JOINT-100.2 FRACTAL CONSTRUCTIONS OF LINEAR AND PLANAR ARRAYS Randy L. Haupt HQ USAFA/DFEE 2354 Fairchild Dr ., Suite 2F6 USAF Academy, CO 80840-6236 Douglas H. Werner Applied Research Laboratory The Pennsylvania State University P.O. Box 30 State College, PA 16804-0030 1. INTRODUCTION The term fractal, which means broken or irregular fragments, was originally coined by Mandelbrot [l] to describe complex shapes that can’t be defined by classical Euclidean geometry. Since the pioneering work of Mandelbrot and others, fractal applications have appeared in many branches of engineering and science. One such area is fractal electrodynamicsin which fractal geometry is combined with electromagnetics. An introductionto the subject of fractal electrodynamicsmay be found in the excellent review by Jaggard [2]. More recent developments in the field are summarized by Jaggard [3] and Werner [4]. This paper focuses on the application of fractal geometric concepts to the analysis and design of thinned fractal linear as well as planar arrays. There are many applications where it is advantageous to apply thinning techniques to the design of antenna arrays [5]. In this paper, we approach thinning with the sole purpose of arranging the elements in a fractal pattem to investigate the usefulness of fractal array designs. In particular, the multiscaling of the fractal makes them attractive for wideband applications [6,7]. Another advantage of these fractal arrays is that the self-similarityin their geometrical structure may be exploited in order to develop algorithms for rapid computation of radiation patterns. These algorithms are based on convenient product representations for the array factors and are much quicker to calculate than the discrete Fourier transform approach. Results for both the Cantor linear array and the Sierpinski carpet planar array are presented. 2. THINNED FRACTAL LINEAR ARRAYS The array factors for an arbitrary row of symmetric elements along the z-axis are given by I M a . + 2 U,,, cos [my]. odd number of elements ( m=l where N = number of elements am = Y! = { 01 = = element turned on or connected to feed network element turned off or connected to matched load kdu, 0-7803-4178-3/97/$10.00 0 1997 IEEE 1968 2 + 1) ~ k = -2n 1 1 = wavelength d = constant spacing between elements = case - -e, e = angle of incidence of electromagneticplane wave 8, = direction of mainbeam Element weights are either 1 or 0 and indicate whether or not the individual elements contribute to the total radiation pattem of the array. The easiest way to generate the Cantor array is by starting with a three element generating subarray then applying the generator to P scales. The generation subarray for the Cantor array has three elements with the center element turned off. An expression for this generating subarray may be easily obtained from (1) using the fact that M= 1, q = O , and a, = 1 in order to arrive at G A P ) = &s['F] 3 Applying this rule a total of P times results in the following array factor for the Cantor array: P P AF'Cp) = cos(Y-''F) (3) p=l (3) rI An expression for the directive gain of a Cantor array of isotropic point sources may be derived from (3). Suppose that the spacing between array elements is a quarterwavelength (i.e., d=1/4) and that 8,=90", then the directive gain for this Cantor array is P P GJu) = n [l + cos(3P-*n.u)] = 2p p=l n cos2( 7 nu) (4) p=l Finally, it is easily demonstrated from (4) that the directivity (maximum directive gain) for this Cantor array is given by Dp = Gp(0) = 2;' P = 1,2, ... (5) or Dp(dB) = 3.01P; P = 1,2,.., One of the interesting properties of this Cantor array is the ability to quickly calculate the array factor. If (1) is used to calculate the array factor for an odd number of elements, then M cosine functions must be evaluated and M additions performed for each angle. Using (3), only P cosine function evaluations and P-1 multiplications are required. For the case of an 81 element array, the fractal array factor is at least M/P=40/4= 10 times faster. 1969 3. THINNED FRACTAL PLANAR ARRAYS A symmetric planar array with an odd number of elements in the x and y directions has an array factor given by &re M = number of elements in the xdirection N = number of elements in the y-direction %, = excitation current amplitude at element (m,n) 4 and 4- are the element spacings in the x and y directions = Sin8d-sie.d. t = sin0sin@-sinO,cm$, (e.,@,) 'px = steering angles = L4Y, YY = kdyulr A Sierpinski carpet is a two-dimensional version of the Cantor set and can be applied to thinning planar arrays. Consider the simple generator array 111 101 111 This array is generated by the rule of turning off the center element of a nine element square as a pattern. The array factor for &=%=Ansimplifiw to '4qUll,"J = 2cos(nuJ + 2cos(mJ + 4cos(TtuJw(nuJ The array fictor at scale P is P AF&,u,, = I-I[2cos(3p-'Tru,, + 2 c o s ( Y - ' T c u ~ p=l + 4cos(Y-,TruJcos(Y-ln#J] The directive gain of the Sierphki carpet array for the case in which 8,=0 may be expressed in the form (10) 1970 + 4 cos(3p-l x sinecos +)cos(3p-1x sine sin+)? follows directly from (9). Tbe product representation of the array factor (1 1) may also be used to h w that the maxi"value of directive gain (directivity) for the Sierpimki carpet is The double integral which appears in the denominator of (10)and (12) does not have a closed form solution in this case and, therefore, must be evaluated numerically. REFERENCES U1 PI r31 M PI r61 r7l B. B. Mandelbrot, lire Fractal Geometry of Nature, New York: W.H.Freeman and company, 1977. 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Werner, "Frequency-independent features of self-similar fractal an&nnas," Radio Science, Vol. 31, No. 6,pp. 1331-1343,Nov.-Dec. 1996. 1971