1 Linearization of Discrete-Time Systems via Restricted Dynamic Feedback Hong-Gi Lee, Member, IEEE School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Chung-Ang University 221 Heuksuk-Dong, Dongjak-Ku Seoul, Korea 156-756 Tel: +822-820-5317, Fax: +822-817-0292 Email: hglee@cau.ac.kr Ari Arapostathis, Senior Member, IEEE (corresponding author) The University of Texas at Austin Electrical and Computer Engineering 1 University Station C0803 Austin, TX 78712-0240 Tel: (512)-471-3265, Fax: (512)-471-5532 Email: ari@ece.utexas.edu Steven I. Marcus, Fellow, IEEE Electrical and Computer Engineering Department and Institute for Systems Research University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 Tel: (301)-405-3683, Fax: (301)-405-3751 Email: marcus@eng.umd.edu October 16, 2002 Abstract We extend the results in [14] to multi-input systems, and utilize these to obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for the linearization of discrete-time nonlinear systems via restricted dynamic feedback. We observe that for discrete-time nonlinear systems, the bound on the number of delays (or integrators) needed to synthesize the linearizing dynamic feedback differs from the continuous-time analogue. Index Terms Nonlinear discrete-time control systems, dynamic-feedback linearization, restricted dynamic feedback. This research was supported in part by the Chung-Ang University Research Fund, in part by the Office of Naval Research through the Electric Ship Research and Development Consortium, in part by DARPA under Grant F30602-00-2-0588, in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant ECS-0218207, and in part by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under Grant F496200110161. Hong-Gi Lee is with the School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea, Ari Arapostathis is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin and Steven I. Marcus is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Institute for Systems Research at the University of Maryland, College Park. 2 I. I NTRODUCTION Linearization is a widely used tool for the control of nonlinear systems, because well-developed linear system theory techniques can be applied to the nonlinear plant, once this is linearized. The transformations employed for linearization usually involve a state coordinate change and feedback. Linearization via static feedback has been thoroughly studied and an abundance of results exist in the literature applicable to both continuous-time [6], [9], [13], [22] and discrete-time nonlinear systems [7], [11], [14], [16]. More recently, the use of dynamic feedback has been investigated, in the hope of augmenting the class of linearizable systems. However, despite the significant effort already invested in studying linearization via dynamic state feedback [1]–[5], [8], [12], [15], [18]–[21], finding verifiable necessary and sufficient conditions to characterize the class of such linearizable systems is still an open problem. Restricted dynamic feedback refers to a compensator in the feedback loop that consists only of pure integrators. Lee et al. [15] have obtained necessary and sufficient conditions for a continuous-time system to be linearizable via restricted dynamic feedback by establishing a bound on the maximum number of integrators needed for the input channels. In this paper, we extend the study in [15] to discrete-time systems. The method relies on the multi-input version of results in [14]. Consider a smooth nonlinear discrete-time system x(t + 1) = f x(t), u(t) , f (0, 0) = 0, (1) with state x ∈ Σ Rn and input u ∈ U Rm . Definition 1: System (1) is linearizable by a state coordinate change, if there exists a smooth diffeomorphism T : Σ → Σ which transforms (1) to a reachable linear system, in the variable ζ = T (x): ζ(t + 1) = Aζ(t) + Bu(t), ζ ∈ Σ. Definition 2: System (1) is static-feedback linearizable, if there exists a smooth map γ : Σ × U → U such that the resulting closed-loop system x(t + 1) = f x(t), γ(x(t), u(t)) , x ∈ Σ, u ∈ U, is linearizable by a state coordinate change. Dynamic state feedback amounts to the use of a controller with dynamics z(t + 1) = g x(t), z(t), u(t) , z ∈ Σc Rs , u ∈ U, (2) and a smooth map h : Σ × Σc × U → U, which when combined with (1) yield the closed-loop system with extended state space Σ × Σc x(t + 1) f x(t), h(x(t), z(t), u(t)) = . z(t + 1) g x(t), z(t), u(t) (3) 3 Definition 3: System (1) is dynamic-feedback linearizable, if there exists a smooth dynamic feedback (2) which yields a closed-loop system (3) that is linearizable by a state coordinate change. Definition 4: System (1) is said to be linearizable via restricted dynamic feedback of index d = (d1 , . . . , dm ) ∈ Zm + , if there exists a dynamic compensator of the form i zk+1 (t), if di ≥ 1, 1 ≤ k ≤ di − 1, i zk (t + 1) = ui (t), if di ≥ 1, k = di , and a map h = (h1 , . . . , hm ), defined by z i , if di ≥ 1, 1 hi (z, u) = ui , if di = 0, (4a) (4b) such that the resulting closed-loop system is static-feedback linearizable. In this paper, we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for (1) to be linearizable via restricted dynamic feedback as defined in Definition 4. First, we extend the results in [14] to multi-input systems and then we follow the approach in [15]. The results we obtain are very similar to the continuous-time case. However, the bound obtained on the number of necessary delays is smaller than the corresponding one on the number of integrators. II. P RELIMINARIES AND DEFINITIONS In this section, we introduce some basic definitions and then extend the results of [14] to multi-input systems. We refer the reader to [10], [17], and other papers in the references for basic results in nonlinear systems and differential geometry used in the paper. We view B := Σ × U, π : B → Σ as a vector bundle over Σ. With Bx U denoting the fibre over x ∈ Σ, we define, for each non-negative integer k, the kth product bundle B k by Bx × · · · ×Bx . Bk = x∈Σ k times k Thus, B is a smooth vector bundle over Σ, and it may also be viewed as a vector bundle over B k−1 , with π : B k → B k−1 denoting the projection. Also, B 0 Σ denotes the zero-section Σ × {0}. The response of a discrete-time system to a finite input sequence can be conveniently represented, albeit reversed in time, if one extends the definition of the system map f : B → Σ to a map f : B k → B k−1 , for k > 0, by f (x, u1 , . . . , uk ) := f (x, uk ), u1 , . . . , uk−1 , where T uj := uj1 · · · ujm ∈ U, 1 ≤ j ≤ k. 4 Also, for k = 0, f is interpreted as a map f : B 0 → B 0 , i.e., f (x, 0) = (f (x, 0), 0). Then, the kth + composition f k is well-defined as a map from B k to Σ, and more generally as a map from B to B (−k) , where (·)+ denotes the positive part of (·). In particular, when the domain of f k is selected as B, then f k : B → B 0 Σ is identified as the k-step impulse response of the system and we denote it as fˆk . In other words, fˆ1 (x, u) := f (x, u), fˆ (x, u) := f fˆ−1 (x, u), 0 , ≥ 2. Identifying the fibre of B k over x ∈ Σ with U k U × · · · × U, we often use the convenient notation k times fxk (uk ) = f k (x, uk ), with uk = (u1 , . . . , uk ) representing the generic element in U k . Definition 5: For each i ∈ {1, . . . , m}, let κi be the smallest non-negative integer such that ˆk+1 ∂f ∂ fˆκi +1 (0) ∈ span (0) k ≥ 0, j < m(κi − k) + i . ∂ui ∂uj The Kronecker indices of (1) are defined as the collection {κi } and are represented by the multi-index κ = (κ1 , . . . , κm ) ∈ Zm +. It is well known that if m i=1 κi = n, then (1) is reachable around the origin. For a non-negative multi-index = (1 , . . . , m ) of length m, we set max := max{1 , . . . , m } and || := i i . We also define, for k ≥ 0, U(, k) = span uji ∈ U k 1 ≤ i ≤ m, j > i , (5) U ⊥ (, k) = span uji ∈ U k 1 ≤ i ≤ m, j ≤ i , and denote by π the projection of U k = U(, k) × U ⊥ (, k) onto the first factor. The three theorems and the remark that follow are a straightforward extension of the results in [14]. Thus, we omit the proofs. Let F denote the map f0κmax +1 : U κmax +1 → Σ, and Ψ stand for the restriction of f0κmax on U ⊥ (κ, κmax ). Theorem 1: System (1) is linearizable by state coordinate change if and only if m (i) i=1 κi = n. (ii) F∗ ∂u∂ is a well-defined vector field, for each i = 1, . . . , m, and = 1, . . . , κi + 1. i Furthermore, ζ = Ψ−1 (x) is a linearizing state coordinate transformation. Theorem 2: System (1) is static-feedback linearizable if and only if m (i) i=1 κi = n. (ii) F∗ (∆i ), i = 1, . . . , κmax − 1, are well-defined distributions, where ∂ ∆i = span 1 ≤ j ≤ m, 1 ≤ ≤ i . ∂uj (6) 5 We also state a useful variant of Theorem 2. Theorem 3: System (1) is static-feedback linearizable if and only if there exist smooth functions ψi : Σ → R, ψi (0) = 0, defined for i ∈ J+ := {i | κi > 0}, such that, with ū := {ui | i ∈ J+ }, m (i) i=1 κi = n. ∂ψi ◦ fˆ = 0, for i ∈ J+ , and = 1, . . . , κi − 1. (ii) ∂ ū ∂ψi ◦ fˆκi (iii) rank (0) i ∈ J+ = |J+ |, where |J+ | denotes the cardinality of J+ . ∂ ū Remark 1: Hypotheses (ii) of Theorem 1 and Theorem 2 can be replaced by (ii ) and (ii ), respectively [14], [23]: (ii ) ∂u∂ , ker(F∗ ) ⊂ ker(F∗ ), 1 ≤ j ≤ m, ≤ κj + 1. j (ii ) ∆i , ker(F∗ ) ⊂ ∆i + ker(F∗ ), 1 ≤ i ≤ κmax − 1. III. M AIN RESULTS In this section, we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for the discrete-time nonlinear system (1) to be linearizable via restricted dynamic feedback. Even though our approach is analogous to the one taken for the continuous-time case [15], the proof for the discrete-time case turns out to be somewhat simpler. The closed-loop system of (1) with the compensator (4) is of the form: x(t + 1) f x(t), h(z(t), u(t)) = z(t + 1) g z(t), v(t) = F (x(t), z(t)), u(t) , with x ∈ Σ Rn , z ∈ R|d| and u ∈ U Rm . Consider the map F0k with domain B0k U k . Recall the definitions in (5), and observe that ker g0k = U(d, k). Therefore, if we decompose U k = U(d, k)×U ⊥ (d, k), it follows that the restriction g0k : U ⊥ (d, k) → R|d| is a linear isomorphism, provided k ≥ dmax . Next, define the map S d : U k → U k by j+d d k j ui i , if j + di ≤ k, S (u ) i = 0, otherwise. It follows that ker S d = U ⊥ (d, k) and hence the restriction of S d on U(d, k) is an isomorphism onto its range. In addition, if πΣ denotes the projection Σ × R|d| → Σ on the first factor, i.e., πΣ (x, z) = x, we obtain πΣ ◦ F0k = f0k ◦ S d ◦ πd . Therefore, we have the decomposition F0k = f0k ◦ S d , g0k : U(d, k) × U ⊥ (d, k) → Σ × R|d| , 6 which is also depicted in the commutative diagram below. I−πd U ⊥ (d, k) o πd / u U HHH uu HH u H u ku k k g uu 0 uu u zu R|d| o g0k I−πΣ k d f0 ◦SH F0 U(d, k) Σ × R|d| f k ◦S d HH 0 HH H$ /Σ πΣ Definition 6: Given d = (d1 , . . . , dm ) ∈ Zm + , the relative Kronecker indices κ̃(d) = κ̃1 (d), . . . , κ̃m (d) of (1) are defined as follows: For each i ∈ {1, . . . , m}, κ̃i (d) is the smallest non-negative integer such that ˆk+1 ∂f ∂ fˆκ̃i (d)+1 (0) ∈ span (0) k≥0 ∂ui ∂uj j<m(κ̃i (d)+di −dj −k)+i Observe that |κ̃(d)| = |κ|. From the above discussion, we obtain the following corollary to Theorem 2. Corollary 1: System (1) is linearizable via restricted dynamic feedback if and only if there exists d = (d1 , . . . , dm ) ∈ Zm + , such that, with κ̄d := max {κ̃i (d) + di }, 1≤i≤m d F := f0κ̄d+1 ◦ S d : U(d, κ̄d + 1) → Σ, and ∆i as defined in (6), m (i) i=1 κi = n. (ii) F∗d (∆i ), is a well-defined distribution, for i = 1, . . . , κ̄d − 1. Lemma 1: Suppose (1) is linearizable via restricted dynamic feedback of index d = (d1 , . . . , dm ), and for some α ≥ 0, F∗d (∆α ) = F∗d (∆α+1 ), (7) with ∆0 := 0. Then, it is also linearizable via restricted dynamic feedback of index d = (d1 , . . . , dm ), where di = di , if di ≤ α, di − 1, otherwise. Proof: Let Jα := {i | di ≤ α}, We define, for each i = α + 2, . . . , κ̄d , Jαc := {i | di > α}. ∂ c i = span ∆ j ∈ Jα , di < ≤ i . ∂uj (8) 7 Assumption (7) of the Lemma implies ∂ F∗d ( ) ∈ F∗d (∆α ), ∂uj ≥ α + 1, j ∈ Jα . (9) We may assume that Jac = ∅, otherwise the conclusion of the Lemma is trivially true. By (9), i ), F∗d (∆i ) = F∗d (∆α + ∆ i = α + 2, . . . , κ̄d . (10) By Corollary 1, F∗d (∆i ) is a well-defined distribution, for each i = 1, . . . , κ̄d −1, and dim F∗d (∆κ̄d ) = n. By (9), this assertion is also true for the map F̂ d , which denotes the restriction of Fd on the subspace Ûακ̄d+1 := U κ̄d+1 ujκ̄d+1 = 0 j ∈ Jα . Observe that the maximum in the definition of κ̄d is attained on Jαc . From (9), we deduce that κ̃(d ) = κ̃(d). Hence, κ̄d = κ̄d − 1. Define the map ϕ : U(d, κ̄d + 1) ∩ Ûακ̄d+1 → U(d , κ̄d + 1) by j ϕ(u) i := uj+1 , i if i ∈ Jac , j ≥ di , uj , i otherwise. (11) We obtain, κ̄ +1 F̂ d = f0 d Combining (10)–(12), we conclude that F∗d (∆i ) = ◦ S d ◦ ϕ = Fd ◦ ϕ. F∗d (∆i ), if i ≤ α, Fd (∆ ), i+1 ∗ if α < i ≤ κ̄d , (12) and the proof follows from Corollary 1. Lemma 2: If (1) is linearizable via restricted dynamic feedback of index d = (d1 , . . . , dm ), and for some α ∈ {1, . . . , κ̄d }, dim Fd (∆α ) = n, then it is also linearizable via restricted dynamic feedback of ∗ index d = (d1 , . . . , dm ), defined by di = min di , (α − 1) , i = 1, . . . , m. Proof: Let F : Σ × Σc × U → Σ × Σc denote the closed-loop system map, with a compensator of index d. To simplify the notation, let κ denote the Kronecker indices of the closed-loop system, i.e., c = ∅. By κi = κ̃i (d) + di , i = 1, . . . , m. Recall the definition of Jα in (8), and suppose that Jα−1 Theorem 3, there exist smooth functions ψi : Σ × Σc → R such that properties (ii)–(iii) hold. Observe c that we may choose ψi , i ∈ Jα−1 ∩ J+ , so that these are independent of the coordinates z j j ∈ Jα−1 . 8 Indeed, we may select a collection ψi i ∈ Jα−1 ∩ J+ such that each dψi is orthogonal to the involutive distribution F0κ̄d+1 ∗ ∆κi −1 + ∆ , where ∂ c ∆ = span j ∈ Jα−1 , 1 ≤ ≤ dj , ∂uj and at the same time, with ū as defined in Theorem 3, ∂ψi ◦ F̂ κi rank (13) (0) i ∈ Jα−1 ∩ J+ = |Jα−1 ∩ J+ |. ∂ ū c may be selected in such a manner that each dψj is orthogonal to F0κ̄d+1 ∗ ∆κj −1 + Also, ψj j ∈ Jα−1 ∆ , with ∂ ∆ = span i ∈ Jα−1 ∩ J+ , 1 ≤ ≤ κi , ∂ui and they satisfy the rank condition analogous to (13). We use the decomposition ū = (ǔ, ǔc ) where ǔ = ui i ∈ Jα−1 ∩ J+ and ǔc consists of the remaining input coordinates. By construction, ∂ψi ◦ F̂ κi (0) = 0, ∂ ǔc By (13)–(14), ∀i ∈ Jα−1 ∩ J+ . ∂ψi ◦ F̂ κi (0) i ∈ Jα−1 ∩ J+ = |Jα−1 ∩ J+ |. rank ∂ ǔ (14) (15) Equation (14) together with property (ii) of Theorem 3 yield ∂ψj ◦ F̂ κj c c (0) j ∈ Jα−1 = |Jα−1 |. (16) rank ∂ ǔc c We claim that if we modify the collection ψj j ∈ Jα−1 by selecting ψj (x, z) := z1j , (ii) and (iii) of c , since κj = dj , and Theorem 3 still hold. Indeed, for j ∈ Jα−1 j z+1 , if 1 ≤ ≤ dj − 1, ψj ◦ F (x, z, u) = uj , if = dj , (17) property (ii) follows. Also, (17) implies (16) and ∂ψj ◦ F̂ κj (0) = 0, ∂ ǔ c . ∀j ∈ Jα−1 (18) Property (iii), follows from (14)–(16). Consider now the compensator with index d and denote by F and κ be the corresponding system map and Kronecker indices of the closed-loop system, respectively. Since κi = κi , for i ∈ Jα−1 , and c , property (i) of Theorem 3 holds. Let the collection {ψi } be as selected above. κj = κj − 1, for j ∈ Jα−1 Note that these are well defined in the new state-space. Property (ii) of Theorem 3 easily follows. Also, (15), (16) and (18) hold for F and κ , which together imply (iii). 9 Using Lemma 1, we obtain the following. Lemma 3: Suppose (1) is linearizable via restricted dynamic feedback of index d = (d1 , . . . , dm ) and di ≥ 1, for 1 ≤ i ≤ m. Then it is also linearizable via restricted dynamic feedback of index d = (d1 , . . . , dm ), where di = di − 1, for 1 ≤ i ≤ m. Proof: Suppose that di ≥ 1, for all i ∈ {1, . . . , m}. Then, we have F∗d (∆0 ) = F∗d (∆1 ) = 0. The rest follows by Lemma 1. Lemma 3 implies that if (1) is linearizable via restricted dynamic feedback, then the linearizing compensator (4) can be chosen so as to satisfy dmin := min{d1 , . . . , dm } = 0. This of course means that a single-input discrete-time nonlinear system is linearizable via restricted dynamic feedback only if it is static-feedback linearizable. Theorem 4: If (1) is linearizable via restricted dynamic feedback, then a compensator of index d can be chosen, satisfying dmin = 0, and dmax ≤ n − 1, yielding the estimate |d| ≤ (m − 1)(n − 1). Proof: By Lemma 1, we may choose the index d so that dim F∗d (∆i ) < dim F∗d (∆i+1 ) , 0 ≤ i ≤ κ̄d − 1. Thus, κ̄d ≤ n. Since dim F∗d (∆κ̄d ) = n, applying Lemma 2, we can choose d such that dmax ≤ κ̄d − 1. Therefore, dmax ≤ n − 1. IV. E XAMPLES By the results of the previous section, the validity of the conditions for linearization via restricted dynamic feedback needs to be verified only over a finite set of indices. Therefore, we have obtained a set of decidable necessary and sufficient conditions. The bounds for the compensator index in Theorem 4 are sharp, as can be seen by the following example. Example 1: Consider the system m x1 (t + 1) = x2 (t) + x1 (t)ui (t), i=2 x (t + 1) = x+1 (t), m xn (t + 1) = ui (t). i=1 for = 2, . . . , n − 1, 10 This system is linearizable via restricted dynamic feedback of index d1 = 0 and di = n − 1, for i = 2, . . . , m. However, it cannot be linearized if the index of the compensator is below the bound established in Theorem 4. Example 2: Consider the system x (t + 1) (t) + x (t)u (t) x 1 2 2 1 . x2 (t + 1) = u1 (t) x3 (t + 1) u2 (t) (19) The system in (19) is linearizable via restricted dynamic feedback of index (d1 , d2 ) = (0, 1). This feedback yields the closed-loop system x2 (t) + x1 (t)z1 (t) x1 (t + 1) x (t + 1) (t) u 1 2 = . x3 (t + 1) (t) z 1 z1 (t + 1) u2 (t) If we define new state variables ζ1 = x1 , ζ2 = x2 + x1 z1 , ζ3 = x3 , and ζ4 = z1 , (20) transforms to ζ2 (t) ζ1 (t + 1) ζ (t + 1) u (t) + x (t) + x (t)z (t)u (t) 2 1 1 2 1 2 = ζ3 (t + 1) (t) ζ 4 ζ4 (t + 1) u2 (t) (20) (21) and, in turn, (21) can be linearized via the static state feedback u1 − (x2 + x1 z1 )u2 . γ(x, z, u) = u2 In the following example, we present a system which is not linearizable via restricted dynamic feedback, but is dynamic-feedback linearizable. Example 3: Consider the system x1 (t + 1) x2 (t) + x1 (t) u1 (t) + u2 (t) . x2 (t + 1) = u1 (t) x3 (t + 1) u1 (t) + u2 (t) (22) The application of Theorem 4, shows that (22) is not linearizable via restricted dynamic feedback. However, if we let u1 = ū1 and u2 = ū2 − ū1 , then (22) transforms to (19). Therefore, system (22) is dynamicfeedback linearizable. 11 V. C ONCLUSION We have formulated the problem of linearization via restricted dynamic feedback for discrete-time nonlinear systems in analogy to the continuous-time version [15]. We have shown that if a discrete-time nonlinear system is linearizable via restricted dynamic feedback, it is also linearizable without using a delay for at least one of the inputs. This means that the class of single-input systems linearizable by dynamic feedback is no larger than the class linearizable by static feedback, a fact which which also holds for continuous-time systems [15], [20]. We have also obtained sharp upper bounds on the number of delays necessary for the input channels. This bound is n − 1, for each channel, whereas the analogous bound for the number of integrators used in the continuous-time case is 2n − 3 [15]. Our results yield verifiable necessary and sufficient conditions for linearization of discrete-time nonlinear systems via restricted dynamic feedback. However, the problem of linearization via general dynamic feedback is still wide open. R EFERENCES [1] E. Aranda-Bricaire, C. H. Moog, and J. B. Pomet, “A linear algebraic framework for dynamic feedback linearization,” IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. 40, pp. 127–132, 1995. [2] B. Charlet, J. Levine, and R. Marino, “On dynamic feedback linearization,” Systems & Control Letters, Vol. 13, pp. 143–151, 1989. [3] B. Charlet, J. Levine, and R. Marino, “Sufficient conditions for dynamic state feedback linearization,” SIAM J. Control Optim., Vol. 29, pp. 38–57, 1991. [4] M. Fliess, J. Levine, P. Martin, and P. Rouchon, “Flatness and defect of non-linear system: introductory theory and examples,” International Journal of Control, Vol. 61, No. 6, pp. 1327–1361, 1995. [5] M. Fliess, J. Levine, P. Martin, and P. Rouchon, “On differentially flat nonlinear systems,” Proc. 2nd IFAC NOLCOS, Bordeaux, pp. 408–412, 1992. [6] R. B. Gardner, W. F. 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