Resource Rationing and Exchange Methods in Air Traffic Management: Part 1 Michael Ball R.H. Smith School of Business & Institute for Systems Research University of Maryland College Park, MD joint work with Thomas Vossen 1 Motivation for Ground Delay Programs: airline schedules “assume” good weather SFO: scheduled arrivals: VMC airport acceptance rate: IMC airport acceptance rate: SCHEDULED ARRIVALS AND CURRENT ARRIVAL RATE BOUNDARIES, REDUCED RATE CONDITIONS 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Arrivals 14 15 Facility Est. 16 17 Model Est. 18 19 20 21 Ground Delay Programs delayed departures delayed departures delayed arrivals/ no airborne holding delayed departures Collaborative Decision-Making Traditional Traffic Flow Management: • Flow managers alter routes/schedules of individual flights to achieve system wide performance objectives Collaborative Decision-Making (CDM) • Airlines and airspace operators (FAA) share information and collaborate in determining resource allocation; airlines have more control over economic tradeoffs CDM in GDP context: • CDM-net: communications network that allows real-time information exchange • Allocation procedures that increase airline control and encourage airline provision of up-to-date information GDPs under CDM Resource Allocation Process: • FAA: initial “fair” slot allocation [Ration-by-schedule] • Airlines: flight-slot assignments/reassignments [Cancellations and substitutions] • FAA: periodic reallocation to maximize slot utilization [Compression] Note: - reduced capacity is partitioned into sequence of arrival slots - ground delays are derived from delays in arrival time Issues • What is an ideal (fair) allocation? • How can an allocation be generated that is very close to the ideal while taking into account dynamic problem aspects? Issues • What is an ideal (fair) allocation? • How can an allocation be generated that is very close to the ideal while taking into account dynamic problem aspects? Determining fair shares Sketch: • Assume slots are divisible – leads to probabilistic allocation schemes • Approach: impose properties that schemes need to satisfy – fairness properties – structural properties (consistency, sequence-independence) OAG Schedule AA654 US345 AA455 … … … vs Slots Available Allocation Principles How to allocate limited set of resources among several competing claimants??? First-come, firstserved: strict priority system based on oag times ⇔ RBS 1 Equal access: all claimants have equal priority ⇔% slots received by airline = % flights scheduled in time period 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 Comparison • First-come/first-served – RBS: – implicitly assumes there are enough slots to go around, i.e. all flights will be flown – lexicographically minimizes max delay – implicitly treats flights as independent economic entities • Equal Access: – implicitly assumes there are not enough slots to go around – some flight/airlines will not receive all the slots they need – does not acknowledge that some flights cannot use some slots – strict interpretation leads to Shapley Value Equal Access to Usable Slots: Proportional Random Assignment (PRA) UA33 UA19 US25 US31 US19 Flight shares Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4 Slot 5 UA33 1/2 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 UA19 1/2 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 US25 - 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 US31 - 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 US19 - 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1 1.25 1.50 1.75 2 .75 1.50 2.25 3 1 1 Cum wgt UA US Airlines alloc UA US 1 1 1 Empirical Comparison Deviation PRA vs. RBS (LaGuardia) Minutes/flights 25 NWA ACA COA UAL AAL DAL USA 15 5 -5 -15 • On the aggregate, both methods give similar shares • No systematic biases 4/2 4/0 1 4/1 7/0 1 4/1 0/0 1 4/3 /01 3/2 7/0 1 3/2 0/0 1 3/1 3/0 1 3/6 /01 2/2 7/0 1 2/2 0/0 1 2/1 3/0 1 2/6 /01 1/3 0/0 1 1/2 3/0 1 1/ 9/ 01 1/1 6/0 1 1/ 2/ 01 -25 GDP Issues • What is an ideal (fair) allocation? • How can an allocation be generated that is very close to the ideal while taking into account dynamic problem aspects? GDPs and Flight Exemptions • GDPs are applied to an “included set” of flights • Two significant classes of flights destined for the airport during the GDP time period are exempted: – Flights in the air – Flights originating at airports greater than a certain distance away from the GDP airport • Question: Do exemptions induce a systematic bias in the relative treatment of airlines during a GDP?? Analysis of Flight Exemptions (Logan Airport) 4/2 1/0 1 AAL 4/1 4/0 1 4/7 /01 USA 3/3 1/0 1 DAL 3/2 4/0 1 3/1 7/0 1 UCA 3/1 0/0 1 3/3 /01 UAL 2/2 4/0 1 2/1 7/0 1 COA 2/1 0/0 1 CJC 2/3 /01 1/2 7/0 1 1/1 3/0 1 1/2 0/0 1 TWA 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 1/6 /01 Minutes/Flight Deviation RBS (standard) vs RBS (+exemptions), Boston GDPs Flight exemptions introduce systematic biases: • USA (11m/flt), UCA (18m/flt) “lose” under exemptions GDPs as Balanced Just-in-Time Scheduling Problem flts Possible deviation measures horizontal deviation “ideal” nb production rate Xb Cumulative production Vertical deviation na time • Airlines = products, flights = product quantities • Minimize deviation between “ideal” rate and actual production How do we measure deviation from ideal?? Number allocated to airline A Ideal allocation to A slots How do we measure deviation from ideal?? Actual allocation to A Number allocated to airline A Ideal allocation to A slots Horizontal deviation: When did A get 3rd slot vs when should A get 3 rd slot?? Vertical deviation: After time t, how many slots did A receive vs how many should have A received?? How do we minimize deviation from ideal?? Two models based on horizontal deviation measure: • Assignment model: Min ∑ airlines∑slots (ideal slot k – actual slot k)2 • “Greedy Algorithm” – looks more like current rbs Also models based on vertical deviation Flight Exemptions USA AAL 4/2 1/0 1 DAL 4/1 4/0 1 UCA 4/7 /01 UAL 3/3 1/0 1 COA 3/2 4/0 1 -40 1/6 /01 -40 4/2 1/0 1 -30 4/1 4/0 1 -30 4/7 /01 -20 3/3 1/0 1 -20 3/2 4/0 1 -10 3/1 7/0 1 -10 3/1 0/0 1 0 3/3 /01 0 2/2 4/0 1 10 2/1 7/0 1 10 2/1 0/0 1 20 2/3 /01 20 1/2 7/0 1 30 1/2 0/0 1 30 1/1 3/0 1 40 1/6 /01 40 CJC 3/1 7/0 1 TWA 3/1 0/0 1 AAL 3/3 /01 USA 2/2 4/0 1 DAL 2/1 7/0 1 UCA 2/1 0/0 1 UAL 1/2 7/0 1 COA 1/2 0/0 1 CJC 1/1 3/0 1 TWA Deviation RBS ideal-Opt. model 2/3 /01 Deviation RBS ideal-RBS actual • Minimize deviations using optimization model that incorporates exemptions • reduces systematic biases, e.g. USA from 11m/flt to 2m/flt, UCA from 18m/flt to 5m/flt Discussion • Define “ideal” allocation • Manage program dynamics based on models that minimize deviation of actual slots allocated from ideal allocation • Provides single approach to both RBS and compression • Provides approach for mitigating bias due to exemptions • Other potential application, e.g. handling “pop-ups”