32 Jaarboek voor Vrouwengeschiedenis GENDER & PERFORMANCE (ed. Kati Röttger)

32e volume of the Jaarboek voor Vrouwengeschiedenis:
GENDER & PERFORMANCE (ed. Kati Röttger)
For the first time the Jaarboek voor Vrouwengeschiedenis is dedicated to the topic of Gender & Performance. Kati
Röttger, professor of Theatre Studies at the University of Amsterdam, was invited as guest editor to conceptualize
this volume. The contributions to his book explore the complex theoretical and conceptual interrelations between the
terms gender and performance to ask for the present state of feminism in the arts and its (possible) future. Giving a
historical account of the debates that surround issues of post-feminism and post-gender opposed to a politics of
identity and differences, it highlights the performative body as the indispensable arena of dissents, negotiations and
battles over gender questions. Which are the artistic strategies at stake in actual Performance Art? To which extent do
these artistic methods determine performance and performative feminist strategies of resistance? Are we looking
toward a feminist way of expressing ‘performances of knowledge’? And to what extent are these performances closely
linked to artistic research? Questions like these are discussed and related to notions of theatricality, re-performance,
image and the politics of aesthetics to point to actual performative and playful ways to confront current tendencies
toward the naturalisation of the apparently post-feminist or post-gender reality. It is a reality marked by neo-liberal
economic pressure and new forms of biopolitics – a reality that obscures its own ideology. These and other questions
are discussed in articles about the performative power of the online novel Neid by Elfriede Jelinek (Sruti Bala); the
fight for emancipation of the guerilla women next to ‘sub comandante Marcos’ (Caroline Rodrigues); the
reformulation of the mythological figure of Antigone in an artistic research-workshop by the artistic twin
deufert&plischke (Katharina Pewny and Charlotte Gruber); the provoking and obscene performances of Ann Liv Young
(Maren Butte); or the negotiation of the ideals of beauty by the so called Baklas (effeminate homosexual men) in the
Philippines (Teilhard Paradela). Gender & Performance brings the readers to Germany, Mexico, The Philippines, The
Netherlands and Austria, as well as to SlutWalks in Delhi en Toronto (Amber Muller). For the first time the Jaarboek
presents articles in English language.
INTRODUCTION Kati Röttger: Gender and Performance at Odds? How to Deal with Paradoxes, Paralysis and
Sruti Bala: Performance Anxieties in Elfriede Jelinek’s Online Private Novel, Envy
Caroline Rodrigues: Women’s Empowerment in Chiapas. Political Theatre and Battlefield Theatricality in FOMMA and
Katharina Pewny and Charlotte Gruber:Queering Antigone. The artistwin deufert&plischke’s Gender
Maren Butte: Speak Out Loud. Performing Dissent in the Work of Ann Liv Young
Amber Muller: What’s Slut Got to Do with It? Language, Translation and Transformation of a Global Protest Movement
Teilhard Paradela: Beauty that Matters. Imelda Marcos and the Baklas of the Philippines
BRON Mieke Kolk: Wat de vrouwen wilden. Over de dialoog tussen theaterpraktijk en theatertheorie, en de
permanente noodzaak tot deconstructie
PORTRET: Daniëlle Bruggeman: De catwalk van het dagelijks leven. Aynouk Tan en de performatieve kracht van
FORUM Anne de Loos: Beautyblogs, over oppervlakkige tuttigheid en onverwachtse diepgang
Jaarboek voor Vrouwengeschiedenis 32 is compiled by Kati Röttger (guest editor), Eveline Buchheim, Marjan Groot,
Ellis Jonker, Andrea Müller-Schirmer, Mieke de Vos, Evelien Walhout en Hennie van der Zande.
For orders:
Jaarboek voor Vrouwengeschiedenis 32, 2012: Gender & Performance (ed. Kati Röttger). Amsterdam University Press.
ISBN: 9789089644695
Via: http://www.aup.nl/do.php?a=show_visitor_bestellen&b=informatie&m=53&l=1&m=13&l=1&m=82