6.857 Computer and Network Security Lecture 16 Today: Digital signature standard “gap groups” Bilinear maps BLS digital signatures IBE (if time) 1 LOGIN r-.._rTh — MIT COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE lABORATORY ll IL ABOUT CSAIL PEOPLE Principal investigators Home RESEARCH NEWS + EVENTS RESOURCES PEOPLE ALUMNI & FRIENDS People • Daniel Weltzner DANIEL WEITZNER All Members Position: Principal Research Scientist Office: 32-G516 Phone: +1 (617) 253-8036 Email: djweidner@csaiI.mit.edu Areas of Study: Privacy, Internet Policy, Web Architecture Last update: February 19, 2014 Download ycard Student Spotlights BIOGRAPHY Daniel Weitzner is the Director of the MIT CSAIL Decentralized Information Group and teaches Internet public policy in MIT’s Computer Science Department. His research includes develqpment of accountable systems architectures to enable the Web to be more responsive to policy requirements. From 20011-2012, Weitzner was the United States Deputy Chief Technology Officer for Internet Policy in the White House. He led initiatives on privacy, cybersecurity, Internet copyright, and trade policies promoting the free flow of information,. He was responsible for the Obama Administration’s Consumer Privacy Bill of Riuhts and the OFCD Internet Policymaking Ptinciples. Weitzner has been a leader in the development of Internet public policy from its inception, making fundamental contributions to the successful fight for strong online free expression protection in the United States Supreme Court, and for laws that control government surveillance of email and web browsing data. Weitzner is a founder of the Center for Democracy and Technology,led the World Wide Wed Consortium’s public pplicy activities, and was Deputy Policy Director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. In 2012 he was named to the Newsweek/Daily Beast Digital Power Index as a top ‘Navigator’ of global Internet public policy and in 2013 he received the International Association of Privacy Professional’s Leadership Award. • lilt 2 AWARDS IAPP: Privacy Leadership Award (2013) Newsweek/Daily Beast: Digital Power index (2012) submit new awards here: Reoistratipn Form Ad rr,nr #fl- - F.; ;NDt 1. -- ts\ Pt $jnb w 1 ’t $â.rck (oss- NtsTt9i’) parmtbrs.. (sqnrei,eonc): -z =ni.) P lp1tiomi ts 7 to 4- 3p% =: 5k y4_* R 4 ç 1 of orJ4r3. kIrkO PK -- Note if k is reused for dfferent messages m, one could solve for x so it is riot sectire, If k is reused for the same m, we obtain the same signature so this is not a problem. If k, ,i. different for the same m, it should be random and unknown (any known relation between the w.v k-s allows to solve for XI biks LtIIl9 5 b;t ioTht I b:fr (he. I*k<!,N rt It’ 1= Bottormne: All of the above are enforced by k chosen at random from Zq for large enough q (noJ (rn+rx)/k ;c rtdo r 0 or j1.o &s 5=0-’ —-—p.- — -: - - :h (rs = i’_ - - _n_.__ 4.:,- —I._: .4 ._ I- - :-- -— ._.:-4 — -. - - —- ‘ r — I— - - — ... — r — 1 -i 3 I. -. - 1 - — - _- ‘---•-: — I — “— — — — — - -j - - — - —1 3: 411 P 1ri 1 C I } - .. — t,4 .k*LH V 3 S I - .‘ 0 & I L h 6 - a £ ‘—F —.4. 4 “‘ S ) S C — -- —‘ S —u £ . —4-- + -zn-ft n • A ‘S -4—-— ,•-_‘ a- — c ‘ •-,,? — • ...SS S ‘%—‘ 4-; II — -t 7 kW 4 >4.. -‘E. ‘. 4 4 S ¶ 4 = ‘•‘— C .4— I £ j - - S —, S v • — ‘a S 3 - • •..4r4 -, -. t -1 -f • 1 -, - . — 1 1 4 •.•.‘ —— H -- . -- :-.h--1LJ • - .•--i-t - Jttri • - e Ei- - ii e —‘ 3 -— - —4 4 :c;H.,.* H H 4 I I I C .- p . o ‘ ‘cS 0’ ‘J ‘2 “VI I I-. •ll —o r N C %1 -r -. £ 1fj 11 St 3’ 4—’ I 8 -I C QJ a; C V Is. .) 1 V. 4J - -j -. 0. C -1 -r S I co 0— C) C 43 C -4- frb. -ø -a- - 4-i 8 ) i.. °... r 11 K U. - :2. I ,. -. . - - H i •77f_7.7. I._L4 .;..L.. H. 7 41 741.7 7: — . :i4t .1 5 MIT OpenCourseWare http://ocw.mit.edu 1HWZRUNDQG&RPSXWHU6HFXULW\ Spring 2014 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: http://ocw.mit.edu/terms.