Briar Creek Greenway – Randolph Rd. to Meadowbrook Rd. Stakeholder Group Meeting Minutes Mint Museum of Art (2730 Randolph Rd.) January 12, 2009 @ 6:00 1. Welcome and Introductions: Greenway Planner Joe Mangum welcomed the group and thanked everyone for attending the meeting. Joe introduced Julie Clark, Division Director of Greenway Planning & Development and Jim Garges, Park & Recreation Director. The group then went around the room to state their name and their interest in the greenway project. Stakeholders Present: Dick Winters, Greenway Advisory Council, County Safe Routes to School Coordinator Roy Alexander, Greenway Advisory Council Sharon Wilson, Catawba Lands Conservancy Hank McKiernan, Mint Museum Andy Grzymski, Charlotte Department of Transportation Kirk Otey, Park & Recreation Commission Brian Conroy, Park Planner, Capital Planning Services Karla Thornhill, Park & Recreation Manager, Central Park District III Staff: Jimmy Gordon, Project Manager, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services Julie Clark, Division Director, Greenway Planning & Development Joe Mangum, Greenway Planner, Greenway Planning & Development James Garges, Director 2. Explanation of Stakeholder and Public Workshop Process: Roy Alexander explained the stakeholder and public workshop process as defined in the Greenway Master Plan. 3. Site Orientation: Julie handed out Greenway atlas maps and aerial photos of the project area. Joe identified other projects in the 5 and 10 year plan in this vicinity. Joe discussed the geographical setting of this section of Briar Creek as being in the Eastover neighborhood, between Randolph Rd. and Meadowbrook Rd. Julie and Joe identified the land uses surrounding the project area including Eastover neighborhood, Eastover Park, the Mint Museum, medical offices, Eastover Ridge apartments, and the Catawba Lands Conservancy (CLC) property. 4. Site Features and Relief Sewer: Joe and Julie addressed the topography and physical features of the site including the flat floodplain, CLC wetlands, a berm along Eastover Ridge apartments and park conditions. Julie discussed the easements that have been obtained for the project through Eastover Ridge apartments and the CLC property. Joe addressed the timeline and impact of the relief sewer project. 5. Stream Restoration Project: Jimmy Gordon discussed the limits of the project between Randolph Rd. and Providence Rd. and also the Museum Dr. tributary relocation within Eastover Park. Jimmy stated that he plans to use the same staging area currently occupied by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities’ contractor. 6. Greenway Trail Destinations and Location: Julie handed out the greenway concept plans. 7. Concept Assessment: Julie asked the stakeholders to take the greenway concept plan and use markers to pinpoint any opportunities (including connections, trail surface, etc.) and concerns (parking, trail alignment, etc.). The stakeholders were given several minutes to study and mark the concept plan. 8. Opportunity Identification: Julie asked the stakeholders to share the opportunities they had identified, one by one. The following stakeholder comments were recorded on a large notepad: Use the greenway to reconnect Eastover Park following the tributary restoration. Meander the greenway further into the park. Connect the greenway to the existing linear walkway and seating area extending from the Mint Museum entrance. Leave a “placeholder” at the southern greenway terminus at Meadowbrook Rd. and across from Twiford Pl. to acknowledge expectations for future trail development. Connect the trail to Twiford Pl. Continue conversations with Jim Griffith to get greenway access to Eastover Ridge apartments. Develop a loop trail within the CLC land. Develop a spur trail to connect with Randolph Rd. Park. Connect trail underneath Randolph Rd. Connection underneath Randolph Rd. creates opportunity for joint-use parking. Develop an environmental education partnership with CLC. Create an education station with kiosk, benches, and interpretative signage at the Meadowbrook Rd. trailhead. Develop education programs for invasive species. Investigate potential neighborhood connections to Hungerford Pl. Investigate right-of-ways and easements. Add stormwater Best Management Practices within CLC property. Study the opportunity for joint-use parking at the medical offices across Briar Creek from Eastover Park. Investigate Eastover Ridge Dr. to determine if it is a public road. Tie in trails under Randolph Rd. near the County Health Department and Billingsley School to the primary greenway. Create connection from Placid Pl. to Twiford Pl. Cross over the tributary at Placid Pl. as part of this project. Develop a creek crossing somewhere near Twiford Pl. to create connectivity to the west wide of the creek. Incorporate art along the trail. Explore a partnership with the Mint Museum. 9. Constraint Identification: Julie asked the stakeholders to share the concerns they had identified, one by one. The following stakeholder comments were recorded on a large notepad: Increased access to the neighborhoods could be perceived in a negative light. Not enough parking for the greenway. Pervious surface material would be preferred in certain locations, particularly within the CLC property. Lack of connectivity to the west side of the creek. Lack of connectivity to the senior center and apartments. Need for law enforcement on the greenway. Overflow parking within Eastover Park should be maintained and signed. Trailhead terminus at Meadowbrook Rd. feels like a dead end. Don’t discourage a future extension. Easement from Jim Griffith is still not recorded. Make the connection to Twiford Pl. a condition of development of future greenway to Providence Rd. Lack of parking at Meadowbrook Rd. creates difficulty for handicap access. Lack of neighborhood involvement in stakeholder meeting. 10. Summary and Conclusion: Julie summarized the recurring comments from the greenway concept exercise. Julie explained to the stakeholders that their input will be incorporated into the design and that Roy will convey the results of this stakeholder meeting at the public workshop, Monday, February 2 at 6:45 at the Mint Museum. Julie and Joe thanked the stakeholders for their participation and reminded them of the upcoming public workshop.