GOAL: Reduce causes, acts (events) and impacts of violence in... OBJECTIVE STRATEGY TACTICS/ACTIONS

Action Plan: Violence
GOAL: Reduce causes, acts (events) and impacts of violence in our community
1. Review data to prioritize risk
factors and at‐risk communities
1. Minimize risk factors
and increase protective
factors to reduce
incidence/prevalence of
violence in families,
schools, and communities
2. Implement evidence based
interventions to address at risk
factors of identified communities.
3. Increase involvement of
community efforts to share resources
and responsibilities of implementing
the chosen violence prevention
4. Increase community capacity to
address the needs and behavior of
children and families impacted by
1. Develop and implement awareness
campaign and outreach efforts
2. Create community
culture where violence is
unacceptable by educating
the community that
violence is preventable
2. Highlight successes/best practices
from other cities
3. Develop opportunities to engaged
youth and youth adults to change the
4. Educate City/County/State leaders
1.1 Get data from sources
1.2 Determine areas/communities to pilot
1.3 Review data with the at‐risk/involved
community partners
One to three pilot locations and
priority populations identified
2.1 Assess for resiliency risk/need factors of the
identified communities
2.2 Meet with the community to determine
appropriate intervention strategies – cultural
2.3 Determine resources and responsible parties for
implementing interventions
Creation and implementation of
intervention in pilot communities
3.1 Convene a violence action committee
Creation of a violence action
committee that meets a minimum of 3
times per year
4.1 Provide training to increase understanding of the
impact of trauma and violence
Offer 3 community trauma‐informed
approach training per year
1.1 Work with the media to increase awareness
1.2 Use social media to increase awareness,
particularly youth campaign
1.3 Work with various citizen panels and academia
Public survey
2.1 Charlotte neighborhood/business successes
3.1 Expand Engage Summits (CMS)
3.2 Engage Sports venues/youth leagues
3.3 Engage Scouts/PAL
4.1 Present and engage community leaders on
impacts and acts of violence (BOCC, CMS, CMPD,
CMC, Courts)
4.2 Present to Citizen Academies/panels
4.3 Identify possible virtual/on site visits
# of neighborhoods to implement best
# of organizations who engage
Change in attitudes
# of leaders reached
Action Plan: Violence
1. Enhance information sharing of
current violence data between
3. Identify and evaluate
current data related to
violence and utilize the
data to enhance and/or
expand prevention effort
2. Identify communities of
Mecklenburg County at greatest risk
of violence.
2.1 Define criteria of communities at greatest risk of
2.2 Utilize data on communities and individuals to
inform efforts reducing incidence and prevalence of
Survey to providers/programs on data
availability and utilization
Comprehensive list held by coalition
that identifies existing sources for data
on types of violence
Annual report to include data sources,
gaps/opportunities for information
sharing among public and private
Establish baseline of violence in
Mecklenburg County
Survey to providers/programs on data
availability and utilization
Comprehensive list held by coalition
that identified existing sources for
data on types of violence
Annual report to include data source,
gaps, and opportunities for
information sharing among public and
private entities
1.1 Identify community partners
Task completion
2. Identify ways to engage
2.1 Create an inclusive plan
Completion of a plan
3. Convene an ongoing coalition of
stakeholder/community partners
3.1 Identify lead
Lead identified
1. Identify stakeholders
4. Help communities build
their capacities to prevent
violence through a
coalition of diverse
community stakeholders
1.1 Identify existing sources/types of violence data
1.2 Establish baseline data of the problem
1.3 Establish measure of success (outcomes)
1.4 Data expert is part of the ongoing violence
coalition to serve as a liaison to
organizations/agencies with violence related data
1.5 Compare to comparable communities of
Mecklenburg County