FY16 Department Director Work and Performance Plan

FY16 Department
Director Work and
Performance Plan
Rating Criteria:
Exemplary (E): Almost always demonstrates these behaviors
Successful (S): Frequently demonstrates these behaviors
Needs Improvement (NI): Infrequently demonstrates these behaviors
Implement Department Restructure
Description: The FY 2016 Office of the Tax Collector (OTC) budget was reduced resulting from legislative change, due
to the implementation of the Tag and Tax Together program and the repeal of the Privilege License. A Reduction In
Force (RIF) and Restructure Plan was approved which resulted in the elimination of positions and a restructure of the
department. The reduced budget is effective July 1, 2015.
Rationale: The OTC collects over 60% of the budgeted annual revenue for the County and a significant percentage of
each municipal budget. The OTC is the primary point of contact for many customers of county government. It is
imperative that the OTC be an efficient and high performing department. With the approval of the RIF and restructure
plan the implementation of the plan will occur during FY 2016.
Completion Date: The full implementation of the restructure will be completed by June 30, 2016.
Updates/Project Milestones:
• July 1, 2015 – Begin operations with a reduced number of positions and funding.
• July 1, 2015 – Implement new management team structure.
• July 17, 2015 – Complete the transfer of the Deputy Tax Collector/Paralegal and Deputy Tax
Collector/Specialized Collections to Specialized Tax Services.
• July 31, 2015 – Complete the supervisory transition from Business Tax Collections to Property Tax Collections.
• September 1, 2015 – Complete the integration of Tax Support Services and Enforced Collections into Property
Tax Collections.
• September 1, 2015 – Complete the review of cash handling and related fund processing functions within the new
• September 1, 2015 – Complete modifications to 311 scripts and keywords.
• October 16, 2015 – Complete internal training for OTC employees associated with the restructure.
• November 2, 2015 – Complete changes to all public points of contact including, but not limited to, forms, letters,
web content, signage, business cards, and any other materials affected by the restructure.
• June 30, 2016 – Complete updates to all OTC policy and procedure manuals to reflect the new structure and
business processes.
End of year reporting ONLY
• Brief statement on if the project addressed the issue it was intended to address. If so, how.
• Statement on if project was completed at or below budget (update at end of fiscal year). If not, why?
• Statement on whether or not performance metric goals were met.
Performance Rating:
Executive Team Comments:
[add rating here]
Gross Receipts Tax System Replacement
Description: The legacy gross receipts tax system has been approved for replacement. The Request for Proposal (RFP)
process was completed and a contract with a vendor has been approved. This is expected to be an 18 - 24 month project
leading to the implementation of a new gross receipts tax system.
Rationale: Over $100 Million is collected annually through the twelve year old legacy system. With the repeal of the
Privilege License Tax, the amount collected will initially decrease by $18 Million. Growth in the other gross receipts
taxes is expected to increase the amount collected over the next three years. Due to the complexity of the current system,
it requires daily support by a developer to maintain the system. It is supported by one full-time and one part-time
contractor. The legacy system does not interface well with current software such as Windows7, GIS Tax Collections
System, Advantage Finance System, and others. A new system is expected to remedy the issues that have developed as
the legacy system nears the end of its lifecycle.
Completion Date: The project is expected to end with the successful implementation of the new gross receipts tax
system by fourth quarter of FY 2017.
Updates/Project Milestones:
Q1 - Completion of Project Kickoff
Q2 – Fit Analysis Report Delivery
Q4 – Requirements Delivery
Q1 FY17 – Vendor Implementation Commencement
End of year reporting ONLY
• Brief statement on if the project addressed the issue it was intended to address. If so, how.
• Statement on if project was completed at or below budget (update at end of fiscal year). If not, why?
• Statement on whether or not performance metric goals were met.
Performance Rating:
Executive Team Comments:
[add rating here]
Employee Training and Professional Development
Description: Provide training and professional development opportunities to Office of the Tax Collector
(OTC) employees.
Rationale: It is imperative to provide continuous training and professional development opportunities to OTC
staff in order to maintain exceptional customer satisfaction survey results and provide excellent service
delivery. Training and professional development objectives are based on employee performance reviews,
Individual Development Plans (IDP), and customer feedback. Each year the OTC dedicates a portion of its
budget to providing training for staff. These funds are used to target training that serves business needs and
allows staff the necessary courses to meet the North Carolina Tax Collectors’ Association (NCTCA)
certification and continuing education requirements. Training and professional development enables the OTC
to have a skilled, talented, and professional workforce.
Completion Date: June 30, 2016, to coincide with the conclusion of the fiscal year.
Updates/Project Milestones:
September 1, 2015- Identify NCTCA certification and continuing education training.
September 30, 2015 – Identify professional development opportunities such as leadership competency training,
project management training, and/or trust building sessions.
October 16, 2015 – Finalize a schedule for all OTC employees to take an in-house business writing course
conducted by Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC).
December 31, 2015 – Identify training and/or development sessions for the topics of diversity and employee
motivation to be conducted in the second half of FY 2016.
End of year reporting ONLY
• Brief statement on if the project addressed the issue it was intended to address. If so, how.
• Statement on if project was completed at or below budget (update at end of fiscal year). If not, why?
• Statement on whether or not performance metric goals were met.
Performance Rating:
Executive Team Comments:
[add rating here]
Print Vendor Request for Proposal (RFP)
Description: The Office of the Tax Collector utilizes a private company for print services. The contract for the current
service provider expires in November 2015. The OTC intends to exercise a one year extension as provided in the
contract thereby extending service until November 2016. If County Procurement approves this timetable, an RFP will be
released and a vendor selected prior to the contract end date.
Rationale: The OTC prints tax bills, notices, collection letters, reminder post cards, collection postings, and multiple
other mail pieces to communicate with taxpayers. There are multiple companies with print expertise which enables the
OTC to privatize this function. The implementation of the Tag and Tax Together Program and the repeal of the Privilege
License Tax have altered our print needs. We also have the possibility to achieve economies of scale from an enterprise
view by partnering with other County departments during the RFP process.
Completion Date: A vendor will be selected and prepared to provide service prior to November 2016.
Updates/Project Milestones:
• Secure approval to proceed from County Procurement.
• Establish an RFP timeline.
• Issue an RFP.
• Receive and review RFP responses.
• Complete the vendor vetting process.
• Select a service provider.
• Sign contract and establish an implementation plan by June 2016.
• Implement service by November 2016.
End of year reporting ONLY
• Brief statement on if the project addressed the issue it was intended to address. If so, how.
• Statement on if project was completed at or below budget (update at end of fiscal year). If not, why?
• Statement on whether or not performance metric goals were met.
Performance Rating:
Executive Team Comments:
[add rating here]
Session Law 2013-362 Amendment
Description: The North Carolina General Assembly (NCGA) enacted Session Law 2013-362 (SL362) to address issues
with the 2011 reappraisal. Pending legislation amending SL362 would require enhancements to the County’s property
tax collection software. The payment enhancements would provide capabilities to accomplish several functions that are
not currently available. Upon the software vendor delivering functioning code, the Office of the Tax Collector (OTC)
will be responsible for administering part of the SL362 amendment.
Rationale: The NCGA proposed amendment will address customer issues resulting from the original SL362 legislation.
The OTC is responsible for portions of the pending SL362 amendment.
Completion Date: Commencement of administering the SL362 amendment upon adoption and complete in accordance
with the terms of the legislation.
Updates/Project Milestones:
• Implement the OTC functions as described in the system enhancement documentation and enacted legislation.
• Utilize the software to implement the payment plan option as described in the legislation. This includes
communications to the affected taxpayers.
• Utilize the software to pursue payment of discovery bills as described in the legislation.
End of year reporting ONLY
• Brief statement on if the project addressed the issue it was intended to address. If so, how.
• Statement on if project was completed at or below budget (update at end of fiscal year). If not, why?
• Statement on whether or not performance metric goals were met.
Performance Rating:
Executive Team Comments:
[add rating here]
3-Year Department Strategic Business Plan (FY17-FY19)
Create a 3-Year department strategic business plan that incorporates department initiatives (including those aligned to
Mecklenburg Livable Communities Plan), identifies upcoming business imperatives and links initiatives to the budget
Department strategic business planning is essential to outlining departmental goals, strategies and measures that will
serve as the guiding document for budgeting from FY17-FY19.
Completion Date:
January 2016
Updates/Project Milestones:
August 2015: “Train-the-Facilitator” training
September 10, 2015: County Manger’s Strategic Planning Retreat
September – January 2016: Departments Draft Strategic Business plans
Successful completion of a 3-Year Strategic Business Plan for FY17-FY19
Overall Section 1:
Key Performance Indicators Rating
Executive Team Comments:
[add rating here]