APS-2 1-7 EXPERIMENTAL P-ARTIALLY ADAPTIVE NULLING IN A LOW SIDELOBE PHASED ARRAY Randy L. Haupt Robert A. Shore Rome Air Development Center Hanscom AFB, YA 01731 1. Introduction Recent interest in adaptive phase-only control of array element weights reflects the growth in importance of both phased arrays and adaptive processing. In a phased array, control of the element phases is already available as part of a beam steering system, and s o it is natural to attempt adaptive cancellation with phase control alone. Although a number of papers have considered phase-only adaptive nulling and null synthesis, references containing experimental results are extremely scarce, and considerably more work is needed to test the practicality of phase-only adaptive nullingin phased array antennas. 2. Antenna and Adaptive Algorithm The antenna usedi n this investigation is a low sidelobe linear array of 80 H-sectoral horn radiators. Figure 1 is the quiescent far-field pattern of the array. A Taylor amplitude t a p e r produces the low sidelobes. Phase concrol of each elemenr is accomplished withan 8-bit phase shifter. Although the antenna was not designed to be "adaptive," we were able to use it adaptively by linking the phase controls to the HP-2lMX computer in the SA-2020 computer controlled antenna measurement system and programming the computer to perform adaptive suppression. Adaptive cancellation was performed by minimizing the total array output power using the gradient search algorithm PHNEW~= PHOLD~- AP'% (1) A PH Here PHh'EWi and PHOLDi are the new and old phase shifter settings respectively for theith element at each iteration. APWRi is the changein total out ut power resulting from a change of APH in the phase of theit{ elememt keeping all other phases fixed at their old values, and u , the gradient stepsize, is 823 where The algorithm is iteratively repeated starting with a given APH until no further reductionin total output power is obtained; then APH is reduced by one bit and the procedure repeated, and s o on until APR equals one least significant bit (LSB). 3. ExperimentalResults The adaptive performanceof the antenna and gradient algorithm were tested with a variety of different partially adaptive configurations. For all cases a singleCW noise signal was located at 22" from broadside,and the initial phase shiftfor determining the gradient vector was taken to5 be LSB or 7". The results are summarizedin Table 1. All but one of the configurations were effective in placing a pattern nullof better at the location than -20 dB below the quiescent pattern value 22". The one exceptionwas a configurationwith all adaptive elements placed on one side of the array center. Figures 2 and 3 show representative adapted patterns. 4. SimulationResults was modeled on a TekThe 80 element experimental array tronix 4052 computer using measured amplitude weights from the experimental array,8 bit phase shifters, and cosine element patterns. Many adaptive element and jammer configurations were tried with successful results. Figure 4 is an example of the adapted far field pattern superimposed on the quiescent far field pattern. For this case, therewere 10 adaptive elements (elements 20-24 and 57-61)and three jammersat 5', B o , and 47.6". Adaptation lowered the sidelobe levels at the three jammer locations-21.7 dB, -31.4 dB, and -17.0 respectively. 8 24 u? U d rl Ln I- m 0 m 0 0 m 0 0 m 0 m rn 0 m 3 0 3 + 3 + 0 N 0 + + 0 0 N 0 0 3 + 0 0 9 + 5c . .3 . 0. o. .~ . c. .~ . - . z 0 a Ir, ~ rl 3 z I 0 ~ N a m 0 + ~ N I v v 0 N 0 N I I v v 3 N 0 N I v 0 0 N N I v - I I v v v 0 N 0 N I I v v 0 I I v m u3 U m m W Ln co 4 m m m I m m L1 u I 9 u? u? 9 825 m I m 0 0 0 4 4 3 N u? 0 9 N 03 9 I N 9 d o N I I I v v v m U 9 II v o .r W U ~d j N d o N U -3 3 N 0 N Ln 0 0 o N m N + N X m m -u? m m m 3 0 m N m ..I I N U 3 m m 4: 0 0 3 4 3 co r F i g u r e 2. Measured p a t t e r n of t h e a r r a y w i t h 10 a d a p t i v e e l e m e n t s (20-24 a n d 57-61)and jammer a t 22". F i g u r e 1. M e a s u r e dq u i e s c e n t p a t t e r n of t h ee x p e r i m e n t a l array. R E L A T 4 E P 0 w E R Y D B AZIMUTHANGLE I N DEGREES F i g u r e 4 . S i m u l a t e dq u i e s c e n p t att e r n (---) a n da d a p t e dp a t t e r n (-) for the array with 10 a d a p t i v e elements(20-23and57-61)and jammers a t 5",38",and47". of F i g u r e 3. M e a s u r e dp a t t e r n t h e a r r a y w i t h 4 a d a p t i v e elements(20,23,58,61)and jammer a t 22'. 826