Melts and Fluids Lars Stixrude Earth’s Interior Mantle Oxides & Silicates Outer Core Iron Alloy Liquid Solid Inner Core Depth 0 660 Pressure 0 24 Temperature 300 1800 2890 136 3000 5150 329 5500 6371 km 363 GPa 6000 K Solid Melting and differentiation Oxide wt % SiO2 MgO FeO Al2O3 CaO Na2O K2O Mean Atomic Mass Mantle 44.9 42.6 7.9 1.4 0.8 0.11 0.04 Oceanic Crust 47.8 17.8 9.0 12.1 11.2 1.31 0.03 Continental Crust 58.0 3.5 7.5 18.0 7.5 3.5 1.5 21.1 21.6 21.1 Maaløe and Aoki (1977) Elthon (1979) Taylor and McLennan (1985) Incompatibility •Ionic radius •e.g. alkalis are large •Structure of coexisting crystals •e.g. garnet retains incompatibles much more completely than other phases •Garnet signature of MORB •MORB genesis begins at depths > 80 km Melting and differentiation Oxide wt % SiO2 MgO FeO Al2O3 CaO Na2O K2O Mean Atomic Mass Mantle 44.9 42.6 7.9 1.4 0.8 0.11 0.04 Oceanic Crust 47.8 17.8 9.0 12.1 11.2 1.31 0.03 Continental Crust 58.0 3.5 7.5 18.0 7.5 3.5 1.5 21.1 21.6 21.1 Maaløe and Aoki (1977) Elthon (1979) Taylor and McLennan (1985) Magma Dynamics Driving Force Liquid-solid density contrast~10 % Volume Composition 1600 K . 100 km . Geotherm Temperature Melting Curve Cause of Melting Decompression Result: Differentiation Liquid enriched in Fe, Ca, Si Depleted in Mg Depth Liquid-solid density contrast Driving force for mantle differentiation Why are liquids less dense? Not composition: Mean atomic mass similar Temperature Origin of melt . 100 km Melting Curve . Geotherm Depth Melting point varies rapidly with depth Controlled by Clapeyron equation dT/dP =V/S~4 K/km Large V! Geotherm controlled by Grüneisen parameter of solids ~1 Geothermal gradient small ~0.5 K/km Compressibility •Silicate liquids have much larger volume per atom than solids of the same composition •Materials with large volume per atom tend to be more compressible (smaller bulk modulus) Material Basalt liquid Olivine Orthopyroxene Clinopyroxene Garnet MgSiO3 perovskite Bulk modulus 12 GPa 129 GPa 106 GPa 114 GPa 170 GPa 251 GPa Liquid-solid density inversion Stolper et al. (1981) JGR Liquid-crystal density inversion Implications Maximum depth from which magma can be extracted Deeper melt may sink, or remain at depth of origin Olivine flotation in early magma ocean Complications Many components have a large influence on melt density e.g. H2O Silicate Liquid Structure Si-O polyhedra Mg ions Stixrude & Karki (2005) Science Silicate liquid structure Local order largely preserved Coordination numbers are similar Si-O ~ 4 Mg-O ~ 5 (less than crystal: volume contrast) Most O shared by two tetrahedra (NBO/T ~ 2) Long-range order destroyed No more infinite chains Silicate liquid structure Radial Distribution Function g (r) •Radial distribution function g( r) •Probability of finding two atoms at separation r •Unity for ideal gas •Series of delta functions for solid •Liquid: short range order, long-range disorder Coordination number n (r) c r g (r)d r 3 0 8 V/V 0=1 T=3000 K 6 Mg-Mg Mg-Si Mg-O Si-Si Si-O O-O 4 2 0 0 2 4 Distance r (Å) 6 8 Deep Melt •Giant Impact, early evolution of Earth •Komatiites, exotic xenoliths •Ultra-low velocity zone •Melting temperature •Liquid-solid density contrast •Viscosity •Structure gSiO3 Phase Diagram Temperature (K) 3000 Liquid (?) 1.0 2500 Majorite Pyroxene (4,6) 0.73 (4) 0.81 Perovskite (6) 0.63 2000 1500 5 10 15 20 Pressure (GPa) 25 30 Mean Si-O Coordination number Structure and thermodynamics • Coordination change – At what pressure? – Over what interval of pressure? – Over what range of coordination number? – Structure within transition interval Crystal 6 Liquid? • Implications – Liquid-solid density contrast – Melting slope – Transport properties 4 Pressure Liquid Structure Si-O polyhedra Mg ions VVX=1.0 T=3000 K V/VX=0.5 T=3000 K Silicate Liquid Structure Si-O polyhedra Mg ions Stixrude & Karki (2005) Science Si-O Coordination Number • Increases linearly with compression • No detectable T dependence along isochores • No identifiable transition interval (inflection weak or absent) • 5-fold coordinated Si are common at intermediate pressure 125 5 2 7 6 Perovskite 5 Majorite 4 Pyroxene 1.00.5 Fraction of Si Si-O coordination number 8 Pressure (GPa) 55 25 13 0.8 0.6 6 0.7 0.8 Volume V/VX 0.9 1.0 4 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.5 5 7 0.6 0.7 0.8 Volume V/VX 0.9 1.0 Heat Capacity • Silicate liquid – 4.1 to 3.6 – Decreases on compression – T dependence not detected • Dulong-Petit = 3 • Ideal Gas = 2/3 Ab initio melting curve 8000 Liquid • Integrate Clapeyron equation dTM V dP H /T Lindemann ZB Temperature (K) V, H from FPMD – Assume one fixed point – 25 GPa, 2900 K 7000 LAAA 6000 FPMD SL 5000 Assumed Fixed Point 4000 KJ 3000 SH 2000 HJ Perovskite IK 1000 Stixrude & Karki (2005) Science 0 40 80 Pressure (GPa) 120 Volume and entropy of melting • Entropy of melting – Nearly constant in lower mantle – Larger than Nk • Volume of melting – Decreases 5-fold • Liquid-solid density contrast – Low P regime: controlled by V – High P regime: controlled by X Melting in present Earth? 8000 Temperature (K) 7000 Perovskite Melts 6000 5000 4000 3000 Eutectic? 2000 Geotherm 1000 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Pressure (GPa) Melts and fluids 14 kbar, 763 C Solubility of water in silicate melt Increases with pressure Complete miscibility achieved at ~ arc conditions 14 kbar, 766 C Shen and Keppler (1997) Nature In search of the terrestrial hydrosphere • • • • How is water distributed? – Surface, crust, mantle, core – What is the solubility of water in mantle and core? – Can we detect water at depth? – Physics of the hydrogen bond at high pressure? Has the distribution changed with time? – Is the mantle (de)hydrating? – How is “freeboard” related to oceanic mass? – How does (de)hydration influence mantle dynamics? Where did the hydrosphere come from? What does the existence of a hydrosphere tell us about Earth’s origin? Hydrous Phases Important for carrying water from surface to deep interior Subduction zones Some water removed to melt How much is subducted? How much is retained in the slab? Phase stability Fumagalli et al. (2001) EPSL Fumagalliite? 10 Å phase Where’s the water? Source of deep water? Surface (subduction) Accretion (chondrites) Chondrites have very large water contents (much greater than Earth) How much of this water could be retained on accretion? Ohtani (2005) Elements Nominally anhydrous phases • • • • • Stishovite Charge balance: Si4+ -> Al3+ + H+ Low pressure asymmetric O-H…O High pressure symmetric O-H-O Implications for – Elasticity, transport, strength, melting Panero & Stixrude (2004) EPSL Nominally anhydrous phases • Primary reservoir of water in mantle? • Incorporation of H requires charge balance • Investigate Al+H for Si in stishovite • End-member (AlOOH) is a stable isomorph • Enthalpy and entropy of solution Solubility 1.5 0.5 0.0 Panero & Stixrude (2004) EPSL Mass Fraction H2O (%) 1.0