S I N G L E FA M I LY RESIDENTIAL C A S E STUDY #3 PC CSO-CENTRAL CA E S T U DY # 7 P C C O CCEATAWBA N T R A L C ATAW BA 1 3 undisturbed OPEN SPACE UNDISTURBED OPEN SPACE ON-SITE MITIGATION 42 City of Charlotte Cost Analysis The PCCO-Central Catawba plan is required to provide 17.5% of undisturbed open space. On-site mitigation is used to meet undisturbed open space requirements without major reduction in lots. In places, a 15-foot easement is placed at the rear of lots for on-site mitigation. A 35’ buffer is required for the intermittent stream to the west of the site. No increase on 100’ undisturbed buffer is required of the stream to the east of the site. 2 tree save 4 Tree save totaled 5.5 AC. The tree save is a slight increase compared with Existing Regulations due to grading changes and 35’ undisturbed buffer on the intermittent stream. For consistency with the approved plan, the PCCO-Central Catawba plan consists of two lot sizes: 68’ lots and 55’ lots. The same lot sizes and mix were assumed. buffers and wetlands lot mix 68’ LOTS 55’ LOTS S I N G L E FA M I LY RESIDENTIAL C A S E S T U DY # 3 P CC C CTEUN A SO E- S DYT R # 7A L PC C O CCEATAW N T R A L BA C ATAW BA DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY p ZONING: MX-1 p SITE ACREAGE: 51.9 p 55’ LOTS: 100 p 68’ LOTS: 62 p T O TA L L O T S : 1 6 2 p DUA*: 3.10 p PUBLIC STREETS (LF): 7,780.3 LF p P E R C E N T I M P E RV I O U S : 4 4 % p O P E N S PA C E R E Q U I R E D * ( A C ) : 5 . 2 ( 1 0 % ) p O P E N S PA C E P R O V I D E D ( A C ) : 1 3 . 1 ( 2 5 . 2 % ) p T R E E S AV E R E Q U I R E D * ( A C ) : 5 . 2 ( 1 0 % ) p T R E E S AV E P R O V I D E D ( A C ) : 5 . 5 ( 1 0 . 6 % ) p UNDISTURBED OPEN SPACE REQUIRED* (AC): 9.08 (17.5%) p UNDISTURBED OPEN SPACE PROVIDED (AC): 4.8 (9.5%) p M I T I G AT E D U N D I S T U R B E D O P E N S PA C E ( A C ) : 6 . 3 5 p BMP - WET PONDS: 79,100 SF p OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS: N/A COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY p A L L O WA N C E S : $ 3 7 , 8 4 0 . 0 0 p SITE GRADING: $1,525,062.50 p PAV I N G : $ 1 , 3 2 3 , 6 5 9 . 3 3 p STORM DRAINAGE: $1,552,669.67 p WET DETENTION PONDS: $108,277.80 p PRE DEVELOPMENT EROSION CONTROL: $109,827.25 p POST DEVELOPMENT EROSION CONTROL: $139,560.25 p L A N D S C A P I N G AT E N T RY: $ 5 , 6 1 2 . 0 0 p WAT E R & S A N I TA RY S E W E R : $ 1 , 7 4 4 , 9 8 1 . 5 3 p O P E N S PA C E M I T I G AT I O N : $ 4 4 , 4 5 0 . 0 0 p LITTORAL SHELF PLANTING: $116,117.10 p T O TA L : $ 6 , 7 0 8 , 0 5 7 . 4 3 NOTES To t a l n u m b e r o f l o t s i s r e d u c e d i n P C C O - C e n t r a l p l a n a s wet ponds increase in size. The 35’ undisturbed buffer to the west of the site also plays a role in loss of lots. Onsite mitigation is used along the rear of lots to satisfy the undisturbed open space requirements. * See Appendix for definitions. 43 S I N G L E FA M I LY RESIDENTIAL C A S E STUDY #3 PC CSO-CENTRAL CA E S T U DY # 7 P C C O CCEATAWBA N T R A L C ATAW BA 1 street section Urban Street Design Guidelines medium residential street section is applied to the PCCO-Central Catawba case study. 2 55’ lot typical Lot types with dimensions and setbacks remain constant throughout single family case studies, for comparative purposes. Changes in dimensions or mix of lot sizes would yield different results. 3 68’ lot typical usdg - medium residential street section Note: USDG will allow for a 50’ R.O.W. should there be a sidewalk easement provided for public sidewalks. This R.O.W. dimension was not utilized with this analysis as additional project density would not be realized. . 44 City of Charlotte Cost Analysis Lot types with dimensions and setbacks remain constant throughout single family case studies, or comparative purposes. Changes in dimensions or mix of lot sizes would yield different results. S I N G L E FA M I LY RESIDENTIAL C A S E S T U DY # 3 P CC C CTEUN A SO E- S DYT R # 7A L PC C O CCEATAW N T R A L BA C ATAW BA 4 GRADING PLAN East wet pond increase in size results in 3 fewer lots (lot size and mix assumed constant) and grading becomes 3:1 after 10’ shoulder off road. Additional planting may be required to screen steep slopes and BMPs new visibility from road. 2:1 Dam slopes are retained and consistent with approved plan. West wet pond increase of 0.28 acres resulted in 3 fewer lots. The 30’ of fall to wet pond is consistent with approved plan. 45 S I N G L E FA M I LY RESIDENTIAL C A S E STUDY #4 P CCC A SOE-WESTERN S T U DY # 7 P C C O CCEATAWBA N T R A L C ATAW BA 1 3 undisturbed OPEN SPACE UNDISTURBED OPEN SPACE ON-SITE MITIGATION The PCCO-Western Catawba plan is required to provide 17.5% of undisturbed open space. On-site mitigation is used to meet undisturbed open space requirements without major reduction in lots. In places, a 15-foot easement is placed at the rear of lots for on-site mitigation. buffers and wetlands A 35’ buffer is required for the intermittent stream to the west of the site. No increase on 100’ undisturbed buffer is required of the stream to the east of the site. 2 4 tree save Tree save totaled 5.5 AC. The tree save is a slight increase compared with Existing Regulations. The increase is due to grading changes and 35’ undisturbed intermittent stream buffer. 46 City of Charlotte Cost Analysis lot mix 68’ LOTS 55’ LOTS For consistency with the approved plan, the PCCO-Western Catawba plan consists of two lot sizes: 68’ lots and 55’ lots. The same lot sizes and mix were assumed. S I N G L E FA M I LY RESIDENTIAL C A S E S T U DY # 4 P CCC OE- W TE RN AS S TE US DY #7 PC C O CCEATAW N T R A L BA C ATAW BA DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY p ZONING: MX-1 p SITE ACREAGE: 51.9 p 55’ LOTS: 100 p 68’ LOTS: 62 p T O TA L L O T S : 1 6 2 p DUA*: 3.10 p PUBLIC STREETS (LF): 7,780.3 LF p P E R C E N T I M P E RV I O U S : 4 4 % p O P E N S PA C E R E Q U I R E D * ( A C ) : 5 . 2 ( 1 0 % ) p O P E N S PA C E P R O V I D E D ( A C ) : 1 3 . 1 ( 2 5 . 2 % ) p T R E E S AV E R E Q U I R E D * ( A C ) : 5 . 2 ( 1 0 % ) p T R E E S AV E P R O V I D E D ( A C ) : 5 . 5 ( 1 0 . 6 % ) p UNDISTURBED OPEN SPACE REQUIRED* (AC): 9.08(17.5%) p UNDISTURBED OPEN SPACE PROVIDED (AC): 4.8 (9.5%) p M I T I G AT E D U N D I S T U R B E D O P E N S PA C E ( A C ) : 6 . 3 5 p BMP - WET PONDS: 79,100 SF p OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS: N/A COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY p A L L O WA N C E S : $ 3 7 , 8 4 0 . 0 0 p SITE GRADING: $1,525,062.50 p PAV I N G : $ 1 , 3 2 3 , 6 5 9 . 3 3 p STORM DRAINAGE: $1,552,669.67 p WET DETENTION PONDS: $108,277.80 p PRE DEVELOPMENT EROSION CONTROL: $109,827.25 p POST DEVELOPMENT EROSION C O N T R O L : $ 1 3 9 , 5 6 0 . 2 5 p L A N D S C A P I N G AT E N T RY: $ 5 , 6 1 2 . 0 0 p WAT E R & S A N I TA RY S E W E R : $ 1 , 7 4 4 , 9 8 1 . 5 3 p O P E N S PA C E M I T I G AT I O N : $ 1 1 6 , 1 1 7 . 1 0 p LITTORAL SHELF PLANTING: $44,450.00 p T O TA L : $ 6 , 7 0 8 , 0 5 7 . 4 3 NOTES Total number of lots is reduced in PCCO-Western plan as wet ponds increase in size. The 35’ undisturbed buffer to the west of the site also plays a role in loss of lots. On-site mitigation is used along the rear of lots to satisfy the undisturbed open space requirements. The PCCO-Western plan and PCCO-Central plan have very similar requirements therefore, construction cost and project yield are very similar. * See Appendix for definitions. 47 S I N G L E FA M I LY RESIDENTIAL C A S E STUDY #4 P CCC A SOE-WESTERN S T U DY # 7 P C C O CCEATAWBA N T R A L C ATAW BA 1 street section Urban Street Design Guidelines medium residential street section is applied to the PCCO-Western Catawba case study. 2 55’ lot typical Lot types with dimensions and setbacks remain constant throughout single family case studies, for comparative purposes. Changes in dimensions or mix of lot sizes would yield different results. 3 68’ lot typical usdg - medium residential street section Note: USDG will allow for a 50’ R.O.W. should there be a sidewalk easement provided for public sidewalks. This R.O.W. dimension was not utilized with this analysis as additional project density would not be realized. . 48 City of Charlotte Cost Analysis Lot types with dimensions and setbacks remain constant throughout single family case studies, or comparative purposes. Changes in dimensions or mix of lot sizes would yield different results. S I N G L E FA M I LY RESIDENTIAL C A S E S T U DY # 4 P CCC OE- W TE RN AS S TE US DY #7 PC C O CCEATAW N T R A L BA C ATAW BA 4 GRADING PLAN East wet pond increase in size results in 3 fewer lots (lot size and mix assumed constant) and grading becomes 3:1 after 10’ shoulder off road. Additional planting may be required to screen steep slopes and BMPs new visibility from road. 2:1 Dam slopes are retained and consistent with Existing Regulations. West wet pond increase of 0.28 acres resulted in 3 fewer lots. The 30’ of fall to wet pond is consistent with Existing Regulations. 49 S I N G L E FA M I LY RESIDENTIAL CASE STUDY #5 C A S E S T U DY # 7 PCCO-YADKIN P C C O C E N T R A L C ATAW BA 1 undisturbed OPEN SPACE UNDISTURBED OPEN SPACE ON-SITE MITIGATION The PCCO-Yadkin plan is required to provide 17.5% of undisturbed open space. Although the PCCO-Yadkin plan provides the most undisturbed open space of any plan, on-site mitigation is used to meet undisturbed open space requirements without major reduction in lots. In a few places, a 15-foot easement is placed at the rear of lots for on-site mitigation. 2 tree save The increased undisturbed buffers resulted in over an acre or more of tree save provided due to increased amount of land that could not be disturbed. Total tree save provided is 6.4 acres. 50 City of Charlotte Cost Analysis 3 buffers and wetlands The PCCO-Yadkin watershed requires a 100’ undisturbed buffer on all streams. The 100’ undisturbed buffer is a 65’ buffer increase from PCCO-Central and Western watersheds. 4 lot mix For consistency with the approved plan the PCCOYadkin plan consists of two lot types: 68’ lots and 55’ lots. The same lot sizes and mix were assumed. S I N G L E FA M I LY RESIDENTIAL CASE STUDY #5 C A S E S T U DY # 7 PCCO-YADKIN PC C O C E N T R A L C ATAW BA DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY p ZONING: MX-1 p SITE ACREAGE: 51.9 p 55’ LOTS: 94 p 68’ LOTS: 62 p T O TA L L O T S : 1 5 6 p DUA*: 3.0 p PUBLIC STREETS (LF): 7,780.3 LF p P E R C E N T I M P E RV I O U S : 4 3 % p O P E N S PA C E R E Q U I R E D * ( A C ) : 5 . 2 ( 1 0 % ) p O P E N S PA C E P R O V I D E D ( A C ) : 1 3 . 9 ( 2 6 . 8 % ) p T R E E S AV E R E Q U I R E D * ( A C ) : 5 . 2 ( 1 0 % ) p T R E E S AV E P R O V I D E D ( A C ) : 6 . 4 ( 1 2 . 3 % ) p UNDISTURBED OPEN SPACE REQUIRED* (AC): 9.08 (17.5%) p UNDISTURBED OPEN SPACE PROVIDED (AC): 5.78 (11.1%) p M I T I G AT E D U N D I S T U R B E D O P E N S PA C E ( A C ) : 4 . 3 p BMP - WET PONDS: 79,300 SF p OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS: N/A COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY p A L L O WA N C E S : $ 3 7 , 8 4 0 . 0 0 p SITE GRADING: $1,523,505.00 p PAV I N G : $ 1 , 3 2 3 , 6 5 9 . 3 3 p STORM DRAINAGE: $1,564,628.69 p WET DETENTION PONDS: $101,355.96 p PRE DEVELOPMENT EROSION CONTROL: $109,827.25 p POST DEVELOPMENT EROSION CONTROL: $139,560.25 p L A N D S C A P I N G AT E N T RY: $ 5 , 6 1 2 . 0 0 p O P E N S PA C E M I T I G AT I O N : $ 7 8 , 6 1 8 . 3 0 p WAT E R & S A N I TA RY S E W E R : $ 1 , 6 7 9 , 9 5 1 . 1 7 p LITTORAL SHELF PLANTING: $43,575.00 p T O TA L : $ 6 , 6 0 8 , 1 3 2 . 9 4 NOTES Total number of lots is reduced in PCCO-Yadkin plan due to 100’ undisturbed buffer to the west of the site. Water quality requirements are similar to PCCO-Central and Western therefore wet pond size is similar. On-site mitigation is used along the rear of a few lots to satisfy the undisturbed open space requirements. * See Appendix for definitions. 51 S I N G L E FA M I LY RESIDENTIAL CASE STUDY #5 C A S E S T U DY # 7 PCCO-YADKIN P C C O C E N T R A L C ATAW BA 1 street section Urban Street Design Guidelines medium residential street section is applied to the PCCO-Yadkin case study. 2 55’ lot typical Lot types with dimensions and setbacks remain constant throughout single family case studies, for comparative purposes. Changes in dimensions or mix of lot sizes would yield different results. 3 68’ lot typical usdg - medium residential street section Note: USDG will allow for a 50’ R.O.W. should there be a sidewalk easement provided for public sidewalks. This R.O.W. dimension was not utilized with this analysis as additional project density would not be realized. . 52 City of Charlotte Cost Analysis Lot types with dimensions and setbacks remain constant throughout single family case studies, or comparative purposes. Changes in dimensions or mix of lot sizes would yield different results. S I N G L E FA M I LY RESIDENTIAL CASE STUDY #5 C A S E S T U DY # 7 PCCO-YADKIN PC C O C E N T R A L C ATAW BA 4 GRADING PLAN East wet pond increase in size results in a reduction of 3 lots (lot size and mix assumed consistent) and grading becomes 3:1 after 10’ shoulder off road. Additional planting may be required to screen steep slopes and BMP s new visibility from road. 2:1 Dam slopes are retained and consistent with approved plan. West wet pond does not increase compared with PCCO-Central and PCCO-Western but in combination with undisturbed buffer results in 9 fewer lots. The 30’ of fall to wet pond is consistent with Existing Regulations. 53 54 City of Charlotte Cost Analysis