Please read the on-line process completely before inputting information. The process has changed from to an online application, therefore your session will be timed and limited. To make the best of your process, gather all of
the essential documents needed below to make your application complete and valid.
This section is basic information that gives the appropriate contacts for this project
Provide complete contact information for your organization and up to date phone and email addresses.
Clearly state the organization’s project name and project description.
Refer to the Neighborhood & Business Services website to determine the NSA (Neighborhood Statistical
Area) in which your organization resides. This will help you determine the community boundaries.
This is the section that tells your story. Include as many details as possible to show why your project should be
Check off the project category that aligns with your project. (Refer to your pre-application workshop
material for clarity and description of categories).
Attach documentation of the need for your project (official report, statistics)
Attach meeting minutes to show support and discussion of this project with the organization (aside from
the board members).
Attach any photos that would provide an image of your project – the location, members of the
organization, the people you will serve, etc. Pictures speak louder than words.
Check with Zoning and Charlotte Department of Transportation (CDOT) about regulations for signs and
right-of-way projects; attach or email written authorization
Check with Planning Dept. for compliance with land use/development plans
Clearly state how you will evaluate or measure the success of this project.
Talk about your sustainability plan- how will you continue to fund this project?
This is where you show what your project is going to cost and how you are going to pay for it
Refer to the sample budget from your pre-application packet for pointers
List all cost from start to finish.
Attach atleast two vendor quotes for services that will be provided. Quotes should be within the last 30
days of the application.
Attach a letter for each in-kind donation showing verification that the service will be donated (ie, supplies,
services, materials, etc).
Any donations of time should be listed on the volunteer pledge sheet. All cost in the form of volunteer
hours must be signed off by each volunteer.
Review your budget from top to bottom.
Make sure that your pledged cash, volunteer time, in-kind donations are clearly listed on your budget
before submitting.
If your organization has completed a cash only match, please clearly explain why and/or discuss with the
Neighborhood Matching Grant Coordinator.
Make sure that atleast 25% of the project match is directly contributed from the organization.
This is where your hours must add up. Check your math and confirm your volunteers.
Review the pledge sheet and determine what the tasks are associated with your project.
Complete each column listed.
Most importantly, get the signatures of the volunteers. Signatures show that they have agreed to
participate in this project and they are aware of their responsibility.
Add up your volunteer hours and multiply by the current marketable volunteer rate - $20.85/her hour.
This amount should be equal to the volunteer match on your budget sheet. (ex: 10 volunteer hours
Review and refer the Neighborhood Matching Grants Guidelines booklet for examples.
Review your application from start to finish before you submit.
Try not to leave any boxes empty.
Submit all documents on-line. Attach documents to the application in the appropriate sections. Consult
with Neighborhood Matching Grants Staff in you need assistance.
Print a copy of the on-line application for your records and point of reference.