Dr. Terry Parker Provost and Executive Vice President June 28, 2013 To: Colorado School of Mines Faculty and Staff From: Terry Parker, Provost Re: Strategic Planning As one of the many initial steps in the strategic planning process, the Strategic Planning Working Group used the input from the campus forums in order to produce draft statements of: 1) Mission, Vision, Values: these statements are intended to capture what we do, what we want to be, and the value system that is at the heart of all of the activity for the campus. 2) Goals and Strategies: These statements are the first start at formulating the overarching goals for a strategic plan and are based on the input from the strategic planning forums. 3) Institutional Initiatives: There were numerous inputs from the forums that indicated more “tactical” issues with the campus. The inputs have been collected into overall themes with a goal of defining a small number of operational initiatives to help improve overall campus operations. Results from the Strategic Planning working group are included in the following pages. Our first goal in the strategic planning process will be to finalize the statements of Mission, Vision, and Values. 1500 Illinois Street Golden, CO 80401 MINES.EDU T 303-273-3320 F 303-273-3040 Dr. Terry Parker Provost and Executive Vice President June 28, 2013 Dear Mines Community: As promised at the end of the spring semester, we are providing the campus with an update to the strategic planning effort that has been underway since mid spring. At this time, we want to share with the campus the current results of this effort. These results are: Draft statements that capture the Mission, Vision, and Values that are at the heart of the Mines experience. Draft Institutional Goals and Objectives. Draft Operational Initiatives that come from the campus forum inputs. In addition, we have captured the range of input from the campus on a Blackboard site and encourage the campus community to use the Blackboard site as a way of familiarizing yourselves with the campus input which we have received. This Blackboard site is open to all faculty and staff members and can be found by logging in to Blackboard and selecting “Mines.perm: SPWG: Strategic Planning” in the “My Courses” section of Blackboard. Those who need login assistance can find help materials at http://inside.mines.edu/faq054. For your convenience, we have captured the initial results of the strategic planning exercise in a single a document which is attached to this email (it is also available on the Blackboard site). As you navigate the Blackboard site, note that the “index” to the site will help you find the progression of documents that describe the overall planning process. An upcoming goal for the planning process is to finalize the statements of Mission, Vision, and Values. These statements are intended to capture what we do, who we want to be, and the value system that underpins all of our activity. Please pay particular attention to these statements and ask the question: “Do these statements miss something significant?” Please send comments to planning@mines.edu; results of these emails will be considered by our strategic planning external consultants. Finally, as we enter the month of July, I encourage the campus to take a breath and enjoy the remainder of the summer. In seven short weeks, we will open the doors on a new academic year and will find ourselves once again busy with classes and research. As always, I want to thank the faculty and staff for all that they do for Mines. All the Best! M. W. Scoggins, President T. E. Parker, Provost Dr. Terry Parker Provost and Executive Vice President Draft statements for Mission, Vision, Values As you well know, a part of the strategic planning process is generating statements that cogently and tersely describe the institution, its aspirations, and its core values. We have chosen a traditional construct of statements for each of Mission, Vision, and Values. These statements are drafted as a single short declarative statement followed by a few sentence elaboration on the phrase. The basis for the Mission, Vision, and Values statements are: the statutory mission, the vision statement from the 2004 strategic plan, elaboration on the campus mission within the campus bulletin, the profile of a Colorado School of Mines graduate, notes on the academic environment from the undergraduate catalog, the notes on Institutional Values and Principles from the Graduate Bulletin, and finally, the student honor code. Mission: Science and engineering education and research that confronts the 21 st century challenge of Earth, Energy, and Environmental sustainability. Elaboration on the Mission: The Colorado School of Mines educates students and professionals, and creates knowledge through research, to address the quest for a high quality of life for the world’s growing population. Mines embraces the applied sciences, engineering, and associated fields related to the discovery and recovery of the Earth’s resources, the conversion of resources to materials and energy, technologies that support the biosciences, and the economic and social systems necessary for a sustainable global society. Mines empowers its faculty, students, and staff to achieve excellence in its academic programs that align with the needs of our industrial, governmental and academic constituents, in its research in the Earth, Energy and Environmental domains, and in its application of knowledge for the development of new technology. Vision: Mines will be the premier institution, based on the impact of its graduates and research programs, in science and engineering relating to the Earth, Energy and Environment. Elaboration on the Vision: The Colorado School of Mines is a world-class institution, continually enhancing its leadership in knowledge creation, education, services and solutions that serve varied national and international constituencies – individual and corporate, public and private – comprehensively, and especially our expertise areas in engineering and applied science related to Earth, Energy, and Environment. Mines belongs in the top tier of educational institutions focused on stewardship of the earth, development of materials, and technology innovation surrounding the biosciences. Values: A student centered institution focused on education that promotes integrity, passion for their chosen field, tenacity and perseverance, and responsibility for developing a better world. Elaboration on Values: Students are at the core of the Mines mission and we actively promote ethical and responsible behaviors as a part of all aspects of campus life. The Mines student leaves the institution with a strong sense of integrity, demonstrated ability to get a job done, passion to achieve goals, and a developed sense of responsibility to promote positive change in the world. 1500 Illinois Street Golden, CO 80401 MINES.EDU T 303-273-3320 F 303-273-3040 Dr. Terry Parker Provost and Executive Vice President Draft Goals and Strategies Statement The following pages provide a first draft set of Goals and Strategies developed by a small working group that are based on the group's interpretation of community input received via the Strategic Planning Forums held in early April. In reviewing this draft, there are several considerations to keep in mind: 1. The usage of “Goals” and “Strategies” in this document is based on an example Strategic Plan from Georgia Tech. Obviously, the exact language may need to change so that our various constituencies – both internal and external – may consistently refer to specific items in the final Strategic Plan document in a way that is obvious to all. 2. Ultimately, the “Goals” need to tie directly to our “Mission, Vision and Value Statement”. As this statement is being concurrently developed by another working group, specifics of these recommendations may need to be changed so that they are consistent with the final Mission statement. 3. The statement developed explicitly includes blank “Action Tables” underneath each Strategy. The working group felt that it was important to convey to the various constituencies reviewing this draft that ultimately we need to develop a prioritize list of specific action items, and success metrics, that would support each of the more defined “Strategies”. 4. Finally, as this draft statement was developed by a small group of individuals, this needs to be vetted by a much broader community including the Board of Trustees and our various internal and external constituencies. We look forward to engaging in this discussion with the BOT and our constituencies. Goal 1: Enhance the distinctive identity and reputation of Mines. Strategy 1: Embrace, and develop systemically-implemented pedagogical excellence and innovation. Activity Prioritized Tactical Activities Responsibility Completion Date Success Metric 1 2 3 Strategy 2: Promote efforts to maintain and effectively market Mines' tradition as a small, elite institution focusing on science and technology. Activity Prioritized Tactical Activities Responsibility Completion Date Success Metric 1 2 3 Strategy 3: Excel in selected science and technology research areas and graduate education associated with these. Activity Prioritized Tactical Activities Responsibility Completion Date Success Metric 1 2 3 1500 Illinois Street Golden, CO 80401 MINES.EDU T 303-273-3320 F 303-273-3040 Dr. Terry Parker Provost and Executive Vice President Strategy 4: Enhance the stature, reputation and credentials of Mines faculty, students and staff. Activity Prioritized Tactical Activities Responsibility Completion Date Success Metric 1 2 3 Goal 2: Develop and support campus infrastructure and processes such that they match Mines' aspirations to become a top-tier S&T institution. Strategy 1: Develop and support administrative processes that promote institutional efficiency and effectiveness. Activity Prioritized Tactical Activities Responsibility Completion Date Success Metric 1 2 3 Strategy 2: Upgrade and enhance instructional infrastructure and support services. Activity Prioritized Tactical Activities Responsibility Completion Date Success Metric 1 2 3 Strategy 3: Upgrade and enhance research infrastructure and the usage practices of this infrastructure that insure its effective and efficient use. Activity Prioritized Tactical Activities Responsibility Completion Date Success Metric 1 2 3 Strategy 4: Develop infrastructure that supports enhancement of the overall student experience for both undergraduate and graduate students. Activity Prioritized Tactical Activities Responsibility Completion Date Success Metric 1 2 3 1500 Illinois Street Golden, CO 80401 MINES.EDU T 303-273-3320 F 303-273-3040 Dr. Terry Parker Provost and Executive Vice President Goal 3: Build and diversify revenue streams and auxiliary enterprises. Strategy 1: Continue to build institutional support and infrastructure development through Foundation activities. Activity Prioritized Tactical Activities Responsibility Completion Date Success Metric 1 2 3 Strategy 2: Establish new auxiliary enterprises that enhance the reputation, global reach and financial security of Mines. Activity Prioritized Tactical Activities Responsibility Completion Date Success Metric 1 2 3 Goal 4: Build upon a campus culture of excellence, inclusion, diversity and community. Strategy 1: Continue development of residential campus components and programs. Activity Prioritized Tactical Activities Responsibility Completion Date Success Metric 1 2 3 Strategy 2: Further the diversity of Mines' faculty, students and staff. Activity Prioritized Tactical Activities Responsibility Completion Date Success Metric 1 2 3 Strategy 3: Further opportunities for, and engagement by faculty, students and staff in strategic and operational processes. Activity Prioritized Tactical Activities Responsibility Completion Date Success Metric 1 2 3 Strategy 4: Further a sustainable culture of transparency, open communication and inclusion in decisionmaking processes. Activity Prioritized Tactical Activities Responsibility Completion Date Success Metric 1 2 3 1500 Illinois Street Golden, CO 80401 MINES.EDU T 303-273-3320 F 303-273-3040 Dr. Terry Parker Provost and Executive Vice President Operational Initiatives to Address Concerns Expressed in Strategic Planning Forums Some of issues identified during the strategic planning forums point to concerns regarding campus operations. We believe these could be addressed more immediately instead of waiting to the completion of the strategic plan. A strategic planning committee sub-group met to discuss these comments and recommends that initiatives be pursued to seek solutions to the following: 1) Improve campus communications. 2) Steam-line business processes, especially the requirements for forms, approval, and signatures. The effort would take a hard look at these processes by asking “Who, What, and Why” for each. 3) Develop budget reports and information for department operations and research grants that are user friendly, timely, and informative. The sub-group recommends forming cross-functional teams for each initiative. The team members should include faculty and staff, and include impacted offices and users. 1500 Illinois Street Golden, CO 80401 MINES.EDU T 303-273-3320 F 303-273-3040 Dr. Terry Parker Provost and Executive Vice President June 26, 2013 To: M. W. Scoggins, President From: Terry Parker, Provost Re: Strategic Planning Working Group As we continue the strategic planning process, we need to formalize the “working group” that is responsible for synthesizing input into an overall plan. We have a group that has operated in this capacity that draws from the various constituencies across the campus in order to provide a balance of input. With the departure of Joe Trubacz and the addition of Kirsten Volpi, membership in the group will change slightly. The group members are: Heather Boyd, Tom Boyd, Tony Dean, Dan Fox, Ramona Graves, Peter Han, Nigel Middleton, John McCray, Kevin Moore, Vicki Nichol, Terry Parker, John Poate, Dendy Sloan, John Spear, Kirsten Volpi. This group includes significant representation from Academic Affairs, Finance and Administration, the President’s Office, and Student Life. The working group has taken as its first task the development of three documents that capture input from the campus and help us move the strategic plan forward. These efforts will be performed by subgroups and are: 1. Generate draft statements of Mission, Vision, and Values. Subgroup is D. Fox, R. Graves, N. Middleton, T. Parker, J. Spear. 2. Generate an initial list of Goals and Objectives based on inputs from the Campus and Board of Trustees. Subgroup is T. Boyd, K. Moore, D. Sloan, J. Poate, K. Volpi. 3. Generate an operational initiatives based on inputs from the campus forums. Subgroup of H. Boyd, V. Nichol, A. Dean, P. Han, J. McCray. 1500 Illinois Street Golden, CO 80401 MINES.EDU T 303-273-3320 F 303-273-3040