Total Phosphorus (TP) Mitigation Application Form (Off-Site & Buy-Down Options) Form: #PCO9 Mecklenburg County Land Use and Environmental Services Agency (rev. 2/2013) Application Recvd. Date: Time: Application/Permit Number: TP Information Regarding Site Needing Mitigation must be completed for both Off-Site & Buy-Down Options): Name of Development: Street Name & Number: Original Tax Parcel: Name of Creek System Where Development is Located: Total Area of Project (acres): Total Disturbed Area (acres): % Built Upon: Land Development Fee Paid: $ Amendment to Permit #: Type of Development: Commercial Residential Mixed Use Subdivision Jurisdiction/Town: Zoning Designation: Resubmittal: Yes No If yes provide notification date that resubmittal was required: Type of On-Site BMP Installed to Achieve Minimum of 50% TP Removal: Lbs. of TP Being Mitigated for (total phosphorus loading at 50% reduction minus loading at 70% reduction): Owner’s Name: Owner’s Address: Owner’s Phone Number: Fax: Owner’s Email: Option #1:Complete for Off-Site Mitigation (Information concerning the site where mitigation is to be performed): Name of Site: Street Name & Number: Tax Parcel: Name Creek System Where Site is Located: Total Area of Site (acres): Total Area to be Treated (acres): % Built Upon: Type of Development: Commercial Residential Mixed Use Subdivision Jurisdiction/Town: Zoning Designation: Resubmittal: Yes No If yes provide notification date that resubmittal was required: Type Off-Site BMP to be Installed (plans must be attached): Pounds of TP Reduced by the Off-Site Retrofit Project: Property Owner’s Name: Owner’s Address: Owner’s Phone Number: Fax: Owner’s Email: Option #2: Complete for Buy-Down Mitigation (Obtain from back of form under Option#2): TP Loading Over 20 Years (total phosphorus loading at 50% reduction minus loading at 70% reduction x 20) = TP Loading Over 20 Years x Mitigation Rate ($1,000/lb.) = Add $4,400 for Operation & Maintenance Fee = Increase Total by 12% to Cover Administrative Costs (Total Buy-Down Payment) = IMPORTANT: Check must be made payable to applicable Jurisdiction. This application conveys the information necessary for the review of a request for both off-site and buy-down mitigation of the difference between the 50% and 70% total phosphorus reduction criteria for projects exceeding 50% built-upon area. On-site BMPs shall be constructed to achieve 50% removal of total phosphorus. This application shall be reviewed and approved at the same time as the Concept Plan for the project. Approval of this application runs contiguous with the Storm Water Management Permit issued for the site which is valid until the project is complete or three (3) years from issuance of permit, whichever comes first. The information listed on the back of this form must be enclosed for Options 1 or 2 along with a completed application form in order for the application to be complete. Reviewed By: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________ Approved Approved with Modifications Approved with Performance Reservation (attached) Issued By: __________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Option #1: Off-Site Mitigation Option Check off the items below and enclose with this application form when requesting approval for the Off-Site Total Phosphorus Mitigation Option. All items must be checked in order for an application to be complete. 1. Provide (6) sets of calculations showing the pounds of total phosphorus generated on the project site, pounds of total phosphorus to be removed to meet the 70% removal requirement, pounds of total phosphorus removed by the on-site BMP (at a minimum 50% removal efficiency is required on-site), pounds of total phosphorus to be mitigated by off-site BMP(s), pounds of total phosphorus generated by the mitigation site, pounds of total phosphorus removed by the off-site BMP(s), and total phosphorus removal efficiency of the off-site BMP(s). It is recommended that the Site Evaluation Tool (SET) used for compliance with the Huntersville Low Impact Development Ordinance be used to perform these calculations. SET is available at the following website: (Select Regulations; Select Low Impact Development (LID); Select Huntersville LID; Select Mecklenburg County Site Evaluation Tool v3.3). A copy of the SET analysis must be attached. 2. Six (6) sets of plans with two (2) sets of calculations for the off-site BMP retrofit project designed to achieve an equivalent or greater net mass removal of total phosphorus as would be achieved by removing 70% of the total phosphorus from the proposed site. On-site BMPs must be constructed to achieve 50% removal of total phosphorus. All designs must be in accordance with the Mecklenburg County PostConstruction Storm Water Ordinance Design Manual. All plans and calculations must be sealed by a professional designer. All plans must contain the following: • Details showing the structures dimensions, including top and bottom of storage area as well as depth and storage volume. • BMP table with specifics on each BMP including calculations illustrating compliance. BMPs shall be named on plans as follows: “Project or subdivision name – BMP Type – Number.” • Easements for all BMPs and drainageways. • Existing and proposed paved roads, buildings, structures and utilities. • Basin contours labeled and tied into existing contours. • Construction sequence. • North arrow. • Vicinity map. • Parcel Tax Number. • Jurisdiction. • Legible scale. • Property boundary and adjoining property boundaries and owners. • Watershed District. • Delineation of on-site drainage areas including number of acres. 3. A legally valid instrument demonstrating that the applicant has land rights to perform the BMP retrofit project on the property. 4. A Phase I environmental site assessment must be provided indicating that there are no areas of environmental concern on or immediately adjacent to the site. 5. An Operation and Maintenance Agreement and Maintenance Plan must be attached to the application form for each BMP included in the project. Option #2: Buy-Down Mitigation Option Check off the items below and enclose with this application form when requesting approval for the Buy-Down Total Phosphorus Mitigation Option. All items must be checked in order for an application to be complete. 1. Provide (6) sets of calculations for the following (use SET as described in #1 above): 1 TP loading without BMP = lb/yr 2 TP loading at 70% reduction = lb/yr 3 TP loading 50% reduction = lb/yr 4 TP loading difference (row 3 – row 2) = lb/yr 5 TP loading difference over 20 years (row 4 x 20) = lbs 6 Buy-down rate (loading difference over 20 years x $1,000/lb mitigated) (row 5 x $1,000) = $ 7 Buy-down rate + $4,400 for operation & maintenance fee (row 6+ $4,400) = $ 8 Buy down rate + fee increased by 12% for administrative costs (row 7 x 1.12) = $ 9 Total Cost of Buy-Down (same as row 8) = $ Where to Submit: Application Submittal Requirements: This application must be submitted at the same time and attached to the Concept Plan Application form.