EZRANOMICS First Dates The Need-to-Knows for Economics Undergraduates" Happenings| Career/Academic Advice | Opportunities

Volume 14, Issue 3
May 5, 2014
The Need-to-Knows for Economics Undergraduates"
Happenings| Career/Academic Advice | Opportunities
First Dates
May 5: ODE Induction
May 7: Last Day of Classes
May 8: Slope Day
Can you tell I don’t have a lot of
dates for you?
Graduating Seniors
Are you ready to be an alumni?
Only 37% of seniors have done the
survey (but 86% of you opened it)!
Economics commencement will be
on the Arts Quad at 1:00pm
following the ceremony at
Schoellkopf. Remember to fill out
the Senior Survey that was emailed
to you so we know you’re coming
and pronounce your name
Here for the Summer?
Let’s hang out! Stop by Uris 477
and introduce yourself. We are
thinking about doing some events
for Econ majors who are still in
town. Don’t want to stop by? Email
me at mhm36@cornell.edu and I’ll
put you on the mailing list for
summer events (like a picnic in the
Plantations, dinner with a
professor, etc)
Survey Overload!
As if it wasn’t enough to ask you to do a course
evaluation for EVERY course you take at Cornell, we
ALSO are giving you Economics Department surveys.
As we continue to improve
the department, we want
to hear about your
experiences in Economics
and how we can be better.
Please take a moment
and fill out this survey:
Cornell Economics Department Newsletter
Volume 14, Issue 3
Summer Internship
May 5, 2014
ECON Week: If you weren’t there, you totally missed out!"
Are you going to be in NYC or
Washington DC for a summer
internship? Make sure you attend
the Arts & Sciences summer
networking sessions. More
info to come! !
Advice by Year
Rising Sophomores: Plan plan
plan- if you are going to study
abroad or do Cornell in
Washington into your schedule
you need to start planning to
make sure you can do everything!!
Students discussing the paths to Business, Consulting and Finance
Rising Juniors: Last chance to
decide if you want to pursue a
double major. Start figuring out
whether a junior internship will
be applicable to your career
choices and get a resume together
so you’ll be ready to start the year
strong. !
Rising Seniors: If you’re
thinking about grad school, start
studying for the GRE, GMAT,
LSAT and MCAT (do we have
pre-meds in Econ?). If you want
to enter the work force, it will be
important to refine your resume
and learn the art of the cover
letter. Interested in business,
consulting or finance? Start
reading about the interviews!
Case interview? Behavioral?
Technical? Know your stuff!
Katia Lin, ’14 presents on how Economics is applicable to all fields
Cornell Economics Department Newsletter
Professor Kevin Hallock talks to
Simeon Markind ’14 during the
informal Q & A (8 professors, 15
students . . . you really wish you
were there)
Volume 14, Issue 3
May 5, 2014
Looking for an Econ job or summer opportunity? Check out the next few pages and this link !
Opportunity to Work with Economics Faculty at Princeton University Senior Research Specialist I -­‐ Woodrow Wilson School, Julis-­‐Rabinowitz Center for Public Policy and Finance
Requisi9on number 1400140 Posi3on Summary: The successful candidates will work with a group of Department
of Economics faculty members on various research projects. The research work is
likely to be primarily empirical and computational in nature, involving the handling of
large data sets, statistical analysis, computer programming, summarizing research
findings and literature reviews. Additional duties may be assigned. Graduating seniors
with interest in pursuing a Ph.D. in Economics after acquiring one or two years of
research experience are encouraged to apply. This is a one-year term position
renewable for one additional year. End date is dependent on start date, which may
vary. Essen3al Qualifica3ons: Minimum BA/BS degree in Economics or Math; Excellent
analytical, empirical, research and writing skills; Knowledge of statistics/
econometrics; Knowledge of statistical programming, particularly STATA; Knowledge
of standard internet tools and HTML is desirable; Familiarity with standard social
science or education-related data sources is desirable. Interested candidates should submit their applica9on by May 15, 2014 here. Any ques9ons can be directed to Violeta Rosenthal at vrosenth@princeton.edu. Violeta Rosenthal Assistant Director Julis-­‐Rabinowitz Center for Public Policy and Finance 226 Corwin Hall Princeton University Princeton, NJ 08544 P 609.258.9869 vrosenth@princeton.edu hRp://www.princeton.edu/jrc Cornell Economics Department Newsletter
Volume 14, Issue 3
May 5, 2014
The Miami Dolphins are in search of (2) Business Analyst Interns for our 10-­‐12 week summer internship program. REQUIREMENTS: -­‐College Sophomore or Junior (undergraduate) -­‐Major Concentra9ons in Mathema9cs, Economics, Sta9s9cs, etc. -­‐Solid knowledge of MS Excel, Word and Power Point Interested candidates should forward their resume' to hr@dolphins.com, with the subject line Business Analyst 2014 Intern. The official job descrip9on is aRached. Please feel free to share this with your staff! Regards, Ciara Ciara L. BosOck, EdD
Miami Dolphins
Human Resources
347 Don Shula Drive Miami Gardens, FL 33056
P: (305) 943-­‐8000, F: (305) 943-­‐6829
CBos9ck@dolphins.com !
Cornell Economics Department Newsletter
Volume 14, Issue 3
May 5, 2014
Cornell Survey Research Institute !
Looking for interesting well-­‐paying work -­‐ the Survey Research Institute is for you. !
Are you personable, tenacious and curious by nature? Do you like connecting with people over the phone? Do you want to hone your leadership and people skills? Do you want to work with like-­‐minded people in a competitive and fun environment? Is data collection and research of interest to you? !
If you answered yes to most of the above questions, want to do meaningful work, and be a part of a diverse team of Research Assistants, then you could be a good match for Cornell University's Survey Research Institute. !
Throughout the year, we conduct research on a variety of interesting and important topics. Never a boring moment! Our work is often cited in the media and can affect public policy decisions. This is a great experience to put on your resume. !
We have immediate openings for Temporary/Part-­‐Time Research Assistants. Our pay is $11.00/hour. Non-­‐students are also welcome. If you're interested, please apply on our website at https://sri.cornell.edu/sri/jobs.application.cfm. Please call us at 607-­‐255-­‐3786 with any questions/concerns. We look forward to working with you! !
Cornell Economics Department Newsletter
Volume 14, Issue 3
May 5, 2014
The Tsinghua PBCSF Summer Program offers 4inancial lectures over two weeks for the attendees to comprehensively understand the China’s 4inancial markets. Students will also have the opportunity to explore the nation's capital and attend various cultural events. I have been asked to circulate to relevant departments to determine student interest. The link follows: http://
Admittedly the deadline is around the corner (May 15), but I share it with you nonetheless.
If you are so inclined, please share your students. Juniors, seniors or master’s students majoring in Finance, Economics or related subjects are eligible.
Cornell Economics Department Newsletter
Volume 14, Issue 3
May 5, 2014
Like research?
Enjoy working and helping others?
If so, you should apply
to become a Cornell Undergraduate Research Board (CURB) Peer
Mentor!!! As a Peer Mentor, you will aid undergraduates in exploring
Cornell’s undergraduate research opportunities. This includes finding
suitable research, emailing professors, teaching professionalism in the
workplace, providing general tips and advice about being an
undergraduate researcher, etc. Additional responsibilities
of being a Peer Mentor are included in the application attached to this
email. This is a great opportunity to become involved in the Cornell
community and to be a source of knowledge to help younger students.
At least one semester or one summer of research (either at Cornell
or at another institution) is required
in order to apply.
If you are interested please fill out the attached application and email it to
Applications are due by 11:59PM on May 7th.
Thank you for your interest, and we look forward to hearing from you!
Ashley Odai-Afotey’ 15 and Gi Hye Im ‘15
Cornell Undergraduate Research Board (CURB)
Executive Board
Co-Heads of Peer Mentorship
Cornell Economics Department Newsletter