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Zhang, “An adaptive backstepping design for longitudinal flight path control,” in Proc. 7th World Congress Intell. Control Autom., Chongqing, China, 2008, pp. 5249–5251. Optimal State Estimation for Discrete-Time Markovian Jump Linear Systems, in the Presence of Delayed Output Observations Ion Matei and John S. Baras Abstract—We investigate the design of optimal state estimators for Markovian Jump Linear Systems. We consider that the output observations and the mode observations are affected by delays not necessarily identical. Our objective is to design optimal estimators for the current state, given current and past observations. We provide a solution to this paradigm by giving an optimal recursive estimator for the state, in the minimum mean square sense, and a finitely parameterized recursive scheme for computing the probability mass function of the current mode conditioned on the observed output. We also show that if the output delay is less then the one in observing the mode, then the optimal state estimation becomes nonlinear in the output observations. Index Terms—Markovian jump linear systems (MJLS), minimum mean square error (MMSE). I. INTRODUCTION This technical note deals with the problem of designing optimal state estimators in the mean square sense. More specifically, we consider a plant modeled by a linear system, with parameters varying in time Manuscript received July 01, 2009; revised October 08, 2010, February 02, 2011; accepted March 10, 2011. Date of publication June 20, 2011; date of current version September 08, 2011. Recommended by Associate Editor P. Shi. I. Matei is with the Electrical Engineering Department, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 USA and also with the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 USA (e-mail: imatei@umd. edu; J. S. Baras is with the Electrical Engineering Department and the Institute for Systems Research, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 USA (e-mail: Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAC.2011.2160027 2235 according to a Markovian process that takes values in a finite alphabet; this class of systems is called Markovian jump linear systems (MJLS). In the following we present the definition of a discrete-time MJLS. Definition 1.1: (MJLS) Consider n, m, q and s to be given positive integers together with a s 2 s probability transition matrix P = (pij ) (rows sum up to one). Consider the set S = f1; . . . ; sg and consider a set of matrices fAi gi2S , fCi gi2S with Ai 2 IRn2n and Ci 2 IRq2n . In addition consider two independent random variables X0 and M0 taking values in IRn and S , respectively. Given the vector valued random processes Wt and Vt taking values in IRn and IRq respectively, the following stochastic dynamic equations describe a (noise-driven) discrete-time MJLS: Xt+1 = AM Xt + Wt Yt = CM Xt + Vt : (1) (2) The process Mt is a homogeneous Markovian jump process taking values in S , with conditional probabilities given by pr(Mt+1 = j jMt = i) = pij . Throughout this technical note, we will consider Wt and Vt to be independent identically distributed (i.i.d.) Gaussian noises with zero mean and covariance matrices 6W and 6V , respectively. The initial condition vector X0 has a Gaussian distribution with mean X and covariance matrix 6X . The Mar1 , X0 and the noises fWt gt1 kovian process fMt g1 t=0 =0 , fVt gt=0 , are assumed independent. Notice that the MJLS defined by (1), (2) has a hybrid state composed of Xt , the continuous component, and of Mt , the discrete part of the state. Making the assumption that the state of the Markovian process Mt can be directly observed, the system has a hybrid output, with Yt representing the continuous component and Mt representing the discrete part of the output. For simplicity, we will adopt an abuse of notation by referring to Xt as state vector and to Mt as mode (since it determines the mode of operation, by selecting the matrices (AM ; CM ) in (1), (2)). With respect to the hybrid output observations, we will call Yt output observation and Mt mode observation. A. Motivation and Survey of Related Results This section introduces the motivation for the problem addressed in this technical note and a short survey of the state of the art in the MJLS theory in general and in the design of optimal state estimators for a MJLS in particular. MJLSs represent an important class of stochastic time-variant systems because they can be used to model random abrupt changes in structure. Linear plants with random time-delays [19] or more general networked control applications [14], where communication networks/channels are used to interconnect remote sensors, actuators and processors, have been shown to be amenable to MJLS modeling. Motivated by a wide spectrum of applications, there has been active research in the analysis [6], [7], [9], and in the design of controllers and estimators [8], [9], [11], [12] for MJLSs. In this technical note, we address the problem of optimal state estimation for discrete-time MJLS with Gaussian noise and arbitrary delays on the observation output components. Relevant results concerning the filtering problem for linear systems with time-delays can be found in [5], [15], [20]. Existing results solve the problem of state estimation for MJLS in the case of Gaussian noise for two main cases. In the first case, both the output and mode can be observed and the minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimator is derived from the Kalman filter for time varying systems [9], [12]. Off-line computation of the filter is inadvisable due to the dependence of the filter’s gain on the mode path. An alternative estimator (filter), whose gain depends 0018-9286/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE 2236 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. 56, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2011 only on the current mode and for which off-line computations are feasible, is given in [10]. In the second case, only the output is observed, without any observation of the mode. The optimal nonlinear filter consists of a bank of Kalman filters, whose memory requirements and computation complexity increase exponentially with time [3]. To limit the computational requirements sub-optimal estimators have been proposed in the literature [1], [2], [4], [13]. A linear MMSE estimator, for which the gain matrices can be calculated off-line, is described in [11]. In this note we close the gap between the two cases mentioned above. We have partially addressed the problem described in this note in [18], where only the case with delays in the mode observations was considered. Also, in the current note we have changed and improved the proofs introduced in [18]. The framework proposed in this work is useful in addressing state estimation problems for systems affected by failures, which are detectable only after a delay. For instance, we can consider a set of sensors that measure the output of a plant. These sensors can fail, the number of fully functional sensors inducing a mode of operation. If we make the assumption that the time while the sensor is fully functional and the time it takes for a sensor to be repaired are exponentially distributed, then the time evolution of the mode of operation can be modeled by a Markov chain. However, the failure of a sensor is not necessarily immediately detected, but typically is detected after a few time units, depending on the fault detection techniques used. Hence the mode of operation is not known instantly but with some delay, which is one of the application domains that motivate the interest in pursuing the problem addressed here. Detection of sensor faults can be done for instance using techniques introduced in [16], [17]. Notations and Abbreviations: Consider a general random process Zt . We denote by Z0t the history of the process from time 0 up to time time t, i.e. Z0t = fZ0 ; Z1 ; . . . ; Zt g. A realization (sample path) of Z0t is denoted by z0t = fz0 ; z1 ; . . . ; zt g. Let fXt jY0t0h = y0t0h ; M0t0h = m0t0h g be the vector valued random process representing the continuous part of the system state given the past history of the observations. We deits probability density function (p.d.f.) note by fX jY M X while X tj(t0h ;t0h ) and 6tj(t0h ;t0h ) signify its mean and covariance matrix, respectively. We will compactly write the s s s sum as m . Assuming that x m =1 m =1 . . . m =1 n is a vector in IR , by the integral f (x)dx we understand . . . n f (x1 ; . . . ; xn )dx1 . . . dxn , for some function f defined on IR with values in IR. Paper Organization: This technical note has four more sections besides the introduction. After the formulation of the problem in Section II, in Section III we introduce the main results. Two corollaries will present the formulas for the optimal state estimator (discrete and continuous components) in the mean square sense. In Section IV we provide the proofs of these corollaries together with a number of supporting results. The technical note ends with conclusions in Section V. II. PROBLEM FORMULATION In this Section, we formulate the problem for the MMSE state estimation for MJLS in the case of delayed output and mode observations. Problem 2.1: (MMSE state estimation for MJLS with delayed output and mode observations) Consider a MJLS as in Definition 1.1. Let h1 and h2 be two positive integers representing the delays affecting the output and mode observations, respectively. Assuming that the state vector Xt and the mode Mt are not known, and that at the current time the data available consist of the output observations up to time t 0 h1 and mode observations up to time t 0 h2 , i.e. the estimator has access to Y0t0h and M0t0h , we want to derive the MMSE estimators for the state vector Xt and for the mode indicator function 1lfM =ig ; i 2 S . More precisely, as is well known [21], we want to compute the following: MMSE state estimator: X^th ;h = E X jY0 0 = y00 ; M00 = m00 def t t h t h t h t : h (3) MMSE mode indicator function estimator: 1^lf h ;h M =m g = E 1lf def M =m g jY0t0h = y00 ; t M0t0h = m0t0h where the indicator function 1lfM =m 1lf M =m g h (4) g is defined by =m = 10 M M 6= m . def t t t t Remark 2.1: We are interested in estimating the indicator function rather than the mode itself, because the MMSE estimator of the mode can produce real values, which may have limited usefulness. Also, obtaining an MMSE estimator of the mode indicator function, allows us to compute the estimator of any function of the mode. Indeed the following holds for any real function g defined on the set S g(Mt ) = E g(Mt )jY0t0h = y0t0h ; M0t0h = m0t0h = g(mt )1^lfM =m g h ;h m 2S where by g (Mt ) we denote the MMSE estimator of the function g(Mt ). Remark 2.2: Considering the definition of the indicator function, the MMSE mode indicator function estimator can be also written as: 1^lhfM; h=m g = pr(Mt = mt jY0t0h = y0t0h ; M0t0h = m0t0h ). Then we can also produce a marginal maximal a posteriori mode estimator expressed in terms of the indicator function: M~ t h ;h = arg maxm 2S pr(Mt = mt jY0t0h = y0t0h ; M0t0h = m0t0h ) = arg maxm 2S 1^lhfM;h=m g . III. MAIN RESULT In this Section, we present the solution for Problem 2.1. We introduce here two Corollaries describing recursive formulas for computing the optimal estimators for the state and mode indicator function. The proofs of these Corollaries are deferred for the next section and they are a direct consequence of Theorem 4.1 stated and proved in Section IV. A. Standard Case We begin by recapitulating some properties of the Kalman filter for MJLS in the standard case (i.e. the output and mode observations are available with no delay), summarized in the following Theorem. Theorem 3.1: Consider a discrete MJLS as in Definition 1.1. The random processes fXt jY0t = y0t ; M0t = m0t g, fXt jY0t01 = y0t01 ; M0t01 = m0t01 g and fYt jY0t01 = y0t01 ; M0t = m0t g are Gaussian processes with the means and covariance matrices calculated by the following recursive equations: Xtj(t;t) = Xtj(t01;t01) + Lt yt 0 Cm Xtj(t01;t01) Lt = 6tXj(t01;t01)CmT 01 T 2 Cm 6tXj(t01;t01) Cm + 6V 6tXj(t01;t01) = Am 6tX01j(t01;t01)ATm + 6W Xtj(t01;t01) = Am Xt01j(t01;t01) 6tXj(t;t) = (I 0 LtCm ) 6tXj(t01;t01) Ytj(t01;t) = Cm Xtj(t01;t01) 6tYj(t01;t) = Cm 6tXj(t01;t01)CmT + 6V with initial conditions X 0j(01;01) = X and 60Xj(01;01) =6 X (5) (6) (7) . IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. 56, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2011 Proof: Equations (5) represent the standard Kalman filter for the MJLS which is derived using Kalman filtering equations for time varying systems [9], [12], since the output and mode are known with no delay. Besides the Kalman filter equations, we added (6), (7) as they will be used throughout the technical note. These equations are an immediate consequence of the fact that the conditional random t01 = 0t01g is Gaussian. process f t j 0t01 = 0t01 0 XY y ;M m Our main result consists of Corollaries 3.1 and 3.2, which show the algorithmic steps necessary to compute the MMSE estimators for the state and mode indicator function for MJLS when the observations of the output and mode are affected by some arbitrary (but fixed) delays. These Corollaries are stated without proof. The proof of Corollary 3.1 is given in Section IV-A and of Corollary 3.2 is given in Section IV-B. Corollary 3.1: Given a MJLS as in Definition 2.1 and two positive integers 1 and 2 , the MMSE state estimator from Problem 2.1 is given by the following formulas: 1 (a) If 1 2 , 2 h h > p m k=1 m h 01 h = h ;h t h h j ;m h ;h t h = 01 X t t p m k=1 m h < h2 , h1 2 f0; 1g c m 00 X^ = t t t h h +1 j 0h ;t01) : X t (t j X t (t +1 0h ;t0h ) m where j( 0 X t t 01) (and tj(t01;t01) ) is computed by the recurrence X h ;t j( 0 X t t h 01) = A 0 X t h m h ;t k=1 j(t0h ;t0h (8) ) for each of the unknown mode paths represented by a term in the X above sums. The conditional means X tj(t;t) ) t0h j(t0h ;t0h ) (or are calculated according to the Kalman filter (5), and the coefficients t0h t ( t0h +1 ) are given by c m c m 00 t t t h h +1 = ND (9) with N = h 0h 01 p m k=0 f y0 2 Y t h D= jY ;M 0 h 0k01 ; m0t0h 0k 0k jy0 h 0h 01 p m f y0 2 Y t h ;m jY ;M 0 h 0k01 ; m0t0h 0k 0k jy0 t h k t h k ;M h h h 1^lf h ;h M =m (b) If 0 g= < h1 < h2 1^lf h ;h M =m p ;m m k=1 p m k=1 m (c) If 0 h h g= = h1 < h2 ^1lf = g = : c m 00 ;m c m0 t t t t t t h +1 h h +1 : : 0h ) are computed according to (9). where t ( tt0 h +1 Since the delays are fixed, the algorithms have time-independent computational complexity. We would like to note that the form of the optimal estimators will depend on whether 1 2 or 2 1 . In the first case (i.e., 1 2 ), the optimal state estimator is linear with respect to the output observation t , while the optimal estimation of the mode indicator function is independent of t . In the second case (i.e. 2 1 ), the optimal state and mode indicator function estimators become nonlinear in the output observations due to the coefficients t0h t ( t0h +1 ). These coefficients reflect the fact that the modes from time 0 2 + 1 up to are indirectly observed through t . In Corollaries 3.1 and 3.2 we were not concerned by the numerical efficiency of the algorithms. However, we note that at the current time, the algorithm uses information computed at previous steps indicating that an economy in memory space and computation power can be achieved. Corollaries 3.1 and 3.2 are consequences of a set of results (mainly Lemmas 4.1 and 4.2 and Theorem 4.1) which will be detailed in the next section. h >h c m t h h >h ; Y h >h Y t Y IV. PROOF OF THE MAIN RESULT In this Section, we introduce two Lemmas and a Theorem which will aid in the proof the main results presented in Section III. In particular, Corollaries 3.1 and 3.2 are a direct consequence of Theorem 4.1, which is the main result of this section. This Theorem characterizes the p.d.f. t0h = of the conditional random process f t j 0t0h = 0t0h 0 t0h g where 1 and 2 are some known arbitrary positive integer 0 values and is proved with the help of Lemma 4.1 and Lemma 4.2. In Lemma 4.1 we characterize the statistical properties of the conditional t01 = 0t01g where is a random process f t j 0t0h = 0t0h 0 positive integer. This result is related to the case of state estimation when the output observations are delayed but the modes are all known. In Lemma 4.2 we analyze the statistical properties of the conditional t0h = 0t0h g. From Lemma 4.2 we random process f t j 0t = 0t 0 derive the MMSE state and mode indicator function estimators when all the output observations are known but the mode observations are delayed. To simplify the exposition of Lemmas 4.1 and 4.2 we introduce (without proof) the following Corollary presenting well known properties of the p.d.f of a linear combination of independent Gaussian random vectors. m h XY y XY h XY ;m t k=0 m t k m (d) If 1 h ;h t Y Y h >h t t t h c m m 00hh c t is the Gaussian p.d.f. of the random process f t0h 0k j 0t0h 0k01 0t0h 0k g, whose mean and covariance matrix are computed according to (6), (7) introduced in Theorem 3.1. Corollary 3.2: Given a MJLS, as in Definition 2.1, and two positive integers 1 and 2 , the MMSE mode indicator estimator from Problem 2.1 is computed according to the following formulas: (a) If 0 2 1 0h ;t01) : h ;t ;m (y 0 0 jy00 0 01; m00 0 ) ;M h ;h M m h > h2 , h2 = 0) = j( 0 01): X^ (c) If h1 < h2 , h1 > 1 jY Y X t (t (b) If ( 1 2 , 2=1 ) or ( 1 X^ f h X^ h ;h t where <h B. Delayed Output and Mode Observation Case h h 2237 y ;M y ;M m m ;M h 2238 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. 56, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2011 Corollary 4.1: Consider two independent Gaussian random vectors V and X of dimension m and n respectively, with means V = 0 and X , and covariance matrices 6V and 6X respectively. Let Y be a Gaussian random vector corresponding to a linear combination of X and V , Y = CX + V where C is a matrix of appropriate dimensions. The following holds: fV (y 0 Cx)fX (x)dx = fY (y) where fY (y ) is the multivariate Gaussian p.d.f. of Y with parameters = CX and 6Y = C 6X C T + 6V . Lemma 4.1: Consider a discrete MJLS as in Definition 1.1. Let h be a known strictly positive integer value. Then the p.d.f. of the conditional random process fXt jY0t0h = y0t0h ; M0t01 = m0t01 g is Gaussian with mean computed by Y h k=1 X t0hj(t0h;t0h) Am ( (11) 1 ( = + 6W T 1) Am (12) for k 2 fh 0 1; h 0 2; . . . ; 1; 0g and with initial covariance matrix 6tX0hjt0h;t0h . In addition Xt0hj(t0h;t0h) and 6tX0hjt0h;t0h are calculated according to the Kalman filter described in (5). Proof: The Gaussianity is shown by induction. Assume that for a is a Gaussian p.d.f. k from f0; 1; . . . ; h 0 1g, fX jY ;M Then fX jY can be expressed as ;M fX jY = fX IR = jY ;X jX 2 fX 0 = = fX ;M m jY 1 0 m ct mtt0h+1 fX jY ;M xjy0t ; m0t : m fM jY mtt0h+1 jy0t ; m0t0h ;M = 1 dxt0k01 : fY M y0t ; m0t jY ;M is = ) IR = pm 2 X t0k01j(t0h;t0k01) 6tX0k0 j t0h;t0k0 1 ( 1) T Am + 6W : = m h01 ;m k=0 pm h01 p k=0 m ;m fY ;M y0t01 ; m0t01 fY jX ;M (yt jxt ; mt )fX jY ;M xt jy0t01 ; m0t01 dxt : Applying (10) we obtain Iterating over k 2 fh 0 1; h 0 2; . . . ; 1; 0g, we obtain (11) and (12). Lemma 4.2: Consider a discrete MJLS as in Definition 1.1 and let h be a known positive integer value. Then the p.d.f. of the conditional ct mtt0h+1 fY ;M y0t ; m0t : (15) fY ;M (y0t ; m0t ) m fX ;Y ;M xt ; y0t ; m0t dxt and covariance matrix ( ;M mtt0h+1 jy0t ; m0t0h IR 6tX0kj t0h;t0k = Am jY The p.d.f. fY ;M can be expressed recursively as Using (10) from Corollary 4.1, we conclude that fX a Gaussian p.d.f. with mean given by X t0kj(t0h;t0k) = Am x; mtt0h+1 jy0t ; m0t0h ;M fX jY ;M xjy0t ; m0t fM (xt0k jxt0k0 ; mt0k0 ) jY ;M t y 0h ; mt0k01 xt0k01 j xjy0t ; m0t0h ;M ;M (13) Thus we obtained (13). We are left to compute the coefficients of this linear combination. Applying Bayes’ rule we get xt0k ; xt0k01 jy0t0h ; m0t0k dxt0k01 fX IR xt0k jy0t0h m0t0k ;M ct mtt0h+1 fX jY ;M xjy0t ; m0t m fX jY ;M 6tX0k0 j t0h;t0k0 ) = t0h t t where ct (mtt0h+1 ) = fM jY ;M (mt0h+1 jy0 ; m0 ) are the mixture coefficients and fX jY ;M (xjy0t ; m0t ) is the Gaussian p.d.f. of the process fXt jY0t = y0t ; M0t = m0t g, whose statistics are computed according to the recursions (5). The coefficients ct (mtt0h+1 ) are computed by (14), shown at the bottom is the Gaussian p.d.f. of of the page, where fY jY ;M t 0 k 0 1 t 0 k 0 1 t 0 k fYt0k jY0 = y0 ; M0 = m0t0k g whose statistics are computed using (6) and (7). Proof: Using the law of marginal probabilities we get and covariance matrix given by the recurrence 6tX0kj t0h;t0k = Am xjy0t ; m0t0h fX jY ;M (10) IR tjt0h;t01 = random process fXt jY0t = y0t ; M0t0h = m0t0h g is a mixture of Gaussian probability densities. More precisely fY ;m fY ;M y0t ; m0t = fY jY ;M yt jyt0 ; mt pm 0 jY fY ;M jY 1 0 ;m fY yt0k jy0t0k01 ; m0t0k ;M yt0k jy0t0k01 ; m0t0k ;M y0t01 ; m0t01 : (14) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. 56, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2011 2239 Using this recursive expression we get fY ;M = y0t ; m0t h01 k=0 pm fY ;m jY yt0k jy0t0k01 ; m0t0k fY ;M Observing that t0h t01 jM 0 fM t0h +1 ;M y0t0h ; m0t0h : By substituting this last expression in (15), we obtain the coefficients ct (mtt0h+1 ) given in (14). We can conclude de proof by making the is completely characobservation that the p.d.f. fY jY ;M terized in Theorem 3.1, (6) and (7). The following Theorem is the main contribution of this Section. Theorem 4.1: Consider a discrete MJLS as in Definition 1.1 and let h1 and h2 be two non-negative integers. Then the p.d.f. of the random process fXt jY0t0h = y0t0h ; M0t0h = m0t0h g is given by the following formulas (a) If h1 h2 , h2 > 1 fX jY = ;M 01 h xt jy0t0h ; m0t0h k=1 m pm jY fX jY ;M xt jy0t0h ; m0t01 : (b) If (h1 fX jY xt jy0t0h ; m0t0h ;M (c) If h1 < h2 , h1 > fX jY = ;M ;M = m 01 h fX jY (d) If h1 < h2 , h1 fX jY 1 ;M = = m jY fM fX jY jY ;M ;M ;M ;M xt jy0t0h ; m0t01 A fM jY jY ;M 01 jyt0h ; mt0h mtt0 0 h +1 0 : 01 jyt0h ; mt0h mtt0 0 h +1 0 ;M jY fM 2 ;M xt jy0t0h ; m0t0h 01 jyt0h ; mt0h mtt0 0 h +1 0 ;M jY xt jy0t0h ; m0t01 01 jyt0h ; mt0h mtt0 0 h +1 0 fM = fM = 0h jyt0h ; mt0h mtt0 0 h +1 0 ;M : : h jY 01 k=1 01 jyt0h ; mt0h mtt0 0 h +1 0 ;M 01 jmt0h mtt0 h +1 0 jM pm ;m : We can notice that fM is a shifted (by h1 ) jY ;M version of the coefficients ct introduced in the Lemma 4.2. Thus fM ;M 1 t0h t0h xt mtt0 0h +1 jy0 ; m0 m m = fM xt jy0t0h ; m0t0h fX ;M ;m From the Markovian property of the process Mt the first term is 0h ct mtt0 h +1 fX jY ;M fX jY fM where the p.d.f. fX jY is characterized in Lemma 4.1 and ;M t 0h ) are given in (9). the formulas for coefficients ct (mt0 h +1 Proof: Note that the most general cases are cases (a) and (c). The rest are particular cases of the aforementioned ones. Proof of case (a) (h1 h2 , h2 > 1): By conditioning on the 01 we can write missing mode observation Mtt0 h +1 fX jY jY 01 jyt0h ; mt0h xt ; mtt0 0 h +1 0 g xt jy0t0h ; m0t0h pm (16) 0; 1 2 f k=1 B xt jy0t0h ; m0t01 : ;M h 01 In (16), the p.d.f. labeled by A is obtained from case (b) and for the p.d.f labeled by B we can further write 0h ct mtt0 h +1 ;m fX ;M m xt jy0t0h ; m0t01 : xt jy0t0h ; m0t0h pm = = g xt jy0t0h ; m0t0h ;M 2 = fX jY k=1 m 2 = = 1) or (h1 > h2 , h2 = 0) h2 , h2 1 t0h t0h mtt0 0h +1 jy0 ; m0 ;M M0t0h we conclude the proof of this case. Proof of case (b) ((h1 h2 , h2 = 1) or (h1 > h2 , h2 = 0)): When h1 h2 , h2 = 1, the formula follows trivially. If h1 > h2 , h2 = 0, the expression for (xtjy0t0h ; m0t0h ) is obtained by noticing fX jY ;M that fXt jY0t0h ; M0t g = fXt jY0t0h ; M0t01 g since Xt does not depend on Mt . Proof of case (c) (h1 < h2 , h1 > 1): We start as in the case (a), 01 by conditioning on Mtt0 h +1 = fX jY ;m fM 01 jY t0h ; Mtt0 h +1 0 g and that f jY ;M h t0h t0h mtt0 0h +1 jy0 ; m0 = ct h mtt0 0h +1 0h ) are given by (9). Thus we conclude the proof where ct (mtt0 h +1 for the third case. Proof of case (d) (h1 < h2 , h1 2 f0; 1g): If h1 < h2 , h1 = 0 we satisfy the conditions of Lemma 4.2. If h1 < h2 , h1 = 1 we follow the same lines as in the case (c) with the difference that since h1 = 1, there will be no products of the conditional probabilities pij multiplying the terms in the sum. 2240 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. 56, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2011 A. Proof of Corollary 3.1 The proof follows from the linearity of the expectation operator and by applying the results about the p.d.f. fX jY detailed ;M in Theorem 4.1 together with the properties of fX jY ;M and shown in Lemmas 4.1 and 4.2. fX jY ;M B. Proof of Corollary 3.2 From the optimal estimator formula we have h ;h 1^lfM =m g = E 1lfM =m = fM Y gj Y0t0h = y0t0h ; M0t0h mt jy0t0h ; m0t0h ;M j h 1 0 M =m Y =y j ;M =m In the case when h1 < h2 , h1 1^l M =m Y j = fM m mtt0h = =y t h 0 fM m mtt0h t h 0 0 0 = m =m Y ;M k=0 pm ;m : ; m0t0h Y mtt hh +1 jy0t h h 1 0 0 ;M ;M j +1 jy0 k=1 1 we get j +1 jy0 = ; m0t0h ; mt h fM Y ;M 0h ct mtt0 h +1 j 0 0 pm ;m ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank Dr. N. C. Martins, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Institute for Systems Research, University of Maryland, College Park, for his valuable comments and suggestions. REFERENCES : In the case h1 h2 , from the Markovian property of the process Mt and from the fact that fMt jY0t0h ; M0t0h g = fMt jMt0h g we obtain 1^l only the output observations are known at the current time, respectively. Our framework can be used in monitoring applications where component failures are not instantly detected. where the last line was deduced from a similar analysis as in the proof of Theorem 4.1. When h1 < h2 and h1 = 0 we obtain a formula similar to the one above, with the difference that there will be no longer any product of conditional probabilities. V. CONCLUSION In this technical note, we considered the problem of state estimation for MJLS, when the two components of the output observation are affected by delays. We gave formulas for the optimal estimators for both the continuous and discrete components of the state. These formulas admit recursive implementations and have time-independent complexity and therefore are feasible for practical implementation. 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