methods. A weighted least squares method is used for the state estimation problem if a dynamic model of the vehicle is not available. A simple orbit model is used within an extended Kalman filter that is presented for the spacecraft problem. The cycle ambiguity estimation process is coupled with the state estimation process and it often requires iteration between the position states and the bias states. In this section, a simple extended Kalman filtering method is presented that can be used with a reasonably good initial guess. More advanced cycle ambiguity estimation algorithm and the related analyses are given in Chapter 3 2.4.1 WLS State Estimation - EKF Bias Estimation WLS State Estimation The measurements from NAVSTAR satellites and the local transmitters can be combined to form a single weighted least squares (WLS) equation. Since the measurements from the local transmitter signals are nonlinear, the combined nonlinear measurement equation can be expressed as ∆Φs + p ∆Φ ∆Φ̇s ∆Φs ∆Φ̇s ∆Φ̇p 0 = h + X Ẋ βs + p β 0 ν̇ s (2.35) νp ν̇ p 0 0 νs This equation can be linearized about the current estimate of the position and velocity states δ∆Φs δ∆Φ̇ + δ∆Φp s δ∆Φ̇p ∆Φs s ∆Φ̇ 0 0 0 ∂D(X) ∂X X̂ ∂ Ḋ(X) ∂X G = X̂ 0 Gv 0 ∂ Ḋ(X) ˆ ∂ Ẋ Ẋ + δX δ Ẋ βs + p β 0 0 νs ν̇ s νp ν̇ p (2.36) 2.4. STATE AND CYCLE AMBIGUITY ESTIMATION where h X Ẋ = GX 37 Gv Ẋ D(X) Ḋ(X) D(X) = Ḋ(X) = dm1 (X1 ) dm2 (X2 ) .. . dN −2,N −1 (XN −1 , XN −2 ) d˙m1 (X1 ) d˙m2 (X2 ) .. . d˙N −2,N −1 (XN −2 , XN −1 ) are the N(N − 1) local range measurements 2 the N(N − 1) local Doppler measurements 2 are and δ∆Φs = ∆Φs − GX̂, δ∆Φp = ∆Φp − D(X̂). With a prior estimate of the bias states β̂ s and β̂ p , the position and velocity states could be updated using a standard WLS approach δX δ Ẋ = (H T W H)−1H T W δ∆Φs + p δ∆Φ δ∆Φ̇s ∆Φs − ∆Φ̇s δ∆Φ̇p 0 0 β̂ s 0 β̂ p (2.37) 0 where H is block measurement matrix in the Eq. 2.36. H= G 0 ∂D(X) ∂X X̂ ∂ Ḋ(X) ∂X X̂ 0 Gv 0 ∂ Ḋ(X) ˆ ∂ Ẋ Ẋ (2.38) CHAPTER 2. FORMATION STATE ESTIMATION 38 The position and velocity states can then be updated as, + − X̂ X̂ δX = + ˆ ˆ δ Ẋ Ẋ Ẋ (2.39) ˙ The position state X̂ and velocity state X̂ can be updated each time that new measurements are available or when the bias state has been updated using the approach described below. Note that the position and velocity states are coupled in the local transmitter measurements, which differs from the general CDGPS position/velocity estimation schemes. EKF Bias Estimation The bias states in Eq. 2.35 need to be estimated and they can be updated in real time using an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). The bias state is observable through the null space of the position measurement matrix [DL96, TC00]. It can be updated recursively using the EKF. Rewriting the perturbed measurement Eq. 2.36 without the relative velocity states, δ∆Φs δ∆Φp + ∆Φs = 0 G ∂D(X) ∂X X̂ δX + βs βp + νs νp (2.40) Define L as the left null space matrix, i.e. the row vectors of L span the null space of the measurement matrix L = G LN ∂D(X) ∂X X̂ (2.41) where (A)LN is defined as the left null space matrix of the matrix A. Multiplying both sides of Eq. 2.40 by the matrix L yields a measurement equation for the bias state since z = L δ∆Φs δ∆Φp + ∆Φs 0 = L βs βp + L νs νp (2.42) 2.4. STATE AND CYCLE AMBIGUITY ESTIMATION 39 A Kalman filter can then be used to update the bias state β̄ = βs βp . Iteration The bias state can be updated each time the relative position state X̂ is updated since a new observation matrix ∂D(X) ∂X X̂ can be formed. On the other hand, the position update occurs each time new measurements are available or when the estimates of the biases are updated. Therefore, an iterative method is used to solve for the position state and the bias state. The estimate of β̄ at the k th iteration step (bias estimation ˆ (k) , k = 0, 1, . . .. using the k th state estimate X̂ (k) ) is defined as β̄ LN G L(k) = ∂D(X) (k) ∂X X̂ z (k) = L(k) δ∆Φs δ∆Φp (2.43) + ∆Φs 0 (k) (0) (0) = β̄ˆ + K (k) z̄ (k) − L(k) β̄ˆ β̄ˆ (2.44) (2.45) −1 K(k) = P (0) L(k)T L(k) P (0) L(k)T + R (2.46) I − K(k) L(k) P (0) (2.47) P (k) = P (k) = error covariance matrix at k th iteration K(k) = Kalman Filter gain matrix at k th iteration where the covariance matrices are defined as Q = E ww T = 0 R = E ν sT ν pT νs ν p = ΣSatellite 0 0 ΣTransmitter (2.48) (2.49) Since the bias state should be fairly constant over time, the state propagation matrix should be an identity matrix and the process noise covariance Q can be assumed to be zero. In the case where the bias states are variable (due to the line bias variation, CHAPTER 2. FORMATION STATE ESTIMATION 40 multipath, phase delay), a non-zero covariance matrix can be used to estimate timevarying bias states. 2.4.2 EKF State Estimation - EKF Bias Estimation Further improvement can be achieved in the position and velocity estimate accuracy by incorporating the relative dynamics of the spacecraft into the filter. Since the orbit propagation model is nonlinear in the states, an Extended Kalman Filter must be used to estimate the position and velocity states. Therefore, in this estimation scheme, there are two Extended Kalman Filters in the iteration cycle – one for the state and one for the biases. EKF State Estimation In an inertial frame, the unperturbed motion of the spacecraft can be described as r̈1 = −µ r1 r13 (2.50) where µ is the Earth graviational parameter. The other spacecraft in the nearby orbit would have motions that may be influenced by perturbing forces w (e.g., solar pressure, aerodynamic drag) and control inputs f (e.g., thruster force) r̈2 = −µ r2 +w+f r23 (2.51) For simplicity, it is assumed that the vehicles are under free motion (f = 0) in the following development. The relative position is X = r2 − r1 , and since Ẍ = r̈2 − r̈1 , from Eqs. 2.50 and 2.51 [MHK76], r3 µ Ẍ = 3 r1 − 13 r2 + w r1 r2 (2.52) 2.4. STATE AND CYCLE AMBIGUITY ESTIMATION 41 Eq. 2.52 can also be written in terms of the relative state X and the position of the master vehicle r1 r2 r1 + X = 3 r2 (r12 + 2r1 · X + X 2 )3 (2.53) and substituting into Eq. 2.52 gives r13 (r1 + X) µ +w Ẍ = 3 r1 − r1 (r12 + 2r1 · X + X 2 )3 (2.54) The continuous relative orbit dynamics are then defined as Ẋ Ẍ = f c X Ẋ , w (2.55) where the vector X contains position and clock states for all the vehicles in the formation X= X1 XN −1 τ1 .. . (2.56) τN −1 Note that the continuous function f c is linear in the disturbance inputs w, so it can be expressed as a sum of linear and nonlinear terms Ẋ Ẍ = F c X Ẋ + Gw (2.57) CHAPTER 2. FORMATION STATE ESTIMATION 42 where 0 .. . G= 0 J .. . , 1 0 0 J= 0 1 0 0 0 1 (2.58) 0 0 0 J Using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method, a discrete orbit propagation model can be formed from the continuous model X Ẋ = Fnd n+1 X + G n wn Ẋ (2.59) n where Fnd is the fourth order Runge-Kutta form of the continuous function F c of Eq. 2.55. The function Fnd can be written as Fnd X = Ẋ X Ẋ n n X Ẋ X Ẋ X Ẋ ∗ = n+1/2 ∗∗ n+1 Ẋ = n+1/2 ∗∗∗ X X Ẋ n X Ẋ c + F + 1 ∆tF c 2 X Ẋ ∗∗∗ X Ẋ ∗ n+1/2 (2.60) n+1 X Ẋ X half step Euler n ∗ Ẋ half step backward Euler n+1/2 ∗∗ X + ∆tF c = Ẋ Ẋ n n+1/2 + 12 ∆tF c n X n ∗∗ X 1 + ∆t F c 6 Ẋ +2F c where + 2F c n+1/2 full step midpoint rule 2.4. STATE AND CYCLE AMBIGUITY ESTIMATION 43 Following the standard derivation of the discrete equivalent for the noise covariance matrices [GF90, AG74], we have Gn G∆t (2.61) where ∆t is assumed to be small (typically, ∆t = 1 sec torbit = 5400 sec, which is the time constant for relative motion in LEO). wn in Eq. 2.59 is the discrete version of the process noise and the covariance matrix is defined as T Qn δnm = E[wn wm ] (2.62) The discrete process noise covariance matrix Qn has the following relationship with the continuous counterpart Gn Qn GTn GQGT ∆t (2.63) where Qδ(t − τ ) = E w(t)w(t − τ )T is the spectral density of the white process noise. Using Eq. 2.61, the covariance matrix Qn of the discrete white noise can be approximated as Qn Q ∆t (2.64) To simplify the following discussion, define χn = X Ẋ (2.65) n In order to use the extended Kalman filter algorithm, the nonlinear propagation model should be linearized about the current estimate χ̂n|n ∂Fn (χ) Fn = ∂χ χ=χ̂ (2.66) n|n With the estimate of current state χ̂n|n , Eq. 2.59 can be approximated as χn+1 = Fnd (χ̂n|n ) + Fn (χn − χ̂n|n ) + Gn wn (2.67) CHAPTER 2. FORMATION STATE ESTIMATION 44 = Fn χn + Fnd (χ̂n|n ) − Fn χ̂n|n +Gn wn (2.68) known which is a linear propagation model for χn . Applying the Kalman filter equations [TK00, AG74, AB99], χ̂n+1|n = Fn χ̂n|n + Fnd (χ̂n|n ) − Fn χ̂n|n (2.69) = Fnd (χ̂n|n ) (2.70) The EKF time update equations can be written as χ̂n+1|n = Fnd (χ̂n|n ) (2.71) Pn+1|n = Fn Pn|n FnT + Gn Qn GTn (2.72) The last term in Eq. 2.72 can be calculated from the continuous process noise covariance matrix Q using Eqs. 2.63 and 2.64. The measurement update equations can be derived from Eq. 2.353 . Define yn = ∆Φs + p ∆Φ ∆Φ̇s ∆Φ̇p n ∆Φs ∆Φ̇s 0 0 , β̄ = n βs 0 βp , ν̄n = νs ν̇ s (2.73) νp ν̇ p 0 n Rewriting Eq. 2.35 with these new definitions, yn = h(χn ) + β̄ + ν̄ ∂h(χ) Hn = ∂χ χ=χ̂n|n−1 (2.74) (2.75) The EKF measurement update equations are χ̂n|n = χ̂n|n−1 + Kn yn − β̄ˆ n|n − hn (χ̂n|n−1) 3 Note that the measurement equation is also nonlinear. ! (2.76) 2.4. STATE AND CYCLE AMBIGUITY ESTIMATION Kn = Pn|n−1 HnT Hn Pn|n−1 HnT + Rn 45 −1 (2.77) Pn|n = (I − Kn Hn ) Pn|n−1 (2.78) where Rn is the covariance matrix of the discrete white sensing noise. Ri δij = E[ν̄i ν̄jT ] (2.79) EKF State Estimation - EKF Bias Estimation Since a measurement update of β̄ is available each time a new estimate of χ is available, the following iteration method can be used. 1. Update the bias state using the time updated position/velocity state χ̂n|n−1. Let (0) (0) (0) χ̂n|n−1 = χ̂n|n−1 and β̄ˆ n|n−1 = β̄ˆ n|n−1, Pn|n−1 = Pn|n−1 . This initial update generates (0) β̄ˆ , which can be done before the new measurements are available for the time step n|n n. The left null space matrix can be computed from Eq. 2.40 L(0) = n zn(0) = L(0) n = ∂D(X) (0) ∂X χ̂ Kn(0) LN G n|n−1 δ∆Φs δ∆Φp (0) Pn|n−1 L(0)T n (2.80) + n ∆Φs 0 (0) (0)T L(0) n Pn|n−1 Ln n (2.81) −1 +R (0) (0) ˆ (0) β̄ˆ n|n = β̄ˆ n|n−1 + Kn(0) z̄n(0) − L(0) n β̄ n|n−1 (2.82) (2.83) 2. For k = 0, 1, 2, · · · , M an iteration on the position/velocity states and the bias (0) states can be done until the update to these states is very small. Let Pn|n−1 = Pn|n−1 , then (0) (0) Kn(k) = Pn|n−1Hn(k)T Hn(k) Pn|n−1 Hn(k)T + Rn −1 (k) (k) (0) (0) χ̂n|n = χ̂n|n−1 + Kn(k) yn − β̄ˆ n|n − hn (χ̂n|n−1) ! (2.84) (2.85) CHAPTER 2. FORMATION STATE ESTIMATION 46 LN G ∂D(X) (k) ∂X χ̂ zn(k+1) = Ln(k+1) n|n δ∆Φs δ∆Φp (0) Pn|n−1L(0)T n Kn(k+1) = Ln(k+1) = (2.86) + n ∆Φs 0 n (0) Ln(k+1) Pn|n−1 L(0)T n (2.87) −1 +R (k+1) (0) (0) = β̄ˆ n|n−1 + Kn(k+1) z̄n(k+1) − Ln(k+1) β̄ˆ n|n−1 β̄ˆ n|n (2.88) (2.89) 3. At the end of the M steps the covariance matrices for the bias states and the position and velocity states are updated as follows (Covariance matrices measurement update) (M ) Pn|n = (M +1) = Pn|n (0) I − Kn(M ) Hn(M ) Pn|n−1 (0) +1) I − Kn(M +1) L(M Pn|n−1 n (2.90) (2.91) 4. The next step is to propagate the position and velocity states as well as the covariance matrix (Time update) (M ) (M ) χ̂n+1|n = Fnd (χ̂n|n ) (M ) (2.92) (M ) Pn+1|n = Fn Pn|n FnT + Gn Qn GTn (2.93) 5. The states and the covariances can be rewritten for the next update. (M ) (2.94) Pn+1|n = Pn+1|n (M ) (2.95) ˆ ˆ (M +1) β̄ n+1|n = β̄ n|n (2.96) (M +1) Pn|n (2.97) χ̂n+1|n = χ̂n+1|n Pn+1|n = and the cycle repeats back to step #1. This algorithm is extensively demonstrated in the LEO simulations in Chapter 5 and the EKF bias estimation algorithm is 2.5. DECENTRALIZED ITERATIVE CASCADE EKF 47 demonstrated in the experimental testbed (Chapter 6) as well as in the simulations (Chapter 3). 2.5 Decentralized Iterative Cascade EKF This section analyzes the numerical and computational issues in the EKF state estimation problem and presents a fast, numerically stable decentralized algorithm. A key issue to be addressed in this section is that the EKF state estimation process becomes highly cumbersome as the number of vehicles in the formation increases. Thus it is very important to distribute this estimation process amongst the multiple vehicles in the fleet (i.e. perform decentralized estimation). A decentralized approach reduces the computational load per vehicle and provides a robust/flexible architecture that is less sensitive to a single vehicle failure. For example, with a centralized solution approach, the master vehicle performs most of the calculations for the fleet, so, unless all vehicles are designed with the same processor as the master vehicle, the entire system could be susceptible to a single point failure. However, the decentralized approach does not require that one vehicle perform all of the calculations. Instead, one spacecraft acts as the reference vehicle which serves as the formation frame center. The estimation calculation is then distributed fairly evenly amongst all of the vehicles in the formation. As such, the vehicles can be designed to be identical in terms of their computational capability – and the CPU’s can be sized to be much smaller. Note that if one vehicle failed, switching the reference vehicle from one spacecraft to another would be a much simpler task than switching the master of the centralized approach. Furthermore, the results in this section show that, when compared to a centralized estimation scheme, the decentralized estimation process substantially reduces the computational load, eliminates many of the numerical problems, and reduces the information flow between the vehicles. CHAPTER 2. FORMATION STATE ESTIMATION 48 Centralized Formulation y2 y3 G2 Decentralized Formulation X2 G3 y2 G2 X2 y3 G3 X3 yN GN XN X3 XN yN GN Figure 2.7: Centralized Formulation and Decentralized Formulation 2.5.1 Iterative Cascade EKF The sparse nature of the observation matrix H in Eq. 2.36 provides the basis for improving estimation processes including reducing the processing time (and yields better numerical stability). The observation matrix H in Eq. 2.36 is completely block diagonal without the local range and range rate measurements (NAVSTAR-only system) if the master vehicle has visibility to all the satellites visible to entire formation. This would be the normal case for a typical spacecraft that carries more than one antenna4 . In this case, Eq. 2.36 can be divided into N-1 small independent filters (N is number of vehicles) for each vehicle, and then easily distributed amongst the vehicles in the formation. This distribution is possible because the relative dynamic models are also decoupled. The process is illustrated in Figure 2.7. This distribution of effort greatly reduces the computational load for the NAVSTARonly system, especially when the formation is quite large. Figure 2.8 shows computational advantage of the decentralized system as a function of the number of vehicles (x axis). It is shown that the amount of computation required in the centralized update is significantly higher than the total computation required in the decentralized system. 4 Mulitple antennas mounted on a spacecraft facing in different directions increase sky coverage [GL97, JCA99], but could lead to different vehicles using measurments from different satellites. 2.5. DECENTRALIZED ITERATIVE CASCADE EKF 49 Computational Load Comparison 8 10 Decentralized update (Total) Decentralized update (Per vehicle) Centralized update 7 Number of Floating Point Operation 10 6 10 5 10 4 10 3 10 2 4 6 8 10 Number of vehicles in Formation 12 14 16 Figure 2.8: Computational Load Comparison (Decentralized Process and Centralized Process) In addition, the computation for the decentralized process can be easily distributed to the multiple vehicles as shown in Figure 2.7. As a result, the computational load per vehicle is 2-3 orders of magnitude lower than that of the centralized system and independent of the number of vehicles in the fleet. Systems with Local Range Measurements Given these advantages, it would be highly beneficial to distribute the estimation processes when the local ranging measurements are available in addition to the NAVSTAR measurements. However, the local transmitter measurements from non-master vehicles are coupled across the vehicles, and they appear in off-diagonal locations of the measurement matrix. As will be shown, it is important to keep all local range 50 CHAPTER 2. FORMATION STATE ESTIMATION Centralized formulation Decentralized formulation y2 G2 x2 Assuming x3 is given y3 G3 Coupled Local Range Measurements x3 Assuming x2 is given Figure 2.9: Coupled Measurement Equation and Multiple Decoupled Equa- tions of Augmented NAVSTAR System (compared to decoupled equations of NAVSTAR system in Figure 2.7) measurements to obtain the best possible estimate, but these off-diagonal measurements complicate the process of distributing the estimation. However, it is possible to develop a decentralized estimation architecture using the following iterative scheme. The left hand side diagram in Figure 2.9 is a linearized measurement equation for a 3-vehicle formation combining all the measurements available in the system. This equation can be divided into multiple small problems, as shown in Figure 2.9. The coupled local measurements, which are a function of more than one vehicle state, can also be divided using an approximation. In this decentralization process, it is assumed that states for all the other vehicles (Xk , { k = 1, 2, . . . , N − 1 | k = i }) are given for the ith divided process (i = 1, 2, . . . , N − 1) This decentralization process can be explained in detail by rearranging the previous measurement equations. Instead of stacking all the measurements for all the vehicle, as in Eqs. 2.25 and 2.20, the measurements for a single vehicle are combined with the local measurements available to that vehicle. 2.5. DECENTRALIZED ITERATIVE CASCADE EKF 51 For a single vehicle i ∆φsmi + p ∆φi ∆φ̇smi ∆φsmi ∆φ̇smi 0 ∆φ̇pi = h + X Ẋ 0 + p βi 0 0 where h s βmi X Ẋ = s νmi s ν̇mi (2.98) νip ν̇ip Xi τi Ẋi Gi τ̇i Di (X) Gm Ḋi (X) Di (X) = ranges between vehicle i and all other vehicles Ḋi (X) = range rates between vehicle i and all other vehicles ∆φpi = local range measurements between vehicle i and all other vehicles ∆φ̇pi = local Doppler measurements between vehicle i and all other vehicles This equation for ith vehicle can be linearized about the best current estimate of the position and velocity states of other vehicles Xk and Ẋk { k = 1, 2, . . . , N −1 | k = i } δ∆φsmi δ∆φ̇smi δ∆φpi δ∆φ̇pi + ∆φsmi ∆φ̇smi 0 0 0 ∂Di (X) ∂Xi X̂i ∂ Ḋi (X) ∂X Gm = i X̂i 0 Gi 0 ∂ Ḋi (X) ˆ ∂ Ẋ Ẋi δXi + δ Ẋi τi τ̇i s βmi + βip 0 0 s νmi s ν̇mi νip ν̇ip (2.99) Eq. 2.99 can be written in simple form for the nth measurement update step. δ∆Φn,i + ∆Φn,i = Hn,i χn,i + βi + νi (2.100) CHAPTER 2. FORMATION STATE ESTIMATION 52 Note that Eq. 2.99 is the measurement equation for the ith vehicle, so there are only N-1 local range measurements. Whenever there are new measurements available, the position and velocity states for vehicles i = 1, 2, . . . , N-1 can be updated sequentially using Eq. 2.99. After the ith vehicle update, the new estimates of Xi and Ẋi are available to be used in the next sequence where states for (i+1)th vehicle are updated. After updating states Xi and Ẋi for i = 1, 2, . . . , N-1, an iteration can be performed until updates to the states are very small5 . The iteration is necessary because the linearization process for the ith vehicle in Eq. 2.99 not only requires the estimate of state Xi and Ẋi but also the estimated states of all the vehicles in the system Xk ’s and Ẋk ’s (k = 1, 2, . . . , N-1). In this sequential update scheme, the massive covariance matrix Pn|n−1 in Eq. 2.78 can be replaced by N-1 smaller covariance matrices corresponding to the states of each vehicle. By updating multiple small covariance matrices (Pn|n,i) instead of the large covariance matrix (Pn|n−1 ), the amount of computation can be reduced and in addition, the reduced computational load can be distributed. For i = 1, 2, . . . , N-1, Pn|n,i = (I − Kn,i Hn,i)Pn|n−1,i (2.101) Pn|n−1,i = covariance matrix for the ith vehicle Kn,i = Kalman gain for the ith vehicle Hn,i = linearized measurement matrix for the ith vehicle in Eq. 2.99 Algorithm #1 summarizes the ICEKF algorithm in pseudo-code form. Figure 2.10 describes this process for a 4-vehicle formation. The arrows represent the range measurements used in the estimation process. The diagram on the left describes the traditional centralized EKF that simultaneously uses all of the local measurements in one update process. In contrast, the diagram on the right shows the cascade EKF that uses a subset of the local measurements in a sequential fashion. As shown, the update process is split into three steps (vehicle 2 update, followed by the vehicle 3 update, followed by the vehicle 4 update, and then the process is repeated). Only a fraction 5 Usually converges after 3-4 iterations. 2.5. DECENTRALIZED ITERATIVE CASCADE EKF 53 <ICEKF> 2 1 <Centralized EKF> 1 2 4 3 Veh2 Update 2 1 4 4 3 Veh2, 3, 4 Update 3 Veh3 Update 1 2 Local range measurement Vehicle doing computation 4 Veh4 Update 3 Figure 2.10: Full Extended Kalman Filter and Iterative Cascade Kalman Filter (One iteration cycle is shown in the diagram) of the local measurements are used in each step, but all the available measurements are used in the entire process. Because this method exploits the sparse nature of the measurement equations, the total computational load required in the measurement update can be greatly reduced. Moreover, computational load of the ICEKF method can be distributed to the N-1 vehicles in the formation since both the measurement update and covariance update process can be divided into N-1 small problems. This can dramatically reduce the computational requirements of the onboard CPU for each vehicle. A series of orbit simulations were conducted to demonstrate the computational efficiency of the decentralized ICEKF (Iterative Cascade Extended Kalman Filter). Figure 2.11 compares the number of floating point operations (FLOPS) needed in the single measurement update for various formation sizes. The results show the total computation required in the centralized EKF, the total computation required in the CHAPTER 2. FORMATION STATE ESTIMATION 54 Algorithm #1: ICEKF algorithm in Pseudo-code Form. while update to χ̂n > tol for i = 1, 2, . . . , N-1 Linearize measurement Eq. 2.98 for ith X̂ vehicle using χ̂n = ˆ Ẋ n Compute Kalman gain matrix Kn,i for ith vehicle Update χ̂n,i Update χ̂n end end for i = 1, 2, . . . , N-1 Update Pn,i using the Kn,i and Hn,i used in the last state update end ✷ ICEKF (3 iterations), and the computation required per each vehicle in the decentralized ICEKF (3 iterations). As expected, the centralized EKF requires the largest amount of computation (2–10 times more than the total computation required for the ICEKF). The computation required per each vehicle in the decentralized ICEKF method is 1–2 orders of magnitude lower than the total required for the centralized EKF. Figure 2.12 plots the ratio of the FLOPS required for the decentralized ICEKF to the flops required for the centralized EKF. It is shown that the ICEKF method requires only about 5% of the total computation power required in the centralized EKF if there are 6 vehicles in the formation. Ratio = FICEKF /(N − 1) × 100(%) FEKF (2.102) where FICEKF =Total computation required for the ICEKF method FEKF = Total computation required for the centralized EKF method N = Number of vehicle in the formation 2.5. DECENTRALIZED ITERATIVE CASCADE EKF 55 Floating Point Operations Required in Single Measurement Update 9 10 EKF Iterated Cascade EKF Iterated Cascade EKF (per vehicle) 8 Number of Floating Point Operation 10 7 10 6 10 5 10 4 10 2 4 6 8 10 12 Number of Vehicle in Formation 14 16 18 Figure 2.11: Computation Required for a Single Update (EKF and ICEKF) - 3 iterations performed in ICEKF 50 45 (ICEKF flops)/(EKF flops)x100 (%) 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Number of Vehicle in Formation 14 16 18 Figure 2.12: Ratio of the Computational Power Used (Decentralized ICEKF)/(EKF) (%) CHAPTER 2. FORMATION STATE ESTIMATION 56 Position Errors for 4 Different EKFs 9 8.5 Navstar Only Navstar & Master PL All Measurements, Cascade EKF All Measurements, EKF RMS Error (mm) 8 7.5 7 6.5 6 5.5 5 2 3 4 5 Vehicle ID Figure 2.13: RMS Position Errors of 4 Different EKFs Performance of the ICEKF The performance of the ICEKF algorithm in terms of the estimation accuracy is also vital since the algorithm is an approximation. Orbit simulations for a 5–vehicle formation were performed to compare the steady state position errors of ICEKF method with those of the centralized EKF. Figure 2.13 compares the RMS (Root Mean Square) position errors of 4 different estimation schemes. The first (− ◦ −) is the extended Kalman filter solution using only the NAVSTAR measurements and the second (−✷−) is the EKF solution but it also uses local range measurements transmitted from the master vehicle (origin of the local coordinate). These two Kalman filters have block diagonal measurement matrices and can be divided into 4 (N − 1) small problems without using the approximation used in the ICEKF process. However, the second algorithm only uses a subset of the total ranging measurements available to the fleet. In this case, it uses 4 local measurements out of total 10 local measurement 2.5. DECENTRALIZED ITERATIVE CASCADE EKF 57 available. The third and fourth cases use all of the local range measurements and the NAVSTAR measurements. The centralized EKF (−✸−) uses all the measurements simultaneously, while the ICEKF (−−) finds the solution iteratively, using all the measurements sequentially in the multiple cascade EKFs. Comparing cases 1 and 4 in Figure 2.13 shows the benefits of adding the local measurements. Comparing cases 2 and 4 shows the penalty of ignoring some of the local ranging measurements. Note that improvements achieved by adding more local range measurements are different from vehicle to vehicle. This is because each vehicle in the formation observes different local constellation geometries. Figure 2.13 also shows that the centralized EKF and the ICEKF using all the local measurements returned essentially an identical answer for relative positions of all the vehicles (vehicle ID = 2, 3, 4, 5). This indicates that the approximations made in the iterative cascade EKF are valid and the ICEKF algorithm can provide near optimal estimates with substantially reduced computational requirements. Information Flow Another major advantage of the decentralized processing, besides the reduced processing load, is that this algorithm can also relieve the inter-vehicle communication load. Most formation flying control systems require a communication link between the vehicles in order to exchange data for the relative navigation as well as other operations. Since the bandwidth of the communication link is limited [RZ00], it is highly beneficial to minimize the amount of the navigation data transmitted. Information flow diagrams for the centralized and decentralized systems are conceptually illustrated in Figure 2.14 for a 4-vehicle formation. The major information includes GPS carrier phase measurements, line-of-sight matrix and the minor information includes a single local transmitter measurement and relative position. The centralized estimation method (Left) requires the master vehicle to collect all of the information from all of the vehicles in the formation. This requires a large number of communication channels be available on the reference vehicle and an information bottleneck can occur at the reference vehicle. On the other hand, the decentralized method (Right) allows CHAPTER 2. FORMATION STATE ESTIMATION 58 Centralized Processing Decentralized Processing 0% 100% 0% 0% 33% 33% 0% 33% Major Data Flow Minor Data Flow Figure 2.14: Information Flows for 2 Architectures one vehicle (usually the reference vehicle) to broadcast a data packet. All other vehicles receive this single data packet from the reference vehicle and exchange a few minor pieces of data with the other vehicles. Thus the decentralized architecture has a potential to eliminate the information bottlenecks. To illustrate the amount of data exchanged in each method, various data packet sizes for a typical formation system are listed in Table 2.2 and 2.3. Based on these examples, the expected maximum data rate requirements are computed for a 1 Hz measurement update. Figure 2.15 shows the required maximum data rate (bps) for both the centralized and decentralized architectures. As shown, the decentralized system can substantially reduce the amount of data packet transmitted in the system and lower the inter-vehicle communication bandwidth requirements. 2.5. DECENTRALIZED ITERATIVE CASCADE EKF 59 Table 2.2: Major Data Flow (n= number of NAVSTAR satellites) Carrier Phase Code Phase Doppler Line-of-sight PRN Total 4 7 Table 2.3: Minor Data Flow Bytes 4×n 4×n 4×n 12×n 1×n 25×n Local Range Relative Position Total Bytes 4 12 16 Maximum Data Rate Required in Two Architectures (1Hz) x 10 6 Centralized Processing Decentralized Processing bit/second (bps) 5 4 3 2 1 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of Vehicles in System 8 9 10 Figure 2.15: Maximum Data Rate Required in 2 Communication Architectures 2.5.2 Numerical Stability of EKF As the number of vehicles in the formation grows, the measurement update step (Eqs. 2.77 and 2.78) becomes numerically less stable, especially when the measurement equations include highly redundant linearized local range measurement equations. In this case, there can be numerical difficulties ensuring that the covariance CHAPTER 2. FORMATION STATE ESTIMATION 60 matrix remains positive-definite and symmetric when Eq. 2.78 is used for the covariance update [RS94, AG74]. The standard approach is to use the Joseph Stabilized form of the covariance update to assure positive definiteness and symmetry Pn|n = (I − Kn Hn ) Pn|n−1 (I − Kn Hn )T + Kn Rn KnT (2.103) This update is a symmetric equation that will remain positive-definite provided that Pn|n−1 is positive-definite and Rn is positive-semidefinite. However, Eq. 2.103 requires more computation than Eq. 2.78. In addition, the redundancy in the linearized measurement matrix Hn in Eq. 2.36 can be better handled by a different formulation of Kn . Eq. 2.77 can be transformed into Kn = Pn|n−1−1 + HnT Rn−1 Hn −1 H T R−1 (2.104) This filter gain computation also requires more computations than the previous Eq. 2.77. These Eqs. 2.78 and 2.77 can substantially reduce numerical problems at the cost of higher computational load. Alternatively, the square-root methods, which propagate the square-root of the covariance matrix can be used in order to ensure positive-definiteness of the covariance matrix [TK00]. Numerical Stability of ICEKF Figure 2.16 compares the numerical stability of the EKF and ICEKF for large formations. As expected, the estimation errors for these two methods are effectively the same for a small number of vehicles (Centralized EKF is slightly better since it is the optimal method). However, as the number of vehicles in the formation increases, the estimation errors of the regular centralized EKF grow and eventually diverge due to the propagation of the numerical errors. 2.6. COARSE NAVIGATION SENSOR 61 RMS Position Errors Comparison 0.02 EKF Iterated Cascade EKF 0.018 0.016 RMS Error (m) 0.014 0.012 0.01 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.002 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Number of Vehicles in Formation 14 16 18 Figure 2.16: RMS Position Error Comparison 2.6 Coarse Navigation Sensor The differential measurements collected from the NAVSTAR constellation and onboard pseudolites should enable cm-level relative position estimates to be derived once the carrier-phase biases have been resolved to sufficient accuracy. However, when the receivers onboard each vehicle first acquire the signals (from both the GPS constellation as well as the pseudolites mounted on the other vehicles), only a coarse (meter-level) relative position estimate is available. This initial estimate is derived by utilizing the measured pseudorange on each vehicle and forming a differential codephase measurement [GPS96]. As this is the only information available at start-up, the carrier-phase biases have a large uncertainty. Depending on the initial separation between the vehicles, it may not be prudent to immediately begin maneuvers. This is especially true if the vehicles are only a few meters apart, as the relative position estimates derived from the single-point differential code-phase measurement may be CHAPTER 2. FORMATION STATE ESTIMATION 62 in error by a similar magnitude, depending on the Position Dilution of Precision (PDOP) [GPS96]. An improved estimate of the carrier-phase biases (and therefore relative position), utilizing only the signals from the NAVSTAR satellites, can be derived by filtering the GPS measurements over several minutes. Once the coarse relative position estimates are sufficiently accurate, the vehicles could then begin undergoing relative motion, which will enable the biases to be quickly resolved to the desired accuracy. This section derives the equations for a coarse navigation Kalman Filter that uses all the available information from the GPS measurements to estimate the carrier-phase biases. This filter utilizes both the carrier and code phase measurements, as well as incorporating the information that can be derived from the NAVSTAR constellation geometry. The measurements on each vehicle should to be sampled simultaneously in order to compute the relative position state at any particular time. In order to accomplish this, the receiver software was modified to slew the hardware sample time at 1 Hz based on its estimate of true time. These modifications were designed to keep the sample time as closely aligned to the UTC second as possible. This enables an accurate differential carrier-phase measurement to be made by simply differencing the measured carrierphase on each vehicle. However, the impact of the software control must be accounted for if a direct comparison of the differential code and carrier are to be made, since the hardware slew impacts the clock bias of each of those measurements in a different way. The impact of the slew can be explicitly accounted for if an accurate estimate of the receiver clock frequency is available. However, a similar approach is to incorporate another state into the estimation to account for the perturbations in the relative clock bias, τe , between the differential code and carrier measurements. In this case, the differential measurements can be written as s + τe ∆φscode = ρ + νcode (2.105) s ∆φscarrier = ρ + β s + νcarrier (2.106) 2.6. COARSE NAVIGATION SENSOR 63 where ∆φscode = differential code phase between vehicles ∆φscarrier= differential carrier phase between vehicles ρ = single difference range including receiver clock bias τe = perturbation to clock bias due to the software control of the sampling time slew Figure 2.17 shows the effect of the sampling time slew on the measured single difference code phase (dotted line) and the calibrated single difference code phase (solid line). The calibrated measurement can be formed by accounting for the estimated time slew on the raw single difference measurement. However, visible in the plot is a small drift between the differential carrier-phase and the calibrated differential code-phase. This is a result of the receiver clock frequency error, but is accounted for in the estimation by incorporating the additional state, τe . The information contained in the NAVSTAR constellation can also be incorporated into the estimation [DL96]. Similar to the previous Section 2.4.1, pre-multiply equation 2.106 by L, where the rows of L form an orthonormal basis for the left null space of the geometry matrix, G, eliminates ρ to give s L∆φscarrier = Lβ s + Lνcarrier ≡ z (2.107) The pre-multiplication by L eliminates the position and clock state from the equation 2.106, forming a new measurement. All of the available measurements can be combined to form ∆φscode z ∆φscarrier = 0 L 0 0 I 0 1 0 I I 0 0 ρ βs + ν̄ τe τ̇e (2.108) CHAPTER 2. FORMATION STATE ESTIMATION 64 250 Code phase single difference Carrier phase single difference Calibrated code phase single difference single difference range (m) 200 150 100 50 0 −50 0 1 2 3 4 5 time (sec) 6 7 8 9 10 Figure 2.17: Effect of the Sampling Time Slew on the Code Phase Single Difference ν̄ = s Lνcarrier s νcode s νcarrier (2.109) LΣcarrier LT 0 LΣcarrier 0 Σcode 0 Σcarrier LT 0 Σcarrier R = E ν̄ ν̄ T = (2.110) The time update equation can be written as ρ βs τe τ̇e n = 0 I 1 δt 0 0 ρ βs τe τ̇e n−1 +w (2.111) 2.6. COARSE NAVIGATION SENSOR 65 Q = E ww T = ∞ 0 0 (2.112) στ̇e where z = geometric measurement L∆φscarrier τ̇e = time rate of change of τe δt = time update interval In terms of the convergence rate, the estimation approach described here has advantages over the conventional carrier smoothing technique that is widely used [GC90] since there are additional measurements (Eq. 2.108) that are derived from the NAVSTAR geometry. Figure 2.18 shows the results of a simulation comparing the horizontal estimation error between two vehicles using both the conventional smoothing filter and the filter described in this section. As shown, both filters converge, but the new filter performs significantly better. Figure 2.19 displays the results from a single-baseline relative positioning experiment. In this experiment, a single GPS antenna was routed to two different receivers, and the Kalman Filter described in the section was updated at 5 Hz in real-time. The estimates of the carrier-phase biases were then used to generate a least squares solution of the relative position. Note that the position estimates converged to an accuracy of 10-20 cm in about 200 seconds. This coarse navigation scheme can be used at start-up when carrier phase biases are not resolved. This algorithm improves the estimate of the bias and position states without requiring any relative motions. The initial position and bias estimates obtained from this algorithm will then be used in the initialization process involving relative motions between the vehicles (Chapter 3). CHAPTER 2. FORMATION STATE ESTIMATION 66 2.5 Conventional Smoothing Filter New Smoothing Filter Horizontal Error (m) 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 50 100 150 time (sec) 200 250 300 Figure 2.18: Comparison of a Typical Convergence Pattern of Conventional Carrier Smoothing Filter with New Smoothing Filter 2.7 Summary This chapter presents the augmented CDGPS relative position and velocity estimators. Both extended Kalman filter and weighted least squares algorithms are used to estimate these states. A second EKF for the bias states is introduced, and this can be used iteratively with the EKF for the position and velocity states. A decentralized ICEKF algorithm is given to address the practical issues associated with implementing these algorithms with large fleets of vehicles that have both CDGPS and local ranging devices. When compared to the traditional EKF method, this ICEKF algorithm is shown to: 1. Achieve a more robust and efficient formation system. 2. Reduce and distribute the computational load associated with the estimation process. 2.7. SUMMARY 67 Position Errror 1 East(m) 0.5 0 −0.5 −1 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 800 1000 1200 1400 800 1000 1200 1400 time (sec) North (m) 1 0.5 0 −0.5 −1 0 200 400 600 time (sec) 1 Up (m) 0.5 0 −0.5 −1 0 200 400 600 time (sec) Figure 2.19: Single Base-Line Positioning Error of the Coarse Navigation Filter 3. Reduce the inter-vehicle communication requirements. 4. Eliminate numerical problems typically experienced with the much larger centralized EKF. The linear phase and Doppler measurement equations were also modified to account for the nonlinear effects of the long baseline formations. In addition, a coarse navigation sensing scheme is presented that can be used in the initial stage of operation when the carrier phase bias estimates are not available. This algorithm also addresses effect of the independent sample clock slew of the receivers. Chapter 3 Robust Bias Estimation Algorithm This chapter presents a robust cycle ambiguity estimation algorithm for formation flying vehicles. A real-time filtering approach was used to estimate the biases. Before the cycle ambiguities have been initialized, the relative position error can be large and there can be a large uncertainty in the line-of-sight vector from a local transmitter on one vehicle to a receiver on a second vehicle. These initial line-of-sight errors can cause a large bias error in the filtering result. This chapter presents a new algorithm that significantly improves the convergence of the bias estimate even with these potentially large initial state errors. With this new development, good estimates of the biases are available in real-time, which allows the vehicles to undergo small-scale initialization maneuvers. The real-time feature and the robustness of the new algorithm enables the autonomous initialization procedure. Recently, O’Connor [MOC97] and Pervan [BP96] demonstrated several manual initialization procedures around the local pseudolites with their farming vehicle (Tractor) and aircraft, respectively. They performed a manual pseudolite “bubble1 pass” and ran a batch algorithm at the bubble exit to resolve the biases. In order to robustly automate this process, this chapter shows how the batch algorithm can be replaced by an extended Kalman filter that updates the bias states in real-time. 1 A bubble is defined by the region in which the realtively weak pseudolite signal can be received. 68 3.1. CYCLE AMBIGUITY ESTIMATION 3.1 69 Cycle Ambiguity Estimation In the CDGPS system, it is required to have a sufficiently accurate estimate of the bias states in order to use Eq. 2.36 to estimate the position states. These bias states are observable if there are relative motions (line-of-sight changes) between the vehicles with the onboard transmitters [DL96, BP96, MOC97, CP00, CP01]. One way to estimate the bias states is to apply a batch algorithm [BP96,MOC97] to the phase measurements after a relative motion around a local transmitter. In this method, the vehicles undergo an initialization maneuver (relative motion around a transmitter) using rough position estimates based on the differential code phase measurements. During the maneuver, measurements are collected from both the GPS satellites and the onboard transmitters. After the initialization maneuver, an iterated batch algorithm is used to obtain the optimal estimate of the carrier phase biases. Pervan [BP96] describes several batch methods that were used in an aircraft precision landing system. The system consisted of two fixed pseudolites and an aircraft with a GPS receiver. O’Connor applied similar methods to his farming vehicle [MOC97]. His system, however, consisted of a single pseudolite fixed on the ground and a tractor was driven around the pseudolite manually. While these batch methods are effective, they are not able to provide real-time estimates of the biases as the vehicle undergoes the initialization maneuver. On the other hand, an extended Kalman filter can be implemented to update the carrierphase bias and relative position estimates while the vehicles are maneuvering. If these real-time estimates are reasonably accurate, then they should allow the control system to autonomously keep the vehicles close to the precomputed optimal [EO99] initialization trajectory. However, due to the nonlinearity in the local transmitter measurements, this filter is very sensitive to the initial position errors (initial lineof-sight error) and thus the final position estimate accuracy can be quite poor. One solution to this problem is to use a large-scale initialization maneuver, which results in a smaller line-of-sight error for given position error. That approach tends to improve the convergence of the real-time filter, but it also results in a substantial fuel cost and it takes much longer to perform the initialization maneuver. This chapter presents an CHAPTER 3. ROBUST BIAS ESTIMATION ALGORITHM 70 update to the initialization algorithm that significantly reduces the sensitivity of the convergence to the initial line-of-sight errors. As a result, the scale of the initialization maneuvers can be much smaller, which greatly reduces the fuel/time requirements. This robust real-time algorithm can be used as part of an autonomous initialization maneuver which is valuable in many mission scenarios. 3.1.1 Previous Initialization Algorithm The previous bias estimation algorithms [CP00, TC00, DL96], which used the null space of the state measurement matrix to observe the bias states, assumed that the current position estimate from the code based measurements was sufficiently accurate that the first-order approximation of the nonlinear local measurement equation is valid. The results in this chapter show that this assumption is not valid for many cases of interest. Note that the resulting line-of-sight error tends not to be an issue for batch algorithms that are solved iteratively, but they can be crucial for real-time algorithms that must be solved sequentially. The null-space algorithms can be summarized as follows. The bias state is observable through the null space of the position measurement matrix. It can then be updated using an extended Kalman filter (EKF). Rewriting the perturbed measurement Eq. 2.36 without the relative velocity states δ∆Φs δ∆Φp + ∆Φs 0 = G ∂D(X) ∂X X̂ δX + βs βp + νs νp (3.1) We define L as the left null space (row vectors of matrix L span the orthonormal null space of the measurement matrix) L = G LN ∂D(X) ∂X X̂ (3.2) 3.1. CYCLE AMBIGUITY ESTIMATION 71 where ALN is the left null space of the matrix A. Multiplying both sides of Eq. 3.1 by L yields the measurement equation for the bias state z = L δ∆Φs δ∆Φp + ∆Φs = L 0 βs βp + L A Kalman filter is then used to update the bias state β̄ = νs νp βs βp (3.3) using the noise covariance matrix R = E L νs ν p νs νp LT = ΣSatellite 0 0 ΣTransmitter (3.4) Sample Problem A sample problem was selected to demonstrate the performance of the filter described above. Figure 3.1 shows the simulated trajectory of one vehicle relative to a reference vehicle which was stationary during the maneuver and carried an onboard pseudolite. The plot is given in an ENU (East North Up) frame centered on the reference vehicle. The intended trajectory of the mobile vehicle was a 5 m radius counter-clockwise circle (shown as the dotted line in Figure 3.1) around the reference. The 5 m circular maneuver was chosen since similar scale maneuvers are commonly used in the land vehicle initialization maneuvers [MOC97] in order to observe rapid line-of-sight changes within a relatively short period. This distance is smaller than would be used for general spacecraft formation maneuvers, but the formation of spacecraft is typically deployed from a single platform and they form a very tight group during the initial phase of operations. Thus, a small scale initialization procedure (5∼100 m) would be very beneficial for these vehicles. In addition, a radius of 5 m or less could be an ideal initialization/operational radius for tight station-keeping missions such as the AERcam [DSS92]. A detailed discussion about the selection of the initialization path is presented in Section 3.1.4. CHAPTER 3. ROBUST BIAS ESTIMATION ALGORITHM 72 True position Estimated position 5 m circle 5 4 3 2 North (m) 1 Pseudolite 0 −1 Pseudolite Turned on Circular motion started −2 −3 −4 −5 −4 −2 0 2 East (m) 4 6 8 Fig. 3.1: Convergence During the 5 m Circular Radius Initialization Maneuver About the Local Transmitter (Vehicle control is based on current estimate of vehicle position) At the start of the maneuver, the mobile vehicle was placed 5 m East of the reference but this relative position information was not given to the estimator. The vehicle then estimated its position using the coarse estimator described in Chapter 2. After the position estimate converged to a sufficient accuracy (1∼2 m), the vehicle was commanded to perform an autonomous circular maneuver (5 m radius) around the reference vehicle. Note that the vehicle control was entirely based on the current estimate of its position. Once the maneuver had started, the pseudolite measurement was incorporated into the estimation using the extended Kalman filtering algorithm (Eq. 3.3). The dashed and solid lines in the figure show the true and estimated position of the mobile vehicle during the maneuver, respectively. Note the estimated 3.1. CYCLE AMBIGUITY ESTIMATION 73 north position estimation error (m) east position estimation error (m) Estimation errors 6 Static 4 Initialization maneuver 2 0 −2 −4 0 20 40 60 80 100 time (sec) 120 140 160 180 0 20 40 60 80 100 time (sec) 120 140 160 180 1.5 1 0.5 0 −0.5 Fig. 3.2: Horizontal Estimation Error During the Initialization Maneuver position rapidly converges to the true position as the line-of-sight from the mobile vehicle to the reference vehicle changes. Figure 3.2 shows the estimation error in the East and North directions during the maneuver shown in Figure 3.1. The position estimates converge to 1–2 cm accuracy in each direction after a complete, 360◦ circular motion about the reference vehicle with a reasonably good initial position estimate. However, the final position estimates are typically not as accurate as those from the batch methods [BP96], depending on the initial position error from the coarse position estimator. This is a result of the pseudolite measurements being highly nonlinear and that the linearized measurements (Eq. 3.1) can introduce large errors, which, in turn, propagate into the bias measurements (Eq. 3.3). CHAPTER 3. ROBUST BIAS ESTIMATION ALGORITHM 74 Convergence Map 10 2 0. 0 0.15 3 0. .4 5 0. 7 9 0. 0.1 1.1 5 4 0. 0 0.3 0.2 0.05 0.9 1.1 North position error (m) 0.1 −5 1.1 0. 0.5 0.4 7 −8 0. 2 3 −10 −10 0. 0. 0.7 15 −6 −4 −2 0 2 East position error (m) 0. 0.5 4 4 0. 9 6 8 10 Figure 3.3: Contours Showing Final Position Errors (r=5 m) Monte Carlo Simulation In order to evaluate the impact of the initial position error on the estimation, 2000 Monte Carlo simulations were performed. In the Monte Carlo runs, the mobile vehicle was placed 5 m East of the reference vehicle and the initial position error was randomly given in both horizontal directions2 . The vehicle then attempted to perform the same maneuver shown in Figure 3.1. Note that the vehicle position during the initialization maneuver was perfect (5 m radius circle), but the vehicle’s knowledge of 2 Initial position errors were uniformly distributed between ±10 m along the East and North axes. 3.1. CYCLE AMBIGUITY ESTIMATION 75 Monte Carlo simulation of Filter Performance Convergence Map 0.2 0.15 0.1 5 5 0.1 5 5 0.1 0.25 0.0 0.15 15 0.15 20 5 10 0.4 North position error (m) Final horizontal position error (m) 0.15 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 −20 0.05 5 0 −5 20 0.05 −10 10 −10 0 0 −10 10 20 −20 0.05 −15 0.15 0.2 5 North position initial error (m) −20 −20 East position initial error (m) −15 −10 −5 0 5 East position error (m) 10 15 20 Fig. 3.4: Convergence Characteristics af- Fig. 3.5: Position Error Contours ter the Relative Circular Motion Around the (r=100m) reference Vehicle (r=100m) its initial position was erroneous. The final horizontal position errors after the completed maneuvers were averaged, and are plotted against the initial position errors, as shown in Figure 3.3. Note that because the mobile vehicle started to the East of the reference, the initial line-of-sight error to the reference vehicle is most sensitive along the Northern axis, and is less sensitive to small errors along the East axis. The sharp increase in the final estimation error around the region where the initial East error is close to -5 m is a result of the significant error that would be associated with the estimated line-of-sight to the reference vehicle. For comparison, figures 3.4 and 3.5 show the results of 105 Monte Carlo simulations when a 100 m circular radius initialization maneuver was performed. Figure 3.5 has a sensitivity pattern along the East and North axes that is similar to the one in Figure 3.3, but the centimeter-level convergence region is much larger. This increase is expected, as the line-of-sight error is less sensitive to a fixed position error when the vehicles are separated further apart. These simulation results show that the CHAPTER 3. ROBUST BIAS ESTIMATION ALGORITHM 76 centimeter-level convergence can be achieved with the accuracy level of the coarse positioning algorithm described in Section 2.6 with a reasonably large vehicle separation (i.e., greater than 5–10 m). 3.1.2 Robust Initialization Algorithm As shown in the previous sections [CP00], a key difficulty with the algorithm is its ability to converge from poor initial conditions when the distance between the vehicles is relatively short. The reasons for this difficulty can easily be seen in the following development for 2 vehicles. The general solution for n vehicles follows directly from these results. The observations for the 2 vehicle case are ∆φs + ∆φs = G X + βs + νs (3.5) ∆φp = d(X) + β p + ν p (3.6) The nonlinear Eq. 3.6 can be expanded about the current estimate (X̂) using a Taylor series ∂d(X) δX + δX T HδX + · · · + β p + ν p ∆φ = d(X̂) + ∂X X̂ p (3.7) ∂d(X) δX + δX T HδX + · · · + β p + ν p ∆φp − d(X̂) = ∂X X̂ (3.8) ⇒ ∂d(X) T p p δ∆φ = δX + δX HδX + · · · + β + ν ∂X X̂ p (3.9) where 1 H = 2 X = ∂ 2 d(X) ∂x21 2 ∂ d(X) ∂x2 ∂x1 ∂ 2 d(X) ∂x3 ∂x1 ∂ 2 d(X) ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂ 2 d(X) ∂x22 2 ∂ d(X) ∂x3 ∂x2 x1 x2 x3 T ∂ 2 d(X) ∂x1 ∂x3 ∂ 2 d(X) ∂x2 ∂x3 ∂ 2 d(X) ∂x23 X̂ (3.10) 3.1. CYCLE AMBIGUITY ESTIMATION 77 The sum of the second and higher order terms in Eq. 3.9 is defined as e, e ≡ δX T HδX + · · · (3.11) The terms in Eq. 3.5 can also be expressed in terms of their perturbations and combined with the linearized Eq. 3.9 to form a single measurement equation δ∆φs δ∆φp where + ∆φs 0 = ∂d(X) ∂X X̂ δX + 0 e + β̄ + ν̄ (3.12) los1 los2 G = . , . . G losn β̄ = βs βp , ν̄ = νs νp (3.13) Note that the linearization error term e in Eq. 3.12 was neglected in the previous method in Section 3.1.1. However, this term can be significant when the position estimation error is large relative to the initial vehicle separation. If ignored, the final position error after the initialization maneuver can also be very large. In order to understand the impact of e on the estimation of β̄, the following formation geometry is considered. Geometric Interpretation Figure 3.6 illustrates a 2-vehicle formation geometry when the initial position error is large. X is the true relative position vector, X̂ is the current relative position estimate vector, and δX is the difference between X and X̂. A geometric interpretation of the exact linearization error can be formulated from Figure 3.6. In particular, it can be shown that |X| − |X̂| = X̂ δX + (1 − cos θ)|X| |X̂| (3.14) CHAPTER 3. ROBUST BIAS ESTIMATION ALGORITHM 78 Fig. 3.6: Formation Geometry Noting that ∂d(X) X̂ = ∂X X̂ |X̂| (3.15) |X| − |X̂| = δ∆φp (3.16) then Eq. 3.14 can be expressed as ∂d(X) δX + (1 − cos θ)|X| δ∆φ = ∂X X̂ p (3.17) By comparing Eq. 3.17 and the local transmitter measurement in Eq. 3.9, the error term in Eq. 3.12 can be identified geometrically as e = (1 − cos θ)|X| (3.18) We can then substitute Eq. 3.18 into the measurement Eq. 3.12 to get δ∆φs δ∆φp + ∆φs 0 = G X̂ |X̂| δX + 0 (1 − cos θ)|X| + β̄ + ν̄ (3.19) 3.1. CYCLE AMBIGUITY ESTIMATION Next define L as L = G X̂ |X̂| 79 LNR (3.20) where ALNR is the left null space of the matrix A obtained from the reduced row echelon form. The advantage of deriving the left null space matrix using the reduced row echelon form of the measurement matrix is that we can isolate the additional term (1 − cos θ)|X|. Finally, multiplying both sides of Eq. 3.19 by L yields a measurement equation for the bias state z = L δ∆φs δ∆φp + ∆φs 0 = L β̄ + L = L β̄ + 0 (1 − cos θ)|X| + L ν̄ 0 (1 − cos θ)|X| + L ν̄ (3.21) Compared to the previous measurement Eq. 3.3, Eq. 3.21 has an additional term that defines the error in the bias estimation equation. Note that this term only affects the last row of the measurement equation and it is a function of the magnitude of the true state X and the angle θ between the vectors X and X̂ (line-of-sight error). Eq. 3.21 implies that this error term would have a small effect if the angle θ is small (θ ≈ 0). If we define the uncertainty in the position estimate as c ( differential code noise level), then we can develop the following bound for the error term in Eq. 3.21 1 − 1 − (1 − cos θ)|X| ≤ c2 c2 |X| |X|2 2|X| (3.22) where it is assumed that c < |X|. It is clear that this upper bound tends to zero as the magnitude of |X| increases. Figure 3.7 shows the magnitude of the upper bound in Eq. 3.22 as a function of the vehicle separation |X| and the initial position error c. It is clear from this figure that a large separation can mitigate the impact of the error term. For example, if the initial position uncertainty (c) is about 3 m and the vehicle separation is 10 m, the magnitude of the error term is approximately 0.4 m. However, if the separation increases (∼50 m), the magnitude of this term reduces CHAPTER 3. ROBUST BIAS ESTIMATION ALGORITHM 80 Impact of Initial Uncertainty (c) and Veh. Separation |X| on Bias Estimator 2 10 1 10 2 Max. Magnitude of the error term c /2|X| (m) 1m inital position uncertainty (c) 3m inital position uncertainty (c) 5m inital position uncertainty (c) 0 10 −1 10 −2 10 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Separation between the Vehicle |X| (m) Fig. 3.7: Maximum Magnitude of Error Term Uncertainty c and Vehicle Separation |X| c2 2|X| 40 45 50 as Function of Initial Position to less than 0.1 m, although it is still large on the scale on the carrier phase noise. These results show why the previous method (in Section 3.1.1) required a large-scale initialization maneuver to mitigate the effects of the error term [CP00]. The results also indicate that a large linearization error will be included in the bias filter if this term is ignored and a small-scale relative motion (small |X|) is used to estimate the bias state. This analysis shows that in order to obtain the benefits of a small-scale initialization maneuver (Section 3.1), the error term (e) must be accounted for in the filtering process. Although this measurement Eq. 3.21 is exact and no approximation has been used in the development, it is impossible to find the exact value of (1 − cos θ)|X|. It is possible, however, to find an approximate value from the current estimate of X and its covariance PX . From these values, a rough estimate of the measurement 3.1. CYCLE AMBIGUITY ESTIMATION 81 noise covariance matrix R can be computed and used in the EKF. Assuming e is zero mean random variable and independent of the measurement noise ν̄, the R can be expressed as R = where 0 0 0 σ 2 + L σ 2 = E e2 ΣSatellite 0 0 ΣTransmitter c2 E |2X̂| LT (3.23) 2 (3.24) Robust Initialization Algorithm (Second-order Method) One way to compensate for the impact of the e term in the bias estimation algorithm would be to include the second-order term of Eq. 3.9 and ignore the higher order terms in the expansion. Following Eq. 3.11 and 3.18, we have that e = δX T HδX + · · · (3.25) = (1 − cos θ)|X| (3.26) Assuming that the first term in Eq. 3.25 is a reasonably good approximation of the term e, ê is expressed as ê ≡ δX T HδX = Trace (HδXδX T ) (3.27) As before, define L as the left null space of the measurement matrix and then multiply both sides of Eq. 3.12 by L to obtain a measurement equation for the bias state z2 = L δ∆φs δ∆φp = L β̄ + + 0 ê + L ν̄ ∆φs 0 (3.28) Again, it is still impossible to compute the exact value of ê, but the mean of ê can be estimated from the state covariance matrix PX . Assuming the elements of the matrix CHAPTER 3. ROBUST BIAS ESTIMATION ALGORITHM 82 H are deterministic3 , ¯ê ≡ E [ê] = Trace(HE δXδX T ) (3.29) = Trace(HPX ) (3.30) The covariance of ê can be found from the following: σ 2 (ê) ≡ E (ê − ¯ê)2 2 = E δX T HδX δX T HδX − ¯ê 2 = E (Trace(HδXδX T ))2 − ¯ê (3.31) For simplicity, it is assumed that the off-diagonal terms in the matrix H are zero in the computation of the covariance of ê, which gives Trace(HδXδX T ) h11 h22 h33 δx21 δx22 δx23 (3.32) where hjj is the (j, j)th element of the matrix H and δxi is the ith element of the vector δX. Then (Trace(HδXδX T ))2 h11 h22 h33 h11 HX h22 (3.33) h33 where δx41 HX = δx22 δx21 δx23 δx21 3 δx21 δx22 δx21 δx23 δx42 δx23 δx22 δx22 δx23 δx43 (3.34) An assumption that is consistent with the derivation of the extended Kalman filter [AG74]. 3.1. CYCLE AMBIGUITY ESTIMATION 83 Then E (Trace(HδXδX T ))2 h11 h22 h33 h11 E [HX ] h22 (3.35) h33 Kurtosis can be used to estimate the 4th order term in the matrix E [HX ]. Kurtosis is a measure of a skewness of a distribution. The kurtosis of the normal distribution is 3. Distributions that are more “outlier-prone” than the normal distribution have a kurtosis greater than 3 and distributions that are less “outlier-prone” have kurtosis less than 3. The kurtosis of a distribution (x) is defined as K= E[(x − x̄)4 ] σx4 (3.36) Assuming δX is zero mean and has a distribution close to the normal distribution (K = 3), E δx4i = 3σx4i = 3(PX (i, i))2 (3.37) In addition, assuming δx2i and δx2j (i = j) are uncorrelated, E δx2i δx2j E[δx2i ]E[δx2i ] = σx2i σx2j = PX (i, i)PX (j, j) (3.38) Substituting all of these values into Eq. 3.31, the cross-terms (σx2i σx2j ) cancel out and the covariance σ 2 (ê) can be expressed in terms of the diagonal elements of the matrix PX and the matrix H σ 2 (ê) 2 h211 σx41 + h222 σx42 + h233 σx43 (3.39) Using the estimated mean and covariance of ê, we can rewrite the measurement Eq. 3.28 as 0 δ∆φs ∆φs 0 + − z2 = z2 − = L ¯ê ¯ê δ∆φp 0 CHAPTER 3. ROBUST BIAS ESTIMATION ALGORITHM 84 = L β̄ + 0 ê − ¯ê + L ν̄ (3.40) Assuming the zero-mean random variable ê − ¯ê and ν̄ are uncorrelated, then a new noise covariance matrix R2 is defined R2 = 0 0 2 0 σ (ê) + L ΣSatellite 0 0 ΣTransmitter LT (3.41) A Kalman Filter can then be used to update the bias state β̄ with the covariance matrix R2 and a new measurement vector z2 . A sample simulation was conducted to validate the algorithm. The same simulation parameters were selected to be the same as the previous initialization maneuver simulation (Figure 3.1). The initial PX was calculated based on the initial position uncertainty level. Figure 3.8 compares the true value of e = (1 − cos θ)|X| with the estimated mean ¯ê and the 1-σ envelope during the maneuver. Note that the magnitude of e is large (6 m) during the initial phase of the maneuver when the position error is large (initial position error 7.45 m). However, the algorithm was able to estimate the mean and covariance of ê (¯ê and σ(ê)) fairly accurately and compensate for the error term. The final position error in this simulation was approximately 2 cm. Under the same conditions, the final position error of the previous algorithm was as large as 3.19 m since it was not able to account for the large bias error (e). 3.1.3 Performance of Robust Initialization Algorithm The performance of the robust initialization algorithm has been investigated through extensive simulations and comparisons with the previous filtering algorithms. The convergence characteristics of the algorithms in the case where there is large initial position error are presented. Several Monte Carlo simulations were performed to determine the region of algorithm convergence. It is crucial for an algorithm intended for use in real-time operations to convergence with a reasonable initial error. Note that the initial simulation results separate the estimation from the control problem 3.1. CYCLE AMBIGUITY ESTIMATION 85 Estimated Error term 2 10 true e estimated mean of e 1 σ envelope Position Error 1 10 0 10 −1 magnitude (m) 10 −2 10 noise floor −3 10 −4 10 −5 10 −6 10 −7 10 0 20 40 60 80 simulation time (sec) 100 120 140 Figure 3.8: Mean and Covariance of the Term e Estimated By the Robust Initialization Algorithm are Compared to the True e (Position Error Also Shown). Typical Convergence Typical Convergence 10 Initial Position Guess 6 Robust Algorithm Truth Previous Algorithm True Initial/Final Postion 5 4 Initialization Path Direction 0 2 y (m) y (m) −5 0 −10 True Initial / Final Position −2 Initial Position Guess −15 −4 −6 −6 −20 Previous Algorithm Truth Robust Algorithm −4 −2 0 2 4 6 x (m) Fig. 3.9: Convergence Characteristics Comparison (Typical) −25 −30 −25 −20 −15 −10 x (m) −5 0 5 10 Fig. 3.10: Convergence Characteristics Comparison (Extreme case) CHAPTER 3. ROBUST BIAS ESTIMATION ALGORITHM 86 Table 3.1: Final Position Errors Typical Case Extreme Case Initial Error Final Error Initial Error Final Error Previous Algorithm 4.217 m 0.805 m 34.361 m 1.319 m Robust Algorithm 4.217 m 0.017 m 34.361 m 0.011 m for a precise comparison of the robust initialization algorithm with the previous initialization method. Simulation results at the end of this section consider simulations wherein the vehicle control commands are calculated based on the current estimate of the relative position. Convergence Characteristics Figure 3.9 compares the convergence characteristics of the robust initialization algorithm with the previous method. The relative motion used in both cases was a 5 m radius circle around a local transmitter and the true initial and final positions were (5,0)m as shown on the figure. Both algorithms were applied to the same simulated phase measurement as the vehicle underwent the circular motion. The initial position guesses ((0.26, 4.21) m) that were given to both initialization algorithms, however, were approximately 4.2 m away from the true position ((5.0, 0.0) m). As shown in Figure 3.9, the robust initialization algorithm was able to initialize biases and converge to the correct position from the poor initial guess given, but the previous algorithm was not able to account for the large initial error and converged to an erroneous answer. Table 3.1 summarizes the simulation results. The final position error of the robust method is approximately 1.7 cm, but the final error of the previous method is ∼80 cm which is not acceptable in a CDGPS sensing system. In addition, Figure 3.10 compares the convergence characteristics when the initial position error was very large (∼34 m). Even in this case, the robust algorithm was able to initialize the bias, but the previous algorithm failed to converge to the correct answer. 3.1. CYCLE AMBIGUITY ESTIMATION 87 Convergence Map 40 30 30 20 INCONSISTENT CONVERGENCE 20 10 y position error (m) y position error (m) Convergence Map 40 0 ALWAYS CONVERGE −10 ALWAYS CONVERGE 10 0 −10 Error bound of code DGPS sensor (5m) Error bound of code DGPS sensor (5m) −20 −20 INCONSISTENT CONVERGENCE −30 −40 −40 −30 −30 −20 −10 0 10 x position error (m) 20 30 40 −40 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 x position error (m) 20 30 40 Fig. 3.11: Convergence Map After 5 m Fig. 3.12: Convergence Map After 5 m Radius Circular Motion: Previous algo- Radius Circular Motion: Robust algorithm rithm Convergence Maps In order to evaluate the impact of the initial position error on the improved initialization algorithm, 50,000 Monte Carlo simulations were performed. In the Monte Carlo runs, the mobile vehicle was placed at (5,0) m relative to the reference vehicle and the initial position error was randomly given. The vehicle then started a prescribed 5 m radius circular motion. The average final horizontal position estimate errors were computed at the end of the maneuver. Figures 3.11 and 3.12 show the region of algorithm convergence (final position error less than 5 cm) with respect to x and y errors in the initial position estimate. The vehicle position during the initialization maneuver was perfect; there were no deviations from the designated circular path. However, the vehicle’s knowledge of its position was erroneous and the size of the initial error was given by the x and y axes in the figures. Figure 3.11 shows the convergence region of the previous method which ignores the second order and higher terms. The convergence region is roughly ∼3 m wide in y and ∼4 m wide in x, which is barely the size of the navigation sensor error (∼5 m) of code-based single-frequency DGPS (typical source for the initial position estimate) [BWP96-1]. Figure 3.12, on CHAPTER 3. ROBUST BIAS ESTIMATION ALGORITHM 88 Convergence Map Convergence Map 10 10 INCONSISTENT CONVERGENCE INCONSISTENT CONVERGENCE 5 y position error (m) y position error (m) 5 ALWAYS CONVERGE 0 −5 ALWAYS CONVERGE 0 −5 Error bound of code DGPS sensor (5m) Error bound of code DGPS sensor (5m) −10 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 x position error (m) 4 6 8 10 −10 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 x position error (m) 4 6 8 10 Fig. 3.13: Convergence Map (con- Fig. 3.14: Convergence Map (control trol based on current estimate): Previous based on current estimate): Robust algomethod rithm the other hand, shows the convergence region of the robust algorithm that includes the second order term. As shown, the convergence region is much larger and well exceeds the accuracy expected from differential code based methods. Both convergence maps also show the error bound of code based DGPS sensor (5 m radius circle). Real-Time Control The previous convergence maps and the convergence characteristics plots were generated based on the perfect initialization trajectory (5 m circle selected) in order to compare the algorithm characteristics under the exact same conditions (exact same phase measurements). However, in a real-time system, the vehicle motion would be determined by the current estimate of the vehicle position, which could have a large error. Therefore, a second set of Monte Carlo simulations were conducted where the vehicle controls were solely based on the current knowledge of its position. As a result, the vehicle may not have been able to perform the desired circular motion, and it often underwent maneuvers that generated very small line-of-sight changes. Therefore, the size of the convergence region of the both algorithms shrunk to a certain 3.1. CYCLE AMBIGUITY ESTIMATION 89 degree. Figures 3.13 and 3.14 show the convergence maps of the previous method and the robust algorithm, respectively. The robust algorithm has a smaller convergence region than before, but it maintains a convergence region that is larger than the error bound of the code based DGPS sensor (5 m radius circle). Therefore, the robust algorithm can still guarantee the convergence. On the other hand, the convergence region of the previous initialization algorithm is much smaller than the size of the code DGPS error bound and clearly cannot guarantee the convergence. 3.1.4 Selection of Initialization Path In the previous sections, circular initialization maneuvers (360◦ line-of-sight change) are used in the investigation of the previous and robust algorithms. However, it is possible to choose different types of motion and there are several issues in the selection of the initialization paths: 1. It may not be possible to perform full 360◦ motion around the local transmitter for various reasons. 2. Distance between the vehicles during the maneuver must be chosen to avoid collisions. Figure 3.15 shows various types of initialization paths in addition to the 360◦ circular maneuver. In some cases, such as the air-to-air refueling mission, the Power Sail missions (Chapter 5), and the aircraft landing mission [BP96], less than 360◦ motion around a local transmitter is possible in the initialization process. Thus the non-circular initialization maneuvers shown in Figure 3.15 are often performed in real systems [BP96, MOC97]. Depending on the initial uncertainty level, less than 360◦ motion can be sufficient to initialize the cycle ambiguity states (to less than a specified tolerance). For example, figure 3.16 shows the position error magnitude as a function of the line-of-sight change. In the simulation, a vehicle was undergoing a 5 m radius circular manuever with random initial errors. The mean initial position error magnitude was approximately 4 m. With this level of initial uncertainty, about 200◦ motion was required to initialize the bias to a sufficient accuracy (5 cm). On CHAPTER 3. ROBUST BIAS ESTIMATION ALGORITHM 90 (a) 90 Degree LOS Sweep (b) 270 Degree LOS Sweep 10 10 5 5 0 0 −5 −5 −10 −10 −5 0 5 −10 −10 10 (c) 360 Degree LOS Sweep 10 5 5 0 0 −5 −5 −5 0 5 0 5 10 (d) 360 Degree Spiral 10 −10 −10 −5 −10 −10 10 −5 0 5 10 Fig. 3.15: Various Possible Initialization Paths Convergence Characteristics Convergence Characteristics 5 Mean Position Error 1σ Envelope 4.5 Mean Position Error 1σ Envelope 1.4 4 1.2 Mean Position Error (m) 3.5 Position Error (m) 3 2.5 2 5cm convergence 1.5 1 1 0.8 0.6 5cm convergence 0.4 0.5 0.2 0 −0.5 0 100 200 300 400 Sweep Angle (deg) 500 600 700 0 0 90 180 270 360 450 Sweep Angle (deg) 540 630 720 Fig. 3.16: Position Error as a Function Fig. 3.17: Position Error as a Function of the LOS change (small initial error) of the LOS Change 3.2. SUMMARY 91 the other hand, only 120◦ motion was necessary if the initial error magnitude was approximately 1 m, as shown on Figure 3.17. In some mission scenarios, it may be desirable to form a tight formation or very small scale initialization maneuvers [DSS92]. In order to avoid collisions, the vehicle separation must be greater than the uncertainty level of the relative position knowledge, at all times. In this case, types of initialization maneuver such as the one shown in Figure 3.15-(d) can be used, in which the vehicle separation decreases as the line-ofsight angle changes and the confidence level of the bias estimates increases. The rate of the decrease can be determined by the convergence rates shown on Figures 3.16 and 3.17, depending on the initial uncertainty level. For example, if the targeted final separation is ∼1 m and the initial uncertainty is about 4 m, the vehicles can be commanded to form a 1 m separation only after the vehicle has finished 120◦ relative motion (Figure 3.16) since, after this motion, the relative position error should be less than 1 m and a collision avoidance can be assured. 3.2 Summary A robust initialization algorithm that accounts for the effect of the large initial error is presented and it is demonstrated in various simulations that the algorithm converges, even with the relatively poor initial position estimates available from coarse sensors such as code DGPS. This feature makes the new algorithm suitable for real-time applications such as an autonomous land vehicle system [MOC97], aircraft landing system [BP96], and aerial refueling and spacecraft docking missions where the realtime position estimates, as well as system robustness, are required. This algorithm was implemented in the real-time system and an autonomous bias initialization maneuver was successfully demonstrated using both RC Trucks and outdoor robots. Chapter 6 presents the experimental results along with the experimental convergence characteristics of the algorithm. Chapter 4 Quasi-Optimal Satellite Selection This chapter presents a quasi-optimal satellite selection method that is able to select near-optimal geometries of the NAVSTAR and local constellations with significantly fewer computations than are typically required by conventional methods. It includes a comparison of the performance of the quasi-optimal selection method with other existing selection methods. Finally, computational loads of the optimal and the quasioptimal methods are compared and various simulation results are presented. 4.1 Satellite Selection In contrast to terrestrial users, spacecraft in LEO typically observe more than 10 visible NAVSTAR satellites throughout their orbit. A typical plot of the number of visible satellites for approximately one LEO orbit is shown in Figure 4.2. Note that as many as 13 satellites are visible in this orbit. In a formation with ns vehicles, there are ns -1 local range measurements available in addition to these 10–13 NAVSTAR measurements. Figure 4.1 illustrates a spacecraft formation observing the combined local and NAVSTAR constellations. Using all of the available measurements from all of the visible satellites may be the simplest choice in the position and velocity estimation. However, many receivers have a limit on the number of channels available, and there is a significant computational load associated with performing the estimation with a large number of measurements (Figure 2.7). These computational 92 4.1. SATELLITE SELECTION 93 NAVSTAR GPS Constellation Spacecraft Formation Onboard Transmitter Figure 4.1: Combined Local and NAVSTAR Constellation difficulties and hardware limitations can be avoided by selecting a small subset of the visible satellites. However, this selection must be performed with care, since a poor selection of the geometry can have a significant impact on the performance of the estimation. The PDOP (Position Dilution of Precision) is typically used as a measure of the measurement geometry, and a good rule of thumb [GPS96] is that Effective noise = PDOP × sensor noise (4.1) Thus it is critical to have a measurement geometry that provides a small PDOP. For example, Figure 4.3 shows typical minimum and maximum PDOP values in LEO as a function of the number of satellites used in the measurement equation. There are a total of 13 visible satellites and 4–13 satellites are selected (x-axis). Then the minimum PDOP (optimal PDOP) and the maximum PDOP (worst case PDOP) were computed for a given number of selected satellites. The figure shows that, if the optimal selection can be ensured, then there is a minimal increase in PDOP by CHAPTER 4. QUASI-OPTIMAL SATELLITE SELECTION 94 Number of Visible Satellites 15 14.5 number of satellites 14 13.5 13 12.5 12 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 time (sec) 5000 6000 7000 Figure 4.2: Number of Visible Satellites selecting only 6–9 satellites instead of using all 13 satellites (< 0.38%). However, the worst case PDOP is shown to increase dramatically as the number of measurements used is reduced. These results indicate that it is essential for a LEO spacecraft to be able to select a subset of the large number of the visible satellites that provides a good geometry. 4.2 Optimal Satellite Selection A subset of the visible satellites should be chosen such that it provides good constellation geometry and minimizes the degradation of the estimation accuracy. This problem can be posed as an optimization where the objective is to select the subset of the satellites that minimizes the PDOP (Position Dilution of Precision). The 4.2. OPTIMAL SATELLITE SELECTION 95 Min. Max. PDOP values 2 10 Minimum PDOP (Optimal) Maximum PDOP (Worst case) Total visible satellites = 13 4−13 satellites can be selected. 1 PDOP 10 Minimum PDOP achievable with 6 satellites 0 10 Minimum PDOP achievable with 9 satellites 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Number of Measurements Used 11 12 13 Figure 4.3: Minimum and Maximum PDOP Values of Selected Subset of Satellites PDOP [JJS96] is defined as " PDOP = H = Trace (H T H)−1 los1 los2 .. . losn (4.2) (4.3) where H is the measurement matrix and n is the number of measurements selected. However, in order to find the optimal selection, PDOP values for all possible measurement combinations must be computed and compared. For example, if there are N visible signals and only n satellites are to be selected, the PDOP value must be CHAPTER 4. QUASI-OPTIMAL SATELLITE SELECTION 96 Number of Floating Point Operations Required to Select 6 Satellites 7 10 6 Floating Point Operation Count 10 5 10 4 10 3 10 7 8 9 10 11 12 Number of satellites in view 13 14 15 Fig. 4.4: Computational Load Required for Optimal Selection of Satellites computed N times. Calculating a single PDOP value requires one matrix muln tiplication and one matrix inversion. Therefore, the total floating point operations required to find the optimal solution can be very large and grows rapidly as the number of the visible satellites increases. Figure 4.4 shows the number of floating operations required to select the optimal subset of the visible satellites when 6 channels are available for tracking NAVSTAR satellites. Since the lines-of-sight from the formation to the NAVSTAR satellites are changing rapidly in LEO, these computations must be done very frequently. Moreover, if there are ns vehicles in the formation, the entire set of computations must be repeated ns −1 times for each vehicle in the formation because the vehicles observe different local constellations. For these reasons, it is virtually impossible to use the optimal selection method in real-time applications. 4.3. SUB-OPTIMAL SATELLITE SELECTION ALGORITHMS 4.3 97 Sub-optimal Satellite Selection Algorithms Several existing sub-optimal selection algorithms are introduced and briefly explained in this section. These methods are capable of selecting a subset of satellites that forms a geometry close to the optimal geometry, but with certain limitations. 4.3.1 Highest Elevation Satellite Selection Algorithm The most popular method used in the terrestrial applications is the the highest elevation satellites selection method. In principal, this method selects the subset of satellites with the highest elevations with respect to the user. The algorithm requires very little computation and provides reasonably good measurement geometries for terrestrial users since the vertical direction is usually the worst. However, this scheme can often provide a very poor geometry for LEO spacecraft because it is possible that there are a large number of satellites at high elevations, and these are the only satellites that would be selected. 4.3.2 Kihara’s Maximum Volume Method Kihara and Okada developed a selection method [MK83] that selects 4 satellites. The method is based on the idea that PDOP tends to be inversely proportional to the volume of the tetrahedron formed by the four line-of-sight vectors from the user to the satellites. [MK83] has shown that √ 1 A 1 PDOP = ∝ 6 V V (4.4) where V is the volume of the tetrahedron and the scalar quantity A is function of the elements of the line-of-sight vectors. This method selects 4 satellites that maximizes the volume of the tetrahedron with certain conditions. The method is summarized as follows. 1. Select the satellite (S1) with the highest elevation. 2. Select the satellite (S2) which has the angle to S1 nearest to 109.5◦ . CHAPTER 4. QUASI-OPTIMAL SATELLITE SELECTION 98 3. Select the satellites (S3 and S4) that maximizes the volume of tetrahedron. It is shown that this method provides an acceptable geometry with reasonable computational loads [MK83]. However, the volume of the tetrahedron may not correctly represent the PDOP value since it is also a function of A (Eq 4.4). Also, this method is not directly applicable to the case where more than 4 satellites are to be selected. Since the minimum number of satellites required in the relative position and clock bias estimation is 4, it is desirable to select, in general, more than 4 satellites to increase estimation robustness and to reduce the degradation in the estimation accuracy by selecting subsets (Figure 4.3). 4.3.3 Four-step Selection Algorithm Li developed a four-step satellite selection algorithm [JL99] for the Stanford Gravity Probe-B spacecraft. The algorithm is able to select 4 satellites that form near optimal geometries with reduced computational loads. The satellites are sequentially selected based on the idea that a regular tetrahederon forms the optimal geometry when 4 measurements are to be chosen. The four-step selection algorithm can be summarized as follows [JL99]. 1. Select the satellite (F1) with the highest elevation. 2. Select the second satellite (F2) that has the largest angular separation from F1. 3. Based on F1 and F2, a reference triad can be formed and a regular tetrahedron can be defined in that triad. The third satellite (F3) is selected that has the smallest angular separation to either of the two vertices of the tetrahederon not populated by F1 or F2. 4. From the remaining visible satellites, F4 is selected such that the selected set of 4 satellites minimizes the PDOP (requires N-3 PDOP computations). Although this algorithm yields a near optimal subset of satellites with reduced computational load, it is designed to select only 4 satellites. It is possible to continue selecting beyond 4 satellites by comparing PDOP values of all possible combinations, but the performance is expected to be limited since the algorithm is based on the 4.4. QUASI-OPTIMAL SATELLITE SELECTION 99 Cost Function 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 Cost 0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 −0.8 −1 −180 −135 −90 −45 0 45 Angle between the LOS vectors (deg) 90 135 180 Fig. 4.5: Cost Function cos 2θij tetrahedron. Also, the final step (step 4) is no different than the procedure of the optimal method with fewer satellites, which incorporates matrix inversions. 4.4 Quasi-optimal Satellite Selection This section presents a quasi-optimal satellite selection method that yields nearoptimal constellation geometries without restrictions on the number of satellites. The approach also significantly reduces the computational load. Cost Function The intuitive concept that line-of-sight vectors that are close to each other are redundant inspired the simple cost function used in this selection algorithm. Figure 4.5 shows the cost function for the ith and j th measurement pair. Jij = cos 2θij (4.5) 100 CHAPTER 4. QUASI-OPTIMAL SATELLITE SELECTION The cost is a function of the angle between the line-of-sight vectors losi and losj , or θij . This function indicates that the cost is high if the two vectors are close to collinear (θij ∼ = 0◦ or θij ∼ = ±180◦ ) and the lowest if they form a right-angle (θij ∼ = 90◦ ). Therefore, the cost for the ith measurement can be defined as a sum of the costs between the ith measurement and all other measurements (j = 1, 2, . . . , N). Ji = N # (cos 2θij ) (4.6) j=1 where N is the total number of measurements available. This cost gives a direct measure of the degree of redundancy of the ith measurement, given the other measurements available. The cost can be computed for all measurements Ji for i = 1, 2, . . . , N, which can be used to determine the most redundant measurements. Quasi-optimal Selection Algorithm Define the N × m measurement line-of-sight matrix H (m is the number of states) and compute the N × N matrix D as los1 los2 H = .. . losN (4.7) D = HH T = cos θ11 cos θ12 cos θ21 .. . cos θ22 .. . · · · cos θ1N · · · cos θ2N .. .. . . cos θN 1 cos θN 2 · · · cos θN N (4.8) Each element in the symmetric matrix D, dij , represents the cosine of the angle between two line-of-sight vectors losi and losj . The cost for the ith measurement Ji 4.4. QUASI-OPTIMAL SATELLITE SELECTION 101 can be expressed in terms of dij Ji = N # (cos 2θij ) = j=1 N # (2 cos2 (θij ) − 1) (4.9) j=1 = N # (2d2ij − 1) (4.10) j=1 The cost for the ith measurement is expressed in terms of a sum of the squares of all the elements in the ith row of the matrix D. The cost Ji , i = 1, 2, . . . , N can be computed and the measurement (k1 ) with the highest cost Jk1 identified Jk1 = maxi {J1 , J2 , . . . , JN } (4.11) The procedure is then to remove the k1th measurement since the cost indicates that it is the most redundant, and thus provides the least additional information. The k1th row and column are then deleted from the D matrix. The new matrix is named D(k1 ) . The process is then repeated, computing the new costs Ji ’s for the (N − 1) × (N − 1) matrix D(k1 ) , and the highest cost Jk2 can be identified Ji = N −1 # (2d2(k1 ),ij − 1) (4.12) Jk 2 = maxi {J1 , J2 , . . . , JN −1 } (4.13) j=1 where d(k1 ),ij = (i, j)th element of the matrix D(k1 ) . Then, the k2th row and column can be removed from the matrix D(k1 ) to form D(k1 ,k2 ) . This sequence is repeated until the desired number (n) of measurements remain. The final n × m measurement matrix H n will then have the k1 , k2, . . . , kN −n rows removed. In a practical implementation, the Ji is not calculated by reformulating the matrix D(k1 ) and summing squares of the elements as shown in Eq. 4.12. Rather, in order to minimize the computations, Ji can be computed from the previous cost Ji . Ji = Ji − (2d2ik1 − 1) (4.14) CHAPTER 4. QUASI-OPTIMAL SATELLITE SELECTION 102 1.5 θ = 80 ° 3 θ = 100 ° 4 1 0.5 θ = 5.0 ° 2 0 θ1=−5.1 ° −0.5 −1 Line−of−sight vectors Optimal Selection (PDOP = 2.0147) −1.5 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 Figure 4.6: Optimal Selection (selecting 2 out of 4) The reason why a sequential/iterative method is chosen to filter out the most redundant measurements rather than selecting multiple measurements from the first set of costs {J1 , J2 , . . . , JN } is described in the following. The cost of the quasi-optimal Ji method is based on the cost of a single measurement pair Jij (i.e., Ji is the sum of the costs calculated pair-wise). Therefore, the measurement corresponding to the second largest cost is, in general, not the most redundant measurement after Jk1 has been removed. The following simple example compares the sequential method with the method that removes N − n measurements in a single step without recomputing the cost functions. Figure 4.6 shows four 2-D line-of-sight vectors located at {−5.1◦ , 5◦ , 80◦ , 100◦ }. The optimal set of 2 vectors are also shown for the case where 2 measurements are to be selected. Figure 4.7-(a) shows the 4 measurements with the costs. Figure 4.7-(b) shows the result of one-step selection which removed 4.4. QUASI-OPTIMAL SATELLITE SELECTION (b) Selected 2 satellites in one step with lowest cost (a) Cost of Each measurement 1.5 103 1.5 −0.083 1 −0.085 1 0.5 0.5 0.088 0 0 0.089 −0.5 −0.5 −1 −1 −1.5 −1.5 PDOP= 17.1 −1 0 1 (c) Step 1: Deselected 1 satellite with the highest cost and calculated new costs 1.5 1 0.7812 0.900 −1 0 1 (d) Step 2: Deselected the second satellite based on the new costs. 1.5 1 0.5 0.5 −0.858 0 0 −0.5 −0.5 −1 −1 −1.5 −1.5 −1 0 1 PDOP= 2.0153 −1 0 1 Figure 4.7: Quasi-optimal Selection (sequential vs. one-step method) (se- lecting 2 out of 4) the two most redundant (highest cost) measurements. In this case, the resulting PDOP is about 17, which is much higher than the optimal PDOP (2.0147). On the other hand, Figures 4.7-(c) and 4.7-(d) illustrate two steps of the sequential selection scheme. In the first step (Figure 4.7-(c)), the measurement with the highest cost is removed and new costs are computed for the three remaining measurements. Then, the measurement with the highest cost is eliminated. The resulting PDOP is 2.0153, which is only slightly higher (0.3%) than the optimal PDOP (2.0147). The reason why the quasi-optimal method did not select the optimal set of measurements can be found in the first step. In that step, the measurement with the highest cost is the one at −5.1◦ . Thus this measurement is eliminated in the quasi-optimal method. However, for optimality (2 measurements forming as close to 90◦ as possible), the 104 CHAPTER 4. QUASI-OPTIMAL SATELLITE SELECTION measurement at −5.1◦ should be retained since the measurement at −5.1◦ together with the one at 80◦ form 85.1◦, which is the nearest pair to 90◦ . However, this simple example shows that a combination of an appropriate cost function and sequential selection algorithm provide a very powerful selection algorithm that gets very close to the optimal geometry. The following sections show that the quasi-optimal algorithm has been applied to various measurement geometries to evaluate the performance of this approach. Selection from Random Geometry The quasi-optimal algorithm and optimal algorithm are applied to 1000 randomly generated line-of-sight matrices. The test assumed that there are 10 visible satellites, but only 6 are to be selected. In this case, there exist 210 combinations that can be formed from 10 satellites. For each of the 1000 randomly generated matrices, the quasi-optimal PDOP value is computed, as were the PDOP values for all 210 possible combinations. The optimal set of 6 satellites can be found from these 210 combinations. Figure 4.8 shows a typical result of the process. The 10 randomly generated line-of-sight vectors (one associated with each of the 10 satellites) and the 6 vectors selected by the quasi-optimal algorithm are shown in the figure. In this particular run, the quasi-optimal selection agreed with the optimal. In fact, the quasioptimal algorithm yielded the optimal answer in 473 cases out of the 1000 cases. Note that the four highest elevation satellites are not selected in either the optimal or the quasi-optimal method (see Figure 4.8). This indicates that very poor PDOP could result if the highest elevation selection algorithm had been applied to this geometry. 4.4.1 Validation of Quasi-Optimal Algorithm This typical result is also presented in terms of the PDOP values. Figure 4.9 shows the possible PDOP values that correspond to all 210 combinations for this one random configuration along with the single PDOP value for the satellites selected by the quasi-optimal method. The possible PDOP values are arranged in ascending order. 4.4. QUASI-OPTIMAL SATELLITE SELECTION 105 Line of Sights of Satellites 90 1 60 120 0.8 Satellites in View Quasi−optimal Selection Optimal Selection 150 0.6 30 0.4 0.2 180 0 210 330 240 300 270 Fig. 4.8: Polar Plot Showing Lines-of-sight to Satellites in View and Satellites Selected Using Optimal and Quasi-optimal Methods (Note that the four highest elevation satellites are not selected) All Possible PDOP Values and PDOP Value of Quasi−Optimal Method 2 10 PDOP value PDOP Quasi−Optimal PDOP 1 10 0 10 0 50 100 150 index of 210 combinations 200 250 Fig. 4.9: All Possible PDOP values and PDOP of Quasi-optimal Method CHAPTER 4. QUASI-OPTIMAL SATELLITE SELECTION 106 Line of Sights of Satellites 90 1 60 120 0.8 0.6 30 150 0.4 0.2 180 0 210 330 Satellites in View Quasi−optimal Selection 300Selection Optimal 240 270 Fig. 4.10: Quasi-optimal Selection (worst case) All Possible PDOP Values and PDOP Value of Quasi−Optimal Method 3 10 PDOP Quasi−Optimal PDOP 2 PDOP value 10 1 10 0 10 0 50 100 150 200 250 index Fig. 4.11: PDOP Values of Quasi-optimal Selection (worst case) 4.4. QUASI-OPTIMAL SATELLITE SELECTION 107 Quasi−optimal Highest Elevation 100 100 Selection from Random Measurement Geometry (N=1000) 80 80 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 1 ζ 1.5 =(GDOP quasi 2 2.5 )/(GDOP quasi Selection from Random Measurement Geometry (N=1000) 90 % % 90 3 ) optimal 0 1 ζ 1.5 =(GDOP highElev 2 2.5 )/(GDOP highElev 3 ) optimal Figure 4.12: Distribution of ζ. (Selection from Random Geometry) To further analyze this performance, Figure 4.10 shows the worst case selection made by the quasi-optimal method (1000 selections). As can be seen from the figure, the only significant difference between the quasi-optimal and optimal selections (even in this worst of 1000 cases) is that the quasi-optimal method selected the satellite at 160◦ azimuth angle instead the one at 10◦ azimuth. Because an azimuth of 160◦ is equivalent to −20◦ in the cost function, the quasi-optimal selection was close to the optimal selection (within 30◦ ). The resulting PDOP was approximately 23% higher than the optimal PDOP (see Figure 4.11). But as can be seen in this figure, the PDOP value in this worst case from the quasi-optimal method still provides acceptable performance. The optimality measure of the algorithm is defined as ratio of the PDOP of suboptimal algorithm to the optimal PDOP (ζquasi ). For the quasi-optimal algorithm, 108 CHAPTER 4. QUASI-OPTIMAL SATELLITE SELECTION ζquasi is defined as ζquasi = PDOPquasi PDOPoptimal (4.15) The magnitude of ζ provides an indication of the size of the error ellipse of the algorithm compared to the optimal error ellipse. Figure 4.12 compares the performance (ζquasi and ζhighest) of the two suboptimal algorithms for all 1000 cases. To generate this figure, the quasi-optimal, highest elevation, and optimal algorithms were applied to the 1000 random geometries and the distributions of the ζ values are generated (bin size = 0.05). The figure clearly shows that the quasi-optimal algorithm is very similar to the optimal algorithm (ζquasi ∼ = 1, max(ζquasi ) = 1.234), but the highest elevation selection method is far from optimal in many cases (ζhighest = 1– 4, max(ζhighest) = 35.853). Selection of NAVSTAR signals in the LEO Environment A more realistic set of measurement geometries were generated from the LEO simulations and the selection algorithms were applied to these simulated NAVSTAR constellation geometries. In this simulation, the LEO spacecraft formation without the onboard transmitters completes 5 orbit periods (∼450min) and performs 1000 constellation geometry selections using the quasi-optimal, highest-elevation, 4-step, and optimal algorithms. Figure 4.13 shows the distribution of ζ for each of the suboptimal methods. In this test, 4 satellites are selected from 12–15 visible satellites in order to compare the quasi-optimal and highest elevation selection algorithms with the 4-step algorithm that only selects 4 satellites. Figure 4.13 clearly shows that the quasi-optimal algorithm outperforms the other sub-optimal algorithms, including the 4-step selection algorithm. Figure 4.14, shows the distribution of ζ’s when 6 satellites are selected from the same simulated constellation geometries. However, the 4-step selection algorithm only selected 4 satellites since that is the limit of the algorithm (although it can be forced to select more). It is clear in the figure that the ζf ourstep value is substantially increased since the optimal method selected 6 satellites as well. Also note that the highest elevation selection method performs much better than the case where 4 satellites 4.4. QUASI-OPTIMAL SATELLITE SELECTION Quasi−optimal Highest Elevation 80 4−step Method 80 Orbit Simulation 5 orbit (N=1000) Selected 4 satellites 80 Orbit Simulation 5 orbit (N=1000) Selected 4 satellites 70 70 60 60 50 50 50 40 % 60 % % 70 109 40 40 30 30 30 20 20 20 10 10 10 0 1 2 3 (PDOPquasi)/(PDOPoptimal) 0 1 2 3 (PDOPhighElev)/(PDOPoptimal) Orbit Simulation 5 orbit (N=1000) Selected 4 satellites 0 1 2 3 (PDOPfourstep)/(PDOPoptimal) Figure 4.13: Distribution of ζ when 4 Satellites are Selected. (LEO simulation) are selected from the random geometries. It is because the NAVSTAR constellation is designed to provide good measurement geometry to the terrestrial users with a reasonable elevation mask angle. However, the quasi-optimal selection algorithm again outperformed the other methods, which shows that the ζquasi distributions are almost independent of the geometries of provided or number of satellites being selected. Selection from LEO Spacecraft Formation A vehicle in an ns spacecraft formation could observe local constellation (ranging signals from other vehicles) in the formation in additiona to the NAVSTAR constellation. This adds to the total number of measurements to choose from and complicates the geometry of the overall visible constellation. Again, the quasi-optimal algorithm CHAPTER 4. QUASI-OPTIMAL SATELLITE SELECTION 110 Quasi−optimal Highest Elevation 100 Orbit Simulation 5 orbit (N=1000) Selected 6 satellites 90 100 Orbit Simulation 5 orbit (N=1000) Selected 6 satellites 90 80 80 70 70 70 60 60 60 50 % 80 % % 90 4−step Method 100 50 50 40 40 40 30 30 30 20 20 20 10 10 10 0 1 (PDOP 2 )/(PDOP quasi 3 ) optimal 0 1 (PDOP 2 )/(PDOP highElev 3 ) optimal Orbit Simulation 5 orbit (N=1000) Selected 4 satellites 0 1 (PDOP 2 )/(PDOP fourstep 3 ) optimal Figure 4.14: Distribution of ζ when 6 Satellites are Selected. (LEO simulation) and the highest elevation satellite selection algorithms are applied to the simulated combined local and NAVSTAR constellation. Figure 4.15 shows the distribution of ζ for each algorithm. Since, from the algorithms’ point of view, including the local constellation has the same effect as including more measurements, the distributions are similar to Figure 4.14. In this simulation, the local and NAVSTAR measurements are treated equally, allowing the local measurements to be eliminated. However, it may desirable to keep all the local measurements in certain mission scenarios since they may contain inter-spacecraft data or they may have higher resolution than the NAVSTAR signals. This situation is better handled by the quasi-optimal selection structure since the algorithm can be easily modified such that local measurements are not allowed to be rejected. In this case, selection of the NAVSTAR signals will consider the fact that there is a pre-selected local constellation. The other selection 4.4. QUASI-OPTIMAL SATELLITE SELECTION Quasi−optimal Highest Elevation 100 100 5 Vehicle Formation Orbit Simulation, 5 orbit (N=1000) Selected 6 Measurements 90 80 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 1 2 (PDOP 3 )/(PDOP quasi 5 Vehicle Formation Orbit Simulation, 5 orbit (N=1000) Selected 6 Measurements 90 % % 80 0 111 4 0 1 ) optimal 2 (PDOP 3 )/(PDOP highElev 4 ) optimal Figure 4.15: Distribution of ζ when 6 Measurements are Selected. (LEO simulation, 5 Vehicle Formation) methods cannot readily handle this situation and it is possible that they would select NAVSTAR measurements that overlap with the local constellation. Section 4.4.4 generalizes this aspect of the selection problem by enabling weighting factors for the quasi-optimal selection process. Ground Users Users on the surface of the Earth can typically see 6–9 satellites. Because there are a small number of visible satellites, it is often possible to use the optimal method or use all of the measurements available (unless there are a large number of local range measurements in addition to the NAVSTAR constellation). However, to further examine the performance of the quasi-optimal algorithm, the algorithm is applied to CHAPTER 4. QUASI-OPTIMAL SATELLITE SELECTION 112 Highest Elevation 100 90 90 80 80 70 70 60 60 % % Quasi−optimal 100 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 1 2 (PDOP 3 )/(PDOP quasi 4 ) optimal 0 1 2 (PDOP 3 )/(PDOP highElev 4 ) optimal Figure 4.16: Distribution of ζ when 6 Measurements are Selected. (Ground simulation) a simulated terrestrial environment. The following simulation results (Figure 4.16) show the distribution of ζ for two algorithms. In this simulation, a user was stationary at the Equator and selects 6 satellites from 7–10 visible satellites. As expected, the highest elevation satellite selection method performs slightly better on the ground than in LEO. However, the quasi-optimal selection method performed extremely well (max ζquasi ∼ = 1.04). These results indicate that the quasi-optimal selection method could also be useful for terrestrial applications. 4.4.2 Computational Load The computational efficiency of the quasi-optimal algorithm is presented in this section. Figure 4.17 compares the number of floating point operations required for the 4.4. QUASI-OPTIMAL SATELLITE SELECTION 113 Number of Floating Point Operations Required to Select 6 Sats 7 10 Quasi−optimal Optimal Four−step 6 Floating Point Operation Count 10 5 10 4 10 Four−step Algorithm Selected 4 satellites 3 10 2 10 7 8 9 10 11 12 Number of satellites in view 13 14 15 Figure 4.17: Computational Loads Required in Each Method optimal, quasi-optimal, and 4-step solutions. It assumes that 6 satellites are to be selected from the given number of visible satellites shown in the x-axis (7–15 satellites). However, the four-step algorithm only selects 4 satellites from the 7–15 satellites. The graph shows that the number of floating point operations required for the optimal satellite selection grows rapidly as the number of visible satellites increases. The quasi-optimal algorithm shows a moderate increase, but it offers 2–3 orders of magnitude savings in the computational load when compared to the optimal method for 13 satellites (typical LEO case). CHAPTER 4. QUASI-OPTIMAL SATELLITE SELECTION 114 4.4.3 Other Cost Functions Faster Algorithm A faster version of the quasi-optimal algorithm can be developed by using a different cost function Jia . By taking the 1-norm of the ith row instead of the sum of the squares of the elements in the ith row, the overall number of floating point operations can be reduced by about 30%. Jia = N # j=1 | cos(θij )| = N # |dij | (4.16) j=1 However, the faster algorithm does not perform as well as the regular quasi-optimal algorithm described in the previous sections. This is because the cost function cos(2θ) is sharper around θ = 0◦ , ±180◦ and smoother around θ = ±90◦ than the cost function | cos θ|. 4.4.4 Weighted Quasi-optimal Selection Algorithm The optimal geometry does not necessarily provide the optimal position and velocity estimates. There are other factors that determine the accuracy of the estimates. Certainly, these factors can be accounted for in the position/velocity estimation step. However, if there are a large number of measurements available, it would also be wise to consider these factors in the selection process. The quasi-optimal selection process allows the inclusion of a weighting term for each of measurements that can be based on factors other than the geometry. These factors could include the quality of the signal and the covariance of the carrier phase bias estimates. The quality of the measured signal is determined by the signal to noise ratio or the elevation angle of the signal since the signals that travel through the earth atmosphere are often degraded/delayed. The covariance of the bias estimate also indicates the quality of the carrier phase measurements. In addition, the local range measurements may have higher accuracy than the NAVSTAR signals and, in some cases, it is highly desirable not to reject these measurements. These factors must be considered in the measurement selection 4.5. SUMMARY 115 and the quasi-optimal algorithm can incorporate these weighting factors in a very efficient way. Recall that Ji is the cost for the ith measurement. Ji = N # (cos 2θij ) (4.17) j=1 The cost for the ith measurement can be multiplied by the relative weighting factor wi which is calculated based on the factors discussed above. This gives the weighted cost Jiw for the ith measurement Jiw = wi N # (cos 2θij ) (4.18) j=1 Then, the algorithm eliminates the measurement corresponding to the maximum weighted cost. The weighted quasi-optimal selection algorithm then provides near optimal selection for a given geometry and quality of the measurements. It can also be used to substantially reduce the number of satellites switching that cause the slow convergence of the carrier phase ambiguity states and less smooth state estimates. The number of satellite switching is reduced by weighting the cost function with the covariance of the bias states. For example, signals with good bias estimates are less likely to be eliminated unless they form a bad geometry. 4.5 Summary In conclusion, the quasi-optimal method is shown to provide near-optimal satellite geometry with significantly reduced computational effort than previously published algorithms. As a result, the quasi-optimal algorithm is well suitable for the real-time applications that require frequent geometry updates (∼ 1Hz), which is especially true for LEO formation flying applications where a large number of (local and NAVSTAR) measurements are available. Chapter 5 Mission Simulations A series of simulations were conducted in order to assess the benefits and the limitations of using onboard transmitters on the formation flying vehicles. These simulations involved multiple spacecraft in various Earth orbits and multiple aircraft performing an aerial rendezvous. The first set of simulations show the improvements in the state and bias estimates that can be obtained by including a simple orbit model and the onboard transmitter measurements. The next section simulates long baseline formation flying spacecraft and evaluates the effect of the long baseline correction terms on the estimation. The effect of the formation geometry and transmitter accuracy on the position and velocity estimation errors are demonstrated by analyzing various formation geometries and onboard ranging devices with various levels of precision. Finally, an example mission was selected that can potentially have major visibility/geometry problems. Extensive simulations are performed for this sample mission and the results are presented. In addition, a sample terrestrial mission (airto-air refueling mission) was investigated that required a rapid bias initialization. The results from the simulation indicates that the onboard transmitter can significantly improve the initialization process in the terrestrial missions. These simulation results show that the augmented CDGPS algorithms developed in the previous chapters can improve relative position and velocity estimation process for the space users as well as the terrestrial users under various circumstances (Chapter 1). 116 5.1. LEO FORMATION WITH ONBOARD TRANSMITTERS 117 Table 5.1: Orbit Parameters of Simulated Vehicles eccentricity 1e−5 5.1 inclination 35◦ altitude ascending node 354.860 km 20◦ argument of perigee 60◦ LEO Formation with Onboard Transmitters This section presents various orbital simulation results for a formation of spacecraft in LEO with onboard transmitters. It is assumed in the following simulations that the ranging signals from all the spacecraft in the formation are available throughout the simulation period. It is also assumed that the number of the NAVSTAR satellites that can be used in the estimation is limited (specific number given in each simulation). This accounts for the constraint in the number of channels available to track the NAVSTAR satellites, which is limited by the receiver hardware and the number of pseudolites in the fleet (assuming pseudolites are used as the local ranging device). If other types of local ranging devices are used in the fleet, a separate receiver/transceiver would be used and all the channels in the GPS receiver could then be dedicated to the NAVSTAR signals. 5.1.1 Orbit Selection Typical orbit parameters were selected for the formation flying spacecraft in LEO, as shown in Table 5.1. Other variables, such as the number of spacecraft in the formation and the distance between the spacecraft, were changed in the simulations. The NAVSTAR satellite constellation orbital parameters were obtained from a recent GPS constellation almanac and the same orbital parameters were propagated analytically using a simple Keplerian orbit model [EO99]. 5.1.2 LEO Simulation Parameters The position and velocity estimation processes and the bias estimation process are coupled as shown in Section 2.4.1. An extended Kalman filtering algorithm is developed in Chapter 3 for the bias state estimation. However, both an EKF algorithm CHAPTER 5. 118 MISSION SIMULATIONS Table 5.2: Selected Variables for Simulation in Section 5.1.2 Simulation Variables number of spacecraft number of channels for NAVSTAR satellites nominal distance between spacecraft simulation period NAVSTAR differential carrier phase noise ν s NAVSTAR differential carrier Doppler noise ν̇ s NAVSTAR differential code phase noise NAVSTAR pseudorange uncertainty onboard transmitter carrier phase noise ν p onboard transmitter carrier Doppler noise ν̇ p 4 6 1 km ∼1 orbit period σ = 0.02 m σ = 0.005 m/s σ=2m σ = 25 m σ = 0.02 m σ = 0.005 m/s Table 5.3: Initial Conditions of Simulated Vehicles: Relative Position and Velocity (ECI) Vehicle 2 Vehicle 3 Vehicle 4 x (m) y (m) z (m) vx (m/s) 639.742 -295.776 0 -0.1601 599.926 1275.521 -1418.850 -0.3201 -2818.882 -1026.598 -0.401 0.9612 vy (m/s) 0.4398 0.8797 -2.6387 vz (m/s) 0.3277 0.6554 -1.9663 and a weighted least squares solutions are available for the position/velocity states depending on the availability of the dynamic model. A detailed algorithm description is given in Sections 2.4.1 and 2.4.2. In this section, simulation results of the EKF state estimator are compared to those of the WLS state estimator and the performance of the EKF bias estimator in LEO is demonstrated. Table 5.2 summarizes the variables selected for this simulation. Note that the measurement noise levels of the onboard transmitters are chosen to be the same as that of the NAVSTAR constellation. The effect of changing this accuracy is investigated in detail in Section 5.4. Typical 3–D trajectories of the vehicle motion relative to the reference vehicle are shown in Figure 5.1. The plot shows the unforced relative motions of all 3 vehicles around the reference vehicle in the earth centered inertial directions (ECI) with the given initial conditions (Table 5.3) for approximately one orbit [MHK76]. 5.1. LEO FORMATION WITH ONBOARD TRANSMITTERS 119 Unforced Relative Motion of 3 Vehicles w.r.t. the Reference Vehicle (ECI) 3000 2000 z (m) 1000 0 −1000 −2000 −3000 3000 2000 1000 Formation Center (Reference Vehicle) 0 −1000 −2000 y (m) −3000 −3000 −2000 −1000 0 1000 2000 3000 x (m) Figure 5.1: Relative Motions in the Formation Frame (Formation frame aligned with ECI directions) 5.1.3 EKF Bias Estimation in LEO Figure 5.2 shows the typical convergence characteristics of the bias states by the EKF bias estimator. It is assumed in this initial simulation that the local transmitter measurements also have the cycle ambiguities (biases) even though several proposed high performance local ranging device may not have bias ambiguities in the measurements. In this scenario, it is required to resolve the ambiguities in both the NAVSTAR and the local measurements accurately and promptly. Figure 5.2 shows the magnitude of the bias errors of the 6 NAVSTAR measurements as well as the 6 local transmitter measurements. As discussed in Chapter 3, rapid changes in the line-of-sight from the receiver to the signal source is essential in the bias EKF estimator. Although the line-of-sight vectors to the NAVSTAR constellation change fairly rapidly in LEO, CHAPTER 5. 120 MISSION SIMULATIONS these measurements are also acquired and lost quite frequently. Thus, frequent satellite hand-overs (indicated by the spikes) can be seen on the figure. This combination tends to cause a relatively slow convergence rate, as shown in Figure 5.2. The onboard transmitter measurements, on the other hand, are generally available to all the vehicles in the formation throughout the orbit and the line-of-sight vectors between the vehicles are also changing fairly rapidly. As a result, the local transmitter bias state converges faster, thus the local transmitter measurements tend to be more accurate measurements in terms of the magnitude of the ambiguity states in the measurements. Another set of simulations was conducted to compare the bias errors of the NAVSTAR only system with the augmented NAVSTAR system. In the simulations, there were 4 vehicles in the formation and total of 24 measurements are used for both systems. 1. Total number of measurements of the NAVSTAR only system: 8 NAVSTAR measurements × 3 vehicle = 24 2. Total number of measurements of the augmented system: 6 NAVSTAR measurements × 3 vehicle + 6 Local transmitter measurements = 24 Figure 5.3 compares the magnitude of the entire bias state vectors (24×1 vector). Since the augmented system includes 6 local measurements and the magnitude of the bias in these measurements is lower than the NAVSTAR measurements due to the continuity of the local measurements (Figure 5.2), the magnitude of the total bias state vector (24×1 vector) of the augmented system is smaller than that of the NAVSTAR only system. In these simulations, the robust bias initialization algorithm described in Chapter 3 was not needed since the separation between the spacecraft was large (1∼3 km) compared to the initial uncertainty level (≤5 m) that the nonlinear effect was negligible. Thus, the old (first order) initialization filter [CP00] was used to simplify the simulation process. 5.1. LEO FORMATION WITH ONBOARD TRANSMITTERS 121 Magnitude of Bias States 1 10 NAVSTAR Local Transmitter 0 10 Magnitude (m) −1 10 −2 10 −3 10 −4 10 0 1000 2000 3000 time (sec) 4000 5000 6000 Fig. 5.2: Magnitude of Bias Errors of NAVSTAR measurements and Local Ranging Measurements in LEO 5.1.4 EKF State Estimation - EKF Bias Estimation An extended Kalman filter can be used in the state estimation process to improve the estimates. Section 2.4.2 describes how the orbit dynamic model is incorporated in the state estimation process. A series of orbit simulations was conducted to verify the EKF state estimation algorithm described in Section 2.4.2. Note that this extended Kalman filter runs in parallel with the EKF for the bias state. There are 3 vehicles in the formation and the nominal distance between the spacecraft is approximately 1000 m. They all have the onboard transmitters for the local range measurements. The WLS and extended Kalman filter algorithms were applied to the simulated NAVSTAR and local measurements. The parameters listed in Table 5.2 were used in the simulation. The process noise magnitude of σ = 1e−5 m/s2 was CHAPTER 5. 122 MISSION SIMULATIONS Magnitude of Bias States 2 10 Augmented NAVSTAR system NAVSTAR system 1 10 Magnitude (m) 0 10 −1 10 −2 10 −3 10 0 1000 2000 3000 time (sec) 4000 5000 6000 Fig. 5.3: Magnitude of Entire Bias State Vector of NAVSTAR-only System and Augmented System assumed in the orbit propagator and this information was used in the EKF estimator. Figure 5.4 compares the relative position errors of the WLS estimator with the EKF estimator. The mean position error of the WLS estimator after the convergence (t = 3000 ∼ 6000 seconds) is 0.0222 m, but that of the EKF state estimator is only 0.0059 m. The standard deviation of the EKF position estimates (σ = 0.0025 m) is also lower than the WLS estimates (σ = 0.0112 m). The plot also shows that the initial convergence rates are very similar for these two estimators, which is a result of using the same EKF bias estimation algorithm. The improvements are more pronounced in the velocity estimates. Figure 5.5 compares the relative velocity estimate error of the WLS estimator with the EKF estimator. The mean velocity error of the EKF estimator is only 0.119 mm/s compared to 11.2 mm/s of WLS estimator. 5.1. LEO FORMATION WITH ONBOARD TRANSMITTERS 123 Relative Position Error 0 10 WLS estimation EKF estimation with orbit model −1 Error Magnitude (m) 10 −2 10 −3 10 −4 10 0 1000 2000 3000 time (sec) 4000 5000 6000 Figure 5.4: Relative Position Error Comparison EKF vs. WLS Relative Velocity Error 2 10 1 Error Magnitude (mm/s) 10 0 10 −1 10 −2 10 WLS estimation EKF estimation with orbit model −3 10 0 1000 2000 3000 time (sec) 4000 5000 Figure 5.5: Relative Velocity Error Comparison EKF vs. WLS 6000 CHAPTER 5. 124 MISSION SIMULATIONS Table 5.4: Performance of EKF and WLS State Estimators mean σ position error (m) WLS estimator EKF estimator 0.0222 0.0059 0.0112 0.0025 velocity error (mm/s) WLS estimator EKF estimator 11.1525 0.1194 7.2024 0.0506 Table 5.4 summarizes the improvements achieved by incorporating a simple relative orbit dynamic models. 5.2 5.2.1 Effect of Long Baseline Correction Terms Corrections for Differential Phase Measurements ∆φ As shown in Section 2.2, the planar wave front assumption can introduce a large bias error in the phase measurements if the distance between the spacecraft in the formation is large. The impact of this term as well as the correction method is presented in Section 2.2. In order to assess the effect of this error source on the position and velocity estimator, an orbit simulation was performed with two spacecraft (for simplicity) that had onboard transmitters and a nominal separation of 2000 m. Other simulation parameters were the same as the previous simulations (Tables 5.1 and 5.2). Figure 5.6 shows the position error of the WLS estimator when the correction terms are not applied to the measurement equation. After the estimate of bias converges (t ≥ 3000sec), the mean value of the position error is 0.1066 m if the onboard transmitter measurements are included. The mean position error increased to 0.1889 m if onboard transmitters were not used. The WLS estimator that includes local transmitter measurements has a smaller position error because the local range measurements do not need corrections. A second simulation was conducted under the same conditions, but the estimator included the correction terms discussed in Section 2.2. In this case, the mean position error values were significantly smaller (0.0354 m with the transmitter and 0.0485 m without the transmitter) 5.2. EFFECT OF LONG BASELINE CORRECTION TERMS 125 Table 5.5: Effect of ∆φ̇ and ∆φ on Estimation Error (WLS) with Vehicle Separation of 2 km. Without Correction With Correction Mean position error (m) Mean velocity error (m/s) w/ onboard w/o onboard w/ onboard w/o onboard transmitter transmitter transmitter transmitter 0.1066 0.1889 0.6086 0.6346 0.0354 0.0485 0.0193 0.0195 than the case in which the correction terms were not applied. Figure 5.7 shows the position errors for the second simulation. 5.2.2 Corrections for Differential Doppler Measurements ∆φ̇ It can be expected from Figures 2.4 and 2.6 that the Doppler measurements are more sensitive to the nonlinear effect. In the figures, the magnitude of the Max. Doppler correction terms are larger and grow faster than the magnitude of the Max. phase correction terms for separations under ∼10 km. Figure 5.8 shows the simulated velocity error of the WLS estimator. As expected, the relative velocity estimation error due to this effect is so large that they are no longer better than the absolute velocity accuracy. The mean value of the velocity errors are 0.6086 m/s and 0.6346 m/s with and without onboard transmitters, respectively. It is clear in this figure that the lineof-sight dependent error term ∆φ̇ (Eq. 2.17) dominates the total estimation error since the error magnitude clearly shows a trend associated with the satellite motions (line-of-sight change) and the satellite hand-overs. The correction terms can be calculated using a rough estimate of the velocity of the NAVSTAR satellites and the line-of-sight vectors from each vehicle to the NAVSTAR satellites. Figure 5.9 shows the velocity error magnitude when the correction terms are applied to the estimator. The mean velocity errors are approximately 0.019 m/s, which is substantially lower than the mean values without the corrections (∼0.60 m/s). Table 5.5 summarizes the effects of including the phase and Doppler correction terms. CHAPTER 5. 126 MISSION SIMULATIONS Position Error 3.5 With Onboard Transmitter Without Onboard Transmitter 3 error (m) 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 1000 2000 3000 time (sec) 4000 5000 6000 Figure 5.6: Position Error (no corrections applied, WLS) Position Error 2.5 With Onboard Transmitter Without Onboard Transmitter 2 error (m) 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 1000 2000 3000 time (sec) 4000 5000 Figure 5.7: Position Error (corrections applied, WLS) 6000 5.2. EFFECT OF LONG BASELINE CORRECTION TERMS 127 Velocity Error 1.6 1.4 error (m/sec) 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1000 2000 3000 time (sec) 4000 5000 6000 Figure 5.8: Velocity Error (no corrections applied, WLS) Velocity Error 0.18 0.16 0.14 error (m/sec) 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 1000 2000 3000 time (sec) 4000 5000 Figure 5.9: Velocity Error (corrections applied, WLS) 6000 128 5.3 CHAPTER 5. MISSION SIMULATIONS Terrestrial Applications As shown in Table 1.2, the onboard transmitters are valuable in the terrestrial relative navigation systems as well. It is especially useful in the rapid bias initialization process and the geometry augmentation. Typical terrestrial formation flying missions include air-to-air refueling mission (Figure 1.10) and the aircraft formation flying maneuvers (Figure 1.8). It will be extremely beneficial if these complex operations can be automated (Chapter 1). The CDGPS sensor can be used for an autonomous navigation system for these maneuvers, but including an onboard ranging device solves two major problems with the NAVSTAR-only CDGPS sensor for this type of missions. The onboard transmitter augmented system, in general, can resolve cycle ambiguities much faster than the NAVSTAR only system and improve measurement geometry (PDOP) in case the NAVSTAR signals are blocked by nearby vehicles or if the NAVSTAR constellation provides a poor geometry. A simulation of air-toair refueling mission was developed in order to evaluate the benefits of an onboard transmitter in the terrestrial mission scenarios. The simulation included 2 aircraft: A tanker aircraft (modeled after the Douglas DC-10) and a receiver aircraft. The tanker was in a level flight at the altitude of 10,000 m with the cruise velocity (relative to the Earth) of 277.778 m/s. The tanker was also equipped with the onboard transmitter(s). Figure 5.10 shows two different onboard transmitter configurations at the rear end of the tanker aircraft. The first transmitter configuration has 3 ranging devices: one at each wing-tip and one on top of the vertical stabilizer. The second configuration has only one transmitter on top of the vertical stabilizer. Additional simulation parameters are listed in Table 5.6. The receiver aircraft then intercepted the tanker from behind, formed a formation, and gradually decreased the relative distance to the tanker. The horizontal and vertical relative flight paths of the receiver aircraft with respect to the tanker in the inertial (ECI) directions are shown on Figure 5.11 and 5.12, respectively. The final relative distance was approximately 10 m, at which point a contact between the tanker and the receiver aircraft could be made. This initial relative motion provided a rapid line-of-sight change from the 5.3. TERRESTRIAL APPLICATIONS 129 TX1 17.7 m TX2 TX3 50.4 m TX1 Figure 5.10: Transmitter Locations on DC-10 Aircraft transmitters onboard the tanker to the receiver aircraft in the course of the maneuver, which is essential in the bias initialization process. Figure 5.13 shows line-of-sight angles from the each transmitter onboard the tanker to the receiver aircraft during the 200 sec motion illustrated in Figures 5.11 and 5.12. Because the receiver aircraft is far away from the tanker in the initial phase and the maximum separation between the onboard transmitters is less than the wing span of the tanker (50 m), the line-of-sight angles from the 3 transmitters to the receiver are almost identical (t ≤ 60 sec). However, the initial line-of-sight angle change enabled the rapid real-time bias initialization procedure [CP00] when these measurements were used in the estimation. During the final approach (t ≥ 150 sec), the distance between the aircraft is comparable to the separation between the transmitters. Therefore, the line-of-sight vectors from the receiver to the 2 transmitters on the wing-tip expand out to ±80◦ , providing improved geometry (especially when the NAVSTAR signals CHAPTER 5. 130 MISSION SIMULATIONS Table 5.6: Parameter Selected for Air-to-air Refueling Simulation tanker altitude tanker velocity tanker wing span tanker height simulation period number of transmitters on tanker number of NAVSTAR signals available transmitter carrier phase noise transmitter Doppler noise separation between transmitters at wing-tip height of the transmitter on vertical stabilizer w.r.t. wing-tip 10,000 m 277.778 m 50.4 m 17.7 m 200 seconds 0, 1, or 3 6–7 σ = 0.02 m σ = 0.005 m/s 50 m 10 m Relative Vertical Motion of the Receiver Aircraft to the Tanker Aircraft Relative Horizontal Motion of the Receiver Aircraft to the Tanker Aircraft 800 1000 Initial Position of the Receiver 800 600 600 400 400 200 z (m) y (m) 200 0 0 −200 −400 −200 −600 Tanker (0,0) −400 −800 −1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 x (m) 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Fig. 5.11: Relative Horizontal Motion of Receiver Aircraft −600 0 20 40 60 80 100 time (sec) 120 140 160 180 Fig. 5.12: Relative Vertical Motion of the Receiver Aircraft are blocked by the tanker). The PDOP improvements are shown in Figure 5.14. The figure shows the benefits of using 3 transmitters instead of 1. Additionally, in either case, the PDOP improvement is the most pronounced near the end of the maneuver. The improvement in the PDOP and the availability1 are extremely important during 1 200 At least 4 commonly visible measurements are necessary. 5.3. TERRESTRIAL APPLICATIONS 131 Line−of−sight Angle Changes from each Transmitter to Receiver Aircraft PDOP Values during the Refueling Mission 80 1.8 Transmitter on vertical stabilizer Transmitter on Right wing−tip Transmitter on Left wing−tip 60 3 transmitters 1 transmitter 0 transmitter 1.7 40 1.6 1.5 0 PDOP angle (degree) 20 −20 1.4 −40 1.3 −60 1.2 −80 −100 1.1 0 20 40 60 80 100 time (sec) 120 140 160 180 200 Fig. 5.13: Line-of-sight Angles during Relative Motion (From each transmitter to the receiver aircraft) 1 0 20 40 60 80 100 time (sec) 120 140 160 180 200 Fig. 5.14: PDOP Values of Each Configuration During Relative Motion the final “contact” stage because the highest integrity of the navigation system would be required at this point of an automated rendezvous. The WLS relative position and velocity estimator was applied to the simulated data generated during the relative motion described in Figure 5.11 and the EKF bias estimator was run simultaneously to estimate the bias state. Figure 5.15 shows the RMS position errors when various number of the onboard transmitters are used in addition to the 6–7 available NAVSTAR signals. When no local transmitter measurement is available, the position error decreases very slowly and the final position error is approximately 50 cm since the cycle ambiguity state cannot be estimated to a sufficient accuracy within 200 seconds. On the other hand, if 1-3 local measurements are available, the RMS position error converges to under 5 cm within one minute. Slightly faster initial convergence and smaller final error can be obtained with 3 onboard transmitters. Figures 5.16 and 5.17 show the improvement in the position and velocity estimates (mean and standard deviation) by including 1–3 onboard transmitters. In the velocity estimation, improvements are minimal as the number of the local measurements increases. This is because the velocity measurements do not have biases and the same measurement noise level as the NAVSTAR measurements (σ =0.005 m/s) is selected CHAPTER 5. 132 MISSION SIMULATIONS RMS Position Errors 1 10 No transmitter 1 Transmitter 3 Transmitters 0 RMS Error (m) 10 −1 10 −2 10 5cm RMS error −3 10 0 20 40 60 80 100 time (sec) 120 140 160 180 200 Figure 5.15: RMS Position Errors During Refueling Maneuver (0,1,3 on- board transmitter(s) is(are) used) for the local Doppler measurements. However, the position estimates improve dramatically by incorporating one onboard transmitter in the system. Including additional local measurements (to a total of three) improves the viewing geometry and provides slightly improved estimates over the single local transmitter case (Figure 5.16). Table 5.7 summarizes the results of the simulation. In the case of an occlusion of the NAVSTAR signals (did not happen in this particular simulation), multiple transmitters onboard the tanker aircraft may be required to retain an adequate geometry. This aspect of the problem is investigated in detail in Section 5.5. 5.4. FORMATION GEOMETRY & IMPROVED TRANSMITTERS Position Error Statistics Velocity Error Statistics 0.015 mean standard deviation 0.8 133 mean standard deviation 0.7 0.6 0.01 meter/sec meter 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.005 0.2 0.1 0 0 0 1 Number of transmitters 3 Fig. 5.16: Position Error Statistics 0 1 Number of transmitters 3 Fig. 5.17: Velocity Error Statistics Table 5.7: Air-to-air Refueling Simulation Results Number of onboard Transmitter 0 1 3 5.4 Position mean 0.8264 0.0307 0.0222 error (m) σ 0.2968 0.0114 0.0101 Velocity error (m/s) mean σ 0.0150 0.0095 0.0137 0.0085 0.0127 0.0082 Convergence time (sec) N/A 41 58 Formation Geometry & Improved Transmitters The improvements in the estimation discussed in the previous section will depend on both the noise level in the measurement of the onboard ranging device (ISL: Inter Spacecraft Link) and also the geometric configuration of the formation (relative local measurement geometry of one vehicle to another). Simulations were developed to investigate how each of these parameters influence the accuracy of the position estimates. Typical orbit parameters were selected for the reference vehicle, as shown in Table 5.1. Initial relative position and velocity of other vehicles are then computed [MHK76] according to the formation geometry selected in each simulation. It is assumed in this simulation that this high performance ranging transmitter (ISL) CHAPTER 5. 134 MISSION SIMULATIONS Fig. 5.18: Satellites with In-track Sep- Fig. 5.19: Satellite with In-track and (small) Cross-track Separation aration does not have biases in the measurements. However, the NAVSTAR carrier phase measurements will have the cycle ambiguities. The EKF position estimation algorithm developed in Chapter 2 is used in this section. In the following simulations, the improvement in the relative position estimates are presented. In general, the local transmitters can be designed to provide more accurate Doppler measurements and achieve the improved relative velocity estimates, but the simulation results are not shown in this section. 5.4.1 Line Formation (In-Track) Figure 5.18 shows the first satellite configuration with four satellites in the same orbit, but with a 100 m in-track separation between vehicles. This geometry is a good configuration from the perspective of differential disturbances, and thus is often selected as a starting point for formation flying [FB97]. However, this offers a very limited geometry for the local ranging measurements, and it is expected that only the in-track direction estimation will be influenced by these measurements. The other two directions (radial and cross-track) will have to rely almost entirely on the GPS measurements. In order to verify the effect of the geometry, the estimation errors calculated in the Earth Centered Inertial (ECI) frame were transformed into a local orbit frame (LVLH). Simulations were run for various noise levels on the local ranging device. The results in the LVLH (in-track, cross-track, radial) were then plotted in 5.4. FORMATION GEOMETRY & IMPROVED TRANSMITTERS 135 Intrack Orbit 0 RMS error normalizated to GPS 10 −1 10 Radial In−Track Cross−Track Total Error −2 10 −3 10 −2 −1 10 10 Standard deviation of ISL local ranging noise (m) 0 10 Fig. 5.20: RMS Position Error (In-track separation only) Figure 5.20. The figure shows the RMS errors of the relative position estimates, normalized to the RMS error level of the GPS-only system, versus the standard deviation of the ranging noise of the local ranging transceiver. As expected, Figure 5.20 shows that the in-track improvement is much more substantial than the other two directions as the noise on the ranging device is reduced. Also as expected, when the ranging device is relatively noisy, there is no improvement in the in-track ranging estimation (estimation asymptotes to GPS level of estimation error). The results also show that the in-track accuracy improves by about a factor of five when the standard deviation of the ranging noise drops from ≈1 cm to ≈1 mm. However, the plot also shows that the effect of this in-track improvement on the total positioning error is quite small - it is still dominated by the cross-track and radial errors. CHAPTER 5. 136 MISSION SIMULATIONS Cross−track Orbit 0 RMS error normalizated to GPS 10 −1 10 Radial In−Track Cross−Track Total Error −2 10 −3 10 −2 −1 10 10 Standard deviation of ISL local ranging noise (m) 0 10 Fig. 5.21: RMS Position Error (In-track and small cross-track component) 5.4.2 Improved Line Formation (In-Track & Cross-track) The configuration in Figure 5.19 adds some cross-track motion between the satellites to improve the geometry. As shown, the first satellite is assumed to maintain a fixed reference orbit, and the other 3 are initialized to have cross-track relative positions that are approximately 50% of its in-track separation (i.e., satellite 4 would have a 300 m in-track and 150 m cross-track separation from satellite 1). This initialization process (small orbit inclination changes) results in a periodic motion of the satellites in the cross-track direction relative to the reference satellite. The resulting estimation errors for this case are plotted in Figure 5.21. As would be expected from the improvements to the geometry, the results in Figure 5.21 indicate that both the in-track and cross-track directions improve as the local ranging noise is decreased. However, the cross-track improvement is not 5.4. FORMATION GEOMETRY & IMPROVED TRANSMITTERS Fig. 5.22: Ellipse Formation on Reference Orbit 137 Fig. 5.23: Double Ellipse Formation on Reference Orbit substantial, and a more pronounced reduction in the improvement in the in-track direction is observed. This is an indication that the geometry is still more or less the same as the purely in-track separation geometry (line formation). Additionally, the total position estimation error still only decreases slightly with this minor geometric improvement compared to that of the line formation. 5.4.3 Ellipse Formation (Single Ellipse) In order to make a significant enhancement in the total position estimation, the geometry of the local measurements must be good in all three directions. One way to accomplish this is to move the satellites off the reference orbit. Thus, the next simulation setup had the satellites follow an ellipse around the reference orbit. Given proper initial conditions, the satellites will maintain free elliptical motion relative to the reference orbit without any thruster usage [MHK76]. Figure 5.22 shows a visualization of this ellipse configuration. This formation has the advantage over the previous line formation geometry that each of the measurement line-of-sight vectors spans multiple directions inside the ellipse plane (2–D) rather than all being aligned with the in-track direction (1–D). As the satellites travel around the ellipse, the precise local range measurements will be available from many directions. Thus, this geometry should be able to improve estimates for all 3 directions (to some extent) and to reduce the total position error as CHAPTER 5. 200 200 150 150 100 100 Cross−Track (m) Cross−Track (m) 138 50 0 −50 MISSION SIMULATIONS 50 0 −50 −100 −100 −150 −150 −200 −200 200 150 150 100 100 50 50 0 0 −50 −100 −150 −200 Intrack (m) −50 −100 −150 100 50 0 −50 Intrack (m) −100 Radial (m) Radial (m) Fig. 5.24: 3-D Relative Motion on Single Ellipse 100 0 Fig. 5.25: 3-D Relative Motion on Two Ellipses (180◦ Phase) the transmitter ranging noise level decreases. The results in Figure 5.27 indicate that there is an improvement in the radial and cross-track direction estimates as well as in the in-track direction when compared to Figures 5.20 or 5.21 due to the improved geometry. Figure 5.24 shows the actual 2×1×2 (200 m in-track / 100 m radial / 200 m cross-track semi-axes) elliptical relative motion used in the simulation, as well as the line-of-sight directions between the vehicles. The poor radial improvements in Figure 5.27 are consistent with the smaller relative motions in the radial direction in Figure 5.24. 5.4.4 Double Ellipse Formation One further geometric improvement can be made for this orbital formation. In the configuration shown in Figure 5.24, all of the satellites remain inside the same elliptical plane rotating around the reference satellite. In order to provide a full 3–D 5.4. FORMATION GEOMETRY & IMPROVED TRANSMITTERS 139 200 150 Cross−Track (m) 100 50 0 −50 −100 −150 −200 200 100 0 100 50 −100 Intrack (m) 0 −200 −50 Radial (m) Fig. 5.26: 3-D Relative Motion on Two Ellipses (90◦ Phase) measurement geometry at any given instant, a fifth satellite was added. Two satellites were placed in a second ellipse with a different inclination angle than the first, forming a double-ellipse configuration. The two satellites in the same ellipse were also separated by a 90 degree phase (Figure 5.26) rather than the 180 degrees shown on Figure 5.25. This prevents the satellites on the same ellipse from being co-linear with the center satellite. Having both pairs separated by 180 degrees would simply result in another plane being formed by the 5 satellites, but rotating in two directions rather than one (Figure 5.25). The improved local constellation geometry resulting from the 90 degree phasing is shown in Figure 5.26. Note that a “pyramid shaped” measurement geometry (tetrahederon) is now formed from the satellites in the two CHAPTER 5. 140 MISSION SIMULATIONS Single Ellipse 0 RMS error normalizated to GPS 10 −1 10 Radial In−Track Cross−Track Total Error −2 10 −3 10 −2 −1 0 10 10 Standard deviation of ISL local ranging noise (m) 10 Fig. 5.27: RMS Position Error (Single ellipse formation) Double Ellipse 90 deg Phase 0 RMS error normalizated to GPS 10 −1 10 Radial In−Track Cross−Track Total Error −2 10 −3 10 −2 −1 10 10 Standard deviation of ISL local ranging noise (m) Fig. 5.28: RMS Position Error (Double ellipse formation) 0 10 5.5. POWERSAIL SIMULATION 141 ellipses rather than a simple plane. This configuration takes full advantage of the precise local ranging measurements between the satellites, so it results in the best estimation accuracy among the configurations considered in this section, as seen in Figure 5.28. The phasing of the satellites could be optimized to provide the optimal measurement geometry. However, this optimization may not be necessary since non-optimal configurations may be required by various mission objectives and science observations [RZ00]. This plot shows that, with a very precise local ranging device, the total position error is improved nearly an order of magnitude over the GPS-only system. These results illustrate that, as expected, separating the vehicles in the fleet can provide a good viewing geometry for the local transmitters, thereby improving the relative navigation. However, these results also clearly illustrate that quite complex fleet configurations would have to be used to obtain this good local geometry. Several missions plan to use the in-track and single ellipse configurations [RZ00], but few plan to use the complicated double ellipse that would be required to obtain the full 3D improvements. This double ellipse configuration could complicate the collection of the science data, and it also would require a more complex fleet control system. 5.5 PowerSail Simulation This section presents the analysis of an example mission in which adequate visibility and geometry of the NAVSTAR constellation is not always available. The PowerSail [TM00] concept was proposed for a mission requiring high-power, light-weight, and low-cost. The PowerSail system consists of a large, but light-weight, flexible sail that generates power and a Host vehicle that carries out science missions requiring high power. Although these two vehicles are connected together by an ‘umbilical’, it will remain “slack” in order to avoid dynamic coupling between the Sail and the Host satellites. Therefore, this system is closer to formation flying two free-flyers than a single tethered system. Figure 5.29 shows one of the possible configurations of the PowerSail system that has been investigated [TM00]. In order to minimize the total mass of the system, the umbilical length must be minimized. If a CDGPS sensing systems is used to measure the relative motion of the two vehicles, the large Sail could 142 CHAPTER 5. Fig. 5.29: Power Sail with 4 Onboard Transmitters MISSION SIMULATIONS Fig. 5.30: Power Sail with 2 Onboard Transmitters block a significant number of NAVSTAR GPS satellite signals for the Host spacecraft. In this case, the commonly visible satellites could provide a bad constellation geometry or even drop below the minimum number needed (4). A similar situation can occur if the PowerSail system is to operate in a remote location where NAVSTAR signals are not available or partially available (e.g. GEO, MEO, etc.). In order to maintain the precise relative position between the spacecraft at all times, onboard ranging devices may be required to augment the CDGPS sensing system. In this case, however, more than one transmitter may be required to deal with the case in which very few NAVSTAR signals are available. Since the number of satellites blocked by the Sail cannot be analytically computed in general, a series of orbit simulations were performed. Simulations of the PowerSail and Host spacecraft in Low Earth Orbit were performed using the FreeFlyer [FF] orbit simulation package and the performance of relative position/velocity estimator as well as the visibility were predicted. In the simulations, an Extended Kalman filter using a simple orbit model and the measurement equation described in Chapter 2 were used in the position and the velocity estimations. The initialization algorithm described in Chapter 3 was also used to estimate the integer bias states. Typical orbit parameters for the LEO spacecraft were selected, as shown in Table 5.8. 5.5. POWERSAIL SIMULATION 143 Typical Relative Motion of Host Spacecraft 30 30 20 20 10 10 z (m) z Typical Relative Motion of Host Spacecraft 0 0 −10 −10 −20 −20 −30 30 −30 30 20 30 10 20 0 Power Sail Relative Motion of Host 20 30 10 20 0 10 0 −10 −10 −20 y −30 −10 −20 −20 −30 10 0 −10 x y (m) −20 −30 −30 x (m) Fig. 5.31: Typical Relative Motion of Fig. 5.32: Typical Relative Motion of Host Spacecraft with respect to the Sail Host Spacecraft with respect to the Sail (In-track difference) (Eccentricity difference) 5.5.1 Relative Motions Various relative motions between the Host spacecraft and the Sail are considered in order to perform the visibility analysis. Figure 5.31 shows the relative motion of Host spacecraft with respect to the Sail in the ECI frame (or inertial x, y, and z directions). The Sail and the Host spacecraft in this figure are in the same circular orbit (h 600km) with a fixed in-track separation (assumed to be maintained by the control system). The attitude of the Sail is assumed to be fixed and known in the inertial frame of reference - for simplicity it is assumed to be always pointed at the Sun. Thus from the sail’s point-of-view (along inertial directions), the Host wraps around the Sail once every orbit – in the local coordinate frame centered at the Sail, the Sail would be rotating around its center with the Host separated by fixed in-track distance from the Sail. Table 5.8: Orbit Parameters Selected for PowerSail Simulation Sail Host Eccentricity Inclination 0.0 0.0 deg 7.143e-8 ∼ 2.857e-6 0.0 deg Semi-major Axis 7000.0km 7000.0km CHAPTER 5. 144 Number of Visible Satellite (h=600km) MISSION SIMULATIONS Number of Satellite Blocked by the Sail (h=600km) 14 12 Maximum number of satellite blocked by the sail Average number of satellite blocked by the sail 12 10 10 number of satellite number of satellite 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 Mean number of visible satellite minimum number of visible satellite 0 2 4 6 8 10 distance (m) 12 14 16 18 20 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 distance (m) 12 14 16 18 20 Fig. 5.33: Number of Visible Satellites Fig. 5.34: Number of Satellites Blocked from Host Spacecraft by PowerSail Figure 5.32 shows another case of relative motion of the Host spacecraft with respect to the Sail in the inertial x, y, and z directions when the Sail is in circular equatorial orbit and the eccentricity of the Host spacecraft is 2.143e−6 with 0 in-track separation (similar to case considered in Ref. [TM00]). In this case, the minimum relative distance between the two spacecraft is about 15 m and the maximum relative distance is about 30 m. Again, the Host is assumed to maintain this relative position using feedback control. The primary question is whether the nearby Sail has a significant impact on the visibility of the Host to the NAVSTAR constellation. In the following simulations, only the latter case is considered and the distance between the Sail and the Host is defined as the minimum distance throughout their orbit. 5.5.2 Visibility of NAVSTAR Satellite In general, as many as 10∼15 NAVSTAR satellites are visible to LEO spacecraft throughout their orbits as shown in Figure 4.2. However, line-of-sights from the Host to the NAVSTAR satellites can be blocked by the Sail since they are flying in relatively close formation and the Sail is quite large (20 m×20 m). The number of NAVSTAR 5.5. POWERSAIL SIMULATION 145 Maximum GDOP values (h=600km) 10 Max GDOP without PLs on the sail Max GDOP with 4 PLs on the sail 9 8 7 GDOP 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 distance (m) 12 14 16 18 20 Fig. 5.35: Maximum GDOP Values vs. Distance between the Host and the Sails satellites commonly visible to the Host and the Sail, as a result, will strongly depend on the separation between these two spacecraft. Figure 5.33 shows the mean and minimum number of visible satellite as a function of distance between the spacecraft in 600 km altitude orbit. The mean and minimum values are computed over the data collected for approximately two orbit periods. As expected, the number of visible satellites decreases as the separation becomes smaller. In the limit, the minimum number of visible satellites throughout the orbit drops to zero. Since the minimum number of visible satellites needed to maintain the relative position and velocity estimates is four, the distance between the spacecraft, according to Figure 5.33, must be larger than 4 m in order to obtain position and velocity measurements for all time. Figure 5.34 shows the mean and maximum number of satellite blocked by the Sail. These results suggest that for separations beyond 810 m, there should be enough satellites visible to obtain a CDGPS measurement update to the position estimate. The quality of this estimate is determined by the geometry of the visible NAVSTAR constellation. CHAPTER 5. 146 5.5.3 MISSION SIMULATIONS Effect of Local Transmitters on GDOP GDOP (Geometric Dilution of Precision) is a measure of the size of error ellipse derived from the constellation geometry [GPS96]. In fact, in an initial analysis, one can simply consider the magnitude of the estimation error to be proportional to the GDOP value. The GDOP can be calculated as follows [GPS96] " 1 2 2 2 2 σx + σy + σz + στ = Tr (GT G)−1 GDOP = σ 1 1 los G = (5.1) los2 1 .. .. . . losn 1 (5.2) where σ is the variance of the measurement noise. In case the local transmitter measurements are used, the GDOP values can be derived from the linearized measurement Eq. 2.36. GDOP = Tr GT T ! G ∂D(X) ∂D(X) ∂X X̂ ∂X −1 (5.3) X̂ The GDOP values are typically less than 3 for LEO spacecraft as a result of the very large number of visible satellites. However, the Host spacecraft may not have access to all visible satellites because of the signal blockage by the Sail. As the number of visible satellites drops, the GDOP values will tend to increase (a GDOP of 1 is considered to be very good). Without any local transmitters on the Sail, the GDOP values will reach very high values as the number of visible satellites drops to 4∼5. Figure 5.35 shows maximum GDOP values for spacecraft in 600 km altitude circular orbit as a function of the distance between the Host and Sail spacecraft. For comparison, Figure 5.35 also shows the GDOP values when the Sail carries four transmitters as shown in Figure 5.29. In this case, the maximum GDOP values are substantially smaller than those computed without any transmitters onboard the Sail. Note that the transmitters are especially beneficial when the distance between the spacecraft is less than 10 m, as expected based on the visibility analysis. 5.5. POWERSAIL SIMULATION 147 Minimum Number of Visible Satellite Maximum GDOP values without PLs on the Sail 12 10 Altitude 600km Altitude 4500km 9 10 8 7 6 GDOP number of satellite 8 6 5 4 4 3 2 2 Altitude 600km Altitude 4500km 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 distance (m) 12 14 16 1 18 20 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 distance (m) 12 14 16 18 20 Fig. 5.36: Number of Visible Satellites Fig. 5.37: Maximum GDOP Values from Host Spacecraft in 2 Different Or- without Transmitters for 2 Different Orbits bits 5.5.4 Impact of Operating at Higher Altitudes The number of total visible satellites decreases rapidly as the spacecraft altitude increases much beyond 4500 km. This occurs because the transmit antenna of the NAVSTAR GPS satellite have a beam angle of 21.3◦ (Half cone). However, when these beam angles were included in an analysis for an orbit altitude of 4500 km, the minimum number of visible satellites does not change significantly for small Sail/Host separations (see Figure 5.36). Figure 5.38 compares the visibility at LEO and MEO to clarify this point. The figure shows the observability cones for the GPS spacecraft and the cones of exclusion associated with the LEO/MEO spacecraft (masking angles selected to avoid viewing the NAVSTAR constellation through the Ionosphere). Any GPS satellite in the top half of the plot would be visible to both the MEO/LEO spacecraft. The location of GPS1 corresponds to a position that it is not visible to either LEO or MEO spacecraft. However, as can be seen by GPS2 , there are numerous GPS satellite locations that would be observable to the MEO spacecraft, but not to the LEO (i.e., they are below the LEO exclusion line). With the ability to see GPS satellites at these additional locations, the full 3-D analysis shows that the minimum number of visible satellites does not change significantly from LEO to MEO. However, CHAPTER 5. 148 MISSION SIMULATIONS GPS1 cone GPS2 cone MEO LEO LEO exclusion GPS2 MEO exclusion GPS1 Figure 5.38: Visibility comparison at LEO and MEO. LEO and MEO exclu- sion Zones are Designed to Avoid Viewing Through Ionosphere. as one could see by looking at the visibility cones as a GPS satellite traces out the NAVSTAR orbit, spacecraft at altitudes above 4500 km would receive signals from very few GPS satellites. Figure 5.36 compares the minimum number of commonly visible satellites for two orbit altitudes. As discussed above, in the MEO case there are a large number of the visible satellites that are located at lower elevations than the Host spacecraft. Thus the Sail cannot block all of the satellites, even in the worst case situation (e.g., the Host spacecraft is located between the Sail and Earth). Care must be taken to avoid using GPS satellites that are at too low an elevation, or else their signal will propagate through (and be corrupted by) the Ionosphere. Thus a mask angle of ≈ 10◦ was used to avoid those corrupted measurements. 5.5. POWERSAIL SIMULATION 149 Maximum GDOP values with 4 PLs on the Sail Maximum GDOP values with various number of PLs on the Sail (h=600km) 10 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 GDOP GDOP Altitude 600km Altitude 4500km 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 distance (m) 12 14 16 18 20 4 PLs 2 PLs 0 PL 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 distance (m) 12 14 16 18 20 Fig. 5.39: Maximum GDOP Values at 2 Fig. 5.40: Maximum GDOP Values for Different Altitudes When 4 transmitters Different Numbers of Transmitters Onare on Sail board Sail For similar reasons, the maximum GDOP values are even lower as the spacecraft altitude increases. Figure 5.37 compares the maximum GDOP values of the spacecraft formation in the altitude of 600 km and 4500 km (no local transmitters are used). However, as the spacecraft altitude increase further beyond 5000 km, visibility degrades dramatically and the GDOP increases as a result. Figure 5.39 compares the maximum GDOP values at two different altitudes when 4 local transmitters are onboard the Sail. The results show that, with the local transmitters, the maximum GDOP values are much less sensitive to the spacecraft altitude. 5.5.5 Impact of Adding Local Transmitters A series of the Host-Sail formation flying simulations were performed with a different number of transmitters on the Sail as shown on Figures 5.29 and 5.30. Figure 5.40 shows the maximum GDOP values for the spacecraft formation in 600 km altitude for each case. With two or less transmitters, the GDOP values increase to infinity as the separation decreases. With two onboard transmitters, the separation can be as small as 2 m without losing the position estimates and 4 transmitters would be necessary CHAPTER 5. 150 MISSION SIMULATIONS under 2 m separation. However, as is also shown in the figure, the benefit of using the transmitters (lower GDOP values) are relatively small for separations larger than 10 m unless a larger sail is to be used. 5.5.6 GEO Simulation GEO operation of the PowerSail may seem favorable because some disturbances to the large Sail will be much smaller than in LEO. However, the GPS approach to formation sensing will be greatly impaired by poor NAVSTAR constellation visibility. For example, Figure 5.41 shows the number of GPS satellites visible to the Host spacecraft in GEO. As shown, the maximum number of visible satellites is only 4, and the average number of visible satellites for one orbit period is approximately 1. Note that these low values are not because the Sail blocks a large number of GPS satellites (the separation between the vehicles was set at approximately 5 m), but because the NAVSTAR constellation is located far below GEO and the GPS transmitters are designed to focus on the Earth. These two factors combine to greatly limit the GPS signal visibility at GEO. This situation is analyzed in Figure 5.44 which shows the geometry in 2-D. In this case, the GEO satellite can only see GPS satellites that are very close to the location given by GPS1 . For all other locations, such as GPS2 , which would be visible at MEO and LEO, the GEO satellite falls outside the GPS cone of visibility. Note that very small changes in the location of GPS1 would push that vehicle into the GEO exclusion zone. To compound this poor visibility, the Sail can also block some of the available satellite signals, as shown on Figure 5.42. Because the number of available satellites is less than 4 for most of the time, it is impossible to maintain relative position and velocity estimates without using local transmitters. Figure 5.43 shows the GDOP values when the 4 onboard transmitter measurements are used in addition to all the available measurements from NAVSTAR constellation. The GDOP values range between 2 and 3, which are comparable to some of the best LEO results. These GDOP values indicate that it might be feasible to use a local constellation of 4 transmitters on the Sail to provide the formation flying sensing data if the Host/Sail are in a GEO. 5.6. SUMMARY 151 Number of Satellite Blocked by the Sail (d=5m, GEO) 5 4.5 4.5 4 4 3.5 3.5 Number of Satellite Number Satellite Number of Common Visible Satellite (d=5m, GEO) 5 3 2.5 2 3 2.5 2 1.5 1.5 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 time (hour) time (hour) Fig. 5.41: Number of Commonly Visi- Fig. 5.42: Number of Satellites Blocked by Sail ble Satellites GDOP values with 4 transmitters (d=5m, GEO) 3 2.5 GDOP 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 5 10 15 20 time (hour) Fig. 5.43: GDOP Values Using 4 Onboard Transmitters 5.6 Summary An extensive number of simulation results that cover a wide range of different mission scenarios are presented in this chapter. These simulation results demonstrate the CHAPTER 5. 152 MISSION SIMULATIONS GEO GPS1 cone GPS2 cone MEO GPS2 MEO exclusion GPS1 GEO exclusion Figure 5.44: Visibility comparison at MEO and GEO. GEO Exclusion Zone is Designed to Avoid Viewing through Ionosphere. benefits and limitations of the local transmitter augmented CDGPS techniques for users in many environments, such as LEO, MEO, GEO, and terrestrial. The results show that a combination of a high performance ranging device and a good formation geometry has the potential to substantially improve the relative sensing accuracy in LEO. The onboard transmitters could also be used to improve the visibility/geometry of the measurements in MEO, GEO, and missions like PowerSail where the NAVSTAR signals are only partially available and/or are blocked by nearby vehicles or structures. Extensive visibility analyses/simulations are presented for each scenario showing that the onboard ranging device can provide accurate sensing capabilities in these cases. The simulation results of a terrestrial formation flying scenario (air-to-air 5.6. SUMMARY 153 refueling mission) are also presented, in which the onboard transmitters enable rapid initialization of the cycle ambiguities and improve the local measurement geometry. Chapter 6 Experimental Results This chapter presents results from a number of tests that were conducted on several ground based testbeds. The experimental tests were conducted to demonstrate the performance of the integrated GPS system. Although numerous simulations have been conducted (Chapter 5) to demontrate various aspects of the augmented CDGPS system and related formation flying algorithms, the purpose of this chapter is to validate the concepts and algorithms on real experimental systems. “Hardware-in-the-loop” tests that used the real-time NAVSTAR and local transmitter measurements were carried out to validate the system concepts and the real-time, experimental performances of the algorithms on physical systems. Multiple, custom-built, modified GPS receivers [EO99] and local transmitters were used in these experiments. The performance of the robust initialization algorithm, as well as the previous EKF bias estimation algorithm, are demonstrated on real systems under autonomous control. Results from formation maneuvering tests using both the local transmitter and NAVSTAR measurements are also presented. 6.1 Experimental Setup Several ground based testbeds were constructed as a part of this dissertation. These testbeds consist of a number of simple ground vehicles that carry the transceivers and a main computer that processes the phase measurements. 154 6.1. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP 155 Figure 6.1: Formation Truck Testbed 6.1.1 Formation Truck Testbed The first outdoor formation flying testbed (Figure 6.1) consists of four commercially available RC trucks, GPS receivers, pseudolites, radio modems, and HC11 microcontrollers for vehicle control. A mobile ground computer and monitoring station is used to process the GPS data and perform the formation state estimation and control. Each vehicle is capable of tracking the GPS signals from the NAVSTAR constellation, as well as the signals generated from the pseudolites onboard the other vehicles. A typical RC truck is shown in Figure 6.2. Our previous testbed consisted of two lighter-than-air vehicles [EO99] that operated inside a large building at Stanford. However, the trucks were selected for our outdoor testbed because they are much easier to maneuver under the typical conditions found outside (e.g. wind, variable CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 156 Figure 6.2: RC Truck with Onboard Electronics temperatures). Of course, the vehicle dynamics are quite different than would be expected for spacecraft on-orbit. But to create a formation of multiple vehicles and test the augmented CDGPS navigation systems, it is important to develop a simple design that is easily replicated and easily operated. The RC trucks could easily be made to move in 3-D by constructing ramps if any vertical motions are required. Note that each truck carries a two RF front-end attitude-capable GPS receiver [CP00]. Detailed information about the attitude receiver development and testing is given in Appendix A. 6.1.2 Formation Robot Testbed The problem with the first truck testbed is that the small RC trucks have barely enough payload capacity to carry the onboard transmitter and all the electronics and the batteries. Therefore, only the master truck carried the onboard transmitter and its motion was very limited. The commercially available all-terrain ATRV-jr robots 6.1. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP 157 Figure 6.3: Formation of Outdoor Robots with SPTC have more than enough payload capacity (25 kg) to carry all of the equipments. Therefore, all robots in the formation carried onboard transmitters and they could perform more complex formation maneuvers than was possible with the RC trucks. These robots are also equipped with an onboard computer, sonars, and a wireless ethernet. 6.1.3 Onboard Ranging and Communication Device The spacecraft in several of the example missions cited in Chapter 1 will require an onboard ranging device to augment/replace the NAVSTAR constellation and help the CDGPS initialization process (see Chapter 3). If properly designed, this device could also be used for the inter-spacecraft communication, which is also required for the relative navigation. The current testbed uses a COTS pseudolite from Integrinautics that transmits the L1 C/A code with 50 bps data (1000 bps Max data rate) [IN00]. CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 158 Fig. 6.4: Pseudolite and Transmit Antenna Fig. 6.5: Stanford Pseudolite Transceiver Crosslink (SPTC) This rate is too low for our applications, so we use RF modems for the inter-vehicle communication. However, as discussed in Chapter 1, several cross-link transceivers are under development that have a higher data rate and could also provide a better ranging accuracy. Figure 6.4 shows the pseudolite and the transmit antenna used in this research. The Lindenblad transmit antenna was developed by a fellow student Corazzini [TC00, TC99, CB82] for use in her indoor robot testbed. The antenna provides an omni-directional RHCP (righ-hand circularly polarized) signals to other vehicles [TC00]. The gain pattern is designed such that it has the null in its vertical axis. This gain pattern prevents the transmitter from jamming the GPS receiver onboard the same vehicle since the NAVSTAR signals are potentially much weaker than the pseudolite signal. The pseudolite is capable of pulsing the transmitted signals in order to avoid severe near-far problems [SC97]. The selected duty cycle of the pulsed signal is approximately 10%. This setting ensured a near-uniform power reception of the pseudolite signal over a 1–20 m range. 6.1.4 SPTC Figure 6.5 shows a picture of the ranging transceiver called a Stanford Pseudolite Transceiver Crosslink (SPTC) developed for formation flying vehicles. It combines 6.2. MULTI-VEHICLE AUTONOMOUS INITIALIZATION 159 a pseudolite, a 12-channel attitude GPS receiver, 2 GPS antennas, 1 Transmit antenna, a radio modem, microcontroller, and an interface board. It is a standalone device that can transmit and receive local pseudolite signals and receive the NAVSTAR signals. It can also exchange information with other transceivers through the radio link (38.4 kbps). In addition, the attitude of the transceiver is computed inside the GPS receiver. The attitude solution is needed to determine the location of the transmit antenna with respect to the reference point of the SPTC since the transmit antenna is mounted on top of a pole for better visibility to the other vehicles (Figure 6.3). The interface board [EO99,JCA99] relays incoming data stream to the GPS receiver as well as to the microcontroller. The measurements from the receiver are also relayed to the radio modem by the interface board. The microcontroller receives control commands through the radio modem and interface board, and then converts them into an analog signal, which is then sent to the robot for the autonomous control. 6.2 Multi-vehicle Autonomous Initialization In this section, an autonomous formation initialization maneuver involving 3 vehicles is demonstrated for the first time. It used the first version of the extended Kalman filter algorithm developed in Section 3.1.1. Figure 6.6 shows the 3-truck formation undergoing an initialization maneuver around the reference vehicle with the pseudolite. Experimental results for a three vehicle formation undergoing an autonomous initialization manuever are shown in Figure 6.7. The three vehicles are labeled as trucks 1, 2 and 3. In this experiment, the three vehicles were placed at unknown locations, with arbitrary and unknown attitudes. At the start of the initialization, the intra-vehicle cycle ambiguities were determined by having each vehicle maneuver in a tight circle. This motion enabled the attitude of each vehicle to be resolved to an accuracy of less than 1◦ . Appendix A describes this process in detail. After these maneuvers, the coarse relative position estimator described in Section 2.6 was run in real-time until a meter-level estimate was obtained. After the initialization, truck 3 was given a command to move to -4 m north of truck 1 (reference vehicle) and to start a 4 m radius circular motion around truck 1. CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 160 Fig. 6.6: Formation of 3 Trucks During the 360◦ circular motion, the position and bias estimates were improved using the extended Kalman filtering algorithm described in Section 3.1.1. At the end of the maneuver, truck 3 was commanded to move to 3 m east and -3 m north of truck 1. Truck 2 was also given a command to move to -4.5 m north of truck 1 and to start a 4 m radius circular motion about truck 1 shortly after truck 3 had started its maneuver. This ensured that the two vehicles did not collide during the initial phase of the initialization process. At the completion of truck 2’s maneuver, it was given a command to move to 3 m east and -4 m north of truck 1 (-1 m north of truck 3), forming a close formation. The experimental results demonstrate that the onboard pseudolites combined with the new real-time algorithm can be used to autonomously initialize the formation in relatively short periods of time by having the vehicles undergo relative motion about one another. 6.3. ROBUST BIAS ESTIMATOR EXPERIMENT 161 Relative Position 5 Iinitialization Path (Truck 2) Iinitialization Path (Truck 3) 4m circle around Truck 1 4 3 2 North (m) 1 . Truck 1 (Pseudolite) 0 −1 −2 . . −3 −4 −5 −8 −6 −4 −2 East (m) 0 2 4 Fig. 6.7: Demonstration of Autonomous Formation Intialization Maneuver of 3 Trucks 6.3 Robust Bias Estimator Experiment Although the first demonstration of the autonomous formation initialization was successful, it required a relatively large-scale initialization maneuver (4 m) and large initial separation (∼7 m) compared to the size of the vehicle. As discussed earlier (see Section 3.1.2), the initial line-of-sight error due to initial uncertainty can cause large final position errors. A new robust algorithm was developed to enable substantially smaller-scale initialization maneuvers without degrading the final estimation accuracy. The primary advantage of a smaller scale initialization maneuver is that they can yield a faster, more fuel efficient bias initialization. The detailed algorithm is presented in Section 3.1.2. CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 162 Initialization Maneuver (Experiment) 2 Estimated Final Position trajectory Initial Position Guess 1.5 1 0.5 y (m) 0 −0.5 −1 −1.5 −2 −2.5 −3 −2 −1 0 x (m) 1 2 3 Figure 6.8: Initialization: Truck 2 starts at <, but Estimator Given Wrong Initial Conditions (◦). Estimated Relative Trajectories Shown around Truck 1 (At origin). Figure 6.8 shows a set of experimental results for a two vehicle formation undergoing an extremely small radius initialization maneuver. In this experiment, the mobile vehicle (labeled as truck 2) was placed at a known location (-2,-1) m with respect to the reference vehicle (truck 1). However, this initial relative position information was not given to the estimator. Instead, the initial errors were given randomly, as shown Figure 6.8. Then truck 2 was manually controlled to move along a ∼1.5m radius circle around truck 1. Note that truck 1 could also be moved during this initialization maneuver – the position of truck 1 need not be pre-surveyed. In fact, the absolute position of the truck 1 need only be known to SPS accuracy for this algorithm to work. During the 360◦ circular motion, the position and bias estimates were improved using the robust initialization algorithm described in Section 3.1.2. At 6.4. MOBILE FORMATION CENTER & MULTI-TRANSMITTERS 163 Table 6.1: Final Position Estimation Errors X Y Robust Algorithm Mean error (m) Std (m) 0.012 0.039 0.007 0.023 Previous Algorithm Mean error (m) Std (m) -0.088 0.104 0.031 0.064 the end of the maneuver, truck 2 was driven to the final point (2,-1) m with respect to truck 1. Figure 6.8 shows a set of the estimated position trajectories of 10 runs with various initial position guesses. Note that the final position estimates are very close to the true final position (2,-1) m even though the initial errors are large compared to the distance between the vehicles. Since the rate of convergence depends on the magnitude of the initial position error and the modified measurement noise covariance matrix R2 in Section 3.1.2, two of the runs that had the largest initial errors converge slower than others. The convergence pattern can vary with the initial position guesses since it is also a function of the estimated state X̂ as shown in Section 3.1.2. The previous initialization algorithm was also applied to the identical receiver measurements recorded and the final errors are calculated in the same manner. Table 6.1 summarizes the results from both algorithms. The mean error values of the robust algorithm are approximately 1 cm for each horizontal direction. These are 3–4 times smaller than the mean values of the previous method. The standard deviations of the robust algorithm are also approximately 3 times smaller than the previous method. These experimental results demonstrate that the onboard transmitter can be used to robustly initialize the formation in short periods of time by having the vehicles undergo small-scale relative motion around each other without having a pseudolite in a precisely known location. 6.4 Mobile Formation Center & Multi-Transmitters In the previous experiments, the reference vehicle, which has the formation frame attached, was stationary while the other vehicles performed initialization maneuvers. That may not, however, be the optimal way to initialize carrier phase biases. In 164 CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Fig. 6.9: Roof-top Testbed: Transceivers with Laser Pointers over 2’×2’ Grid many cases, small motions of the reference vehicle could provide large line-of-sight changes for many other vehicles, which is essential to initialize the biases. In the following experiment, the reference vehicle (or equivalently, the formation center) and the second vehicle were moved around, and both vehicles had onboard transmitters. This experiment was performed on a roof-top testbed where the relative positions in east and north directions are pre-surveyed in a 2’×2’ grid format. The “vehicles” were equipped with a laser pointer device that projects the horizontal position of the antenna center onto the grid (located on the ground). This setup provided the truth relative positions of the vehicles during the maneuvers. Figure 6.9 shows the setup for the experiment. Figure 6.10 shows the estimated absolute positions of the 2 vehicles during the initialization maneuver. Since only one vehicle was moved at a time and the reference 6.4. MOBILE FORMATION CENTER & MULTI-TRANSMITTERS 165 Initialization Maneuver of 2 vehicles (Earth Fixed Frame) 0.5 0 −0.5 −1 North (m) −1.5 Motion of Master Vehicle (Formation Center) Motion of 2nd Vehicle True Final Positions −2 −2.5 −3 −3.5 −4 −4.5 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 East (m) Fig. 6.10: Estimated Absolute Position of 2 Vehicles Initialization Maneuver (relative position) 1 0 North (m) −1 −2 Estimated Relative Trajectory True Position Estimated Position −3 −4 −5 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 East (m) Fig. 6.11: Estimated Position of Second Vehicle Relative to Reference Vehicle CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 166 vehicle was placed at (0, 0) point initially, the absolute position1 could be derived from the estimated relative position without using the pseudoranging solutions. Figure 6.11 shows the relative position estimate of the second vehicle during the initialization maneuver. During the maneuvers, the vehicles were paused on the pre-surveyed points to demonstrate the convergence characteristics by comparing the truth positions with the estimated positions. These true and estimated points are marked on Figure 6.11. Note that the position errors at each point are the distance between the truth point (X) and the estimated point (+), and the results show that these errors decrease rapidly as the line-of-sight between the vehicles changes. A typical error convergence plot is shown in Figure 6.12, where the estimation errors are plotted for each sample point. This figure also shows the estimated calibration error level in the truth measurement. The calibration error level (≈3 cm) was estimated by combining all possible error sources, such as grid attitude error, laser pointer alignment error, and antenna phase center error. The position error converges close to the calibration error level after a series of maneuvers. Note that the rate of this convergence largely depends on three major factors: 1) The amount of line-of-sight change from the local transmitters to the receiver, 2) The total number of measurements (NAVSTAR + local) available, and 3) The geometry of the combined (NAVSTAR + local) constellation. Figure 6.13 shows the number of measurements during the initialization maneuver in Figure 6.11. Due to the surrounding buildings and structures, measurement drop-outs and reaquisitions occurred very often. Nevertheless, it only affected the convergence speed, the final estimation error was not compromised. 6.5 6.5.1 Formation Maneuvers Truck Formation Maneuver Autonomous formation maneuvering experiments were performed using the trucks shown in Figure 6.1. The reference truck (truck 1) was equipped with the onboard 1 Origin of the absolute frame is (0, 0) of the grid 6.5. FORMATION MANEUVERS 167 Convergence of Position Error 0 position error (m) 10 Estimation Error Bound Estimation Error −1 10 Calibration Error Level (3cm) −2 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 sample points 8 9 10 11 12 Fig. 6.12: Estimation Error Convergence Measurement Drop−outs during the Initialization Maneuver 6 Number of NAVSTAR Measurements Number of Local Transmitter Measurements Number of Measurements 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 time (sec) 60 70 80 90 100 Fig. 6.13: Number of Measurements Used in Initialization Process CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 168 Horizontal Error in the Formation Keeping Maneuver 1 0.5 0 y error (m) −0.5 −1 −1.5 Desired Relative Position (0,−1) −2 −2.5 −3 −2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 x error (m) 0.5 1 1.5 2 Figure 6.14: Formation Keeping Maneuver (RC Trucks) transmitter and it was able to follow the manual command during the formation maneuvers. Figure 6.14 shows the horizontal errors in the formation keeping maneuver. In this experiment, truck 2 had completed the autonomous initialization maneuver and formed a tight formation with truck 1 at (0,-1) m. At this point, truck 1 started moving towards the positive x axis. Truck 2 was under automatic control and was commanded to maintain the relative position at (0,-1) m. Because there was no feedforward in the control scheme, there was a noticeable lag in the motion of truck 2 (towards negative x in this plot). At the end of the experiment, truck 1 made a turn towards the negative y axis, causing the relative position of truck 2 to lag towards positive y. This test demonstrates the autonomous station keeping formation maneuver, in which the reference vehicle with onboard transmitter is mobile and the follower vehicle is maintaining the relative position in the moving local coordinate frame. 6.5. FORMATION MANEUVERS 169 Robot Formation Manuever (station keeping) 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 East (m) 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 Target Point −0.05 Robot2 Trajectory Robot2 Heading −0.1 −0.15 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 South (m) 1.7 1.8 1.9 Figure 6.15: Robot Fomation Keeping Maneuver 6.5.2 Robot Formation Maneuver with Multi-Transmitters In this section, the experimental data of the autonomous formation maneuvers of multiple robots are presented. Each robot carried an onboard transmitter for the initialization and the geometry augmentation. Figure 6.15 shows the relative position of robot 2 with respect to the robot 1 as well as the heading direction of the follower (robot 2) in the ENU frame. In this demonstration, robot 2 had completed the initialization maneuver and formed a tight formation with robot 1 at (0,-1.6) m (East,North). Robot 2 was under automatic control and was commanded to maintain the relative position at (0,-1.6) m. Because there was no feedforward in the control scheme and the leading robot (robot 1) performed very complex maneuvers, there was a noticeable lag in the motion of robot 2. However, the heading angles of robot 2 at the each sampled data point show that robot 2 is headed towards the target point which is consistent with attempting 170 CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS to minimize the station-keeping error. Note that the scale of the entire formation maneuver in this particular case was approximately 15 m×15 m. A simple ranging device was developed in order to validate the CDGPS position estimates during the formation maneuvers. The detailed design of the laser ranging device is given in Appendix B. Validation Results A video camera was mounted onto the follower robot and aimed at the target. A series of formation maneuvers (both open-loop and closed-loop) were then performed and CDGPS position measurements were collected while the video was taken. The video tape was later examined at a 1 Hz rate, and the location of the image of the pointers on the target was converted to the relative position using Eq. B.11. A comparison of the video measurements and CDGPS measurements for open-loop and closed-loop formation maneuvers are shown in Figures 6.16 and 6.17. In the open-loop case, the relative position is slowly drifting towards one direction. Two manual path corrections were made during the maneuver in order to keep the 2 laser intersection points inside the target board. The position errors are typically less than 5 cm when the vehicles are following a straight path. However, larger errors can be seen during the angular motion of the robots. This is because the laser ranging device solutions are sensitive to the large heading angle change and the attitude estimation errors (Appendix B). In the closed-loop case, the vehicle maintains its relative position at approximately 1.9 m north. Because the follower robot had to undergo large turns in order to regulate the lateral relative position, the laser beams are often aimed away from the target board and data points are missing for those durations. The position error is also less than 5 cm during the maneuver when the laser ranging measurements are available. 6.5. FORMATION MANEUVERS 171 South direction −0.6 Laser pointer measurement GPS measurement −0.7 −0.8 m −0.9 −1 −1.1 −1.2 −1.3 0 50 100 150 100 150 time (sec) East direction 0.3 0.25 0.2 m 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 −0.05 0 50 time (sec) Fig. 6.16: Validation Result (Open-loop Maneuver) Formation Maneuver Validation Data −1.7 Laser pointer measurement GPS measurement −1.75 south direction relative position (m) −1.8 −1.85 −1.9 −1.95 −2 −2.05 −2.1 −2.15 −2.2 0 20 40 60 time (sec) 80 100 Fig. 6.17: Validation Result(Closed-loop Control Maneuver) 120 CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 172 6.6 Summary In conclusion, the augmented CDGPS sensing system and the algorithms developed in this dissertation were extensively tested on various terrestrial testbeds. In particular, the robust bias intialization algorithm was extensively tested. The final position errors after intialization maneuvers as well as the convergence characteristics were also verified in the experiments. The autonomous initialization maneuvers and autonomous formation maneuvers were demonstrated and the estimation accuracy was validated using the laser pointer ranging device. Chapter 7 Conclusion The Global Positioning System combined with onboard ranging devices has been shown to provide the means for precise relative navigation for a variety of formation flying applications. This chapter presents a summary of the theoretical and experimental contributions behind the development of a feasible sensing system for vehicle formations in various operating environments. In addition, future areas of relative navigation research are suggested. 7.1 Summary of Contributions The goal of this research was to develop and demonstrate a comprehensive sensing system for a formation of vehicles using the augmented CDGPS concept. Contributions presented in the thesis were made in the following areas: Decentralized Estimation The ability to distribute the computational loads of the estimation process is imperative for future formation flying spacecraft missions. A decentralized relative position and velocity estimation algorithm was developed for a large number of vehicles using a combined (local + NAVSTAR) constellation. This decentralized ICEKF (Iterated Cascade Extended Kalman Filter) algorithm was shown to substantially reduce total computational load and also distribute this load over the fleet without significant 173 174 CHAPTER 7. CONCLUSION degradation in the estimation accuracy when compared to the traditional centralized approach. The numerical problems associated with adding in the local range measurements were eliminated by the distributed estimation process. Additionally, the decentralized system was able to reduce the inter-spacecraft communication requirements. The decentralized estimation approach also has the benefits of being robust to single point failures on the master vehicle, and the estimation process can easily be reconfigured as vehicles join/leave the fleet. Long Baseline Corrections The correction terms for the differential phase and Doppler measurements were introduced for the spacecraft formations with a large vehicle separation (>1 km). It was demonstrated that the traditional planar wave front assumption made by many previous researchers is not valid for long-baseline formation flying spacecraft missions. It was shown in the simulation that these errors (maximum ∼10 cm error in phase, ∼40 cm error in Doppler measurements for 2 km baseline) can be a dominant error source if they are not compensated for correctly. Although the correction techniques depend only on knowledge at the pseudorange level, it was shown that the accuracy of these correction terms typically reduce the measurement errors to below the level of the phase noise. Robust Initialization Algorithm The robust real-time cycle ambiguity estimation algorithm was developed to replace the previous batch algorithms that were unable to provide bias estimates during the initialization maneuver around a local transmitter. It was shown that this filtering algorithm can provide the position and bias estimates in real-time and tolerate relatively large initial errors, having a comparable convergence region to that of the batch (smoothing) methods. The performance and characteristics of this algorithm were extensively investigated in various simulations and experimental tests. 7.1. SUMMARY OF CONTRIBUTIONS 175 Quasi-optimal Selection Algorithm A vehicle in a formation can see a large number of ranging signals from the NAVSTAR constellation as well as the local constellation. However, due to hardware limitations on most receivers, only a subset of these measurements can be tracked at one time. Thus, it is desirable to select a subset of the available measurements that forms the best possible geometry. A quasi-optimal satellite selection algorithm was presented that provides a fleet of spacecraft with onboard transmitters with a near-optimal viewing geometry, but at a very small computational load. As such, the algorithm should be implementable in real-time, which is necessary for a fleet in LEO. This algorithm was validated in various simulated environments, including LEO. Mission Simulations An extensive number of simulations that cover a wide range of different mission scenarios were conducted to validate the algorithms developed. These simulation results also demonstrated the benefits of the augmented CDGPS sensing system for users in many different environments, such as LEO, MEO, GEO, and terrestrial. Experimental Demonstration The first real-time autonomous formation initialization maneuver was demonstrated using outdoor experimental vehicles. The initialization procedure provided centimeterlevel position accuracy at the end of the maneuver. In addition, autonomous formation maneuvers involving multiple onboard transmitters were successfully demonstrated. These experimental results validated the key algorithms and procedures developed in this dissertation. Development of SPTC A prototype standalone transceiver system (SPTC) was developed for the experimental demonstration of the proposed sensing system and the related algorithms. The device consists of a combined GPS attitude receiver, a pseudolite, a radio modem, CHAPTER 7. CONCLUSION 176 Demonstrate closed-loop formation flying in space Emerald 2 (Chromium) Carrier phase GPS data merald 1 (Beryl) Two GPS antennas One GPS receiver Limited control Orion • Six GPS antennas • Three GPS receivers • Full 6 DOF control Figure 7.1: Orion Mission and a micro-controller. It provided the full communication, ranging, and CDGPS capabilities that are essential for the formation flying vehicles. 7.2 Future Work There are a number of additional research areas related to the relative navigation system that can be further explored. This future work can be divided into the following areas. 7.2.1 LEO Formation Flying Experiment The ability to perform the autonomous formation flying tasks in space must be validated by an on-orbit demonstration. The formation flying experiment requires researches in the areas of distributed control and estimation, path planning, modular sensing system design, inter-spacecraft communication, long-term optimal fleet management and control, and high level task management. The Orion project [JH99] is 7.2. FUTURE WORK 177 an ongoing mission, scheduled to launch in 2002. The Orion mission will demonstrate the first autonomous formation flight of 3 micro-satellites in LEO using the CDGPS techniques. The Orion spacecraft will carry 3 modular GPS receivers (6 antennas) and determine the relative position and velocity of the spacecraft with respect to two Emerald spacecraft flying in formation. The mission is expected to test other essential formation flying technologies introduced above. 7.2.2 Transceiver Development In this research, the pseudolites operating in L1 frequency was used for an onboard transmitter in the experiments because the hardware was readily available. However, a local transmitter operating in the same frequency introduced severe near-far problems. This problem was mitigated by using the pulsing feature of the pseudolites, but there still exist potential problems such as a limited operating range, a limited number of Gold codes, and SNR degradation in the NAVSTAR signal due to the inevitable cross-correlations. An onboard transceiver system that operates in a different frequency range would be highly beneficial. Moreover, a higher ranging resolution and a higher data rate can be achieved by using a higher code rate and operating at a higher frequency. In addition, a proper signal structure design could eliminate the measurement bias issues that exist in the differential carrier phase measurements of the NAVSTAR and the pseudolite signals. An ability to track the L1 and L2 GPS signals could be also added to these devices, realizing a complete relative/absolute navigation device. Several researchers are currently developing ranging and communication devices that could be used in combination with the CDGPS system. Star Ranger, which is being developed by MIT in conjunction with AeroAstro [RZ], will demonstrate ultra-high precision ranging capability (∼1 cm) with its Ku-band transceiver. It will also combine multiple modular L1 GPS receivers [EO99] to include the CDGPS capability. CHAPTER 7. CONCLUSION 178 Fig. 7.2: UAV 7.2.3 UAV Relative Navigation The importance of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is acknowledged for many potential critical application areas such as battle field reconnaissance, high altitude exploration, and unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV). Ultimately, these vehicles will be required to perform formation maneuvers and aerial refueling maneuvers as are common practice in manned aircraft. The autonomous refueling capability of the UAV will be especially valuable due to the limited size of the aircraft. The (augmented) CDGPS can be implemented and provide the precise relative navigation capability1 . 1 Relative to ground station or relative to each other. 7.3. CLOSING 7.3 179 Closing The formation flying of spacecraft will undoubtedly become a common practice in the future space exploration and the Global Positioning System augmented by the onboard ranging/communication devices will play an important role as a relative navigation sensor for the various formation systems. Therefore, the potential performance and limitation of the system must be fully understood and enhanced if necessary. The research presented in this dissertation has achieved firm contributions towards this goal. The achievements made in these early days of formation flying and relative navigation researches should provide a solid foundation for the future formation/relative navigation systems. Appendix A GPS Attitude Receiver Development and Testing A.1 Receiver Hardware As a part of this research, a low cost attitude capable receiver was developed using the Mitel GP2000 chipset. The GP2000 chipset comprises the GP2010 RF frontends and the GP2021 12-channel correlator. The original Mitel ORIONTM design is a single antenna receiver on a 3×4 inch printed circuit board. This design was modified to incorporate dual RF front-ends on a single board connected to a single correlator, with a capability to use an off-board clock signal to drive the receiver circuitry [EO99]. These modifications allow for an arbitrary number of dual front-ends receiver cards to be chained together using a common clock. In this configuration any number of antennas can be used to form a GPS based attitude system. Figure A.1 shows a picture of the attitude capable 4 RF front-ends GPS receiver [EO99]. The attitude receivers consist of two dual RF front-ends receiver cards mounted on a single interface board (Figure A.1). This interface board provides power (including backup from a small NiCAD battery) to the receiver cards, a buffered clock signal to drive them, and three standard serial ports. There is a dedicated serial connection to each receiver card, and one serial port that is connected to both cards. This configuration enables information to be transmitted between the two cards (through their 180 A.2. RECEIVER SOFTWARE 181 Fig. A.1: Attitude Receiver dedicated serial ports), while the interface to the entire receiver can be made through the joint serial port. Although 4 RF front-ends were available, 3 antenna attitude algorithms were developed and the 4th RF front-ends was reserved for future onboard pseudolite input. In addition, a simple single-board design was developed for 2 antenna configuration. This single-board, dual-antenna attitude receiver (Figure A.2) was able to determine the attitude along 2 axes. A.2 Receiver Software GPS Architect Toolkit provides access to the receiver firmware and it allows us to extensively modify the code and carrier tracking loops [RB97], the signal acquisition algorithms, the cycle-slip detection routines, the input/output routines, and the frequency search region during startup. Since the two dual front-ends cards mounted on the interface board (Figure A.1) have their own processors, each card can share the relatively large amount of computations required to estimate the vehicle attitude. A Master/Slave configuration is used to distribute the computational load to the two 182APPENDIX A. GPS ATTITUDE RECEIVER DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING Fig. A.2: Single-board Attitude Receiver cards. These two cards are connected to each other through their dedicated serial ports which allows them to share the information. Previously, all the vehicle attitude and relative position calculations were done off-board by sending the carrier phase data to the ground computer through the serial ports, but now the new software uses onboard receiver processor to compute the attitude solutions using the spare processing power. Benefits of onboard processing of the attitude are • Onboard attitude computation can minimize the data transfer from vehicle to vehicle in the formation or device to device in the vehicle. • Especially if the number of the vehicles increases in the formation, this estimation scheme will relieve computational burden on the main processors. In the dual-board design, six channels (1 antenna) are assigned to the first frontend of the master card and the processor on the master card computes pseudorange A.3. ONBOARD CYCLE AMBIGUITY ESTIMATION 183 and amount of sampling time each card needs to slew since the sampling time of the each receiver is synchronized to the GPS time. Then the master board sends the carrier phase data of these 6 channels to the slave board including the line-ofsight information. Since the slave card does not compute the pseudorange, but just tracks satellites on the 12 channels assigned to the 2 antennas (6 channels on each antenna), it has enough spare processing time to compute the attitude at a 5 Hz rate. The carrier phase data from the master card arrives every 0.2 seconds (GPS time) and consequently, the slave card forms 12 single differences using the phase data from the both master card and itself. The master card also sends sampling time slew information every 0.9 seconds (GPS time) such that both cards slew the sample time every seconds. On the other hand, the single board attitude receiver assigns six channels to each antenna and processes the 6 single differences. The onboard estimation algorithms consists of the cycle ambiguity estimation algorithm and the attitude estimation algorithm. A.3 Onboard Cycle Ambiguity Estimation Since an accurate estimate of the cycle ambiguity states is required in the attitude determination, cycle ambiguity estimation algorithms are implemented onboard. Exisiting real-time approachs to cycle ambiguity resolution based on systematic integer search algorithms have been successfully used in a number of applications and have substantial advantages from a computational perspective [RH90]. However, because multiple solutions are possible using these techniques, in this research, a robust motion based least-squares algorithm was implemented [BP96]. A.3.1 Computing Initial Guess of States For Two Base Line Platform The motion-based least-squares estimation of cycle ambiguity requires the linearization of the observation equation about the best current estimate. The convergence 184APPENDIX A. GPS ATTITUDE RECEIVER DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING x(2) x(1) x Fig. A.3: Large angle motion of baseline in 2D [CC92] characteristics of Gauss-Newton iteration are highly dependent on the quality of the initial guess of the attitude states provided the batch algorithm. The following kinematic approach developed by Cohen can provide a very good initial guess of the states using large baseline motions [CC92]. The solution of this kinematic method will be used as an initial guess to the batch algorithms described in the following sections. If the baselines sweep out a large angle, then it is possible to accumulate a set of displacement vectors that can be used to identify an initial attitude guess. The procedure is to rotate the fixed baselines from some unknown initial direction given by x, we then collect the changes in the displacement of the baselines at several time steps (Fig A.3). The displacement of the baseline vector at each time step, ∆x, can be easily calculated by subtracting the differential carrier phase of initial time step from that of any arbitrary time step (do not need to know the integer biases). Noting that the baseline length is constant [CC92], then (x + ∆x)T (x + ∆x) = xT x (A.1) A.3. ONBOARD CYCLE AMBIGUITY ESTIMATION 185 where x is initial baseline vector in the local coordinate system. Two terms can be cancelled out, leaving 2∆xT x = −∆xT ∆x (A.2) With ∆x taken at N different times, we can stack the data into a matrix form 2∆X T x = −diag(∆X T ∆X) where ∆X = ∆x(1) ∆x(2) · · · ∆x(N ) (A.3) (A.4) and ∆x(k) can be directly computed from the differential phases. If there are n satellites in view, then (k) los1 ∆r1 .. .. . ∆x(k) = . (A.5) ∆rn(k) lson where (k) (k) (0) ∆r1 = ∆φ1 − ∆φ1 (A.6) and ∆φkl denotes the differential carrier phase measurement at the k th time step using the lth satellite. The vector los denotes the line-of-sight vector from the antenna to the satellite in the local coordinate frame. If there are more than one baseline, then the information from multiple baselines can be combined (the angles between the baselines are constant for a rigid body). Between two baselines i and j, we have (xi + ∆xi )T (xj + ∆xj ) = xTi xj (A.7) Again, two terms can be cancelled, leaving ∆xTj xi + ∆xTi xj = −∆xTi ∆xj (A.8) 186APPENDIX A. GPS ATTITUDE RECEIVER DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING Invoking the same notation as above, the matrix form can be constucted for the two baselines case ∆XjT xi + ∆XiT xj = −diag(∆XiT ∆Xj ) where ∆Xi = (1) ∆xi (2) ∆xi ··· (N ) ∆xi (A.9) (A.10) Using Eq. A.3 and Eq. A.9, the initial guesses for the two baseline vectors (x1 and x2 ) can be combined into a single, unified least-squares fit ∆X2T ∆X1T 2∆X1T 0 0 2∆X2T x1 x2 diag(∆X1T ∆X2 ) = − diag(∆X1T ∆X1 ) (A.11) diag(∆X2T ∆X2 ) The left-hand side matrix is 3N × 6, the unknown vector is 6 × 1. Therefore no a priori information about the antenna placement is required to unambiguously solve for both initial baseline vectors. Initial attitude states can be obtained from these baseline vectors x1 and x2 using the following equations x1 = Ti/b b1 (A.12) x2 = Ti/b b2 (A.13) where b1 denotes the baseline vector in the body frame, and Ti/b denotes the rotation matrix from the body frame to the local coordinate frame. These initial baseline vectors can then be propagated using the accumulated ∆X1 and ∆X2 to find all of the attitude states. These attitude states are then used as an initial guess for a batch nonlinear bias estimation. A.3.2 Batch Algorithm After initial guesses of states are found by the method described in the previous section, a simple batch gradient search technique can be used to solve for the integer biases. This approach has been used successfully on several applications [BP96]. We A.3. ONBOARD CYCLE AMBIGUITY ESTIMATION 187 start with the measurement equations in the form y = h(X) + β + ν (A.14) where ν is the measurement noise vector distributed as νk ∼ N(0, σ 2 ). Collecting carrier phase data while the baselines are in motion results in a set of measurements yk = hk (xk ) + β + νk , k = 1, ..., N (A.15) where the state vector xk includes the three Euler angles xk = T ψk θk φk (A.16) Eq.( A.15) can be linearized about the current best guesses of x̂k and β̂ to give yk ∼ = hk (x̂k ) + Hk (x̂k )δxk + β̂ + δβ + νk (A.17) ρk = yk − hk (x̂k ) − β̂ ∼ = Hk (x̂k )δxk + δβ + νk (A.18) Stacking these equations for all k = 1, . . . , N gives ρ1 H1 ρ2 H2 = .. .. . . ρN 0 δx1 I δx2 I .. . +ν .. . δXN I δβ 0 HN (A.19) If we define H̃ = H1 0 H2 .. 0 . I δx1 δx2 I , δx = .. .. . . HN I δXN (A.20) 188APPENDIX A. GPS ATTITUDE RECEIVER DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING where Hk = Hk (x̂k ), then ρ = H̃ δx δβ +ν (A.21) The weighted least solution is then found by iteratively solving δx̂ δ β̂ = (H̃ T R−1 H̃)−1 H̃ T R−1 ρ (A.22) and, x̂new = x̂old + δx̂, β̂new = β̂old + δ β̂ A.3.3 (A.23) Iterative Information Smoother A brute force application of the above can result in an excessive computational load since the array sizes become quite large, even for small N. In fact, when the algorithm was tested on the same processor (ARM60) that was also processing the tracking loop routines for 12 channels (and handling the i/o routines), the entire batch bias estimation took about 1–2 minutes. An alternative approach is to leverage the fact that H̃ is sparse, and to apply a sparse matrix batch least squares routine. A second approach is to use an iterated information smoother. This algorithm was used by Pervan [BP96] in the estimation of the cycle ambiguity states in the relative position estimator for the Integrity Beacon Landing System (IBLS). In the development of the attitude receiver, the algorithm is then modified to estimate the bias states in the attitude estimation equations. These algorithms is not only faster and uses less memory, but can also bring measurements on or off-line in an easy manner if signals are lost or acquired during initialization. The iterated information smoother is formulated as follows [BP96]. The perturbation of Eq. A.14 about the current estimates x̂k and β̂ can be written as ρk = Hk (x̂k )δxk + δβ + νk = Hk I δxk δβ + νk (A.24) A.3. ONBOARD CYCLE AMBIGUITY ESTIMATION 189 If no signals are lost or acquired between the sampled measurements, then the baseline kinematics can be expressed as a discrete Gauss-Markov process δx δβ = k+1 δx δβ + wk (A.25) k where the process noise wk is distributed as wk ∼ N(0, W ) and W = µ→∞ lim µIx 0 0 (A.26) 0 The matrix Ix is the identity matrix with dimensions corresponding to the number of states in the system, since the integer ambiguities are constant from epoch to epoch. Let the state estimate-error covariance be P̂k−1 , the covariance time update P k is then P k = P̂k−1 + W = lim µ→∞ µIx P̂xβ T P̂xβ P̂β (A.27) k−1 where P̂xβ and P̂β are the right upper, and lower sub-blocks of P̂ , with dimensions conforming to the number of states, and biases in the system. This can be expressed in information matrix form as Sk = 0 0 0 P̂β−1 (A.28) k−1 where P̂β is the lower right block of P̂ corresponding to the integers. The information matrix measurement update is then Sk = 0 0 0 P̂β + k−1 HkT I T Hk I (A.29) 190APPENDIX A. GPS ATTITUDE RECEIVER DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING where the measurement covariance has been normalized by measurement noise variance σ 2 . Eq. A.29 can also be expressed as Sk = 0 0 T Ŝβ−1 Ŝxβ 0 Ŝβ − Ŝxβ + k−1 HkT T I Hk I (A.30) If we define the information vector as zk = zx zβ ≡ Sk k δx δβ (A.31) k then the information vector update can then be written as ẑk = 0 T ẑβ − Ŝxβ Ŝβ−1 ẑx + k−1 HkT I T δyk (A.32) Eqs. A.30 and A.32 can be applied sequentially with initial conditions z 1 =0, and S 1 =0 until the final epoch N is reached. It is also necessary to perform a backward smoothing of the collected measurements, which is easily done by interchanging the k and k − 1 indices in Eqs. A.30 and A.32. In this case, the equations are applied sequentially with z N =0 and S N =0. The information matrix and vector from both the forward and backward passes are added together to form Ŝk = ŜkF + ŜkB , ẑk = ẑkF + ẑkB (A.33) The state and bias updates can then be computed from Ŝk−1 ẑk . The entire process is repeated until δx and δβ are sufficiently small. This algorithm was run after finding the initial guess of states x̂k and β̂k using the kinematic method. Execution time of the entire bias estimation algorithm is, typically, 1–2 seconds using an onboard processor. Also, the amount of memory space required for this estimation was reduced by a factor of 5 compared to brute force batch algorithm. Appendix B Formation Ranging Device Development B.1 Laser Pointer Ranging Device This device consists of a pair of laser pointers and a target board. These devices are mounted on the follower and leader robots, respectively. Figures B.1 and B.2 show the laser pointer array and the target board mounted on each vehicle. The pair of laser pointers form a equilateral triangle with a fixed baseline. The focal length of laser pointer was accurately surveyed prior to each test. As the vehicles undergo formation maneuvers, a video camera mounted at the center of the laser pointer baseline recorded the image of the target. This image clearly shows the dots where the 2 lasers hit the target board. With this image, it is possible to calculate 2–D position of follower robot with respect to the leader robot using the geometry shown in Figure B.3 The coordinate frame is attached to the center of the target and the x, y axes are aligned with the true south and east direction, respectively. Note that the local coordinate frame does not rotate with the target or the robot. The goal is to calculate the relative position of the reference (center) point on the laser array with respect to the origin of reference frame. The measurements that can be extracted from the camera are the distance from the center of target to the 2 points where the laser 191 192 APPENDIX B. FORMATION RANGING DEVICE DEVELOPMENT Fig. B.1: Laser Pointer and Baseline Fig. B.2: Target Board Mounted on Mounted on Follower Robot Leader Robot beams intersect the target. These distances are designated as L and R. Figure B.3 shows the geometry of the laser pointer array and the target. It is assumed that the attitude of the 2 robots (φ1 and φ2 ) are known accurately1 . The relative position of the reference point of the laser pointer array with respect to the origin is defined as (a1 , a2 ) and from the geometry, θ = arctan f (B.1) B 2 Define the location of the left and right laser sources as (c1 , c2 ) and (d1 , d2 ) B sin φ2 , a2 + 2 B (d1 , d2 ) = (a1 + sin φ2 , a2 − 2 (c1 , c2 ) = (a1 − B cos φ2 ) 2 B cos φ2 ) 2 (B.2) (B.3) The laser beam lines l and r can then be written as 1 y = tan (φ1 − θ)x + c1 − tan (φ2 − θ)c2 (B.4) y = tan (φ1 + θ)x + d1 − tan (φ2 + θ)d2 (B.5) Provided by the attitude GPS receiver. B.1. LASER POINTER RANGING DEVICE 193 xl X φ1 xr Y target t R Target Center, Reference Point L f r a1 l θ φ2 φ2 laser pointer (d1, d2) B (c1, c2) a2 Fig. B.3: Geometry of Laser Pointer Ranging Device The line representing the target (t) is y = tan (φ1 + π )x 2 (B.6) The x direction location of the points where the lines l and r intersect the line t can be expressed as c1 − tan (φ2 − θ)c2 tan (φ1 + π2 ) − tan (φ1 − θ) d1 − tan (φ2 + θ)d2 = tan (φ1 + π2 ) − tan (φ1 + θ) xl = (B.7) xr (B.8) APPENDIX B. FORMATION RANGING DEVICE DEVELOPMENT 194 The intersection points xl and xr can be also expressed in terms of the measurements L and R xl = −L sin φ1 (B.9) xr = −R sin φ1 (B.10) A matrix equation can be formed by combining Eqs. B.7, B.8, B.9, and B.10, and then substituting c1 , c2 , d1 , and d2 values using Eqs. B.2 and B.3. The resulting expression is of the form − tan (φ2 + θ) 1 − tan (φ2 − θ) 1 a1 a2 = −L sin φ1 (tan (φ1 + π2 ) − tan (φ1 − θ)) + −L sin φ1 (tan (φ1 + π ) 2 − tan (φ1 − θ)) + B 2 B 2 cos φ2 + tan (φ2 + θ) B2 sin φ2 cos φ2 + tan (φ2 + θ) B2 sin φ2 (B.11) By solving the matrix Eq. B.11, the relative position (a1 , a2 ) can be expressed in terms of the measurements L, R and vehicle heading angles. Bibliography [AB99] A. E. Bryson, Dynamic Optimization, Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., California, 1999. [AD98] A. Das and R. Cobb, “TechSat 21 – Space Missions Using Collaborating Constellations of Satellites,” Proceedings of the 12th Annual AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites, Logan, UT, Aug. 1998. [AFR] Available at any/afrba986.htm. [AG74] A. Gelb, Applied Optimal Estimation, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1974 [BP96] B. S. Pervan, Navigation Integrity for Aircraft Precision Landing Using the GPS. Ph.D. Dissertation, Stanford University, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, March. 1996. 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