Recitation Syllabus:


Recitation Syllabus:

Math 1271 Sec. 061 T, Th 2:30 – 3:20 PM, Room: Rapson Hall 45

Recitation Instructor: Alex Yuffa


Office Tel.:

Office Hours:

Vincent Hall 552

(612) 624


Please visit:


Personal Homepage:

Recitation Homepage:

Recitation Outline:

During recitation, we (meaning you and I together ) will do homework problems assigned by your lecturer, Professor Al Marden. Sometimes we will work additional example problems that may be on the exam. The recitation time is for you to clear up difficulties and misunderstandings, so please ask any questions you might have regarding the material being covered in the course.


At the beginning of every Tuesday recitation (except for the exam weeks) you will be given a quiz over the previous week’s homework. The quizzes will count for 10% of your overall course grade.

The quizzes will consist of one to three homework problems. The quiz problems will be exactly your previous week’s homework problems. The quiz problems will never correspond to even numbered homework problems, unless we did those even numbered problems during previous recitations. Each quiz will be worth 10 points.

Make-Up Quizzes:

There will be no make-up quizzes. However, if you miss a quiz, then your next quiz will count double. If you miss two quizzes in a row, then your next consecutive quiz will count triple. If you miss three quizzes in a row, then your next consecutive quiz will count quadruple, and so on.

Student Conduct:

Every student is expected to conduct him or her self in a manner consistent with Regents’ Policy on

Student Conduct ,


Scholastic Dishonesty , as defined in Regents’ Policy on Student Conduct , will not be tolerated.

Additional Remarks on Student Conduct:

If I catch you cheating, you will discover my evil side; i.e., I’ll vigorously pursue the harshest penalties allowed by the school. Please, do not cheat !

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