Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Prepared for: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services, Flood Mitigation Program 700 North Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 28202 Prepared by: Dewberry & Davis, Inc. 6135 Lakeview Road Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28269 Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction Overview of this Documents ...............................................................................................1 Mecklenburg County Floodplain Mapping ........................................................................1 2. Field Data Collection Standards Channel Cross Section Information .....................................................................................3 Estimating Field Data Collection of Cross Section Information ....................................3 Survey Cross Section Locations .....................................................................................4 Cross Section Survey Accuracy......................................................................................4 Stream Crossing Information ..............................................................................................5 Identification of Stream Crossings..................................................................................5 Verification of Existing Stream Crossing Information...................................................5 Field Survey Stream Crossings.......................................................................................6 LIDAR Specifications.....................................................................................................6 Aerial Orthophotography ................................................................................................6 3. Hydrology Analysis Standards Hydrologic Model ...............................................................................................................8 Storm Pattern ......................................................................................................................8 Precipitation Depths ............................................................................................................9 Land Use .............................................................................................................................9 Existing Land Use ........................................................................................................10 Right-of-Way ...............................................................................................................11 Future Land Use............................................................................................................11 Target Subbasin Size .........................................................................................................13 Time of Concentration .......................................................................................................13 Hydrologic Routing ..........................................................................................................14 Channel Routing ..........................................................................................................14 Storage Routing ............................................................................................................15 Balancing Models ..............................................................................................................16 Flow Change Points ...........................................................................................................16 4. Hydraulic Analysis Standards Hydraulic Model ................................................................................................................17 Starting Boundary Condition .............................................................................................17 Channel Bank Station Assignment ....................................................................................18 Cross Section Spacing........................................................................................................18 Cross Sections at Bridges/Culverts....................................................................................19 Bridge/Culvert Annotation.................................................................................................19 Contraction/Expansion Coefficient....................................................................................19 Roughness Coefficient .......................................................................................................20 Ineffective Flow Areas.......................................................................................................20 Modeling Buildings ...........................................................................................................21 Minor Obstructions ............................................................................................................21 Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Table of Contents i Documentation of Input Data.............................................................................................22 Community Encroachment Area........................................................................................22 FEMA Floodway ...............................................................................................................22 5. Model Calibration Standards Hydrologic Calibration .....................................................................................................24 Hydraulic Calibration.........................................................................................................25 6. Mapping Standards Floodway Delineation around Buildings ..........................................................................27 Community Floodplain Boundary Delineations ................................................................27 Seamless Panels ................................................................................................................28 Letters of Map Change.......................................................................................................28 Flood Insurance Study .......................................................................................................28 FIRM Panel Format ...........................................................................................................29 GIS Concerns ..................................................................................................................31 Appendices Appendix “A” - Project Memorandum Dated 08/28/07 (Revised 8/31/07) Survey Comparison Findings Mecklenburg County Floodplain Mapping Project Appendix “B” - Sample GPS Cross Section Points Calculation Appendix “C”- Additional Information on Existing and Future Land Use Appendix “D” - Project Memorandum Dated 10/10/07 (Revised 10/29/07) Comparison and Sensitivity Analysis of Charlotte CIPs and FEMA FIS Mecklenburg County Floodplain Mapping Project Appendix “E” - Sample Data Collection for Stream Crossings Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Table of Contents ii 1. Introduction Overview The purpose of this document is to assure consistency among mapping consultants and quality control when creating Flood Insurance Rate Maps (“FIRMs”) in Mecklenburg County. This document is the primary technical analysis and floodplain mapping guidance document to be used for floodplain mapping efforts associated with the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services Floodplain Mapping Project. The standards presented in this document were developed during the initial phase of the Project in 2007. It is the intent that the standards described in this document are consistent with guidelines specified in the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners (G&S) and the Mapping Activity Statement (MAS) agreement between FEMA and Mecklenburg County. However, it is anticipated that this document will need to be updated periodically as updates may be made to the G&S and/or MAS, or as standards are modified at the discretion of Mecklenburg County. Floodplain Mapping in Mecklenburg County Accurate and updated floodplain maps are important to public health and safety in our community. Newer floodplain maps will work in tandem with regulations to: • • • • Ensure safer construction for new or redeveloped buildings in/near floodplains Communicate the flood risk to current and potential floodplain property owners Determine where flood insurance is needed and properly rate the policies Assist with planning and prioritizing flood mitigation projects, like acquisitions In an effort to protect public health and safety, the current floodplain maps and regulations focus on the current risk of flooding as well as the future risk. The floodplain maps contain floodplain boundaries and information that estimates the likelihood of flooding under existing conditions and estimates the likelihood of flooding in the future. The purpose of providing information regarding the likelihood of increased flooding in the future is to assist in making appropriate floodplain decisions today. The future conditions floodplain information provided on the floodplain maps estimates the potential long term flooding limits resulting from increased fill in the floodplain and increased impervious area. The County’s Flood Mitigation Program within Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services (hereinafter referred to as CMSWS), through inter-local agreements, administers the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) throughout the County, which includes the City of Charlotte, and the Towns of Cornelius, Davidson, Huntersville, Matthews, Mint Hill, Pineville, and the unincorporated areas of Mecklenburg County. The floodplain maps and floodplain regulations in Mecklenburg County have unique characteristics such as the Community Encroachment Area and Future Conditions Floodplain. The floodplain Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Page 1 of 31 mapping consultant must review the floodplain ordinances and storm water quality ordinances for the County, City and Towns to assure that the maps meet the needs of these jurisdictions. CMSWS maintains a progressive floodplain management program and is a pioneer in flood map modernization efforts. CMSWS initiated an unprecedented comprehensive effort to study and remap all of the FEMA-regulated floodplains in the County using custom GIS-based tools. CMSWS’ effective DFIRMs represented state-of-the-art technical and mapping information when they were developed and still provide a greater level of detail than found on FEMA mapping in most communities. However, the community is ever changing and the information and analysis the DFIRMs are based on is becoming quickly outdated. Mecklenburg County has experienced explosive growth in the last ten years resulting in numerous developments in floodplain areas, as well as, upland areas. In addition, there have been many projects (both private and CMSWS initiated) that impact floodplain mapping through modifications to streams or floodplain corridors (e.g. stream restoration, flood mitigation projects, stream crossings, etc.). In striving towards the goal of providing accurate mapping in a cost-effective manner to the community, CMSWS commenced a floodplain map maintenance initiative in 2007. The initiative generally referred to as the Floodplain Mapping Project, will re-map a portion (anticipated to be 10 – 20%) of the FEMA floodplains on a recurring annual basis. This map maintenance effort will provide a means to incorporate changes in the watersheds and streams, correct errors and deficiencies in the existing maps, and incorporate improved mapping data and methods. Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Page 2 of 31 2. Field Data Collection Standards This section provides guidance for assessing the amount of pre-modeling field data collection that is recommended for a given floodplain mapping phase, and for specifications for conducting field data collection. Discussion of field data collection tasks are categorized by channel cross section information and stream crossing structure information below. Channel Cross Section Information Channel cross section information refers to geometry and feature information that is collected for natural stream channels at selected locations (i.e. cross sections). This information is one of the key elements of hydraulic floodplain modeling as it is directly used to assess the flood carrying capacity of a channel. For the purposes of the Floodplain Mapping Project, field data collection of cross section information is primarily used to supplement and/or verify information obtained from other sources such as countywide Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), previous Effective hydraulic models– it is not intended to be solely sufficient to support hydraulic modeling described in later chapters (i.e., field data collection will only be collected at a portion (generally 30 – 50%) of the cross section locations necessary for hydraulic modeling). Guidelines for field data collection associated with channel cross section information are summarized below. Estimating Field Data Collection of Cross Section Information Evaluation of available data sources, data accuracy considerations, and data collection cost considerations have been performed to develop a procedure for estimating field data collection of cross section efforts for a given floodplain mapping phase. The evaluation included a comparison of channel cross section information generated from field survey versus LiDAR, which is included in Appendix A. Based on this evaluation, the field data collection of cross section information can be estimated as: Field Cross Section Survey: # Field Data Cross Section Locations = Stream Length to be Modeled (feet) / 1,100 Example: If modeling three watersheds with 28 miles of streams, then the total target number of locations to collect cross section information in the field would be approximately 134 as calculated below: # locations = (28 miles * (5,280 feet/mile)) / 1100 = 134.4 Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Page 3 of 31 Survey Cross Section Locations Though the overall average cross section field data collection spacing is one cross section every 1,100 feet, the actual locations for field data collection should be determined by the mapping consultant and CMSWS. The evaluation of cross section information sources indicated that LiDAR is reasonably accurate within the channel overbanks for wider, open streams, with relatively shallow base flow. Whereas, it is generally less accurate for narrower streams obscured by vegetation or with deeper base flow. From this, it is recommended that field data collection efforts be more concentrated on the narrower streams and less concentrated on the wider streams. All other field data collection specifications (e.g. survey codes, photograph requirements, naming conventions, etc.) should be collected in accordance with the FEMA G&S (primarily Appendix N). Survey Cross Section Locations: CMSWS must approve cross section locations prior to survey Cross Section Survey Accuracy In an effort to optimize the balance of the amount of data collected, accuracy, and cost effectiveness of field data collection efforts, two variations of channel cross section survey techniques are to be utilized – full survey-grade channel survey, and a “relative GPS” channel survey. The full survey-grade channel survey is the more traditional approach in which field measurements are tied to a survey-grade reference, resulting in precise horizontal and vertical coordinates for all channel measurements (i.e. surveygrade X, Y, and Z). The relative GPS channel survey involves the same (or very similar) channel measurements; however, the measurements are tied to a non survey-grade reference. The horizontal reference is generally to be taken from a mapping-grade GPS position. The vertical reference is generally to be taken from Countywide LiDAR information. Other horizontal and vertical reference sources that result in equal to or greater accuracy levels may be used if the aforementioned sources are not feasible or available. For both methods, the reference point location should be off the top of bank (approximately 50’ where feasible). The coordinates and elevation of the remaining cross section points are determined from offset distances and level readings relative to the reference point. Appendix B provides an example of how raw relative GPS cross section measurements are translated to X, Y, and Z coordinates. It is anticipated that the total number of channel cross section surveys (i.e. stream length / 1,100) should be interspersed and roughly equally split (i.e. 50% / 50%) between full survey-grade channel survey and relative GPS channel survey techniques. This will result in cross sections for modeling placed 1/500’ on average. However, the mapping consultant shall coordinate with CMSWS to determine the appropriate split and final location for each type of cross section survey. Cross Section Survey Accuracy: 1) 50% full detailed survey 2) 50% relative GPS survey Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Page 4 of 31 Stream Crossing Information Stream crossing information refers to geometry and feature information that is collected for culvert, bridge, or dam/weir structures that cross a modeled stream. Similar to natural cross sections, this information is a key element of hydraulic floodplain modeling as structures can have a significant impact on flooding conditions in a stream. For the purposes of the Mecklenburg County Floodplain Mapping Project, field data collection of stream crossing information is primarily used to supplement and/or verify information previously collected and used in the previous Effective studies. However, new field survey will be necessary for newer structure crossings that were not in the previous Effective studies and/or that have been significantly modified from that as depicted in the previous Effective studies. A 3-step process should be used to identify and locate stream crossings, verify existing information, and collect new stream crossing information. The intended end result of the stream crossing information collection process is to have accurate spatial, schematic, and tabular information for all modeled stream crossings organized in a consistent format. Identification of Stream Crossings Stream crossings should be identified and located by reviewing the most recent aerial orthophotography in conjunction with Effective HEC-RAS models. The aerial photography must be less than two years old. The mapping consultant shall add/incorporate the spatial location (approximate centroid of where the structure crosses the stream) and related information about each crossing into the CMSWS’ master stream crossing GIS file and summary table (to be provided by CMSWS), such that all known stream crossings should have a spatial point location and basic descriptive information. Crossings that are identified on the aerial photography and are in the Effective HEC-RAS models should be verified as described directly below. Crossings that are identified, but not in Effective HEC-RAS models shall be flagged for new field survey (described following verification procedures). Georeference Stream Crossings: Provide a spatial point location for all bridges, culverts and dams/weirs in GIS file Verification of Existing Stream Crossing Information Stream crossings identified in the Effective HEC-RAS models should be verified as indicated below: • In-Office Verification: Review stream crossing sketches and photographs (from Effective survey books) with Effective HEC-RAS models (and other pertinent information as available) to verify/confirm consistency between survey data and model data for bridges and structures. Flag crossings that appear to be inconsistent for field verification and/or full survey. Crossings that appear to be consistent should be recorded accordingly in CMSWS’ master stream crossing Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Page 5 of 31 • information. Information on these crossings in the current floodplain mapping phase will be obtained primarily from the Effective information. Field Verification: Field verify basic geometry/dimension (e.g. size and shape) and material for all remaining culvert/pipe or weir crossings, and any bridges flagged in previous step. Collect new photographs at each structure (4 total looking upstream, looking downstream, upstream face, downstream face) and modify Effective sketch information (or create new if changes are significant). Flag structures that have been significantly modified from that depicted in the Effective information for full field survey. Crossings that appear to be consistent should be recorded accordingly in CMSWS’ master stream crossing information. Information on these crossings in the current floodplain mapping phase will be obtained primarily from the Effective information. Confirm Consistency for Stream Crossings: Update stream crossing database to confirm consistency Field Survey of Stream Crossings Information for any stream crossings flagged in the previous steps (i.e., crossings where Effective information is not available or it is not accurate) should be collected in the field in accordance with FEMA G&S (primarily Appendix N in the G&S). New stream crossing information shall be incorporated in CMSWS’ master stream crossing database. Information on these crossings in the current floodplain mapping phase will be obtained directly from the new survey information. Stream Crossing Database: Update Stream Crossing Database to include all information LiDAR Specifications Countywide LiDAR provided by CMSWS should be used to assist in field cross section surveys and field verification, and to supplement field survey for floodplain analysis and mapping. LiDAR data should meet or exceed specifications set forth by the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program (NCFMP) and be no more than two years old at the beginning of a mapping project. LiDAR: Meet or exceed NCFMP standards and be no more than two years old Aerial Orthophotography Countywide aerial photography provided by CMSWS should be used to support field verification and floodplain analysis and mapping. The aerial photography shall be no Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Page 6 of 31 more than 2 years old at the beginning of a mapping project and meet the standard County specifications (true color, ½ foot uncompressed pixel resolution). Aerial Photography: Meet or exceed County standards and be no more than two years old. Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Page 7 of 31 3. Hydrology Analysis Standards This section provides guidance and standards for selected hydrologic parameters and analyses associated with floodplain modeling. Hydrologic parameters and analyses not discussed below are left to the discretion of CMSWS and the mapping consultant. Hydrologic Model The use of rainfall-runoff models is the preferred method to estimate the peak discharge for the various storm events. The current Effective FIRMs and FIS were created using HEC-1 to perform the computations. The Floodplain Mapping Project will employee the latest version of the HEC-HMS program accepted by FEMA to compute the necessary peak discharges. Hydrologic Model: The latest version of the Army Corp of Engineers’ HEC-HMS program is the preferred method for performing the rainfall-runoff calculations Storm Pattern Two types of storm patterns commonly used in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg area are the 6hour “balanced” storm (often used for City of Charlotte Capital Improvement Projects (CIPs) and new development design) and the 24-hour Soil Conversation Service (SCS) Type II distribution (used with the FEMA Effective Flood Insurance Study (FIS)). The two storm patterns were compared and evaluated in context with City, County, and FEMA objectives and guidelines. The evaluation indicates the 24-hour SCS Type II storm distribution is more appropriate for the Floodplain Mapping Project for the following reasons: • • Per section C.1.1.3 of FEMA G&S (Appendix-C: Guidance for Riverine Flooding Analyses and Mapping), rainfall duration must exceed the time of concentration of the watershed and must be large enough to capture all the excess rainfall as well as provide reasonable runoff and sediment volumes when performing storage analyses. Sensitivity analysis indicates that the time of concentration for some of the larger County watersheds (e.g. Little Sugar-Briar, McAlpine, etc.) is greater than 6 hours. Similarly, section C.1.1.3 of FEMA G&S document indicates that the design storm producing the highest flood discharge/water-surface elevation for the flooding source should be used. Sensitivity analyses indicate the 24-hour SCS Type II storm typically generates higher peak flows than the 6-hour storm. Storm Pattern: 24-Hour Duration with SCS Type II Distribution, a minimum 72-hour storm simulation with a 1 minute time step Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Page 8 of 31 Precipitation Depths Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) information presented in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Design Manual (CMSWDM) (dated 1993) specify precipitation depths to be used for the various design storm events (e.g. 2- through 100-year storms) and patterns. The rainfall depths presented in CMSWDM were compared with results of a recent United States Geological Survey (USGS) precipitation study (SIR 2006-5017) prepared in 2006. The USGS study developed several independent families of IDF curves based on different precipitation gage networks and data samples. Based on a comparison and evaluation of precipitation depth sources and recommendations in the USGS publication, it was deemed that the 24-hour precipitation depths from the combined “NOAA dataset plus aggregated USGS site representing the CRN initial dataset” family with no area reduction factors (presented in Table 1), hereafter referred to as the “combined” dataset, should be used for the Floodplain Mapping Project. Table 1. Precipitation Depths for the Floodplain Mapping Project Storm Event 2-year 10-year 25-year 50-year 100-year 500-year Precipitation Depth (inches) 3.06 4.80 5.76 6.51 7.29 9.23 NOTES: 1. Precipitation values taken from combined "NOAA dataset plus aggregated USGS site" IDF presented in SIR 2006-5017 The USGS combined precipitation depths are slightly higher in the 100-year storm, but equal to or slightly lower in the smaller (higher frequency) storms, than those presented in the CMSWDM for a 24-hour storm duration. Precipitation Depths: 24-Hour Precipitation Depths from the Combined “NOAA Dataset Plus Aggregated USGS Site Representing the CRN Initial Dataset” Family with No Aerial Reduction factors Land Use Land use is often used in floodplain analysis as an indirect indicator of the percent imperviousness of a watershed, which has a significant effect on subsequent surface runoff and associated hydrologic peak flow calculations. The Effective Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) include floodplain mapping based on both existing and future land use conditions. Information for obtaining/developing existing and future land use for the Floodplain Mapping Project is described below. The existing and future land use layers Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Page 9 of 31 will be used with land use-soil type lookup tables (approved and/or provided by CMSWS) to develop curve number calculations for hydrologic modeling. Existing Land Use The existing land use layer developed by the CMSWS, City Administrative/GIS Services shall be used as the “basis” for the existing land use on the Project. This layer is regularly maintained from aerial photography and development plans, and believed to be the best available data at the countywide scale. See Appendix C for additional information and history of the existing land use. Land Use Categories The existing land use coverage shall be reduced to 12 categories for use in the hydrologic analysis. The twelve categories are as follows: Table 2: Land Use Categories • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 - woods/brush 2 - open space (golf courses, mining, fields), > 2 acres residential 3 - > 1/2 to 2 acres residential 4 - 1/4 to 1/2 acre residential 5 - < 1/4 residential, townhouses 6 - institutional; schools, hospitals, government offices 7- light industrial 8 - heavy industrial 9 - light commercial - office parks, hotels, dense residential (> 7 dwelling units per acre) 10 - heavy commercial - car parks, malls, retail 11 - water bodies, usually ponds greater than 2 ac in size 12 - transportation, multilane roads, interstates Land Use Categories for Hydrologic Analysis: The twelve categories listed in Table 2 shall be used to estimate curve numbers. Verification of Existing Conditions Land Use Although the existing conditions land use layer is believed to be the best available data, additional verification and modification to the base information is necessary. The mapping contractor will overlay the land use coverage containing the twelve categories over the most recent aerial photographs to verify that the land use category contained in the GIS data is appropriate. The mapping contractor will perform a comparison of the land use coverage against the most recent aerial photographs to identify discrepancies. The mapping contractor will bring these discrepancies to the attention of CMSWS. CMSWS will resolve issues with the land use coverage. A detailed description of the land use coverage verification process is contained in Appendix C. Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Page 10 of 31 Verification of Existing Land Use Coverage: Verify accuracy of land use coverage using most recent aerial photographs. Report discrepancies to CMSWS. Treatment of Street Right-of-Way Estimating runoff from the street right-of-way has the potential for variation between mapping consultants. If a right-of-way is included in the existing land use coverage but not the future land use coverage, it is difficult to determine the effect of the right-of-way on the results. For consistency, the floodplain mapping consultant shall create a GIS coverage showing the street right-of-way under existing conditions given the Land Use Code 12 – transportation. This GIS coverage shall be duplicated in the future conditions land use coverage and used to estimate future conditions curve numbers. Treatment of Street Right-of-Way: Create GIS coverage for street right-of-way under existing conditions and duplicate for future conditions Creation of Final Existing Conditions Land Use Coverage for Modeling After consultation with CMSWS to resolve any discrepancies between the GIS coverage and the most recent aerial photography, the mapping contractor shall create the final GIS coverage for estimating curve numbers. See Appendix C for step by step processing and conditioning of the existing land use. The final coverage as well as the intermediate versions of the coverage shall be delivered to CMSWS. Creation of Final Existing Conditions Land Use Coverage for Modeling: Mapping consultant shall deliver final and intermediate versions of the existing conditions land use coverage to CMSWS Future Land Use The future land use layer developed by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Department is to be used as the “basis” for the future land use. This layer is regularly maintained from zoning cases and district/area plans, and is believed to be the best available data at large scale. Future land use categories vary and can be up to ninety (90) groups (not listed for clarity). See Appendix C for additional background, history and categories of the future land use. Unlike the existing land use data which is countywide, the future land use data only covers the City ETJ. As with the existing land use, additional verification and modification to the base information is necessary to ensure appropriateness for floodplain mapping and comparability with the existing land use. Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Page 11 of 31 Translation of Future Land Use Categories The land use categories of the base future land use layer should be condensed into the same twelve categories as used in the existing land use coverage, using the translation table provided in Appendix C. Land Use Categories for Hydrologic Analysis: Translate Planning Commission future conditions land use categories into the 12 land use categories from existing conditions using translation table contained in Appendix C. Verification of Future Conditions Land Use As with the existing conditions land use layer, additional verification and modification to the base information is necessary. As indicated previously, the future land use layer only covers the City of Charlotte ETJ. Thus, future land use for any watershed areas that extend beyond the ETJ will have to be developed from other sources. Potential data sources include existing land use coverage, the 2015 land use file that was used for the current Effective mapping, aerial photographs, City/County zoning layers, land use information from other municipalities in the Mecklenburg County. The mapping contractor shall coordinate with CMSWS to assess the most appropriate data source for developing future land use beyond the City of Charlotte ETJ. The mapping contractor shall also verify and modify the overall future land use layer (for both areas inside and outside of the City ETJ) to ensure its appropriateness for floodplain mapping. The future conditions land use within the floodplain must be revised. The current Planning Commission future land use layer depicts all these areas as greenways/open space. These areas should be evaluated in context with other data sources (e.g. existing land use, zoning, etc.) and modified as necessary, to ensure that the classifications are reasonable for floodplain analysis. In general, the existing land use conditions within the Community Floodplain Boundary shall be duplicated in the future conditions land use coverage. Verification of Future Land Use Coverage: Develop future land use coverage for areas outside City ETJ. Verify accuracy of future land use coverage using existing conditions land use coverage, aerials, and zoning to determine appropriate land use category. Report discrepancies to CMSWS Creation of Final Future Conditions Land Use Coverage for Modeling After consultation with CMSWS to resolve any discrepancies between the GIS coverage and the most recent aerial photography, the mapping contractor shall create existing and future land use coverages for presentation to a watershed specific Task Force. The Floodplain Mapping Project includes a watershed specific Task Force for each remapping zone. The Task Force will be composed of volunteers that owned property in the remapping zone and one member from the Storm Water Advisory Committee who will act as the chairperson. The purpose of the Task Force is to review the existing and future Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Page 12 of 31 land use coverages created by the mapping consultant and recommend appropriate changes to the land use information. The Task Force will reach consensus on the existing and future land use information in the form of final land use maps. The mapping consultant will use these maps to estimate curve numbers for the hydrologic analysis. Refer to Appendix C for a detailed description of the construction of the final GIS coverage. The final coverage as well as the intermediate versions of the coverage shall be delivered to CMSWS. Creation of Final Future Conditions Land Use Coverage for Modeling: Mapping Consultant shall deliver final and intermediate digital and hardcopy versions of the future conditions land use coverage to CMSWS Target Subbasin Size Subbasins are areas that are used to sub-divide a watershed area into smaller hydrologic components to reflect more localized hydrologic patterns and ultimately to improve the accuracy of peak flows calculated along the main streams to be modeled. Section C.1.1.3 of the FEMA G&S states that “when the unit hydrograph method is used in developing hydrographs, subwatershed drainage areas shall be appropriately defined within the limit that the unit hydrograph is able to reflect watershed response to changing conditions”. The current Effective FEMA hydrologic models are based on “larger scale” subbasins with a typical size between 150 - 200 acres. The use of large sub-watershed areas generally meet the criteria under Section C.1.1.3 however these “larger scale” basins do not capture pertinent information/features useful for “smaller scale” comparison and City CIPs. Sensitivity analysis and evaluation of subbasin size was conducted to assess the appropriateness of using smaller subbasin sizes for the Floodplain Mapping Project. Based on the results of the analyses and evaluation, it was deemed that a target 60 acre subbasin size should be used for the Project. The sensitivity analysis is included in Appendix D. It is believed that this additional target size captures additional hydrologic detail that will be useful for smaller scale comparisons and initiatives and provide reasonable/consistent results, while not excessively increasing the burden of additional hydrologic processing and computations. Target Subbasin Size: 60 acres Time of Concentration One of the most variable hydrologic parameters is the computation of time of concentration. In an effort to standardize the time of computation for floodplain mapping purposes, the floodplain mapping consultant shall use the method described in Chapter 3, Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds (Technical Release 55), Natural Resource Conservation Service (1986). In this method the time of concentration is computed using Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Page 13 of 31 sheet flow, shallow concentrated flow and channel flow. The flow length for sheet flow must be a maximum of 100 feet in urban areas and 300 feet in rural areas. Time of Concentration: Method described in Chapter 3- Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds Hydrologic Routing Hydrologic routing is often used in floodplain analysis to account for peak flow attenuation that occurs as a flood wave travels through a natural drainage system. In the context of the Floodplain Mapping Project, routing specifically refers to routing of a flood wave through an open channel system (including culverts and bridges) (i.e., channel routing) or through storage areas such as off-line ponds or areas behind large embankments (i.e. storage routing). Channel Routing Channel routing occurs in floodplain areas where peak flows are attenuated as a result of water expanding and slowing down upon entering the floodplain. Channel routing is often accounted for through the use of hydrologic routing reaches, which route a hydrograph through a channel or pipe from one subbasin outlet to the next downstream subbasin outlet. Channel Routing – Streams with HEC-RAS Modeling The Modified Puls method shall be used for channel routing along reaches with a HECRAS model. The HEC-RAS model shall be used to develop the required Modified Puls storage-outflow parameters used in the hydrologic model. As stated in the HEC-HMS documentation, “It affects attenuation where one sub-reach gives maximum attenuation and increasing the number of subreaches approaches zero attenuation. This parameter is necessary because the travel time through a subreach should be approximately equal to the simulation time step. A good estimate is to divide the actual reach length by the product of the wave celerity and the simulation time step. It can also be a calibration parameter in some cases.” The consultant shall follow the HEC-HMS guidance to set the initial value of sub-reaches. Steady State HEC-RAS Modeling Channel Routing: Modified Puls Method. Channel Routing - No HEC-RAS Modeling The lag method or Muskingum-Cunge method shall be used for channel routing along routing reaches where no HEC-RAS modeling is being conducted (e.g. routing reaches upstream of the streams to be modeled/mapped). The mapping contractor should attempt to use a single method if possible; however, the method selected should be modified and finalized as appropriate during model calibration (described in later sections). Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Page 14 of 31 Streams with No HEC-RAS Modeling: Lag Method or Muskingum-Cunge Method Storage Routing Storage routing occurs when flow is impeded by a dam, embankment, or other feature and the structure (e.g. culvert pipe, weir, etc.) that allows water to pass through the feature does not have the capacity to pass the full natural flow. This causes the water to be “backed up” and stored behind the feature, thus reducing the peak flow. Storage routing is often accounted for through the use of storage elements, which route an input hydrograph through an outlet structure (e.g. spillway). Storage Routing - Streams with HEC-RAS Modeling Storage routing is incorporated in the Modified Puls method described for channel routing above, therefore it should not be performed along reaches where steady-state HEC-RAS model is being conducted, except for in-line ponds and locations with excessive backwater conditions (e.g. where backwater impacts a significant portion of the routing reach, upstream tributaries and/or other routing reaches). Level pool storage routings are appropriate where the hydrograph is attenuated significantly. Significant attenuation is a routing where the attenuation exceeds 10 percent (the outflow peak discharge is more than 10 percent less than the inflow hydrograph peak discharge). Typically, 10 percent attenuation can occur when the floodplain restriction (culvert, bridge, etc.) fill height exceeds the opening height by a factor larger than two. Fill height to opening height ratios of three almost always result in more than 10 percent attenuation. Therefore, the consultant shall include storage routing requirement for restrictions with fill height to opening height ratios larger then two. This requirement will be relaxed if modeling indicates that the attenuation at these locations is less than 10 percent. No other storage routing should be performed unless deemed appropriate during calibration. Storage Routing Along Streams with HEC-RAS Modeling: None, except for in-line ponds and areas with excessive backwater conditions. Level-Pool routing for areas with excessive backwater conditions. Storage Routing - Streams with no HEC-RAS Modeling The level-pool method should be used for all in-line ponds that have a drainage area greater than 100 acres where the pond is covered by a permanent maintenance easement granted to the City of Charlotte, Mecklenburg County or one of the Towns along reaches with no HEC-RAS modeling. Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Page 15 of 31 Storage Routing Along Streams with no HEC-RAS Modeling: All in-line ponds and off-line ponds with a drainage area greater than 100 acres All culverts/bridges with fill height to open ratio greater than 2 As indicated above, certain hydrologic routing parameters/considerations may be subject to modification during model calibration. Any modifications resulting from calibration should be physically or process-logic (e.g. change in method) based. In addition, care should be taken such that routing is not “double counted” (i.e. overlapping channel and storage routing used for the same area). Balancing Channel/Storage Routing with HEC-RAS model Results It is necessary to balance the HEC-HMS peak discharge results with the HEC-RAS peak water surface elevations results. In a typical hydrologic and hydraulic project, the storage volumes are obtained from the HEC-RAS model and transferred to the HEC-HMS model. The mapping consultant begins the process by creating a HEC-RAS model and using a family of peak discharge values to estimate the water surface elevations and generate storage volumes. The storage volumes are transferred to the HEC-HMS model and peak discharges are calculated. These peak discharges are transferred to the HECRAS model and new peak water surface elevations and storage volumes are calculated. The mapping consultant is required to continue this iterative process until the difference between the peak discharges in successive runs is less than 10 percent. Balancing Channel/Storage Routing with HEC-RAS Modeling: Peak Discharges between runs within 10 % Flow Change Points Along Reach The accurate estimation of peak discharge along long reach such as those contained in a FEMA Flood Insurance Study is of paramount importance. In an effort to accurately estimate the change in peak discharge, it is necessary for the hydrologic model to, at a minimum, contain a flow combination point at each tributary to the main stream reach. This increase in peak discharge shall be included in the hydraulic model at the confluence of the tributary and main reach. If there is a long section of the main reach with a tributary, the mapping consultant shall supply a peak discharge change point in the hydraulic model when the peak discharge has changed by 10% in the hydrologic model. Flow Change Points: There must be a peak discharge change at the confluence of all tributaries to the main reach or where the peak discharge is increasing by 10% Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Page 16 of 31 4. Hydraulic Analysis Standards This section provides guidance and standards for selected hydraulic parameters and analyses associated with floodplain modeling. Hydraulic parameters and analyses not discussed below are left to the discretion of CMSWS and the mapping consultant. Hydraulic Model The preferred method for computing the necessary hydraulic information for the FIRM and FIS is the latest version of the Army Corp of Engineers HEC-RAS computer program accepted by FEMA for floodplain mapping. The floodplain mapping consultant will use the steady state option for the hydraulic analysis. This hydraulic analysis will incorporate peak discharges for the 24-hour duration storm for the 2-, 10-, 25-, 50-, 100- (existing conditions), 100- (future conditions), and 500-year storm events. The HEC-RAS models will contain 3 plans for each watershed as follows: 1. There will be a plan for the natural or floodplain analysis containing peak discharges for all of the storm events. This will be labeled using the title “Floodplain”. 2. There will be a plan for the FEMA Floodway (0.5 ft surcharge) using the 100year existing conditions peak discharge and the title “FEMA Floodway.” 3. There will be a plan for the Community Floodway (0.1 surcharge) using the 100year modified existing conditions peak discharge and the title “Community Floodway.” The use of unsteady state HEC-RAS modeling by the floodplain mapping consultant to verify or calibrate the results of the steady state model is permissible provided that the CMSWS is provided with a scope of services describing the necessity for the unsteady state analysis and agrees to the additional analysis. HEC-RAS Model Structure: Steady State HEC-RAS model will have 3 plans with the appropriate titles Starting Boundary Condition The floodplain mapping consultant will select the subcritical flow regime for the floodplain models. In the case of a known starting water surface elevation (i.e., at the County boundary line with an adjacent County), the floodplain mapping consultant will use the known elevation. If the downstream water surface elevation is unknown, the floodplain mapping consultant will use the normal depth routine to determine the starting water surface elevation. The mapping consultant will use normal depth to determine the starting water surface elevation for tributaries at the confluence with the main stream. Starting Boundary Condition: 1) Use known water surface elevation at County Boundary if available otherwise use normal depth 2) Use normal depth for tributaries at confluence with main stream Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Page 17 of 31 Channel Bank Station Assignment The assignment of channel bank stations in hydraulic modeling is important as it has an impact on hydraulic conveyance calculations, as well as, it can impact the assignment of encroachment stations in floodway analysis and mapping. Channel banks for hydraulic cross sections (e.g. cross sections in the hydraulic model) should be assigned using the following guidelines: Condition 1: Hydraulic Cross Section in the Vicinity of Field Channel Survey At locations where field channel survey is available in the vicinity of the hydraulic cross section, channel bank stations should be assigned based on general engineering judgment as well as consideration of bank locations noted in the survey. Condition 2: Hydraulic Cross Section not in the Vicinity of Field Channel Survey At locations where no field channel survey is available in the vicinity, bank stations should be assigned based on natural slope break points depicted in existing County mapping (e.g. LiDAR). The bank stationing should be verified/checked with field channel survey information (e.g. compare channel widths) along the same channel or along other channels with similar contributing drainage areas, and/or with other available data (e.g. aerial photography) to ensure bank stationing estimates are reasonable. At a minimum, channel bank stations must be placed at a point below the existing conditions 100-year storm event elevation, but not within the channel top of bank. Channel Bank Station Assignment: Based on field survey and/or other available physical data Cross Section Spacing Cross section spacing is a function of stream size, slope and the uniformity of cross section shape. Cross sections shall be placed at representative locations along a stream reach and at locations where changes occur in discharge, slope, shape, roughness etc. An approximate average target cross section spacing of 500 feet is to be used for the Project, with tighter spacing for areas with more abrupt changes and looser spacing for flatter, uniform areas. Target Cross Section Spacing: 500 feet Cross Sections at Bridges/Culverts The mapping contractor shall adopt standard practice for modeling flow through bridge/culvert structures by including four cross sections appropriately spaced (see Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Page 18 of 31 Chapter 5 of the HEC-RAS Hydraulic Reference Manual) upstream and downstream of bridge/culvert structures. Cross Sections at Bridges/Culverts: All bridges and culverts must contain four appropriately spaced cross sections Bridge/Culvert Geometric Data Annotation The HEC-RAS models will follow a naming convention. The bridge/culvert geometric data will be annotated with the crossing street name and any assumed information associated with the bridge/culvert routing coding. The proposed is to facilitate duplication of results and the use of these models by professionals working on Letters of Map Change, Capital Improvement Projects, Transportation Improvement Projects and private projects. Bridge/Culvert Geometric Data Annotation: All bridges and culverts must be properly annotated Contraction/Expansion Coefficients The floodplain mapping consultant will select the contraction and expansion coefficients according to the procedure described in Chapter 5, HEC-RAS Hydraulic Reference Manual. Typically, the values will be 0.1 for contraction and 0.3 for expansion for channel cross sections and 0.3 for contraction and 0.5 for expansion for abrupt transitions near structures (cross sections 2 and 3 per the Hydraulic Reference Manual). Contraction and Expansion Coefficients: Contraction and expansion coefficients shall be selected using the procedure described in the HEC-RAS Hydraulic Reference Manual Channel and Overbank Roughness Coefficients The roughness coefficients for the channel and overbanks often have significant variability. It is important that CMSWS have consistency regarding roughness coefficient selection between floodplain mapping studies. The floodplain mapping consultant should use the process for computing roughness coefficients and tables found in Chapter 5, “Open Channel Hydraulics”, Chow, (1959) or other source if approved by CMSWS. Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Page 19 of 31 Channel and Overbank Roughness Coefficients: Roughness Coefficients will be computed using the principals described in “Open Channel Hydraulics”. Ineffective Flow Areas The use of ineffective flow areas to simulate conditions in areas with low velocity flow is expected. The floodplain mapping consultant shall select areas for ineffective flow pursuant to the recommendation contained in Chapter 3 (channel cross sections) and Chapter 5 (structure cross sections), HEC-RAS Hydraulic Reference Manual. Ineffective Flow Areas: Ineffective Flow Areas must be included in areas with low velocity flow. Modeling Buildings Being an urbanized area, there are many buildings in the floodplain area within Mecklenburg County. Buildings can obstruct and/or impede the flow of flood waters (similar to other obstructions such as dense vegetation) thus impacting the hydraulic capacity of a floodplain area. The impact of buildings should be accounted for in the Floodplain Mapping Project in areas where it is deemed that building density and/or size would present a significant impact on floodplain hydraulics, using the following general guidelines: Condition 1: Numerous Buildings in the Floodplain For areas where there are numerous buildings in the floodplain (e.g. many houses in the floodplain along a stream), the impacts of these buildings should be accounted by adjusting the Manning’s n values used in the cross section. The following table gives ranges of Manning’s n values to account for varying levels of building obstructions. It is recommended that horizontal variation in Manning’s n values be used (rather than generalized values assigned to the channel and the left and right overbanks). Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Page 20 of 31 Table 2. Building Obstruction Manning's n Categories Building Obstruction Level Range Manning's n Low 0.05 - 0.07 Medium 0.08 - 0.12 Examples Scattered buildings in floodplain with low to medium natural ground roughness (e.g. 0.035 – 0.05) Typical residential subdivision in floodplain with low to medium natural ground roughness High 0.15 - 0.20 High density buildings in floodplain Condition 2: Few Very Large Buildings in the Floodplain In areas where there are few but very large buildings that by themselves comprise a significant obstruction of the floodplain area (e.g. a large industrial/warehouse building in a narrow floodplain area), the mapping consultant should consider the use of blocked obstructions to model the building. It is anticipated that adjusting the Manning’s n value (as specified in Condition 1) will be used for the vast majority of situations. The use of blocked obstructions (as specified in Conditions 2) should be used very sparingly and only for exaggerated cases due to the manual and localized nature of this method. Modeling Buildings: Accounted for through the use of Manning’s n adjustments (general case) or blocked obstructions (extreme case) Minor Channel Obstructions In general, utility crossings (e.g., sewer aerials) are not to be included as block obstruction because they only impact a short length of channel and a relatively minor percentage of cross section area. The mapping consultant shall use the Cowan equation to estimate the increase in channel roughness to account for minor obstructions such as sanitary sewer aerial crossings. (See Estimating Hydraulic Roughness Coefficients, Agricultural Engineering, v.37, no. 7, p. 473-475). Minor Channel Obstructions: Account for minor channel obstructions using the Cowan’s equation. Documentation of Input Data The HEC-RAS program allows comments to be added to input files. The consultant shall use the comment field for data entries that are not clearly defined in the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) that accompanies the model and data entries that fall outside of commonly accepted parameter ranges or when a value is assigned to a parameter to achieve a means (such as calibration) that might be handled differently by another modeler, such as might occur later when better data are available. The consultant shall use the comment field in situation where the modeler assigned an atypical Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Page 21 of 31 Manning’s n value as a method for representing a specific site condition (such as the presence of buildings). Documentation of Input Data: Note reason for values that are outside a commonly accepted parameters ranges Floodway Modeling The floodway represents the portion of a channel or other watercourse and the adjacent land area that should be reserved/maintained to carry the base flood without increasing flood elevations by more than a specified maximum tolerance. In most communities, there is one floodway that is based on a maximum 1-foot surcharge tolerance. However, there are two floodways on the FIRMs for Mecklenburg County – the FEMA Floodway and the Community Encroachment Boundary. Community Encroachment Area The Community Encroachment Area shall be determined using a 0.1 foot maximum surcharge using modified 100-year existing conditions base flood discharges. The 100-year existing conditions discharge will be modified to account for the future loss of storage due to filling of the floodplain fringe. The mapping consultant will begin the process by determining the Community Encroachment Area Boundary Line using the traditional encroachment analysis with a 0.1 foot surcharge. The loss of storage due to future fill will be computed by assuming that there will be fill up to the revised Community Encroachment Area Boundary Line on all parcels which are not owned by Local Government for park or greenway use. The assumed filled shall not be placed within 100 feet from top of bank in order to account for SWIM buffer restrictions. The mapping consultant will compute revised storage values and use these values to compute the modified 100-year peak discharges using HEC-HMS. The mapping consultant will use the modified 100-year peak discharges to re-compute the Community Encroachment Area Boundary Line and the process will be repeated for one more iteration. Modeling Community Encroachment Boundary: Use 0.1 ft surcharge with the modified 100-year existing conditions discharges accounting for future fill in the floodplain FEMA Floodway The FEMA Floodway Boundary Lines will be determined in a manner similar to the Community Encroachment Boundary Lines with a 0.5 foot surcharge using the modified existing conditions base flood discharges. The consultant will use the peak discharge values developed to compute the Community Encroachment Area and the traditional floodway encroachment analysis to determine the FEMA Floodway Boundary Lines. Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Page 22 of 31 Modeling FEMA Floodway: Use 0.5 ft surcharge with modified 100-year (existing conditions) peak discharges accounting for future fill in the floodplain Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Page 23 of 31 5. Model Calibration Standards This section provides guidance and standards for selected hydrologic and hydraulic calibration and/or verification methods associated with floodplain modeling. Calibration typically entails comparison of computed results (e.g. peak flows and flood stages) with previously recorded/observed results under similar conditions, previous studies, and/or published estimation methods (e.g. regression equations). Once calibration is completed and it is determined that the models can be expected to yield dependable results, the models can be directed toward analyzing many different flood events and different land use scenarios. For steady-state hydraulic modeling, initial hydrologic calibration is often performed prior to hydraulic calibration; however, calibration is often an iterative process. The mapping contractor should perform the adequate number of iterations to ensure the model results are within limits as recommended in the section below. Hydrologic Calibration Prior to finalizing the hydrologic analysis, comparisons between historic conditions and modeled conditions should be made, and parameters adjusted, until satisfactory fits are obtained. Hydrologic calibration is typically performed by adjusting subbasin lag times, initial abstractions, curve numbers, and/or peaking coefficients, as justifiable, to better match computed peak flows and hydrograph time to peaks with observed values or previous studies. It is important to note that adjustment/refinement of hydrologic parameters for calibration should generally be based on physical information when possible. Global changes to hydrologic parameters should be used with caution for variables that are more subjective (e.g. adjusting Manning’s n values for sheet flow in subbasin lag calculation for different grass cover types). However, in all cases adjusted parameters should stay within the range of generally accepted values for a given physical condition. There is no set of rules that specify when adequate matching is achieved. However, it is recommended that the peak flow and total volume comparison be matched within 10%, and the time to peak at the gaging station should be within 30 minutes, where possible. Hydrologic calibration for the Project should be performed using the conditional approach indicated below. Condition 1: Calibration in Watersheds with Historical Precipitation and Stream Flow Gage Data For watersheds with detailed historic precipitation and flood hydrograph data hydrologic calibration should be performed by performing initial hydrologic analysis with actual recorded rainfall data and then comparing the key results (i.e. peak flow, time to peak, and total hydrograph volume) to the stream gage data. When calibrating the hydrologic model, the consultant shall progress as follows: • Start at the top of the watershed and progress to the bottom of the watershed during calibration; • Adjust curve number ( +/- 4) so that total runoff volume matches as close as possible at measured locations; • Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Page 24 of 31 • • • • Adjust time parameters. Subbasin lag times are generally one of the most subjective hydrologic parameters, thus there is more flexibility in adjusting this parameter to help match peak flow and time to peak. Cross-check with USGS regression equations (this serves as a reasonableness check since gage data provide better site-specific information than regional regression equations). If multiple rain gages are available within the watershed, spatial distribution in rainfall distribution should be considered for the calibration run. Other hydrologic parameters (e.g. base flow) can be considered if necessary and justifiable. It may be necessary to perform several iterations of these parameters to calibrate the models. The consultant shall fully document each stage of the calibration process. Condition 2: Calibration in Watersheds with Historical Stream Flow Gage Data Only For watersheds that have stream gage data, but no precipitation data, adjacent watershed rain gage data can be used. The rest of the calibration procedures would be the same as described above. Condition 3: Calibration in Watersheds without Historical Stream Flow Data For watersheds that do not have historic stream flow data, computed key results should be compared with regression estimates, Effective FIS information, and other available studies. The hydrologic models should be calibrated using the techniques outlined above, if deemed appropriate. Any remaining significant discrepancies should be noted and documented. For all conditions, it is recommended for the mapping consultant to compare flows with current Effective information, regression equation, and/or other available data to assess the reasonableness of flows and to provide a preliminary indication of how the analysis and subsequent floodplain maps may differ from the current Effective maps. Calibration of Hydrology: Peak flow and total volume comparison should match within 10%, and the time to peak at the gauging station should be within 30 minutes for streams with historical stream and flow gage data. For streams without gage data, flows should be compared to other available data and adjusted as appropriate. Hydraulic Calibration Hydraulic calibration is used to ensure flood stages computed in the hydraulic model are realistic with actual conditions. Hydraulic calibration is typically performed by adjusting Manning’s n, inlet/outlet coefficients, and/or contraction/expansion coefficients, as justifiable, to better match computed flood stages with observed values or previous studies. As with hydrologic calibration it is important to note that adjustment/refinement of hydraulic parameters for calibration should generally be based on physical information Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Page 25 of 31 when possible. Global changes to hydraulic parameters should be used with caution for variables that are more subjective (e.g. using 0.06 instead of 0.05 for overbank Manning’s n values to represent a low density of buildings in the floodplain). However, in all cases adjusted parameters should stay within the range of generally accepted values for a given physical condition. Hydraulic calibration for the Project should be performed using the conditional approach indicated below. Condition 1: Calibration along Streams with Historical Stage Gage Data For streams with detailed historic flood stage data, such as those with flood stage gages, hydraulic calibration shall be performed to match the known flood stages within 0.5 feet, where possible. When calibrating the hydraulic model, the consultant shall adjust parameters in the following order of priority: • Roughness Coefficients; • Minor adjustments to peak discharge; • Inlet/outlet coefficients & contraction/expansion coefficients; • Conveyance- effective flow areas for large cross sections and areas near culverts. It may be necessary to perform several iterations adjusting these parameters to calibrate the models. The consultant shall fully document each stage of the calibration process. Condition 2: Calibration along Streams with Historic High Water Mark Data For streams with more scattered and/or limited historic flood stage data, such as high water marks or citizen witness, the mapping consultant should first review the available information to assess the consistency, adequacy, and flood frequency of the data, and then perform hydraulic calibration as deemed appropriate. Due to the more variable nature of this type of historic data, calibration for this condition may not be as precise or close to that done for Condition 1. Condition 3: Calibration along Streams with No Historic Flood Stage Data For streams with no or unreliable historic flood stage data, computed flood stages should be compared with the Effective FIS and/or other previous studies. The hydraulic models should be calibrated using the techniques outlined above, if deemed appropriate. Any remaining significant discrepancies should be noted and documented. Calibration of Hydraulics: Peak stage should be within 0.5 feet for streams with historical stage gage data, where possible. For streams without gage data, flows should be compared to other available data and adjusted as appropriate. For all conditions, it is recommended for the mapping consultant to compare computed water surface elevations with current Effective information and/or other available data to assess the reasonableness of peak stages and to provide a preliminary indication of how the analysis and subsequent floodplain maps may differ from the current Effective maps. Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Page 26 of 31 6. Mapping Standards This section provides guidance and standards for selected floodplain and floodway mapping considerations. Mapping standards not discussed below should be consistent with FEMA Mapping Guidelines & Specifications (G&S). Floodway Delineation Around Buildings Floodways can have a very significant impact on the potential uses and value of property, but the delineation of floodway boundaries can be subjective. Initial floodway delineations should be based more strictly on direct results from the hydrologic and hydraulic analysis. However, the initial delineations will likely need to be refined to incorporate features that are not directly accounted for in hydrologic and hydraulic models. In the case where initial floodway lines are drawn through buildings, the lines should be generally evaluated and adjusted as follows. If less than 50% of the building is within the initial floodway boundary, the line should be modified to generally exclude the building. If more than 50% of the building is within the initial floodway boundary, the line should remain as is. This is a general rule of thumb. The mapping contractor should use appropriate engineering judgment and coordinate with CMSWS to determine the final floodway boundaries for unique or complex situations to ensure that the delineations are reasonable (e.g. do not weave in and out of buildings). Floodway Delineation Include building in floodway if more than 50% of building would be in floodway. Coordinate with CMSWS on final delineation for unique or complex areas. Community Floodplain Boundary Delineation The FIRMs in Mecklenburg County contain a floodplain delineation of the 100-year future conditions storm event known as the “Community Floodplain”. The Community Floodplain boundary extends upstream of the last cross section in the detailed study. The mapping contractor shall delineate the Community Floodplain boundary upstream of the last detailed cross section by projecting the 100-year future conditions base flood elevation at the last cross section along its contour. Community Floodplain Delineation: Extend Community Floodplain boundary upstream of the last cross section of the detailed study along the contour of the Community Base Flood Elevation at the last cross section. Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Page 27 of 31 Merging Effective and New Flood Hazard Data Seamless Panels The final mapping of the complete countywide dataset must be completed by stitching the various floodplain spatial files together to merge restudied and non-restudied floodplains, integrate backwater mapping, identify and resolve mismatches, and deal with issues of topology. The final result should be a single, comprehensive floodplain file for the whole county suitable for publication. The most up-to-date topographic data should be used for mapping all restudies (no more than 2 years old when hydrology and hydraulic analysis begins). If there is a significant change in topography at an area of tiein between a restudied stream and a non-restudied stream, the new topographic data should be used to blend the tie-in. Merging Data: 1) Create one seamless dataset for the entire County 2) Use the most up-to-date topographic data for tie-in with unstudied stream LOMCs An additional aspect of merging effective and new flood hazard information is the process of identifying all effective LOMRs and determining if they are still valid or superseded by the revision. LOMRs on non-restudied streams will still be valid and should be incorporated into DFIRMs and the FIS report. Any LOMRs on restudied streams will be superseded by the new analysis and should not be incorporated into the DFIRMs and FIS Report. Letters of Map Change: 1) Include Effective LOMRs on non-restudied streams shown on re-mapped panel. 2) Supersede LOMRs on restudied stream. Flood Insurance Study The FIS Report must be updated to merge effective and new flood hazard information. The joint Mecklenburg County/ North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program (NCFMP) format FIS Report must be used as the format for future revisions to ensure consistency. The FIS Report should comply with the NCFMP Graphical Specifications for Floodplain Mapping Contractors, Section NC.12 (Dated November 2007) and FEMA’s G&S, Appendix J, where applicable. The Mecklenburg County effective FIS has 5 volumes and each volume should only be revised and should only be reissued if flood hazard data in that volume is affected by the revision. The standard FIS Report tables (Summary of Discharges, Floodway Data, Manning’s “n”, etc) must be updated to merge effective and new flood hazard information and to integrate backwater mapping and resolve issues of mismatch at tie-in locations. Flood Insurance Study: Update FIS using most current Mecklenburg County/NCFMP format Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Page 28 of 31 FIRM Panel Format Once all of the effective and new data is merged, final mapping specifications should be applied to the newly studied streams. Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) must be created and mapped for all newly studied streams. These BFEs must be mapped on the digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) panel along the stream in accordance with FEMA’s G&S at correct spacing and locations, including profile inflection points, structures, and panel edges. Upon review and acceptance by CMSWS, the complete floodplain lines and BFEs for a newly detailed study stream are ready for creating a seamless, countywide flood theme. After the effective and new flood hazard information are merged in the production geodatabase, DFIRM panel production should begin. The DFIRM panel production process should be largely automated through the creation of GIS map document files, referred to as MXDs. MXD files can be created for each panel in a batch-process. The MXDs should also specify the symbology to be used for each map feature in compliance with FEMA’s G&S Appendix K and the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program (NCFMP) DFIRM Graphic Specifications. The MXDs should also apply the map collar (i.e., legend, border notes and title block) based on a template set up for the project. For the Mecklenburg County revision, the customized template developed by the NCFMP to merge the unique features of the Mecklenburg County 2004 effective maps with the panel scheme and grid of the NCFMP maps should be used. Update FIRM Panel: Update FIRM Panel using most current Mecklenburg County/NCFMP format DFIRM features should be attributed in the production geodatabase as they are created and map annotation for map features (e.g., roads, flood sources, flood zones, corporate limits, and corner coordinates) should be created by simply pulling the names from the database and applying the right font, size, and style according to FEMA’s G&S, NCFMP DFIRM Graphic Specifications, and the FEMA- and NCFMP-approved Mecklenburg County DFIRM panel prototype. The unique characteristics of the Mecklenburg County DFIRM panels include: • Panel border: - Flood Hazard Data Table (FHDT) has Future Land Use Conditions and Community Encroachment Lines - Mecklenburg County Benchmark Reference - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services references and websites • Panel Image: - Mecklenburg County supplied vector planimetric base map building footprints and street centerlines - Mecklenburg County Benchmark symbology Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Page 29 of 31 - Community Encroachments Areas - Future Conditions floodplain The following documents outline standard FEMA and NCFMP specifications for DFIRM mapping, the Flood Insurance Study (FIS Report), and DFIRM Database products: • • • • • • • • • • DFIRM Mapping -NCFMP Graphical Specifications for Floodplain Mapping Contractors, Sections NC.1 through NC.11. Dated November 2007. -FEMA G&S, Appendix C: Guidance for Riverine Flooding Analysis and Mapping, Sections C.6, C.7.2, and C.8. -FEMA G&S, Appendix E: Guidance for Shallow Flooding Analysis and Mapping, Sections E.1 through E.5. -FEMA G&S, Appendix K: Format and Specifications for Flood Insurance Rate Maps, Sections K.1 through K.2. FIS Report -NCFMP Graphical Specifications for Floodplain Mapping Contractors, Section NC.12. Dated November 2007. -For other specifications, FEMA G&S, Appendix J: Format and Specifications for Flood Insurance Study Reports. Sections J.1 through J.5. DFIRM Database FEMA G&S, Appendix L: Guidance for Preparing Draft Digital Data and DFIRM Database. Disparities with Adjacent County Panels Gaps currently exist between the limit of study within Mecklenburg County and the limit of study within contiguous counties for various streams that flow in and out of Mecklenburg County. Discrepancies with tie-ins (gaps) across contiguous County data should be identified before engineering modeling begins and resolved for all restudied streams. If a discrepancy is created as part of the new analysis, Mecklenburg County should notify the NCFMP of the discrepancy and provide a courtesy copy of final modeling and mapping for the area of concern for the NCFMP to archive for the next map maintenance revision for the contiguous county that requires an update to match the newly studied Mecklenburg County data. Since all cross sections were converted from a letter system to a number system with the recent NCFMP revision to the DFIRMs, tie-ins of cross section numbering with contiguous counties will be manageable. For non-restudied streams where a gap or mismatch occurs between Mecklenburg County and a contiguous county, Mecklenburg County should archive the mismatch to be resolved during future revisions when the streams of concern are restudied. Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Page 30 of 31 GIS Concerns Symbology, Format, Tables, Content All flood hazard and associated data on the DFIRM panels, in the DFIRM database, and in the FIS report should comply with the current Mecklenburg County/NCFMP DFIRM Graphic Specifications and NCFMP DFIRM Style File to ensure consistency with the “look and feel” of the mapping products. Data must also comply with FEMA G&S, Appendices J, K, and L. Retain Current Map Format The Mecklenburg DFIRMs should have a mixed base map format due to the nature of statewide mapping. A combination of orthophotos (for contiguous counties) and vector base map data (for Mecklenburg County) should be used on all shared county DFIRMs, to comply with North Carolina statewide mapping standards. All DFIRMs showing only Mecklenburg County should only have vector base data. The most current vector base data should be used for Mecklenburg County for corporate limits, roads, and building footprints. The mapping contractor must use the joint Mecklenburg County/NCFMP DFIRM prototype for Mecklenburg County used to create the final FIRM panels issued in 2007. A FEMA standard format DFIRM database will be required for submission to FEMA’s at preliminary for this revision. The database must be a complete, countywide database that includes both unrevised and newly studied data and must comply with FEMA G&S, Appendix L for database creation. The DFIRM database must match exactly the information printed on the preliminary DFIRM panels that are issued to the community. Mapping Format: Mapping format must match format for panels issued in 2007. Floodplain Analysis and Mapping Standards Guidance Document Floodplain Mapping Project July 2008 Page 31 of 31 APPENDIX A PROJECT MEMORANDUM DATED 08/28/07 (REVISED 8/31/07) SURVEY COMPARISON FINDINGS MECKLENBURG COUNTY FLOOD PLAN MAPPING PROJECT Project Memorandum To: David Goode, PE, CFM From: Neal Banerjee, PE, CFM Date: 8/28/07 (REVISED 8/31/07) Re: Survey Comparison Findings Mecklenburg County Floodplain Mapping Project David, Dewberry has performed a comparison of stream channel geometries taken from actual field survey (collected for previous projects) versus that derived from the 2007 LiDAR information at selected locations within the Little Sugar Creek and Briar Creek watersheds. The effort was authorized per an email from you dated 8/23/07 and performed under Task 2.2 (Sensitivity Analysis) of our existing contract. This memorandum summarizes the approaches, findings, and recommendations of the comparison evaluation, and represents the “deliverable” of the agreed effort. Comparison Methodology/Approach Channel geometries were compared by comparing both channel cross section plots and channel profile plots at selected sample locations. Channel cross sections from actual field channel survey (collected for previous projects) were plotted versus those generated from an ESRI 3-D terrain surface developed from 2007 LiDAR data. Effective HEC-RAS model cross section information was also plotted, where available, for general reference. Cross sections were compared at the following eight (8) locations: • Little Sugar Creek – upstream of Princeton Avenue (stream station 97205) • Little Sugar Creek – downstream of Princeton Avenue (stream station 61985) • Little Sugar Creek – downstream of Princeton Avenue (stream station 61440) • Dairy Branch – upstream Cumberland Avenue (stream station 970) • Briar Creek – off Windsor Drive (stream station 3610) • Briar Creek – off Hungerford Place (stream station 19365) • Edwards Branch – downstream of Sheffield Avenue (stream station 11455) • Briar Creek Tributary #1 – off Henshaw Road (stream station 270) Channel profiles from the Effective models were plotted versus those developed from the aforementioned ESRI terrain surface (using a digitized stream centerline from 2007 aerials as the profile alignment). Actual field data information was not used for comparison profiles due to the lack sufficient survey information to generate an adequate profile. Profiles were compared at the following three (3) locations: • Little Sugar Creek – downstream of Princeton Avenue (between stream stations 61875 and 60940) • Little Sugar Creek – along Villa Hermosa Drive (between stream stations 52555 and 51545) • Briar Creek – along Museum Drive (between stream stations 19835 and 18275) Attachment A contains the cross section plots/comparisons developed at each sample location. Attachment B contains the profiles plots/comparisons developed at each sample location. Ae A-1 December, 2006 Project Memorandum Comparison Results Comparison of the cross section and profile plots indicate the level of agreement between channel geometries as defined by field survey versus those derived from the new LiDAR data is generally good for the larger, more open streams. At sample locations on Little Sugar Creek and Briar Creek channel cross sections compared reasonably well, with inverts generally within 2 feet and the general shape and area appearing to be within 15%. However, at the sample location on Dairy Branch, which is a smaller, more covered tributary, agreement between LiDAR and field survey was significantly lower, with the invert being close to 5 feet off. Although there was only one sample location on a smaller, more vegetated stream, it is likely that similar discrepancies may occur. In general the Effective FEMA cross sections compared reasonably well with the field survey, with the exception of a location on Edwards Branch, where both the invert and shape were off noticeably. The profile comparisons at all locations showed significant discrepancies between the Effective information and that derived from LiDAR, with differences in invert ranging between less than 0.5 feet to more than 6 feet. The profile also fluctuates vertically (i.e. goes up and down) considerable, which is often undesirable in profile mapping. One likely reason for the discrepancies and the fluctuation is the profile alignment digitized from the aerials may not necessarily correspond to the lowest channel elevation in the LiDAR data (i.e. the alignment from the aerials may run up on the channel banks which are steep and rise sharply). This may explain why the cross sections generally match better than the profiles. Based on sample spot checks (not shown in the attachment), comparison of LiDAR data with field data in upland areas (areas 20 or more feet off the top of channel bank) generally showed very good agreement (generally with 0.1 – 0.4 feet). Conclusions and Recommendations The following conclusions and recommendations are offered based on the result of this effort: • 2007 LiDAR appears to generally be accurate in overbank/upland areas and adequate for floodplain mapping • Based on the results from the samples locations, one can deduce that the LiDAR reasonably depicts the general shape and area of the channel for larger, more open streams with shallow baseflow. The level of accuracy/agreement decreases considerably for smaller, narrower streams that are more obscured by vegetation or have deeper base flows. In both cases, profiles directly generated from LiDAR may be questionable. Due to the variability in the streams within Mecklenburg County, it is recommended that the LiDAR be supplemented with actual stream survey. Survey supplement every 1,000-ft on average appears to be a reasonable suggested supplement. • The Effective cross section information appears to generally be reasonably consistent with field survey. It appears that the Effective information could potentially be used to reduce the amount of field survey collected in the current project, however, there are issues associated with trying to just capture and blend the channel portion of the Effective survey (horizontal stationing, areas between effective cross sections, etc.) which may reduce the potential cost savings. Attachment A – Channel Cross Section Comparison Plots Attachment B – Channel Profile Comparison Plots P:\50006632\Adm\Correspondence\Memos\082807srvysen2Cnty\srvysentvtymemoREV.doc AL A-2 December, 2006 Project Memorandum ATTACHMENT A – Cross Section Comparison Plots l A-3 December, 2006 Field Survey Vs. '07 LiDAR Little Sugar Creek (DS Princeton Ave - Sta 61985) From Dancy No-Impact 2006-2007 616.0 614.7 614.0 614.1 613.1 612.9 612.0 610.4 Elevation 610.0 608.2 608.0 606.0 606.4 605.9 604.0 604.1 604.0 602.0 601.4 600.6 600.0 598.7 598.0 INV LiDAR Field Survey FEMA Xsec 603.4 600.0 601.4 600.6 598.2 INV 596.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Distance Appexdix A - CLT-BC Technical Reference Charlotte Benefit/Cost Model User's Guide - FINAL A-4 December, 2006 Field Survey Vs. '07 LiDAR Little Sugar Creek (DS Princeton Ave - Sta 61440) From Schonberg No-Impact 2007 614.0 612.0 611.6 610.7 610.0 609.6 608.5 Elevation 608.0 608.3 607.7 607.6 606.4 606.1 605.6 605.1 606.0 604.0 605.5 605.5 605.2 604.6 604.0 603.6 603.0 602.2 601.3 602.0 600.1 600.0 598.7 598.0 598.0 LiDAR Field Survey FEMA Xsec 602.0 601.8 600.7 600.6 600.0 598.6 597.4 597.2 596.0 INV 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Distance Appexdix A - CLT-BC Technical Reference Charlotte Benefit/Cost Model User's Guide - FINAL A-5 December, 2006 Field Survey Vs. '07 LiDAR Little Sugar Creek (US Tryon Street - Sta 97205) From Hidden Valley Stream Restoration 2007 710.0 708.7 708.0 706.4 Elevation 706.0 704.0 702.0 705.0 704.7 704.1 703.6 703.1 702.3 704.4 703.6 LiDAR Field Survey FEMA Xsec 702.7 701.3 700.7 700.0 699.8 698.4 697.8 698.0 698.3 697.0 696.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 Distance Appexdix A - CLT-BC Technical Reference Charlotte Benefit/Cost Model User's Guide - FINAL A-6 December, 2006 Field Survey Vs. '07 LiDAR Dairy Branch (US Cumberland Ave - Sta 970) From Schwieman No-Impact 2005 632.0 630.0 628.0 Elevation 626.0 624.0 623.5 623.5623.4 623.4 623.5 623.3 622.3 622.0 622.9 LiDAR Field Survey FEMA Xsec 622.6 622.3 622.3 620.4 620.0 618.4 618.0 INV 616.7 615.9 616.0 614.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 120.0 140.0 Distance Appexdix A - CLT-BC Technical Reference Charlotte Benefit/Cost Model User's Guide - FINAL A-7 December, 2006 Field Survey Vs. '07 LiDAR Edwards Branch (DS Sheffield Ave - Sta 11455) From Sheffield No-Impact 2005 696.0 694.0 693.45 693.5 692.0 692.5 692.33 692.0 691.1 690.93 690.4 Elevation 690.99 690.0 688.0 693.7 693.02 LiDAR Field Survey FEMA Xsec 687.8 687.45 686.3 686.0 686.2 684.9 684.5 684.40 683.71 683.8 684.0 682.78 682.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 Distance Appexdix A - CLT-BC Technical Reference Charlotte Benefit/Cost Model User's Guide - FINAL A-8 December, 2006 Field Survey Vs. '07 LiDAR Briar Creek (Off Hungerford Pl - Sta 19365) Briar Creek Sewer Inteceptor 2002 626.0 624.0 Elevation 622.0 623.9 623.5 622.3 621.5 620.0 620.0 618.6 618.0 616.0 614.0 LiDAR Field Survey FEMA Xsec 617.3 617.3 616.6 616.2 615.8 615.3 614.0 613.9 613.8 613.2 613.2 614.3 612.7 612.0 610.0 -10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 Distance Appexdix A - CLT-BC Technical Reference Charlotte Benefit/Cost Model User's Guide - FINAL A-9 December, 2006 Field Survey Vs. '07 LiDAR Briar Creek (Off Windsor Dr - Sta 3610) Briar Creek Sewer Inteceptor 2002 590.0 588.0 588.9 587.0 586.0 585.3 584.2 583.7 Elevation 584.0 583.2 582.0 581.9 LiDAR Field Survey FEMA Xsec 580.8 580.0 580.1 578.6 578.8 578.0 577.5 577.2 576.1 576.0 576.0 574.8 574.0 572.0 -10.0 576.3 576.1 576.0 575.9 575.6 575.1 573.9 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 Distance Appexdix A - CLT-BC Technical Reference Charlotte Benefit/Cost Model User's Guide - FINAL A-10 December, 2006 Field Survey Vs. '07 LiDAR Briar Creek Trib #1 (Off Henshaw Rd - Sta 270) Briar Creek Sewer Inteceptor 2002 598.0 596.0 595.7 596.0 594.0 593.0 Elevation 592.0 591.2 590.8590.9 590.6 590.6 590.0 588.8 588.1 588.0 LiDAR Field Survey 586.7 586.1 586.0 584.9 584.0 584.1 584.0 582.3 582.3 581.9 580.7 580.7 580.5 580.2 579.9 582.0 580.0 578.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 Distance Appexdix A - CLT-BC Technical Reference Charlotte Benefit/Cost Model User's Guide - FINAL A-11 December, 2006 Project Memorandum ATTACHMENT B – Profile Comparison Plots Appexdix A - CLT-BC Technical Reference Charlotte Benefit/Cost Model User's Guide - FINAL A-12 December, 2006 Effective FEMA Vs. '07 LiDAR Little Sugar Creek (Sta 61875 - 60940) - DS Princeton Ave 603.0 602.5 602.0 601.5 Elevation 601.0 600.5 LiDAR FEMA Profile 600.0 599.5 599.0 598.5 598.0 597.5 60800 61000 61875 61409 60938 61200 61400 61600 61800 62000 Distance Appexdix A - CLT-BC Technical Reference Charlotte Benefit/Cost Model User's Guide - FINAL A-13 December, 2006 Effective FEMA Vs. '07 LiDAR Little Sugar Creek (Sta 52555 - 51545) - Along Villa Hermosa Dr 584.0 583.0 582.0 Elevation 581.0 580.0 579.0 52557 578.0 577.0 52196 576.0 575.0 574.0 51400 LiDAR FEMA Profile 51911 51545 51600 51800 52000 52200 52400 52600 52800 Distance Appexdix A - CLT-BC Technical Reference Charlotte Benefit/Cost Model User's Guide - FINAL A-14 December, 2006 Effective FEMA Vs. '07 LiDAR Briar Creek (Sta 19835 - 18275) - Along Museum Dr 618.0 617.0 616.0 LiDAR FEMA Profile Elevation 615.0 614.0 613.0 19837 612.0 19365 611.0 610.0 609.0 18000 18854 18275 18500 19000 19500 20000 Distance Appexdix A - CLT-BC Technical Reference Charlotte Benefit/Cost Model User's Guide - FINAL A-15 December, 2006 APPENDIX B SAMPLE GPS CROSS SECTION POINTS SAMPLE GPS CROSS SECTION POINTS CALCULATION XS_ID ROD_HGT LHT-007 0.92 Reference point 1 (Required) Reference point 2 (Optional) 1445518.64 521683.37 616.27 1445457.54 521683.75 LOB ROB REL_X STA REL_Z DESC CALC_X CALC_Y CALC_Z XS_ID 0 7 16.5 17 21 25 25.5 31 -21 -14 -4.5 -4 0 4 4.5 10 0.92 4.28 9.76 10.12 10.75 10.5 10.02 6.78 GR GR TE H2O H2O H2O TE GR 1445518.64 1445511.64 1445502.14 1445501.64 1445497.64 1445493.64 1445493.14 1445487.64 521683.37 521683.37 521683.37 521683.37 521683.37 521683.37 521683.37 521683.37 616.27 612.91 607.43 607.07 606.44 606.69 607.17 610.41 LHT-007 LHT-007 LHT-007 LHT-007 LHT-007 LHT-007 LHT-007 LHT-007 38 59 17 38 4.8 3.62 GR GR 1445480.64 1445459.64 521683.37 521683.37 612.39 613.57 LHT-007 LHT-007 XCOORD YCOORD ZCOORD Co-Ordinate Location XS Bearing Determination DX DY Calc. Angle XS Bearing Calculated Angle Measured Angle Angle Used -61.1 0.380 180 180 180 Notes: ` Cross-Section Profile 618.00 616.00 Elevation (ft.) 614.00 612.00 610.00 608.00 606.00 604.00 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Station (ft.) Appendix B - CLT-BC Technical Reference Charlotte Benefit/Cost Model User's Guide - FINAL B-1 December, 2006 APPENDIX C ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON EXISTING AND FUTURE LAND USE Additional Information on Existing and Future Land Use Existing Land Use History The City Storm Water Services (CSWS) existing land use coverage was originally created by Ogden and Woolpert in 1992 using city/county topographic maps and 1990 aerial photographs. CSWS has since its creation maintained and updated the existing land use coverage using actual ground information based on commercial site plans and aerial photography, which is usually flown every other year. The existing land use consists of 12 land use condensed/groups as follows: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ 1 - woods/brush 2 - open space (golf courses, mining, fields), > 2 acres residential 3 - > 1/2 to 2 acres residential 4 - 1/4 to 1/2 acre residential 5 - < 1/4 residential, apartments, multifamily 6 - institutional; schools, hospitals, government offices 7- light industrial 8 - heavy industrial 9 - light commercial - office parks, hotels 10 - heavy commercial - car parks, malls 11 - water bodies, usually ponds greater than 2 ac in size 12 - transportation, multilane roads, interstates Procedure for Processing Existing Land Use Coverage The overall intent of the procedures below is to help ensure that land use information used is to the appropriate level of detail for floodplain analysis. 1. Obtain the latest existing land use layer from CMSWS, City Administration/GIS. 2. Create study area polygon encompassing the watersheds to be studied and clip existing land use to study area boundary. 3. Add the field names in the GIS file as described below or as dictated by MCSWS: o Field [LU_CODE] is a short numeric field and represents numeric land use code for each feature land use type. This field should be matched and populated with data from the original shape file field name [LUSECODE] o Field [LU_DESC] is a 60 character text field and represents the description of the land use associated with the land use code. o Field [ACRES] is a double numeric field and represents each land use feature area calculated in acres. Appendix C – CLT-BC Technical Reference Charlotte Benefit/Cost Model User’s Guide - FINAL C-1 December 2006 4. 5. 6. 7. o Field [LU_SOURCE] is a 10 character text field and represents the source of the land use information. ([LU_SOURCE] is “City SWS” if a features land use attribute is unchanged from original obtained from the city and “[<MAPPING PARTNER NAME>]”). o Field [DATE_CRRNT] is a 10 character text field and represents the date of the land use feature is current since it was last obtained from the city. ([DATE_CRRNT] is “[<DATE MAPPING PARTNER OBTAINED THE LAND USE SHAPEFILE FROM THE CITY>]” if a features land use attribute is unchanged from original obtained from the city and “[<DATE MAPPING PARTNER LAST UPDATED/MODIFIED THE FEATURE>]” if the land use feature attribute is changed/updated). o Field [NOTES] is a 100 character text field containing the description of supporting information used for the modification/updates of land use feature attributes where applicable. Check metadata files for the prevailing date of the land use and aerial photographs. If the aerial photographs are relatively more recent than the existing land use, check and update the existing land use using the more current aerial photographs. It is quicker and more efficient to screen and update areas where there is recent development by overlaying current preliminary development plans layer (available from Mecklenburg County GIS). Flag areas where there are obvious discrepancies between the existing land use layer’s land use and corresponding land use type deciphered from the aerial photography. Report discrepancies to CMSWS. Land use features/polygons flagged as a result of discrepancies are updated by editing the attributes in fields [LU_CODE] and [LU_DESC] consistent with the preliminary development layer and aerial photographs. Mapping consultant shall provide a copy of all coverages (rec’d from the City, rec’d from County GIS, and the developed final coverage) to Flood Mitigation for the Project File. Future Land Use History The future land use layer developed by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg County Planning Department is to be used as the “basis” for the future land use on the Project. This layer is believed to be the best available data at large scale. The future land use is developed in a tiered system in the order from lowest to highest priority as: 1. District plans 2. Area plans 3. Approved rezoning cases 4. FEMA floodplain areas In this order, the district plan information is used as the base and if there is an area plan available it is used to overwrite district plan data and so on. FEMA floodplains are designated as greenway/open space and overwrite district, area, or rezoning cases. Area plans and rezoning cases have relatively high level of public involvement/approval while district plans (originally developed in the early to mid 1990's) had limited public involvement/approval. The future land use is generally updated every 3-4 months. The future land use layer is categorized into Appendix C – CLT-BC Technical Reference Charlotte Benefit/Cost Model User’s Guide - FINAL C-2 December 2006 multiple (can be as many as ninety) groups. The need for compatibility and comparability between the existing the future land use categories in the current mapping effort has been emphasized by CMSWS. In pursuance of this objective, a translation table for condensing the multiple categories of the base future land use layer in to twelve (12) land use groups based on the existing land use categories has been developed as shown in Table 01 below. The translation table maps future land use categories on to existing land use categories depending on the compatibility of categories. Certain future land use categories such as the mixed uses are not directly compatible with the existing land use. In such cases, the comparability of curve numbers, percent imperviousness and/or engineering judgment should be considered in assigning suitable existing land use translation code. Procedure for Processing Future Land Use Coverage Unlike the existing land use data which is countywide, the future land use data only covers the City ETJ. As with the existing land use, additional verification and modification to the base information is necessary to ensure appropriateness for floodplain mapping and comparability with the existing land use. The general steps to process the future land use layer are outlined below. 1. Obtain the latest future land use layer from the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Department (Note: Mecklenburg County Planning department is deemed to have the most detailed and accurate future land use coverage). 2. Clip future land use to study area boundary developed for existing land use. 3. Add the field names in the GIS file as described above for the existing land use layer, or as dictated by MCSWS. 4. Update/condense the future land use categories in the data base using the translation table. This is easily done using Microsoft Access. 5. Create land use polygons for right-of-way areas that are not included in the base future land use layer (i.e. the future land use layer does include polygons for many right-ofways – there are gaps in the GIS layer) and populate them as road/transportation. 6. Create future land use polygons for any areas outside the ETJ within the study watersheds. Potential data sources may include zoning, the existing land use layer, the future land use file developed for the Effective studies, aerial photographs, greenway plans, and others. 7. QC future land use in conjunction with the existing land use and other available sources, and update/modify areas with the any better data (potential sources listed in the previous step) as appropriate. FEMA floodplain areas in the base future land use layer are assigned to the open space land use category. Specifically revisit these areas to develop more suitable future land use from data such as a combination of CSWS existing land use data and Mecklenburg County Parks and Recreation Greenway Master Plans. 8. Mapping consultant shall provide a copy of all coverages (rec’d from the City, rec’d from County GIS, and the developed final coverage) to Flood Mitigation for the Project File. Appendix C – CLT-BC Technical Reference Charlotte Benefit/Cost Model User’s Guide - FINAL C-3 December 2006 TABLE 01 - TRANSLATION TABLE FOR FUTURE LAND USE PROCESSING Future Land Use Category (Code) Existing Land Use Translation (Code) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. [<GREENWAY (GREENWAY) INDUSTRIAL (IND1) INDUSTRIAL - LIGHT (IND2) INDUSTRIAL-HEAVY (IND3) INSTITUTIONAL (INST) INSTITUTIONAL_CHURCH (INST_CH) INSTITUTIONAL_MEDICAL (INST_MED) MULTI-FAMILY (MF) MULTI-FAMILY <= 12 DUA (MF12) MULTI-FAMILY <= 17 DUA (MF17) MULTI-FAMILY <= 22 DUA (MF22) MULTI-FAMILY <= 25 DUA (MF25) MULTI-FAMILY <= 8 DUA (MF8) MULTI-FAMILY > 25 DUA (MFGT25) MOBILE HOME (MH) SINGLE FAMILY/MULTI-FAMILY (MIX1) SINGLE FAMILY/MULTI-FAMILY/INSTITUTIONAL/OFFICE/RETAIL (MIX10) MULTI-FAMILY/OFFICE (MIX11) MULTI-FAMILY/LIMITED RETAIL (MIX12) MULTI-FAMILY/RETAIL (MIX13) MULTI-FAMILY/UTILITY (MIX14) MULTI-FAMILY/OFFICE/RETAIL (MIX16) RESEARCH/OFFICE/RETAIL (MIX17) INSTITUTIONAL/PARK (MIX18) OFFICE/RETAIL (MIX19) SINGLE FAMILY/OFFICE (MIX2) OFFICE/INDUSTRIAL (MIX20) MULTI-FAMILY/GREENWAY (MIX21) MULTI-FAMILY/RESEARCH (MIX22) MULTI-FAMILY/OPEN SPACE (MIX23) MULTI-FAMILY > 12 /OFFICE/RETAIL (MIX24) MULTI-FAMILY >12 /OFFICE/RETAIL/INDUSTRIAL (MIX25) SINGLE FAMILY/MULTI-FAMILY/INSTITUTIONAL/OFFICE (MIX27) MULTI-FAMILY/INSTITUTIONAL/OFFICE/RETAIL (MIX28) SINGLE FAMILY/MULTI-FAMILY <= 8 DUA (MIX3) INSTITUTIONAL/OFFICE/RETAIL (MIX30) OFFICE/WAREHOUSE (MIX34) Appendix C – CLT-BC Technical Reference Charlotte Benefit/Cost Model User’s Guide - FINAL C-4 >2 ACRES - RESIDENTIAL & OPEN SPACE (2) INDUSTRIAL - HEAVY (8) INDUSTRIAL - LIGHT (7) INDUSTRIAL - HEAVY (8) INSTITUTIONAL AREAS (6) INSTITUTIONAL AREAS (6) INSTITUTIONAL AREAS (6) < 0.25 ACRES RESIDENTIAL/APT/ROW HOUSES (5) < 0.25 ACRES RESIDENTIAL/APT/ROW HOUSES (5) < 0.25 ACRES RESIDENTIAL/APT/ROW HOUSES (5) < 0.25 ACRES RESIDENTIAL/APT/ROW HOUSES (5) < 0.25 ACRES RESIDENTIAL/APT/ROW HOUSES (5) < 0.25 ACRES RESIDENTIAL/APT/ROW HOUSES (5) < 0.25 ACRES RESIDENTIAL/APT/ROW HOUSES (5) 0.5 TO 2 ACRES RESIDENTIAL (3) < 0.25 ACRES RESIDENTIAL/APT/ROW HOUSES (5) COMMERCIAL - LIGHT (9) COMMERCIAL - LIGHT (9) COMMERCIAL - LIGHT (9) COMMERCIAL - LIGHT (9) COMMERCIAL - LIGHT (9) COMMERCIAL - LIGHT (9) INDUSTRIAL - LIGHT (7) INSTITUTIONAL AREAS (6) COMMERCIAL - LIGHT (9) COMMERCIAL - LIGHT (9) INDUSTRIAL - LIGHT (7) 0.25 TO 0.5 ACRES RESIDENTIAL (4) COMMERCIAL - LIGHT (9) 0.25 TO 0.5 ACRES RESIDENTIAL (4) COMMERCIAL - LIGHT (9) COMMERCIAL - LIGHT (9) COMMERCIAL - LIGHT (9) COMMERCIAL - LIGHT (9) < 0.25 ACRES RESIDENTIAL/APT/ROW HOUSES (5) COMMERCIAL - LIGHT (9) INDUSTRIAL - LIGHT (7) December 2006 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. OFFICE/RETAIL/LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (MIX35) INSTITUTIONAL/RETAIL (MIX36) SINGLE FAMILY/MULTI-FAMILY/OFFICE (MIX4) SINGLE FAMILY/MULTI-FAMILY/INSTITUTIONAL (MIX5) SINGLE FAMILY/MULTI-FAMILY/RETAIL (MIX6) SINGLE FAMILY/OFFICE/RETAIL (MIX7) SINGLE FAMILY/MULTI-FAMILY/RESEARCH/RETAIL (MIX8) SINGLE FAMILY/MULTI-FAMILY/OFFICE/RETAIL (MIX9) N/A (N/A) NON-RESIDENTIAL O/C (NONRES1) OFFICE (OFFICE1) OFFICE/BUSINESS PARK (OFFICE2) OFFICE/BUSINESS PARK/RESEARCH (OFFICE3) OFFICE/BUSINESS PARK/LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (OFFICE4) OFFICE/BUSINESS PARK/INDUSTRIAL (OFFICE5) PARK/OPEN SPACE (OPSPACE) > PARKING (PARKING) PRIVATE RECREATION (PRIVREC) RESIDENTIAL/OFFICE (RES_OFF) RESIDENTIAL/OFFICE/RETAIL (RES_OFF_RETAIL) RESIDENTIAL/RETAIL (RES_RETAIL) RESIDENTIAL/OFFICE (RES22_OFF) RESEARCH (RESEARCH) RESIDENTIAL (RESID) RESIDENTAIL <= 12 DUA (RESID12) RESIDENTIAL <= 17 DUA (RESID17) RESIDENTIAL <= 22 DUA (RESID22) RESIDENTIAL <= 4 DUA (RESID4) RESIDENTIAL <= 5 DUA (RESID5) RESIDENTIAL <= 6 DUA (RESID6) RESIDENTIAL <= 8 DUA (RESID8) RESIDENTIAL > 22 DUA (RESIDGT22) RETAIL (RETAIL) SINGLE FAMILY <= 1 DUA (SF1) SINGLE FAMILY <= 3 DUA (SF3) SINGLE FAMILY <= 4 DUA (SF4) SINGLE FAMILY <= 5 DUA (SF5) SINGLE FAMILY <= 6 DUA (SF6) SINGLE FAMILY <= 8 DUA (SF8) TRANSIT SUPPORTIVE DEVELOPMENT - MIXED (TSD-M) Appendix C – CLT-BC Technical Reference Charlotte Benefit/Cost Model User’s Guide - FINAL C-5 INDUSTRIAL - LIGHT (7) COMMERCIAL - LIGHT (9) COMMERCIAL - LIGHT (9) COMMERCIAL - LIGHT (9) COMMERCIAL - LIGHT (9) COMMERCIAL - LIGHT (9) COMMERCIAL - LIGHT (9) COMMERCIAL - LIGHT (9) 0.5 TO 2 ACRES RESIDENTIAL (3) COMMERCIAL - LIGHT (9) COMMERCIAL - LIGHT (9) COMMERCIAL - LIGHT (9) COMMERCIAL - LIGHT (9) COMMERCIAL - LIGHT (9) COMMERCIAL - LIGHT (9) 2 ACRES - RESIDENTIAL & OPEN SPACE (2) TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING ROW (12) > 2 ACRES - RESIDENTIAL & OPEN SPACE (2) < 0.25 ACRES RESIDENTIAL/APT/ROW HOUSES (5) COMMERCIAL - LIGHT (9) COMMERCIAL - LIGHT (9) COMMERCIAL - LIGHT (9) COMMERCIAL - LIGHT (7) < 0.25 ACRES RESIDENTIAL/APT/ROW HOUSES (5) < 0.25 ACRES RESIDENTIAL/APT/ROW HOUSES (5) < 0.25 ACRES RESIDENTIAL/APT/ROW HOUSES (5) < 0.25 ACRES RESIDENTIAL/APT/ROW HOUSES (5) 0.25 TO 0.5 ACRES RESIDENTIAL (4) 0.25 TO 0.5 ACRES RESIDENTIAL (4) < 0.25 ACRES RESIDENTIAL/APT/ROW HOUSES (5) < 0.25 ACRES RESIDENTIAL/APT/ROW HOUSES (5) < 0.25 ACRES RESIDENTIAL/APT/ROW HOUSES (5) COMMERCIAL - HEAVY (10) 0.5 TO 2 ACRES RESIDENTIAL (3) 0.25 TO 0.5 ACRES RESIDENTIAL (4) 0.25 TO 0.5 ACRES RESIDENTIAL (4) 0.25 TO 0.5 ACRES RESIDENTIAL (4) 0.25 TO 0.5 ACRES RESIDENTIAL (4) < 0.25 ACRES RESIDENTIAL/APT/ROW HOUSES (5) COMMMERCIAL - LIGHT (9) December 2006 78. 79. 80. 81. TRANSIT SUPPORTIVE DEVELOPMENT - RESIDENTIAL (TSD-R) UTILITY (UTIL) WAREHOUSE/DISTRIBUTION (WARE) WATER (WATER) < 0.25 ACRES RESIDENTIAL/APT/ROW HOUSES (5) INDUSTRIAL - LIGHT (7) INDUSTRIAL - HEAVY (8) STANDING WATER (11) NOTES 1. 2. Older base future land use coverage data contained codes "single fam", "residgt12", "resid22_no" and "comm" which have been deleted from the latest base future land use coverage The transportation category coded "road" will be added to the base future land use coverage during processin Appendix C – CLT-BC Technical Reference Charlotte Benefit/Cost Model User’s Guide - FINAL C-6 December 2006 Appendix C – CLT-BC Technical Reference Charlotte Benefit/Cost Model User’s Guide - FINAL C-7 December 2006 APPENDIX D PROJECT MEMORANDUM DATED 10/10/07 (REVISED 10/29/07) COMPARISON AND SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS OF CHARLOTTE CIPS AND FEMA FIS MECKLENBURG COUNTY FLOODPLAIN MAPPING PROJECT Project Memorandum To: David Goode, PE, CFM From: Neal Banerjee, PE, CFM Date: 10/10/07 (REVISED 10/29/07) Re: Comparison and Sensitivity Analysis of Charlotte CIPs and FEMA FIS Mecklenburg County Floodplain Mapping Project David, Dewberry has performed a comparison and sensitivity analyses on selected Charlotte Storm Water Services (CSWS) Capital Improvement Projects (CIPs) and FEMA Flood Insurance Study (FIS) hydrologic and hydraulic analyses per our Task 2, Task Order #1 scope, dated 8/18/07. The overall goal of the effort was to investigate potential measures that may be implemented by Mecklenburg County Storm Water Services (MCSWS), CSWS, or both, to facilitate/improve the interoperability of the hydrologic/hydraulic methods and results between the CIPs and the County/FEMA analyses. The effort generally included a review and comparison of hydrologic and hydraulic approaches/standards used by CSWS and MCSWS, sensitivity evaluation on several hydrologic parameters, and development of recommendations. This memorandum summarizes the approaches, findings, and recommendations from the comparison and sensitivity analyses, and represents the “deliverable” of the agreed effort. Executive Summary Overall, there does not appear to be a consistent pattern between overall peak flows generated from City CIP versus County/FEMA modeling – sometimes County/FEMA peak flows are higher, sometimes CIP peak flows are higher. It is believed that this variability is due to the number of parameters that influence peak flow. Based on the comparison and evaluation conducted as part of this effort, the following recommendations to the County and City are offered below: • The 24-hr SCS Type II storm distribution using rainfall depths derived from the USGS combined IDF data without application of area-depth reduction factors is recommended for the upcoming County floodplain mapping efforts. It is further recommended that this storm pattern being used (or at least checked) for City CIP analyses. • A 50-acre average target subbasin size should be considered for the upcoming County floodplain mapping efforts. The City should continue using the smaller subbasin sizes (typically 15 – 30 acres) for City CIP projects. • The Modified Puls channel routing method is recommended for streams in which HECRAS (or similar hydraulic) models exist for both County floodplain mapping and City CIP efforts. Level pool routing is recommended for ponds above the threshold subbasin size and behind large embankments where excessive backwater conditions exist (e.g. where backwater impacts upstream tributaries and/or other routing reaches). • A minimum 72-hour storm simulation with a 1-minute time step is recommended for the upcoming County floodplain mapping efforts. Similarly, a minimum 12-hour storm simulation with a 1-minute time step is recommended for City CIP projects. Background MCSWS manages the major (drainage area > 1 sq. mi.) drainage system, including the County/FEMA regulated streams and floodplain areas, whereas CSWS manages the minor (< 1 D1 December, 2006 Project Memorandum sq. mi. drainage area) drainage system which is comprised of the structures, pipes, and smaller channels providing localized drainage for streets and property. Since the focus and scale are different (large-scale FEMA analysis versus small-scale local analysis), MCSWS and CSWS have traditionally use different independent analytical approaches for assessment and management of their respective systems. This difference in approaches has complicated the direct comparison and assessment of inter-relationships between County and City projects. In developing map/analytical standards for the floodplain mapping updates, MCSWS (in coordination with CSWS) wished to investigate potential measures that may be implemented by MCSWS, CSWS, or both, to facilitate/improve the interoperability of the methods and results between the approaches. Dewberry was tasked to perform this investigation. Review/Comparison of Hydrologic/Hydraulic Approaches and Standards As indicated above the scale, focus, and approaches of the City CIPs and the County/FEMA floodplain management efforts are different. Table 1 summarizes some of the primary City CIPs and County/FEMA approaches and standards. D2 December, 2006 Project Memorandum Table 1. Comparison of City CIP Versus County/FEMA Approaches and Standards Parameter Project Scale Project Focus Primary Guidance Document Base Map/Survey Hydrologic Model Storm Pattern / Rainfall Depth Subbasins Loss Methodology Hydrograph Transform/Lag Time Routing Calibration Hydraulic Model Cross Sections Other Hydraulic Parameters Calibration City County/FEMA Overall Project Information Neighborhood level (typ. 200 - 500 Major stream watershed level (typ 1 ac drainage area) 40 sq mi drainage area) Support planning, design, and Develop floodplain/floodway mapping construction of drainage system along major streams for regulatory improvements purposed and mitigation projects Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water FEMA Guidelines and Specifications Design Manual for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners Detailed project-specific survey Countywide GIS supplemented with including channel survey every 50' survey at structure crossings and min, drainage system features, walls, 2-ft min contour mapping, etc. sporadic channel areas Hydrologic Parameters/Standards Typically HEC-1/HMS, occasionally HEC-1/HMS SWMM or others Charlotte 6-hour storm using SCS 24-hr Type II storm using Charlotte IDF depths Charlotte IDF depths Typically 15 - 30 acres in size, considering influence of closed Average 150 acres in size, based on ground topography drainage system Typically SCS Curve Number SCS Curve Number Typically SCS Unit Hydrograph Using SCS Unit Hydrograph Using TR-55 TR-55 Lag Time Method Lag Time Method Often normal depth channel routing and level pool behind significant embankment in existing conditions. Level pool behind significant embankments in future conditions where storage can be maintained Effective FIS uses automated through acquisition of permanent Modified Puls easements. Typically none, although peak flows Effective FIS uses limited calibration usually compared with FEMA, to selected gages using global regression, and/or other studies. multipliers Hydraulic Parameters/Standards Typically HEC-RAS for open systems and HGL based calcs for closed HEC-RAS system Typically spaced every 200 feet or less on average Spaced every 500 feet on average Standard use of ineffective areas at Standard use of Manning's n values, structure crossings and loss coefficients. More conservative ineffective areas at structure crossings, and loss coefficients Manning's n values. Calibration to 1995 and 1997 storms along selected streams Typically none D3 December, 2006 Project Memorandum Comparison of Hydrologic Parameters and Peak Flows for Selected Projects Dewberry compiled hydrologic parameter information and resulting peak flows for projects where the information was readily available (e.g. provided by the City or was available inhouse). A summary of the compiled information is provided in Table 2. Attachment A provides additional comparison information. Table 2. Hydrologic Input Parameter and Result Comparison City CIP Project / Neighborhood Drainage Area (ac) Avg Sub (ac) Q100EX (cfs) 239 162 14 81 469 County/FEMA CN Tp (min) Avg Sub (ac) Q100EX (cfs) 747 553 78.3 77.5 21 23.4 112 154 235 1002 79.4 43.2 276 14 734 75.9 422 14 1322 CN Tp (min) %Diff Q100EX 698 683 76.4 77.9 30 15 -7% 24% 112 1868 79.5 25.2 86% 45 150 686 65.4 25.2 -7% 87.5 NA 106 1270 85.7 30 -4% CherokeeScotland Ivey's Pond US Park Road Pond/Eastbern East Providence MyrtleMorehead Shillington Place Louise Avenue Nightingale Lane Jefferson 480 403 19 18 1227 1468 74.5 85.6 NA 22.2 154 141 1294 1580 78.9 82.8 30 22.2 5% 8% 173 864 16 26 670 1898 83.1 75.8 10.8 15 198 108 602 1535 84.5 73.7 34.8 55.2 -10% -19% Wilkinson Tunnel 1875 268 3511 75.8 29.4 94 1669 60.2 75 -52% NOTES: 1. Information obtained from CIP reports and/or hydrologic models and Effective FEMA HEC-1 models 2. Avg Sub = average subbasin size; Q100EX = 100-yr Existing Peak Flow, Tp = Calculated time from peak rainfall to peak runoff; %Diff Q100EX taken as difference from City CIP values As the table indicates, there does not appear to be a clear general pattern in peak flows developed in City CIPs versus County/FEMA analysis. In some cases the CIP flows are higher, in others, the County/FEMA flows are higher. Furthermore, the difference in peak flows varies considerably (between 4% - 86%). In many cases, the differences in peak flows can be at least partially explained by comparing the CN and Tp values. In general terms, peak flow increases with increasing CN values and decreasing Tp values. For example, the difference in peak flows on the Jefferson project is 19% (County/FEMA flow is 19% lower than CIP flow). In this case the CNs are close, however, the Tp for the CIP is dramatically lower (15 minutes versus 55.2 minutes). There are other factors which impact the peak flow (e.g. precipitation, hydrologic routing, model specifications, etc.). The following paragraphs discuss some of these other potential influential parameters in more detail. D4 December, 2006 Project Memorandum Hydrologic/Hydraulic Parameter Investigation and Sensitivity Analysis Dewberry investigated several of the hydrologic/hydraulic parameters listed in the table above in further detail to provide a preliminary assessment of the response of the models to parameter modifications, and the potential benefits (e.g. potential to improve model interoperability) and costs (e.g. extra effort/cost required) to implement the modification in the models for either the City or County approaches. The evaluations generally entailed modifying the selected parameters (one at a time) in the existing Effective County/FEMA models and/or CSWS CIP models at “representative” sample locations, re-running the models to gage the sensitivity of the parameters, and then trying to extract trends from the analyses. The more detailed evaluations focused on hydrologic approaches, however, the hydraulics models were used in some cases to support the evaluations. The general approaches and findings are summarized below for each parameter evaluated. Storm Pattern / Rainfall Depth Storm pattern was evaluated by comparing design hyetographs and peak hydrographs for the Charlotte 6-hr 100-year storm and the SCS 24-hr Type II 100-year storm. Although the storm pattern differs, both the City CIP and County/FEMA analyses use the Charlotte IntensityDuration-Frequency (IDF) information presented in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Design Manual (CMSWDM) to specify rainfall depths. Comparison of the two different storm patterns reveals the following findings and trends: • The total rainfall depth of the 24-hr storm is approximately 30% greater than the 6-hr storm (6.96 in vs. 5.34 in). The maximum intensity (over any 5-min period) is approximately the same at 0.8 inches, however, it occurs sooner in the 6-hr storm (at 3 hours versus at 12 hours in the 24-hr storm). Attachment B is a graphical comparison of the two storm patterns. • At the individual subbasin level (direct runoff from an individual subbasin, keeping all other parameters equal, based on hypothetical subbasins ranging between 5 acres and 1 square mile), the 24-hr SCS Type II storm flows tend to be approximately 28% higher than those produced by the 6-hr Charlotte storm. • At the City project/FEMA watershed level (runoff at the outlet of a project watershed with multiple subbasins, routings, etc., based on sample runs with Briar-Little Sugar, Six Mile, Cherokee/Scotland, Ivey’s Pond, and Park Road models), the 24-hr peak flow is higher than the 6-hr, but the difference is more variable (generally 5% - 25%), averaging around 15%. The rainfall depths presented in CMSWDM were compared with results of a recent USGS precipitation study (SIR 2006-5017) prepared in 2006. The USGS study developed several independent families of IDF curves based on different precipitation gage networks and data samples. Based on the statistical analysis, the study indicated that most appropriate family of IDF curves to use for deriving general precipitation frequency characteristics in Mecklenburg County is the combined “NOAA dataset plus aggregated USGS site representing the CRN initial dataset” family, hereafter referred to as the “combined” dataset. Comparison of CMSWDM versus the USGS combined precipitation reveals the USGS combined rainfall depths are slightly higher in 100-yr storm, but equal to or slightly lower in the smaller (higher frequency) storms. All storm depths for the same duration storms (e.g. 6-hr or 24-hr) are within 5 percent. Differences in rainfall depth between the 24-hr versus the 6-hr duration storms are slightly higher in the combined dataset versus the CMSWDM information (e.g. 34% difference in the USGS combined versus 30% in the CMSWDM for the 100-year storm). Table 2 shows a comparison of rainfall depths for the different information sources and storm durations. D5 December, 2006 Project Memorandum Table 3. Rainfall Depth Comparison 6-hour Storm Event 2 10 25 50 100 Design Manual IDF 2.28 3.72 4.38 4.92 5.34 2006 USGS Combined 2.22 3.54 4.27 4.85 5.46 24-hour % Difference -3 -5 -3 -1 2 Design Manual IDF 3.12 4.80 5.76 6.48 6.96 2006 USGS Combined 3.06 4.80 5.76 6.51 7.29 % Diff 24-hr vs. 6-hr % Difference -2 0 0 0 5 Design Manual IDF 37 29 32 32 30 2006 USGS Combined 38 36 35 34 34 NOTES: 1. Design Manual IDF values from Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Design Manual (1993) 2. 2006 USGS Combined values from using combined "NOAA dataset plus aggregated USGS site" IDF presented in SIR 2006-5017 The existing County/FEMA HEC-1 models include an area-depth reduction factor, which reduces the precipitation amount as the contributing drainage increases. However, using the 24-hr storm and having watershed sizes typically being around 20 sq miles in Mecklenburg County, precipitation reductions are mild (around 3% or less). Review of this information in context with FEMA guidelines and specifications indicates the 24hour storm duration is more appropriate for County/FEMA floodplain analysis. The main factors for concluding this are: • The time of concentration for some of the larger watersheds (e.g. Briar-Little Sugar, Irwin-Sugar, etc.) appears to be greater than 6 hours. FEMA guidelines dictate that the storm durations should be longer than the time of concentration • The 24-hr storm produces a more conservative peak flows. FEMA guidelines indicate to generally use the higher peak-producing storm event when more than one is being considered • the 24-hr storm is a standard duration that is often used for watershed hydrology on this scale and it is recommended in previous studies The rainfall depth source to use is less sensitive, as the two IDF sources produce very similar depths (within 5%). The benefits of using the USGS combined depths are: they are based on more recent analysis which includes 15+/- more years of data than the CMSWDM depths and they produce more conservative depths in the 100-year storm. However, using the USGS depths would represent a diversion from the CMSWDM which is/has been the primary resource for hydrologic assessment in Mecklenburg County, so that may be a factor to consider. Since aerial reduction does not appear to have a significant impact, and using it potentially complicates interpretation of the hydrologic results, it is probably simplest not to use it. Storm Pattern / Rainfall Depth Recommendation: Given the above factors, it is recommended that the 24-hr SCS Type II storm distribution using rainfall depths derived from the USGS combined IDF data without application of area-depth reduction factors be initially used for the upcoming floodplain mapping efforts. However, it may be appropriate to re-visit these recommendations (especially related to the rainfall depths and area-depth reductions) during the hydrologic model calibration process. The 24-hr SCS II storm could also be used for City CIP projects. However, if the City did not desire to switch to the 24-hour storm, it is recommended that the 100-year storm be run with the 24-hour SCS Type II storm (in addition to D6 December, 2006 Project Memorandum the 6-hour storm models currently being developed) to provide a more direct comparison with County/FEMA models. Average Subbasin Size As indicated in Table 1, the average subbasin size differs considerably between typical City CIP and County/FEMA hydrologic analysis. The City CIP subbasins are smaller and more detailed to support the much more detailed/small-scale level of evaluation. The subbasin delineations for selected City CIP projects were compared with the equivalent County/FEMA basins to first glean additional insight (besides just size) on the impact of the different subbasin delineations on the hydrologic analysis. The general findings/patterns of this comparison include: • In general the existing County/FEMA subbasins along a given stream appear to be delineated at arbitrary outlet points, whereas the City CIP basins are generally delineated at more strategic locations (e.g. ponds/roads/culverts etc.) • The minimum size basin that would be necessary to pick up the primary drainage pattern for a City CIP project appears to be generally in the 60+/- range (i.e. the subbasin size to have at least one subbasin for each primary stream/conveyance system) (based on samples from Ivey’s Pond, Cherokee/Scotland, Taragate Farms, and Derita-Allen Hills). • The influence of the closed system infrastructure (e.g. pipe systems) on subbasin delineation is generally more significant as average subbasin size decreases. However, once the subbasins size reaches 60+/- acres and above, the closed system infrastructure does not appear to generally have a significant affect on delineation. In other words, projects using an average subbasin size of less than 60 acres should consider the effects of the closed system inventory, whereas, the impact of the closed system infrastructure is generally not significant (and thus may not need to be considered) for projects using an average subbasin size greater than 60 acres. • In addition to specific CIPs, CSWS is currently working on a watershed ranking project which will be used to help prioritize CIPs. It is understood hydrologic calculations based on 50-acre basins will be used in the watershed ranking process. The City has expressed a preference to use 50-acre subbasins for the floodplain mapping efforts. A sensitivity analysis was conducted to assess the impact of subbasin size on the overall watershed peak flows. The sensitivity analysis generally entailed modifying several City CIP hydrologic models by grouping the CIP subbasins into the approximate 60-acre basins as discussed above (i.e. minimum number of subbasins that would still differentiate the primary drainage patterns). Results of the sensitivity analysis indicate that having more subbasins tends to result in slightly higher (generally 1% - 4%) peak flows (based on sample runs from Cherokee/Scotland, Ivey’s Pond, Jefferson, Park Road, Briar-Little Sugar, Four Mile, and Six Mile). This would loosely suggest that peak flows for a watershed tend to increase as average subbasin size decreases. Average Subbasin Size Recommendation: Given the above factors, it is recommended that an average target subbasin size of between 50 and 60 acres be considered for the upcoming floodplain mapping efforts. Although this increased detail in basin delineation would likely not have a significant affect on peak flows on the FEMA streams, it is believed that this size may be a good middle ground for providing more frequent and strategic peak flow comparisons that will allow for increased interoperability between City and County/FEMA models and be assist with the City’s watershed ranking. Using 50 – 60 acre target subbasins would entail developing 2.5 – 3 times the subbasins and associated hydrologic parameters versus using 150 acre basins, so there would definitely be an impact on the level of effort. It is estimated that decreasing the target subbasin size from 150 acres to 50 – 60 acres will increase the level of effort between D7 December, 2006 Project Memorandum 35% – 75%, depending on the level of automation for some of the hydrologic parameter calculations. If the same detailed level of hydrologic parameter development evaluation that is assumed for the 150-acre basins is used for 50 – 60 acre basins (most noticeably with Tcs and routings), then the % increase would be closer to 75%. A detailed level of effort/fee for the hydrology has not been developed at this time, however, it is estimated that the 35% - 75% increased effort would potentially relate to roughly $20,000 - $45,000 in extra fees. These estimates are preliminary, so this recommendation and associated level of effort may need to be revisited when hydrologic/hydraulic analysis begins. No change to City CIP subbasin size is recommended since the CIP basins are developed at the scale necessary to conduct drainage analysis and design calculations. Channel/Storage Routing City CIP analyses often use the Muskingum-Cunge 8-Point routing for channels and level pool routing for significant storage areas (based on CIPs reviewed for this effort), whereas, the County/FEMA models use a Modified Puls Method approach. The Muskingum-Cunge 8-Point approach is based on normal depth calculations where the Modified Puls method has the ability to consider storage computed from water surface profiles including variable geometry and structures. A sensitivity analysis was conducted to assess the impact the two methods have on peak flow attenuation. The sensitivity analysis generally entailed replacing the MuskingumCunge routing with a Modified Puls based routing in the CIP hydrologic models. Parameters for Modified Puls routing (i.e. storage-outflow relationships) were developed from the CIP HECRAS hydraulic models. The following observations are offered from the results of the sensitivity analysis: • The Modified Puls method generally results in higher attenuation (i.e. peak flow reduction), especially in urban areas with multiple stream crossings and differing floodplain geometries. In the samples used in the sensitivity analysis (Cherokee/Scotland, Shillington, Nightingale, and Taragate Farms) the overall peak flows at the watershed outlet were generally 10 – 15% lower using Modified Puls. In rural areas, the difference would likely be less. • The Muskingum-Cunge 8-Point method generally shows minimal (typically < 2% based on sample runs from projects mentioned above) attenuation in individual channel routing reaches along CIP streams. The Modified Puls method generally shows more attenuation, however, it varies considerably (generally 2% - 15%). • The Modified Puls method is believed to be more accurate (especially in urban areas) since the channel storage can be obtained from the HEC-RAS models (if available), which “sees” all the cross sections in the reach (including culverts), rather than being derived from normal depth calculations based on a single “representative” cross section. A separate sensitivity analysis was not conducted for storage routing (e.g. ponds, areas behind large embankments, etc.), however, the following observations are offered based on a review of CIP and County/FEMA models, and previous experience: • It is believed that Modified Puls (based on HEC-RAS results) and Level Pool storage routing techniques will produce similar attenuation in most circumstances. • The Level Pool technique may be more appropriate for actual in-line ponds or extreme backwater conditions (e.g. behind CSX railroad on Briar Creek where backwater extend onto multiple streams and/or across multiple routing reaches), however, for typical urban roadway embankments the Modified Puls method is believed to be adequate and is recommended if Modified Puls is used for channel routing. • The Modified Puls storage-outflow values in the County/FEMA Effective models are believed to have been largely derived from an automated normal depth calculation type D8 December, 2006 Project Memorandum • • approach, which in many cases is not consistent with the storage-outflow values that can be derived from actual HEC-RAS results. FEMA Guidelines and Specifications (Appendix C, page C-23, 1st full paragraph) indicate that if storage is accounted for behind structures (culverts, bridges, etc.), the storage area should be included in the floodway (i.e. to restrict encroachments), or the flows downstream of the structure should be computed based on routing the hydrograph through the reduced storage area. In-line ponds that are upstream of County/FEMA-mapped streams are not accounted for in the existing County/FEMA Effective models. Project experience (e.g. Park Road Park Lake, Ivey’s Pond, etc.) indicate these ponds may have a significant impact peak flow reduction. Channel/Storage Routing Recommendation: Given the above factors, it is recommended for both City and County/FEMA efforts that Modified Puls routing based on HEC-RAS outflowstorage values be used for channel routing (including typical roadway embankments), where HEC-RAS modeling exists, for existing conditions models. Muskingum-Cunge 8-Point or some other more approximate routing technique may be appropriate for channel routing reaches in which HEC-RAS modeling does not/will not exist, or potential for more conservative future conditions modeling. The recommended routing technique for non-FEMA streams may need to be revisited during hydrologic and hydraulic modeling and/or calibration. Level pool routing is recommended for all in-line ponds with drainage areas greater than the target subbasin size (e.g. 50 - 60 acres) (or some other specified minimum size to be determined later) and potentially at large embankments with excessive backwater conditions. Using the Modified Puls method as recommended would require additional effort. The modeler would need to develop a rating curve based on a range of flows in HEC-RAS, which in turn would be used in the hydrologic HEC-1/HMS model. This process may complicate the analysis (especially for improvement analysis where multiple iterations between HEC-RAS and HEC1/HMS could be required when the hydraulic system is altered such that it significantly impacts the rating curves). However, it is believed that using Modified Puls would increase the effort for performing routing calculations minimally in existing conditions analysis (probably 5%+/-) and possibly 10 – 20% for improvement analysis. In addition, available City pond information indicates that there are approximately 17 ponds within the Briar-Little Sugar watershed with a contributing drainage area greater than 50 acres, and 10 ponds with drainage area greater than 120 acres. Detailed outlet structure (e.g. weirs, riser-barrels, etc) information would be necessary to conduct level pool routing for these ponds. The availability of this data may influence the decision to use as a minimum drainage area threshold before considering for level-pool routing. It is estimated that it would cost between $500 and $1,000 per pond to collect the outlet structure information if it was not already available. Another potential consideration (not necessarily a recommendation) for the upcoming County/FEMA floodplain mapping efforts is to use the recommended routing for just the existing conditions modeling, and either remove channel routing (i.e. use simple lag) or use a simplified or reduced routing method for the future land use runs. If this were implemented, it would also help improve the interoperability between the City and County/FEMA analyses. Model Specifications City CIP analyses often use model specifications (i.e. control specifications) with a 1 or 5 minute time and a simulation duration ranging from 6 hours to 24 hours. The County/FEMA models use a 5 minute time step with an approximate 3.5 day simulation duration. A sensitivity analysis was conducted to assess the sensitivity of the time step variable. The analysis consisted of D9 December, 2006 Project Memorandum changing sample City CIP models that used a 1 minute time step to a 5 minute time step, and converting the selected County/FEMA models from a 5 minute time step to a 1 minute time step. The following observations are offered based on the sensitivity analysis: • Peak flow appears to generally increase as the time step decreases. In the samples used in the sensitivity analysis the overall peak flows at the watershed outlet were generally 3 - 5% higher using a 1 minute time step versus a 5 minute time step for both modified City CIP models and County/FEMA models. The following additional observations are offered based on a review of CIP and County/FEMA models, and previous experience: • Although it did was not evident in the samples used for the sensitivity analysis, it is believed that the difference in peak flows could increase for smaller-scale projects with flashy peaks, since a longer time step may “miss the peak”. • If using HEC-1 with simple lag routing using an RT card (e.g. this is sometimes used to simply lag or shift a hydrograph through a closed system without accounting for any attenuation), the lag time is specified as an integer of the time step. Thus, changing the time step in models with this use of the RT card, requires changing the lag value in the RT card. • Model simulation duration does not affect the peak flow as long as the model is simulated long enough to capture the peak. For the County/FEMA watershed the peak flow occurs within 28 hours or less from the commencement of rainfall. The time to recede back to base flow appears to be longer than 83 hours (i.e. longer than the simulation time) for the larger watersheds. For City CIPs the peak flow generally occurs within 6 hours or less, and the time to recede back to bass flow appears to be 12 hours or less (generally 8 hours or less). Having the full hydrograph generally would not be necessary for CIP and/or County/FEMA analyses, but may be beneficial for some uses (e.g. calibration, figuring recession times, etc.) Model Specifications Recommendation: Given the above factors, it is recommended that a 1 minute time step be used for the upcoming floodplain mapping efforts. Although a significant change in peak flows is not expected, it would improve the interoperability with most City CIP models. It is believed that the extra computation processing and or data storage requirements associated with the smaller time step would be negligible on today’s computers. A simulation duration equal or longer than 72 hours is recommended for County/FEMA analysis. For City CIP analysis the same 1 minute time step, and a minimum 12 hour simulation duration is recommended. Hydraulic Parameters In general, many of the hydraulic parameters/approaches used by the City and County/FEMA are similar. This is largely due to the fact that both agencies use HEC-RAS for modeling streams. The primary difference is the City CIPs extend into drainage systems that are predominately closed systems (e.g. pipe systems), whereas, the County/FEMA models are almost all open system with a few closed system components (e.g. under Independence Blvd). The City typically uses HGL programs (e.g. spreadsheets, StormCAD, etc.) for the closed systems. The current Effective County/FEMA models simplify the limited close systems so they can still be modeled in HEC-RAS. Since the scale and purpose of the hydraulic analysis for the City CIP and County/FEMA efforts are different and essentially independent (unlike the hydrologic analysis, where the two approaches “overlap”), and the fact that both agencies use similar approaches, no changes to the current approaches are offered at this time. D10 December, 2006 Project Memorandum Conclusions Dewberry has reviewed and compared hydrologic and hydraulic approaches/standards used by the City for CIPs and by the County/FEMA for floodplain mapping efforts, and has conducted sensitivity analysis on several of the hydrologic parameters. Overall, there does not appear to be a consistent pattern between overall peak flows generated from City CIP versus County/FEMA modeling – sometimes County/FEMA peak flows are higher, sometimes CIP peak flows are higher. It is believed that this variability is due to the number of parameters that influence peak flow. Sensitivity evaluation of several the hydrologic parameters revealed general trends and tendencies in the data. Storm pattern and rainfall depth significantly influence the County/FEMA flows to be higher, whereas, channel/storage routing, basin size, and model specifications influence the CIP flows to be higher. Based on the comparison and evaluation conducted as part of this effort, the following recommendations to the County and City are offered below: • The 24-hr SCS Type II storm distribution using rainfall depths derived from the USGS combined IDF data without application of area-depth reduction factors is recommended for the upcoming County floodplain mapping efforts. It is further recommended that this storm pattern being used (or at least checked) for City CIP analyses. • A 50-acre average target subbasin size should be considered for the upcoming County floodplain mapping efforts. The City should continue using the smaller subbasin sizes (typically 15 – 30 acres) for City CIP projects. • The Modified Puls channel routing method is recommended for streams in which HECRAS (or similar hydraulic) models exist for both County floodplain mapping and City CIP efforts. Level pool routing is recommended for ponds above the threshold subbasin size and behind large embankments where excessive backwater conditions existing (e.g. where backwater impacts upstream tributaries and/or other routing reaches). • A minimum 72-hour storm simulation with a 1-minute time step is recommended for the upcoming County floodplain mapping efforts. Similarly, a minimum 12-hour storm simulation with a 1-minute time step is recommended for City CIP projects. References Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services (CSWS), (date varies). Capital Improvement Project Information (reports and/or models) for the following projects: Cherokee-Scotland, East Providence, Ivey’s Pond, Jefferson, Louise Avenue, Myrtle-Morehead, Nightingale Lane, Park Road, Shillington, and Wilkinson Tunnel CSWS, 1993. Charlotte Mecklenburg Storm Water Drainage Design Manual. City of Charlotte, 2006 (frequently updated). Charlotte Land Development Standards Manual. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 2004. Flood Insurance Study – Mecklenburg County, North Carolina and Incorporated Areas. FEMA, 2003. Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners. Unities State Geological Survey (USGS), 2006, Frequency of Annual Maximum Precipitation in the City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, through 2004. SIR 2006-5017. D11 December, 2006 Project Memorandum ATTACHMENT A – Charlotte CIP versus FEMA Hydrologic Comparison D12 December, 2006 ATTACHMENT A: HYDROLOGIC INPUT AND PEAK FLOW COMPARION CITY CIP VERSUS COUNTY/FEMA ANALYSIS Mecklenburg Floodplain Mapping Project October 2007 Project Cherokee-Scotland Ivey's Pond CIP Information Ave Basin Hydrololgic 100-yrEX Model Qp (cfs) Area 0.02 HEC-1 747 Drainage Area (sq mi) # Basins 0.37 17 0.25 2 100-yrFU 10-yrEX FEMA HEC- Drainage CN-EX Tqp (min) Qp (cfs) Qp (cfs) # Basins 1 ID Area 78.3 21 971 485 BC68C 0.35 2 0.13 HEC-1 553 77.5 23.4 43.2 NA Park Road 0.73 2 0.37 HEC-1 1002 79.4 East Providence Myrtle-Morehead 0.43 0.66 20 30 0.02 HEC-1 0.02 XP-SWMM 734 1322 75.9 87.5 NA Shillington Place 0.75 25 0.03 HEC-HMS 1227 74.5 NA 45 602 306 FMRB8 0.7 1181 329 SM2C 956 LSC44C 0.47 0.66 1709 772 MM47C 0.72 2155 861 LSC32C 793 360 MM60 1197 MASR7R 1837 SGTC13CC 568 LLS8C NA Louise Avenue 0.63 22 0.03 HEC-1 1468 85.6 22.2 Nightingale Lane Jefferson 0.27 1.35 11 33 0.02 HEC-HMS 0.04 HEC-1 670 1898 83.1 75.8 10.8 15 NA Wilkinson Tunnel 2.93 7 0.42 HEC-1 3511 75.8 29.4 4633 0.24 1 FEMA Information Ave 100-yrEX Basin CN-EX Qp Area 0.18 698 76.4 Tqp 100-yrFU 10-yrEX Qp (cfs) Qp (cfs) 30 684 399 Notes Comparion of East Trib above Ivey's pond (no pond attenuation) (HEC-1 ID 2C). At outlet below Ivey's Pond, comparison is 773 FEMA vs. 262 CIP (has 3 ponds total in area) in 100yrEX. CIP flows does not include pond attenuation. After pond attenuation, CIP 100yrEX flow drops to 650. Eastburn CIP (US of pond) 100yrEX is 983 for apprx .67 sq mi area. 50% attenuation at Winthrope Ridge Rd in upper portion of basin Primarily closed system The attenuation affect at street crossings in the existing conditions is minimal. Attenuation was provided for the future model. Basin file corrupt so time to peak not available. Consultant also ran future w/ attenuation (100yr=1498,10yr=884) CIP model is calibrated using earlier models. 0.24 683 77.9 15 776 403 4 0.18 1868 79.5 25.2 1879 1307 2 4 0.24 0.17 686 1270 65.4 85.7 25.2 30 948 1381 330 772 3 0.24 1294 78.9 30 1390 757 0.66 3 0.22 1580 82.8 22.2 1669 870 0.31 1.18 1 7 0.31 0.17 602 1535 84.5 73.7 34.8 55.2 622 1733 379 901 2.63 18 0.15 1669 60.2 75 1669 CN in FEMA model calibrated using a 760 multiplication factor of 0.8 Notes: 1. all CIPs run with Charlotte 6-hr storm, FEMA with SCS 24-hr Type II storm SUMMARY Project Cherokee-Scotland Ivey's Pond Park Road East Providence Myrtle-Morehead Shillington Place Louise Avenue Nightingale Lane Jefferson Wilkinson Tunnel CIP 100yrEX FEMA 100 %Diff CIP Tp 747 698 -7% 21 553 683 19% 23.4 1002 1868 46% 43.2 734 686 -7% 45 1322 1270 -4% NA 1227 1294 5% NA 1468 1580 7% 22.2 670 602 -11% 10.8 1898 1535 -24% 15 3511 1669 -110% 29.4 FEMA Tp 30 15 25.2 25.2 30 30 22.2 34.8 55.2 75 %Diff 30% -56% -71% -79% NA NA 0% 69% 73% 61% D13 December, 2006 Project Memorandum ATTACHMENT B – Charlotte 6-hour Versus SCS 24-hour Precipitation Input Plot D14 December, 2006 Attachment B: Rainfall Intensity and Cumulative Precipitation Comparison: 6-hr 100-yr vs. 24-hr 100-yr (5-min input intervals) 0.9 0.8 in/5-min Maximum Intensity 8 0.8 in/5-min Maximum Intensity 0.8 6.96 in Cumulative Depth 6 5.34 in Cumulative Depth 0.6 5 0.5 4 0.4 3 0.3 Cumulative Precipitation Incremental Precipitation 0.7 7 2 0.2 0.1 1 0.0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 TIME (HR) D15 December, 2006 APPENDIX E SAMPLE DATA COLLECTION FOR STREAM CROSSINGS Sample Data Collection for Stream Crossings Mapping Contractor shall develop a spreadsheet to monitor and verify data collection for stream crossings. An example spreadsheet could have the following field names with description and sample data for Edwards Branch Station 11843 (EDB – 012) shown below. (See Figure XX at the end of this appendix for a complete spreadsheet showing stream crossings data collection on Edwards Branch) Appendix E – CLT-BC Technical Reference Charlotte Benefit/Cost Model User’s Guide - FINAL E-1 December 2006 Stream Crossing Sketch (EDB-012_SKT.JPG) Appendix E – CLT-BC Technical Reference Charlotte Benefit/Cost Model User’s Guide - FINAL E-2 December 2006 Field Photo of Downstream Channel (EDB-012_DSC.JPG) Appendix E – CLT-BC Technical Reference Charlotte Benefit/Cost Model User’s Guide - FINAL E-3 December 2006 Field Photo of Downstream Structure Face (EDB012_DSF.JPG) Appendix E – CLT-BC Technical Reference Charlotte Benefit/Cost Model User’s Guide - FINAL E-4 December 2006 Field Photo of Upstream Channel (EDB-012_USC.JPG) Appendix E – CLT-BC Technical Reference Charlotte Benefit/Cost Model User’s Guide - FINAL E-5 December 2006 Field Photo of Upstream Structure Face (EDB-012_USC.JPG) Appendix E – CLT-BC Technical Reference Charlotte Benefit/Cost Model User’s Guide - FINAL E-6 December 2006 Figure A – Stream Crossing Verification for Edwards Branch (Note: Figure broken in two parts to fit in page) Break in Figure A at this column Break in Figure A continues from this column Appendix E – CLT-BC Technical Reference Charlotte Benefit/Cost Model User’s Guide - FINAL E-7 December 2006