The Daily Flight Time Index: A NAS Performance Metric Mark Hansen Kam Shing Leung April 3, 2003 1 What is the DFTI? 4 4 4 A Daily Performance Metric Measures Daily Variation in Flight Times Measure Daily Variation in Flight Time Components: Departure Delay Taxi-Out Time Airborne Time Taxi-In Time 2 What is the DFTI? 4 4 4 A Weight average flight time Weights are constructed to maintain day-to-day comparability DFTI controls for: Changes in schedule padding Changes in city-pair distribution of flights 3 Daily Flight Time Index, 1995 to 2002 with 365-Day Moving Average 180 Daily 365-day average 170 DFTI (min) 160 150 140 130 120 Jan-95 Jan-96 Jan-97 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-00 Jan-01 Jan-02 Date 4 30-Day Moving Average of DFTI, by Season 1995 to 2002 150 30-Day Moving average of DFTI (min) 145 140 135 130 125 Jan-95 Jan-96 Jan-97 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-00 Jan-01 Jan-02 Date 5 How is the DFTI constructed? 4 steps 4 Identify city pairs 4 Compute city-pair weights 4 Compute Daily Average Flight Time (DAFT) by city-pair 4 Compute DFTI and its components 6 Step 1: Identify City Pairs 4 4 4 4 4 Data from Jan 1, 1995 to Dec 31 2002 included 33 days dropped due to low city-pair representation At least one completed flight on every day remained 776 city-pairs with more than 7000 daily flights Can increase city-pair representation by dropping more days and vice versa 7 Step 1: Days included vs. ODs available 900 877 (40 days dropped) 852 800 841 816 802 776 793 783 777 776 (33 days dropped) 720 719 700 697 OD appeared in all days 672 642 639 600 604 569 568 568 568 568 568 568 568 568 568 568 568 568 568 568 568 568 568 525 500 511 492 485 400 300 231 200 130 100 2881 (1 days dropped) 2886 2891 2889 2896 2901 2906 2911 2916 2921 Days included (out of 2922) 8 Step 2: Compute City-Pair Weights Fi Wi = ∑ Fj j∈CP Wi - Weight for city-pair i Fj - Flights for city-pair j during study period CP - Set of city-pairs in the DFTI 9 Step 3: Compute Daily Average Flight Time 4 4 Flight Time Defined as Total Time from Scheduled Departure to Actual Arrival Flight Time is the sum of four components Origin delay (against schedule) Taxi-out Time Airborne Time Taxi-in Time 10 Step 3: compute DAFT location Flight Time and Its Components Dest. Gate Dest. Runway Origin Runway Origin Gate time Scheduled Departure Time Actual Departure Wheels-Off Time Time Wheels-On Time Actual Arrival Time 11 Step 3: DAFT Calculation f—Flight index i—City-pair index d—Day index DAODid = ∑ OD f ∈S id N id Origin Delay DAFTid = f DATOid = ∑ TO f ∈S id N id Taxi-out Time ∑ FT f ∈S id Sid—Set of flights for citypair i on day d f Nid—Number of flights in Sid N id f DAABid = ∑ AB f ∈S id N id Airborne Time f DATI id = ∑ TI f ∈ S id f N id Taxi-inTime 12 Step 4: Compute Daily Flight Time Index 4 Weighted average of DAFTs 4 Weights obtained as explained above 4 Overall DFTI and its components calculated in similar manner 13 Step 4: DFTI calculation i—City-pair index DFTI id = d—Day index DODI d = ∑ W ⋅ DAOD i∈CP i Origin Delay id DTOI d = ∑W ⋅ DAFT i∈CP ∑ W ⋅ DATO i∈CP i Taxi-out Time CP—Set of city-pairs in the DFTI id i id DABI d = Wi—Weight for city-pair i ∑ W ⋅ DAAB i∈CP i Airborne Time id DTII d = ∑W ⋅ DATI i∈CP i id Taxi-in Time 14 Daily Origin Delay Index, 1995 to 2002 Daily Taxi-Out Index, 1995 to 2002 with 365-Day Moving Average 50 with 365-Day Moving Average 24 Daily Daily 365-day average 365-day average 45 22 40 20 35 DTOI (min) DODI (min) 30 25 18 16 20 15 14 10 12 5 0 Jan-95 Jan-96 Jan-97 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-00 Jan-01 10 Jan-95 Jan-02 Jan-96 Jan-97 Jan-98 Daily Airborne Index, 1995 to 2002 Jan-00 Jan-01 Jan-02 Daily Taxi-In Index, 1995 to 2002 with 365-Day Moving Average 110 Jan-99 Date Date with 365-Day Moving Average 9.5 Daily 365-day average 109 9 108 8.5 107 8 DTII (min) DABI (min) 106 105 7.5 7 104 6.5 103 6 102 Daily 101 100 Jan-95 5.5 365-day average Jan-96 Jan-97 Jan-98 Jan-99 Date Jan-00 Jan-01 Jan-02 5 Jan-95 Jan-96 Jan-97 Jan-98 Jan-99 Date Jan-00 Jan-01 Jan-02 15 365-D ay M oving Average of D FTI and C omponents 1995 - 2002 1 60 1 40 1 20 D FTI (m in) 1 00 T axi-In A irborne 80 T axi-O ut O rig in De la y 60 40 20 0 J an-96 J ul-9 6 Jan-97 Jul-97 J an -9 8 J ul-9 8 J an-99 J u l-99 J a n-0 0 J ul-00 Jan -0 1 J ul-0 1 J an-02 J u l-02 D ate 16