!2409.21e,100 Contents Page 1 of 4 FSH 2409.21e - TIMBER MANAGEMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK R1 AMENDMENT 2409.21e-96-1 EFFECTIVE August 5, 1996 CHAPTER 100 - TIMBER STAND MANAGEMENT RECORD SYSTEM CONTENTS 110 GENERAL FUNCTION 120 INDEX MAP 130 STAND FOLDER 140 AUTOMATED DATA BASE 141 Description of Fields in the Basic Stand Data Form and Stand PI Data Form (STANDS Table) Stand ID District Compartment Subcompartment Stand Number Forest Ownership State Congressional District County Stand Acres Percent Capable Growing Area Forest Type Landtype Specific Soils General Soils Slope Percent Aspect Elevation Habitat Type Productivity Class Logging System Special Unit Kind Special Unit Number Capability Area Land Suitability Classification Management Area Condition Class Ground Truth Stratum Visual Quality Objective Stand Treatment Needs Stand Size Class Stand Size Class Year of Origin 141.1 141.2 141.3 141.4 141.5 141.6 141.7 141.8 141.9 141.10 141.11 141.12 141.13 141.14 141.15 141.16 141.17 141.18 141.19 141.20 141.21 141.22 141.23 141.24 141.25 141.26 141.27 141.28 141.29 141.30 141.31 141.32 141.33 R1 AMENDMENT 2409.21e-96-1 EFFECTIVE 8/5/96 !2409.21e,100 Contents Page 2 of 4 141.34 Fuel Load Tons/Acre 141.35 141.36 141.37 141.38 141.39 141.40 141.41 141.42 141.43 141.44 141.45 141.46 141.47 141.48 141.49 141.50 141.51 141.52 141.53 141.54 141.55 141.56 141.57 141.58 141.59 141.60 Watershed Special Uses Township Range Section PI Stratum PI Habitat Type PI Crown Closure Percent PI Annual Precipitation PI Hardwood Percent PI Nonstocked Rock Percent PI Harvest Method PI Topographic Position PI True Understory PI Contour Curvature PI Exam Year PI OREG Species PI OREG Crown Diameter PI OREG Height PI OREG Texture PI OREG Year of Origin PI UREG Species PI UREG Crown Diameter PI UREG Height PI UREG Texture PI UREG Year of Origin 142 142.1 142.2 142.3 142.4 Description of Fields in the Stand Hazard Data Form (STAND_HAZARDS Table) Forest Stand ID Hazard Agent Hazard Rating 143 Description of Fields in the Stand T_E_S Species Data Form (STAND_TES_SPECIES Table) Forest Stand ID T, E, and S Species 143.1 143.2 143.3 144 144.1 144.2 144.3 145 145.1 Description of Fields in the Stand Range Allotment Data Form (STAND_RANGE_ALLOTMENTS Table) Forest Stand ID Range Allotment Description of Fields in the Stand Component Data Form (STAND_COMPONENTS Table) Forest R1 AMENDMENT 2409.21e-96-1 EFFECTIVE 8/5/96 !2409.21e,100 Contents Page 3 of 4 145.2 145.3 145.4 145.5 145.6 145.7 145.8 145.9 145.10 145.11 145.12 145.13 145.14 145.15 145.16 145.17 145.18 145.19 145.20 Stand ID Stand Component ID Major Species Average DBH Average Height Trees/Acre Percent Cover Basal Area/Acre 100 BF/Acre Cubic Feet/Acre Height Growth Gross Periodic Accretion Component Year of Origin Damage Damage Severity Secondary Damage Second Severity Year of Exam Type of Exam 146 Description of Fields in the Stand Activity Data Form, Activity Seedlot Data Form, and Activity Plus Tree Data Form (STAND_ACTIVITIES Table, STAND_SEEDLOTS Table, STAND_PLUS_TREES Table) Forest Stand ID Activity FY Planned Activity Fund Activity Sequence Number Type of Exam Regeneration Status and Certification Regeneration Status Fiscal Year Accomplishment Year Plan/Accomplishment Month Unit of Measure Planned/Accomplished Units Cost/Unit Percent of Total Activity Cost Type of Work Force Timber Sale Contract Number Sale Unit Number 1 Sale Unit Number 2 Method of Accomplishment Cause of Failure Equipment Type Trees Per Acre Ounces of Seed Per Acre Percent Stocked Area Merchantable Cubic Foot Volume Per Acre - Sawtimber Merchantable Cubic Foot Volume Per Acre - Other 146.1 146.2 146.3 146.4 146.5 146.6 146.7 146.8 146.9 146.10 146.11 146.12 146.13 146.14 146.15 146.16 146.17 146.18 146.19 146.20 146.21 146.22 146.23 146.24 146.25 146.26 146.27 R1 AMENDMENT 2409.21e-96-1 EFFECTIVE 8/5/96 !2409.21e,100 Contents Page 4 of 4 146.28 146.29 146.30 146.31 146.32 146.33 146.34 146.35 146.36 Activity Seedlot Data Form (STAND_SEEDLOTS Table) Forest Stand ID Activity FY Planned Activity Fund Activity Sequence Number Species Seedlot Number Stock Type 146.37 Trees Per Acre 146.38 146.39 146.40 146.41 146.42 146.43 146.44 146.45 Activity Plus Tree Data Form (STAND_PLUS_TREES Table) Forest Stand ID Activity FY Planned Activity Fund Activity Sequence Number Species Plus Tree Number 147 147.1 147.2 147.3 147.4 Description of Fields in the Stand Parent Data Form (STAND_PARENTS Table) Forest Stand ID Parent Date Parent Stand 148 148.1 148.2 148.3 148.4 Description of Fields in the Sale Contract Numbers and Names Form (SALE_NAMES Table) Forest District Timber Sale Contract Number Timber Sale Name 150 STAND RECORDS 151 Basic Stand Information 152 Stand Components - STAND_COMPONENTS Table 153 153.1 153.2 153.3 153.4 153.5 153.6 153.7 153.8 Activities - STAND_ACTIVITIES Table Stand Examination and Prescription Harvest Site Preparation Fuel Treatment Reforestation Timber Stand Improvement Insect and Disease Control Control of Funds R1 AMENDMENT 2409.21e-96-1 EFFECTIVE 8/5/96 153.81 153.82 153.83 153.84 153.9 K-V Projects Allowable Funds by Activity Categories Special Activity Codes Multiple Activity Funding and Accomplishments Research Plots !2409.21e,100 Contents Page 5 of 4