CAS E S T U DIES 3 S I N G L E FA M I LY R E S I D E N T I A L U R BA N I N F I L L M U LT I - FA M I LY R E S I D E N T I A L C O M M E RC I A L S I N G L E FA M I LY RESIDENTIAL SHEET CFACT ASE ST U DY # 7 P C C O C E N T R A L C ATAW BA 20 City of Charlotte Cost Analysis C AS E S TUD I ES SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL OV E RV I E W FAC T S H E E T C OS T S U M M A RY E S T I M AT E EXISTING CONDITIONS E X I S T I N G R E G U L AT I O N S C A S E S T U DY # 1 U S D G C A S E S T U DY # 2 M I N I M U M P E R M I T R E QU I R E M E N T S C A S E S T U DY # 3 P C C O - C E N T R A L C ATAW BA C A S E S T U DY # 4 P C C O - W E S T E R N C ATAW BA C A S E S T U DY # 5 P C C O - YA D K I N 22 City of Charlotte Cost Analysis S I N G L E FA M I LY RESIDENTIAL C AOVERVIEW S E S T U DY # 7 PC C O C E N T R A L C ATAW BA The project example for the single-family residential program is an approximately project edges are provided to meet S.W.I.M., watershed and other requirements. 50-acre site located within the Lower Lake Wylie watershed overlay district. It With the USDG analysis, the street pattern was changed to meet block size is a wooded site with small pockets of isolated wetlands along a jurisdictional and connectivity requirements. No additional storm water restrictions were drainage feature along one boundary, and floodway limits and additional wetlands imposed. Once the USDG were addressed, additional storm water controls were along another. The approved project is part of a larger re-zoned master planned incorporated with each subsequent design analysis, ranging from minimum community with shared design elements, but was analyzed as a stand alone parcel permit requirements to the more protective controls associated with the Yadkin- for the purposes of this study. The project site was rezoned to an MX-1 zoning from Southeast Catawba section of the PCCO. Each analysis carried with it the an R-3 zoning classification. The program for the approved project is a slab-on- appropriate controls, including storm water detention and runoff volume grade, single family residential product that requires mass grading of the site. For controls, water quality controls, including 85% TSS and 70% TP removal comparative purposes, this program will be continued with each design analysis. efficiency criteria, as well as corresponding buffers and undisturbed open The land cost for this site was approximately $2.6 million. space requirements. Infrastructure costs associated with these design tiers ranged from $6.44 million for the current approved plan to $6.75 million for This project example was redesigned for each design tier being analyzed with the USDG design tier. the Cost Analysis project, while keeping most of the approved development assumptions constant. Namely the approved plan for the single-family development Wet detention ponds were incorporated with each design as this BMP could was redesigned to incorporate the USDG, Minimum Permit Requirements and the effectively meet TSS, TP, detention and volume control requirements. Changes Central Catawba, Western Catawba and the Yadkin-Southeast Catawba Districts to the street and lot layout were necessary to capture increasing open space and of the PCCO. The elements incorporated into the project as part of the USDG buffer thresholds. As much as possible, open space was mitigated for on-site to were brought forth with subsequent phases of design analyses. Cost estimates are maximize lot yield, including platting, mitigated undisturbed open space at rear carried forward with each design tier analyzed. yards on private lots. Site grading remained fairly consistent, and actually tended to decrease due to the requirement of undisturbed open space. In summary, the existing project was developed to meet the current requirements of the subdivision ordinance, the detention ordinance and the requirements Staff reviewed the project development in relation to the draft Environmental of the Lower Lake Wylie watershed overlay district. The project includes wet Chapter of the City of Charlotte’s General Development Policies (GDP-E). The detention ponds, designed to NCDENR standards, as well as provide storm application of the USDG and the combination of undisturbed open space, water detention for peak flows associated with the 2-year and 10-year design mitigated open space and water quality protection provided by the PCCO would storm events. Open space is provided to current standards and buffers, and serve to meet the intent of the GDP-E. 23 S I N G L E FA M I LY RESIDENTIAL SHEET CFACT ASE ST U DY # 7 P C C O C E N T R A L C ATAW BA DESIGN CRITERIA E X I S T I N G R E G U L AT I O N S USDG MIN PERMIT REQUIREMENTS PCCO - CENTRAL PCCO - WESTERN P C C O - YA D K I N B L O C K FA C E L E N G T H ( P R E F E R R E D ) (AS APPROVED) 500’-600’ 500’-600’ 500’-600’ 500’-600’ 500’-600’ S I N G L E B L O C K FA C E L E N G T H ( M A X ) (AS APPROVED) 800’ 800’ 800’ 800’ 800’ N/A 2,800’ 2,800’ 2,800’ 2,800’ 2,800’ EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS (AS APPROVED) =BLOCK LENGTH =BLOCK LENGTH =BLOCK LENGTH =BLOCK LENGTH =BLOCK LENGTH CREEK CROSSINGS (AS APPROVED) EVERY 1,300’ (APPROX) EVERY 1,300’ (APPROX) EVERY 1,300’ (APPROX) EVERY 1,300’ (APPROX) EVERY 1,300’ (APPROX) U N D I S T U R B E D O P E N S PA C E * NOT REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED 17.5% 17.5% 17.5% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% S W I M / WAT E R S H E D SWIM / WATERSHED SWIM / WATERSHED PCCO PCCO PCCO X X X X X X X X ELEMENTS MAXIMUM BLOCK PERIMETER T R E E S AV E * BUFFERS 8 5 % T S S * R E M O VA L 7 0 % T P * R E M O VA L DETENTION VOLUME CONTROL * See Appendix for definitions. 24 City of Charlotte Cost Analysis X X X X X X X X X X S I N G L E FA M I LY RESIDENTIAL SHEET CFACT ASE ST U DY # 7 PC C O C E N T R A L C ATAW BA DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY EXISTING R E G U L AT I O N S USDG MIN PERMIT REQUIREMENTS PCCO - CENTRAL PCCO - WESTERN P C C O - YA D K I N ZONING MX-1 MX-1 MX-1 MX-1 MX-1 MX-1 SITE ACREAGE 51.9 51.9 51.9 51.9 51.9 51.9 55’ Lots 107 105 105 100 100 94 68’ Lots 64 63 63 62 62 62 LOTS (#) 171 168 168 162 162 156 3.29 DUA 3.24 DUA 3.24 DUA 3.10 DUA 3.10 DUA 3.00 DUA 7,247.3 LF 7,921.0 LF 7,921.0 LF 7,780.3 LF 7,780.3 LF 7,780.3 LF 44% 44% 44% 44% 44% 43% O P E N S PA C E R E Q U I R E D * * 5.2 AC (10%) 5.2 AC (10%) 5.2 AC (10%) 5.2 AC (10%) 5.2 AC (10%) 5.2 AC (10%) O P E N S PA C E P R O V I D E D 9.9 AC (19%) 10.5 AC (20.3%) 10.5 AC (20.3%) 13.1 AC (25.2%) 13.1 AC (25.2%) 13.9 AC (26.8%) T R E E S AV E A R E A R E Q U I R E D * * 5.2 AC (10%) 5.2 AC (10%) 5.2 AC (10%) 5.2 AC (10%) 5.2 AC (10%) 5.2 AC (10%) T R E E S AV E A R E A P R O V I D E D 6 AC (11.5%) 5.2 AC (10%) 5.2 AC (10%) 5.5 AC (10.6%) 5.5 AC (10.6%) 6.4 AC (12.3%) NOT REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED 9.08 AC (17.5%) 9.08 AC (17.5%) 9.08 AC (17.5%) U N D I S T U R B E D O P E N S PA C E P R O V I D E D 5 AC (9.6%) 4.75 AC (9.1%) 4.75 AC (9.1%) 4.8 AC (9.5%) 4.8 AC (9.5%) 5.78 AC (11.1%) M I T I G AT E D U N D I S T U R B E D O P E N S PA C E NOT REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED 6.35 AC 6.35 AC 4.3 AC 40,500 SF 40,500 SF 40,500 SF 79,100 SF 79,100 SF 79,300 SF N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ELEMENTS DWELLING UNIT PER ACRE (DUA)** PUBLIC STREETS (LINEAR FEET) % I M P E RV I O U S U N D I S T U R B E D O P E N S PA C E R E Q U I R E D * * BMP** WET POND OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS * All site design elements are applied as required to meet conditions of draft ordinances/policies based on specific conditions of site and in some cases, the original development plan. Some elements and results would change with changing site conditions or slight variations in the development plan. Items specific to the approved plan were, where possible, held constant or varied only slightly to meet draft policies. ** See Appendix for definitions. 25 26 City of Charlotte Cost Analysis S I N G L E FA M I LY RESIDENTIAL COST ESTIMATE C ASUMMARY S E S T U DY # 7 PC C O C E N T R A L C ATAW BA COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY EXISTING R E G U L AT I O N S USDG MIN PERMIT REQUIREMENTS PCCO - CENTRAL PCCO - WESTERN P C C O - YA D K I N MX-1 MX-1 MX-1 MX-1 MX-1 MX-1 171 168 168 162 162 156 $37,840.00 $37,840.00 $37,840.00 $37,840.00 $37,840.00 $37,840.00 SITE GRADING $1,591,125.00 $1,599,835.00 $1,599,835.00 $1,525,062.50 $1,525,062.50 $1,523,505.00 PAV I N G $1,089,285.85 $1,347,596.56 $1,347,596.56 $1,323,659.33 $1,323,659.33 $1,323,659.33 STORM DRAINAGE $1,485,126.66 $1,540,093.28 $1,540,093.28 $1,552,669.67 $1,552,669.67 $1,564,628.69 WET DETENTION PONDS $100,914.01 $120,806.73 $120,806.73 $108,277.80 $108,277.80 $101,355.96 PRE DEVELOPMENT EROSION CONTROL $109,827.25 $109,827.25 $109,827.25 $109,827.25 $109,827.25 $109,827.25 POST DEVELOPMENT EROSION CONTROL $139,560.25 $139,560.25 $139,560.25 $139,560.25 $139,560.25 $139,560.25 $5,612.00 $5,612.00 $5,612.00 $5,612.00 $5,612.00 $5,612.00 $1,853,365.48 $1,820,850.30 $1,820,850.30 $1,744,981.53 $1,744,981.53 $1,679,951.17 N/R N/R N/R $116,117.10 $116,117.10 $78,618.30 $26,425.00 $26,425.00 $26,425.00 $44,450.00 $44,450.00 $43,575.00 $6,439,081.50 $6,748,446.37 $6,748,446.37 $6,708,057.43 $6,708,057.43 $6,608,132.94 ELEMENTS LOT YIELD A L L O WA N C E S L A N D S C A P I N G AT E N T RY WAT E R & S A N I TA RY S E W E R O P E N S PA C E M I T I G AT I O N LITTORAL SHELF PLANTING T O TA L * All site design elements are applied as required to meet conditions of draft ordinances/policies based on specific conditions of site and in some cases, the original development plan. Some elements and results would change with changing site conditions or slight variations in the development plan. Items specific to the approved plan were, where possible, held constant or varied only slightly to meet draft policies. ** See Appendix for definitions. * * * We t d e t e n t i o n p o n d c o s t d o e s n o t i n c l u d e g r a d i n g 27 S I N G L E FA M I LY RESIDENTIAL EXISTING C A S E S T U DY # 7 CONDITIONS P C C O C E N T R A L C ATAW BA 1 3 CONTEXT MAP BUFFERS AND WETLANDS The site is one phase of a single family master plan development. The site is located near Lake Wylie, but will be studied in each tier of watershed stipulation. The site was studied as a stand alone, infill development for the purposes of this study. 2 EXISTING TREES Over 90% of the existing site was covered with trees. 28 City of Charlotte Cost Analysis A jurisdictional stream runs along the east of the property with pocket wetlands. An intermittent stream borders the west portion of the site. The intermittent stream did not have a buffer requirement under existing zoning. 4 SLOPE ANALYSIS 0-5% 5-10% 10+% 32 % of the existing topography has a slope of 10% or greater. 38% of the site has slopes within the 5-10% and 30% of the site has slopes less than 5%. A portion of the 0-5% slopes are located in the floodplain and wetland area. S I N G L E FA M I LY RESIDENTIAL EXISTING C A S E S T U DY # 7 CONDITIONS PC C O C E N T R A L C ATAW BA DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY p ZONING: MX-1 p SITE ACREAGE: 51.9 p 55’ LOTS: 0 p 68’ LOTS: 0 p T O TA L L O T S : 0 p DUA: 0 p PUBLIC STREETS (LF): 0 p P E R C E N T I M P E RV I O U S : 0 p O P E N S PA C E R E Q U I R E D ( A C ) : 0 p O P E N S PA C E P R O V I D E D ( A C ) : 0 p T R E E S AV E R E Q U I R E D ( A C ) : 0 p T R E E S AV E P R O V I D E D ( A C ) : 0 p U N D I S T U R B E D O P E N S PA C E R E Q U I R E D ( A C ) : 0 p U N D I S T U R B E D O P E N S PA C E P R O V I D E D ( A C ) : 0 p M I T I G AT E D U N D I S T U R B E D O P E N S PA C E ( A C ) : 0 p BMP - WET PONDS: 0 p OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS: 0 COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY p N/A p N/A p N/A p N/A p N/A p N/A p N/A p N/A p N/A p N/A NOTES This parcel is part of a master planned community of a larger assembled tract of land. Many development requirements were met as part of the master planned project, but, for the purposes of this analysis, this tract was analyzed as a stand-alone site. 29 S I N G L E FA M I LY RESIDENTIAL EXISTING C A S E S T U DY # 7 REGULATIONS P C C O C E N T R A L C ATAW BA 1 3 Undisturbed open space is not required under existing zoning. The approved plan is required to provide 10% open space, but the open space does not need to be undisturbed. The approved plan provided 5 acres (9.6%) of undisturbed open space. A 100-foot undisturbed buffer is required on the stream on the eastern property boundary. No buffer is required on the intermittent stream on the western property boundary. Wetland buffers were provided per 404 permit standard conditions. buffers and wetlands undisturbed OPEN SPACE 2 tree save Existing zoning is required to provide 10% tree save. The approved plan provided slightly more than the required 10% tree save. 30 City of Charlotte Cost Analysis 68’ LOTS 55’ LOTS 4 lot mix Approved plan consists of two lot sizes: 68’ lots and 55’ lots. S I N G L E FA M I LY RESIDENTIAL EXISTING C A S E S T U DY # 7 REGULATIONS PC C O C E N T R A L C ATAW BA DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY p ZONING: MX-1 p SITE ACREAGE: 51.9 p 55’ LOTS: 107 p 68’ LOTS: 64 p T O TA L L O T S : 1 7 1 p DUA*: 3.29 p PUBLIC STREETS (LF): 7,247.3 LF p P E R C E N T I M P E RV I O U S : 4 4 % p O P E N S PA C E R E Q U I R E D * ( A C ) : 5 . 2 A C ( 1 0 % ) p O P E N S PA C E P R O V I D E D ( A C ) : 9 . 9 A C ( 1 9 % ) p T R E E S AV E R E Q U I R E D * ( A C ) : 5 . 2 A C ( 1 0 % ) p T R E E S AV E P R O V I D E D ( A C ) : 6 A C ( 1 1 . 5 % ) p U N D I S T U R B E D O P E N S PA C E R E Q U I R E D ( A C ) : N / R p UNDISTURBED OPEN SPACE PROVIDED* (AC): 5 AC (9.6%) p M I T I G AT E D U N D I S T U R B E D O P E N S PA C E ( A C ) : N / R p BMP - WET PONDS: 40,500 SF p OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS: N/R COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY p A L L O WA N C E S : $ 3 7 , 8 4 0 . 0 0 p SITE GRADING: $1,591,125.00 p PAV I N G : $ 1 , 0 8 9 , 2 8 5 . 8 5 p STORM DRAINAGE: $1,485,126.66 p WET DETENTION PONDS: $100,914.00 p PRE DEVELOPMENT EROSION CONTROL: $109,827.25 p POST DEVELOPMENT EROSION CONTROL: $139,560.25 p L A N D S C A P I N G AT E N T RY: $ 5 , 6 1 2 . 0 0 p WAT E R & S A N I TA RY S E W E R : $ 1 , 8 5 3 , 3 6 5 . 4 8 p O P E N S PA C E M I T I G AT I O N : N / R p LITTORAL SHELF PLANTING: $26,425.00 p T O TA L : $ 6 , 4 3 9 , 0 8 1 . 5 0 NOTES The approved plan provided 171 lots at a DUA of 3.29. The approved plan was developed maximizing developable area. Open space provided was a product of tree save, detention and buffer requirements. * See Appendix for definitions. 31 S I N G L E FA M I LY RESIDENTIAL EXISTING C A S E S T U DY # 7 REGULATIONS P C C O C E N T R A L C ATAW BA 1 street sections Approved plan used two different street sections: Local limited residential and local residential. 2 55’ lot typical 40’ local limited residential r.o.w. street section Lot types with dimensions and setbacks remain constant throughout single family case studies. 3 68’ lot typical Lot types with dimensions and setbacks remain constant throughout single family case studies. 45’ local residential r.o.w. street section 32 City of Charlotte Cost Analysis S I N G L E FA M I LY RESIDENTIAL EXISTING C A S E S T U DY # 7 REGULATIONS PC C O C E N T R A L C ATAW BA 4 GRADING PLAN The project was cleared and mass-graded to meet the builder’s design of slab-on-grade home product to minimum lot dimension. 33