\ ' \ \ \ \ \ J \ \ ,\ I J \ I \ \ '\ \ I I \ \ 08 06240 Pg.~ LOT 27 pe~rc J Us \ I I / I / +1 --- .:z.so sF ---- I I I I I I 1 / I \ V __.- / I II ,;. & A.\e>taf1dejt Wahab ~993, 00 A INanab Page 6B7 ""g • I EQUIRED E9s ) ~/' ow " \.PIPE ~ o found \ \ / I EXISTING'IH_STORIC \ GRIER REA HQUSE "' ± 3,200 S. J\ ( McDonof~ Nona Hodge DB 19408 Pg. 265 \ Use: Single Family P<Jrcel ID; 213-06-11 +ll \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ \/ / 1\ / 1\ I 2 ~TORY BUiLDING \ \ \ '---r---l \ '\ \ 0"' "' \ \ \ \ "' "' "' "' "' \ \ \ \ I \ I 2459 wilkinson boulevard, suite 200 charlotte, nc 28208. p 704.343.0608 f704.3S8.3093 www.drgrp.ccm General Provisions: Permitted Uses: :::c a. Use of the site shall be permitted for all uses allowed in the 0-1 District, including single family uses. <( 3. Transportation: 4. I "' 'l:REE SA \ AREA I '\ I ........... I +l1 1I\ I \ I I I \ ~ LLJ I b. No buildings constructed on the Site may exceed 5. Streetscape, Landscaping, and Buffers: J1~~~· A c. Parking spaces will be screened per the Ordinance requirements. 6. Environ mental Features: a. The Petitioner shall preserve a minimum of 15% of the existing Tree Canopy. REZONING PETITION 7. Controls Ordinance in effect at the time of Signage: I ./ crosswQfK signal pore 8. Lighting: '\ \ ---- \ monh \ '\ \ \ \ \ \ Gertrude 1< Turn~ DB 02790 Pg. 061 "' '\ \ \ \ \ R-J Zohing Use: Single Family '\_creel ID: 213-3?-lO! "' \ \ \ ........... "' \ \ - \ 10. PARKING SCRE RUBS (TYP.) ;;----- - '"- vesting: '\ 12. \ PROJECT#: 263-002 DRA.'NN BY NB CHECKED BY· DM NOVEMBER 7, 2007 REVISIONS: Amendments to the Rezoning Petition : 1. MARCH 17, 20(}8 SITE REZONING DEFERRED Future amendments to this Rezoning Petition, including the Site Plan and Development Conditions, maybe applied for by the Owner or Owners of the Site in acmrdance with the provisions of Chapter 6 of the Ordinance. "' \ 2. OCTOBER 10, 2011 CHANGE ZONING CATEGORY TO (0-1 <DI Binding Effect of the Rezoning Petition Upon approval of this Rezoning Petition, all conditions applicable to the development of the Site imposed under the Rezoning Petition will, unless amended in the manner provided under the Ordinance, shall be binding upon the Petitioner and subsequent owners of the Site. \ CDpyrlght e 2011 Design RuDuroe Grvup, PA Thi-11 pla~n -or drawi!lR and any Efj REZONING PETITION Per Section 1.110 of the Ordinance and N.C.G.S. §160A-385.1, and due to the timing of the development and certain economic cycles and market conditions, etc., this Petition includes vesting of the Rezoning Petition and Conditional Zoning District associated with this Petition for a period of five (S)years. II. "' \ \ 20 10 Phasing: Development of the site may be done in phases. - 9 SCALE: 1"=20' All new light pole fixtures located within the site shall be a maximum of 12' height and, shall be full cut-off type fixtures. Incidental decorative lighting, such as low path lighting and landscape lighting may also be installed. storm 9. \ lQ N \ J -:::c Vl # 2008-39 XISTING SIDEWALK TO REMAIN \ 1-- I 4 foot u nd istu rbed Class C Buffer wi II be provided along the side and rear yard. b. Signage shall be allowed in accordance with the Ordinance. \ lJ c.::: 0 2 stories. The Petitioner shall comply with the Post Construction b. approval of this Petition. • u I \ \ -~ a. Street trees, landscaping, buffers and screening will be provided as required by the Tree Ordinance and the Zoning regulations. Petitioner reserves the right to work with Urban Forestry to vary the 6' sidewalk location on Alexander road to preserve existing trees. 1 l I I '1" I I Architectural Standards: I I ~ a. All new mnstruction and any anticipated addition to the Grier-Rea house will be designed to be in harmony with the historical design elements of the Grier-Rea House; Historic Landmarks Commission shall review and approve all architectural fa<;ade designs and final building locations. I "' LLJ Access to the Site may be from Alexander Drive and Providence Road, via a private driveway as generally depicted on the Site Plan. Exact driveway location will be suQject to approval of the North Carolina Department of Transportation ("NCDOT') and the City Department ofTransportation f'CDOT~. I I "' "I ~ I" Vf;: 0 Accessory use and structures, as allowed in the Office district, will be allowed. MALL~ MATU lNG TREE TREE (TYP.) I~ Accessory buildings and structures shall not be considered in any limitation on the number of principal buildings (two) on the Site. :::J 2. ~ ~ "I· V') c. I~ LLJ The proposed design, including location of access points, size, configuration and location of buildings and parking areas may be altered or modified during the design/development/construction phases, as long as it meets the requirements of these Development Standards and Section 6.207 of the Ordinance. (0~ 0 I \ \ \ \ I I \ 1.55ar:res 213-061-14 R-3 Office - I (Conditional Dewlopment) (0-1 CD) Vacant Historic Structure 6000 SF General Office Use, except veterinary clinics, child and adult care centers, multifamily and nursing homes 40 feet I space per 300 SF 1 per Ordinance requirements ..., z \ J • transportation planning b. Except as provided above, the following uses shall not be allowed: veterinary clinics, child and adult day care facilities, multifamily, and nursing homes. 1- \ \ I I w "' \ \ • traffic engineering The site may be developed for up 6,000 SF of office uses as noted, including a single family residence, as allowed in the Office District and this Rezoning Petition. U1 \ ARKING '\ I. m \ \ \ • land planning DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 1- '\ \ I Max Building Height: Parking: <( I \ \ N.T.S. SITE DATA Area: Tax Parcel No.: Existing Zoning: Proposed Zoning: Existing Use: Proposed Use: i'3 \ \ I ::1:2,QOO S.F. I I \ I 1 : /I I I I \ PO ~SIBLE VICINITY MAP I I ~-f.­ \ I I I I I I I I I I 1 I DESTRIAN I \ \ • urban design \ \ R-3 Zoning \ \ \ \ / I I \ • civi I engineering I I \ I \ f • landscape architecture N. C. \-\ighWOY 51 I I I I I I / I design resource group / 1'o i_1~i~'!.-.~ nv / 0.. ~1\: LOT 14 ap D :5. \ 8 24694- P9· 57 / ~ l I I I I I ffi -o \ / I II I \ \ N \ \ ~~----__/ \ I \ \ -- I \ \ I I I J / v--~,~,.,·"~o-% 6 _57' (total) AD ~TION \ I I / el ID.· 21 :>-06-143 I . POSSIB \ \ I I I 10: I I<, I 123 1 ; I Mop BJ.orf:_/1 pogo Pare ', I L9T 25 I Map Saok 2.1 page .... ~ \ Lura E. Graham Glenn I i!R? I I I \ 1 \ \ I I ~. ~~ 0 ~~~ /pg. \ \ I I \ I ClarenCe.._ Don Steger & Elizabel~ Steger - 1 \ \ \ \ "' "' \ \ \ \ "- \ .... a~ccompanyinR do~::umants or calculations ara Ina propsrty of DIJSi!:ln RIJS-ource Group, PA; and are intended solely for'llle usa of the recipiantnaad. Nolhilt'l PlltY LEe or ~l&ial is psrrrltladwill'atwril!lln Ell.dlorizBion. • RZl.O