Exploratory Study of Demand Management Using Auction-Based Arrival Slot Allocation L. Le, S. Kholfi, G.L. Donohue, C-H Chen Air Transportation Systems Engineering Laboratory Dept. of Systems Engineering & Operations Research George Mason University Fairfax, VA Outlines qSlot auction model qAuctioneer optimization model qAirline optimization model qIllustration : a case study qSummary and future work Problem Identification Asynchronous non-uniform scheduling ATL – Atlanta Airport (FAA Airport Capacity Benchmark Report 2001) TOTAL SCHEDULED OPERATIONS AND CURRENT OPTIMUM RATE BOUNDARIES Queuing delay Safety violation 60 50 40 Safety violation? 30 20 10 0 7 8 Underutilization 9 10 11 12 13 14 Schedule 15 16 17 Facility Est. 18 19 20 21 Problem Identification Small aircraft makes inefficient use of slots aircraft in small category Aircraft Size (seats) Cumulative Seat Share LAX arrivals, 1998 (Mark Hansen, Berkeley) 25% flight share for 5% seat share Cumulative Flight Share Auction Model Design issues q Feasibility − package slot allocation for departure and arrival slots − incremental (airports and slots to auction off) q Optimality − efficiency : throughput (enplanement opportunity) and delay − regulatory standards: safety, flight priorities − equity: § stability in schedule § airlines’ need to leverage investments § airlines’ competitiveness : new-entrants vs. incumbents q Flexibility − primary market at strategic level − secondary market at tactical level Design approach q Objective: − provide an optimum fleet mix at optimum safe arrival capacity − ensure fair market access opportunity − reduce queuing delay q Assumptions − airlines could make use of slots they bid q Auction process: − an interactive and iterative process to enable flexibility and optimization − a mixture of simultaneous auction model and package model q Auction rules: Bidders are ranked using a linear combination of: − flight OD pair − #seats − airline’s prior investment − historical slot occupancy rate − bid Background on auction models q Simultaneous multiple-round auction − have discrete, successive rounds, with length of each round announced in advance. After each round closes, round results are processed and made public à Account for departure/arrival slots interdependence but subject to aggregation risks q Package bidding − bidders submit bids for multiple combinations of lots rather than just individual lots. Package biddings are either accepted or rejected in their entirety à Eliminate aggregation risks Auction Model Process Determine factor weights Determine time-windows to auction off Incremental auction prioritizing most congested periods another time window? No End auction process Yes Call for bids for slots in the time window Submit information and bid Yes No Winners determined? Yes Auctioneer’s action Airline’s action Auctioneer Optimization Model Airlines are ranked by a linear combination of : −#seats −flight OD pair −airline’s prior investment BID −historical slot occupancy rate −monetary offer Ranking function: τ ( Ba ,s ) = W ⋅ Ba ,s T ST A WT Ba,s slot vector, |ST|=AAR airline vector vector of factor weights bid of airline a for slot s Auctioneer Optimization Model Airlines are ranked by a linear combination of : −#seats −flight OD pair −airline’s prior investment BID −historical slot occupancy rate −monetary offer Ranking function: τ ( Ba ,s ) = W ⋅ Ba ,s slot vector, |ST|=AAR airline vector vector of factor weights bid of airline a for slot s ST A WT Ba,s T 1 ( X)a,s = 0 Bidding matrix X=A.ST Slots Minimum Bid AC1 AC2 AC3 AC4 AC5 AC6 AC7 if airline a is ranked highest for slot s after a round otherwise 8:00:00 8:02:30 8:05:00 8:07:30 8:10:00 8:12:30 8:15:00 8:17:30 5000 7500 8600 10000 12000 8300 6600 5200 Auctioneer Optimization Model à Objective function: Allocate slots to the highest ranked airlines ∑∑ τ ( B Max a,s a s Subject to: ∑ (X ) a,s ) ⋅ ( X )a , s =1 ∀s One slot – one Minimum Airlinebid aircraft constraint constraint Variables: a ( M T ) s ⋅ ( X ) a, s <= ( Ba,s )5 ∑(X ) s a ,s <= 1 ∀a, s ST A WT Ba,s slot vector, |ST|=AAR airline vector vector of factor weights bid of airline a for slot s X= A*ST bidding matrix 1 ( X)a,s = 0 if airline a is ranked highest for slot s after a round otherwise Airline Optimization Model Objective function: Maximize revenue and ultimately maximize profit Maximize ∑ (P − B ) s s s Subject to: Bs ≤ M ⋅ y s ( B0T ) s ≤ Bs + M ⋅ (1 − y s ) ' Bs + Bs ≤ α ⋅ Ps max (τ (B )) −τ (B a,s a (W )5 To bid or not Upper bound Lower bound to bid for forbids bids Variables: A,s ) T ⋅ (B0 ) s ⋅ y s ≤ α ⋅ Ps ⋅ y s (τ ( Ba,s )) −τ ( BA,s ) ' max T a B + ⋅ ( B ) s 0 s ≤ Bs + M ⋅ (1 − y s ) ( W ) 5 Airlines’ package bidding constraints {Bs} {Ps} M ys 1 ys = 0 BoT α Bs’ set of monetary bids airline expected profit by using a slot big positive value binary value if airline bids for slot s otherwise airport threshold vector airline threshold fraction old bid for slot s in previous round Illustration : an example Winner-determining factors Factors Weight Number of seats Previous Airline infrastructure investment 0,32 0,25 Historic slot occupancy frequency 0,19 OD-Pair Bid 0,13 0,11 Ranking function : τ ( Ba ,s ) = W T ⋅ Ba ,s Bidding matrix, initial round Slots Min Monetery Bid NW (0.25) 8:00:00 8:02:30 8:05:00 8:07:30 8:10:00 8:12:30 8:15:00 8:17:30 5000 7500 8600 10000 12000 8300 6600 5200 S (30) 0 (0.4) AA (0.19) H (205) 1 (0.25) L (147) 0 (0.5) UA (0.15) CA (0.13) H (283) 1 (0.4) S (18) 0 (0.25) S (30) 0 (0.35) SW (0) S (30) 0 (0.35) DAL (0.11) S (18) 0 (0.2) %investment L (291) 1 (0.35) H (392) 1 (0.3) S (30) 0 (0.15) S (18) 0 (0.15) S (30) 0 (0.06) US (0.21) L (128) 0 (0.35) S (18) 0 (0.2) L (150) 0 (0.35) S (18) 0 (0.1) L (120) 0 (0.5) L (85) 0 (0.2) S (30) 0 (0.4) S (30) 0 (0.45) H (202) 1 (0.3) S (30) 0 (0.4) Aircraft type (#seats) OD pair (Slot occupancy rate) Illustration: an example Bid score matrix, initial round Slots Min Monetery Bid NW (0.25) 8:00:00 8:02:30 8:05:00 8:07:30 8:10:00 8:12:30 8:15:00 8:17:30 5000 7500 8600 10000 12000 8300 6600 5200 1.48 AA (0.19) 3.23 3.44 UA (0.15) CA (0.13) 3.94 1.04 1.18 SW (0) 1.34 DAL (0.11) 0.87 3.98 7.75 0.96 0.62 US (0.21) 3.18 0.83 2.96 2.2 0.62 1.68 Round 1 NW (0.25) 4.3 8:00:00 8:02:30 8:05:00 8:07:30 8:10:00 5000 7500 8600 10000 12000 5000 AA (0.19) 64109 7500 UA (0.15) CA (0.13) 161590 SW (0) 199773 8600 149482 US (0.21) 11364 DAL (0.11) 32727 0.62 1.11 Air carrier monetary bids Slots Min Monetery Bid 0.96 9200 0 164945 8100 1.1 Withdraw 8:15:00 from auction 8300 6600 for these6600 slots 139800 8:12:30 8:17:30 5200 5200 8300 0 185291 164036 90545 297745 131400 Illustration: an example Bid score matrix, initial round Slots Min Monetery Bid NW (0.25) 8:00:00 8:02:30 8:05:00 8:07:30 8:10:00 8:12:30 8:15:00 8:17:30 5000 7500 8600 10000 12000 8300 6600 5200 1.48 AA (0.19) 3.23 3.44 UA (0.15) CA (0.13) 3.94 1.04 1.18 SW (0) 1.34 DAL (0.11) 0.87 3.98 7.75 0.96 0.62 US (0.21) 3.18 0.83 2.96 2.2 0.62 1.68 Round 1 NW (0.25) 4.3 8:00:00 8:02:30 8:05:00 5000 7500 8600 S (30) 0 (0.4) AA (0.19) 8:07:30 8:10:00 10000 12000 H (205) 1 (0.25) L (147) 0 (0.5) H (283) 1 (0.4) UA (0.15) CA (0.13) S (18) 0 (0.25) S (30) 0 (0.35) SW (0) S (18) 0 (0.15) S (30) 0 (0.06) US (0.21) S (30) 0 (0.35) DAL (0.11) S (18) 0 (0.2) 0.62 1.11 Air carrier monetary bids Slots Min Monetery Bid 0.96 H (392) 1 (0.3) S (30) 0 (0.15) 1.1 Withdraw 8:15:00 from auction 8300 6600 L (128) 0 (0.35) for these slots S (18) 0 (0.2) 8:12:30 8:17:30 5200 L (291) 1 (0.35) L (150) 0 (0.35) S (18) 0 (0.1) L (120) 0 (0.5) L (85) 0 (0.2) S (30) 0 (0.4) S (30) 0 (0.45) H (202) 1 (0.3) S (30) 0 (0.4) Illustration: an example Bid score matrix, initial round Slots Min Monetery Bid NW (0.25) 8:00:00 8:02:30 8:05:00 8:07:30 8:10:00 8:12:30 8:15:00 8:17:30 5000 7500 8600 10000 12000 8300 6600 5200 1.48 AA (0.19) 3.23 3.44 UA (0.15) CA (0.13) 3.18 3.94 3.98 1.04 1.18 SW (0) 0.96 0.62 US (0.21) 1.34 DAL (0.11) 0.87 7.75 2.2 0.83 2.96 0.62 1.68 Round 1 NW (0.25) 4.3 8:00:00 8:02:30 8:05:00 8:07:30 8:10:00 5000 7500 8600 10000 12000 5000 AA (0.19) 64109 7500 UA (0.15) CA (0.13) 161590 SW (0) 199773 8600 149482 US (0.21) 11364 DAL (0.11) 32727 0.62 1.11 Air carrier monetary bids Slots Min Monetery Bid 0.96 9200 0 Withdraw 8:15:00 from auction 8300 6600 for these6600 slots 139800 8:12:30 8:17:30 5200 5200 8300 164945 8100 1.1 0 185291 164036 90545 297745 131400 Bid score matrix Slots Min Monetery Break tiesBidby NW (0.25) adding 10% AA (0.19) Round UA of (0.15)airline CA (0.13) 1 profit to bids SW (0) 8:00:00 8:02:30 8:05:00 8:07:30 8:10:00 8:12:30 8:15:00 8:17:30 5000 7500 8600 10000 12000 8300 6600 5200 1.48 3.94 3.44 3.18 3.94 2.96 3.98 7.75 3.44 3.44 US (0.21) 1.48 DAL (0.11) 1.48 3.18 2.2 2.96 2.96 3.98 3.94 2.2 7.75 3.18 Illustration: an example Air carrier monetary bids Slots Min Monetery Bid NW (0.25) 8:00:00 8:02:30 8:05:00 8:07:30 8:10:00 8:12:30 8:15:00 8:17:30 5000 7500 8600 10000 12000 8300 6600 5200 187500 AA (0.19) Round 12 (final) 48000 58620 609800 15440 UA (0.15) CA (0.13) 201040 103340 SW (0) US (0.21) 48900 DAL (0.11) Bid score matrix Slots Min Monetery Bid NW (0.25) Round 12 (final) 8:00:00 8:02:30 8:05:00 8:07:30 8:10:00 8:12:30 8:15:00 8:17:30 5000 7500 8600 10000 12000 8300 6600 5200 5.5 AA (0.19) 3.87 4.19 11.63 UA (0.15) CA (0.13) 4.19 10.05 3.45 SW (0) US (0.21) 3.51 DAL (0.11) Auction winners Slots Minimum Bid NW (0.25) 8:00:00 8:02:30 8:05:00 8:07:30 8:10:00 8:12:30 8:15:00 8:17:30 5000 7500 8600 10000 12000 8300 6600 5200 S (30) 0 (0.4) AA (0.19) H (205) 1 (0.25) L (147) 0 (0.5) UA (0.15) CA (0.13) H (283) 1 (0.4) S (18) 0 (0.25) S (30) 0 (0.35) SW (0) S (30) 0 (0.35) DAL (0.11) S (18) 0 (0.2) L (291) 1 (0.35) H (392) 1 (0.3) S (30) 0 (0.15) S (18) 0 (0.15) S (30) 0 (0.06) US (0.21) L (128) 0 (0.35) S (18) 0 (0.2) L (150) 0 (0.35) S (18) 0 (0.1) L (120) 0 (0.5) L (85) 0 (0.2) S (30) 0 (0.4) S (30) 0 (0.45) H (202) 1 (0.3) S (30) 0 (0.4) Summary and future work q Summary − Generic market-based approach to airport demand management allows to evaluate many alternatives by varying the weighting factors, − Legal and procedural challenges would require rigorous cost-benefit evaluation. q Future work − Modeling airlines’ behavior, − Cross-airport package bidding, − Conduct sensitivity analysis for different auction formats (with different values of factor weights) back-up slides Problem Identification Lack of competition §Hirschman-Herfindahl Index (HHI) is standard measure of market concentration §Department of Justice uses to measure the competition within a market place §HHI=S(100*si)2 w/ si is market share of airline i §Ranging between 100 (perfect competitiveness) and 10000 (perfect monopoly) §In a market place with an index over 1800, the market begins to demonstrate a lack of competition HHI Index 6000 5000 4000 3000 HHI Index 2000 1000 0 ATL EWR LAS LAX LGA MSP ORD PHX SEA STL Airport Potential solutions q Congestion pricing − monitoring and updating constraints q Promote use of larger aircraft − airline economic constraints q Improve local infrastructure − environmental constraints q Rerouting flights − market constraints Design scope q Scope: − Strategic auction for arrival slots at individual airports q Objective: − Provide an optimum fleet mix at optimum safe capacity − Ensure fair market access opportunity − Reduce queuing delay q Definitions: − Slot: The concession or the entitlement to use runway capacity of a certain airport by an air carrier on a specific date and at a specific time [CITE: EEC COM(2001)335] − Grandfather right: Air carriers having historical use rate of a slot of at least 80% will have precedence. Auctioneer Optimization Model Ranking function: τ (Ba , s ) = W T * Ba , s Objective function: Max ∑∑τ ( B Variables: ST A WT Ba,s X= A*ST 1 ( X)a,s = 0 MT slot vector, |ST|=AAR airline vector vector of factor weights bid of airline a for slot s bidding matrix a ,s a Subject to: ∑ (X ) a ,s =1 ) * ( X )a, s s ∀s a ( M T ) s * ( X ) a ,s <= ( Ba , s ) 5 if airline a is ranked highest for slot s after a round ∀a , s Safe separation b/w leading and trailing aircraft: otherwise initial monetary offer vector Mean of the calculated inter-arrival times by aircraft weight categories Trailing Leading Small Large Heavy B757 Small 1.33 1.13 1.07 1.1 Large 2.74 1.21 1.07 1.1 Heavy 3.91 2.467 1.73 2.26 B757 3.35 1.92 1.69 1.7 (Mark Hansen) Auctioneer Optimization Model Ranking function: τ (Ba , s ) = W T * Ba , s Objective function: Max ∑∑τ ( B Variables: ST A WT Ba,s X= A*ST 1 ( X)a,s = 0 MT slot vector, |ST|=AAR airline vector vector of factor weights bid of airline a for slot s bidding matrix a ,s a Subject to: ∑ (X ) a ,s =1 ) * ( X )a, s s ∀s a ( M T ) s * ( X ) a ,s <= ( Ba , s ) 5 if airline a is ranked highest for slot s after a round ∀a , s Safe separation b/w leading and trailing aircraft: otherwise ∑ (X ) initial monetary offer vector a ,s ∗ f ( AT ( a, s), AT (a' , s + 1)) <= 60 s Mean of the calculated inter-arrival times by aircraft weight categories Trailing Leading Small Large Heavy B757 Small 1.33 1.13 1.07 1.1 Large 2.74 1.21 1.07 1.1 Heavy 3.91 2.467 1.73 2.26 B757 3.35 1.92 1.69 1.7 (Mark Hansen) Auctioneer Optimization Model Ranking function: Objective function: Max ∑∑τ ( Ba ,s ) * ( X )a ,s a τ ( Ba,s ) = W T * Ba ,s s Subject to: Capacity constraint: One slot allocated to one flight ∑ (X ) a,s a =1 ∀s Variables: ST A WT Ba,s slot vector, |ST|=AAR airline vector vector of factor weights bid of airline a for slot s X= A*ST bidding matrix 1 ( X)a,s = 0 if airline a is ranked highest for slot s after a round otherwise Auctioneer Optimization Model Ranking function: Objective function: Max ∑∑τ ( Ba ,s ) * ( X )a ,s a Subject to: s ∑ (X ) a ,s =1 τ ( Ba,s ) = W T * Ba ,s ∀s a Minimum bid: At any round, monetary offers should be equal or greater than initial thresholds ( M T ) s * ( X )a ,s <= ( Ba ,s ) 5 ∀a, s Variables: ST A WT Ba,s slot vector, |ST|=AAR airline vector vector of factor weights bid of airline a for slot s X= A*ST bidding matrix 1 ( X)a,s = 0 MT if airline a is ranked highest for slot s after a round otherwise initial monetary offer vector Auctioneer Optimization Model Ranking function: Objective function: Max ∑∑τ ( Ba ,s ) * ( X )a ,s a s Subject to: ∑ (X ) a ,s =1 a τ ( Ba,s ) = W T * Ba ,s ∀s ( M )s * ( X ) a,s <= ( Ba, s )5 T ∀a, s Airline constraints: Only one slot is needed in a set of adjacent slots ∑(X ) s a, s <= 1 Variables: ST A WT Ba,s slot vector, |ST|=AAR airline vector vector of factor weights bid of airline a for slot s X= A*ST bidding matrix 1 ( X)a,s = 0 MT if airline a is ranked highest for slot s after a round otherwise initial monetary offer vector Auctioneer Optimization Model Ranking function: Objective function: Max ∑∑τ ( Ba ,s ) * ( X )a ,s a τ ( Ba,s ) = W T * Ba ,s s Subject to: ∑ (X ) a,s =1 ∀s Variables: a (M ) s * ( X )a , s <= ( Ba, s )5 T ∀a, s Airlines’ package bidding constraints ST A WT Ba,s slot vector, |ST|=AAR airline vector vector of factor weights bid of airline a for slot s X= A*ST bidding matrix 1 ( X)a,s = 0 MT if airline a is ranked highest for slot s after a round otherwise initial monetary offer vector Airline Optimization Model Objective function: Maximize profit Maximize ∑ (P − B ) s s s Subject to: Airline either bids for slot s (monetary offer greater than minimum threshold) or not. Bs ≤ M * y s ( B0T ) s ≤ Bs + M * (1 − y s ) Variables: {Bs} {Ps} M ys Bo 1 ys = 0 T set of monetary bids airline expected profit by using a slot big positive value binary value if airline bids for slot s otherwise airport threshold vector Airline Optimization Model Objective function: Maximize profit Maximize ∑ (P − B ) s s s Subject to: Bs ≤ M * y s ( B0T ) s ≤ Bs + M * (1 − ys ) When offering bid for slot s, monetary amount should not pass a threshold Bs ≤ α * Ps Variables: {Bs} {Ps} M ys 1 ys = 0 T Bo a set of monetary bids airline expected profit by using a slot big positive value binary value if airline bids for slot s otherwise airport threshold vector airline threshold fraction Airline Optimization Model Objective function: Maximize profit Maximize ∑ (P − B ) s s s Subject to: Bs ≤ M * y s ( B0T ) s ≤ Bs + M * (1 − ys ) Bs ≤ α * Ps Given Bs’ the bid airline offered in the previous round, in order to be ranked highest in this round, airline has to increase at least : max (τ ( B a,s ( B0T ) s (W ) 5 T 0 s max )) − τ ( B A,s ) a (W ) 5 *(B ) a (τ ( B a,s )) − τ ( B A,s ) Variables: {Bs} {Ps} M ys 1 ys = 0 Bo a Bs’ T set of monetary bids airline expected profit by using a slot big positive value binary value if airline bids for slot s otherwise airport threshold vector airline threshold fraction old bid for slot s in previous round Airline Optimization Model Objective function: Maximize profit Maximize ∑ (P − B ) s s s Subject to: Bs ≤ M * y s ( B0T ) s ≤ Bs + M * (1 − ys ) Bs ≤ α * Ps Given Bs’ the bid airline offered in the previous round, in order to be ranked highest in this round, airline has to increase at least : (τ (Ba,i )) − τ ( B A,i ) ' max a * ( B0T )i * yi ≤ α * Pi * yi Bi + (W )5 Old bid Minimum increase Variables: {Bs} {Ps} M ys 1 ys = 0 Bo a Bs’ T set of monetary bids airline expected profit by using a slot big positive value binary value if airline bids for slot s otherwise airport threshold vector airline threshold fraction old bid for slot s in previous round Airline Optimization Model Objective function: Maximize profit Maximize ∑ (P − B ) s s s Subject to: Bs ≤ M * y s ( B0T ) s ≤ Bs + M * (1 − ys ) Bs ≤ α * Ps (τ ( Ba,i )) − τ ( BA,i ) ' max T a B + * ( B ) 0 i * yi ≤ α * Pi * yi i ( W ) 5 Old bid Minimum increase (τ ( Ba,i )) − τ ( B A,i ) ' max T a B + * ( B ) 0 i ≤ Bi + M * (1 − y i ) i ( W ) 5 Variables: {Bs} {Ps} M ys 1 ys = 0 Bo a Bs’ T Minimum new bid set of monetary bids airline expected profit by using a slot big positive value binary value if airline bids for slot s otherwise airport threshold vector airline threshold fraction old bid for slot s in previous round Airline Optimization Model Objective function: Maximize profit Maximize ∑ (P − B ) s s s Subject to: Bs ≤ M * y s ( B0T ) s ≤ Bs + M * (1 − ys ) Bs ≤ α * Ps (τ ( Ba,i )) − τ ( BA,i ) ' max T a B + * ( B ) 0 i * yi ≤ α * Pi * yi i (W ) 5 (τ ( Ba,i )) − τ ( B A,i ) ' max T a B + * ( B ) 0 i ≤ Bi + M * (1 − y i ) i ( W ) 5 Variables: {Bs} {Ps} M ys 1 ys = 0 Bo a Bs’ T Airlines’ package bidding constraints set of monetary bids airline expected profit by using a slot big positive value binary value if airline bids for slot s otherwise airport threshold vector airline threshold fraction old bid for slot s in previous round